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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67163430 No.67163430 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the meeping morp, Mori

>> No.67163518

She's meeping?

>> No.67163619
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remember to meep your Morp

>> No.67163669
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She may even have morped

>> No.67163709
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>> No.67164233
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This year's /morig/ birthday project is:
>/morig/ sings Left For Dead Lullaby
Lyrics and other helpful links can be found here: https://pastebin.com/FmmN9y10
(You) can participate in three different ways. Feel free to do one or all of them.
>Submit a recording of you singing Left For Dead Lullaby
Feel free to use any recording software you would like, such as Vocaroo. Please post your finished recording itt as a reply to this post or the anchor or you can find my email on the MMM page.
>Submit your favorite Mori memory from the past year
This can be drawn picture, a written letter, a finger paint, or all of the above. This will be used in the final MV as a slideshow.
>Submit a redrawing of picrelated
This will be used as the thumbnail and main art of the MV. Please reply to this post with your selected grid section and I will mark off what has been chosen. Feel free to do more than 1 grid section, though I think it would be better to select ones that aren't touching.
Thanks again for all your hard work, and I look forward to seeing your submissions for this year's project

>> No.67164602
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i wanna meep the morp til i morb

>> No.67164702
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>> No.67165042

Mori honestly should take more breaks because she streams more then most EN , the exception being Biboo and Kiara(although she's also on break right now). I feel like she's going to burn herself out at this rate. Mori NEEDS more breaks , with her family especially. I dont mind the pre recorded streams and shorts as long as she gets some music reps in. Everyone here agrees with me right? Despite being a workaholic, Mori is human as well. Humans get burnt out.

>> No.67165155

>see that MGO is doing their first real live in February at Toyosu Pit
>Remember that it's the same venue as NUO
>Also remember that MGO debuted a little over a month after NUO happened
It's cool to see more things happening, but why is UMJ dragging their feet so much on sololives compared to agencies like Suzy's and KAF's?

>> No.67165190
File: 186 KB, 539x584, Happy Mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori should stream as much as she wants!

>> No.67165218

Your shitposting style is always super obvious, you can stop trying

>> No.67165520

>but why is UMJ dragging their feet so much on sololives compared to agencies like Suzy's and KAF's?
It's most likely on Mori tbqh since she's said she wants her next sololive to be in the U.S

>> No.67166255
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>> No.67166317
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what is it with dorks?

>> No.67166569

If so, I feel like she needs to look at the bigger picture. Hololive held three Fes before someone like Suzy got her first sololive. Connect the World was nice, but EN needs to hold at least one more successful concert before they can think about doing solo lives for any individuals in the US

>> No.67167104

I still think Mori alone could of filled the place CtW was at just fine. The power gap between Suisei and Mori and the rest in the west if fucking huge for vtuber music.

>> No.67167254

Yeah when she spoke about pushing for to be in the US during one of the more recent memgens (can't remember which one) I presumed that was what the hold-up was
You could tell it triggered that part of her brain where she tries to appease all audiences even at times when it doesn't really make sense, like her mind was dead-set on trying find a way for NA fans to go to a sololive
I personally don't think the US really has the infrastructure in abundance for vtubers concerts like Japan does, and she should just meet us in the middle like Cover is doing for 5th Fes by raffling off tickets specifically for over-seas fans

>> No.67167257

Jesus Christ, How is Tom Baker still alive?

>> No.67167371

Wrong tab

>> No.67167389

>90 years old
Also >tfw Mori will never watch the Tennant seasons with you on a rainy Sunday

>> No.67167461

We know who the next sacrifice will be for the next EP...

>> No.67167563

>EN/ID on separate severs
Damn that's kinda wack

>> No.67167674

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
But the fact that there are very loud and self-important people who actually think this annoys me greatly

>> No.67167727

yeah, they could of had everyone on the same server since 32 player cap is more than enough since not even rust ever had that many on at once, but apparently the game has the stardew problem where you can only have 32 registered players and there is no way to remove people, even the ones who log onto the game for a couple hours and never touch it again.

>> No.67167755

Wait this just made me realize that means Regloss is stuck on their own sever with just the 5 of them, that's kinda retarded lmao

>> No.67168240


>> No.67168539

sex with Tutu

>> No.67168633

I'm giving Ope a Ketatama bar

>> No.67168716

you don't know what you're asking for

>> No.67168793

I think that would just turn her into a normal Calliope (kinda like how the super crown from mario turns a toddete into a peachette)

>> No.67168825

They should just make 3 servers and mix some JPs into the ReGloss server. EN/ID can share a server, they would even have enough room for a new gen from both branches.

