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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67039367 No.67039367 [Reply] [Original]

dissociating in the bath edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1747380862461567069

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>67011086

>> No.67039526

shondo in my arms in the bath

>> No.67039528

OP is a yellow pillowed faggot

>> No.67039566

Passionate love making with shondo

>> No.67039626

i got up to bake only to get my bread deleted ;-;

>> No.67039648

passionate twitter interacting with shondo

>> No.67039898

Really needed to drink tonight
And then she tweeted
After that I was fine

>> No.67040008

She should do a lovey-dovey ASMR stream where she showers us with affection and love

>> No.67040075

Imagine shondo posting a picture of her cute legs in the bath TuT

>> No.67040108

the brainworms are winning...

>> No.67040128

Haha....please don't joke about this
I need this

>> No.67040141

wet shontoes

>> No.67040182

Imagine :c

>> No.67040194

whats bothering you shogga

>> No.67040203

Anti-brainworms asmr stream

>> No.67040233


>> No.67040294

I'm not joking I want that too

>> No.67040341

I want to believe that I don't have fetishes due to shondo and that I simply love everything about her(her feet, hands, etc.)
But loli feet are nice even if they're not shondo's(if drawn cute)
I'm not sure if i just like cute things thoughs

>> No.67040374

deworming ASMR

>> No.67040447

oh shit i forgot about the spelling bee because today was so shitty
get your reps in

>> No.67040454

Perhaps for valentine's she'll do it

>> No.67040464

shondo basically amplified my feet appreciation, especially when it comes to loli feet. they're just so cute and erotic ToT

>> No.67040691
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I love my wife

>> No.67040726

I'm still doing my sudoku...

>> No.67041049

Meow shshshshsshsh meow grrrr meo shshshshsshshs meow >:( nom

>> No.67041127

Victory Royale D:<

>> No.67041174

Im really looking forward to valentines, Im finally going to start drawing again for her. I hope she does something special this year

>> No.67041566

I sometimes doodle shondo around places i spend a lot of time around in so if i want to i can look at her

>> No.67041729

Painting a shondo mural on the outside of my local supermarket

>> No.67041773

So if I find little shondo drawings on a bench or something I know you're close

>> No.67042189

Ever feel like you bet on the wrong horse?

>> No.67042200

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.67042221

no I'm a good gambler

>> No.67042280

fuck a Shondo mural would go hard

>> No.67042370

lets say Shondo decides to do the gender swapped version of this, would you be in?

>> No.67042460

no that would be mega gay dewd

>> No.67042488

my pork chop sucks
never use rice wine vinegar for pan sauce deglazing

>> No.67042632

I'm not dewd and it's not gay since our balls won't touch

>> No.67042750

shondo responds "you too" to a "hope you have a good stream"
shondo I know you're here, die from embarrassment

>> No.67042857

esl-chama that's actually an appropriate use of the phrase

>> No.67042978


>> No.67043045

it's a meme autistchamas

>> No.67043077

>you are now remembering when shondo clowned on /vt/ and said it was probably still filled with ESL retards and bitter women

>> No.67043258

"have a nice dinner"
"you too"

>> No.67043431

why would you use vinegar as a pan sauce

>> No.67043468

yeah but England is full of ESL retards and bitter women as well so she is well and truly /here/ even if she isn't (which she is)

>> No.67043519

i defeated them :)

>> No.67043585

because I was out of wine

>> No.67043599

Glad to hear that! Now could you share so i can fight them too

>> No.67043708


>> No.67043836

I don't think vinegar and meat mix well together

>> No.67043861

haha skibidi

>> No.67043864

chicken adobo is delicious

>> No.67043917

minutely affirmation: I will impregnate shondo

>> No.67043969

I can't believe you guys trolled me into thinking Jessie is Digi's mom

>> No.67044096

Shontoes all pruned up from sitting in the bath for so long

>> No.67044114

isn't jessie that guy from breaking bed?

>> No.67044363

You made it king
I believed in you

>> No.67044503

no they are private brainworms but i can share this song with you instead

>> No.67044597

>hes back

>> No.67044622


>> No.67044633

The impossible has been done. Get those divorce papers ready shiggie.

>> No.67044654 [DELETED] 

So is the anon who promised to leave if Somnium and ff were unbanned gonna follow through?

>> No.67044665

>2 died so 2 can return
Guess all it took was for fleece and ray to have a mental breakdown

>> No.67044704


>> No.67044723

I hope these bitches pipe it down now

>> No.67044750


>> No.67044756
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>> No.67044796

no... this wasn't meant to happen
they weren't meant to win

>> No.67044801

>lose ray
>get back the worst shogger of all time, again

>> No.67044822

I have no idea who most of the people besides shondo named here are

>> No.67044932

I will never read or watch jjk because these faggots will forever be associated with it

>> No.67045007

How long we're they banned for? I don't keep track of time

>> No.67045016 [DELETED] 

Someone please tell me what happened because I dont perma stalk offline chat. Were they just unbanned thats it? Or did shondo do it herself?

>> No.67045018

you're missing out on the funniest shonen of the era

>> No.67045035 [DELETED] 
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>> No.67045078

it aint that funny only thing worth might be the animation

>> No.67045092

i won :)

>> No.67045095

crushing your skull in a waste compactor

>> No.67045123 [DELETED] 

so many of you are threatened by ff and somni and its pathetic. me being scared of "rival" husbands? nah, I'd win

>> No.67045132

9 days

>> No.67045142 [DELETED] 

probably send mods their dickpics and beg

>> No.67045156

I hope you like the feeling of eggshells buddy

>> No.67045161 [DELETED] 

Not long enough. Nothing like this has ever happened before so it's cool we can bring back two retards that have learned nothing.

