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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67277540 No.67277540 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know why everyone's been freaking out about Selen not appearing publicly during January.
The song debacle happened on the 25th, and she likely was ""stealth"" suspended the same day. We know 1-month long suspensions are a thing, Zaion was hit by one as well. Releasing the song without perms (allegedly) and then asking fans to reupload it would definitely land her a suspension longer than 1-2 weeks, with 1 month being very likely. Thus, we should expect news on the 25th, so in 3 days. Whether that news is an apology and return to activities, or a termination, that remains to be seen. In any case, she wasn't allowed to attend the convention or call in to Pomu because then the suspension would be useless, not to mention she could have gone rogue during them.
If nothing happens on the 25th-26th, we should expect any announcement to be done during the month-increments of the suspension, as she may be suspended for longer like Gundou, though it could last until the end of her contract whose signing date we do not know.
In any case, patience is key, just wait 3 more days.

>> No.67277635

Zaion disappeared in December and they never announced a suspension until February. And she wasn't fired publically until March

>> No.67277762

> Zaion
I see what you did

>> No.67277858

Zaion's last stream was in February, a few days before the suspension. They're not going to keep her locked down for months, it'll be a couple weeks more at most.

>> No.67278134

I know this is bait but she had song perms for a year for any lurkers watching.

>> No.67278384

Because stealth suspensions have a pattern of being followed by terminations and graduations.

>> No.67279021
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Were it any other occasion, it'd be easy to imagine Selen staying. But the thing is that during her suspension she was more active on her roommate account than she ever was during her time in NijiEN, and vaguely alluded to being told she was no one special. Now while this could've been told by her parents due to them being asian, it's more than likely that it was told to her by her manager at Nijisanji, which makes it feel like she's had one foot out the door for a while now. Plus Anycolor didn't even specify her absence from Anime Expo as being due to "health reasons", but due to "unforeseen circumstances", and they didn't even allow her to publicly say goodbye to Pomu on stream, a person that she very clearly respected and looked up to.
Its just hard to see her staying even if she comes back. Especially since NijiEN's reputation has taken a hit among viewers of the EN scene.

>> No.67279164

Everyone with a brain already knows she's gone, it's just a matter of waiting for the official announcement at this point.

>> No.67279216

>Especially since NijiEN's reputation has taken a hit among viewers of the EN scene
More like taken a knife and got taken out back to be put out of its misery
Their name is now mudd in the eyes of a lot of the EN audience. And I don't mean just on this shithole. I lurk a lot of other more mainstream places and sentiment absolutely tanked

>> No.67280368

I hope for her sake she does leave, she could do much better anywhere else.

>> No.67280643

It's pretty much already a done deal. I'm not peddling rrats and I don't buy the whole suicide thing this board is pushing, but after paying attention to her activity since the song dropped there is a *zero* percent chance she's staying with the company

>> No.67280817

It will be funny if she stays after all that

>> No.67280863

Nijisanji can fking die. I'm gonna curse them until the company's very end.

>> No.67281329

her rm is preparing

>> No.67281441

It definitely feels like Twitch chats and ecelebs are more open about their hatred towards Anycolor now. Its not just "containment breakers" on Twitter, public sentiment is love towards some talents, outright disgust towards their corp.

>> No.67281490

Yep. Saw the exact same thing on reddit too

>> No.67281599

Nijisanji can be a textbook case study of how to ruin your brand image

>> No.67282257

I think her not being allowed to say goodbye to Pomu is a huge red flag. If AnyColor was going to keep her around, it would've been in everyone's best interest to make an exception in Selen's suspension to at least do that. I can't really picture Selen just returning like nothing happened at this point. There's no way she's still in Niji by the end of the year...

>> No.67282456

Selen will stream on march. With her graduation tour.

>> No.67282757

>graduation tour
Lol not even. She's getting Zaion'd. This is EXACTLY how niji suspension-firings always go historically

>> No.67283802

...For uploading a song cover?
Can somebody please remind me of the details? I remember seeing an overview when it happened and IIRC she did everything right. Including getting permission from the OG artist.

>> No.67283881

Management took away permissions after it released

>> No.67283920

Nijisanji had a talent just graduate because they didn't like her baseball joke

>> No.67284063

the funniest would be if she returns but her voice changes

>> No.67284094

to be a middle aged man

>> No.67285124

Truth to be told we actually don't know what about the song got it pulled. The answer that it was about "permissions" was what people obtained from support email, but it's doubtful that some helpdesk intern knows details of what was happening there, much more likely they have a stock reply for situations like this that they used.
What got selen suspended though was likely not uploading the cover itself, but the fact that she told fans to reupload it once it became clear it's not coming back.

