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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66978873 No.66978873 [Reply] [Original]

>Management came back and told Pomu to change an entire scene in the MV for her send-off Orisong that she's been working for over a year on

Holy shit, no wonder Selen had an "accident", staff would rather have the girls kill themselves than lift a finger to help them

>> No.66978955

The absolute state of NijiEN

>> No.66979070

Not over a year.
It's over two years. She said it was done for over a year on her 3d debut... a year ago

>> No.66979175

(Me) also im not buying this only one scene shit. Reshooting one scene wouldnt take 2 whole years. It was outright bullying

>> No.66979192

Japs are just eastern chinks but you retards never listen
t. /int/

>> No.66979283

A rock would be more competent staff than NijiEN "management". What a pathetic company

>> No.66979361

Black company status?

>> No.66979381

She probably included some snarky Vshitshow reference in it like Selen. No respect for sellouts.

>> No.66979405

When she said that and why? it include graduate livers?

>> No.66979444

Alright clear the floor /vt/
If they prevent Selen from calling in on Pomu's farewell stream.

>> No.66979463


>> No.66979511

Just release it as is. What are they going to do? Fire her? kek

>> No.66979597

dragoons will actually go ballistic if that happens

>> No.66979633

Isn't Selen still in a hospital bed? I haven't seen any tweets saying she's had her liver fixed or whatever.

>> No.66979728

How can you can play apex in a hospital bed?

>> No.66979734

>no one mentioned selen in stream except pomu

Nice FAMILY you got there nijikeks

>> No.66979763


>> No.66979769

The last tweet from the Selen account was about her getting discharged from the hospital.

>> No.66979807

Dragoons won't do shit. They're still praying she comes back for some reason.

>> No.66979838

Can you give me the sauce OP?

>> No.66979863
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>> No.66979872

I suspect everyone else is afraid of having a similar "accident" that forces them to take a break from streaming

>> No.66979917

reminder that pomu literally said on chat that her mv was approved but catalogfags and thread watchers dont know that. you can go to her comments in chat in the last minutes of the stream and youll see

>> No.66979918

Nope, she's been discharged for 18 days now, and apparently spent the last 18 days bing playing ranked apex

>> No.66979948


>> No.66979966

selen literally had an accident, retard

>> No.66979982
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>> No.66980011
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since no one here actually fucking watch pomu and are just dramafags

>> No.66980028

The ccp are the ones in charge of nijisanji anon

>> No.66980032

that ship sailed long ago anon. We're just talking shades these days between vantablack or black 4.0

>> No.66980044

Niji management is so fucking garbage man, I can't imagine dealing with these people

>> No.66980052

Uh-huh. That's why her PL has been active while she's "recuperating", right?

>> No.66980060

>The last tweet from the Selen account was about her getting discharged from the hospital.
>Nope, she's been discharged for 18 days now
Source? I don't care nor want any offtopic shit.
I want to know the official status of Selen Tatsuki.

>> No.66980071

it's amazing you can still type that with a straight face

>> No.66980137

Just go check her twitter, jesus

>> No.66980170

Her past life, Dokibird, is active on Twitter and Etsy, she's selling art, and she's unprivating her videos from her past life.

Give it one or two weeks after Pomu graduates, if not sooner, and Selen is either terminated or graduating herself.

>> No.66980199

her very own pl had her in a hospital imbecile

>> No.66980216
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>> No.66980223

Do we know what the accident was?

>> No.66980229

Is there any doubt as to why she's graduating now?

>> No.66980252

you have no idea what a black company is. Nijien is just extremely mismanaged

>> No.66980290

prepare for sudden private hahahaha

>> No.66980304

no, we know by a photo that there was an accident in december, thats it
you posted that and dramafags ignored it

>> No.66980309

Joining nijisanji.

>> No.66980340

we'll see

>> No.66980359

I think at this point it isn't that everyone's dramafags, but seem to (rightfully) have 0 faith in niji management

>> No.66980410

niji management is in japan, this is nijien. besides, everyone outside of selen and pomu releases covers and shit normally without any problem so i bet that after they leave you wont see this happening

>> No.66980417

>a photo

What photo?

>> No.66980436

hard to have a trust in niji after selen incident

>> No.66980463
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>> No.66980473

I think we won't see this happening because the talents are giving up on it.

>> No.66980476

Did you watch the stream, nigga? Even if the MV gets published (not confirmed) and doesn't get pulled down (even less confirmed) we just had a "little rant" about how they're making her life a living hell during graduation. Keep blaming dramafags instead of this shithole company.

>> No.66980501


>> No.66980532

no, we got like 6 covers and originals since selen shit so things are going just normally. No one is giving up as things are still approved for others

>> No.66980560

We will see if the nijiexodus continues after Selen. I get the feeling it probably will.

>> No.66980568

meanwhile maria releases 5 covers per month, its very hard!

>> No.66980573

eh niji will private this one just like selen anyway

>> No.66980596

That's a frame. Anyway good job ignoring the point.

>> No.66980620

the day 4 graduations at the same time are announced you can say an exodus exists. until then its not one but your own dreams
meanwhile in actual reality, a ton of covers were just released since december.

>> No.66980659

sure it will. Just like every other cover out since december that... wasnt privated. but as usual, if its a good thing happening, you dramafags dont know

>> No.66980666

comprehension must not be your thing, end of her latest stream she says management asked her to change a scene, stop bootlicking, whether it’s intentional or not, management is making her anxious awaiting for a response as to whether or not everything else is good to go.

>> No.66980710

>Selen is all but confirmed next

How many need to graduate before you would call it an exodus?

Also, they won't graduate/terminate at the same time because they want to milk each graduation to the utmost.

>> No.66980737

>we havent pulled down a talent's mv in nearly four weeks!
This is the best you've got?

>> No.66980803

im pretty sure selen mv still privated

>> No.66980823

mika isn't nijien and 4 people leaving out of over 35 is barely anything. an exodus would have to be like id, not something like that, you dont seem to understand what an exodus is
they havent pulled down in 2 years either considering that was literally the first and only time it happened

>> No.66980862

not gonna lie, im pretty scared pomu wont ever come back… ik its very likely but everytime she cries it honestly feels like she wont ever come back, anons, do what u do best and give me your best ratts on what she will do after graduation

>> No.66980867

like i said to you before, the day they have 10 graduations in less than a year like ID had with 4 or 3 graduations announced every 3 months in 2023 is the day i agree with you. so far, not the case at all

>> No.66980869

Don't run from the question. How many need to move on before you'd acknowledge an exodus?

>> No.66980880

Selen attempted suicide after management punished her on Christmas for no reason. Management posted accident because they didn't want to look like a black company. Selen has not touched that Twitter account since Christmas day.

