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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67037853 No.67037853 [Reply] [Original]

>she didn't show up in Pomu's totsu
It's over... I don't think she will be terminated like Zaion but this most likely means a Yugo style 'graduation'.

>> No.67037992
File: 115 KB, 342x325, djdb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearty kek

>> No.67038041


>> No.67038218

This company is so comically evil it's not even funny

>> No.67038484

Nijisanji HQ might as well be Dr.Wily's castle.

>> No.67038627

Fucking finally. I miss Doki and I was tired of her collabing with those unfunny tryhard faggots in Niji.

>> No.67038724

yeah they doxxed talents, hired minors and did a lot of bad things.. wait thats the actual evil companies in this industry like akioair and wactor

>> No.67038735

It's gonna be somewhere in between. As retardedly evil as NijiEN management is, I doubt they are dumb enough to slander Selen on her way out, but they definitely won't have kind words for her

>> No.67038846

It's like incredible. Like they are the fucking image of the evil corporation. You couldn't do it if you try it yet kurosanji fully achieve that without even trying. Any liver here? RUN. GRADUATE. NOW. DO IT. GET TERMINATED EVEN IT S FUCKING FINE. YOU NEED TO GET OUT. IT NOT HEALTHY.

>> No.67038855

By that metric NijiEN is ahead if only by the fact that they let their doxxsister fanbase do the doxxing. Very mafia-esque if you ask me

>> No.67038938

I don't know nigga, canning a 15$ project on Christmas day, very cartoonish evil

>> No.67038992

She'll probably be given a Yugo styled graduation, where management very obviously did not like the talent, but they cannot do anything because they are too loved among the community both for their contributions and their social nature.

>> No.67039145
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>> No.67039346


>> No.67039419
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>> No.67039474

its very telling you guys havent seen an actual evil corporation. look for other industries outside of this one.

>> No.67039589
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And none of them managed to steal Christmas
Only at nijisanji

>> No.67039689

She has a schedule up right now on YouTube. On it she ha her cover, a Minecraft event, GTARP with Rosemi, Alan Wake 2, a make up collab with Reimu, Nerissa and Zentreya. Then the ominous event announcement.

>> No.67039778

Riku's yacht is shaped like Wily's castle.

>> No.67039810


>> No.67039836


>> No.67039871

That's not a lot why is Selen so entitled?

>> No.67039920

I'm particularly upset it ruined Christmas for Selen.

>> No.67040011

While they aren't cartoonishly evil like other companies in the world, outright consisting of criminals like some rap labels, and they arent as incompetent compared to vtubing groups like WACTOR, they're still pretty terrible.

That's still the same schedule from Christmas.

>> No.67040038
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the whole I had an accident cover story for her stealth termination is not looking too good. can't call i pomu because *hurts* what a joke kurosanji

>> No.67040052

Did nijisanji steal her mcdonalds meal?

>> No.67040230

She had an accident, you can check it out on her not-Selen account.
But management is taking advantage of this to terminate her

>> No.67040253

>hired minors
Hololive did that.

>> No.67040271
File: 328 KB, 598x663, 1698903681508875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whataboutism. There is only so much damage a fucking streamer agency can possibly achieve. Just because other companies in charge of oil pipelines are killing polar bears doesn't mean it's okay to be the worst company within your industry.

>> No.67040335

They didn't even let her send Pomu a farewell letter

>> No.67040340

Yes, did. In the past.

>> No.67040364

>polar bears
Are there any polar bear chuubas?

>> No.67040365

>it ruined Christmas for Selen.
I sure fucking hope so.

>> No.67040451

>t. Millie Shartfait

>> No.67040548

How is NijiEN still standing after all the yabs and graduations?

>> No.67040573


>> No.67040579

I can't believe nijisanji actually stole Christmas
Holy shit

>> No.67040591

Here's the thing, Selen's PL posted a picture of her with a hospital band on wrist after being discharged. So she actually was in the hospital for one reason or another, NijiEN's management is just using that as an excuse to cover up her "suspension"/retirement.

