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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 492 KB, 998x1044, 1705552996488317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66976973 No.66976973 [Reply] [Original]

If you masturbate this man is watching and will judge you for your sins
>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, but I fear getting crabbed or not getting real feedback, should I not even spend my time here?
It has been shown that the thread tends to not give feedback for the sake of saying positive things, but anons can help when you formulate your questions properly, and if it failed once, please try again at a later time, know that as there are so many anons here, it's hard for everyone to see your question and respond, even if they know the proper response to you problem, so stay hopeful, and keep asking your different questions!

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Useful links:
General: /auds/ pastebin 2.0 (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: How to not crash and burn for no reason (embed)

Previous thread: >>66954873

>> No.66977111

Well, it was nice to have Kuku with us, but he will finally win by pulling the "this was my PL, please keep supporting me even if I change in some ways!" Card. Probably going be the first 5th gen Partnered

>> No.66977121

who is this guy? i'm going to jerk off now just for him (sex with momomo too)

>> No.66977271

I will maintain eye contact for the 6-8 nuts required to completely drain me

>> No.66977336

Name of vtuber in OP pic? I love his design, Charley's art is so good <3

>> No.66977339

I thought men had to wait a long time between nuts

>> No.66977390

It doesn't matter who he is. asp is not a fanclub for you to be obsessing over. It shouldn't be.

>> No.66977410

Playing XG-2! www.twitch.tv/tiresiasbazaar

>> No.66977478

Do you wanna find out? :3c

>> No.66977491

So who's next to come out as trans? Haru? Beryl? Digby?

>> No.66977570

What I find weird is just that if he has been streaming for 2 years already with a decent following, why is/was he such a weirdo on stream (the follower celebration stuff) and a massive own le haters numberfag?

>> No.66977638

He realized and still realizes his only success came from lying.

>> No.66977663

Don't try to understand mental illness

>> No.66977796

Dude is a creepy autogynephile that's why

>> No.66977811

Why did Zhuuba exist?
Why did Mond exist?
Why did Pokka exist?

>> No.66977849


>> No.66977870
File: 325 KB, 350x413, Letania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK Jamie add it to the tier list

>> No.66977919

Overall, what am i doing right and what am i doing wrong?
Aside from wifi i know its shit

>> No.66978035


>> No.66978048

Why the fuck am I not doing what Kuku did? I'm a fucking retard, the cumbrained troglodytes in this community will donate to anyone who even pretend to be a girl.

>> No.66978058

Not shutting up
But talking about numbers, traumadumping, or pure bile about others.

>> No.66978108

But i try to be funny when i traumadump :(

>> No.66978142

I feel bad for everyone who gave money or made art for him under the pretense he was a girl

>> No.66978205

It's a character
The character doesn't exist
It's like getting mad Henry Cavill isn't actually Superman

>> No.66978211

Then keep practicing those jokes, it just feels like a guy being too open then telling a joke or two to ease the mood.

>> No.66978382

Henry Cavil is credited as the actor who played Superman. Everyone knows that the person playing Superman is Henry Cavil, it's not like it was deliberately omitted in order to conceal truth which is what Kuku has done.

If he was just playing a character and that's all he was doing, there should have been a disclaimer that the person playing him is a guy to avoid any confusion or hurt feelings. It's a scummy thing to do

>> No.66978446

>If he was just playing a character and that's all he was doing, there should have been a disclaimer that the person playing him is a guy to avoid any confusion or hurt feelings.
If you care enough about this for it to "hurt your feelings" you have mental issues.

It's an entertainer online, it literally does not matter what gender they are behind the camera they could be a dog.

>> No.66978558

So basically a borderlands character

>> No.66978609

how dare that piece of shit withold that information? If I had known she was a man I could've been so much harder

>> No.66978623

>they could be a dog.
I hope asp hasn't figured out I am a dog yet

>> No.66978680

>It's an entertainer online, it literally does not matter what gender they are behind the camera they could be a dog.
Bullshit, the gender does absolutely matter because this is THE parasocial hobby and everybody involved in it, knows that. People WILL get attached to the person playing the character and their support WILL in some fraction be predicated on the gender of the person. If you are a girl, you WILL receive more support. This is common knowledge so it is absolutely important to not try to omit or fool people about your gender. If your entire argument is "it doesn't matter" then it wouldn't be a big deal to just say "Hey Letania as a character is a girl and I hope everyone can see her as such, but for the sake of clarity Letania's roommate is a guy"

>> No.66978730

>was cute vamp girl
>now ugly frog
god damnit kuku

>> No.66978799
File: 148 KB, 499x670, 258a0c48e8a2da45b40352a369b6446a9a2356ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TELL ME ASPIES, what are you trying to achieve out of VTubing?

>> No.66978980

I make games

>> No.66979016

PEBKAC, twitch is a streaming service not a dating app, nobody should be forced to dox themselves just because you want to use it as Tinder

>> No.66979054

I need something that will eat up time so I don't have time to self mutilate

>> No.66979109

Nobody is forced to be a vtuber either but there are expectations of behaviour and etiquette out of respect for people's time and money

People think it's scummy when girl who do GFE deliberately conceal they have boyfriends because they know their support from others is built upon the lie they are single

>> No.66979114

I'm doing my drawing and writing reps.

>> No.66979144

I liked Kuku when he was just a guy but once he started commissioning art with the skirt I dropped him

>> No.66979179
File: 17 KB, 190x299, 1696501746645899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish to entertain people and have fun

>> No.66979199 [DELETED] 

Did anyone save cheeks incel rants? Thought those were funny as fuck.

>> No.66979206

honestly the skirt doesn't match him at all aesthetically, he should wear full crossplay. or just go back to the vampire.

>> No.66979229

As soon as he made the "all men fantasize about being women" tweet I dropped him

Be a gay little fag as much as you want that's based (I won't watch you but I respect it), but don't project your fetishes onto me and I find autogynephiles to be weirdly misogynistic as if they believe entire existence of a woman is a sexual one

>> No.66979242

It isn't the entertainer's responsibility how and why you engage with their work.

Maybe they wanted to try out being a girl to see if they were trans, maybe they just enjoy being a girl online and don't want people harassing them IRL, there could be a million other reasons for not disclosing it.

They aren't responsible for how YOU engage with the content, that's on you.

>> No.66979280

Did anyone save cheen's incel rants? Thought those were funny as fuck.

