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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67277195 No.67277195 [Reply] [Original]

whore arc

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1747380862461567069

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>67243100

>> No.67277233

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.67277288

Anon needs to cut his nails, they're disgusting.

>> No.67277385

Damn his cat is fucking ugly

>> No.67277411

why did that femboy post his hand last thread?

>> No.67277472

Idk but it made me blush

>> No.67277501

Just realised ray unprivated his twitter again. Surely this means we'll get to hear his song again right

>> No.67277514

Don't need to save face in an anonymous forum anon, just admit it was a mistake and move on with your life

>> No.67277554
File: 315 KB, 492x614, IMG_2817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like glasses Shondo best :)

>> No.67277583

Me and shondo if we dated irl :)

>> No.67277600

Cut them and there will be an end to the horror


>> No.67277618

I have a fucked up confession:
I think glasses is slightly worse than no glasses

>> No.67277643

fucked up

>> No.67277656
File: 567 KB, 752x877, IMG_3237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon that posted “Shondo is more mature than you” a couple threads ago: nuh uh!

>> No.67277690

This was funny

>> No.67277734

I clearly didn't mean you, you exhibit high degrees of mental maturity

>> No.67277742

Shondo likes being a brat and saying things to make us mad, so there's no reason to think her telling us to be nise isn't also a shit test and she wants us to fight. And do you really think a young girl will ever respect you as a 30+ yo guy if you roll over and become a pacifist because a little girl told you to?

>> No.67277761

I agree, you're not alone

>> No.67277923


>> No.67277993
File: 184 KB, 936x1524, IMG_3365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a shame they don’t make one that’s flat as board but still feminine

>> No.67278018

>passive aggressive virtue signaling
disagreeing with brainworms might be aggressive but that doesn't mean it's not nise or i'm not trying
>no one here deserves it
that's not true at all and the amount of people who have menhera episodes shows it. it's not just shitposters
i don't care what someone did, if you have to mean you should do it as nisely as possible
more likely there's no reason to think it's a shit test when she's said over and over again she doesn't want infighting and to be nise
when's the last time someone got rewarded for infighting like that

>> No.67278112

saggy haggy

>> No.67278123

>the last time someone got rewarded for infighting like that
Bullying you is its own reward. Shondo would watch gleefully as I kick your ass and give you a swirly, nerd.

>> No.67278148

fighting back when shes being a brat is one thing, starting shit with each other for no reason is another

>> No.67278152

You and the two nise swing anons are my favorite posters.

>> No.67278241
File: 155 KB, 1290x429, IMG_3366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hag sacks

>> No.67278252

you made me smile anon
i'm glad someone appreciates my posts besides shondo and the shoncologist. but what is a nise swing

>> No.67278290

Stop over thinking, just be nise

>> No.67278503
File: 139 KB, 850x1200, __fallenshadow_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_valefal_coneri__sample-42ea083767c7265ec5e15660543ce37e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo Cute

>> No.67278570
File: 905 KB, 896x960, gewgol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally a good post

>> No.67278599

none of the posts from the last thread were cute and sexy so I couldn't make a "what is this body type called" post. Good luck next time

>> No.67278649

Anytime I get into bed I think of her

>> No.67278697
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>> No.67278720
File: 8 KB, 575x493, IMG_3289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo reminded me how much fun it is to write and how much it brings me joy! Thanks Shondo! Sorry about the miscarriage post!

>> No.67278742

would shondo be nise to her dad if she got the chance

>> No.67278765

anons I NEED to know
is she /here/...?

>> No.67278768
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>> No.67278791

Thinking of the live hot tub asmr. When will she do this again, surely she will do it again

>> No.67278797


>> No.67278854

She says she's not so take that as you will

>> No.67278879
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>> No.67278889


>> No.67278911

watch the last vod, she's flexes her power level a lot in it

>> No.67278921

yes and she already is

>> No.67278953
File: 289 KB, 364x552, 1689409684204750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nise swing anons are two(?) newfriends who sometimes avatarfag as a YOU sitting on a swing, they seem cheery/happy to be part of the community. Mostly lurkers from the looks of it.

>> No.67278997


how can she be nise if she's disowned

>> No.67279056

He's just fibbing

>> No.67279146
File: 3.83 MB, 552x452, shutt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm thinking rape
oh them. they don't post too often but they're very cute.
by not being as mean as she could be. get creative.
i won't lie it's a stretch but the other anon is being a smug meanie anyway

>> No.67279240

"not as mean as she could be" =/= nise

>> No.67279314


>> No.67279343
File: 450 KB, 898x508, love this brit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes I think about getting a tailjob from Shondo (not a furry)
She's such a sweet girl.

>> No.67279345

im not going to hold it against her if she isnt nise to someone who isnt nise to her she isnt jesus

>> No.67279458

I like her catty replies calling out whiners. assert dominance. go bitch mode. stand up for yourself! yeah!

>> No.67279490

the fact that Shondo didn't send me to play Minecraft survival mode with him means that she's very nise, Minecraft can be brutal if you're unprepared :D

>> No.67279531

he disowned her so he's not being mean he's being neutral

>> No.67279596

>go bitch mode
Those mean LA Noire streams were torture, I like kind nise Shon.