>> No.66980940

You don't find it concerning how much of the Nijisanji EN viewership was concentrated between Mysta, Pomu, and Selen?

Were not talking about the 20 other literal who's in the company.

>> No.66980941

run from what question retard? do you even understand what an exodus is? look no further than kr and id to understand one, imbecile. having 4 members leaving from their own accord isnt mass graduation, mass graduation is more than 10 in a branch in the same year

>> No.66980942

What did Selen even do? Did she talk back against Niji managment? All that niji stuff is so confusing. It feels like managment wants to backstab every talent.

>> No.66981008

No, I dont find it concerning, im not a manager or an executive. the only argument here is about mass graduation and the term isnt used for so few graduations. unless they announce 4 graduations at the same time like id do and then have them all over the year im not going to call it what it is not

>> No.66981019

>If I ever join another Minecraft server, I'll have a lot of inspiration
don't give up hope

>> No.66981046

of course its confusing, you fags dont watch anything lol

>> No.66981105

ID wasn't an exodus. It's literally the branch shutting down. EN is experiencing talent flight which will lead to the branch shutting down. Pomu and Selen are two of their most successful talents, as was Mysta.

It doesn't matter that they have 20 other 4 viewer vtubers. They only need to lose a few others like Vox, Luca, Elira, Rosemi, Reimu, or Petra before the branch becomes nonviable.

>> No.66981124

I do hope she's doing better, that's actually really sad.
But it's a good thing it wasn't something like Selen accidentally tripping, falling, and defenestrating her self out of Nijisanji corporate HQ, from a meeting room with no externally facing windows in the middle of the building. If it was a one in a million accident like that, she might have scratched the yacht while falling, and that would be really expensive.

>> No.66981125

anon are you mentally incapable? do you not know the concept of an exodus from a company or something? 3 members so far left by their own volition, maybe 4 with selen depending on how things go. Thats not a number of exodus at all, even more with 30+ members. exodus would be 10, 15, 20 members leaving like wactor to the point you barely have members

>> No.66981129

>ID wasn't an exodus, it literally an exodus
What did he mean by this?

>> No.66981178

You have to admit if they block Selen that's well into abuse of authority.

>> No.66981182

I would say an exodus is employees leaving voluntarily. If they're leaving because of branch failure, that's not an exodus, just a failed business.

>> No.66981207


>> No.66981212

>they havent pulled down in 2 years either considering that was literally the first and only time it happened
It means they reached a new low anon. It was incompetent before, but not enough to killing something that was already approved and posted.
Selen likely still has a ton of projects backed up waiting for approval for 6+ months. Funny thing is the first one she got out of the batch got terminated.
You don't randomly try to kill yourself after 1 thing. This is something that had been built up after a very long while.

>> No.66981216

Yeah, but they didn't all leave at the same time tho, that's what would happen had the exodus been caused by the branch being shut down, like what we saw with yumenographia

>> No.66981231

ID literally was an exodus you absolute retard. The branch was merged and the members chose to graduate while a few stayed, just like kr did.
>They only need to lose a few others like Vox, Luca, Elira, Rosemi, Reimu, or Petra before the branch becomes nonviable
oh god you are a complete retard who dont understand how revenue works. The fact you even put petra and reimu in there tells me everything i need to know about how much you know shit. anycolor has the numbers of the branch, not you nor me, they will know and understand when it needs to close and let me tell you, not vox, selen, pomu or others leaving wont do that, they need to reach kr and id levels to be closed down.

>> No.66981245

He probably meant management closed up shop in IND and the merger was just an excuse to put them in the playing field. Where they cut the lowest performers and don't give funding to the poorest performers...

>> No.66981274

Mika had a higher ccv than half of EN

>> No.66981281

You should genuinely kill yourself sister. It would be better than living with this boot in your mouth for the rest of your life.

>> No.66981299

block selen to what? shes suspended retard, shes not coming back until at least 25-26 of this month if this suspension is even 1 month

>> No.66981300

NijiEN will survive due to their male talents, but their female branch. All of them are going to be like Enna. Pump and dump NijiEN for what its worth then bail.

>> No.66981335

lol then if they don't like you they cut you off is more to the logic Nijisanji is using then.

>> No.66981339

ah yes im a sister because i dont agree with your retarded concept of mass exodus that is literally wrong and because you think petra and reimu are that important in revenue.

>> No.66981364

I don't think people like Vox will stay on NijiEN for too long

>> No.66981369

To Pomu's graduation. Let me guess, you are the type to think management endorsing that obvious as fuck shadow suspension is justified with Pomu leaving?

>> No.66981372

Your issue is that the most popular streamers in NijiEN aren't high enough revenue producing entities? Reimu and Petra were included because theyre more popular than the other 20 literal who's on the company.

How much revenue is Yu Q Wilson bringing in?

>> No.66981413

it has nothing to do with this. mika was part of id, so as such, she had no resources unlike any shitter from en who just by existing get merch, voice packs, sponsorships and shit. its not about ccv, id and kr closed and merged, so by all means they dont have anything except for a few ones like hana.

>> No.66981458

God you are a complete retard. no one has the total revenue of the members you fucking imbecile, we only have superchat numbers and even in that alone this is wrong because Scarle, Hex and aia are top 5 sc in nijien and are those "literal who" youre talking about

>> No.66981464

thank you kind anon, ill keep wishing for the best!

>> No.66981473

So then we agree, Mika elft because it was a shit work environment and she counts as a talent leaving nijisanji because it's poorly managed

>> No.66981481

so why not just cut the entire gen off, or are you telling me there was way more profit to individually milk graduations of these talents?

>> No.66981497

No, im saying to you that shes suspended, learn to interpret a text you faggot. thats it!

>> No.66981508


>> No.66981528

...Are you aware that YouTube views generate revenue and tend to be the primary income for YouTube streamers rather than super chats?

>> No.66981539

because they merged those branches instead of shutting down them to not have backlash for firing over 30 members, thats literally it and its known for 1 year. Why are you acting as if this is anything new? theres a reason theres been no graduations in kr for over a year and the same will happen with id when everyone who dont want to be in a dead branch leaves.

>> No.66981547

lol so because she is suspended she shouldn't be allowed to participate on Pomu's farewell and then immediately forced to graduate herself.
Looking good there NijiEN, very cool.

>> No.66981572

ID and KR, even shitters, are getting Original Goods merch releases ever since they got merged with the main branch. This is something that not even EN gets.

>> No.66981579


>> No.66981585

Allegedly what selen 'did' was have art in her cover featuring nina and mysta which allegedly is against niji rules now so they decided to stick the screws into her on christmas over a project she'd gone to the ends of the earth to make sure was finished and good to go.
Her roommate made a tweet recently quoting "you're not special" which suggests someone said that to selen recently. Most obvious candidate would obviously be management being complete douchebags because they didn't do their own job for four minutes checking an upload their talent was making.