>> No.66979308

I just wanted a way to wear cute clothes a excuse to get cute art of myself and people to share the art with

>> No.66979338

My oshi just said she hates aliens :(

>> No.66979412

Apparently as Letania he also posted about his “period”. It’s pretty obviously a fetish. Normal men don’t fantasize about being women, it’s troon cope.

>> No.66979423

Was just about to go to bed, it'll be there soon

>> No.66979505

Digby streamed with a female model once so maybe

>> No.66979528

I want to join Holostars one day.

>> No.66979542

Beryls new model is basically a woman. Probably Beryl

>> No.66979569

I'm going to go trans IRL eventually so probably me

>> No.66979696

They don't know I'm already trans

>> No.66979725

Gain and hone skills that I can use to make better shit so I can learn and hone more skills that I can use to make better shit so I can learn and hone more skills that I can use to make better shit

>> No.66979739

>It isn't the entertainer's responsibility how and why you engage with their work.
Sure. Doesn't mean their aren't standards and etiquette, if you break that etiquette you should get called out for being a deceptive cunt

>Maybe they wanted to try out being a girl to see if they were trans, maybe they just enjoy being a girl online and don't want people harassing them IRL, there could be a million other reasons for not disclosing it.
Okay. Then don't accept people's money then? Don't have an art tag?

Lying by omission (it isn't even omission since there are tweets where he references himself as a girl) is deception and people shouldn't be swindled because you wanted to just larp as a girl online

>> No.66979771

that's a good feedback loop, hell yeah brother

>> No.66979833

it helps me draw

>> No.66979869

Dont. It's not all it's cracked up to be.
In the long run, you'll be happier by learning to accept who you are naturally, instead of trying to convince yourself to be something you're not.

Remember it's okay to be an effeminate or affectionate man. You don't have to try to be a woman to be effeminate in any capacity.

>> No.66980001

They aren’t being swindled, online he was a girl

They wouldn’t care if the roles were reversed because deep down they don’t actually care about VTubers they just want to use Twitch as a dating site even if they won’t admit it to yourself.

They don’t even care what women have to say if they aren’t available for sex as evidenced by this.

>> No.66980311
File: 18 KB, 300x300, dfe6a3e5-ccd0-4893-a8f8-0ab3ce6ca7ca-profile_image-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something to do with my original characters and worldbuilding skills since i suck at writing actual books and to kill time before i graduate and end up becoming a coding slave?

>> No.66980388

We know Coco, don't worry.

>> No.66980461

>They aren’t being swindled, online he was a girl
That's not why they gave money and art and you know it

It is a moral hazard and therefore a moral burden upon Kuku to clarify. If I decided to be a flesh streamer and I played a character was a disabled gay jewish guy who streamed in a wheelchair, people would be rightly outraged to find out that I'm able bodied, straight and not a kike because they did not give support just to watch me be terrible at games for 8 hours a day. They gave me support based on other factors. That is deception and people have a right to be upset when they are deceived

>They wouldn’t care if the roles were reversed because deep down they don’t actually care about VTubers they just want to use Twitch as a dating site even if they won’t admit it to yourself.
What does this even mean? Parasocialism is a foundation of vtubing given all of vtubing is based off of the idol industry. Streaming itself is fundamentally a parasocial form of entertainment given it emulates the experience of hanging out with friends playing games together.

>They don’t even care what women have to say if they aren’t available for sex as evidenced by this.
So you're agreeing that gender does matter?

>> No.66980732

Mental gymnastics is real

>> No.66980771

I injured my brain and have a lot of difficult speaking so I'm hoping that forcing myself to speak for hours on end multiple times a week might help me with my speech issues and make me less awkward.

>> No.66980972
File: 2.38 MB, 640x340, main-qimg-b415096fd1f82089f1a5358626e5e2f4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66980985

Thanks for showing up, everyone :] I had a lot of fun tonight. You're all great. Sleep tight.

>> No.66981068

simps mad.
now live in fear that your oshi is actually a man

>> No.66981080

Nigger this is a retarded take because imagine if a film studio created, marketed and sold a fictional film about idk, the holocaust 2.0, but they presented it completely as factual, real and happening as if it were a documentary and then set up a way to accept donations for continued documentaries about the holocaust 2.0 and there was no disclaimers about the fact the events were not authentic and just for this sake, pretend they bribed media outlets to keep quiet about the truth. People would firebomb the studio director's house if it came out it was fake and they just said, "It isn't the entertainer's responsibility how and why you engage with their work."

>> No.66981104

There's so many things, but mainly grow, get better at art and speaking, and to encourage others to do the same :] I want to bring warmth to a world that can sometimes be pretty cold.

>> No.66981144

I am corpo narc gathering intel on the industry from the inside

>> No.66981183

If kuku was actually sorry about the people he feels he has fooled, he would refund all the subs, donations and compensate all the artists for their art

>> No.66981217

He gets to walk away from it with years of the female buff and all the money with a "yeah, sorry" while hurting many people.

>> No.66981239


>> No.66981333

if you give money to women on the internet you deserve to be scammed

>> No.66981450
File: 417 KB, 942x1200, 1704688923095822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improving my skills and design portfolio

>> No.66981472

Does Haru or Beryl use the femboy tags on twitch?

>> No.66981540

An outlet to share my autistic hyperfixations and the esoteric knowledge related to them

>> No.66981690

Ria? Suwarya?

>> No.66981811
File: 611 KB, 536x698, C_900814010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A more specific autistic hyperfixation

>> No.66982093

Haru does.

>> No.66982098

Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down? We got an Inazuma Eleven autist for example

>> No.66982457

I'm not trans but I am curious as to what my model would look like as a woman

>> No.66982499


>> No.66982531

Too bad. Here's a picture of your model if it were black and asian

>> No.66982533 [DELETED] 

This guy is going to be so mad when he figures out the anime girls are fat and not Asian…

>> No.66982562

Goodnight cute robot, was great talking to you :)

>> No.66982806

>end stream because tired
>suddenly burst of energy
ah, well thank you to everyone who joined! I still have plenty I can work on, so I wont let this extra energy go to waste! ^^

>> No.66982930
File: 110 KB, 804x400, iac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crane is the reserved but intelligent older brother
Iriya is the psychotic but vibrant younger brother

who do you pick?