>> No.67279670

also if she enjoys getting beat then beatings = nise, her dad not beating her is being mean

>> No.67279671

I like Shondo, she seems genuine. Some of her schizo supporters though

>> No.67279717

Anyone else imagine choking out the fake autistic critter while shondo panics and shouts at you to stop

>> No.67279758

shondo in my arms while i fondle the shonbutt

>> No.67279768


she wants to be the only one you choke, it's like you're cucking her

>> No.67279781
File: 369 KB, 1440x2022, Furry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a furry
You wouldn't fuck this?

>> No.67279825

being nise doesn't mean sucking someone off unquestionably it just means trying to be as understanding and kind as possible. as long as you're trying it's fine
if you're going to spam her inbox and anonymous forums with menhera brainworms you can't complain when she responds to it. if you were expecting a thesis in response to being called a stripper i don't know what to tell you.
it's something that has been plaguing the community and she wanted to address it.
i'll admit she should have been niser and prepared a response or something but you're not even going to suggest that you're just shitting on her

>> No.67279897

idk vro bratty Shondo pushing buttons to make me snap and hit her gets me going. Gets me all bricked up fr. But I like nice Shondo too. She can do both. She’s good at doing both.

>> No.67279939
File: 198 KB, 600x600, 1688718193599172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to the previous thread to do my schizo reps so I can identify anons outside of /here/
>today never3Dever spent over 13 hours antiing Shondo and he's still going ITT
haha what a nise person pls be nise to him :)

>> No.67279989

Both is good

>> No.67279994


what did she say about not being a stripper? i don't watch streams

>> No.67280064


you people suck at identifying writing styles

>> No.67280235

I want my writing style to be distinctive as possible so when she totally never ever looks at the threads or ego searches or whatever she'll go "wow that anon is so smart and funny and probably handsome too!"

>> No.67280309

i'm more concerned about people being niser to shondo and shoggas with actual brainworms who aren't trying to manipulate her
someone like him just antiing is whatever, he doesn't care either way i imagine. better safe than sorry though so i won't endorse bullying
i'll tell you if you tell me the reasons why you bother coming here

>> No.67280635


i enjoy my internet stripper i wish she were more honest and didn't do the GFE shit

>> No.67280678

i think you're fibbing

>> No.67280747


about which part

>> No.67280784
File: 49 KB, 323x483, niceguy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo's boyfriend here, I just want to say thank you guys for being nice and giving her so many donations, we're going on vacation soon :)

>> No.67280803
File: 83 KB, 640x496, Shondo Devil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be nise be damned! nigga you should Kill Yourself!!! Immediately!!

>> No.67280879

all of it.
the only way she's a stripper is if you consider her GFE content stripping because she doesn't do any coombait worth a damn. so how do you hate her GFE stripping but enjoy her as a stripper?

>> No.67281013

please use your words instead of being passive aggressive
why are you upset at being nise?

>> No.67281103


This is my first time watching Shondo and your oshi is kinda based. Where do I begin with becoming a shogga

>> No.67281176

commit to a relationship with her forever with no hope of ever touching a woman or having children again and you're good to go. otherwise you won't make it and you'll be stuck here posting forever instead

>> No.67281265


i do not literally mean she takes her clothes off for money, she's entertaining so people will throw money at her so stripper is more fitting than anything else I could use to describe her

>> No.67281296

>Onlyfans porn addict draws the line at parasocialism with chuuba
Sort yourself out retard.

>> No.67281331


what's the difference?

>> No.67281333

her entire content is gfe that's the premise of her entertainment and stream and relationship (but i know you don't believe her) so how do you like her stripping but not the gfe?

>> No.67281391

She streams because she likes streaming not for money, it's just a big upside that she makes a lot of money for streaming

>> No.67281393

we're full

>> No.67281395


i'm not parasocial with OF girls you retard, stop projecting

>> No.67281449

my wife has such a way with words

>> No.67281470

thread is hilarious today keep up the good work fellow husbands

>> No.67281482

also never said it's bad to be parasocial are you retards capable of any nuance?

>> No.67281563

It's your talking points and malice not your writing style.

>> No.67281568

>i don't remember your name, i've never seen your face and i don't know who you are beyond emote-spamming, but you will always be in my heart
haha y-yeah

>> No.67281588

the people who like the relationship are actually happy

>> No.67281746

>be autistic self-centred egotistical schizo
>loves gf"e"
>something happened and they feel burnt
>reeeeeeeeeeeeee, GFE BAD, gotta ruin it for everyone else now because my fefes got hurt
imagine being like this

>> No.67281754

Brutal. Mean posters can't stop winning

>> No.67281805

You guys should consider taking on the sillyism mentally frfr

>> No.67281808

>haha y-yeah
You don't believe her? Out of the 1.2k-1.5k viewers that watch her streams (on average) less than 100 have seen her RTX mode, yet they seem to really like Shondo.

>> No.67281824


yeah it sucks that anyone that agrees with me will be thought of as me

>> No.67281872

No one is as cynical and autistic as you. This is your 14th hour antiing shondo.