>> No.67045164 [DELETED] 

I think Xive fucked up banning them for saying calling people out could be a good thing rather than for actually doing it
So either other mods or Shondo overturned the decision because it was dumb

>> No.67045184

oh I was referring to the manga, it becomes hilariously shortly after where the last season stopped

>> No.67045197

i lost...
all of that time being an internet janitor's bitch for nothing...

>> No.67045224

Please don't lie to them, it has funny moments and takaba carried, but early on it's not that fun, and quite of a bit of a pain to read
The anime's fine though
You just got released from the prison realm, you haven't won anything

>> No.67045237 [DELETED] 

It wasn't fucking dumb at all. They were instigating bad behavior for months.

>> No.67045278
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>> No.67045290

Guys please don't switch up just because they got unbanned

>> No.67045315

dont lose focus we have to remain steadfast

>> No.67045327

Just remember you are in the same position as FI. Dont forget to be nise :)
Im fine with second chances

>> No.67045332 [DELETED] 

Coward didn't bother dropping his name for this reason

>> No.67045383

I don't care about the 2 clowns, but it means dewd's bitching about her responding to somnium's art was for nothing and I bet he must feel like a fool right now. If dewds loses I win, so I'll take it.

>> No.67045385 [DELETED] 

Yeah sure like every other regular hasn’t been constantly breaking rules and causing her grief because of it.
At least they were calling out bad behavior like dmniggering

>> No.67045394

>2 delete themselves with schizo meltdownsbehaviour
>unban the 2 retards to act as meatshields
dewd just keeps winning

>> No.67045393

How much mod cock do you even have to suck to achieve this?

>> No.67045431
File: 272 KB, 412x556, 1693586020456471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my shoggas are back :D

>> No.67045450

Groom squad is used to having everything their way. It’s an entitlement issue please understand.

>> No.67045455

How'd dewd even come up in this equation

>> No.67045459

well, thread quality is about to go down fast now that they're back. Maybe its time to take a break from /shon/ for a while

>> No.67045496

don't notice just syadouHappynod

>> No.67045510 [DELETED] 

Oh look, more whataboutisms. Do you have anything to say to actually justify their actions or is that the only way you can do it? By quite literally ignoring the fact that they are guilty of causing grief shondo said not to do? The same grief that made her not want to interact with us.

>> No.67045526

? They were never gone from /shon/
Nothing changed, just that now somnium can stop posting the image of gojo

>> No.67045534

I'm not fibbing! I think it's pretty funny when an author blatantly trolls fandoms. Takaba is evidence he can still write well but he's actively choosing not to just to stroke curse king's dick and show everyone that their GOATs aren't shit

>> No.67045539
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This was so fucking weird to me
>wifey they are misusing the art tag by posting art in it!!!
>what do you mean your business email isn't for brain worms?

>> No.67045596 [DELETED] 

>Yeah sure like every other regular hasn’t been constantly breaking rules and causing her grief because of it.

I haven't

>> No.67045601

none of these issues are related in the slightest

>> No.67045612
File: 20 KB, 372x358, IMG_1417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw don’t interact with the community at all
>the thread is like reading a drama blog for a school I don’t attend
>read it anyway

>> No.67045644

I just can't understand how we have bathing Shondo in the OP but you fags are focusing on other males

>> No.67045649

I fucking told you two that bringing attention to it would cause this. You fucking groomers are so beyond braindead

>> No.67045688

Bros over wives.

>> No.67045711


>> No.67045713

Shondo went to bed it's bro time

>> No.67045715 [DELETED] 

Yes. Your type needs to be banned and them saying you should be called out for your entitled behavior is not wrong because people like dewd keep breaking rules. This girl said the dms were actually making her physical ill and he kept doing it even after apologizing the first time. So yes I justify their behavior 100%.
They may not be needed anymore for that now that she’s actually putting her foot down I hope.

>> No.67045746

since she doesn't give us enough attention we fill in :)

>> No.67045778

you all seem to hate or fear your 'bros'

>> No.67045800

Sure thing, mouz. Why are you so mad that she responded to his art? If what he did was a problem she could just decide to ignore it and she didn't. Why do you groomers always want to use the stupidest reasons to try to control her actions?

>> No.67045801

I'm too dumb to keep a track of events, someone please tell me what happened(i was /here/ for all of it)

>> No.67045810

I don't hate anyone. I have no enemies.

>> No.67045835

It's more finding them annoying rather than hate

>> No.67045839 [DELETED] 

FF was retarded but fine to deal with on his own. But when his clone spawned in 2 months later and they just suck each other off the whole time its too much

>> No.67045844

I never understood this, why would she have to stop interacting with them just because they got banned? They're still married, ban doesn't mean divorce

>> No.67045854

>you all
Eh? I have no enemies. We're all different factions, I'm not with the groomers I'm with the real shoggas.

>> No.67045871
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Why do you guys use a sleeping bald cat for most of your OP images?