>> No.67040614

She attempted suicide after AnyColor flushed her $15k project down the toilet.

>> No.67040646

yeah, Selen Bear

>> No.67040727

>Yugo style 'graduation'
Can someone educate me on what this means

>> No.67040742

the hospitalization came about from her being fired. a mental breakdown, a panic attack , or w/e is up to speculation. i do know nijisanji triggered it and the company deserves the rope

>> No.67040770

They terminated Yugo but said the word graduation instead.

>> No.67040778

I bet they play some great music there

>> No.67040797

because it still makes money and anycolor wont stop existing as a company due to jp

>> No.67040810
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>> No.67040813

Graduation by twitter post and no fanfare, radio silence afterwards

>> No.67040886

Termination in all but name, preceded by a longer than usual stealth suspension

>> No.67040963

>doesn't mean it's okay to be the worst company within your industry.
Niji isn't even the worst when it comes to the vtubing of the industry. They are middle of the pack at the very worst.

>> No.67041110

entirely supported by female fans who are all fucking insane and some of the worst human beings on the planet

>> No.67041156

Got it thanks

>> No.67041296

>middle of the pack at the very worst

>> No.67041352

Look at the post I replied to.

>> No.67041426

Just because it's normal doesn't mean it's okay

>> No.67041440

I love how buck broken dragoons are still trying to pull the “oh no its not a suspension shes just resting.* I hope that people who are so stupid actually just lay down and die, you cant possibly be a net benefit to society like this.

>> No.67041539

They aren't dragoons, they are Nijisanji internship

>> No.67041996

I guess when you don't pay anyone everyone is an intern

>> No.67043581

I believe Selen has already been terminated, but Any Colour isnt willing or ready to deal with the backlash of firing a talent at the same time after she was just in the hospital, so many fans would be disgusted by that
Selen speaking on her alt account might have been a breach of contract, and once Pomu saw how their talent AND her friend was being treated was the last nail that it was time for her to graduate too

>> No.67047126

Why is nijisanji like this

>> No.67047146
File: 433 KB, 862x775, 1692499839063409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look guys the people in Africa are starving stop being overdramatic
>you can't complain
People like you are the reason the world is turning into shit even more

>> No.67047231

>Shitcans a talent
>Re-releases voice pack a week or two before announcing it publicly to milk fans one last time
>Doesn't pay the actual talent the royalties as they are no longer under contract
Dunno sounds pretty evil to me.

>> No.67047284

there was one...

>> No.67047479 [DELETED] 

She was playing apex while pomu was streaming
She's only been playing apex with her boyfriends the past weeks

>> No.67047652

What do you want us to think about this, sister? You've posted this at least twice now. Do you want us to think that this is what she would rather be doing than having fun with Pomu?

>> No.67049906


>> No.67051972

Niji intern fingers wrote this post

>> No.67052046

She's literally recuperating from ilness, She probably send Pomu a private message but doesn't feel ready to come back in the public sphere.

>> No.67052313

Yeah recovering from illness by binge playing apex

>> No.67052747

I play lots of games while relaxing at home, your point?

>> No.67053211

If she can play ranked apex, she can call in

>> No.67053242

Not if mane-san has anything to say about it.

>> No.67053254

>you need to get permission for every talent featured in a video
>can't get permission for nina
>put her in the video anyway
>get video privated because you broke the rule
>dramafag on twitter that it's somehow nijisanji's fault and encourage people to reupload the video you weren't allowed to upload in the first place
yeah i really can't imagine why nijisanji would suspend her for that. so evil.

>> No.67053255

Being suspended is a illness now?

>> No.67053259

So it has nothing ot do with the accident got it

>> No.67053274

So true, intern-kun! You get an extra five minutes in the break room today!

>> No.67053325

Accidentally survived All colors attempt to push her out a window!