>> No.66982939
File: 138 KB, 936x821, CLIPStudioPaint_kVmzhkDKIm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moved the horns in closer. Think it looks better now.

>> No.66983004

Iriya for the little brother who’s addicted to Apex experience.
Crane for the big brother that has the tism for puzzles.
I need both.

>> No.66983015

When you think of a name let me know. I for sure wanna follow you with the digimon vibe. (Love the keychain earring)

>> No.66983052

oh this is sooo cute *o*

>> No.66983077

It is weird how their designs ended up so similar every down to the asymmetry on the hair

>> No.66983104

Maybe because they're both AI generated

>> No.66983122

I thought about using the name Flint, though it's more fitting for one of the other designs I've been working on.

>> No.66983182
File: 136 KB, 1080x484, bitchfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheen stop acting like a little bitch
If you're gonna quit then quit
If you want to continue then man the fuck up
Stop getting menhera over some Latina broad and fix your fucking life

>> No.66983280

I'm going to be brave and post this one more time... This is my model art raffle thing! It'd be fun to be mama to an aspie! I know my model art style is maybe a bit unconventional in some ways, but I really, really enjoy making them.

>> No.66983281

>Latina, half asian, flip, flip

What is it with men and obsessing over non-whites?

>> No.66983311

Thank you for being brave anon. I won't enter simply because I do have my own model but thank you for doing this and being part of the community

>> No.66983319
File: 1.86 MB, 4096x2304, 0115Schedule (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww yeah. ~ Normie work has freed us, here's our schedule. ~

>> No.66983399

Neither and make them have hot yaoi incest sex instead

>> No.66983464

I'm doing my best!! Thank you anon!

>> No.66983651


>> No.66983781

try and make new friends and entertain people

>> No.66983940

I could say something corny or lie about numbers
Deep down the truth is I want enough viewers that I can in a genuine accident piss myself on stream and get off on knowing I couldn't hold it in front of so many people and had to hide it

>> No.66984465

If you simp you lose.

>> No.66984697

This is 100% Haru. He's been weird lately about pee on his streams.

>> No.66984820

It's a nice way to continue growing my content and chat with my followers without getting too personal

>> No.66984911

You guys are acting like letania was successful. She was NGMI for female standards stop crying.

>> No.66984944

what a fucking faggot

>> No.66985244

Good luck, thank you for doing this kind thing.

>> No.66985261

Make some income out from it for all the money I've thrown at this endeavor. I'd prefer it make me some money but no cover my entire income just yet.

>> No.66985329

At least he's willing to put his face on these statements. If I knew who you were I'd call you out to yours.

>> No.66985391
File: 250 KB, 1192x1230, CLIPStudioPaint_cVQc21C0mQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The basic outfit. Jacket needs to be worked on, overalls need some detailing. The sweater needs to be ironed out, too. Lots of minor details and accessories that need to be brainstormed so the design stands out a bit more, but overall this is the idea for the outfit. Not too different from some of the other outfits I've posted in the past. If I go with doll joints the outfit wouldn't be too different, though there would be some changes to fit the mood of the character.

Also not sure if I should go with dragon feet or if the feet should be more humanistic so he can wear shoes. I'd like the hands to be sort of dragon-y, though. I think I need to think more about how to evoke the feeling of "vpet" with this design. It might be hard at first glance to understand the theme. Not enough of a digital or monster aspect to his traits or his outfit.

>> No.66985494

Whatever you’re cooking is good looking. Keep it up.

>> No.66985553

I liked the doll more but this still looks excellent. I hope to see you debut soon so we can be friends and I hope I can commission you someday, I love your art style.

>> No.66985592
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically this?

>> No.66985620


I'm going to workshop the doll design a bit more. I was having fun drawing horns so I just kinda continued working on this dragon boy for a bit. Honestly I think the doll is more in line with me as a person, but mostly for DEEP LORE reasons that no one cares about.

>> No.66985671


>> No.66985712

>NGMI for females is 4k followers

I'm cutting my dick off as we speak

>> No.66985728
File: 173 KB, 592x809, Screenshot_20240118-023609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my mission statement:
Vtubing to the community where I can learn many possible creative skills, to reach out and work alongside like minded individuals so we can work off each other and reach greater heights, and ultimately spark a creative flame inside of people
I'll be debuting next month

>> No.66985751

>90's anime art style
>pencil lines like Omochi
Could you just keep this style for your actual model? Can we help you in any way to get that done?

>> No.66985788
File: 39 KB, 800x800, 1000015631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to code my own shader when I get to it, so I can play around with trying to get that "pencil" look for the outlines and stuff.. I had already planned on having my texture look more painterly than the basic textures most anime-style models use.

>> No.66985796

If you keep getting more follows but your ccv keeps going lower that's not a good thing. It's shit like this that makes me dislike aspies because your priorities are all out of order

>> No.66985829

What was Letania's ccv? If it's 20+ that's better than 99% of the males here

>> No.66985875
File: 135 KB, 533x956, IMG_6496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2023 stats according to sullygnome

>> No.66985888

Letania's downfall was not cloutchasing enough. It's impossible to make it on your own without a miracle.

>> No.66985904

NTA, but a man having repeated public meltdowns is not a sign he is well. Or bravery, for that matter. If he has no control over his emotions and refuses to control his actions, it's a sign he's self-destructive. This enabling is only going to prolong him making the same mistakes and continuing the spiral.
I'm sure this is just his schtick and some of his fans like it, but as someone who has seen people go down this path, it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
You want to say, "No, don't go down the hall and do the thing." but he's too far gone, and all you can do is watch and shake your head.

>> No.66985930

>46 CCV

That puts them at the top of even the girls except for Mond

>> No.66985981

How long have they been streaming though? This doesn't apply to everyone but if you're female and haven't got the partner checkmark within a year something needs to change.

>> No.66986028

Well the thing is, he's not a female and people could probably subconsciously tell something wasn't right and didn't watch because of that. My tranny detectors went off immediately when I heard the voice

>> No.66986077

Being a tranny and hovering around 50 average (2022) is still a feat.

>> No.66986115

Is it really though? Given you will have some pity watchers

>> No.66986126

Here is the real way to incline to the moon:
1. Get a loli model
2. Make uncomfortable tweet to bait twitter freaks
3. Play victim while the lolisho community collectively claims you
4. Magically 200 CCV

Warning: Do not attempt unless you can sound like a toddler

>> No.66986135

You cannot seriously believe than. Pity watchers in the 50s? Collabing with bat and Nina?

