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66926687 No.66926687 [Reply] [Original]

I'm out of the loop, why the fuck was she fired? China bitching again? And why is there no meltdown here? VT doesn't seem to care at all

>> No.66926799

Same reason as Rushia except on a surface level it seems like it was a bit more amicable

>> No.66926856

Broke Nda, admitted she was in the wrong, faggot nonholo friend ratted her out.

>> No.66926859

>why the fuck was she fired?
nobody knows
>And why is there no meltdown here?
bootlicking board

>> No.66926863

Dating rumor and mental meltdown?

>> No.66926908

Not the dating part but yes

>> No.66926959 [DELETED] 

she got ratted by Kotoka of NijiEN after she leaked internal stuff to her

>> No.66926980

Cover: We have to fire you because you messed up
Mel: I admit that I messed up and I'm so sorry.
Cover: Thank you for all your hard work.

In terms of terminations, its by far the most mildest one possible. There's no controversy like Rushia. She immediately agreed she messed up. Fin.

>> No.66927025

She flew too close to the sun

>> No.66927081

She betrayed Cover and Yagoo

>> No.66927230

OP os always a faggot but this time he's also a liar
>And why is there no meltdown here?
phasefags and nijiniggers are using this chance to shit the board as hard as they can
This is a small victory to them

>> No.66927288

why is there no pinned thread?

>> No.66927325

There was, you're late.

>> No.66927339

We're confused. She agreed to a termination following an NDA breach, but the talents and staff have only said good things about her.

>> No.66927515 [DELETED] 

Except Pekora. Pekora basically told her to fuck off.

>> No.66927564

Prove it

>> No.66927602

It's on twitter, retard

>> No.66927662

link it, then. Should be easy

>> No.66927674 [DELETED] 

All of those questions can be answered with '...it's Mel'.
>Why the fuck was she fired?
It's Mel. She's stupid and talked about shit she shouldn't have with a friend she thought she could trust who ended up stabbing her in the back.
>Why is there no meltdown here?
It's Mel, the shitter of HoloJP
>VT doesn't seem to care at all
It's Mel. She barely streamed and always seemed to be on the verge of leaving on her own.

>> No.66927780

I fucked her on stream and Cover found out about it because I told them. Oops.

>> No.66927853

Anon the point of the "mutually agreed" despite her being literally fired is exactly to keep a good image for all the ones involved in this, they're not going to shit on her after going out of their way to put up a front

>> No.66927892

Dammit Kotoka

>> No.66927912

I can't use this to shit on nijisanji why should I care

>> No.66927983

>Cat died
>Confided in someone they trusted, said some things she shouldn't have
>Person they trusted couldn't actually be trusted
source herself

>> No.66928026

That explains the staff, but I doubt they have that much of a leash on the talents.

>> No.66928084

This. All the positivity around her termination is literally propaganda. Nobody knows how bad the actual fuckup was, but it was bad enough that she was terminated instead of being forced into an early graduation.

>> No.66928212

Legitimately no-one knows. Supposedly she leaked something but whatever she leaked it didn't reach any of us, or anyone on 5ch. Not much of a leak, really.

>> No.66928249

No it isn't

>> No.66928255

Sure, but it's propaganda in favor of the talent that got terminated. Cover making her look good makes Cover look bad for firing her.

>> No.66928326

This is my rrat, I believed it was kotoka who ratted her out but i think it was one of the e-celebs, why?
>Jap e-celebs are 100 times hornier than western ones
>We know Mel is so beautiful and sexy even women want to rape her
>Some male e-celeb gets close to her
>She thinks he's a friend because she still wants to believe in people
>Said ''friend'' is told many things by Mel because she's a trusting idiot and a sweet girl
>She tells stuff she shouldn't
>E-celeb thinks he has access to her pants
>Couldn't be further from the truth and gets friendzoned
>E-celeb goes scorch earth and rats her out making her getting fired
>All of this happened because Mel was too trusting on the wrong people
Women whould understand to never get with a guy who's job is playing videogames, ever, the only good exception is pewdiepie where he was able to somehow mature over it and have a child, even fucking moistcritikal who everyone thinks is mature af seems like a manchild compared to him.