>> No.67169551

Yeah that was what I was going for actually. I really DONT have this mentality that most deadbeats that only either watch clips or only listen to Mori's music exclusively. Most of holo are workaholics and are grown adults. They don't need their fans demanding them to take breaks. I despise deadbeats who say "Mori please take a break and go on vacation we deadbeats prioritize your health over streams ". It's so cringe, why do parts of the fanbase think like this?

>> No.67169791

She legitimately takes more healthy breaks than basically all of Hololive. She knows her limits, goes outside regularly, exercises, and moves/cancels streams when she needs to

>> No.67169948

Eh, I think deadbeats have a bit more reason to say that because one of the most common things to come out of another holomem's mouth about Mori is that she loads up way too much work and really needs to take proper breaks. The sentiment has a bit more weight behind it when her coworkers who can also see all the behind the scenes work are saying it too.

>> No.67170254

>why do parts of the fanbase think like this
Virtual signaling. They don't actually care but just want to look good.

>> No.67170768

Ehhh, tbf majority of deadbeats that are on the younger side of the fanbase that aren't as invested into Mori....surprise surprise...don't watch streams. As an wagiecuck I can't catch most of Mori's streams live because I'm either getting ready for work or bed. Mori's fanbase tends to sleep towards the older side which is the reason why her vod views are high in comparison to other EN members. When people do watch Mori it's deadbeats that are at work having her on bgm, so live chat is pretty slow despite having 2.3mill subs.

>> No.67170966

I think I could fit Mori's entire foot in my mouth

>> No.67171153

Yeah! Morp is pretty smart when it comes to her health that I can agree with. There's many examples, I'm too lazy to skim through her catalog. You got Kiara that was HAD to take a break because of burnout. She didn't know her limits , and was constantly pushing herself..I don't know how Mori does it. I remember when Mori was going to take a 1month break, but proceeded to bamboozled everyone and cancel it haha.

>> No.67171168
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Speaking of Mori's feet, anyone have this set?

>> No.67171764

Kemono is still kill for Patreon and nobody has uploaded it on panda sadly....

>> No.67171777

I like when she takes breaks cause I can't keep up with her streaming schedule

>> No.67172516

>Virtual signaling.
Sort of, it's like a mixture of that + her ideal of a break not fitting with the idealized version of one
Like, the commonly idealized version of a break is taking a few weeks to a month off, while Mori's ideal is taking 2 days off to go a ryokan, and when she comes back most people don't even realize she was gone to begin with because most ENs have 1 to 2 rest days on a weekly basis lol

>> No.67172578
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Other holos are spectators just like the audience is. Their word doesn't change the fact that she's doing fine and it makes her happy. I'm actually willing to bet deadbeats have a bigger picture understanding about everything Mori is up to and especially her headspace regarding it all, but that's besides the point. I just hate it when people treat her like she doesn't know what she's doing. If you can't keep up with her, that's your problem, not hers.

>> No.67172686
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The zip is up on kemono but it's password protected and that's in a supporter only dicksword room or something

>> No.67173327
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>> No.67173705

>"Mori please take a break and go on vacation we deadbeats prioritize your health over streams "
Deadbeats are not only saying that to mori, but also to the girl behind mori.
Mori is definitely an grown adult and can choose her own work, but the other side can't turn down work from the upper tiers of her circle.
If you are probeat, you have seen it all too often.

>> No.67174752

Hey debbies, what are you watching now?

>> No.67174867

I think mori should take a long hiatus from streaming

>> No.67174949
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Bibbers playin' Sekiro and The 49ers vs the Packers

>> No.67175003

I think mori

>> No.67175168
File: 1.11 MB, 600x601, LowpolyOpe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Ope

>> No.67175204

Biboo getting her shit pushed in by the orge mini boss.

>> No.67175293

I pray she's involved in the Blue Archive anime.
More Mori/Aru fanart pls!

>> No.67175321

fishtank.live while I wait for the Mind Craft premiere and Mio's stream

>> No.67175343

>a fucking Whobeat

>> No.67175565
File: 167 KB, 390x882, Screenshot 2024-01-20 192446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the surgery involves weight loss i will drop her bros. I hope its like a tooth surgery or something.