>> No.66986170

The only loli who has ever sounded like an actual child is Shondo. The rest just sound like women with high pitched voices.

>> No.66986254

Artemis had 10k viewers at debut and 9k immediately left after hearing the voice

>> No.66986255

She sounds exactly like the twins from rugrats, its all high pitched female voices

>> No.66986469

Who are the youngest sounding female aspies?

>> No.66986489


>> No.66986559

Yeah, it's kind of fucking creepy.

>> No.66986603

Anyone else?

>> No.66986607


>> No.66986641

Layla is probably the only other

>> No.66986711

Her voice is also very pleasant. I feel like Rinna, Mumkey, Arisu and Ria all fall under genki girl voices. Andy is a sexy hag. What about the others?

>> No.66986825

There's Rura, Gumpai, Lava, Tiny, Koko, Nova, Cats, Pukki, Denpa, Olga, Pafu and probably a few others I don't know about

I'm too lazy to categorize them

>> No.66986977
File: 276 KB, 419x480, IMG_7296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66987089

That was probably Jamie who adds people to the tierlist

>> No.66987210
File: 233 KB, 933x1212, CLIPStudioPaint_85PKnPNgyC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough start. Not sure if I want the joints to be very doll-like or if I want to make them a bit more high tech and mechanical. I think both would look good so it's hard to choose. I think having the right hand be more mechanically complex than the rest of the body could be a look, too. I'd also like to add some tech under the turtleneck so you can get a peak at his innards from certain angles.

>> No.66987317

They don't know I'm a woman using a voice changer to sound like an esl guy :)

>> No.66987358

>debuffing yourself


>> No.66987430

I want to do gay stuff with Kuku

>> No.66987446

Way too cute. Especially love the face.

>> No.66987646

We need more cute dolls instead of creepy shit like ventriloquist dummies

>> No.66987806

So, is it over for the donkey jester? Should I drink bleach then? That model was cute

>> No.66987995
File: 58 KB, 577x575, 1674327811934540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent a few hours working on it a couple days ago and couldn't come up with anything that felt right. I was going to give it another go now that I'm feeling less menhera than I was on Tuesday, but I'm not hopeful.

>> No.66988021

Would she fit a loli model?

>> No.66988094


But I think yes you would fit a loli

>> No.66988763

How do I know what my demographics are?

>> No.66988898
File: 235 KB, 947x1202, CLIPStudioPaint_kZfCgbdSoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raising the shorts up a bit might be cuter. Better look at the knee joints, too.

>> No.66989020

Make people happy and become an idol

>> No.66989173

What do you mean?

>> No.66989187

uohh knee joints erotic

>> No.66989217

Like figure out who watches me so I know what they like?

>> No.66989233

Are you that large that you don't know most of your viewers from memory?

>> No.66989495

I just want friends. I just want people who appreciate what I can bring to the table. I ruined my old life with my own actions..now I must start fresh. I just want to show people I am better than before.

>> No.66990111

can't fucking believe digby is actually a dog

>> No.66990468
File: 385 KB, 718x411, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitch integration RimWorld Stream!

>> No.66990947

Going Corpo and achieving my dreams of being a full time Vtuber and entertainer!

>> No.66990997
File: 261 KB, 1116x1225, CLIPStudioPaint_HYPjtpIBbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think adding some automaton elements could be interesting but the full body tights make that a bit difficult.

>> No.66991073

oh hey, happy to see you again donkeyjester fella.
It looks good so far!
A winding key would be odd since the most likely spot is the back and if you do 2d well.. it's very unlikely anyone would even see that detail.
You'd have to think of a better spot for it mayhaps.

>> No.66991111

side of the head maybe

>> No.66991162
File: 202 KB, 500x500, 5beb23db24b13000179185d649e72529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final model will be 3D, but even then it's not going to be seen unless I were to do VRC streams or something. I've got some ideas. Back to drawing.

>> No.66991226

you could make the collar metal and have it tick like a clock or something.
Orianna from league has a skirt that does that and she always had a really cool design, you could check her out and see if it inspires you at all.

>> No.66991257
File: 28 KB, 450x480, Welcome_UPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress. Still working on the debut.

>> No.66991703
File: 25 KB, 998x663, barricade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scissors here. I have been trying to get better at this.

I made a YouTube channel for my VODs - https://www.youtube.com/@sukadrii
I have been trying to get a little more active on Twitter - https://twitter.com/sukadrii

What else can I do? Hoping to stream Bokura later although I wonder if my time slot is causing issues for potential viewers.

Any advice? I want to give this a good try. I keep improving my assets and channel capabilities for this to happen. Unfortunately the biggest issue has been not being able to raid anyone due to account limitations, if I knew this was a thing I'd have made an account a few months ago before going live.

>> No.66992017

Coming from Beryl's stream, he does not.

>> No.66992125

I miss Tornkite...

>> No.66992351

Newfag here. Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I have some questions.
Firstly, where do I commission a model that looks good? I was looking around on VGen and Fiverr, but most I could find were pretty bad and I would prefer getting a good quality model. I'm willing to pay up, I don't have much money, but I'm low maintenance enough to accumulate some if needed. Do I just go and ask artists directly?
My second question is, what should my expectations be on average? I'm aware that I won't be making a living from vtubing, especially not as a man whose spoken English is almost as dogshit as his Japanese, but if there would be around 4-5 people to consistently engage with, I'd be happy. Not sure how possible is that, I did try streaming a while ago but most of the time nobody even clicked on it.
Lastly, is it not detrimental to share your account here? I mean, there are many schizos on the site and even though it might give you a popularity boost first, what I imagine is being associated with this thread would cripple you in the long term.

>> No.66992604 [DELETED] 

I miss Tornkite...

>> No.66992679

This is the right place, if you can wait a bit I'll get you a proper answer.

>> No.66992893

why is everyone going menhera recently

>> No.66992940

I hope Daiya is ok...