>> No.66928412 [DELETED] 

What does Kotoka gains from ratting Mel out?

>> No.66928433

Mel should get her lawyers to sue cover again. It worked once before.

Or is this just Cover finally getting their own back after being humiliated and having to pay all her legal costs after she owned them the first time? Yagoo is a resentful bastard...

>> No.66928453
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So what you're telling me is that it's Mel?

>> No.66928505

The talents aren't idiots, they're not going to antagonize her and look bad

>> No.66928512

Any termination of a 5 year veteran is going to look bad. As for the damage to Cover's reputation, I just attribute that to incompetence.

>> No.66928690

>Mel fucks up by breaking NDA
>amicable separation and contract termination
>Selen fucks up by posting content without proper perms (perms weren't actually needed)
>Niji sends her to the psych ward and forces her only friend in the company to graduate
This is why Cover can not win. They are a weak company unlike anycolor. I fucking love my NijiEn family.

>> No.66928698

Basically, none of it should feel like a surprise, which is why the reaction is fairly tepid among Hololive fans.

>> No.66928750

Calli straight up said that it will continue to be fine to mention Mel in her chat. That's not normal for terminations.

>> No.66928819

Mel wasn't just a 5 year vet, she was the 3rd hololive member ever.

She debuted well before literally everyone except rbc and sora. The rest of 1st gen is almost closer to 2nd gen's debut dates than they are to Mel. Mel should really be thought of as everyone's senpai, the same way people think of RBC and Sora as the ones there from the start.

>> No.66928826

Nah, cover won't look bad because they painted this as "we talked and she agreed", most people won't waste time wondering what other option she could even have, also apparently they have a lot more bootlickers than I expected, most of the reactions were just "contracts amirite, gotta respect them"

>> No.66928894

They're all allowed to talk about Rushia too. Marine said the other day she was going to name one of her kids Rushia.

>> No.66928972

>That's not normal for terminations.
The only similar termination was Rushia, who went full menhera and started leaking shit like a maniac to japanese keemstar, and supposedly spreading lies regarding the company and talents.

This might be the "normal" for more amicable terminations. that seem to come from genuine mistakes and not malice

>> No.66928983

it would have been less bitter if they found a way NOT to delete her content, fucking grim.

>> No.66929008

One less competitor and a blow to her companies enemy

>> No.66929029

Antis aside, there are definitely people disillusioned by cover because of this. Mel wasn't a firebrand like the other terminations, so it makes people wonder if their own oshi is next.

>> No.66929033

Cover not being able to do anything about it is neutral at best. At worst, they look like a soulless corporation.

>> No.66929050

>Marine said the other day she was going to name one of her kids Rushia.
I won't allow it. My family only has boys and I will not let her give my son a girl's name.

>> No.66929125 [DELETED] 


>> No.66929142

cover are fucking stupid about this, honestly. When Kaoru's contract ended and they deleted his channel they randomly decided to delete Suzaku's channel at the same time, even though he graduated on better terms way earlier. There's no rhyme or reason to it, they're just assholes.

>> No.66929168

I understand that talents are allowed to talk about them, but a talent telling their fans that it's okay to continue mentioning a freshly terminated talent is odd.

>> No.66929180

How the fuck did cover knew about it ?
are they spying their talents ?

>> No.66929197

>The only similar termination was Rushia
There was Hitomi Chris, who has been memoryholed.

Are you not willing to let Marine have her cute onion daughter? You monster.

>> No.66929210

>disillusioned by cover
yea, nijifags like you

>> No.66929230

I want to see if they delete the channel or private it.

>> No.66929246

Probably came up during the interview after biannual hymen check

>> No.66929264

There really should be way more stink about companies doing this without giving VERY convincing reasons why. I remember Lulu only managing to get 6 months out of Niji and that wasn't even a termination.

>> No.66929290

Go back sister. Stop false flagging as a holo

>> No.66929298

A ride on the yacht and a bounty for taking out one of the competitions talents in the form of percentage increases to base 2% based on impact and relevance. So maybe now she'll get 4%.