>> No.67045879

>he still thinks marriage is forever
the future gonna be tough for you lil shogga

>> No.67045893

he's our son

>> No.67045906 [DELETED] 

I would've been okay with FF getting timed out rather and ban his clone

>> No.67045907

he's a rat

>> No.67045912
File: 4 KB, 400x400, 1686862463989854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my son

>> No.67045917

It's our son(shondo's cat)

>> No.67045921

he is one of the good guys

>> No.67045934

that is my fat fuck of a son please be kind to him

>> No.67045970 [DELETED] 

>their actions are justified because i say they are!
What a compelling argument.
>Your type
I support the community and this a blunder against it.
>This girl said the dms were actually making her physically ill
She also specified not all of them were bad when she addressed the issue, which you're conveniently not mentioning. She also told us how bad some of them were.
>They may not be needed
They aren't and will continue to cause problems. They have learned nothing and have only been emboldened now.

>> No.67045991

Ok guys I've reset the poll, vote again

>> No.67045998

otis baker is our most prevalent anti please understand

>> No.67046016 [DELETED] 

Oh I just noticed fleece got a perm, F
if the retard who used to complain about him all the fucking time is still around, the lack of any quality posts in this thread is entirely your fault

>> No.67046048
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>thinking a bunch of canonically gay men can divorce (You) from your wife
lmao even

>> No.67046052 [DELETED] 

fuck, with them back does this mean we will be stuck with the same 3 otis pics in the op for every thread again?

>> No.67046053 [DELETED] 

Fleece got perma banned because he divorced

>> No.67046091

I know some mods are here. I will supply you with an infinite supply of dick pics if you ban them again at the first sign of trouble

>> No.67046135 [DELETED] 

Wait, somnium and FF are bakers?

>> No.67046151

I wonder if we'll ever learn the truth behind the bans

>> No.67046175
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>Chuubas cat
Oh that's pretty neat then. My oshi doesn't really involve her pets with streams sadly.

>> No.67046195

Don't think so and them getting unbanned wouldn't affect it since they've still been /here/

>> No.67046210

if i speak i am in big trouble
so i prefer not to speak

>> No.67046219

Lately he has been interrupting every stream, he is very fat. She bought him a wheel to use and never build it so he keeps getting fatter :(

>> No.67046233

both were banned for clowning fleece over not downloading 7tv and multiple discord arguments

>> No.67046241

panko manko

>> No.67046266

You guys emailed shondo herself right?

>> No.67046279

your oshi's pets need to be more assertive

>> No.67046291 [DELETED] 

Alright somnium and ff, now that you won how do I become friends with you? I want to be on the winning side of the shogger civil war

>> No.67046299

where's the dm guy when you need him

>> No.67046315

Who is this?

>> No.67046331

they arent on your side this is like where the protagonists have to fight raised corpses of other adventurers

>> No.67046333

dewd is already working on it

>> No.67046335 [DELETED] 

Your opinion is irrelevant seethe and go sperg on twitter if you’re that upset.

>> No.67046352

>tfw you lucked into being able to consistently interact with shondo during streams and on twitter because she likes your name
>tfw never have a need to get involved with husband/mod politics
life is blessed

>> No.67046363 [DELETED] 

Well mouz and dewd, you did it. You made shondo aware they were banned. Are you happy now? Fucking monkey paw shit

>> No.67046385 [DELETED] 

I figured you have nothing to say on this. You even admit yourself.
>They may not be needed
Needed to do what exactly? The thing shondo asked us not to do? You're sub-human you fucking retard.

>> No.67046409 [DELETED] 

Damn you seem mad xive

>> No.67046431 [DELETED] 

@ her on twitter she gave us the go ahead if you don't like this decision

>> No.67046468

He's right

>> No.67046478

i worry my handles might cause this to never be the case

>> No.67046477 [DELETED] 

Why can you only say whataboutisms or godothats? You're pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.67046491

>Talking about chatters
>not talking about shondo or streams

>> No.67046503

who was it that said to learn rct? where are you at?

>> No.67046516

theres something a little sad about needing other men to remind your wife that you've been missing for over a week
whatever I don't have a side in this so welcome back whoever

>> No.67046543 [DELETED] 

To call out shitty entitled and emotionally manipulative behavior because she’s doing that herself now. This was affecting her mental health far more than any “infighting” also if you go back and look at what they said to dewd, it wasn’t even that mean. I can’t even call that fighting.

>> No.67046549
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thanks big dog

>> No.67046552

Welcome to /shon/, a thread that should only exist during streams but 1 faggot wont let us

>> No.67046576 [DELETED] 

of course i did. they were evading the ban and i addressed the issue to her. she's giving them a second chance because i'm sure she doesn't want to lose more husbands than she already has. if they blow it and want to attack me more, thats on them nigga

>> No.67046580 [DELETED] 

you already know it wont matter she just said that so people can take out their stress she doesn't read them

>> No.67046600 [DELETED] 

She liked one of my @ messages once and it was really nice :)

>> No.67046606 [DELETED] 

>evading the ban
How were they evading the ban? Retard.

>> No.67046637 [DELETED] 

Interacting on Twitter is not a term for the ban. Creating alts and continuing to chat in discord and streams is.

>> No.67046655 [DELETED] 

>they were evading the ban
Posting art in her tag is not evading the ban and she clearly didn't have a issue with it. Stop being retarded.

>> No.67046658

So anyway about Shadow's streams. Was anyone here around for her Needy Streamer Overdrive streams? Did she get all of the endings? I'm trying to decide whether I should myself or just watch her. I think her commentary on it would be great

>> No.67046683 [DELETED] 

they were participating in the community and that was directly what i addressed in my tweet. it wasn't even about ff in that instance.