>> No.67175622

>went to my closest Barnes and Noble and local Manga/Comic shop
>neither had Gachiakuta
>highway construction meant I was stuck in traffic for hours on end trying to get home
It's so over.......

>> No.67175790

I can get it off amazon right now next day delivery in Canada.

>> No.67175851

PS1 Ope...

>> No.67176258

I’d guess a knee or foot surgery

>> No.67176441

Knee, I think because she fucked up her knee in the past iirc.

>> No.67176489

At the exact moment that you posted this?

>> No.67176550

yeah, she mentioned fucked it up when lifting and they looked inside of it with a endoscope before.

>> No.67176591

My boy is becoming a girl!

>> No.67176991

No... It's so fucking over Debbie's. We no longer have BFE but GFE..... >. We have been lied to. Mori is a cute , dorky, tomboyish, edgy, and 12 y/o humor girly girl girl. The "Final Yab" of Mori Calliope.

>> No.67177066

>checking twitter after getting home
>Gura tweeted possibly suggesting a new cover
We're so back
It's not the same as going into a store and getting the book yourself.......

>> No.67177229

That would make sense. When my mom got her knee surgery they had to make sure she was in good condition for it like Mori describes

>> No.67177413

It's a film from the 70s about a team of criminals forced to transport a truck full of nitroglycerin through the Amazon.
It's just about the spookiest movie I've seen that's not a horror movie.
You can't make movies like this anymore, it's PG, but full of violence and letchery. I mean, one of the main characters is a Palestinian terrorist whose best friend and mentor is a ex Nazi.

>> No.67177589

The Milk-meister will be doing Karaoke soon.

>> No.67178494
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>> No.67179170

Classic who.

>> No.67179601
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>> No.67179716

Just noticed she had CHaD put front and center.

>> No.67180268

Mori in chat!

>> No.67180426

I almost couldn't recognize Ame

>> No.67181068
File: 163 KB, 1096x977, Screenshot 2024-01-20 190311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's such a goofball, I love her

>> No.67181402

I like Mori and her fedora :>

>> No.67181503

Damn Moom's voice sounds so deep in this song lmao

>> No.67181540

The mixer did an excellent job on this song. Especially because they didn't over process anyone's vocals.

I don't know if Bae did all the vocal direction herself, but if it was, she really has a good understanding of how to get the best out of everyone. They've all got very natural qualities to their singing voices on the solos, which makes the overall collection very pleasant.

>> No.67181703

Because that's her proper great singing voice. She NEVER uses it for some reason and the best you get is a few lines during karaoke. It's actually frustrating, but I'm glad she used it for this song.

>> No.67181925
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That was a really good cover

>> No.67182090

Yeah, we even got a CHaD line.

>> No.67182130

Yeah, Bae's been hitting it out of the park this last year.>>67181925

>> No.67182736

It was definitely the best it could have been for splitting a song 15-ways, really liked the CHaD portion at the end

>> No.67182755

Not a deadbeat here but i hope Mori will be fine. Really grew to like her in the past year.

>> No.67182903

Its ok, she is just nervous from surgery and big things happening

>> No.67182978
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>> No.67183114

what does she look like without the coat?

>> No.67183115

She was literally just joking about wearing a fedora in chat >>67181068
She's in a good spot, hope you'll enjoy her upcoming stuff

>> No.67183362

I can't believe they made my Mori into a fedora tipping weeabo.

>> No.67183436
File: 3.06 MB, 1920x1080, 192847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the cute BoneBros moment near the end.

>> No.67183513

wouldn't Gura get cold outside wearing shorts like that?

>> No.67183527


>> No.67183771

the same but without a coat

>> No.67183782

Milky is singing!

>> No.67183932

Cat Sharks are cold blooded, she might be a bit slow, but I feel like she'd be fine.

>> No.67184125

It was cute but Mori was pretty soft here and has like 4 different singing voices in the song wtf. It's kinda hard to pick her out.

>> No.67184244

I was glad to see it, they sounded good together. Still manifesting Gura EP.

>> No.67184286
File: 2.13 MB, 720x720, White Girl Wednesday with Mio [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fu4ujxa.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T-swift karaoke
Lets ride!

>> No.67184483

>You're not (You) when you're hungry.

>> No.67184708

I do, but who am I to tell her what to do? She's more successful than I'll ever be, so she obviously she knows what she's doing better than I do.

>> No.67184850

where's this one from?

>> No.67185002
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Sounds like something lesbians would do.

>> No.67185676

Mori and Kronii rubbing their hats against each other...