>> No.66929354

Mel came out looking fine imo, I don't think many people are mad at her.

Of the two parties I think cover came out looking a lot worse. I certainly think they look like shit.

>> No.66929385

I can't help it, my seed is simply too strong to give me a daughter. We can adopt a little girl after Marine gives me my fourth son.

>> No.66929390

She was legit so dumb it got her fired. Her defining character flaw led to her demise.

>> No.66929427

I'm not bothered by it at all, I never watched Mel and assume Cover made the right choice. The ones that focus on sex appeal are all a bit menhera

>> No.66929429

we don't care because she was a male collaber, it's really that simple, nothing of value was lost

>> No.66929453 [DELETED] 

Kotoka trying to get those brownie points at Niji by giving them a softener for when they have to announce salene graduation with no stream notice on friday. Bold move to sabotage a friendship just to look good for your Master though.

>> No.66929461

Nobody really looks bad from this aside from the 'friend' that betrayed Mel.

>> No.66929537

My only gripe with all of this is that Cover could have "forced" her graduation without putting her out on display as an outright termination and NDA breach.
Unless there's a push for sponsors or shareholders to make it public as an example, they could just make her leave with a proper graduation while taking care of the fans.
Rushia's case exploded in everybody's face so it was very messy, before and after the termination, but Mel's case could have been managed more carefully

>> No.66929612

Chris's termination announcement actually got deleted from the Cover website at some point, she's the only one where you have to dig through archived/cached versions of the site to find the original wording etc

>> No.66929706

That's why I don't trust the "mutually agreed" bullshit. They don't trust her enough to make a farewell stream.

>> No.66929724

Mel is one of, if not the most irrelevant member of hololive. I wouldn't expect EN babies to have any interest in her or even recognize her

>> No.66929748
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Poor Mel, she's in the most dubious company of the leavers. Cover did her dirty.

>> No.66929795

Yagoo is too nice

>> No.66929814

She was the least popular of all of JP, and that's not an exaggeration. Only the homos are less popular in all of hololive.

>> No.66929823

I assume it's because of how strict the wording of the NDA is. They also have to signal that they take privacy very seriously. But again, the heavy handed approach makes them look like the bad guys in the situation.

>> No.66929860

is this the schizo thread

>> No.66929910

>She thinks he's a friend because she still wants to believe in people
>She thinks he's a friend because he's willing to say what she wants to hear
Like every woman ever

>> No.66929933
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she was above roboco, and she was actually trending up

>> No.66930154

I don't get why they have to get rid of her channel if it's a mutually agreed on split.

>> No.66930211
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tl;dr posting company shit on personal account (most likely an accident?) -> kicked for NDA breach

actually quite sad if you think about it, but all girls are aware of the risks of moonlighting

>> No.66930367

>we don't care
>implying you wouldn't give your left nut for a chance to "collab" with her

>> No.66930433

nta but no, the fuck? Why do you undervalue your nut so badly, anon?

>> No.66930454

You're actually right anon, it slipped my mind.

>> No.66930473

NTA, but you don't need both.

>> No.66930481

My info might be out of date, I just remember her fighting for last place with Aki, but Aki had a bit of a resurgence.

>> No.66930624

>posting company shit on personal account (most likely an accident?)
Read her PL message. It was pretty clearly intentionally confiding in someone who then blabbed

>> No.66930628

Honestly I think some people are being too kind to cover here. Without knowing how serious the info Mel leaked was, it makes me feel like my oshi can be nuked from hololive if they trust the wrong person.
But I've never liked the extreme autism of japanese companies, whether that be cover or jap vidya companies.

>> No.66930656

that's 2023 data anon, it's current

even if you take jan 2024 data she was above rbc in basically every possible metric https://twitter.com/Holo_Data/status/1745355362838921259

>> No.66930755

>it makes me feel like my oshi can be nuked from hololive if they trust the wrong person.
Your oshi can, indeed, by nuked from hololive if she blabs about shit involving her NDA. That has always been true, and it'll still be true. I don't see a problem with it, that's how company secrets work.