>> No.67281878

Do you have any reading materials on that?

>> No.67281909
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm glad you appreciate it
well that's your fault but either way you're a part of that amalgamation she thinks about. if you can't appreciate that break your pinky and find a 2view
i know you're just being a meanie though because a real husband understands and wouldn't think to post that unironically

>> No.67281999
File: 167 KB, 395x345, 1683968520360750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are "real husbands" not allowed to have thoughts, concerns, worries, insecurities or criticisms? why are they supposed to just be thoughtless drones? who decided this? you? i've been a husband longer than you and i'll continue to be until she stops streaming, thanks.

>> No.67282015


we both like strippers but you're saying "she actually loves me I swear" and I'm saying you're delusional

>> No.67282031

then why are you doomposting about her not loving you?

>> No.67282059

This fr fr no cap

>> No.67282107

nah, i don't even watch Shondo lol, i just think you're a fucking loser and i know 4chan is filled with autistic schizos like you who try to ruin it for everyone

>> No.67282153


you think multiple people are me or you're just making shit up

>> No.67282189 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 201x300, bury-pink-bury-ebil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mean posters have won and will continue to win. You cannot stop us, soon only mean Shondo will be left and she will bully you as much as we do until you spend as much on therapy bills as you do your donations.

>> No.67282213

because i don't feel loved by her right now

>> No.67282235

I can't tell if she's actually scared of this shit movie or just shitposting

>> No.67282236

>unironically sperg for hours on end.
>addicted to onlyfans pornography
>passive aggressive remarks about how you're actually the giga brained genius capable of nuance
nigger this is not the place for you. you are not a member of the community. no amount of you shitting and cumming your pants ITT is ever going to make me stop loving her, and having her love me back. You're not going to make me stop fantasizing about raping then dismembering her.

>> No.67282247
File: 3.99 MB, 600x279, aaaaaaaaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you know it's gonna pass then don't feed your brain worms silly

>> No.67282289

I was wondering if she was still doing movie days with mum

>> No.67282353

oh and you're feeding other people's brainworms not very nise.
if you had said this in your original doompost i would have responded better originally
you're allowed to have concerns it's just the way you voice them on a public forum will change how people respond to them

>> No.67282364

if you want a hugbox circlejerk where you only compliment her together as her husbands then make that clear

>> No.67282369

Shondo, I am your rape ghost

>> No.67282507

stop trying to poison the well. any actual criticism gets discussed pretty reasonably.
>stripper gold digger pathological liar sociopath
is not an actual criticism. it's just shitposting.
but you don't want that. you're just antiing. most likely.

>> No.67282518


who are you in chat?

>> No.67282538


>> No.67282569


>> No.67282606

Watching so called nice posters try to co-opt the term "passive aggressive" after being called it last thread is pottery. They're fake as hell.

>> No.67282681

passively aggress my penis meanie

>> No.67282789


you're kind of right, the only way to get proof would be to dox her but when shoggers did that with the concert it was cringe

>> No.67282826

Mean posters:
good looking
always speak the truth even when people may dislike them for it
loved by shondo for having a spine and putting her in her place

nice posters:
actually mean but pretend otherwise for their imaginary good goy points that no one is keeping track of
have shit their pants
boot lickers
white knights
tolerated by shondo because they give her money but that's it

>> No.67282850
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>oh and you're feeding other people's brainworms not very nise.
oh no, anyway
>you're allowed to have concerns it's just the way you voice them on a public forum will change how people respond to them
you get called an anti here regardless of what you say unless you're a syadouHappynodder, so i've stopped concerning myself with how i phrase things. this thread is so concerned with muh antis that you're actually just turning more people into them by being annoying

>> No.67282906
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>> No.67282961
File: 248 KB, 639x591, 1675841088303799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a loooooot of off-topic shit and trolling in this thread. Just saying, all it takes is two of us.

>> No.67283063
File: 2.43 MB, 1837x2812, nise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true
you swapped the mean and nice posters list on accident
>i don't care about other people
>i voice my concerns like an anti because i stopped caring
if you're just venting negative things here and not concerned with any actual discussion then you are just antiing, no?
and i think you're just speaking for your self on that last sentence.

>> No.67283085

i woke up and wasted an hour imagining i was just chilling with shondo

>> No.67283116

that's not a waste

>> No.67283179

There's not much on it, but sillyism.org seems to have the best idea of it out of what I looked through, for me sillyism is a mix of thugging it out and loving life, being or acting silly when the chance presents itself and not allowing things to stress you. This helped me remain happy throughout my high school years and not be bothered too much by setbacks
True sillyism, i believe, is enjoying life despite the aparent negative aspects of it, not necessarily being ignorant, but choosing to be silly and nonchalant despite knowing a lot(which most people would consider to be a bad thing, since ignorance is bliss a knowing is a burden)
You can display sillyism through a multitude of mediums, be it writing style, fashion sense, body language, personality, etc.
Morals and beliefs don't really matter, as long as you're silly and are happy that's fine, you could be a murderer and as long as you're a silly goose I'll be happy for you, though I'd prefer if you weren't a murderer
Shondo seems to align a decent amount with sillyism, but i doubt she's intentionally doing it. For a lot of people, sillyism is just the solution they arrive at naturally and steadily
I may be retarded and I'm not able to proof read right now so hopefully I didn't just say a whole bunch of nothing!