>> No.67053435

Ooh! Nice job, intern-kun! I hope Riku gives you extra kisses tonight while he blows your back out!

>> No.67053484

Subsidized by the JP Branch

>> No.67053574

>>you need to get permission for every talent featured in a video
>>can't get permission for nina
But "Nina" doesn't own the IP for Nina, Kurosanji does.
So it's on the managers to give her permission for Nina.

>> No.67053663

yeah, and? if she was told she couldn't put nina in the video for whatever reason and she still did it anyway then that's still her fault.

>> No.67053693

Why does it cost USD$15,000 to make a song and video?

>> No.67053721

how the fuck do you know that she didn't ask, get it approved then they backpedaled? jesus christ.

>> No.67053776

Because everyone involved needs to get paid for their time.
And doing a good job takes a lot of time and skill.

>> No.67053937

how do you know she did, schizo? nijisanji themselves said the video was privated because of permission issues and would be unprivated when the issues were resolved. all the people featured in the video are her coworkers right there and available to be asked except for nina. so either she didn't get permission to put nina in and did it anyway or she went complete retard and didn't get permission to use the song. it doesn't take a genius to figure out which one happened. and if she isn't being given permission to use nina now so it can be officially posted then she never received permission to include her in the first place.

>> No.67054000

Massively over-saturated market allows animators to charge whatever ridiculous prices they want

>> No.67054284
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Wouldn't animator supply exceeding demand lead to lower prices instead?

>> No.67054361

I didn't word that correctly. With vtubers being bigger than ever, the demand for art and animation has only gone up. Demand likely far outweighs the number of artists willing to take up a daunting task like animating a video that long. As a result, the artists that are willing to work on videos can charge any price they want.

>> No.67054369

>permission issues and would be unprivated when the issues were resolved
>cover never got unprivated

Imagine believing whatever NijiEN management says kek

>> No.67054439

>will be unprivated when issues are resolved
>issues never get resolved because she did something she new she wasn't allowed to do
>throw a bitchfit on twitter and suicide bait instead of just delaying the video for a short time to fix the tiny part nina is on screen for
imagine believing whatever the retard with a history of fucking up important projects says kek.

>> No.67054440

NTA, considering Selena and Nina/Mysta barely if ever interacted. I sort of doubt that's the hill she'd want to die on for something that she knows cost her 15k of her own hard earned money.

I would generally believe it to be incompetence and managerial fuckery of which Nijisanji has enough examples to go on.

Fucking hell it happened twice with Pomu within the span of last week with her MV and the Graduation announcement being mishandled.

>> No.67054778

>it doesn't take a genius to figure out which one happened
NTA, but oh boy the irony. I hate tourists who only follow surface level news. Or you're a disgusting Niji intern trying to damage control.

>> No.67054841

go ahead then. fill me in on all the definitely real and confirmed and totally not at all schizo news.

>> No.67054893

>NTA, considering Selena and Nina/Mysta barely if ever interacted. I sort of doubt that's the hill she'd want to die on for something that she knows cost her 15k of her own hard earned money.
While in general sense I agree, I could see her making a stand if she was already pushed near the breaking point by past treatment. Doubly so if she happened to be on graduation pipeline of own accord which can't be ruled out (people think the tone of the song and MV is a coincidence, but it does seem conspicuous, doesn't it?)

>> No.67054902

We need a shop of Riku doing the wily eye brow wiggle.

>> No.67054919

>because she did something she wasn't allowed to do

>> No.67054961

Honestly the only ones she spent a lot of time around that are gone are bobon and pomu.
And bobon might not officially be gone just so he can log in to play with Sonny and selen and friends on stream, but he checked the fuck out as soon as the mass id grads hit.

>> No.67055084

Faggot, Nina was in Reimu's member wallpaper a month or two back, and her design is still actively being used in MVs. Clearly they do not give a fuck if you draw Nina/use her likeness. It was more than likely the useage of MLP in a frame, if THAT is the cause, retard.

