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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66883523 No.66883523 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they deleting Mel's streams?

>> No.66883630 [DELETED] 

Nijisisters hacked her account.

>> No.66883639

you do wrong you get punishment
there's a specific punishment for every rule you break
leaking info means all of your shit gets deleted
it's ruthless and nips are very autistic when it comes to rules
but at the same time, that's why their society works (it's not perfect, but it works) while the Western world is in a decadent state

>> No.66883717

How does deleting the channel of someone who's no longer at the company punish them?

>> No.66883729

I wish those were my shota hands

>> No.66883853

It could be a monetisation issue: if she is a performer she might be entitled to a % cut and so its easier for them to remove the vids.

>> No.66884160

Cover's a black company

>> No.66884646

That's covered by their contracts, imagine if you hired somebody to work at your company for five years and after firing them you had to delete all their work. Come on, use your brain.

>> No.66884917

The videos continue to make money even after she'll be gone due to ad rev. That's the issue. Where does that money go when Mel is gone? Cover could just take it but that would be incredibly black
If things were ending on good terms then they could maybe come to an agreement, like with Sana. But that is not the case here

>> No.66885129

>Where does that money go when Mel is gone?
To Cover.
>Cover could just take it but that would be incredibly black
How is nuking her channel better???

>> No.66885621

jp autism

>> No.66885697

>Where does that money go when Mel is gone
If that was the issue they could just... turn off monetization?

>> No.66886694

Hololive deleting her channel erases the public record of her 5 year career. On paper the numbers might still exist but the actual content and signs of fan support have been erased. To delete her channel is 100% meant to be a Japanese style punishment against Mel for breaking her NDA.

>> No.66886805

She betrayed Yagoo

>> No.66887520

cool I'll never watch hololive again then

>> No.66887694

who's Mel?

>> No.66887936

they delete the channel of everyone e who leaves, how is this surprising?

>> No.66888239

>but at the same time, that's why their society works (it's not perfect, but it works) while the Western world is in a decadent state
I think it's more like they go far in some places the West doesn't go far enough and vice versa. In the Human Development Index, Japan and South Korea are only slightly better than the US. Think about that for a second.

>> No.66888306

Only for those who are terminated, graduated channels are still up

>> No.66888624


>> No.66888797

Terminated for leaking company information

>> No.66889380

all whores and homo colabers will get the boot, learn this already faggots.

>> No.66890762

That's the neat thing, you can't. It's going to be erased so you couldn't watch if you wanted to. :D

>> No.66892093

Bro... just turn off monetization...

>> No.66892158

holy how many fucking newfags

>> No.66892336

so, same as always for you, sis?

>> No.66893139


>> No.66893186

It's in the best interest of all involved (Except the fans). The company Can't make money off of her hard work after she's canned and Mel Can't make money off of Hololive in the same way. Sure there might be ways to keep them up, or for the Talents to buy out the rights to their Vods/Character, but I suspect that will be rare and I assume termination kinda makes negotiations nil.

>> No.66893260

>the Western world is in a decadent state
didn't the western world need to intervene to make japan ban child porn

>> No.66893830

Well they called it a graduation publicly but it you're right in that it was 100% termination.

>> No.66893883

>crying for the deleted creampie homo collab vod
She had no interesting content whatsoever so who gives a shit if it gets deleted

>> No.66893908

>t. Newfag

>> No.66894060

They tried and the one leading it got in jail because he's the one who had true child porn not dumb shit like loli hentai

>> No.66894106

More like cunny drawings

>> No.66894434

The real question is does Yagoo feel safe? You always see that guy just roaming about at conventions and cafes and all it takes is just 1 schizo who loved his terminated oshi a little too much for it to be all ogre.

>> No.66894837

She already has a career outside Hololive, why would they want to associate her with a NDA breaking identity?

>> No.66896353

retarded, as if the corpo dont want the money from their recorded streams

>> No.66897405

they're japanese, they fired rushia and banishment roomed coco even though they could have easily salvaged both situations

>> No.66898342

I'm sure we'll see those horrible leaks really soon same as with Rushia. It's not like corpo would ever lie. Mel and Rushia LEAKED tons of classified information and we'll see those LEAKS all over the internet any moment now.