>> No.66981593

are you aware that other revenue avenues exist and the branch is paid by those as well and anycolor has those numbers? are you aware that you are acting like a complete retard when this revenue you speak about cant even be seen and youre arguing about them? fucking faggot

>> No.66981612

she posted the hospital band on her RM
do your reps

>> No.66981639

and dont get birthday merch, voice packs, or any other merch like EN gets every month. why do you think mika was complaining about that comparing herself to en? no one gives a shit about that in comparison to what en gets

>> No.66981649

Calm down nijisister. I know it hurts to face the writing on the wall that NijiEN will be a ghost town in the coming months and that a talent exodus is happening before your very eyes.

>> No.66981674

Wait so was Selen told she was worthless THEN she was hospitalized or was it later?

>> No.66981704

I dont even watch nijisanji you fucking faggot. Im simply angry with how much stupid you are to not understand how mass exodus works and how you cant even analyze a basic thing like sc revenue. you are mentioning petra and reimu for fucks sake, one of the least popular vtubers in the branch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.66981709

Please look forward to the MV


>> No.66981711


>> No.66981723

It was weeks later. She probably got told that on the day she was fired.

>> No.66981740

thats a lot of allegedly and the like without any hard proof

>> No.66981759

You really need to calm down my guy. For someone totally not interested in the nijisanji branch, that's a lot of swear words and exclamation points.

Maybe chill out and think about it rationally.

>> No.66981823

Im angry. because. you. dont. understand. shit
fuck kurosanji, you are the problem here with how stupid you are

>> No.66981829

>my guy
Definitely not a guy.

>> No.66981840

Unfortunately for her, that's a product of the rest of exID being a bunch of lazy shitters who didn't want to put in the time or effort to grow their branch. They wanted (or coped) their chats to be "small and comfy", meanwhile they whined and complained about not getting support, compared to EN livers who put in hours upon hours of work to stream and create content to grow the EN branch. (yes I know there are tons of lazy EN livers now, I'm talking about when the branch was starting out, up to the point where management was convinced to create merch/VPs for EN).

>> No.66981864

Try some breathing exercises. Maybe take 5 minutes. Then, reflect on what I've said. You don't need to be this angry.

>> No.66981873
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she got nothing for her own birthday tho.
poor girls got abandoned by riku

>> No.66981909

They tried to do it and got shut down by niji management by not giving them their share

>> No.66981918

definitely autistic, anon just log off the computer, nijibros… good job on breaking this tard lol

>> No.66981923

Delete this
this is so sad damn

>> No.66981952

Somewhere between vantablack and musou.

>> No.66981974

funny how this is being ignored. one more proof that out of 32, like 29 are dramafags

>> No.66982001

Tried to do what? Grow the branch? The only ones I've seen try to do that were Hana and Mika.

>> No.66982038

why do people use black company wrongly so proudly, dear god. wactor is the only company that can even be called like this in this industry, nijisanji is just mismanaged and overall a greedy company

>> No.66982042

are you aware that is absolute horseshit and just a script they force Millie to read.
There're so much available resources nowadays with actual proof on how much youtuber earns per views. Just take 1 google mate.
1 million views = $3.231,42
Just look at Millie channel last year, she got around 18 million views.
That's 18* $3.231,42 = $58.165,56
assumes the best of niji and they only take 50% cut from that it's $29.082,78
And that is pre-tax, assume millie is at the highest tax bracket, that's another 40% gone
That's $17.449,67 a year. While it looks big for your poor SEA-ass. It's kinda nothing for a musician. She can easily blow all of it in 1 original songs.
Time and time again Nijiliver tells people the best way to support them is voice packs and yet you keep making imaginary shit.

>> No.66982053

Funny how you're still ignoring Pomu ranting about how they made her delete scenes at the last second and stay up into the middle of the night to potentially get this published.

>> No.66982108

So if you are at the bottom of the rut you don't even get shout outs in Nijisanji.. fucking grim.

>> No.66982130

okay lets talk about it
>it took so long
yeah what the heck nijisanji doing all this time?

>> No.66982131

Dude why you need even to bring it up. The song was finished around Jan 2022. Pomu literally had to graduate for Nijisanji to release it.
If she hadnt graduate they won't release the song

>> No.66982150

>non American use of periods and commas detected

Oh, you must be a third worlder, that's why you lack my superior American understanding of business and management

>> No.66982152

funny how you forgot this took minutes and then it was approved.

>> No.66982227

an exploitative, sweatshop-type employment system.
coined in the early 2000s by young IT workers but has since come to be applied to various industries.
typical practice at a black company is to hire a large number of young employees and then force them to work large amounts of overtime, usually without pay.
Conditions are poor, and workers are subjected to verbal abuse and "power harassment" (bullying) by their superiors.
In order to make the employees stay, superiors of black companies would often threaten young employees with disrepute if they chose to quit.

>> No.66982228

funny it took only one minute but selen mv still got ignored for three weeks

>> No.66982238

yes because im not american that surely make $17000 a year great. You made a great point.

>> No.66982256

the song was finished in 2022, the MV began production only second half of last year
retard-kun, only en gets birthday shouts. in nijisanji jp, thers no shouts twitter, only merch and thats it, and id and kr dont have birthday merch regardless of their size because the branches are dead and even though they merged, they are pretty much non-existent in there and are just allowed to still stream. except if you are nari, hayun and hana who got merch but still no birthday merch. they do these things by branch, not by individuals

>> No.66982262

the state of being held in low esteem by the public.

>> No.66982279

Funny how you complain about people supposedly not watching and didn't even watch the timestamp posted in this thread. She talks about how she's been extremely stressed all week about it. And in fact she's been fighting for over a year about this. Fuck you sister.

>> No.66982325

yes, because shes suspended after telling others to upload it and whatever it had in it, its not on pomu mv
thank you for proving that this is not a black company. no idea why this insistence to use this term anyway.

>> No.66982343

>a song finished 2 years ago
>only started production half a year ago
Yeah that make sense.

>> No.66982360

weird considering how much staff Nijisanji employs that are NOT talents.

>> No.66982368

after selen and pomu graduate you wont ever hear about perms issues again. the problem is with them because both are ambitious, others will just stream and post covers/originals here and there so nothing like this will happen again

>> No.66982377

Why are you treating the revenue as if it just comes from one source? It's super chats, views, merch, etc. Nijisanji takes a cut of all of these and probably at differing levels.

Why would you ever think that Nijisanji EN isn't being propped up by a a handful of talented individuals if you're following your own math here? Isn't Pomu and Selen representative of a disproportionately large piece of the niji pie?

