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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66900451 No.66900451 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to foster growth and gain an audience. For more technical advice you can check /asp/.

>Can I self post and promote?

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."

Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight. Don't turn this general into /cgl/, please.

>Last thread FAQ:

- How can you handle schizos (ex schizos invited to share their stories)
- Should you quit your job to vtube? (no)
- Are fighting games a debuff?
- Are coded color designs real?
- Why making an only fans sucks for women
- Is lusting for anime men really a debuff?
- How can I set up a Paypal account without being doxxed? (and without committing taxfraud) Part 2
- How to make it so your Mods and Vips dont kill your growth part 2
- Is there any benefit on selfposting? Part 2
- Is being brown a debuff? (rip Sana) Part 2

Are you an expert on any of these topics? Drop by! Your opinion is welcome!


>Some resources

>threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie chuubas
>>>/vt//choc/ - Chuubas with overall darker skin color
>>>/vt//wool/ - Sheep chuubas and friends
>>>/vt//vrt/ - Retro gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//vt/uber drawthread - Drawfags and draw requests
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up

Previous >>66868754

>> No.66901111

What happened that lead to /asp/ splitting?

>> No.66901246

>How can I set up a Paypal account without being doxxed? (and without committing taxfraud) Part 2
Streamelements and setting up your paypal as a business account should be fine right?

>> No.66901337
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are cute and smug femboys allowed?

>> No.66901373
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not particularly sure, I just dropped by recently by checking where people were talking about Rura since I am an fgc guy and there was already split.
I did check asp and there is a lot of male lusting there so might as well stay here

Also new puzzle up

buy tekken

>> No.66901382

I remember some streamers on twitter went on about how paypal changed it and you can still get your name doxxed even if you use a business account.

>> No.66901511

How do you guys feel about spending all your normal spending money on your vtuber setup.
My friends are telling me to save money but I just wanna buy cute upgrades for my vtuber model (to the tune of $2300)

>> No.66901592

what makes you think this is the right place to ask about what is and is not a poor financial decision

>> No.66901620

In that case what's the current platform of choice for tips?

>> No.66901952

save your money dumbass

>> No.66901975

As I understand it, this split began life as part of a "deal"; if this split was made, a femanon would show tits. Naturally, said femanon never actually showed tits, so it was kept alive for a bit in hopes that she'd have a change of heart (spoiler: she won't. They never do.).
At this point, though, there's seemingly a bunch of female /asp/ies (/wasp/s, now) that have settled in and are actually doing things in here.
Wishing you all the best in your endeavors, /wasp/.

>> No.66901995
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Love me Ant Andy

>> No.66901999
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tara still on talking about content creation
dm her she is really friendly

>> No.66902051

There were actually tits posted but I don't think it's femanon delivering

>> No.66902121

how about no?

>> No.66902142

Groomers wanna groom. Except it was too difficult to do that in asp so they feigned some drama and are trying to split.
Which is why this shit thread exists.

>> No.66902169

>My friends are telling me to save money but I just wanna buy cute upgrades for my vtuber model (to the tune of $2300)
first get the best audio settings you can find
then the best pc
then upgrade your model

>> No.66902251

I still believe op will deliver
you have to have faith

>> No.66902311


>> No.66902462

spooki come back

>> No.66902509

he's too pure for us

>> No.66902545

Doesn't that also trace back to paypal?

>> No.66902606

the more intermediaries the better

>> No.66902633

Again, research about LLC if you want opsec.

Kofi doesn't have control over Paypal so yes

>> No.66902635

Which femboys are pure?

>> No.66902685

Honestly? i dont use anything because i dont know anything that works (i couldnt use paypal business because it got flagged as suspicious) I wished i could help more...

>> No.66903030

Inexperienced though I may be with women, even I know better than to trust a deal made with a woman that involves her whipping the girls out if you do something for her first. She won't do it, they NEVER do, they never have a reason to.
The one good thing to come out of this prank is that this thread seems to be sustaining itself well enough for now, so maybe the folks over here can make something of themselves while we languish across the hall.