>> No.66930774

She does have less subs than Roboco though, I think I might have been mixing metrics.

>> No.66930869

You'd want to fucking hope every hololive member is smart enough to have a backup character ready to go at the drop of a hat.

>> No.66930897

If we're talking subs then Mel still has more than Aki, Iroha, Lui, etc.

>> No.66930946

don't disclose shit, pretty self-explanatory

>> No.66930976

The others are newer so it's expected, but I'm surprised Aki is still behind her. Those views might not be translating to new subs.

>> No.66931070

so funny watching unicorn schizos try to use this to shit and piss everywhere

>> No.66931119

Anon "mutually agreed" doesn't exist with Jap corpos
The agreement is "you admit you were wrong to save face, we admit we won't sue you"

>> No.66931122

>not knowing NDAs are so broad you break them every time you talk about work

>> No.66931199

it is about as broad as the terms written in it.
just throwing a wild guess Cover corps NDA has a lot of text in it

>> No.66931216

A lot of people are saying it was Kotoka and nobody is challenging it, is it actually 100% confirmed?

>> No.66931244

>it makes me feel like my oshi can be nuked from hololive if they trust the wrong person
No shit anon, as if everyone wasn't already aware of that. It's like being a doctor and talking about the personal informations of one of your patients to an acquaintance, it's risky because you never know if the company you work for will ever figure it out.
Mel was the example to not follow, she trusted the wrong people and ended up regretting her mistakes. All of this bullshit could've been easily avoided, and even if Cover is harsh, revealing protected informations to someone else (who could be a talent from another company here) will get you fired no matter what.

>> No.66931265

>muh unicorn boogeyman
Unicorns and Wall s garden only people aren’t the same retard. Same shit as when you try to say unicorns when it’s CGDCT. You faggots are mindbroken

>> No.66931342

It's 0% confirmed, there's no evidence other than them having a recent offcollab, it's just easy shitpost material

>> No.66931343

You can blame anyone you want without proof, nobody is going to stop you

>> No.66931355

t. unicorn schizo

>> No.66931378

Just look up a NDA template. Here's how one of them defines "confidential information".
>"Confidential Information” shall include all information or material that has or could have commercial value or other utility in the business in which Disclosing Party is engaged
I doubt a corp would be less restrictive than a template that a small biz would use.

>> No.66931386 [DELETED] 

tldr: possible other reason why mel was fired? other factors, perspectives etc.

(not saying this is true but) This is an interesting perspective. Some other anon suggested that her company is firing her in retaliation for her reporting sexual harassment by a manager or employee. They also said that the timing of the firing coincides with the expiration of the statue of limitation for workplace harassment. So perhaps the NDA thing was an exucse to get rid of her and also save face for the company.

Is it similar to how Coco was graduated after allegedly not being allowed to participate in company or group activities, had antis given moderator power to ruin her relationship with members and fans, and other unfair behavior to have her "voluntarily" leave?

Does the corporate and other messages telling fans "thank you for support" etc. seem like some way of saying "please keep giving us money despite this event?" Is it weird how they call the firing mutually agreed upon like Mel had a choice? Also, is it weird how they try to give this a positive spin while making the firing abrupt and not allowing any graduation farewell and only allowing a final message through another employee/manager censor.

Is it surprising how many people simply believe the corporate message and focus only on the NDA part. Even if she did leak NDA or admit to leaking information, how can anyone ever judge if they keep it a secret? What are other factors and the big picture? There are examples where if a company wants to fire someone they will find any reason to despite those reasons not being used to fire other employees.

Vtubers are great entertainers and it is tragic to lose someone who has been on near the beginning when it was not popular. Allegedly, Mel had to deal with unfair things, like sexual harassment from manager, avoiding a stalker, not being able to stream for a year, and all that damaging her potential audience and growth. She tried hard and still got abruptly fired.

What do you guys think? A lot of the information here was based on internet comments etc. but does it not bring up interesting questions/perspectives? Will other Vtubers (including more popular ones) be fired like this? It is very concerning.