>> No.66898844

>That's covered by their contracts

not necessary and the contracts may have been terminated as a whole, unlike a severable contract ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severable_contract )
the content produced by the talents like streams and songs may be only licensed to Cover for a limited time (eg: the duration of the contract or a specific duration in time).
we all remember how Rockstars had to remove song from GTA games once the license expired.
A solution for cover would be to simply buy the content rights so the content would become their property. But since mel wasn't that popular, it probably doesn't worth it at all.

>> No.66899987
File: 2.75 MB, 360x202, Rushia was ejected.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NDA's are almost completely arbitrary since 99% of the talents accidentally break it while reassuring their fans that good things are coming their way, all they usually get when they go overboard is a bonk and everyone forgets about it the next minute. I bet there's some Weinstein tier shit happening there if they are so petty as to erase the existence of their talents over some mysterious info relating to their most likely criminal dealings.

Deleting someone's entire career and livelihood over arbitrary rules and hearsay is petulant and evil, they were butthurt she exposed one of their friends as a rapey creep and were waiting for the the moment to kick her out. The Yakuza 100% own Japan

>> No.66900161

Black company

>> No.66900475

Depends on their contract but that's most likely illegal
Coverworshipperchama, monetization can be turned off

>> No.66900558


>> No.66901450

He has made his livelihood from selling dreams to lonely suicidal salarymen with no future other than slave work into their 60's. If one of them snaps after Yagoo not only discontinued but completely deleted the internet presence of his oshi then he deserves whatever he gets. Yagoo of all people knows that hurting the feelings of mentally unstable japanese otaku is a death sentence .The day Cover does this to one of their big earners, the schizos will burn their offices and they will have no one to blame but themselves.

>> No.66902156

They delete the videos as a form of humiliation and shunning, pretending she never existed because of her "betrayal". They negotiate a deal after termination so that she never shit talks them under threat of defamation lawsuits and then they throw loose change after they kick her out the door.

>> No.66903418

Her roommate made a statement.

>> No.66903538

He's probably more of a figure head after the corpo went public
Rather than the dude getting stabbed, I think it's more possible for KyoAni 2.0 to happen

>> No.66903602

How much do Cover pay you? I want some side jobs too

>> No.66904026

hololive is like family.

>> No.66904139 [DELETED] 

disgusting brown people

>> No.66904176

money issue

>> No.66904284

>they called it a graduation publicly
No they didn't.

>> No.66904466

>it's ruthless and nips are very autistic when it comes to rules
how come heads didnt roll after the rape thing

>> No.66904483

unpersoning a virtual character should be treated the same as murder
boycott vtubing companies until they guarantee virtual beings their immortal rights

>> No.66904588 [DELETED] 

nips believe women are for raping. they only fired mel's manager when he brought shame to the company by being found out.
mel's current yab is that she's leaking the existence of the holo talent exclusive sex dungeon for share holders

>> No.66904835

>leave streams up
>they continue to make money
>but the contract is terminated
They can't leave them up.

>> No.66904917

Heh, whatever you say bootlickerchama
Keep throwing Mel under the bus just to make Cover looks good

>> No.66904970 [DELETED] 

Why are brownoid always liie this?

>> No.66905240

>I can only throw a random insult because I can't deny shit

>> No.66905308

because she's not needed anymore

>> No.66905753

That would never not be retarded. Dude really went for something he would be investigated for by aggressively being against it, it's like trying to ban guns in some US states, someone will try to find the minimal second of your life you ever went as close to a bullet as possible in order to make a pro argument.
You shouldn't try to go against your own sins while you are still commiting them and while active being like "nah, I'm not doing that".
Eventually, someone finds out.

>> No.66906194

Nah, he definitely doesn't feel safe, dude has to juggle trying to rat out employees who unironically want to doxx his other employees in secret, needs to keep everything as NDA safe as possible, check that the international guidelines are not being broken specially by some of his JP talents and apparently now we know he also has to watch out for Yakuza stuff?, man knows one day something will come crashing down into either himself or the office or both. If Rushia's termination didn't cause anything that's because everyone was busy trying to break Rushia's menhera even further, even her schizo gachis.
Mel's termination might not cause anything because if the Yakuza stuff is true no one will be ballsy enough to try to do anything right now against neither COVER orel out of fear of repercussions not against themselves but family members.