>> No.67283195

she literally contradicted herself last stream when she spent the start of the stream saying that money wont buy you anything and that if you want something you should just take it, and you shouldnt share but then later says to be nise and not say mean things anonymously
the mixed messaging is giving me worms

>> No.67283197

confession: it's fun to see people meltdown when I suggest their vtuber likes them (not love) those people have to be LARPing right? butthurt I'm ruining their immersion?

>> No.67283207
File: 47 KB, 564x564, 1683918337056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you guys are retarded
I love my stripper wife

>> No.67283366

the first part was some weird vague speech and probably larp.
the second part was addressing an actual concern so i'd go with that one.
something tells me she doesn't want you to kidnap her or worse.

>> No.67283392

except you're the ones who don't care about people unless they're in a constant state of yes-man. you're fake niceness shines through pretty hard shogga, just saying

>> No.67283394

That's not nise and you don't seem to be sorry

>> No.67283451

wtf are you doxxing shondo??? MODS MODS

>> No.67283472

sounds like a different way of saying surf the kali yuga

>> No.67283481


i'll get bored and leave once this goes back to GRAPE SHONDO SHONSOLES ON MY FACE I LOVE MY WIFE SHE LOVES ONLY ME

>> No.67283485

Unironically true

>> No.67283542

Don't think so, but if it works for you sure

>> No.67283602

>only mean anonymously
>loved by shondo

>> No.67283628

so true that's why i'm wasting hours being nise and giving honest responses to bait that might have any semblance of validity
people who really care make vague doomposts and shit on people
what part of this is valid criticism? it's all just baseless assumptions meant to fuck with people.

>> No.67283639

>be nise
>love your wife for all eternity
It's that simple

>> No.67283684
File: 1.17 MB, 800x1440, 1676927149403617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple rules! Yes!

>> No.67283704

its an hour i could have spent trying to improve myself for her instead

>> No.67283728

MODS!!! MODS!!!! What the fuck are you doing jannies!!!

>> No.67283804

>>67283628 (me)
i only dignify this with responses because of all the people going menhera recently. i know it gets to them even if it's shitposting
rest is an important part of improving at anything, and she does it and i do it too so don't beat yourself up for it. it's pretty cute. online relationships need schizoreps to thrive

>> No.67283811

>passive aggressive again
You can't help yourself, can you? Shame on you, two face.

>> No.67283821


nice legs desu

>> No.67283825

>baseless assumption
what baseless assumption did i make? saying i don't feel loved by her? how does that affect literally anyone else? are you confusing me for someone else? lol

>> No.67283868


she probably likes you why does it have to be love? that's all i'm saying with the stripper thing

>> No.67283873

I would help this fine young lady learn how to tie her shoes properly.

>> No.67283906

thats not shondo lmao she cant even tie her shoes

>> No.67283917

low quality bait

>> No.67283989


>> No.67284057

Will all the fake nice posters finish having their little melty, let the le brain worms win, and check themselves into the nearest mental hospital so /shon/ can finally become based? Thanks.

>> No.67284137

going back to yesterdays vod to get the dopamine hit from my submission being read

>> No.67284187

if you’re the rape anon I love you

>> No.67284309

He's probably the guy who asked about lying about his birthday, it was stupid. The best one was the schizo feet one but it was ruined when they pretended to be a girl.

>> No.67284374

no i actually sent the one that just said "i love you"
i concede that other people probably also did the same thing but my headcanon is it was mine

>> No.67284473

my sarcasm wasn't meant to be aggressive silly
i was including the other doomies in that.
but yours is assuming she doesn't love you, that she doesn't know you (that could be true), that being nise makes people anti, that anyone gets called an anti for even reasonable criticism (that's barely happened recently), and that i don't care and my niseness is fake
i can't care about you like a mother should and i know i could be niser but my attempt is genuine. if i didn't give a fuck about you or wanted to be mean i'd say that, it's an anonymous imageboard. and i already did say that when it comes to actual antis.
also some of your concerns are valid or aren't completely baseless i just don't see how they're supposed to do anything but spread negativity.

>> No.67284485

It was yours

>> No.67284514
File: 1.29 MB, 3050x4050, 1703450784455467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Shondo!

>> No.67284536

>be married
>love wife
>wife love me
Really that straight forward

>> No.67284539


>> No.67284556

shes so perfect

>> No.67284584

I love her so much

>> No.67284603

when she gets close to (Me) my heart goes doki doki

>> No.67284630

i hope so

>> No.67284655

Lies, she is probably at least 100 km away from you at any given time

>> No.67284698

Fibber! She's in my computer.