>> No.67185792

Speaking of clock, she sounds good in this cover.

>> No.67186927
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Previous thread: >>67076699

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpvcuuvhP_I
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8FJAa5DZ94

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
//// Stream Mind Craft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQuGEpICY2o

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
(NEW!) Shirts!

Watame Night Fever!! In TOKYO GARDEN THEATER
January 31, 2024 @ Tokyo Garden Theater, Tokyo
capacity: 8,000
guest starring: Mori Calliope
SPWN page: https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/24013119-jp2ndwatamelive

//// Live archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

//// 2024 Birthday Project: /morig/ sings Left For Dead Lullaby
Info here: >>66707771
Reply to this anchor and/or the above post with your submissions!

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.67186993

Babey talking about the thought process for everyone's outfit design, she'll be talking about Morp soon

>> No.67187520


>> No.67188327
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>> No.67188373
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Mori is part of Bae's Homies

>> No.67188635

>Nerissa stole Mori's skirt

>> No.67188790
File: 623 KB, 855x734, Screenshot 2024-01-20 202914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Originally Mori had a skirt while Nerissa had pants
>Nerissa asked for a skirt so bae switched her with Mori cause the pants worked really well for her outfit
>Bae requested the cowboy hat (Bae and Ina debating with chat over the fedora allegations)
>Ina thinks she looks Tuxedo Mask-esque
Neat stuffs

>> No.67189000

This Mori looks like a perfect gentleman

>> No.67189150

>>67188790 (me)
Oh I guess should note a design motif Bae wanted to keep between everyone's outfit was a there be a bit of blue and for them to have a hololive logo "crest" on all their outfits
You can see the inner section of Mori's bellbottoms and her tie is blue, and the crest is on her hat

>> No.67189220
File: 3.99 MB, 1861x1065, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need CHaDsong asap

>> No.67189244

>Ina thinks she looks Tuxedo Mask-esque
Mori is every pre-teen girls dream partner confirmed

>> No.67189385

I was hoping it was going to be for fes, but they aren't all on the same stage ever.

>> No.67189390

Need CHaDsex asap

>> No.67189429
File: 489 KB, 1906x2340, 1650806188723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CHaDmarriage first

>> No.67189588
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For me, it was Jupiter

>> No.67189604


>> No.67190312


>> No.67190539

Three way marriage between them? Isn't Bae and IRyS already married, or is that not a thing anymore? Mori would be the odd one out in that relationship.

>> No.67190649
File: 1.07 MB, 600x601, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpsffhl.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67190729

>checking on streams to watch
>Mio is building Legos
Mori should build Legos on stream.

>> No.67190796

Mori is unironically Bae's most treasured role-model, she not many steps off

>> No.67191562

If it were me, I'd put https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEFQTY4hjUk

>> No.67191961

Many people seem to forget that they've been divorced since their Observation Duty collab.

>> No.67192047

Apparently Kobo was to do a Takamori family karaoke off collab?

>> No.67192186

Not sure how that would work considering Kiara probably isn't going to be in Japan until like a month from now, and I don't know how long Kobo is staying.

>> No.67192214

Kiara is off the grid in Austria and Mori will only be back on the 25th

>> No.67192520

From Kiara's own words, she's going to be back before Valentines day, so anons are thinking sometime around the 7th to the 10th is when she'll be back from her break. Though still, not sure how the karaoke offcollab would work, or if Kobo just wants to have it during a future trip, since I doubt Kiara is going to go to Japan that soon after her break, and I doubt Kobo is going to be in Japan until late February, since she has already been there for a bit.

>> No.67192703

Kobo has been in Japan since like October minus a quick trip back for a couple days because visa issues. Who know show long she is going to be in Japan for.

>> No.67192717

Pretty sure Kobo is already back in Indonesia. But it doesn't really matter since Kobo goes to Japan a shit ton, so there's nothing stopping her from just going around the time Kiara does.

>> No.67192760

Naw, Kobo just had a couple off collabs with Regis the other day since he is in Japan right now.

>> No.67192888

She said she just got back, her shitty internet proves it

>> No.67193107

oh, I guess she left literally right after stealing 50k JPY from him.

>> No.67193219

>Milky’s favorite Pokemon is Tyranitar
Dark Type chads where we at?

>> No.67194136

>Milkerster still going

>> No.67194268

I think if mori is going to give us streams during her break it should be a game where chat isnt important, either because of backseating or because shes focusing too much. stardew feels like a game where its just a zatsu with something on the screen

>> No.67194506

How about prerecorded Nier: Automata?