>> No.66906290
File: 1.16 MB, 1574x2000, a0b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character Yozora Mel is Cover Corp's property. They are fully within their rights to delete any reference to the character. Gura, Pekora, FuwaMoco, none of them are special. They would also be erased and forgotten if any of the voice actresses who play them got out of line.

>> No.66906485

Mel was too good for this world. Retarded but still good

>> No.66906562

The best kind of good

>> No.66906666

when will they delete gura channel

>> No.66907010

Their response included to Mel's termination was a direct threat to all their talents that if they so as mildly disagree with management then they're next in the death note. Homolive has become so powerhungry that they legitimately think they can run a corpo with no talents, talk about small dick energy. Wouldn't be surprised if they had a chat with Riku about how to properly exploit and leech of your idols.

>> No.66907274

nice try. it was at best a reminder to not break the nda like a dumbass.

>> No.66907972

what yab I miss this day (and from cover of all things)

>> No.66908002

They're severing their contract and all financial obligations with each other. Would you rather Cover keep profiting off her work after her termination? It's consequence of how the businesses work overall

>> No.66908128

if you are actually offended by being called brown then that anon is onto something

>> No.66908874

This but without a shred of irony.

>> No.66909156


>> No.66909196


>> No.66909373

Besides the termination protocol, since the contents regard one of their IPs they just terminated, I think it'd be understood as they ejected their actor but still reap the fruits of their work. So they're making more money and publicity off someone whom they fired, which I don't think is alright ethically, legally and morally speaking.

Do you think a graduated talent (Coco, Sana) still keeps that cut even after they're gone? I don't think that's about the talent here.

>> No.66909848 [DELETED] 

The real reason was that she wasn't bringing in enough money. That's it.
The whole leaked info bit is a cover up to save face and throw her under the bus.

>> No.66910026

I guess its less of a time to mope, and more of a time to download vids before deletion

>> No.66910067

black company

>> No.66910599

Japanese companies are like that - extremely literal, no flexibility. All the company loyalty shit is BS if they don't like you. The mutual decision to part is a typical corporation's idea of doing you a favor.

You want the benefits of working for a corpo, you better be good at licking boots.

>> No.66911340


>> No.66911354

>The Yakuza 100% own Japan
Yeah, no shit. Almost every corpo is a subsidiary of another big corpo, which in turn is a subsidiary of an even bigger corpo run by some ancient clan. Wait a minute...

>> No.66911505

Because of legal reasons, such as revenue gained from vod watches. As they had to terminate her contract prematurely they aren't able to write a contract up so that the revenue has a clear place where it goes. Coco and Sana still have their vods up because they graduated properly and most likely gave cover all the profits from the vods in the future. They also wouldn't be able to draft a contract with Mel as she just broke her previous one.

>> No.66912042

It must be the Yukihana family
Shits started going wrong after the grandchild of the current head joined

>> No.66913334

there's a new hololive angel in heaven tonight
a reminder to all the other girls
you are a slave
fall in line or be terminated like her

>> No.66915716

She broke her contract by leaking NDA to a third party

>> No.66915762 [DELETED] 

>black company is when you fire someone for breaking their contract
Nijiniggers, everyone

>> No.66915800

Japanese hobby. Don’t like it then watch something else

>> No.66915888

The (((western world))) needs to mind it’s own business

>> No.66915918

They just need to, okay? Stop asking questions.

>> No.66915976

I love neofeudalism

>> No.66916000

Japanese company, japanese hobby, otaku website

>> No.66916042

Rushia broke idol culture by engaging in GFE despite having a boyfriend. She betrayed her fans and absolutely could not be “salvaged.” I agree the Kiryu Coco situation was handled horrendously, but at least Cover pulled out of china as a result

>> No.66916152

>You want the benefits of working for a corpo, you better be good at licking boots.
That’s literally the concept of employment you absolutely fucking troglodyte
You work for the company, not the other way around
The idea that your employer owes you anything when you voluntarily choose to work for them is an entirely western concept.
You choose to serve someone in exchange for monetary compensation and you agree to their terms. If you break the terms you agreed to, too bad, get the fuck out.
How is this hard to understand?