>> No.66992955

I bought my model from someone on etsy. you could aways try that. there are customizable premades available for reasonable prices on there and you can even go straight to l2d like I did.

as far as viewership, 4 or 5 is doable, but youll have to plug yourself to attract viewers if you want that (especially consistently). I've found you don't get too many people clicking through when you're at 1 or 0, so getting people over from 4 chan or Twitter will help.

as far as posting here... that's up to you. crabs exist but most people here are other vtubers and are cool people to hang with. as far as the public knowing you post on 4chan, that's also up to you. I'm an edgy boy so people knowing I'm here filters my audience appropriately.

>> No.66992962

Talking as a viewer here but on that second question, do you have a solid idea of what kind of content you want to create, specific genres or types of media and so on? Speaking for myself ofc but I find that it helps you find those few consistent diehards you might be looking for.
My favorite /asp/ie is a totally cardgame brained nerd, for example.

>> No.66992994

why wouldnt he be

>> No.66993287

Bro I'm not, I'm having a great time rn

>> No.66993422

oh good, I slept through the /wvt/ shitters stirring the pot

>> No.66993586

I see, thanks anons. I'll look around on Etsy as well. I don't necessarily want a pro-looking model, just something that isn't amateurish or has a Tumblr-y design.
I have many ideas, but not sure how would actually turn them into enjoyable streams. To be honest, my main goal is to just to speak more and get to use English and Japanese, perhaps learn other languages I'm interested in. I'm pretty much a hikikomori, so my verbal skills are rather bad and I want to change that. I'm aware that not many people would be interested in watching someone with a crippled accent, which is why I'm trying to have reasonable expectations. Otherwise, I'm utter dogshit at games, but I like them, so I can play whatever. I was also thinking of live translating some obscure stuff. I guess I could just do unhinged drinking streams as well (I'm Eastern European so that's pretty much a given). I'm quite open to doing anything and would take it as an opportunity to learn new skills or get into new hobbies.

>> No.66993692

You might want to consider trying to stream for a bit first with png or cheaper model before you drop a ton of money commissioning a model that you don't end up using.

>> No.66993705

I'll post this every thread until it gets through to you retards
>/Wasp/ thread exists
>Still talking about women here

>> No.66993764

Women continue to post here, why would we stop

>> No.66993774

look at this dumb nigger thinking the split will last

>> No.66993807


>> No.66993857

1-look other /asp/ies, see their models, art style or whatever you like, then ask their mama or papa
2-on average? for a male vtuber? 4-5 regulars it's fine
3-I don't have an answer for that, some people don't like being associated with this place, others like the idea, think doesn't matter, it's not a big deal, etc

>> No.66993892

Cumstain I fucking hate women
I just don't want to see the same timeloop about the loli or the fat mexican or the whore

There's actual discussion happening here about people debuting their model. Stop pining about these whores, take it to the other thread.

>> No.66993987

women post in this thread
women do not post in your thread
any woman tricked into posting in your thread is not somebody I want to associate with because they listen to idiots and groomers

>> No.66993999

Tone down the falseflagging a bit, you need to make it believe

>> No.66994149

I guess you're right anon, I'm just a bit autistic and like to impulse-buy things.

I have another question though, is it advisable to start from zero, or just change my names and use my current accounts, so I'll have at least a few people to follow me? Going full anonymous would probably be better for opsec reasons, but then again, I am there with not even a single friend to follow me. On the other hand, I'll probably never be important enough for someone to care about looking into my past, or at least I assume, but schizos are everywhere.

>> No.66994162

>because I hate women you should to

No. I actually likes the girls quite a lot. If you want to make a male only general, please go ahead. I'm not engaging in your schizo bullshit.

>> No.66994305

I'd genuinely advise starting from zero because it'd never hurt to have that extra layer of security, there are some schizos here who target even the nicest of people. You'll have people here who will follow and might end up liking you, I wouldn't worry too much about feeling like you need the few people who knew you from your past, and you could just end up telling them later on.

>> No.66994341

There are many aspies here who are using their old accounts, it usually doesn't creates any problem and if you don't expect to grow big you should be okay with it.
Otherwise make sure that you never did an oopsie with your previous account.
And make sure you haven't doxxed yourself either just in case.

>> No.66994346

Always from 0, which extends to any online games you play if you can't change your name easily, sometimes even then depending

>> No.66994840

I see, thanks for the advice, anons. I guess I'll think about what I exactly want for a while.

>> No.66995035

Say something nice about an aspie RIGHT NOW

>> No.66995135

I love Haru because he is kind, I wish I could be even a tenth as nice as he is.

>> No.66995237

That new guy I forgot his name already seems pretty cool.

>> No.66995285

We have like 10 new guys...

>> No.66995378

I love how gentle and sweet Tornkite is...

>> No.66995384

Okay last question: is there like a community or something or people just link their stuff here? Just asking because people seem to know each other by name. I know, I'll be lurking from now on.

>> No.66995439

>We have like 10 new guys...
List them all anon. Lets bully them all.

>> No.66995473

Why would you want to bully the new guys?

>> No.66995493

There is a community of literally hundreds of people here. We all watch each other and support each other. If you want our support, you should also support others. So drop your links but also check out other people's links. Most people here are very friendly.

>> No.66995555

Bully them with love and friendship that is.

>> No.66995615

Oh okay, I'm gonna make a new account later and follow people from here, usually have nothing to do at work anyway, so I have a lot of time to waste on watching streams.

>> No.66995658

I like Kopa he's fun to talk to and always has fun experimental streams

>> No.66995848 [DELETED] 





Iino Ayumu










Newer or not in the list


The Smartest Witch


Grace the hobby(viewer chan)

No idea his YouTube link I don't watch YT

>> No.66995999





Iino Ayumu










Newer or not in the list


The Smartest Witch


Grace the gobby(viewer chan)

No idea his YouTube link I don't watch YT

Fixed a typo

>> No.66996052

So since someone mentioned I should network even harder, any tips I should be doing? How should I go for retaining viewers when getting raided instead of seeing everyone dipping almost immediately or get them to actually turn up again after following.

How would I be able to interact with bigger chubers even better as well, just dming them is too nerve-wrecking for me and trying to be active in everyone's server is kind of an ordeal... Should I try and interact with them on twitter even more? Also, so far I tried raiding everyone like, once or twice! Should I instead raid bigger chubers more often? Instead of spreading my name, just hyper focus on specific chubers so they know me better?

Also I think I fucked up too much with my initial stream schedule, having too many people outside of my stream hours that can't raid me either... So I'll probably focus on a steady Stream-Time instead.