>> No.67046700

She only needs reminders of there are multiple chatters with near identical personalities. She's generally pretty good about noticing when even lurkers aren't showing up.

>> No.67046704

I don't remember a lot but I remember she really fucking hated Ame

>> No.67046760

Perhaps we talk too much and too often about other men

>> No.67046763 [DELETED] 
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>> No.67046770 [DELETED] 

Just say that you hate them you spineless cuck.

>> No.67046773 [DELETED] 

I hope they at least act nise now and dont keep feeding off of each other. Please learn some sort of lesson out of this Somnium and Forest!

>> No.67046831

Ok Ray you can come back now I want to hear the doko song again

>> No.67046844 [DELETED] 

I hope FF changed. Somnium was an ass during his ban so I doubt he changed

>> No.67046849

I've deleted like 10 replies because I have to catch myself that im doing exactly that.
I wish she streamed today, I was really looking forward to this stream

>> No.67046880 [DELETED] 

Why do you sound like such a nerd? Makes me wanna shove you in a locker.

>> No.67046910 [DELETED] 

FF and Somnium are based and are the funniest shoggers

>> No.67046912

I lost....

>> No.67046952 [DELETED] 

i've only ever been nice to them. and i think i'm far from spineless considering how many times i've chosen diplomacy when community issues come up.

>> No.67046992 [DELETED] 

In that case it must be unironic jealousy. Pathetic coming from a white ribbon.

>> No.67047012 [DELETED] 

I think everyone can learn from this, not just them
They need to learn to get their point across without coming off as aggressive
Shondo and mods need to better differentiate between infighting and holding someone accountable
The average shogga needs to stop being such a pushover in this relationship
And /shon/ needs to stop talking about fake favoritism, you're not "noticing" anything, you're seeing delusions in your own head

>> No.67047039 [DELETED] 

thats right syadouHappynod

>> No.67047038

i've complained about homoposting before so I'm sorry
but I didn't realize Ray was the one who made the best brb screen anthem
this loss was more tragic than I realized fuck

>> No.67047059 [DELETED] 
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>> No.67047062

This thread looks too much like a discord circlejerk. Stick to streams or post art like other generals.

>> No.67047063

I really love my wife! I cant wait to see her tomorrow, goodnight everyone!!!!

>> No.67047071
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imagine if shondo and shondo and shondo and shondo were rubbing your big belly

>> No.67047102

gold digger just got her 2 gold mines back, nothing special, move on.

>> No.67047108

We're not all fat

>> No.67047122

im not american

>> No.67047129

imagine if it was your small tummy then jeez

>> No.67047142

>tfw after spending most of this decade reaching my otter mode goal physique the woman of my dreams says she likes guys with some chub on them
God is laughing at me

>> No.67047153

>The average shogga needs to stop being such a pushover in this relationship
Please give an example of this? What does she do that we need to speak up against?

>> No.67047161

lift for yourself king

>> No.67047222

you need to become rich and a tall ugly bastard if you want to win, sorry

>> No.67047287
File: 219 KB, 475x432, 1705129911897572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure look forward to the next fallenshadow related issue that get's discussed civilly with her! I'm sure no one will dogpile another husband and we've all learned our lessons! :)

>> No.67047330

nice try slipping that in there

>> No.67047334

I want to hear my wife's laugh again

>> No.67047364 [DELETED] 

>And /shon/ needs to stop talking about fake favoritism
This. Favorites orbit her from before the 4 hours tweet and are very active during the stream, that right there it's 9 hours. Then they continue to reply to literally everything she tweets until she goes to bed (another 5-6 hours), while also working for a living and supporting her financially. Oh, some of them draw too and keep up with the BA autism.

I'm sorry but what does the average shogger do to deserve more than a pitylike once in a blue moon?

>> No.67047370 [DELETED] 

>cancelled stream because of made up milk drinking tummy hort
>reinstates 2 of the most toxic people in the community
2024 shondo everybody

>> No.67047409 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't have wanted to deal with flawedintellect while wearing hbm either

>> No.67047432 [DELETED] 

not just any stream, her subathon promised stream, which she will promptly "forget" about.

>> No.67047439 [DELETED] 

How long would I need to keep up the same thing for her to care about me?

>> No.67047476

Respect the King and sit in the chair.

>> No.67047478

some of yall need to find a nice male vtuber instead

>> No.67047482 [DELETED] 

How long did it take Neosky? A couple months?

>> No.67047485
File: 46 KB, 828x679, IMG_2948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snug as a bug in a rug listening to the 1000 kisses asmr. maybe things aren’t so bad.

>> No.67047499 [DELETED] 

>stop talking about fake favoritism
>talk about this real favoritism instead

>> No.67047517

who did you think made it shogger?

>> No.67047521 [DELETED] 

nice dubs but why reply

>> No.67047548 [DELETED] 

how many thousand messages a stream to achieve the same?

>> No.67047549 [DELETED] 

I dont have access to $1 subs since I dont live in SEA, so thats hard to keep up with

>> No.67047564

I only pay attention to like 5 husbands max. The rest of my focus goes to Shondo.

>> No.67047585 [DELETED] 
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Deleting talk about the fallenshadow community in a fallenshadow thread?

>> No.67047601

shondo you can stop deleting posts now, we all know how much you want to protect your income source but this is being petty

>> No.67047613

She's fucking British, enough said

>> No.67047622

Shondo is a jannie and she's sick of the infighting.