>> No.67284727
File: 184 KB, 1246x1042, IMG_3356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo makes me happy and I like her a lot :)

>> No.67284746

My heart...
Unironically though, I'm always taken aback every time I remember that I live in the same continent as her... I'm so happy

>> No.67284801

actually she is likely to have been within a few km of me atleast once

>> No.67284871
File: 176 KB, 706x988, 1705887207485242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nise thread

>> No.67284963

I want to beat shoggas more than shondo, seems more fun, i really just want to fight, that's my confession

>> No.67284997

I would be willing to put you in the ground.

>> No.67285022

im strapped dont step to me

>> No.67285104

>within a few km
Not even close enough to nail her in the head with a horseshoe or get her with a hand grenade, as the saying goes. That chad electrician moggs all of you and he wasn't even trying.

>> No.67285190
File: 8 KB, 1224x1140, IMG_3062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain’t no killer but don’t push me

>> No.67285199

what are the best vods for a new person to watch?

>> No.67285291

start with the debut lore vods

>> No.67285355

Start with the Greeks

>> No.67285478

ok watching it, hey she has that thing that kids have where they enunciate words strangely, what is that called? a lisp? speech impediment?

>> No.67285530
File: 56 KB, 768x513, Licensed-Electrician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saves the day and the lives of her whole family
>contacted the landlord and rental agency on their behalf and got the work order put through
>fixed the problem within a short period of time despite that he had other jobs to do
>Shondo paid HIM
Kneel to your superior. He has done more for her than you ever could.

>> No.67285595


>> No.67285652

i never noticed it before but there is a massive influx of users in her channel at exactly 6pm
is she getting botted?

>> No.67285656

the neet bows to the tradesman

>> No.67285661

I kneel electric man

>> No.67285734

she has a bit of a lisp and produces lots of saliva (most likely a side effect of her antipsychotics)

>> No.67285772

imagine the sounds

>> No.67285778

I enjoyed her redebut stream a lot

>> No.67285814
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x720, 1703689673748753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67285815

I want me a sloppy toppy

>> No.67285820


>> No.67285823

imagine the blowjob before she bites your dick so you correct her

>> No.67285861

i'm going to rape her and she's going to tell me i'm based as i'm punishing her uterus with my cock

>> No.67285896

ok, very cool

>> No.67285898

This might be a fag thing to say, but i genuinely believe some shoggas need to watch nise clips daily

>> No.67285914

i agree that is very cool. one of the many things i love about my wife

>> No.67285919

i love her so much

>> No.67285941

I have that one saved for doing exactly that

>> No.67285974

But I'm goated though
Surely I'd win in a 1v1
I don't think I'd win against a gun, but it'd be fun trying to come up with a plan

>> No.67286013

>trying to come up with a plan
you watch too much shonen you'd lose the fist fight too

>> No.67286021

domain expansion doesn't exist in real life kid stay in your lane

>> No.67286041

winning a fist fight is surprisingly easy. just train boxing for a month and you'll be better off than 99% of drunk retards trying to swing at you

>> No.67286094

Is it the brainworms one? If so I'm glad you found it useful anon.

>> No.67286172

that causes her to replace "r" with 'w", and say words like "return" as "weturn"? not a criticism btw

>> No.67286189

Yeah it's that one and if you're him then I thank you but you nise attitude doesn't line up with your community posts so I don't know how I feel about you.

>> No.67286198

I'm sure if could like survive for maybe like 2 seconds, if they're not starting with the gun pointing towards me I might even like 3 seconds
I don't care for domain expansions they're lame and too op

>> No.67286217

oh wait i found what it's called, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGYHOy2Syus

>> No.67286255

She's simply mentally retarded

>> No.67286264

She does? I never noticed it

>> No.67286283
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>> No.67286288

mentally wetawded*

>> No.67286333

sometimes i like to think about what it would be like to help shondo overcome her touch aversion but then betray her trust and start tickling and pinching her endlessly until she gives up struggling, physically and mentally defeated

>> No.67286389

You'd probably have to go through the same thing everyday for months due to her wiping her own memory because of the trauma

>> No.67286406

I meant it in an endearing way

>> No.67286534
File: 762 KB, 870x796, shondo_109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo's brain damage and slurping and lisp and speech problems and mental illness and i love her and i love those things that make her unique i could never love a normal girl like her

>> No.67286560

>You'd probably have to go through the same thing everyday for months
the thought of being able to repeatedly do this gives me a wicked smile

>> No.67286637

I wonder when this joke will get old, i can only handle so much embarrassment
I just hope it doesn't make its way onto the stream

>> No.67286672

>>Shondo paid HIM
Small correction, I paid him

>> No.67286696

>paying to get cucked

>> No.67286775

don't be embarrassed it will never die because of how good it is. you should be proud.

>> No.67286800

b happi


>> No.67286808

im going to incorporate it into my longer writings whenever i can just to keep it alive

>> No.67286919

Well, I've always been confrontational which isn't very nise but I'm also trying to be helpful to certain shoggers. The ones who aren't groomers.

