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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67211960 No.67211960[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which vtubers release the most odorous of flatulations?

>> No.67211982

Is this the new /become/?

>> No.67212131

ever heard of /ringo/? dummy

>> No.67212725
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Natto braps

>> No.67212828

I'm glad she is indoctrinating mococo to also be fucking smelly

>> No.67212858

Have the dogs ever talked about braps yet

>> No.67212982

well fuwawa let out a brap once, didnt talk about it though

>> No.67213063


>> No.67213135


>> No.67213171

She can just say it was the dog. Haha!

>> No.67213211

Is it possible to admire a nice ass without immediately thinking of farts?

>> No.67213232

Probably Fumino Tamaki (Noraneko) since she casually talks about farts and actually shit on stream with no bg music to filter it out
Maybe also Fuwawa with natto and Ina with kimchi

>> No.67213273

Yes but everyone braps, cute girl or not

>> No.67213330

Why would you want to leave the good part out?

>> No.67213376

Gura probably bathe once every two weeks and let's see, I see kaela having a rancid slit as well since well she plays games all day and does nothing else at side of that.

>> No.67213462

When I see a great ass I don't immediately think about snorting the rippers right out of it, I just admire the ass, so yes.
however, once the imagining begins, it's hard to stop

>> No.67213472

Mio doesn’t wear panties in her house unless company comes over so all her streams she’s done were bottomless and no one ever knew
That gamer chair must smell

>> No.67213538

I bet it has a nice thick layer of ripe parmesan on it, now I'm hungry.

>> No.67213724

I need to sniff mio chair.

>> No.67213853

imagine the sheer musk

>> No.67214047
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>> No.67215281

Suisei eats nothing but meat and meat-based products, so...

>> No.67215376

>mating press the rat
>she farts a little everytime you thrust inside her, her belly gurgling but she tries to down it out with her moans
>when she squirts her muscles loosen up and she lets out the loudest lactose fart yet, absolutely covering you in spoiled cheese smell
>She pulls the covers on top of both of you
pushes out the biggest brap yet, it lasts for a whole minute
>she laughs at you having to breathe in the toxic chamber she created
>mating press harder
>after a few smelly rounds you stick a finger up her butt to prepare her for anal
>once she’s prepped, you stick your dick inside, her braps making a greasy “lube” which allows you to slide in
>as you’re fucking her in her tight rrat butt, the lactose gas steadily rises again, her stomach getting big and taut
>eventually you cum inside, the building gas is almost painful now, so you pull out to give her relief
>as you pull out, she lets out such a massive brap her cheeks clap from the force, your cum spraying everywhere, almost gagging from the hotbox she made under the covers

>> No.67215490

>IRyS dives in to catch all the farted out cum with her mouth

>> No.67215989

God damn, anon

>> No.67216052

Yes, because I immediately think of that nice ass pooping instead. I honestly hate all the fart obsession.

>> No.67217282
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>not my fetish = bad
nobody asked

>> No.67217297

i think on slaping it and see it ripple

>> No.67217302
File: 2.55 MB, 960x540, FartingCuteWolf[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F28uwpl.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67217803

According to Kanata, Coco braps are deadly braps. Also, Mori.

>> No.67218150

Thousands of years of men with fart fetishes have taught me no.

>> No.67221746
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>> No.67223486

>31 posts
>no mention of Fauna and her vegan farts

>> No.67224049
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How ridiculous of me. They must be completely rancid.

>> No.67224772
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god i wish i could experience them

>> No.67225663

(You)r oshi

>> No.67226246
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>> No.67226495

What about Moom says stinky farts to you?

>> No.67226710

she keeps blaming her smelly farts on her pet
she did also brap on stream

>> No.67229142

Which chuubas take the stinkiest poops then?

>> No.67229239
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>> No.67229317

Just brapfags being a blight on humanity like usual

>> No.67229762

I need more miobraps

>> No.67230159

You can’t just say that and not provide a link.

>> No.67230208


>> No.67230628

see >>67215281

>> No.67232312
File: 2.54 MB, 426x434, mioxmas[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Favf79c.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about some miopuke instead

>> No.67233081

I don't do soundposts anymore, they got too annoying

>> No.67234210
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No contest.

>> No.67234470
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Shiori's protein farts...

>> No.67236209

Sounds like a throat sound to me

>> No.67238329

god I hope

>> No.67239350

I want it to be a contest. I can be the judge.

>> No.67240780


>> No.67244244


>> No.67245255

i literally look like this

>> No.67245343
File: 55 KB, 414x376, i see i see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...probably one of the males.
likely Ves'