>> No.67047627

FT is my oshi now.

>> No.67047657

I want him to stream more he is good background noise

>> No.67047675

Shondo taught me that the UK isn't that bad, it's actually the most important country in and the cultural center of Europe

>> No.67047678

That's actually kinda funny considering she tweeted about her bath being finished and stopped interacting on twitter and let everyone know quite blatantly that she is /here/. That being said, you're a fucking retard shondo. They will learn nothing from this and were mods intuition was correct.

>> No.67047682
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I love my jannie wife!

>> No.67047686

I might unironically support him, he actually mutes his friends to interact with chat and answers chat questions. not to mention he thanks everyone for following him.
he's a real one.

>> No.67047701

>discord ping
>someone joins vc
>someone leaves vc
>good background noise

>> No.67047710

100 followers will change him...

>> No.67047720

its a shame that dark and darker is such a terrible game, my cynicism prevents me from watching
cant wait for the collab tho

>> No.67047724


>> No.67047728

I gave up on finding his channel because the effort was making me feel gay and Im not sure if my wife would appreciate me stalking her brother. It seems like none of the deranged shondophrenics here have found it though thankfully. Please continue to treat him well

>> No.67047755

I like it, it's like a game to guess if the ping was his or mine

>> No.67047771

>It seems like none of the deranged shondophrenics here have found it though
mouz chatted with his main right after confirming shondo was in chat

>> No.67047781

Why were is many posts deleted? Most of them had no apparent reason to

>> No.67047789

it was really fun during the first few steam playtests. But now its just sweats since you have to go out of your way to buy it

>> No.67047792

shondo isn't here I'm just reporting every post that irritates me from different IPs

>> No.67047794

there no problem is chatting using your real account, just don't be retarded

>> No.67047807

there's a reason why shondo made an alt, you're just too clueless to take the hint

>> No.67047815

Because we apparently can't discuss the fallenshadow community in the fallenshadow general.

>> No.67047828

Fuck you, my post was fine

>> No.67047849

after people found her BA account she had to expect this. if someone were REALLY being a nuisance to one of her favorite family members she would have ended them by now

>> No.67047851

The reason is to not boost some male streamers.

>> No.67047857 [DELETED] 

shondo protecting whales that get bullied by 4chan, not the first time it happens.
darkkal got sheltered personally by shondo after complaining about getting bullied in her dms.

>> No.67047902 [DELETED] 

My favorite bit of that is she said we would forget, yet here we are
He didn't even stay after that...

>> No.67047904

why does it feel like most of /shon/ cares more about chatters and paypigs over actual streams.

>> No.67047938

She's likely going to read /here/ tonight given the unbans. She came /here/ with stuff involving the other shondo husband.
What I find hilarious is that this retard of a wife of ours had her abandonment issues flare up from the 2 departed shondo husbands that it likely made her want to bring back 2 just to quell those feelings. I'm sure she won't regret that decision. :)

>> No.67047944

Come on Shondo knock it off.

>> No.67047953

please stop confirming the ip correlation rrat

>> No.67047989

I believe they can cleanup their act, but if they dont they're going to cause other husbands to leave instead

>> No.67047998

it's because our kamioshi is a cognitohazard for the weak willed. If your mental is too low your love WILL result in brainworms e.g. 80% of the posts in this thread and two recent bans

>> No.67048019

Ok sorry shondo
Post the fucking toes, I'm not asking anymore, I will grind peter into sand

>> No.67048024

more than likely she had no idea any of this bullshit was even happening other than from this thread

>> No.67048051

I don't like the term ratt
Shonspiracy is a much sillier word

>> No.67048052 [DELETED] 

I think she also bought into /shon/ rrats about Fleece.

>> No.67048056 [DELETED] 

The one shondo husband maybe, but the other shondo husband I highly doubt, since he did nothing but taunt the very fact he was banned in the first place.

>> No.67048075

shondo this is an abuse of power

>> No.67048107 [DELETED] 

I agree with that. One deserved a few day timeout, the deserves to still be banned

>> No.67048133

shondo please ban me so I'm forced to find another way to cope with your absence

>> No.67048146

bruh why did that guy post got deleted? he was speaking the truth.

>> No.67048202

shondo is having a melty that her golden geese are getting attacked, and her motives questioned.
the last person that got questioned got banned and she isn't in the mood to let this go, not even in an anonymous forum.

>> No.67048212

So how long will the stream be, I doubt it'll last to her usual end time

>> No.67048214
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Because discussing the fallenshadow community is forbidden in the fallenshadow general. Here we don't debate whether or not Shondo or her mods were being fucking retarded.

>> No.67048218

Let's talk brainworms instead I'm bored and i wanna type long messages

>> No.67048264

lol why would I want that one back? I haven't used it in months, besides I'd be put under the microscope by the mods.

>> No.67048284

my brainworm is that I think I have a worm inside my brain

>> No.67048295

the last horse finally crosses the finish line
congrats on finally getting it, stoopid

>> No.67048305

What's actually funny is that there really is nothing to discuss aside from this. It is literally the only thing going on in the community right now.