>> No.66903232

Rura is live !

>> No.66903240

has she said anything that others like tomoe havent said like before yet

>> No.66903352

Good advice is trivial and self evident i suppose
the hard part is taking that advice

>> No.66903609

>command and conquer
if she likes rts and gsg she should try meeting up with clio, maybe she will convince her to kill all her mods too

>> No.66903611

wouldn't hurt to take her stream ans condense it for the OP as well

>> No.66903786
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mostly marketing basics but then again I see so many people just hitting the live button without thinking this through

>> No.66904294

any good resources where i can find decent free asmr scripts? i want to hone my skills later
you can try to request specific scenarios but nothing is guaranteed

>> No.66904430

Every fucking fifth girl wants to be a vtuber nowadays.

>> No.66904462

at this point you can probably get chat GP3 to do it, I don't think you will find something like that easily, too niche.

Watch ASMR vtubers and copy what they said in your own words, you will be going off script anyway if you do it live

>> No.66904529

i honestly never read this stuff, for me the best marketing is a clip

>> No.66904558
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and yet, so few of them play fighting games

>> No.66904890

Why can’t you all be as cute as Rura. You can literally get you models to look like anything you want and yet none of you look anywhere as cute as Rura.

>> No.66904934

I'm trying :(

>> No.66905019

Sorry :( I want to be cute too but I don't know how. Maybe my personal taste sucks.

>> No.66905133

Damn bro not everyone wants to be cute

>> No.66905195
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we could set it up as a question: how to be cuter?
I believe it is a skill that can be honed.

I find really dumbass girls cute, for example

well if you cant be cute, be sexy

>> No.66905276

I wanna be a big tiddy bitch with colored hair not her (luv u rura)

>> No.66905312

>well if you cant be cute, be sexy
but I'm a guy

this thread is for males now too btw

>> No.66905328

im already super cute sorry

>> No.66905387

the best advice i can give you is go back to the erp mines
those homosexuals there are your audience, get them to suck your dick
you cant run here just because you are afraid of homos

>> No.66905455

There's a wide range of things that people consider "cute", and what's cute to one person might miss the mark for another. If your aim is to look cute, check around and see what folks generally consider cute and make tweaks from there. If you want to be cute, well [spoilerjust be yourself, better than that to be "manufactured cute", if that makes sense

>> No.66905546

Chuubas are cute! Cute!

>> No.66905564
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>> No.66905577

sorry I'm here forever now because I'm a male chuuba who wants to groom female chuubas and this is where the female chuubas are now

anyway what's some good games to stream as a male?

>> No.66905883

>I'm a male chuuba who wants to groom female chuubas
>where the female chuubas are now
all according to plan

>anyway what's some good games to stream as a male?
Since this can be spin amount to be a female advice i will humor
depends on your audience: if you have a mostly male audience, play the same games as we recommend the chuubas here. Men like people who are like them: for girls it's a "she is just like me fr fr she perfect she likes the same stuff as me I love her" and for me is "he is my bro"

If your audience is mostly gay people and women I hope you can sing and do ASMR cause they dont really care about games

>> No.66905960

I'm not reading all that you loser

>> No.66905988

I wanted to be ugly

>> No.66906031

I didnt wrote it for your sake bakaaaaaaaaa

>> No.66906034

They were posted in the first thread, in a litterbox link. You just had to be there

>> No.66906096


>> No.66906211

The anon who posted that said it wasnt his and that it was old

>> No.66906442

Where's this bitch from

>> No.66906455

Those were just previously seen tiddies from a months-old image. You know, from that whole slutfemanon thing? Of course, it's possible that slutfemanon was, in fact, the one who said she'd do it... but it feels more likely that someone just grabbed familiar tiddies and offered those up.