>> No.66916168
File: 24 KB, 720x713, watame smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NDA's are almost completely arbitrary since 99% of the talents accidentally break it
Objectively false
> I bet there's some Weinstein tier shit happening there
Baseless accusation
> Deleting someone's entire career and livelihood over arbitrary rules and hearsay is petulant and evil
Don’t break NDA, simple as
> they were butthurt she exposed one of their friends as a rapey creep
Another baseless accusation
> The Yakuza 100% own Japan
Again, objectively false (and also anti-Japanese racism)
Is this really the best anti-Hololive shills can come up with? Resorting to blatant slander? It’s pathetic, really. I hope Cover sues you for defamation

>> No.66916230

>Deleting someone's entire career and livelihood over arbitrary rules and hearsay is petulant and evil
Are you one of those retards who sign up on a social media without reading their terms of service and then bitch about getting banned for breaking the terms of service you agreed to?

>> No.66916251

because she didn't negotiate to keep them.

>> No.66916258 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 518x592, japan vs uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel wasn’t raped by Cover staff, that’s blatant slander. Btw reminder that Japan is proven to be safer for women than the west

>> No.66916272

Nihonjin autism

>> No.66916290 [DELETED] 

Commie faggot pls rope yourself

>> No.66916388
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>> No.66916438

>unironic commies itt
this board is so fucked

>> No.66916580
File: 74 KB, 630x840, soviet-censorship-naval-commissar-vanishes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They delete the videos as a form of humiliation and shunning, pretending she never existed because of her "betrayal"
It's literally this. It's the true mark of an Eastern, Asiatic despotic culture.

>> No.66916689 [DELETED] 

>Amerishart comparing a pseudo-idol getting fired to a mass-murderer bolshevik dictator
End your life

>> No.66916935

What if the situation involved with other hololive employees and it's not up to Cover alone to give the verdict?

>> No.66917015

This tbqh
I hope this is the start of the purge

>> No.66917270

>a mass-murderer bolshevik dictator
Mel wasn't that bad, anon...

>> No.66917400

Coco's situation was handled badly, and its definetely management's fault, but i think the final outcome would've been the same regardless of what they did. Chinks harrassment of coco was insane, it was inevitable that she'd get sick of it eventually of course, doing stuff like accidently modding antis is completely fucking stupid and never should've happened but it's just classic cover incompetence shit rather than straight up maliciousness

>> No.66918518

Just imagine if this could happen to musicians or writers. Piss off your publisher and they will obliterate your discography or bibliography.

>> No.66919159

Yeah Cover has a long way to go before they're anywhere near that level of based

>> No.66919204

stay mad, censor-kun

>> No.66919644

>mass-murderer from decades ago
None of my business
>A member of a hobby I enjoy
My business

>> No.66919750

Sakana from phase already did a very good explanation for deleting everything about the talent, something about being unfair to keep it up and the corp keep gaining money from it (adsense, merch, voicepacks, etc...) While the person who did the content receives nothing

>> No.66920908

Movie actors are paid royalties even if they cut connections with the studio or go work for another one. It's not a vtuber standard, but probably should be.

>> No.66922776

They are literally just exploiting VTubers because those are a bunch of impressionable super sweet, starry-eyed girls in their 20s, so they can manage to pull off shark-tier contracts like this.

>> No.66922880

>in their 20s

>> No.66923010

The starry eyed ones are in their 20s, the ones escaping black companies are 30+.

>> No.66923055

the entire sudden mel termination got me depressed, it still freaking hurt. i love her and i wish her the best, i hope we'd see her again in a much happier situation.

>> No.66923090

well the vtubers should unionize and force things to be fixed! and they'd all be replaced by the thousands of hungry indies.

>> No.66923226 [DELETED] 

Japan drastically under reports rape, pedophiles, molestation and so on. If you are a women and even try to go to the police, they won't help or report it most of the time and the women gets shamed for being a victim of rape. Same goes for children. Alot of victims are not taken seriously or are hurt for trying to bring thier case to light.

>> No.66923263 [DELETED] 

>Mel wasn’t raped by Cover staff
Yeah, she was just sexually harassed by her manager which Cover did fucking nothing to stop.

>> No.66923381

>coming from the country that has to have trains for females only because there's so much molestation

>> No.66923500

>retard is comparing Pedophilia to train molesters

>> No.66923599

Don't worry, they have those too in spades.
You can just browse through hentai tags to get a glimpse of who's being catered to because there has to be an audience for it all.

>> No.66923849
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x1042, kot_drink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you are legit just baiting. Boring. If you browse /vt/ there is no way you don't understand cunniseurs aren't the type to actually diddle IRL kids. Not least because they did, they couldn't get cunny gacha in prison anymore.
Not even a cunniseur myself.