>> No.67048324

Sounds lethal, you should probably get that checked out

>> No.67048342

We can discuss her upcoming megane outfit and lore

>> No.67048341

i dont think she is going to stream tomorrow, i hope her tummy and spine feel better and maybe she will though, if only so i can shatter it with repeated blows from a hammer

>> No.67048358

We could talk about her shontoes or her shtomach or maybe even her shunny

>> No.67048360

I wish I could autistically talk about my special interest with shondo like she does with us and BA. She would hate it but I just wouldnt stop over explaining everything

>> No.67048378

we're being oppressed
it's literally 1984 in here

>> No.67048380

i do this already, earlier i was talking to her about cars

>> No.67048389

fuck it I'm gonna confess my brainworm.
I sometimes think she's a shit wife but then I think that it's retarded to think like that when there are atleast 400 (inflated number now) of us

>> No.67048390

no we cant
only forced positivity allowed in this hugbox
remember to always syadouHappynod

>> No.67048414

get a real personality before you reply to me again fag

>> No.67048422

she would be a terrible wife and that is why she would be an excellent wife

>> No.67048439

Test shondo

>> No.67048460

will Shondo blend?

>> No.67048482

can you blend a shondo in your mind

>> No.67048498

Shes an eepy head who woke up late to her stream so she's still in her comfy pj's of a crop top and fluffy shorts
No time for putting in contacts or brushing her hair so she has her big nerd glasses with cute messy bedhead
Also toes

>> No.67048508

Shondo, since you love these two so much, would you like for me to help them win? You even roasted where one of them lives in the last stream! I could help give them some hints. :)

>> No.67048512

lmao remember getting banned means nothing, in fact she rewards you
anyone not breaking the rules is being retarded

>> No.67048521

>forest tree posts aren't deleted
>chatter posts are getting deleted
a bit of a bias here don't you think? bro-con shondo?

>> No.67048562

FT is the janny

>> No.67048574

theyre not rich enough for her

>> No.67048599

Some shogger /here/ will be then.

>> No.67048650

If you don't undo the ban, Shondo. I am helping them win. :)

>> No.67048654

Saali I love you but I hope you never stop feeling shame over bringing these NPCs into our community

>> No.67048697

Fuck you. Saali put Shondo on the map and made her who she is. He should own 50% of Otis Corp.

>> No.67048709

i kinda disliked him but i feel bad now i found out he was in hospital and had surgery. he left a really cute shondo drawing on a wall there

>> No.67048812

nah fuck that guy, he's a scumbag

>> No.67048863

She is a shit wife, but she's my wife and she's the only wife I would ever want

>> No.67048883

nah, he's a GOAT

>> No.67048885 [DELETED] 

So the guys that go on about "I will win" get unbanned when it obviously means winning her rtx model. Is shondo fucking retarded?

>> No.67048898

I don't dislike him but I felt really sad over the fact that Shondo didn't even interacted with him

>> No.67048916 [DELETED] 

>Is shondo fucking retarded?
Come on anon, you already know this

>> No.67048929 [DELETED] 

>noooo don't have irl fantasies only Shondo can do that
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.67048947

Why? He is actively milking her for profit and soiling her reputation and community. Why the fuck would she want to interact with him.

>> No.67048953 [DELETED] 

Isn't the "I win" shit ironic because the dude who says it dies like a bitch off screen

>> No.67048959

i dont care because they won't win, even i have a better chance and im bald and fat

>> No.67048967 [DELETED] 

i will win :)

>> No.67048974 [DELETED] 

I already won (:

>> No.67048976

nah, he's a frog

>> No.67049036

if you want to think about it in this way, he has made her more money by advertising the stream and blowing up so much, probably isn't really making much money and shondo even gives everyone permission to upload clips from the channel so it isn't really exploitation either
you can argue he did the community/vibe a disservice but he couldn't have anticipated what would happen

>> No.67049040

I have the best chance because I'm literally a blend of two of her ideal men
Luckily for all of you I'm not mentally strong enough to be around someone that attractive without any hope of physical intimacy

>> No.67049052

dude almost kicked the bucket and nothing from her wife while someone that emailed her pretending to be another chatter got words of encouragement cmon

>> No.67049096

She wished him well the last time he caught a stream and mentioned the surgery
more proof that you guys don't even watch her you just focus on twitter drama

>> No.67049147 [DELETED] 

Is it ironic? How much more ironic is it when it is no longer a joke, peddling a meme about being involved with her IRL? How blind are the fucking mods to not rid people who are a direct threat to her family and are now more emboldened to do so?

>> No.67049148


>> No.67049158

what colour is your bugatti

>> No.67049166

fuck you

>> No.67049182

well she didnt then

>> No.67049210

You are free to be wrong just as I'm free to keep laughing at you

>> No.67049226

You are defending points that are neither accurate for both parties. shondo would not trade the stability of her streams vibe just for extra cash. And saali is extremely self-aware about what he's doing. Have you not watched his recent content at all??

>> No.67049258 [DELETED] 

if you dont break the rules you are fucking retarded
she rewards the bad men. you are free to stay forever irrelevant, nise boy

>> No.67049300

dont care didnt happened

>> No.67049302 [DELETED] 

direct threat how?

>> No.67049333 [DELETED] 

Take this to twitter pussy boy. Maybe if you get banned you'll rise up through the ranks.

>> No.67049353 [DELETED] 

nigga you had to get someone else to remind her that you were banned for her to even realize. please stay irrelevant and a quick injection of cash for her

>> No.67049355 [DELETED] 

groomerchamas are competitive and lash out at one another please understand

>> No.67049366 [DELETED] 

He knows.
He will win.