Also, I guess... Should I watch less aspies? I want to support you guys but it feels like that comes to the detriment of networking with outsiders.

>> No.66996339

>How should I go for retaining viewers when getting raided instead of seeing everyone dipping almost immediately
Making a first good impression, in reality it's really hard to get raiders to follow and even harder for them to stick around

About networking, you shouldn't try to hard, you don't need to join their discord if you don't vibe with that person, just following on twitter, chatting every once in a while in their streams and some times raiding them is normally enough, once you are comfortable with each other you can ask to collab with them or wait until a group collab is getting cooked and maybe ask to join.
Networking outside of asp is more of the same, normally it stars with raiding someone and interacting with them and later following them on twitter if you liked their streams and from there raiding and chatting.

>> No.66996464

Is there a list of soon to be /asp/ie vtubers? And who is the newest from that list.

>> No.66996598

>And who is the newest from that list.
either sukadrii or crane I can't remember

>> No.66996602

Myukyun and the smartest witch are the newest there because grace hasn't started streaming yet

>> No.66996980

I ship Kankuro and Savvy. Puppet x muppet is my fetish.

>> No.66997127

marriag pls?

>> No.66997527

Anyone know if kuku will accept spicy asmr request for money

>> No.66997551

Maybe as his alt?

>> No.66997586
File: 85 KB, 896x314, pegs 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retention from a raid is on both sides of the raid. Raiders that enjoy you are more likely to stick around if you tell them to stick around and give your raid target a shot and vis versa. If you just dump viewers on somebody with a raid they'll say "oh, [streamer] is done so I'll do something else now" most of the time.

As for what you can do on your end to retain from those raids, there's a few things but, again, keep in mind that the average viewer will bounce regardless of what you do. That could be because the stream was long, they already expended their stream watching hours for the day, or they've just got other places to be. None of those are really on you.
-Make a good impression by appreciating and acknowledging every raid but don't make the fact that you were raided the entire focus of your stream. Make the raiders welcomed into what you're doing and involve them into the streaming experience with the rest of your viewers already engaged.
-If you recognize the channel raiding you, don't be afraid to show that you are familiar with eachother because that will make the raiders feel like they went between similar spaces. -Acknowledge the raider as well as their viewers. Don't feel like you need to trap the raider into a protracted conversation because if they're raiding into you its probably because they want to get out and take care of things not on stream. Respect their time and that they chose to raid you.
-Respect every raid regardless of size. 5 people raiding you should be as exciting as 100. If you get the moonshot and some really big channel drops 1000 viewers on you then sure, maybe exaggerate the spaghet a bit (who are we kidding, you'll shit your pants the first time it happens) but otherwise, viewers appreciate a friendly streamer that treats every raid as a treasured gift because somebody felt comfortable entrusting their viewers to you.
-Draw similarities between your content and the raider's content, if you know or they tell you. "Oh, I played Elden Ring too. How did it go for [streamer], raiders? Tell me." or "Oh, you were doing karaoke? I'm doing that at [event] on [date]. I hope you call can make it out to see me." Drawing these connections make the raiders feel like they went from one kind of content they like to another place to get content that they already like.
-Retention always works best from channels where the viewers may already be aware of you but may not have actually watched your channel or sought you out. You should already be trying to be at least known to viewers in the wider streaming community.

>> No.66997705

Can I get the ogga booga version

>> No.66997736


>> No.66997771
File: 62 KB, 704x210, pegs 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shortcuts to success.

>> No.66997825

That's a challenge, but alright

>> No.66997869

Stream is now live!! Gonna make a little pinup of my ship and stuff, ramble, the usual, probably gonna be a short stream today but that's just the way the cookie crumbles

>> No.66997906

>yfw you'll never get one of these

>> No.66997993

So, scissors has improved?

>> No.66998083

Please stop talking about yourself in the third person.

>> No.66998153
File: 81 KB, 680x680, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pretty easy to make and they're a good way to visualize your character at its absolute most essential.

>> No.66998190

For a girl having a bf is a debuff
For a boy having a gf is a buff

>> No.66998216

I wonder how many replies you'll get this time. Here's one for pity.

>> No.66998258
File: 2 KB, 649x546, drawer scene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't me. This is why I was using a trip for a day.

>> No.66998273
File: 7 KB, 196x147, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for joining today's stream. Here is one for the numberfrens.

>> No.66998429


>> No.66998521

Real fans wouldn't have to ask stickman

>> No.66998574

congrats! I hope they stick around for next stream.

>> No.66998582

Came back with a few more questions.
First of all, by the posts here, I assume streaming on Twitch is preferred over YouTube. Is there a reason for that? Also, would it be advisable to simulcast on both platforms or it is better to just upload vods to YouTube?
Also is there any program that can enhance streaming or what are the optimal obs settings? I have a fairly good mic, but the quality is still pretty shit for some reason. I'll look for guides, but asking here just in case.
I'm also planning to invest in a stream deck, I assume that'd enhance the experience, but I'm really tech-illiterate and not even sure about what camera should I use.
Also not sure if it's a good idea to stream emulated games, I mean likely nobody would care, buuuuut what if...

Thanks for every advice so far, I decided to create an entirely new identity as most anons suggested. I've already come up with a background story that incorporates all my autism, just need to find a name as well.

>> No.66998846

Are there any other /here/ chuubas who stream at late night hours (for CST)?

>> No.66998927

Not sure what CST is but Beryl, Daiya and Mond (and even Lava) stream late.

>> No.66998985

twitch is better for discoverability if youre good at the category game, and more EOP solely use twitch when looking for streamers

>> No.66999168

I don't know what time my streams are for Americans.

>> No.66999200

Define late, we have quite a few who start around 9 cst

>> No.66999209

>if youre good at the category game
And how do I get good at that?

>> No.66999268

feel like I usually see mond and lava on late at night

>> No.66999371
File: 251 KB, 605x629, 1000007250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So forward...

>> No.66999378
File: 37 KB, 390x381, 1000000512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gm aspies don't kill yourself today

>> No.66999603

I will propose to you on your first stream. Give me more cute shota

>> No.66999627

I wouldn’t buy a streamdeck until you figure out what your personal use case(s) for it is, especially if you’re tech illiterate. Even if you have a wide budget, if you’re not sure what you’d use a streamdeck for the money you’d spend on it might be better put to work on your mic/audio, model, PC, or anything else really. Don’t just buy something because it’s “the thing to do”.