>> No.67195016
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1080, 【Free Talk _ 雑談】 I love Japan, I love my friends 60-1 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67195097

I get it cause everything else she's playing right now requires a level of time invest for the story (RDR2, Metal Wolf) and if she didn't pre-record something she'd try to stream
But desu idk why she kinda dropped the idea of doing spaces since those are a perfect middle ground

>> No.67195175

Damn that's sweet as fuck

>> No.67195310
File: 1.85 MB, 640x360, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fm3ked9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67195912

I wonder why she's so scared to just offer a couch to people, Kiara had no problem with it. Probably just her being away.from the house I bet

>> No.67195974

Tutu and Ghostcat like to hide thumbtacks in the furniture

>> No.67196272

Oh those cheeky rapscallions!

>> No.67196390

Didn't she say something about cat smell she wants to deal with before letting people stay over. Kiara has 2 cats already so she is used to it.

>> No.67196624

Imagine letting Kobo stay at your place while you're out of the country. You'll come back home and find it plastered in piss and poop

>> No.67196989
File: 186 KB, 1292x1243, GEWFHcTbMAEoMip.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this snow angle...

>> No.67197308

She cute

>> No.67197527


>> No.67197951

Morpable, some might even say

>> No.67198394
File: 183 KB, 668x1000, GES0wjMbkAAvmdb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67199080
File: 585 KB, 1949x3683, GEPTaD-WcAAZLcZ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a bad enough motherfucker to hot glue your Mori?

>> No.67199237
File: 931 KB, 1920x1080, KAF feat. Mori Calliope - しゅげーハイ!!! (from KAMITSUBAKI YOYOGI WARS DAY2 - KAIKA)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgaqn8u.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67199418

>see posts on twitter saying her no money problems was just a bit but it made her emotional that everyone was so nice to her trying to help her
If true I’d say it’s still rather heart warming.

>> No.67200008

Does anyone have the video of this?

>> No.67200239

I'm another one. So there's at least 2 here

>> No.67200291

I searched for links but they're all down. The full show archive is here: https://gofile.io/d/gjx0Fu

The mori performance is ~1:25:00 in on both. You should be able to either play or download

>> No.67200352
File: 1.76 MB, 900x1080, 1689576874477500.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67200872
File: 772 KB, 3000x3000, GDgG3UJbMAA-M6_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67201215
File: 1.56 MB, 1645x1000, F8yLjHmXMAAqElo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67201357

looong neck

>> No.67201453
File: 45 KB, 480x480, 1698468662951565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what they say about girls with long necks?

>> No.67201490

They can eat leaves higher up on a tree?

>> No.67201576
File: 141 KB, 408x505, Screenshot 2023-06-27 204029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah! It's quite the genetic advantage, but not very applicable....

>> No.67201624
File: 89 KB, 180x237, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says you

>> No.67201717

Need Mori's tits on my face now.

>> No.67201809

>Mori saying that you have to be more free with Water Colors
Mori should do her art history reps and look up Albrecht Durer's Water Colors and wonder how a guy from the turn of the 15th century was doing that with water colors.

>> No.67202028

Love the long neck Kirin

>> No.67202044

Fuck no, why do people do this and tributes anyway? Why the fuck would you dirty your own shit like that? Imagine the post nut clarity as you’re removing your jizz from the model joints.

>> No.67202118

You'll have to wait until after the surgery until she can post them to you.

>> No.67202208

It's kind of gross and I guess that turns people on

>> No.67202553

Can I do acapella? Or do I have to attach the instrumental to the recording?

>> No.67202562
File: 1.02 MB, 1085x1600, 4ba0b9aa4e6c8ad0ec53ef6591a0b3de[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but my face

>> No.67202964
File: 331 KB, 1157x2000, F8vOjSQbcAIJ_YJ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate when an artist misspells the artag and I miss out on a nice pic

>> No.67203036

the furry allegations…

>> No.67203162

Speak of furry!
Watame just released an MV from her album

>> No.67203164

Still think that after her Oncler admissions that her saying she really liked King Julian is a very suspect statement now.

>> No.67203298

Need Mori and Kronii art from him

>> No.67203322

His faces are terrible though.

>> No.67203435
File: 194 KB, 1088x1800, 114543681_p0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're correct from a technical stand-point but I dunno, they're like a mixture of silly and arousing for me

>> No.67203437

I need to tell you all that I am in love with Mori Calliope of Hololive English and I am going to marry her.