>> No.67049372

sexy little slag

>> No.67049373 [DELETED] 

Think about shadowmama scolding her daughter about certain topics to bait her husbands with for longer than 5 seconds and maybe consider why someone peddling that "meme" is a direct threat.

>> No.67049400 [DELETED] 

>nigga you had to get someone else to remind her that you were banned for her to even realize.
once again /shon/ helps me confirm I'm among the least pathetic husbros

>> No.67049461

Guys please, another topic, this is gay
You're all gay

>> No.67049476 [DELETED] 

Shondo please stop deleting all posts shitting on the 2 faggots you unbanned

>> No.67049478

It's actually funny that she is likely reading /here/ tonight and seeing how you haven't changed in the slightest.
>inb4 ShEs nOt hErE

>> No.67049479

Yeah I'm gay
Gay for Sho

>> No.67049507

im looking forward to the Sho ASMR pack

>> No.67049512


>> No.67049531

it's kind of insane how the vibe of /shon/ is the polar opposite of every other place the community gathers

>> No.67049576

why would that surprise you? you can't cut loose in stream chat or discord and on twitter you aren't anonymous so you can't be a retard and get away with it. most of the people here probably act like human beings elsewhere

>> No.67049578

Nigga you're not winning anything if you keep acting like this, at least be self aware

>> No.67049592 [DELETED] 

Because the 2 faggots that got unbanned are massively responsible for shitting things up, both topic-wise and personally by them.

>> No.67049596 [DELETED] 

she really needs to stop backpedaling fucking everything or else nothing will change. she is just just keeps rewarding rule breakers and then be shocked when they keep breaking the rules

>> No.67049637

i hope she is better by the confessional stream

>> No.67049655

should I post nice things about shondo or outrageous ways to kill shondo?

>> No.67049657

>why would that surprise you?
her community's one of maybe the nicest one I've ever found online, so I just didn't expect this general to be as generically 4chan as it is

>> No.67049660 [DELETED] 

does that mean fleece can come back? start fresh

>> No.67049720

shon "I don't want a hugbox" -do publicly shames anyone that critiques herself or the community so where else will that all fester

>> No.67049723

I had the same whiplash but most are nice don't worry

>> No.67049775

He won so fucking hard holy shit
Protecting the winner at all cost

>> No.67049780

the positivity is surprising to me

>> No.67049812

The forced positivity in her hugboxes sure got you good.

>> No.67049822

Same. I don't even watch live or post anywhere but here. I just the VODs on youtube.
Still working through the backlog, but still hoping she uploads some more soon.

>> No.67049823

Its all fake

>> No.67049872

Yeah I'm pretty sure you're right, the # of unique posters never raises to a significant % of the community

>> No.67049887

It's all real, only half of posters /here/ aren't nise, the rest either shitpost or are nise
Some shoggas do fake it though

>> No.67049962

I am one of those shoggers who fakes being nise publicly but am evil here

>> No.67049988

He can come back, but he divorced her
Shondomination entails even divorced husbands coming back, so it only makes sense, unless he works on himself though it will only repeat itself

>> No.67049993

>publicly shames anyone that critiques herself or the community
Forget about criticism, you aren't even allowed to discuss the news or politics on your own profile without risking getting muted by Shondo. Smile. syadouHappynod. Like cute animals.

>> No.67050001

pissy shunt

>> No.67050028

>Forget about criticism, you aren't even allowed to discuss the news or politics on your own profile without risking getting muted by Shondo.

everyday I learn my wife is even more based than I thought

>> No.67050031


>> No.67050038

I dont think this is true, she hasnt muted the extreme white nationalist art guy yet

>> No.67050044

so true CF

>> No.67050047

i fake being both nice and evil, like a foolish trickster and it all gives me a wicked smile knowing that my true self is an enigma known only to myself and my wife

>> No.67050062

I am nise here and in chat, but I will not yesman to dumb shit I don't like

>> No.67050065

How would your wife know?

>> No.67050069

I fake agree with the most unhinged posters here to encourage their lolcow development

>> No.67050098

how would she not?

>> No.67050126

Well if you fake both being nise and evil how would she know your true self?

>> No.67050147 [DELETED] 
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No, she would actually rather unban 2 faggots that dogpiled on Fleece (dogpiling she told us not to do), dogpiling that made him feel worse than he should have, which led to his meltdown.

She would actually rather unban 2 faggots that attacked Dewd over an issue and emboldened Ray's menhera to do one of the most shameful things we've ever seen in this community.

This is fucked up and shondo will regret this decision of letting back in 2 faggots that directly contradict everything she has ever preached at (us). Give me the vacation, because I am having my say. Fuck you and fuck this stupid decision.

>> No.67050158

Because he stands to produce content for her use.

>> No.67050183

she knows

>> No.67050194

I'm nise in chat and I try to be nise in /here/ too but sometimes the worms win

>> No.67050216 [DELETED] 

Based baker, let her have it. We already know she's reading the thread, but you should email and dm her this too just so she can't dissociate from the issue.

>> No.67050225

it's a shit padded community where neither streamer nor fans can take banter let alone softball critiques, where meaningful interaction with the streamer is rare as hell and fraught with bumping heads against a dozen retards desperate for attention

>> No.67050245

so like all streams?