>> No.67055137

Nina is also in Reimu's opening screen

>> No.67055187

Ah yeah, you're right. I don't actively watch her, so I forgot.

>> No.67055237

Take your meds, zaion. It's time to accept that your being a stupid cunt has consequences and stop projecting.
>skreee y the chick who got hospitalized not du stuff she must get fired for not doing things

>> No.67055278

>But management is taking advantage of this to terminate her
[Citation needed]

>> No.67055328

NTA but if MLP being referenced is the problem how is that not still Selen's fault for having the artist include it when she didn't get permission to use it first?

>> No.67055450

I'm not saying it wouldn't be her fault, I'm saying the die hard "IT'S ALL NINA!!!! NINA NINA!!!!" shit is annoying when that is more than likely not the case. Realistically speaking:

She probably pushed the MV out without wholly checking in with management, they saw the MLP and got pissy, she spazzed out on twitter and then fought with management behind the scenes about how "it's fine she got permission from Lilypichu herself", so she's suspended/probably terminated.

>> No.67055504
File: 134 KB, 1440x1176, POV you tried trusting Niji[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5ky7av.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67055580

That makes more sense. I'm equally annoyed with the idea that Nijisanji somehow forced Selen to waste 15k on purpose being spouted.

>> No.67055587
File: 381 KB, 1750x1650, __selen_tatsuki_and_selen_tatsuki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_efreezerarts__fcccaf6f9c5916ea8c82e2d09320b5b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Middle of the pack
>10 talents to 1 manager
>As many graduations as fucking Emiya has swords
>Actively fuck over their own livers weekly
>Actively encourage a clique
>Clique treats everyone else as shit
Are Nijis really this fucking schizo?

>> No.67055645

Why do people believe that management didn't even looked at the video before it was published?
>never attribute to incompetence what you can attribute to malice.

>> No.67055693

I agree, I feel bad for her to a degree. She probably just got extremely excited for the MV and wasn't thinking. Doesn't excuse what she did, but that's probably what happened.

>> No.67055711

no proof
>10 talents to 1 manager
no proof
>Actively encourage a clique
no proof
>Clique treats everyone else as shit
no proof. any other bullshit you wanna regurgitate?

>> No.67055751

I believe they skimmed it, sure. But to go frame by frame? Please. The MLP reference was a "blink and you miss it" moment, hence why it took them a bit to actually see it.

>> No.67055760

The niji interns are trying really hard today uh...

>> No.67055780
File: 66 KB, 666x666, POV you're Riku and Selen is asking for basic employee dignity[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmupjnq.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67055816

If you post this intern joke 10 or 15 more times somebody might laugh eventually.

>> No.67055834

What would you consider proof?

>> No.67055934
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Be honest with us anon. Did Riku offer you a job on his yacht?

>> No.67055941
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>> No.67055977

>10 talents to 1 manager
>Actively encourage a clique

>> No.67056073

She didn’t do anything wrong though? There is nothing objectionable in the MV unless you are a crazy person. If it’s literally just “you didn’t do our approval process right!” Then that’s also stupid be more flexible and less Japanese.

>> No.67056109

I agree! I'm just stating what *probably* happened. Not that I agree with it.

>> No.67056177
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The absolute state of Niji. The livers have to think long and hard about not mentioning the people Kurosanji has fucking disappeared.

>> No.67056211

>believing mysta about literally anything
now i'm really laffin

>> No.67056241

Are you really okay with being such a bootlicker, or you are a troll? Your whole niji intern squad is licking Riku's anus more than usual today

>> No.67056253
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>Nooo you can't believe Mysta pleeeaaase noooo
Fuck you. Tell your Yacht masters to bring Selen back or let her fucking quit already.

>> No.67056261

Funny how literally no one has stepped forward to refute it, including Niji's biggest bootlickers, because it's probably true.