>> No.67285174

The thing is, though, the people they would have had to get permissions *from* came out and said that they gave permissions already

>> No.67285226

Ah okay so they want to fire her and are creating reasons to, alright, I see.
...Why? Zaion was a brand new hire, so petty-as-it-was I can kinda get them taking offense early and cutting their losses. Selen's established as EN's most popular female talent, and IIRC reacted to all of their cancellations and corporate mandates last year surprisingly well. What the fuck did she do to inspire that wrath?

>> No.67285297

You quoted my last response but I'm just going to answer your question with

>> No.67285343

Anon, she didn't have the most important perms of all: management

>> No.67285382

Selen tried to kill herself and Kurosanji hits her with a month suspension sounds in line with how they do things.

>> No.67285474

3 more days

>> No.67285543

You mean the entire fanbase didnt like it and no one cared about her suspension and graduation
false. lauren and gwelu both had one or more month suspension and are still there

>> No.67285696

So they're just autistic.
'aight. I could buy that.

>> No.67285777

It's against company policy to kill yourself, totally understandable

>> No.67285812

>You mean the entire fanbase didnt like it and no one cared about her suspension and graduation
IMAGINE defending that. Lmfao
Actual bug behavior

>> No.67286391

im not defending anything, im pointing out how the jp fanbase in and inside of niijisanji was against her. gundou is one of the most hated vtubers in japan.

>> No.67287077

Gundou was not a situation like Pomu or Nina or Zaion or anything. She was on thin ice with a lot of people already and was very widely disliked. The baseball thing was, in all likelihood, just a convenient excuse to get rid of someone who would repeatedly cause problems but only barely skirt by getting terminated over them.

Anyway that's all besides the point my guess is that right now Niji's doing everything they can to part ways "amicably" with Selen. It really doesn't feel like she's coming back, and even if she does I can only assume a graduation announcement will happen immediately after so she can say a proper goodbye. Even an idiot could tell their idiotic list against Zaion completely backfired, and Selen has a whole shitload more legacy and support from Nijifans than Zaion ever did so trying it again is probably out of the question. They want her to either agree to a graduation, or to getting Yugo'd so they can wash their hands of this problem and move on.

Sucks because I don't think Selen had any plans to leave, but killing a passion project she worked this hard on and spent that much money on and then not letting her say her goodbyes to Pomu makes the idea of staying untenable. She's fucking gone.

>> No.67287585
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>What got selen suspended though was likely not uploading the cover itself, but the fact that she told fans to reupload it once it became clear it's not coming back.
Selen has been in Nijisanji for a long time, she knows how things work. This wasn't some slipup. The only reason she said that is because she must have known that song was never going back up. Her roommate basically confirmed it too when she said she lost 15k on a project. "Lost" indicated that she's never going to recoup that investment.
We don't know what happened, we probably never will, but I think it's safe to assume that song was pulled for good.

>> No.67287746

Any idea why they'd want her gone in the first place?
Also don't corpo chuubas all have annual contracts? Can't they just not renew instead of all the Machiavelli tomofoolery?

>> No.67287924

NTA, but they already lost two talents to VShojo. If she is the one planning to go there (meaning she has already submitted her resignation), then management might want to send a message to anyone getting ideas.

>> No.67288081

they didnt lost two members to vshojo, they left to go indie and after that got contacted by vshojo.

>> No.67288299

We don't know that. Yes, it's what they've said, but people can lie. It may just be that Vshojo doesn't want it to go public that they're actively poaching.

>> No.67288450

yeah i'm sure the guy in tax debt was totally gonna go solo and try to solve it himself when he is the one that put himself in debt by buying houses and land

>> No.67288869

I mean that was his plan yes. He's told the story on multiple occasions. The bigger surprise was Matara, who most people (myself included) assumed only left Niji because she had a safety net waiting for her in VShojo, but she apparently also planned on going indie and that only changed after she had graduated.

>> No.67289034

>they just stealth suspended her, no biggie
Do you even read what you write? How the fuck is that shit ok?

>> No.67289339

Good point

>> No.67289367

Yeah, it feels like she was just tired of all of her projects fumbling at the goal line.

>> No.67289455

>yeah i'm sure the guy in tax debt was totally gonna go solo and try to solve it himself
yeah it seems illogical when you leave out the part that he asked niji for support and only received a referral to an accountant that put him into further debt

>> No.67289762

>invest 15k OF YOUR OWN MONEY to make an MV for your company's channel
>get it completely shut down for childish reasons
Seriously, fuck that company, holy shit.

>> No.67290142

Just like how everyone with a brain already knows Pomu is joining Vshojo and it's just a matter of waiting for the trailer with her voice.
Sadly, this is /vt/.

>> No.67290199

Damaging company property is against the rules

>> No.67290377

>Also don't corpo chuubas all have annual contracts? Can't they just not renew instead of all the Machiavelli tomofoolery?
That's exactly what they did with Gundou, she was put on indefinite suspension until her contract expired 3 months later and then just let her go.