>> No.67203606

you wrote this

>> No.67204032

Produced by Kenmochi Hidefumi lets gooo

>> No.67204060

Oh shit I didn't even realize that's awesome

>> No.67204200
File: 213 KB, 1435x2048, 1639406725895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, is there anything better than a tomboy in a dress?

>> No.67204230

two tomboys in a dress

>> No.67204299

A tomboy wearing an overly cutesy outfit and getting embarrassed by it

>> No.67204689
File: 437 KB, 1393x2956, GEPGUWbXYAAGe3r[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67205217
File: 780 KB, 1656x2048, GEN6sDdakAAsxbr[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67205658
File: 414 KB, 1736x2456, GENIFFDaYAEXWZy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67205771

Morpo tapestry ships overseas

>> No.67205838
File: 441 KB, 1920x1080, 1701825054271730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67205852

Oh nice.

>> No.67205924

Frog drew some cute Baus

>> No.67205960

>peak of pansu

>> No.67206004

Holy sex

>> No.67206126


>> No.67206380

Interesting that there's more holos this go-round

>> No.67206497

is google failing me or is this just a paid clip show

>> No.67206831

Lmao, I wonder what made Sora answer Mori

>> No.67206872
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, 1677680794229717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67207169

Acapella is how you do it.

>> No.67207452
File: 780 KB, 681x855, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67207548

Oh baby that's an interesting spread of Holos alright. And a bonus stinky sexy orca!

>> No.67207670

JPs attempting RIP will never not be funny in a good way.

>> No.67207736
File: 313 KB, 640x377, 1677403204882883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Sora know that we don't....

>> No.67207773

ruined the song

>> No.67207833
File: 273 KB, 428x412, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she just say Mori calls her kawai instead of kakkoii? Kek.

>> No.67207862

Yes, Mori calls her Ao-chan instead of -kun. kek

>> No.67207953

She's trying Treasure Box

>> No.67208119

That answer really came out of left field. I really want to know why Sora thinks that now. Mori would of probally got surprised too, but she is probally sleeping since she is in teh states lmao.

>> No.67208164

What are your favorite moments of Mori getting embarrassed or flustered?

>> No.67208214
File: 3.59 MB, 402x510, stop making fun of me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdvu072.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67208310
File: 2.80 MB, 672x436, Yed[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fks6scs.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since >>67208214 posted PEASLR, I might as well mention YED

>> No.67208419
File: 430 KB, 586x750, YourBoyIsAGirl[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsqnoo9.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67208592

Yukisame is selling her Comiket Mori tapestry on booth.

>> No.67208730

Suisei Mori mention!

>> No.67208766

Plz no bully the Mowi. Only I should get to do that.

>> No.67208815
File: 297 KB, 433x474, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ao FACT (went a bit higher than I expected at first, kek)

>> No.67208865
File: 39 KB, 270x172, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lil' skull

>> No.67208998

I don't know that Kanji so I can't even look up what the question was

>> No.67209046

Strongest drinker. Suisei mentioned Mori drinks a bit of sake before live performances to calm down a bit.

>> No.67209186

i didn't either, i just recognised Calliope

>> No.67209468


>> No.67210069

Looks like it. They’re not even selling a DVD of this one

>> No.67210712

I have done nothing but play palworld for two days

>> No.67210743

it's okay Moririn, deserved

>> No.67211071

hey, it's okay
i've done nothing but watch sankisei play terraria for the past week

>> No.67211213

Mori's going to be part of MusicVerse again on the 27th

>> No.67211295

Wait, seems from the description its just a highlight show of old performances. Still cool, though.

>> No.67211472
File: 546 KB, 3840x2160, GCrfG3ZagAAJeIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>67211213 [me]
i should have read up, here's a mori to compensate.

>> No.67211576

>She has to drink to perform

>> No.67212040

A quick shot before a show, to give a toast and loosen up, is very common.

>> No.67212164

??? but she mentioned before

>> No.67212389

That's entirely innocent compared to some other pre-performance rituals.

>> No.67213449


>> No.67213582


>> No.67213999

She's going to see this clip and get embarrassed now...

>> No.67214107

Suzy's matter-of-fact delivery almost made me choke on my drink lmao.