>> No.66999717

OK so I need
>capture card
>ps5 controller

>> No.66999731

Central Standard Time. ~ GMT-6:00.

>> No.66999737

You need at least $1000 to spend on ads on 4chan

>> No.66999816

You also need to sub to ChaosFoundry, Spike and Kankuro or else your stream will fail.

>> No.66999980

How much will all this run me

>> No.67000104

literally the only thing you need to buy to be a vtuber is a microphone. And I guess a computer, but we're working under the presumption you already have one of those.
Download OBS, draw a scrungly png (or AI generate one if you must), slap it in the corner while you play random freeware you find online, and you're good to start. You can figure out the rest as you go.

>> No.67000134

>Streaming PC
>capture card
>ps5 controller

Maybe if you were planning to go balls to the wall immediately, yes, but all of that is completely unnecessary when you are stream as a PNG doing zatsus.

>> No.67000194

Realized I can answer a few more of the questions. Don’t think anyone cares if you emulate games especially since you’ll be small starting out, but always make sure to test your game setup extensively before starting stream, make sure OBS captures things properly and your all your controls work, etc. If your mic quality is shit your audio filters, general audio engineering knowledge, and possibly even mic technique are shit. There are lots of “make a cheap mic sound expensive” tutorials on youtube, I recommend starting there even if your mic isn’t cheap then googling any terms that come up that confuse you until you have a base understanding of audio terms. For programs that can enhance streaming, some people use streamlabs or stream elements for their easy to use tools, and programs like mixitup or streamer.bot are great for either automation or more complicated setups once you get your feet underneath you. I’d recommend watching lots of small to mid-size streamers now if you have the time, get a concept of what kinds of interactivity other people have and what works well and what doesn’t in small streams. You’ll naturally notice when people have extra programs in their extensions or panels and then you can look into those as well.

>> No.67000200

Do I really need an iphone

>> No.67000207

you can jump in with a premade model or a png. you don’t need a camera if you go the png route. you don’t need a capture card and controller right away, unless you want to focus on console games. “Assets” can be acquired or improved over time, you don’t need them right away. Streamdeck isn’t needed, just a nice-to-have accessory.

>> No.67000259

Not necessary. You can function perfectly well without iphone tracking (or any tracking at all). That said, if you keep your eyes open there are iPhone X on sale for pretty cheap.
Putting together what you want to look like is mostly on you but a skilled model artist will also assist in design if you provide resources and pay a small consult fee. They're going to be drawing it regardless so it helps to have your artist and designer be the same person if you don't already have a design.
Don't go overboard but don't cheap out either. If you're not familiar with handling a model, a PNG can function nicely with little to no overhead.
Don't go overhead and don't get stuck in the vtweeter timeloop of collecting assets forever without actually using them.
Use SAMMI instead.
Any PC with specs slightly over whatever you plan to stream is perfectly fine.
>>capture card
Not necessary unless the content you're planning to do specifically requires it.
Price and quality will vary but will also depend on what you plan to do with it.
>>ps5 controller

>> No.67000330
File: 394 KB, 531x739, 1703583491798884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm not marriage material.

>> No.67000340

Thanks for the extensive response, anon. I guess this is gonna be a rather long learning process. I try to look into everything to be at least somewhat less scuffed but maybe I just have too high expectations towards myself.

>> No.67000379

After some of the recent updates to Vbridger and Vtube studio its much less necessary on mid-to-high range tracking models. The reason the iPhone X and later are popular is because certain tracking features require the Lidar camera but those are very advanced tracking features and most here will never use them intentionally.

>> No.67000499

I kinda want to make a fighting game that viewers can play during ad breaks. Here's hoping I don't burn out before figuring out how to make it work correctly.

>> No.67000540

How are they gonna be able to play it if theyre stuck in an ad.

>> No.67000562

check /fig/ for advice they have devs there
it's the idolshowdown thread after all

Mako set up a game during her brb screen and so did moriko

>> No.67000604

Not all breaks are ad breaks and some ad breaks are shorter than the break itself is. or they can subscribe I guess

>> No.67000655

I wonder if fubuki poster is doing well, I still have no idea who he was

>> No.67000685

anyone streamin?

>> No.67000802

I've seen a couple different pre-stream/intermission stream interactive games. Some are as simple as activating a Twitch Plays mode (which is actually super simple to do in SAMMI, maybe I'll show that off on stream sometime). I saw one that made a very cool Mother/Earthbound game where chat fights the streamer. I think Moriko's was one of those Twitch Plays setups.

Also, one of the viewers mentioned potentially tying the game to the gacha system so viewers can collect and use cards in the game. That's definitely going to require a lot more planning to make work.

>> No.67000848

Nikola is still streaming

>> No.67000888

I think we’re the same kind of autist anon, so I understand. But really, don’t buy anything until you know you need it, it’s better to grow with your audience. You can minimize scuff with preparation rather than throwing money around. I didn’t buy a damn thing when I was starting out but I already had a SM58 and an audio interface for other projects. If you must spend money the best areas are audio and model but you shouldn’t purchase a live2D when you don’t even have a brand established or know if you like streaming yet. The logitech C920 is a solid camera if you don’t have one already and like anon above said look into Vbridger now that they support webcam tracking.

>> No.67000906

I want to be a femboy chuuba and I want to find other femboy types from asp/wvt to collab with and bait femboy loving viewers to join our communities (and get NSFW skebs). Could you guys recommend asp and wvt femboys to me who you think would be open to that?

>> No.67000982

Is it fine if I keep calling viewers nicknames or only part of their names? Or is there some kind of reason to call someone by their full username?

>> No.67001014

Haru, Beryl, Ainslie, Cabu, Claudette, Dorian.

>> No.67001026

play games with a lower amount of streamers but a still reasonable amount of viewers. twitch stats are good for letting you know what to pick.

>> No.67001035

when people say you shouldn't talk about being /here/ do they mean asp or the entire site?

>> No.67001046

Yes, it’s fine, in my experience many viewers even prefer it

>> No.67001080

Haru, Beryl, Claudette, Parseks, Sun, Reilong

>> No.67001107

I only know aspies, I'm not familiar with any of the earlier wvt chuubas sorry. Maybe another anon knows?