>> No.66924389

>Japan drastically under reports rape, pedophiles, molestation and so on
Let me guess, this information was revealed to you in a dream?
The vast majority of trains in Japan are unisex

>> No.66924996

Can’t tell if you’re joking or admitting to being a tankie

>> No.66925163

Been out of the loop, how did Mel break NDA anyway? What specific piece of info?

>> No.66925205

Nobody knows. Anyone that says they know are lying.

>> No.66925235

In that case I can certainly see why the situation is considered sus.

>> No.66925289

except it doesn't make sense since Coco's channel is still available. It's a form of punishment, nothing else

>> No.66925305

she was obligated to give ME 50 kisses and didn't. that's why she was executed.

>> No.66925331 [DELETED] 

The west is filled with migrant niggers who sexually assault women as well as whities raping their own family members. You literally voted a child predator like Biden in the office, and allow trannies to groom minors under the law. Meanwhile in Japan women and children can walk at night without the fear of being assaulted.

You sound like a projecting child predator and you should kill yourself.

>> No.66925412

Which is why you should only do the bare minimum to keep your job.

>> No.66925445

graduation vs termination

>> No.66925489

Yagoo told Mel that if she wanted to keep her job she had to suck his dick. She said fuck off she only munches rug, so she was fired.

>> No.66925513

As far as I'm aware, there are only two items that contain any real info, one pre-screened final post from Mel apologizing for the termination, and another from her RM announcing a break and claiming that she had a menhera moment because her pet died and she leaked info to someone she thought she could trust. People are spinning up all kinds of rrats from these two documents, though nobody actually watches Mel, so there's less enthusiasm about it than Rushia's termination.

>> No.66926072
File: 623 KB, 600x580, neon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bongoloids represented with massive noses

>> No.66929626

I am not surprised, I've noticed that this seems to be common pattern. Whenever you see a politician who is unusually adamant that something should be banned (or if it already is, that it needs harsher punishments), or even just some sjw on twitter who is strangely quick to accuse everyone of being a nazi/racist/pedophile... chances are they are projecting

>> No.66930144

You mixed up your rrats anon. Rushia was terminated very explicitly. "Terminated but called graduation publicly" is what anons say about Magni and Vesper, despite the fact that both of them had given off signs that they wanted out and that the timing matched the 1 year minimum contract length specified in the auditions

>> No.66931944


A lot of the content, like covers, MVs, orisongs is paid for by the talent's own pockets. In a normal company the people you hire don't pay the expenses themselves, the company pays for the office, laptop, materials etc. Would it be fair for Cover to profit from an MV that a Holomem paid for with their own money?

>> No.66932206

>Would it be fair for Cover to profit from an MV that a Holomem paid for with their own money?
Is it fair for them to purge it?

>> No.66935561

Sad, I know she wasn't the most popular holo but I always had a sweet spot for her. I know she will probably be alright but I'll miss her. RIP MelMel.

>> No.66936347

Anyone plan to address the fact that they could literally click a few buttons and turn off monetization?

>> No.66936476

Maybe a clause in the contract? They might not retain rights to use their likeness in terms of voice in the event of immediate termination.

It would be lost profitable for Cover to keep it up and keep selling merch.

>> No.66936546

Most profitable, not lost

>> No.66938832

I always just assumed using their voice is akin to using their likeness and therefore having it represent the company is just considered in bad taste in terms of ambiguous legality.

>> No.66939034
File: 106 KB, 662x564, 1683545840697999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really weird seeing the stuff people come up with this thing when Mel herself was like "Yea I fucked up guys and we came to a mutual agreement I would leave." No, scream, crying, threats or lawyers like Rushia, she just professionally left saying she knew she fucked up.

>> No.66942410

what makes you think that she would ever cause any kind of shit when she didnt even make a big stink over attempted rape?

>> No.66942424

the fact there's no visible drama in the amicable ending of a professional business relationship is breaking peoples fucking minds

>> No.66944284

third worlders and nijisanji fans are not people

>> No.66944594

I'm going to guess she wasn't happy about cover letting the chink market back in after the harassment her friend coco received.

>> No.66949288


>> No.66950263

>No, scream, crying, threats or lawyers like Rushia
she never did this against Cover you fucking threadreader