>> No.67286952

Confession: OP is a faggot and so am I

>> No.67286956
File: 3 KB, 249x108, Screenshot_20240122_203146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo should get 100+ tabs on her phone so she can have this happen

>> No.67286982

she probably has 100 tabs of hina on her phone

>> No.67286985

Hi dewd, i called you gay multiple times in chat before

>> No.67287022


>> No.67287155
File: 3.22 MB, 443x510, gj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67287264
File: 88 KB, 1125x1241, 1690331332850407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never spoken directly to you but you seem like you mean well for the most part, otherwise you wouldn't have made that video.
The world needs less shogga on shogga violence

>> No.67287284

very appreciated, it keeps me humble and my ego in check.

>> No.67287305

Somnium stop larping as dewd

>> No.67287308

>and my ego in check.
you are not dewd

>> No.67287473
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>> No.67287531
File: 162 KB, 923x138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barbies are such great girls. They're doing lethal company again because Shondo couldn't join in

>> No.67287611


>> No.67287674

awwwwww that's so sweet

>> No.67287721

they are really sweet, they all tone down their degeneracy when shondo is there
its so cute

>> No.67287729

I really liked the confession stream, wifey made some good points and it was funny of her to talk about how thinking of stuff to say in response being so taxing
I was kind of sad it was only 3 hours, but upon hearing we're doing this again next week put me in high spirits
Hopefully my confession makes it in

>> No.67287764

waking up next to shondo but then ignoring her all day so she gets more and more frustrated and angry but then the next day acting normal again and pretending that nothing different happened the previous one

>> No.67287820

i hope they dont become too regular, it should be something that is more rare and eventful

>> No.67287847

I hope we're done with the /here/ shit and she wanted to get that garbage out of the way. There was some rrats to air out and maybe it was a smart move. But this was the closest thing to her just reading out Maros on stream.

>> No.67287878

i don't really like the collab streams but if this is a thing its really sweet and im sure shondo will really enjoy it so that makes me happy even though i probably won't watch

>> No.67287887

But if they are regular she should cut all trauma dumps and crying whining little bitches

>> No.67288010

if they are too regular it will just be filled with boring saali clip bait low effort uooooh bullshit i think
although i don't like it when the autism spills over it actually makes for a fun and entertaining stream like yesterday when it does so a slow boil would be much better if it was going to happen
imagine if there was a confessional every couple of weeks or every month, shondo will either have to sift through endless boring terrible responses and maybe be forced to use them and the stream will be bad, or she will just get people abusing the form to constantly traumadump or send inane shit to her

>> No.67288125

i WILL repeatedly send in detailed retellings of all the animals i've sent to heaven and she WILL read it

>> No.67288166

Dude how many animals have you killed jesus christ

>> No.67288294
File: 333 KB, 2074x1750, 1674842178981616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps one day she'll read one out and you can get an idea

>> No.67288313

>was so enamored with him she snuck in to take a peek at him while he was working

>> No.67288361

we got cucked by the handyman porn caricature
its so fucking over

>> No.67288512
File: 1.22 MB, 1469x823, grinning child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully Shondo will also be streaming her POV as well. Very kind of her to create a fib about her house losing power so that she could have a do-over. She probably even anticipated the BG's wanting to play Lethal Company more.
The only fibs I condone are the morally correct ones that let's her fix mistakes. My wife is a good girl.

>> No.67288533

time for my daily tribute of her pencil arms
think we'll ever get some tits?

>> No.67288545

If you can kill animals why are you being a pussy. You know she won't read it.

>> No.67288576
File: 124 KB, 718x738, 1700572352244383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67288627

I love her

>> No.67288654

It would make for a very boring off topic post anon, you seem to be getting more out of this than me. How many have you killed you sicko

>> No.67288689


>> No.67288730

I concur(i have no idea what that means)

>> No.67288893

I was just curious how fucked up you are.

>> No.67288944

i wouldn't hurt animals even if shondo asked me to
i would hurt her

>> No.67289057

it's interesting how after this she started actively trying to push people out of the community
it's in line with what she's saying but it wasn't what I expected

>> No.67289217

she can have my entire heart

>> No.67289316

I thought this fotm shit was over already man

>> No.67289353

just be happy for her that she gets to have fun with her friends
remember be nise

>> No.67289387

Yeah I would've thought they'd all move onto palworld now

>> No.67289402

I'm happy for her but I'm not watching the weekly fotm collab streams
if she announces a palworld collab the week after this one I swear

>> No.67289421

lol you reek of friendless loser

>> No.67289442

You know it's coming anon, you might as well accept it now

>> No.67289464

why are you watching shondo if you have a social life

>> No.67289468

A slice is too little, i want the entire thing

>> No.67289477

what's wrong with it?

>> No.67289505

my wife would want me to have friends

>> No.67289524

i wonder if he entered her room? he'd have gotten a whiff of the pussy-marinated lightly ass sweat-filled air emanating from her chair

>> No.67289527

every vtuber and their mother playing it week after week for over a month because it's clip farm heaven

>> No.67289559
File: 85 KB, 768x541, resting-heart-rate-age-gender-chart-768x541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I'm asleep (my heart rate) is about 100 (bpm) easily

Is she fucking serious? Mine is in the 40s. This bitch is going to die from being so out of shape, she does a few jumping jacks and it spikes to 170. She needs to start having sex with me for exercise.