>> No.67056461

>funny how literally no one has purposely broken their NDA to stop shitposters on 4chan

>> No.67056545

They don't have to break their NDA to say it's not true, that's just cope. Millie for example talked extensively about how much she earns and where she earns it from, while doing nothing to address that specific point, because it's true.

>> No.67056679

Seriously, even kuzuha, the golden goose of niji has talked about this one...

>> No.67056694


>> No.67056745

Do you hold your breath when you deepthroat corporate cock or do you enjoy gagging?

>> No.67056961
File: 73 KB, 1157x575, 1705063447315477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I fucking hope she reincarnates in Vshojo. At this point just to make you Kurosanji cucks fucking seethe.

>> No.67057095

She being reincarnated on Holo would get them more pissed, just saying

>> No.67057116

what a heartless bitch, I guess they were never friends after all, it was just an act.

>> No.67057145

how big was the load well mel got fired, holobrony? let me guess, "rules are rules" when it happens to you guys.

>> No.67057200

Its safe to say she’s just waiting for to contract to run out. Then we’ll get the graduation/termination announcement.

>> No.67057286

She ghosted Anime Impulse as well as the Fillian collab and now Pomu's graduation too. If she isn't suspended right now and is just actively choosing not to work then she will just be fired with no graduation stream.

>> No.67057342

They did her a favor.

>> No.67057369

I estimate they'll post the graduation/termination letter in a week, on the 30th. Maybe early early February, like the 4th.

>> No.67057395

Sounds like you might wanna take your own advice if you're going around spamming your Zaion schizopost

>> No.67057506

Nigga Niji themselves went public to clarify one of their cuts (it was voice packs I believe), they can clearly do the same with merch.
The only reason they haven't yet is that the 2% is true

>> No.67057692

Gagging on it, gotcha.

>> No.67057933
File: 365 KB, 1219x602, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed that Niji got a collab to make PC cases with Hyte.
And they have cases for Elira, Rosemi and Enna.
So they made a case for the most popular (remaining) in LazuLight and Ethyria.
But not OBSYDIA.
That indicates something, especially since these collabs take time to plan, and get art made for.

>> No.67058028

These look like shit lmao

>> No.67058124

It unironically is more significant because of how successful and prominent they are. No one cares if some batch of 2-view whores is getting mismanaged

>> No.67058126

God, NijiEN really hates Selen...

>> No.67058203
File: 65 KB, 990x660, 18-Scientology-main-rex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all intents and purposes, Riku is David Miscavige. Runs his company like an abusive cult leader and has the yacht to show for it.

>> No.67058211
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>> No.67058223

She sent in her resignation long ago. That's all it is

>> No.67058379
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Man fuck Enna. Fucking management shill.

>> No.67059401

The market for this would be extremely small

>> No.67059486

Did they mention anything about why they didn't do a proper graduation? If not then what the fuck is wrong with this company?

>> No.67059713

t. Millie

>> No.67059829

The cover release was on her schedule. Which means management knew about it and had already approved it. Someone invented a bullshit rule to pull the video afterwards, probably because they approved it without actually checking what the lyrics said, or what people were in it.

>> No.67060037

Management shill

>> No.67060837
File: 739 KB, 1177x975, 1682954388893974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh. They already understand the power of blue dorito so they'd be able to cope with Selen being more successful there. But if Selen and Pomu were to find success at an org that Niji fans consider to be below them like Vshojo, then it'd be fucking over.

>> No.67063499


>> No.67063584

Because shittier companies exist we aren't as bad as them.. continues to do bad things. Fucking moron

>> No.67063704

Words can’t describe how much i hate Kurosanji…

>> No.67063940

The deck of the yacht ain't gonna polish itself. Get back to work wagie.


>> No.67064236

I can actually see this rrat being true.

>> No.67064620

What do you mean?
Those cases are already for sale.
Or do you mean a Selen case specifically?