And if they leave, and a management has even less resources, and can't function with the resources they currently have, won't that cause more talents to leave?

How does it not point to an exodus?

>> No.66982386

>an exploitative, sweatshop-type employment system.
All of EN are cannibalizing each others views
>typical practice at a black company is to hire a large number of young employees and then force them to work large amounts of overtime, usually without pay.
>Conditions are poor, and workers are subjected to verbal abuse and "power harassment" (bullying) by their superiors.
This is EN management, no one itt can argue otherwise
>In order to make the employees stay, superiors of black companies would often threaten young employees with disrepute if they chose to quit.
Niji is a black company

>> No.66982404

not weird at all when the company makes a conscious decision to only give resources to en and jp. you seem to think this is some kind of defense instead of me just explaining how things works.

>> No.66982405

>except if you are nari, hayun and hana who got merch but still no birthday merch
whats up with discrimination in there?

>> No.66982436
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>i've been soooooooooo fucking stressed about my music video
>i can't even explain it
>literally, the day before yesterday, mane-san came to me and was like, you have you have to change this entire scene
>and i was like "..."
>and like, literally, up until this point, i was like, at this point, i felt so bad asking them to change it
>i felt so awful asking them to change it
>it has been kind of a hellish situation i've been going through
Actual quotes.
This is fine according to sisters.

>> No.66982452
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>> No.66982454

Don’t forget that Sayu had mentioned that Nina also told her something similar, that she believed she was nothing without the company.
Now factor in the way management does shit like harping on their talents about numbers (Yugo) and it’s pretty clear who is sending the message “you’re not special” to these people

>> No.66982459

go back to fucking reddit mate. The original comment was "super chat doesnt matter, youtube views is where it's at". And I pointed out the youtube views doesn't do shit.
2% lmao
Again, time and time again nijilivers beg for viewers to buy their voice pack and says it's the best way to support them.

>> No.66982471

im glad she leave kurosanji oh god

>> No.66982483

If it actually gets released, download it asap.
There's a 80% chance they will pull it down for some asinine reason after she graduates

>> No.66982505

this is a huge reach, even more on the second one when those members stream the day and hours they want and have bought houses and other expensive things with it.
You and me dont know how the numbers are, only anycolor does. you are talking as if sc money is everything and even in that front youre wrong because you put petra and reimu on it. NijiEN wont close because selen and pomu are out, they will close whenever anycolor sees fit, and that hasnt been the case yet. Maybe if they lose like 10-15 larger talents it would reach kr levels

>> No.66982511

Learn to read.

The first post said >but my supas, but that's wrong because supas tend to be supplemental to view based income.

The you pretended that I said only views matter, they don't. Again, calm down, stop hyperventilating, and come back in 5 minutes when you can rationally think.

>> No.66982554

Sayu literally never said anything about the company saying that to nina and nina herself was pissed about her talking about private conversations.
The yugo shit dont even make sense because its numbers and no one translated that screenshot to this day.

>> No.66982557

So I've been wondering about this Selen "accident". So there's reason to believe that it wasn't and it's not just some random Anon bait?

>> No.66982560

>hellish situation
NijiEN is hell confirmed

>> No.66982561

I'm not talking about NijiEN closing. I'm talking about talent flight as a result of poor working conditions.

nijisister I am begging you to actually try to comprehend.

>> No.66982565

>had a "accident"
>instantly goes to her PL to post random shit
>including getting commissions for her stream (on PL)
>plays apex for 10+ hours every day after the "accident"
There was never a suicide attempt

>> No.66982617

>instantly goes to her PL to post random shit
including a photo from a hospital bed

>> No.66982621

no I know it's not a defense. The best way to anti is to actually keep people informed of why others have misgivings in the first place. The seed of doubt is my method, way more effective going for the hearts and minds of people than blatant trolling. Words have always had power over people, but persuasion is to allow people to reach their own understanding of events, manipulation is to ask the right questions at the wrong timing. Spinning is a biased interpretation of events to sway public opinion. I don't approve of what NijiEN has done or their profiteering without investing into their talents. Their talents are not an enemy, they themselves don't realize their management is disingenuous and they deserve better.

>> No.66982646

unironically true. they are the only ones who speak about it so i doubt this will happen after they leave, unless they get someone as ambitious as them in en

>> No.66982695

She got stealth suspended. You'll see her magically come back the moment it reaches 30 days since her last tweet

>> No.66982712

nijien has nothing to do with what i said as they still have voice packs, birthday merch, general merch, sponsorship, collabs and much more while id/kr have nothing, which is my point. en is mismanaged but they still have resources invested.

>> No.66982738

Explain this sister.

>> No.66982743

both things can happen retard, she can be suspended AND still have an accident

>> No.66982745

I never said that the company told Nina she was nothing without them, just that she felt that way. Sayu made it sound like many of NijiEN feels that way. As for the Yugo thing there’s literally evidence that the company pressures livers on their performance. Put two and two together and it’s pretty clear that the company culture within Nijisanji is why the livers feel useless without it. Selen saying that she’s been told she isn’t special just backs up what we already knew.

>> No.66982828

Sometimes I wonder if there really isn't a single higher up who looks at NijiEN management and thinks, "You know, maybe we should purge those guys and replace them with more capable staff who can properly support our talents and occasionally push them in the right direction in case they do something really stupid like creating a literal 4chan copy while shit talking their co-workers."

>> No.66982847

she posted on her PL account with a hospital tag as she was discharged.
That being said the hospital tag being white so noone can confirm what she had. It could still be suicide or actual accident.
But by the circumstances suicide is a lot more logical.

>> No.66982874

It's so strange. How many people need to graduate and say "yeah it was shit" before these actual retards stop defending this shit company?

Pomu was literally infatuated with the idea of bringing Nijisanji to America and worked relentlessly to make it happen, then graduates, and while graduating has a break down about her company stonewalling her music video, and these sub 50 iq nijibots think none of this is indicative of a trend in the company

>> No.66982873

Where do you think China is?

>> No.66982903

All you've done is post evidence that suggests she did indeed have a mental episode. You're instructed to
>avoid identified triggers
>keep engagged with your support network like friends and family
>occupy yourself with things you enjoy doing
So on the contrary we can surmise there was a suicide attempt and the fact she's avoided anything to do with kurosanji since then would heavily suggest they were the trigger.