>> No.66906502
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while pink protagonist precures are universally beloved i personally like green secondary precures

>> No.66906719

based precure enjoyer??? ayyy

>> No.66906726
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all green women are mentally ill, no exceptions

>> No.66906920

I have big trouble to decide how the fuck to design my character. I have strong severe fucking turbo bdp and ton of mental illness and every day I like something different and I hate all my ideas or everything at the same time, idk.

How to do to manage to think of a design I can settle with?
Some anon said that my design should have something from myself or something like that, like, what? I don't fucking know.

I once thought about making a fishgirl princess but after seeing one existed I got depressed and now I hate the idea.

>> No.66907161

Making the most unique vtuber ever is a trap. Make a list of things you like or that are in line with your personality and start grabbing two or three of them at a time to see if you can come up with an interesting combo that fits your personality. Also consider professional medical help if you have BPD and aren’t just lying for internet attention.

>> No.66907240

Just don't go too far with self-righteousness. All I'll say.
Anyways, something about yourself can mean anything you want it to mean. It could be things you like or are passionate about, something related to a fond memory, some aspiration you might have, anything. The list goes on. The alternative is being just another girl with big boobs and pink hair or something, unless you really exaggerate the stereotype. Plus, you have might have a harder time hating it because you made it more personal. You'd have to actively hate literally everything about yourself to not ever come up with a satisfying design that way.

>> No.66907281
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>green buff kekw

>> No.66907288

its 2024, isn't every possible design more or less done?

probably just find something you think expresses yourself and you find cute

what this person said >>66907161

>> No.66907532

Why should I even get medical attention, lmao. I am perfectly fine. I just have big trouble taking decisions and I change my mind literally every day.

Like, as a reference, I would change my profile picture on social media every week or so but I take to find something I like at least like 4 months so unless I have like a backlog or something I wouldn't be able to do it everytime I get tired of it.

Like, I am ill but I don't want to go to anywhere. I don't want to go outside home, I hate it. And even if I wanted I couldn't ask my parents because I fucking hate them and I don't want to even talk to them.

Apart from that... huh... I guess I should try to make a list of traits, yeah. Good idea.

Problem is some are opposites of each other but... Emmm...

I literally hate everything about myself. I guess. Depends on the day, desu.

I guess I always wanted to be cool and do drugs and go partying and date a ton of ppl. Like the cool girls used to do when I was younger.

Probably every has been done already :c

>> No.66907552

personally, i threw my favorite animal, outfit, colors, and design traits into a pot until i got something i liked.
if it's any consolation, i was so psyched about my first design idea and then another girl debuted with basically the exact same one. it sucks, but it lead to me rethinking my shtick and i'm way happier with it now. you'll be fine, anon, i'm rooting for you. make a cute fishgirl princess, and if you don't like it, you can change it later.

>> No.66907604

Does it have to be that specific femanon or does any work?

>> No.66907622

Honestly it doesnt matter. Pick a colour you like, make a generic girl and start streaming. Once you do that, you'll figure out what kinda themes and ideas you'll really enjoy and change your character's design to fit that over time. A ton of vtubers literally start off as the most generic humans but become more unique over time as they learn what to focus on.

>> No.66907734

>do drugs and date a lot of ppl
That ain't it, chief. And if you truly hated everything about yourself, you'd hate that you wanted that in the first place.

>> No.66907736

Opinion on coomers?

>> No.66907875

>I’m perfectly fine I just change my mind all the time teehee
That’s not BPD that’s lying on the internet for attention nona. But once you come up with your list of traits, even if some of them are opposite you might find some opposites that make for good gap moe or an interesting contrast.

>> No.66907965

I want to become a vtuber and I have all the budget to have a Live2D model but it is difficult to contact a Japanese artist. I contacted one in December, he told me more or less the budget and that he was busy, that he would have time this month to work on my model, I told him it was all ok and sent him my reference, it has been days and he still hasn't responded. Should I keep waiting or should I look for another artist? At this point i think i’m desperate.