Has any Vtuber corporation ever admitted to any wrongdoing? It seems like it is always the fault of the vtuber.

>> No.66931525

make shorter posts, shill

>> No.66931532

woman moment basically, she talked too much to the wrong people and broke her contract, but tbf thats the risk of hiring a bunch of women, and due to her past history she probably only had female managers which is atrocious since they will simply cover one each other until everything ends up exploding in their faces.

>> No.66931540

In that case, I blame Pippa

>> No.66931596

Remember how Vox went to Polygon to shit on Niji and talk about their NDAs and how he only got a slap on the wrist for it?

>> No.66931836 [DELETED] 

You know their models aren’t what they look like in real life right? It amazes me how you all say we can’t seperate reality from fiction, and then you say shit like this, I think 99 percent of japanese women are ugly as shit, and that probably includes mel

>> No.66931877

well I'll give you a first hand real world example:
>"anything you see, hear or do in this space cannot be talked about with anyone who doesn't work here, do you agree?"

this is the most simplest NDA I've ever personally agreed to.
It's not rocket science, you don't need law degree to understand that

>> No.66931930

You broke NDA just by posting that.

>> No.66932001

>he lacks critical information

>> No.66932107

the company doesn't exist anymore, thus the agreement is null

>> No.66932145

Having been to Japan a few times, I think most Japanese women look great. At the very least, they put a lot more effort into maintaining appearances. The data also supports it if you look at things like obesity and dating preferences.

>> No.66932181

>I think 99 percent of japanese women are ugly as shit
Sorry about your broken eyesight and/or dick

>> No.66932279

There are hot ones out there… however the average japanese woman is a 6/10 at best.

>> No.66932376

>the average jp woman is above average
you sure owned him

>> No.66932812 [DELETED] 

ok. (allegedly) Is it possible that Mel was fired in retaliation because she reported being sexually harassed by a previous manager? Maybe NDA is not the real or only reason?

>> No.66932948

That's because the termination wasn't for her or for the fans, it was for the other members, they have to go this way to make an example out of her

>> No.66932960

Probably not, but I'm sure it's awkward to have to re-hire someone you had a long, drawn out legal battle with.

Those kinds of relationships don't tend to last long.

>> No.66933028

Companies don't tank their stock value as an example to employees.

>> No.66933174

Did you not check the stock price before this? It's barely a blip

>> No.66933187

That also exactly what they did with Rushia. Pekora flat out stated that talking about Rushia wouldn't be taboo.

>> No.66933313

An exaggeration, but the point stands. There are better ways to train employees than damaging the company brand.

>> No.66933556

>why the fuck was she fired?
NDA breach
>China bitching again?
>And why is there no meltdown here?
Seems very amicable and Mel herself admitted she fucked up big time
>VT doesn't seem to care at all
There was seething about the lack of seething, but basically it was handled pretty cleanly so there wasn't a good angle to shitpost about

>> No.66933703
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>> No.66934676

>top indies are male
>scarle is a 4view
>tenma isn't
>dotlive still exists

>> No.66935217


>> No.66935397

that was 2023 anon, were you not paying attention?

>> No.66935703

Welcome to reddit lite.
OH and any mention of the narcissistic jealous niji vtuber who caued this will get your post deleted.

>> No.66936375

Cover is censoring 4channel?

>> No.66937319

Sakana explained why vtuber agencies do this in an AMA. Basically, it's a conflict of interest to continue profiting off a talent's youtube channel after they have left the company. Legally, it can be done, but it's best to avoid the headache of it all together

>> No.66937552
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>> No.66937854

>Subaru gets more views than Korone
>Iroha gets more than Fubuki
I haven't been numberfagging for a while but wtf

>> No.66937950
File: 1.83 MB, 3663x6323, 2022 all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru has been considered a top holo for a long time now.
Like she was above korone for 2022 as well for example, this is far from a new thing

>> No.66938477

This is what it really boils down to. Japanese women aren't uniquely attractive. Japan just doesn't have an obesity problem. And when you remove obesity from the equation, the vast majority of people are at least 5/10.