>> No.66982918
File: 371 KB, 1188x636, 4A8D4289-7B51-44DF-B765-4B65711ABBAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66982920

Whatever got changed will be very obvious when it was changed at the last minute and will stick out like a sore thumb
Do those retarded managers not realize this? Everyone will see what they were butthurt about

>> No.66982951

Keep an eye out for Selen in the mv

That's what got changed :)

>> No.66982953

Anycolor: https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material_for_fiscal_ym2/137288/00.pdf

Cover: https://contents.xj-storage.jp/xcontents/AS05169/4f1872d7/00b1/4608/ae53/91e8fe62579e/20230512160316925s.pdf

Anycolor PP&E as of April 30: ¥209.6 million/$1.45 million
Anycolor CapEx spending as of April 30: ¥68.6 million/$475.3k

Cover PP&E as of March 31: About ¥1.9 billion/$13.2 million
Cover Capex spending as of March 31: ¥1.46 billion/$10.1 million.

I used OANDA's currency converter for anyone who cares. Cover also has huge expenditures on software intangibles, which I think are HoloEarth investments.

opens the eye to how much Anycolor just hoards the money like a dragon.
Cover has 87 talents, this means 16 million jpy reinvested per talent. 116.1 thousand usd.
Anycolor has 180 talents, ths means 0.38 millon jpy reinvested per talent. 2.6 thousand usd.

>> No.66982979

At some point you need to consider whether you should be telling the people defending niji management here that they are misguided idiots, or whether you should be telling them to get off 4chan and actually do their job of managing nijisanji en talent.

>> No.66982984

Its probably Nina. They were butthurt about it on Selen's MV too

>> No.66982994

no theres no evidence whatsoever when a conversation about numbers is literally normal for a company in this industry and the content of said conversation never has been translated, with only numbers appearing and assumptions coming.
no one disagree its mismanaged, only that not everyone feels that way which is why you get luca, millie, petra, elira and others not feeling the effects.

>> No.66982997

>inb4 ultra zoomed in shot of pomu hugging or posing with someone who is identifiable as selen from three pixels

>> No.66983016

>only that not everyone feels that way which is why you get luca, millie, petra, elira and others not feeling the effects.


>> No.66983036

You only think they're not feeling the effects.

They almost certainly are. Give it time, Selen will probably not be the last graduation of Q1

>> No.66983039

literally nothing you posted has anything to do with what im talking about. Im talking about how id dont get any resources whatsoever while en gets it with the things i mentioned, including things that make the members money and opportunities.

>> No.66983053

Poor girl sounds soon done with this garbage company.

>> No.66983065

lmao calm the fuck down you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.66983074

That looks so dogshit and low quality that if they did make last minute adjustments you wouldn't even be able to tell what it was

>> No.66983086

I actually watch them, two of them very much defended nijien in public streams, the other two never complained about anything. Those 4 I have absolutely all confidence that wont graduate, even more petra and millie who both love being in nijien and never complain about shit even in member streams.

>> No.66983090

Yeah, real shocker how you don't want to talk about how the company makes the people who work there feel miserable. "Hellish", as Pomu put it.

>> No.66983118

So...no proof given you could have easily said this about Pomu a few months ago

>> No.66983126

They LOVE their NijiEN family!

Which is why they won't bat an eye at it no matter how many graduate and leave nijisanji en.

>> No.66983127

They can't be that stupid... right?

>> No.66983139

Anon, are you fucking retarded? look at the fucking conversation you quoted where im only talking about ID not receiving shit while en gets much more opportunities. getting merch, voice packs, collabs, sponsorships and sll the shit they got IS INVESTMENT. thats the fucking rason why kr and id members graduated, because they didnt get any of that most basic shit. thats literally the only point im making, learn to interpret, not everything is a defense in your retarded agency wars

>> No.66983158

You really need to take a 10 minute break and calm down, maybe a cold shower, nijisister.

>> No.66983166

Never underestimate how retarded Nijisanji is
Here is the link

>> No.66983171

Unlike others, I watched pomu and saw all over 2023 how she was unsatisfied and frustrated. I never said anything about her not graduating, she was clearly in her member streams, same thing i cant say about a good part of en. but yes lets see if those four are graduating this year, lets see if an actual mass graduation will happen, we'll see!

>> No.66983174

Anon your concise and straight forward demeanor is helping my point. It's the company's choice on how much they choose to reinvest into their talent pool and support them. Niji execs would rather buy a yacht than reinvest to give their talents 3D and support even at the most basic levels of the business.

>> No.66983184


>> No.66983192

Nah you've been spamming NDF crap since the thread started, fuck off. This specific thread chain is just your autistic way of avoiding the real issue.

>> No.66983207

the fact that you think that a money company is used for yachts is hilarious, i have to say. this shit would be all over their documents. if anyone bought a yacht, its with their own money that comes as salary
>also, most of nijisanji already have 3d, over 110 talents.

>> No.66983211

How many need to graduate before you consider it a mass graduation?

Because we already have Mika, Nina, Mysta, Pomu, and almost certainly Selen

>> No.66983221

Underrated post, and literally true, since she was intending to join the same company as Mumei, but didn't by mistake.

>> No.66983224

Defending your company publicly and never complaining does not mean that you absolutely love your company and would never leave.

Most people wouldn't talk shit about the company they work for and especially if their position is as tenuous and in demand as being a vtuber, so again, you have no proof

>> No.66983237

what the fuck are you talking about you retard? at least look at the conversation topic, you are fucking delusional

>> No.66983254

Yeah, their salary is a very generous slice of the pie. It's also very profitable for the stakeholders invested in the company, as long as growth can be reported, what matters if a few full grown trees are chopped amirite. Need to make room for new growth after all in the reports.

>> No.66983262

and 4 fucking graduations isnt a mass graduation. how many times do i need to tell you that for this to be athing more than 10 in the same year in the same branch like id and kr need to be athing?

>> No.66983285

ID doesnt get anything because they refused to put in the work to grow the branch and make the company money. Hell, Lazulight made more in donos in their first month than ID pulled in during their entire lifetime.
And remember, EN didnt get merch until 7months in, and birthday merch until 11 months in, after they proved to the company that they could put in the work to make the company money.

>> No.66983289

I’m astounded at the incompetence from management in this situation, even though I should expect it at this point. But Jesus messaging her about this the day before the video is supposed to go up? Seriously?

>> No.66983291

>ths means 0.38 millon jpy reinvested per talent. 2.6 thousand usd
That doesn't even cover a decent model.
That explains a lot why kurosanji has the worst rigging in the industry.

>> No.66983298
File: 1.90 MB, 792x3312, meanwhile in nijisanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these apparently dont count for a mass graduation.
Hell you could make multiple companies from this list. Nijisanji had more people fuck off than there are hololive, vspo talents

>> No.66983306

>4 fucking graduations isnt a mass graduation
the absolute state

>> No.66983310

Most people literally shit talk nijisanji in their own streams all the time thats how you even know of the issues of the company, retard.
and i have plenty of proof by watching said vtubers who show the exactly contrary of pomu, which is exactly how i can compare.