>> No.67214245
File: 154 KB, 729x1066, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Mori's Show cover made a small appearance on Japanese TV

>> No.67214591

I wonder if it might be a lead up to her upcoming announcement

>> No.67214679

I doubt it, from what I can gather this was a ranking of the top songs of 2023; Show was in there and they played some clips of covers

>> No.67215068
File: 394 KB, 594x594, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67216278

It such a weird feeling over all that. I was sad but not upset. Like I know it could have been a whole lot worse and dramatic.

>> No.67216541

I feel like there are better ways of honoring someone than making a robot try and replicate their voice to sing an overrated song

>> No.67216597
File: 100 KB, 434x311, 1705411932321781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori in my lap

>> No.67216637
File: 2.90 MB, 1180x720, mori-you-like-tomboys[sound=][sound=https%3A%2F%2Fz.zz.fo%2FCZQiq.ogg][sound=].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67216674
File: 1.41 MB, 1050x1680, GEGBgUbawAACP_O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67217276

>PalWorld is currently more popular than CS2 on Steam
I hope they don't gain the ire of Nintendo, they made a legitimately entertaining game thatsu a lot.of stupid fun

>> No.67217388

That lawsuit would be DOA

>> No.67217549

>hating based Sinatra

>> No.67217572

He has much better songs

>> No.67217690

Reminder that Mori has had to go reap souls because they sang My Way poorly in a karaoke bar and were murdered for it.

>> No.67218793

I hate that I relate to this because I have seen news articles with exactly that happening many times now in my life.

>> No.67218984
File: 1.16 MB, 1083x880, 1679459101493414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I dunno, my dawg. I thought you were on a roll. Harsh crowd. Haters gonna hate, I suppose."

>> No.67219362

>Won't play

>> No.67219498

While Mori / alcohol got all the clicks, it seems Sora voted her mastermind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjyPJnnhZ1I

>> No.67219968

Mori Callope, my wife

>> No.67221684

My post

>> No.67221836
File: 1.05 MB, 2000x3321, F30XzePaAAApUbY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jiggy, my liege.

>> No.67222832

MY wife

>> No.67223234

I miss Mori too much

>> No.67223425

MY liege

>> No.67224262

yeah I'll "meep" Calliope Mori tonight, if you catch my drift

>> No.67224822

While certain design elements of some of the pals are clearly lifted from Pokemon, I feel like you’d need a bit more for a lawsuit.

>> No.67224899
File: 3.77 MB, 1312x960, ci_dance3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step back!!

>> No.67224913

It's also been widely publicized for years at this point. So unless they want to pull a disney and jsut bury them with legal costs even though they don't have a leg to stand on, they have no case since they had plenty of time to go after them.

>> No.67225375

look at her go!

>> No.67225418

Look at her go!

>> No.67225467

Resting my head on Mori's ass is the best feeling in the world.

>> No.67225670


>> No.67225801

Me on the left

>> No.67226211

The main focus of this shot is Ci, but the silly ass dance Morp is doing makes me laugh

>> No.67226739
File: 455 KB, 400x700, morstache.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori should do a historical facial hair rating stream!

>> No.67227353
File: 506 KB, 3451x2505, F26sjaQa8AA378i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post a morp

>> No.67227402

Did something rile up the schizos last night?Mori hasn't streamed in 4 days and I saw a fuckton of bait threads using 2 year old rrats when looking for the thread

>> No.67227540

oh man, I just saw why that one anon said Kieran got a shitty draw in RDR2

>> No.67227608
File: 460 KB, 1920x1080, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fig61wa.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind the idiots. Just do something else.

>> No.67227621

mori should do another rip/reaper ka rapper style song

>> No.67227708

The pomu graduation has them on edge
I saw someone trying to link Mori to it by saying that the MGS collab not going to her was a factor in her choosing to go

>> No.67228147

More like Selen's absence.

>> No.67228623

Haha, why do people get so surprised that her party collabs end with someone graduating? I mean, you shouldn't roll the dice with...

>> No.67229500

I just want to cook her a nice dinner and share a bottle of red wine.

>> No.67230369

>Adds cola to the recipe

>> No.67231016

Dang it Biboo...

>> No.67231240

>Mori drawing a commission that's giving a deadbeat a side hug
>she decides to put the head at her chest level
>"It's okay, just don't make it weird~"
Ayy lmao does this woman really understand the things she's saying sometimes?

>> No.67231298

people should just catbox the fucking original clip instead of this muted webm BS 4chan is enforcing...