>> No.67289565

Perhaps it's just a fun game

>> No.67289572

>watch streamer
>surprised when they do streamer things

>> No.67289603

and? I'm watching it, not playing it

>> No.67289630

Even the guys who are 10+ years older than her are going to outlive her. Truly saddening to think about.

>> No.67289644

she's like a little bunny. smol creatures always have mega fast heartbeats

>> No.67289648

caffeine and meds might throw this off but yeah she's not healthy

>> No.67289677

How the fuck do I measure my sleep bpm i can't count while asleep

>> No.67289682

57 average resting heart rate here, trying to get it down to 1

>> No.67289697

she only has one functioning lung. probably doesn't help

>> No.67289704

her heart health being incredibly bad and deteriorating every day isn't news
her lungs don't work as well as they used too which puts more stress on the heart, and women already have a higher resting heart rate than men

>> No.67289732

20 caffeine pills will do that

>> No.67289752

taking walks with shondo in the countryside and slowly improving her physical health through excercise and nutrient intake

>> No.67289785

you sound like CF it makes no sense

>> No.67289803

You can buy a chink smart watch if you care that much. It's not going to be that much lower during sleep from when you wake up and then measure it manually or using your phone light/camera plus an app

>> No.67289816

daily boxing sparing with shondo
for my own enjoyment

>> No.67289857

Hugging shondo and breaking her back every day, only to then heal her using magic

>> No.67289863

If she truly loved us she wouldn't be sabotaging herself to die before she hits 28
>She needs to start having sex with me for exercise
yeah with me

>> No.67289905

Maybe we can get her to do fitness streams?

>> No.67289913

i truly love shondo and i'm still set on killing myself in the next 10 years or less

>> No.67289933

ring fit batsu stream soon I hope

>> No.67289948

he at least claims not to watch other girls, but I do
which is why shondo being so late to the trend has me already tired of it

>> No.67289960

good luck. she has literally given up on herself which coincidentally is also the reason why she's streaming in the first place

>> No.67289999

extreme athletes are well known for being at high risk of developing several diseases and need to heavily modify diet, so being in the very good is usually good enough

>> No.67290017
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>> No.67290022

>she has literally given up on herself
i'll never give up on her

>> No.67290053

based. i hope you mean that. the moment you drop her you're basically telling her to die.

>> No.67290092

syadouYay in chat I will hold you accountable

>> No.67290153

i will never be a monitored user

>> No.67290172

nice try

>> No.67290173

that's on you my nigga

>> No.67290180


>> No.67290237

I never said it was anyone else's problem

>> No.67290326

I'm going to bed, good night shoggas, let's hopefully spend eternity together

>> No.67290372

I hope you're not fibbing

>> No.67290397

That's pretty gay but pretty sweet too. good night brother

>> No.67290475
File: 405 KB, 811x644, 1685830136986584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u aight for a shiggie, sweet dreams man check in tomorrow

>> No.67290592

it would be fun watching her animal autism over that game though

>> No.67290698

>animal rights activist plays palworld
sounds kinda boring desu

>> No.67290742

She doesn't love any of you, if she did she would take better care of herself and exercise more

In b4 cope.

>> No.67290830

Fuck off shondo, larp better.

>> No.67290832

I'm slowly getting her into exercise, we're in the 'stretching' phase, if you pick up what i'm laying down *wink*

>> No.67290857

i hate the lot of you so please watch this >>>/wsg/5424335

>> No.67290901

The average nise poster

>> No.67290939

this fucking bitch leaked my video message GRRRRRRR

>> No.67290987

that's fine, I still love her

>> No.67291048

i would say who this represents but i believe it to be obvious

>> No.67291195

>offline chat talking about her piss
what is wrong with you guys

>> No.67291259

her piss would be as clear as water since she drinks so much

>> No.67291350

blowing cigar smoke in shondos face and putting them out on her arms

>> No.67291361

idk about that she drinks a shit ton of coffee

>> No.67291425


>> No.67291444

Tuffnar, som, dewd, ff and mouz
I know you're here and i'm adding you all to the list

>> No.67291494

should i care?

>> No.67291601
File: 165 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_3368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretending that Shondo is sitting in the office with me is the only thing keeping me from walking out to my car, grabbing the loaded pistol from the boot, and blowing my brains all over the pavement

>> No.67291633

how were these faggots not in your list already

>> No.67291639

oi mate you got a loicense for that pistohl?

>> No.67291643

maybe get a better job

>> No.67291710

how new?

>> No.67291823

keeping a list of men? and i'm the gay one

>> No.67291898

one of these days you're gonna do it and shondo will be sad

>> No.67291937

our wife keeps piss a constant topic in our mind, blame her.

>> No.67291988

pulling shondos socks off her shontoes and stuffing them into her mouth so she stops making stupid noises all day and i can finally get something done in peace
imagine the drool

>> No.67292073

last for shonsoles on my face

>> No.67292087

if shondo gets a days to live prognosis I hope she goes menhera and posts some seed on her tits, that would be nice

>> No.67292107

why is she not online anywhere
did she go to da klub again?