>> No.66983322

I am begging you to just breathe, all this stress isn't good for your health anon.

And yes, Mika does count when talking about nijisanji work culture being shit. We covered earlier that ID mass graduated because of it.>>66983262

>> No.66983354

and the retard who put VTA who arent even nijisanji members and 3 of them literally debuted in two months ago is here! and shangai and taipei that are licensed companies said in that very own article! and VR which is bilibili motly owned and entirely managed.

subject is en btw, retard

>> No.66983373

>most organs shittalk the company on stream
>this somehow reflects well on the company
>also the graduations are over, trust me

>> No.66983382

no mika counts for you because you dont know anyone else outside of her.

>> No.66983383

>you can't look at other failed nijisanji branches, that's not fair!

The absolute state of nijisisters

>> No.66983392

No need to be so snappy, it's a bit of a worry if you have to spin the eventuality of what a bad company is doing.

>> No.66983397

You will still be saying its not a massgraduation even if theres 10 more people graduating by the end of the year (they arent allowed to have more than 1 graduation a month)

>> No.66983441

im just saying the members complain on stream you faggot, thats how you can post your bait threads in the first place
>also the graduations are over, trust me
yes because those very people im talking about love being in there and have said as much in member streams and how they feel bad seeing their managers being shit on and the branch, while others like pomu and selen never showed this. you faggots really dont get that different people have different opinions and experiences? have you ever worked in a company in your life? do you think everyone hates or love? no in between? jesus christ lmao

>> No.66983444

The fact that graduation waves is a thing has to be the fucking funniest shit to ever come out of Nijisanji
What a joke of a company

>> No.66983490

so your statement in argument for nijisanji is
>not everyone feels that way
>look at least 4
>please ignore literally everybody else though

>> No.66983498

They love their nijisanji families :)

>> No.66983506

do you not get the fact that those i mentioned arent branches of nijisanji? one of them isnt even a branch, its a complete different thing that isnt even nijisanji itself but a bunch of students with THREE of them debuting in nijisanji but are there as if they graduated.
no, i will absolute say it just like i do for id and kr. And jp, kr and id all graduated with 2 or more in announcement

>> No.66983508

There's actually a very long waiting list, management is so swamped they honestly would like to push it back next year.

>> No.66983532

Nobody actually watches everyone's streams, there's too many people in the company. Nobody's subscribed to all their memberships. Either you're larping or literally Millie.

>> No.66983533

Im talking about the ones i can say for sure but if you think 30 members are going to graduate this year and think the same, go ahead, lets see it happening

>> No.66983567

strange esl energy

>> No.66983569

sure there is, lets see what will be when every id graduates. You wont get above 15 graduations due to kr and id already having the majority of them graduated

>> No.66983578


>> No.66983580

4 Graduations is alot within such a short amount of time sis. Compare to Holoive where every Graduation is a huge event. We've had 3 in 5+ years (if you don't count stars)? What's so different between the two companies that one has almost a non-existent turnover rate and the other has members jumping ship as soon as they get the chance?

>> No.66983601

>mass graduation
It doesn't matter how many livers graduate, Nijisanji will just debut 5 times more in the same timespan. Everyone is replaceable.

>> No.66983605

The cope is hilarious because people said the exact things about Pomu

>You really think Pomu, the matriarch of Nijisanji EN would ever leave? Go ahead, lets see it happen
>>Pomu leaves
>You really think we'll see a mass graduation? Go ahead lets see it happen

Keep walking back those goal posts

>> No.66983626

Anon, im going to say to you again one last time
shangai and taipei arent nijisanji companies but separate companies that had a license for a few months before reverting to their original names and dying
vta isnt nijisanji but a separate anycolor program with students that dont make any money, dnt work and just learn shit. 3 of them in there literally debuted in nijisanji last months
VR is a separate company mainly managed by bilibili

only kr, id, en, jp and in were and are nijisanji branches, thats it.

>> No.66983660

Like 2 and a half years, since around her debut. At least for the song itself which has still not been officially released.

>> No.66983669

Except that i never said any of that and anyone who said that literally never watched pomu member streams. But sure go on, keep thinking like this.

>> No.66983671

Good thing there was no talent flight in KR or ID

>> No.66983690

>*I* didn't personally say any of that but I will repeat the same talking points of every nijisister to earn giftcards

>> No.66983698

Who, specifically, are you claiming won't graduate? Whose member streams do you watch? It can't be everybody.

>> No.66983700

good thing that my argument isnt about that but only about correcting people to talk about the actual branches and that i literally explained why said talents left due to branches closing, being merged and not having resources, unlike en which still gets them

>> No.66983730

its not same talking points, im merely saying that those members dont show any sign of disastifaction, instead showing the contrary, even in private streams.
read the thread

>> No.66983734

Yeah, because Pomu, Mysta, Nina, and Selen are miniscule nobodies in Nijisanji EN and don't represent a sizeable viewership base in Nijisanji EN at all

>> No.66983750

I’ll give you Petra but if you really do watch Millie then you should know why her opinion doesn’t count. Someone with her history would stand up for a company even if that company is outright abusive

>> No.66983755

No answer, huh? I guess they're all graduating.

>> No.66983757

>its not same talking points, im merely saying that those members dont show any sign of disastifaction, instead showing the contrary, even in private streams.

>>they don't show it therefore it doesn't exist since people always say what they feel because they're just like anime characters

>> No.66983758

why would I want to watch chinese thugs demolish the dreams of hopeful girls. I could watch 1989 Tiananmen Square videos for that.

>> No.66983775

they arent minuscule but they arent going to kill the branch either.
its not about their opinion being nji good or not, its about saying who seems to want to stay, and most of them seems to be the case.

>> No.66983808

I know, that's why I used your argument to prove the bottom line. Nijisanji is a selfish company, and your dispute that EN still receives resources is a laugh with Pomu & Selen's situation. You have your context but everyone else is on the outside while you are looking from within, this is what I meant by manipulation. Take care

>> No.66983816

yeah anon, millie, luca all defending niji more than one time means they hate it, petra never complaining for 3 years and saying how much she loves working on niji and how its a fun place for her to be because its just fun instead of work like her university is like that. seems like you guys dnt understand the concpt of different experiences and how one person can feel different than the other. thats how you get graduations (aka quit) and others stay, thats how any company works.

>> No.66983819

Damn it's almost like there's something happening, right now, that might make them change their minds. Unless you've got behind-the-scenes info from January you're willing to share, your opinion's worth nothing.

>> No.66983832

>they arent minuscule but they arent going to kill the branch either.