>> No.66938763

These two give me uncanny valley vibes.

>> No.66938897

People don't post much about Subaru here, but she's one of the top JPs. 5ch mentions her in the same line as Marine and Pekora.

>> No.66939020

>And why is there no meltdown here?

Anon people here barely watch EN streams much less the JP ones unless they can make some catty, bitchy drama about it

>> No.66940270

vtubers really do need mandatory opsec training

>> No.66940499

pomu was never good

>> No.66940862 [DELETED] 

Reddit meme

>> No.66940918


>> No.66941595

I wonder what the measures are that Cover are going to take to prevent this from happening again, that they mentioned

I imagine probably not real training, just a quick reminder of what their NDA said

>> No.66942120 [DELETED] 

Cound't resist sucking that cock

>> No.66942159

It’s a description of a type of person that drops to his knees to tongue polish any authority figure’s boots. The term is over a hundred years old.

>> No.66942503

It is one thing to codify in legal terms what is secret, it is another to actually teach how to keep secrets.
Even a yearly reminder in the form of non-legal guidelines on how to generally behave would go a long way.

>> No.66942603

well everyone definitely got a reminder this time

>> No.66944162

>I doubt they have that much of a leash on the talents.
You're saying this while talking about how they can and will shitcan a talent for mild offenses

>> No.66944363

Anon, she admitted she fucked up and took responsibility. You are the only one downplaying what she did.

>> No.66944396 [DELETED] 

Careful, anon. Nothing gets a tranime lover seething quite like reminding him that the yellow monkeys he fantasizes about aren't anything special.

>> No.66945749

>and that probably includes mel
>aren't anything special.
If you don't know whay and/or who tf you're talking about, don't post. Educate yourselves.

>> No.66945875

Holy newfag. Mel is one of the few vtubers who look more attractive in real life to the point that multiply girls tried to rape her.

>> No.66946802
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I normally don't visit her but did listen to her ASMR video's for a while.
Does she have a YouTube like Kiryu Coco (KSON) that I can follow her, or did she quit?

>> No.66947138


>> No.66947639
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Her YouTube channel is dead, but thanks for the ASMR archives, at least I can listen to that.

>> No.66947999

glaze hololive more faggot

>> No.66948010

the period at the end is supposed to be a part of the link

>> No.66948278

ty I think I found it

>> No.66948306


>> No.66951518

No one cares now that she's not Holo.

>> No.66951916


>> No.66951945

The . is part of the link, add it

>> No.66956859

I happened

>> No.66961248


>> No.66964067
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Some people do, that's why some of us asked

>> No.66966267

Not when the employees think they can get away with anything (because the clients/company let them)
This doesn't apply to Mel, what happened to her is tragic but rules are rules.

>> No.66967405

She knew too much.

>> No.66970438

There's nothing worth firing her over. Genuinely what the fuck does she even know?
Oh no cover is gonna do a concert in august? So what. The camps are already split and their stans are already with them.
Valentines Offcollab? *gasp*
Oh no new gen in june? So the fuck what.
Ayame is actually Yagoo? So the fuck what.
Something about the model software? They would have just said that.
It's just powertripping and shooting themselves in the foot.

>> No.66970755

>VT doesn't seem to care at all
Hologirls are a protected class on this board. But you're free to spam threads about any other vtubers that are graduating or being terminated.

>> No.66971413

Well the holos were far more cold towards Rushia.

Whereas with Mel a ton of them have made heartfelt farewells, and not just from the same gen.

>> No.66971716

If any big project leaks out and affects stock price investors are gonna get pissed. It's the risk of going public and putting yourself in the hands of capitalists.

>> No.66971946

Death to investment jew shit. It's caused nothing but damage

>> No.66972366

I don't know about that. Several Holos canceled their streams when Rushia was terminated. Meanwhile, Pekora streamed Terraria through this entire announcement like she didn't give a shit.

Greed predates free markets. Take the blue dye out of your hair and go get a job.