>> No.67292126

always da klub

>> No.67292220

i miss the shondo from the better days

>> No.67292244

She doesn't love any of you, if she did she would show you her bare feet.

In b4 cope.

>> No.67292310

so serious question, do you think we'll get to see her feet at some point? just fucking imagine if she did a feet cam stream...

>> No.67292326

Sometimes I say silly things ITT that aren't true just because I get so frickin' bored at work

>> No.67292332

we already have, do your reps

>> No.67292342

the larp anti is funny shondo but please show us your feet i don't even care if you draw them just give us feet you fucking tease

>> No.67292351

piss denial tribute for my wife agh it hurts good

>> No.67292413

>do you think we'll get to see her feet at some point?
No, the longer it goes on, the lower the chance of it ever happening unless it's by mistake. She has spit in our face and not in a good way.

>> No.67292415

i mean entire stream with bare feet or stockings so you can barely see them through the fabric, not briefly showing her feet with socks on

>> No.67292470

I have seen her bare feet
I don't think she'll do an entire stream around them though, that seems a bit much

>> No.67292499

or her feet caressing a lotion bottle while she jerks it vigoursly

>> No.67292524


>> No.67292554
File: 3.92 MB, 467x315, 1692083379677235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shawty goin wild

>> No.67292589

Proof? Source? The blurry pic doesn't count.

>> No.67292608

give me a moment

>> No.67292633

oh fuck

>> No.67292707

>if shondo gets a days to live prognosis I hope she goes menhera
please dont say things like this they make me sad

>> No.67292773

if shondo gets a days to live prognosis she'd probably dm the top 300 favorites and fuck them

>> No.67292801

pregnancy vs death

>> No.67292804


>> No.67292864

She would spend it with her boyfriend (me) and her family.

>> No.67292879

family (me)

>> No.67292927

otis (me)

>> No.67292946

i diagnose shondo with an infinite amount of days to live and i will spend them with her

>> No.67293557

i love shondo

>> No.67293575

last for my undying love for Shonshon

>> No.67293614

You are not very good at this, you should wait for page 11.

>> No.67293698

sorry I sometimes miscalculate and post it when it's on page 9

>> No.67293768

last for she in da klub

>> No.67293833

no she isn't

>> No.67293891

last for strapping shondo to a chair and creampieing my side hoe while she watches

>> No.67293902

Let me show you how it's done.

Last for shonsoles

>> No.67293921

last for shock collar stream

>> No.67293942


>> No.67293953

last for im still gonna win :)

>> No.67293985

Last for busting deep inside my menhera side hoe and staring my schizoaffective wife with the most diabolical grin ever

>> No.67293986

i win

>> No.67293992

last for my obsession and love for shondo

>> No.67294000

i lose

>> No.67294011

last for Shontoes in my mouth then on my shaft!

>> No.67294015

last for this but shondo and no side hoe

>> No.67294022

last for wrestling Nina to the ground so my wife can have her way with her

>> No.67294023


>> No.67294053
File: 801 KB, 737x1200, 1686104779011303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67294069

Otis baker please

>> No.67294072


>> No.67294074

TuT her tiny shipples

>> No.67294085

last for I lied I don't have side hoes but I will bust deep inside those schizoaffective sugar walls while staring down FT with the most wicked smile who's peeking through the door

>> No.67294108


>> No.67294121

i miss my wife

>> No.67294124

you guys fantasies are always so gay

>> No.67294146

>sex with a woman is gay

>> No.67294158

last for this

>> No.67294179

yes staring at a womans brother while you're balls deep inside her is incredibly gay

>> No.67294217

That is just asserting my dominance. If you're going to get mad at anything it should be that everyone here is premature, except for me because this is the last post.

>> No.67294251

last for non-sexual molestation. no penetration to respect my wife's desire to remain pure, but the rest is mine to treat as i please. she is an object made for my hands.

>> No.67294256

>doesn't want to humiliate that neet into doing something for once in his life
Last for this

>> No.67294275


>> No.67294282

last for this is extremely erotic

>> No.67294299

Mean posters have won yet again

>> No.67294315

last for mean posters losing and molesting chads winning

>> No.67294319

people who are publicly mean won

>> No.67294332

wholesome molestation of the shondo

>> No.67294339

better than anonymously

>> No.67294366

4chan is a public forum and I don't even want to win anymore

>> No.67294367

hes high ranked on a videogame what have you ever done with your life other than shitpost on 4chan

>> No.67294380

last for ripping off her cloak in the holy sanctum of Snurch. only touching her holy, underaged body can truly save me from my sins.

>> No.67294400

last for she said she loved me too

>> No.67294433

last for ripping the skin unless i use shondos mouth

>> No.67294447

last for dadrock

>> No.67294456

last for beating shondo to a pulp and planting my seed deep inside my side hoe's baby room as shondo lies unconscious on the ground

>> No.67294475

Last for getting new material. The winning shit is lame and just makes you look like an insecure loser.

>> No.67294496

last for simply not responding to them

>> No.67294497

last for dont care, i will win

>> No.67294503

last for abusing shondo in various ways until she has her first orgasm