They mightn't kill it but EN is basically a rump state at this point. It's a corpse on life support. I'm a chuuba in the indie scene and EVERYBODY I know looks at nijisanji like it has the plague now

>> No.66983835

No of course they won't. But their departure will starve management of additional resources, which will result in an even worse work environment, and who knows what that leads to.

And again, you only need a few to leave after that. Vox, Elira, Rosemi, Luca.

What happens to people when all of the coworkers they were friendly with/respected leave a company? Do you think those employees have high retention rates? Especially if they perceive issues with management?

>> No.66983848

This is all nijien though

>> No.66983846

oh my dear god
let me write to you one more time. Im talking about resources not because of en, im talking about resources because im talking about id and comparing them to an existent branch that gets funding by having merch, collab merch, sponsorship, voice packs and shit produced to the branch while id is dead without anything, thats it. Selen and pomu situation has nothing to do with investment but bad management

>> No.66983855

>people would just lie to make sure their meal ticket is secure? never

>> No.66983883

Correct. Kotoka and Meloco get 15k viewers whent they get serious without any sorts of buffs like cover drama or graduation

>> No.66983886

you really dont know anything about those people youre talking about lol

>> No.66983912

and what your budies have to do with anything? if it still is making enough money its going to keep going, if it still has people joining it still going to keep going, thats how it works. if not, its not, its easy

>> No.66983925
File: 21 KB, 666x666, 17006945365476128769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting fucked around by management like 5 days before you graduate. Amazing. What's more amazing is anons thinking the main issue is whether or not she gets to upload it, and that if she gets to upload it, everything is sunshine and rainbows.

>> No.66983932

>people would just lie to make sure their meal ticket is secure? never

>> No.66983945

what was the snarky reference in selen's mv? i don't watch vshojo or niji

>> No.66983950


>> No.66983952

The quality of talent that Niji attracts decreases by the year and their reputation is in the shitter

>> No.66983961

I keep saying I'm using your argument to make a point? You say their situation has nothing to do with investment, yet they will willingly let go of their talents instead of retaining them? Well it's definitely a bit of both then isn't it.

>> No.66983971

petra literally is part time as an university student and has a rich family but go on, continue showing how much you dont know about the people youre talking about

>> No.66983999

good thing their reputation in their major market, japan, is great then, because lots of good and graet talents came

>> No.66984000

She's been working on a graduation song for over a year? Tell me why management should do anything to help someone who already has one foot out the door?

>> No.66984006

>most of them
You could only name four that seemed happy and could only confidently say within those four that two absolutely wouldn’t graduate. That isn’t “most of them,” anon.

>> No.66984007

>If there is nobody left to graduate then you can't call it a massgraduation, heh take THAT ;)
>Please praise me daddy Riku

>> No.66984016

Nijisisters in this thread are deeply serious people with deeply serious understanding of secure and stable work environments.

Everyone knows companies work best when the hiring process is a revolving door and talent retention is non existant, graduations are just the company breathing out as it breathes in the new talent.

>> No.66984121


>Heh, they have a good representation in Japan

>> No.66984153

im not that anon and im talking about that market. Niji fanbase in jp dont see it in that way, at all, and they are much larger than nijien.

>> No.66984204
File: 381 KB, 600x694, 1678626410037940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buncha incoherent Nijiniggers here, back to your psyche ward you mentally ill retards

>> No.66984212

>Everyone knows companies work best when the hiring process is a revolving door and talent retention is non existant, graduations are just the company breathing out as it breathes in the new talent.
I mean, that's literally what Nijisanji is all about. It's not an issue that needs to get fixed, it's the whole point of the company. The acceleration strategy is not a meme, it's their motto.

The talents have no future there, their career perspectives are abysmal at best. They should get as much money as they can and then fuck off to greener pastures. I can guarantee you that the younger talents trying so much to defend the company (AKA -> their closest coworkers, the so called "family") have next to 0 working experience in other places.

>> No.66984239

It wasn't really snarky, she simply had a shot of herself turning towards Nina and Mysta, both seen from the back, near the end of the MV

>> No.66984335

can you explain to me how over 100 members are in nijisanji for 5, 4 and 3 years? reminder that gen 1 is almost 6 years, with their first graduation this year, and gen 2 is 6 years with no graduation. 48 members are going to complete 6 years this year, 36 members will complete 5 years, 10 members will complete 4 years and thats in jp alone

>> No.66984369

What about EN Gen 1 :3

>> No.66984398

nijisanji is a 6 year old agency, the members there in more time make more sense than a 2 years old branch.

>> No.66984423

So how many nijisanji en members need to graduate from en before you consider it a mass exodus of talent

>> No.66984425

2018: 61 debuted, 48 remain
2019: 44 debuted, 36 remain
2020: 13 debuted, 10 remain
2021: 5 debuted, 4 remain
2022: 8 debuted and all remain
2023: 18 debuted and all remain
total: 149 debuted, 124 remain

thats how it is for nijijp, over 80% retention rate

>> No.66984458

>people would just lie to make sure their meal ticket is secure? never

>> No.66984471

...Because they make enough money to keep going? I'm sure you realize the
it's not a good argument giving the ridiculously high number of graduations, debuts and livers that literally need to get a second job. You don't build a career on Nijisanji, you get all the money you can and then fuck off.

>> No.66984483

>these will be the numbers that defend the honor of Riku Tazumi

>> No.66984487

Selen isn't part of the NijiEN clique.

>> No.66984489

>It's a good thing their major market is Japan so it's a good thing that a substantial part of their revenue has just crashed and burnt

>> No.66984497

like i have said more than one time and you ignored, 10 members in the same year at the very least. same as kr and id

>> No.66984516


>> No.66984537

significant part of their revenue crashed and burned? they arent even losing money in en, they are making less than their highest time in 2022 with -15% that came from the cn fanbase fucking off in december 2022 which is why decline happened. even before any drama this was a thing.

>> No.66984551

Why 10? How did you get to this number?

>> No.66984570

>they are making less than their highest time
That's what "losing money" for a corpo means, yes

>> No.66984577

So we're atleast 40% of the way there today, right?

Mysta, Nina, Pomu, Selen

>> No.66984597

>losing revenue = losing money

Are you retarded?

>> No.66984627

No, youre not 40% because nina and mysta was 2023 and pomu and potentially selen are 2024
because thats how kr and id happened in 2022 and 2023 respectively. if you had any brain you would understand
losing money is being in the red you imbecile.

>> No.66984635

Please don't say retard, it's offensive to sub 70 iq individuals like him

>> No.66984642

>losing money is being in the red you imbecile.

Yes I know retard that's why I said revenue but you decided to imply that meant losing money you fucking monkey

>> No.66984669

...You do realize that it's been less than a year since they graduated, right?