>> No.67001130

no he's not

>> No.67001203

Don't even have to draw one. You can take one of the shitpost ones here or just reply with your ref when someone says to name chuba. Imagine a hanbi vtuber child

>> No.67001252
File: 130 KB, 396x447, uoooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to cut my stream short because my internet kept on disconnecting me, for some reason... it works just fine... :(
I'll be on tomorrow for longer (this internet better not stop me!) and I'll be playing HOMM5. :) Maybe a few drinks as well?

>> No.67001267

I actually have a Logitech C920, and my setup is fairly decent because even if I don't make much money, I don't really have anything else to spend on. But you're absolutely right, overgearing wouldn't make sense considering that I might give up early on anyway. I have problems with speaking, which will be really difficult to overcome, but that's my main reason to start streaming anyway. It's going to take a while for me to actually get started, but I'll be lurking here and throw in some questions sometimes. Though I'm already stuck on finding a name I could use, that's the hardest part.

>> No.67001286


>> No.67001357

Many women forget this simple step

>> No.67001377

works for Pippa

>> No.67001396

Ask fuwacoco her name was so good hololive stole it

>> No.67001429

They mean the entirety of 4chan. Personally, I don’t containment break, but for some people it filters/attracts their audience in a way they like. Go look at some /here/ chuubas if you haven’t already to get a sense for what kind of audience might be better for you.

>> No.67001481

Come back and let us know when you become Pippa

>> No.67001482

I do it because its funny. I like even saying the underscores and numbers

>> No.67001516

I think if you first read someone's name, just like any name, read it fully first and then ask them, "Is it okay if I call you X?"

But I'd argue most people do not care. My name is always mispronounced but I find it funny.

Probably the entire site but saying particularly you're from a thread on /vt/ might get you cold-shouldered from certain niggerfaggots in particular

>> No.67001613

There's a difference between acknowledging that this site exists and saying "Oh I saw on /asp/ today that..." or "Some people were talking about me on that one site and..." Larger vtubers acknowledge, very rarely, their respective general threads (or that of their company) or mention that they saw something on the site as a whole, but its peak cringe for a streamer to just stop and specifically respond to some random anon on a thread. Some have gone as far as pulling up an archive and just reading egosa on stream to "own the haters" and it never works.

>> No.67002029

Good luck anon. Remember you don’t have to immediately post link /here/, if you’re a hopeless sperg like me having a couple streams to work through the worst of your streaming/talking anxiety with no one present can really help.

>> No.67002247

Streaming is like sex, the first time will suck and be awkward, but it can still be pretty fun, and it only gets better as you get more skilled at it, though it's not like anyone here will understand this analogy.

>> No.67002302

But anon I am a virgin. I never found a guy that likes me

>> No.67002321

Why are you such an asshole

>> No.67002346


>> No.67002671

I'm gonna quietly graduate.

>> No.67002672

You know that Mtoon exists, right?

>> No.67003043

Uwu pls no bulli me I'm just a wittle aspie my somft boi rear end can't take it yet uuuuuuuu >////<

>> No.67003081

How do I avoid getting scammed by negros on fiverr?

>> No.67003095

Don't do a Lago. Let people say goodbye.

>> No.67003101

please for the love of god be a jonger...

>> No.67003133
File: 28 KB, 480x342, 1702188905059165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like a lot of the free shaders. I'd rather make my own and learn something in the process.

>> No.67003176

Guess not.

>> No.67003226
File: 57 KB, 500x375, IMG_2534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anon. Drop a link to your stream when you’re ready. I’ll try to stop in if I can.

>> No.67003261

Look at different aspies to see what they're doing. There's a wide range from zero effort pngs to literal tech priests.
Once you see a level of quality you like just ask them what their setup is

>> No.67003493

I avoid mentioning specific boards but mentioning 4chan specifically is fine.

>> No.67003571

name a chuuba

>> No.67003615


>> No.67003635

geltaran (Spellcrafter_geltaran for those who don't know)

>> No.67003654

sometimes I think the femboys are learning mahjong only to be able to go to in the bad part of Bangkok and get violated by chain smoking old ugly bastards to pay off the gambling debt they accumulated on purpose

>> No.67003668


>> No.67003696


>> No.67003700

We need more femboys jonging asap

>> No.67003715
File: 217 KB, 732x591, 1701914864086093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White digby

>> No.67003733


>> No.67003743

Nijiggers get the rope. Stay away from my femboys!

>> No.67003798
File: 13 KB, 178x181, koikawakei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm alive, i guess


>> No.67003806

Drop the list of femboys I need to know who to groom

>> No.67003826

I find it funny that this little nigger probably has absolutely no idea that his image is being used here and that hundreds of random people know of him as 'white digby'

>> No.67003833


>> No.67003894

Rinna is worrying me, she is getting higher anad higher pitch wtf

>> No.67003934

I love him

>> No.67003988

I hope she never abandons the mommy voice, it's really soothing.

>> No.67004064

What's his link again? I can't even speak Korean but I want to watch him before Twitch nukes Korea

>> No.67004072

Rinna is so fucking hot but I can never tell her to her face how attractive she is ToT

>> No.67004207

No more tier3 sub for me with all of korea ending ToT

>> No.67004289 [SPOILER] 
File: 283 KB, 600x600, 2003689_D7XCzT0e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a male btw

>> No.67004337


>> No.67004376

Why do you guys keep doing this to me, I refuse to become gay, I'm going to leave this place...

>> No.67004472
File: 19 KB, 333x355, IMG_7298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lock your doors.

>> No.67004575

I will welcome you into my home and make a nice dinner for you

>> No.67004634

Please be a jonger...

>> No.67004779
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1078, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streaming Melatonin later! Sadly the only Metatonin I can buy as they don't sell the gummies in my country. No gummies for me...no easy sleep.

· 3pm EST / 12pm PST
· 8pm GMT / 5am JST


Thank you for the 50 followers!

>> No.67004850
File: 41 KB, 273x206, 118andyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67004862


>> No.67004882
File: 154 KB, 333x355, Untitled123_20240118124148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i made a seraphim version now

>> No.67004961


>> No.67004976


>> No.67004999


>> No.67005038


>> No.67005061

as much as I wish you well with getting the full model done I like it being a weird little autism creature like this

>> No.67005110


>> No.67005301

Lava,Mond,Beryl stream late

>> No.67005457


>> No.67005514


>> No.67005715

Sh'vah streams late most days