>> No.67050267

because he's based like her

>> No.67050270

I have meaningful interactions with her pretty often actually. It's not difficult, just be noticeable and easy to respond to

>> No.67050272

The only meaningful interaction she has had in the last year was when she argued with abcs for an hour over a ryan gosling movie

>> No.67050278


>> No.67050288 [DELETED] 

>Give me the vacation, because I am having my say
Okay, now make sure to @ her on twitter with this rant or even better DM her :)

>> No.67050290

most streamers don't have a cult figure relationship with fans
some don't interact out of laziness but it's not all of them

>> No.67050316

thanks Dewd
Stay King.

>> No.67050318

>he's still using that boomer definition

>> No.67050331

So... Great shogga filtering when?

>> No.67050351


>> No.67050356

asking her a question and maybe getting a response isn't the same as say, popping into the discord or offline chat to talk, which she does, but rarely now

>> No.67050370

I'm not Dewd but he's generally good at it too. Unfortunately it seems he's caught brainworms from this place and may implode before the year ends. Praying I'm wrong

>> No.67050375

>redditor still seething about her being based

>> No.67050395

what constitutes a meaningful interaction

>> No.67050399

I dislike it taking so long, but i get that you can't rush these things

>> No.67050404

true, that's why she has him as a mod in his channel and have talked about him and who he is every time he shows up in chat. totally tryign to keep him hidden. you're actually retarded.

>> No.67050417

Shondo should enact operation darkmode where she finally leaves for months with no warning

>> No.67050421

Not on the internet.

>> No.67050426

Welcome Saali recruited NPC #420

>> No.67050459
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>> No.67050460

no need to be so humble King. we are mostly third rate husband here, we only watch from the chair

>> No.67050470

When she comes out that her son is a butter cat.

>> No.67050497

Why should she do this? You faggots can't handle a shadow weekend, if she was gone without a single tweet for 3 days you'd rrat about how she found an oil baron.

>> No.67050509

You can escape by learning more about your wife and caring less about the "competition"

>> No.67050550

I'd honestly start binge drinking for a few weeks if she just vanished but Im sure I'd eventually be okay or dead

>> No.67050565

what up with newfags trying really hard to deny the fact Shondo is based? they dont even watch her

>> No.67050589

>timelooping the same things over and over again

>> No.67050600
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>> No.67050602


>> No.67050613

she decides who leaves the chair and who sits on it. She personally picks the Kings

>> No.67050618

>Im sure I'd eventually be okay
No you wouldn't, she'd come back after 1 month and nothing she ever said would ever remove the brainworms that she found a dude irl.

>> No.67050632


>> No.67050661

the real winner of the last couple of days

>> No.67050689 [DELETED] 

Nah, I didn't really give af when I learned about Pyro. In fact, it was a bit of a relief that she actually tried a normie relationship before figuring out what works for her.

>> No.67050695

>she found an oil baron
one day i hope this to be me

>> No.67050705
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>> No.67050734

I love Shondo.

>> No.67050810

Who? This is /chatter/ please stay on topic.

>> No.67050840

i thought this was /ft/

>> No.67050849

I am very mentally unstable and cycle between extreme depression and being happier than ever. I dont know how to fix myself and shondo only magnifies these emotions

>> No.67050883
File: 4 KB, 148x184, 1704143758254663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its gonna be okay

>> No.67050957


>> No.67050961

Baru you're just not compatible with her, also I bet this place doesn't help with your mood swings.

>> No.67050992

Not me, I am very good at hiding whats wrong with me but its eating me alive from the inside out

>> No.67051019
File: 9 KB, 163x163, 1698339856814602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close your eyes
forget the noise
go to happy place

>> No.67051030


>> No.67051033

(me) also you're right this place fucks with me almost as much as it did with Ray, but I also suffer from fomo and cant leave

>> No.67051060

I hate this

>> No.67051098


>> No.67051149

Try purposefully missing a stream
Helped with my fomo a lot

>> No.67051158

It fucking won't be you retard. You've done nothing but let instigators back into your community who have only caused you grief just so you can replace the guilt over the other 2.

>> No.67051217
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>> No.67051282

Man /soc/ is looking alot different these days, who is the anime girl?

>> No.67051378 [DELETED] 
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that would have to be my WIFE

>> No.67051417 [DELETED] 

Seethe. You entitled control freaks aren’t always gonna get your way anymore.

>> No.67051467 [DELETED] 


>> No.67051485 [DELETED] 

The rules were made to be broken and get rewarded for it by her

>> No.67051545 [DELETED] 

in his stream, retard.

>> No.67051553 [DELETED] 


>> No.67051560 [DELETED] 


>> No.67051620

The fucking irony of control freaks having their little faggot circle jerk whine at the mods until they get unbanned. Pathetic.

>> No.67051755

i hope the cult of the lamb stream goes ahead atleast

>> No.67051807
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you & me

>> No.67051885

Goodbye thread

>> No.67051894

Go the fuck to sleep, Shondo. You've done enough stupid shit tonight.

>> No.67052086

Never be nise, always break the rules, she will personally unban you anyways

>> No.67052117

I am programmed to always be nise and it doesnt work in this relationship :(

>> No.67052134

I hate my life. I love my wife

>> No.67052191

Stay toxic kings

>> No.67052218

i can be both nise and nasty

>> No.67052233

She already forgot about me :(

>> No.67052276


>> No.67052682

why are you fags always crying

>> No.67052705

Shondo definitely unbanned them. Seethe.

>> No.67052832

I know she unbanned them you fucking retard. That is the only reason they're back and she's being a dumbass undermining her mods who actually payed attention to their bullshit.