>> No.67291716

4 Months + 3 days

>> No.67292232

>Also don't corpo chuubas all have annual contracts?
This might be the reason that Selen ends up in Nijisanji purgatory for several months. Management could fire her in February but losing 2 major talents so close together looks bad. They could force her to stay until the contract runs out.

>> No.67292336

That's possible but I think it's unlikely, if Selen and Niji both want her out she'll be out in the next couple weeks. The reason Gundou was in limbo for so long was probably because she wanted to stay, despite the long delay she never got to work on a new model so she was a black blob for months and months.

>> No.67292503

If nj tries to make a laundry list of her wrongdoings like zaion, I will make the Chinese antis that harassed coco look like a joke.

>> No.67292761


>> No.67292995

And that man's name. Vesper

>> No.67293007

This has two ways it can go.
1. They've decided that list did more harm than good and don't do it again.
2. They've decided that list left too much for interpretation and dump an 80 page PDF document.

>> No.67293218

I'd even assume it's not so much this because people can deal with a project falling through at the last moment, even if it is discouraging. It's just that THIS specific project was so personal and special to her that she'd spent an entire year working on it and had it checked multiple times before putting it out there. Like people point out that she lost 15k over it but there's zero chance that the song was going to make her anything close to that amount. You don't drop 15k on an MV hoping to make that money back. You do it because you love the project.

>> No.67293760
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Ok, you made me check. This site
says that google pays roughly $18 per 1k views. To earn her money back she'll need 833k views, which is more than "Fly High" or the recent cover song, however "Hope in the Dark but Lofi" does have 1.3M views. I think Last Cup of Coffee - especially considering when it was released - could have hit that number, but it's hard to say if they expected it to hit that number.
But I think it's safe to say that even if the video made as much as "Fly High"(roughly 10k) it would have severely reduced the financial burden. Now she's completely in the red with not even a cent to make it easier.
Unrelated to Selen, but I wonder if there are other projects - either hers or belonging to another talent - that were cancelled after a substantial investment.

>> No.67293977

Yeah I assume this as well. Gundou was able to hit the ground running with her slime model, and I assume Selen will be looking for a similar transition.

If I were Niji I would want her to stay and do a graduation stream at least so they can make some more money off of her before she goes.

>> No.67294013

The song is already approaching 400k on someone else's channel. I don't think 833k is a stretch, assuming those earnings figures are correct.

>> No.67294043

Weird. Her new life seems to be just as influential and popular as her old life. Pretty good for someone so supposedly hated.

We only heard about how hated she was when Niji wanted to fire her.

>> No.67294271
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Pomu Selen and Rosemi are literally the thread thats keeping niji relevent in the west.
Pomu: Done
Selen: In Progress
Rosemi: Pending

Niji is really just fucking stupid arent they?

>> No.67294425

punishing workers in this way is common in japan but we dont really know where she lives, maybe the company is getting some kind of benefit by forcing her to quit, this is illegal pretty much in any american country where in the worst case scenario you are just required to notify them and pick up your last payment.

>> No.67294468

>we dont really know where she lives

>> No.67294474

except like all revenue niji takes their cut, while the $15k was out of selen's pocket. So she would have to get more like 1.6M views at least to make back her investment

>> No.67294487

>we dont really know where she lives
I guess if you have literally never watched her...?

>> No.67294528

Read a book, retard. Niji has owned Selen since birth.

>> No.67294828
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I forgot about the Nijicut.

>> No.67295408

she stayed silent during pomu graduation, a lot of people will never forgive her for that.

>> No.67295434

oh look, an actual retard

>> No.67295517

You're right, we'll never forgive kurosanji for that.

>> No.67295626

see >>67295517

>> No.67295848

fuck off

>> No.67297271

The song was pulled for vague claims of "not getting permissions." The problem is that everyone who was required to give permissions later came forward and publicly said Selen had been given permission.

So no one really knows why the cover was pulled. The most likely speculation is that the video featured two retired Niji Livers, but if that had been the case, couldn't they just pull out the offending section and re-upload it? Maybe Selen refused to cut the section out?

The other speculation ties into the belief of a clique at Nijisanji that routinely fucks with Livers who are not in the "in-group" for fun, by getting their projects, collabs, and events canceled at the last minute. Selen may have been a victim of this clique.

>> No.67297816

Never really watched Selen much, but I see how much her community loves her. Knowing has Black Niji has become I wish the best for her and you Dragoons.

>> No.67297883

Riku isn't a "her" last time I checked

>> No.67298299
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Thank you

>> No.67298742

supposedly hated? anon just because she has some fans doesnt mean most out there dont hate her.
>We only heard about how hated she was when Niji wanted to fire her.
yeah if you are a complete newfag. Gundou hate has been talked about even in vt at least since 2021

>> No.67299114

She had management perms but she forget to say no backsies.