>> No.66984690

>No, youre not 40% because nina and mysta was 2023 and pomu and potentially selen are 2024

So why do you calendar year and not just 365 days or use the financial year? Seems like you're jerrymandering dates to fit your narrative

>because thats how kr and id happened in 2022 and 2023 respectively. if you had any brain you would understand
And? Why are they relevant?

>> No.66984718

KR and ID didn't bring any money tho, so the EN graduations have a far heavier impact

>> No.66984731

>Tell me why management should do anything to help someone who already has one foot out the door?
Because they're still a employee until the precise moment they do walk out that door?
Because it's also one of your star employees and treating them like dogshit sets a bad precedent for both everyone still working there as well as warns off absolutely any new talent worth a shit applying in the future?
Christ you jobless retards are, well, retards. I presume you also wonder why tenants renting a home don't just trash the place a week before leaving too.

>> No.66984782

>what, you're obligated to pay people who put in their two weeks notice?

>> No.66984834

when im saying year i mean january 1 to december 31 of the year, thats it.

2018: 3 JP
2019: 6 JP, 1 jp termination
2020: 3 JP, 7 KR = 10 graduations, 1 Jp termination
2021: 2 jP, 2 KR, 3 IN = 7 graduations
2022: 4 JP, 7 KR, 1 ID, 1 EN = 13 graduations
2023: 3 JP, 10 ID, 2 EN = 15 graduations, 1 en termination
2024: 1 ID, 2 JP, 1 EN = 4 graduations

>> No.66984836

kek yeah that's the energy these sycophants are giving off.

>> No.66984858

>when im saying year i mean january 1 to december 31 of the year, thats it.
Why? That's completely arbitrary. Do the particular dates of Jan 1 and Dec 31 have a special significance?

>> No.66984904

thats not completely arbitrary, 2023 is 2023, 2024 is 2024. if you use another form its on you, thats how i use for everything, like soccer seasons.

>> No.66984916

If 9 people were to graduate on December 31st 2024, and another 9 people were to graduate January 1st 2025, don't you dare call it a mass graduation event.

>> No.66984950

>the exact calendar definition of a year is arbitrary

>> No.66984962

9 people graduating is literally mass graduation, i wouldnt say its not just because its not exactly 10

>> No.66984993

im still baffled i had to read that too. it makes much more sense than a random period of year between 2023-2024 and 2024-2025

>> No.66985019

Honestly fuck it pomu just tough it out and comply until you graduate then when ur at vshojo just make a better MV using gunrun’s money and vshojo’s full support

>> No.66985039

>if 10 people graduated in a 365 year period, I'd call it a mass graduation event


>> No.66985140

This anon thinks the "I haven't taken a shower in a year" new years joke is literal

>> No.66985187

I knew the ndf were fucking retarded, but trying to redefine what a year is just to win an argument is beyond anything i've ever seen before.
Just admit defeat

>> No.66985236

>I am 15 and have never heard of Year To Date formatting before despite it being one of the most common metrics when discussing statistics

I knew this place was full of kids

>> No.66985285

5 people graduate on Dec 31 23:59 and another 5 on Jan 1 00:00

Still a mass graduation or it doesn't count because the numbers on the clock changed?

>> No.66985295

So what is this dangerous game you are playing? Does NijiEN need 10 graduations/terminations to satisfy this man?
Make the list

>> No.66985343

With this list 70% of the ccv is already lost.
So the mass exodus is the viewers

>> No.66985380
File: 829 KB, 786x945, 1705069001390102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry anons, she'll be free of corpo bullying soon.

>> No.66985413

>implying vshitshow isn't gonna be worse

>> No.66985444

At least they'll have their own IP if they wanna go solo, so by default vshitshow is actually better even if the management is exactly as shit

>> No.66985461
File: 2.20 MB, 844x2039, HenyaWink156161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's even better than VOMS you turd

>> No.66985502

>First time that Pomu is happy since management bonked all her project in january 2023
>She literally can't wait to graduate, take a real break, be free of nijisanji and then stream again as a hobby
>"nonono pomu don't go think about your family why couldn't just wait until the obsydia 3d debuts??? T_T_T_T_T_T"

>> No.66985515

Just plug in your gaming laptop?

>> No.66985543

>the management is exactly as shit
Which it isn't, because the managers work for the talents, not the other way around.
So the talents tell their managers what they want to do, and they get the help they need.

>> No.66985590

>unironic vshills

>> No.66985598

Next thread

>> No.66985607

she tragically shot herself in the back of the head multiple times. luckily all the apex conditioned her to operate without it already

>> No.66985619

remember what matara said? a manager trying to help her was a completely foreign concept to her

>> No.66985631

kurosanji yanked her video down and then retroactively invented a reason for them to have yanked it down. The rule they made up after it was taken down was that it featured nijisanji characters that had graduated.

The problem Selen has is that she works for the black company, and they are still punishing her for not showing proper respecteru for her manageru-sans. The transgression she committed was complaining when the japo corp abuses talent. They really don't like Western workers-rights laws.

>> No.66985658

Henya's a lot happier now, and that's good enough for me.

>> No.66985695

>only react streams
>already on hiatus
Do vshills really?

>> No.66985768

>only react streams
tell me you never watched a single minute without telling me
>already on hiatus
she's on vacation and she earned it after pushing so hard for so long.

>> No.66985847

Pippa talked about how their manager saved their company. And Fishman has said he only hires female managers to work with the girls and he specifically hired one that has a background in psychology. And Shiina was close enough with her manager that they went to a spa together, and she later confirmed that the manager was Dizzy and that she indeed has giant boobs irl.
If kurosanji has evil managers that abuse their talents and drag their feet to cause stress, it's by design, not accident.

>> No.66985873

>only react streams
catalog retards say this about every vshojo so I'm not surprised that you hold this opinion
>already on hiatus
She streamed 160 hours last month and 54 hours this month, cut her some break.

>> No.66985920

So you're basically saying.........that the clique is real

>> No.66985944

I sincerely hope if you have an oshi in Nijisanji, that they graduate and go to an agency that treats them the way they deserve to be treated

>> No.66986052

To the nijisisters ITT

I sincerely wish you well and hope you get the resources you need to pull your IQ above 70. Even if it seems impossible, I believe in you guys.

>> No.66986137
File: 39 KB, 314x238, niji black keke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black company status?

>> No.66986185
File: 9 KB, 500x281, MV5BOWMzNmM0MWMtYjBhNS00NzNmLTk1MzUtZjY1Y2U3MDY2OWU5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_QL75_UX500_CR0,47,500,281_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66986767

I know right. Let's even say 7 people graduated on Sept to Dec and 7 on Jan to Feb. Which makes 14 in a span of less than half a year. Anon thinks that's not mass exodus because he is retarded "Le different calendar years".