>> No.67231545
File: 80 KB, 786x1200, 1705873885276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67231587

I think like 95% of the motivation behind how she draws poses is to hide hands honestly. It's cute how much she hates drawing them lol

>> No.67231689

Wrong thread Neuro

gonna keep that pic though, it'll come handy eventually

>> No.67231886

did she give a date for the next drawing stream?

>> No.67232194

I wanna say she mentioned the 28th at one point

>> No.67232216

>Mori saying that she wants something similar to Coco's Purple Dragon outfit for herself
I wonder if she meant as an irl onesie or as an another outfit. What animal would she even go for as a outfit?

>> No.67232237

Me on the right

>> No.67232346


>> No.67232573

You know what, I endorse it. I want the LeMori Onesie to be real.

>> No.67233173


>> No.67233511

holy fuck!

>> No.67233645

that's the wall brother

>> No.67233866


>> No.67234084

There should be a Holo's Kitchen contest where different Holochefs compete and go before a panel of judges. I wonder how Mori would do, she's at least capable of grilling.

>> No.67234215

Mori will probably do Black Sheep or 6FU at holofes, but LFDL would make me kneel the hardest

>> No.67234221

What about that raw ass garlic she tried to grill during the DOOM BBQ

>> No.67234247

Only if they do the secret ingredient thing from Iron Chef

>> No.67234626

>Today's secret ingredient....


>> No.67234768
File: 925 KB, 688x728, Bust it down.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think those are pretty safe guesses. 6FU to nail the speed rap part live, but I hope it's Black Sheep because it would sound great with a live band and I could see her stage moves being really cool. Especially with "We're living in the upside down now".

>> No.67234827

Don't worry, they're not in pain, that UUUUUing you hear is just the air escaping

>> No.67234929
File: 823 KB, 1920x1080, Mori 5B.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is 5B what is 6FU?

>> No.67235010

she better sing Wanted Wasted

>> No.67235080

ope onahole

>> No.67235273
File: 329 KB, 1949x2750, 1705877853359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67235281
File: 936 KB, 1038x630, Jump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That move where you make a fist and rotate your forearm while side-stepping.

Another good one but she's done that one in concerts already.

>> No.67235754

LFDL is a long song, I doubt it'd be her first choice. But yeah Black Sheep and 6FU seem to be the obvious picks.

>> No.67235802

Black Sheep has already been done on a big stage though

>> No.67235804

I think L4DL and 6FU are the most likely. I think back to Mori's thoughts about her performances in the last Fes and CtW, how she felt she didn't stand out and how she felt her performances didn't have as much "character" as she would like compared to say Fauna or Korone's performances during the Fes. 6FU's speed rap and the entirety of of L4DL do stand out as something nobody else in the company can do if she can nail either of them. Black Sheep is a very good song but at the end of the day it would be "Wanted Wasted mk.2" which I don't think is what she is looking for in a Fes performance.

>> No.67235873

I kneel

>> No.67235996

If I recall right Mori used to brag about her cheesy pasta, but that's be pretty hard to do in Japan if we take her word on cheese selection there (plus her diet). If she had to do a a cooking contest, she should do a sandwich and wow everyone. Even if there was just basic cheese, a properly made American sub would sweep I think.

>> No.67236071

I hope Mori commissions this artist for something, she never misses

>> No.67236086

>draws a couple of other Holos
>"Ok, now back to drawing my wife"

>> No.67236175

Based tb.h

>> No.67236874
File: 238 KB, 1831x2749, GDmM5vfXkAE3xk4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of bluefield, I think they might be one of the only 3 or so artist to draw the "mom hair" from the casual outfit

>> No.67236975

People are doing model rips and there's some suspicious similarities. For the Pal world dev's sake, hopefully they're just really REALLY heavily referenced and not actually stolen and redecorated, cause I believe they can still be sued if they're stolen.

>> No.67237462

Hey deadbeats your oshi gets shit on a lot on this site but I just wanted to say I think she has been a great senpai to Advent cheers

>> No.67237677

>Mori takes the stage at Fes
>Crowd is hype
>Cheers lull into eager silence
>Mori takes a deep breath as the spotlights focus onto her
>[Reaper ka Rapper]

>> No.67237696

Thanks, everyone in Advent is really nice to have around

>> No.67237806

im going to say it, mori needs another goofy rap song, reaper ka rapper and rip are among her best work

>> No.67237865

I would love to hear her perform all of the deadbeats ep during a karaoke

>> No.67237888

Bro we just got Sneaking