>> No.66908016

Just make a collection of cute anime/video game/vtuber designs and give it to your artist and tell them this is the shit that I like. Make something that I’ll like. That’s really the biggest problem with vtubers, everyone thinks just because they have a chance to create a character from the ground up that they should actually do it. Most vtubers aren’t artists or fashion designers, you all don’t know how to make a character look good, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. I mean if you’re going to pay an artist hundred of dollars for your model, don’t you trust them enough to decide how to make that model look the best as possible?

>> No.66908098

Well, I used to do streaming without vtubing back in the day and I always did a completely different game. Like, my most viewers on a stream is on a game I wouldn't stream anymore because I can't play it anymore (servers).

So I don't really think I have like, a settle theme on anything I do. Like, most of my shit was just throwing shit and not caring if it sticked or not.

Nah, when I was on school emo shit was dope and I always wanted to be one of those cool emo girls that was doing drugs and partying and shit. Like, that was one of my only fixed preferences. But I ended up being a isolated turbo nerd without friends that just did everything ppl told me to do because I can't make decisions myself... and... yeah, they were right, I can't fucking make decisions. I wish ppl just told me what to do again, I guess.

When I used to stream, I wanted coomers to come but the only thing I managed to get was sweats and tryhards that thought I would be shit on the game (I wasn't). So yeah, I only got rude ppl.

I have diagnosed agoraphobia and social anxiety if that's enough for you. I once went to a therapist and was shit and didn't care at all about myself and just gaslighted me into askig me go outside home and get real friends and that the little things I like aren't real and I shouldn't like, play videogames or have social media or talk to ppl online. Fuck my therapist I hate her a lot.
I stopped going because I run out of sessions.
And I went because I wanted to go, not because my parents wanted to take me, they wouldn't have ever taken me, they hate me. Ihad to insist a lot. Worst mistake of my life, desu.
Well, not really.

>> No.66908105

Ideally, the original femanon would post tits, I think, and then the original anon who made the first /fasp/ie thread would see it and it would be done and dusted. It not happening could be for the best, though, since the initial split would've crumbled immediately if tits actually got posted
Theoretically, any femanon's would work, but no femanon has any reason to do it. The thread's been established already, after all. I can only hope that something similar doesn't happen in the future (it will), because I already know that someone else will fall for the same "deal"

>> No.66908231

I have a lot of them in my streams for some reason. I don't know how to deal with them though.

>> No.66908281

If you need direction, don't do things that are actively self-destructive. Emo shit is fine. Drugs and partying doesn't make you emo. It makes you fake as hell.

>> No.66908291

Give them joi asmr. Shuts them up pretty fast

>> No.66908322

This isn't BPD get a real diagnosis instead of using it like a blanket term

>> No.66908346

become a seiso idol

>> No.66908399

Most things that aren't self-destructive aren't fun.

Okay, pricky shit, let's say I am just unstable and can't settle on things if you don't like the word.

>> No.66908424

That’s boring af. I just want to play games.

>> No.66908461

moriko and shondo pointed out most jp designers dont want to work with indies, so they both made one person companies to get them out of their shell.
Consider trying that next.

>> No.66908527

It's weird. half of my audience is coomer and the other half is not, I do GFE and I have good viewers, but I don't know what to do.

>> No.66908567

There are different grades of coomers just like every other type of viewer. Respectful coomers will support your content and behave. Bad coomers will shit up everything and not pay a dime.

>> No.66908589

Make an emo design then to start off with, just dont attach the negative parts like drugs and stuff to it and I think it'll be super cute.

>> No.66908621

I think I will try this. The artist I contacted works with indies, but he just stopped responding to me, I will wait this month and if he doesn't respond, I will try to look for another artist, ty!

>> No.66908625

Most self-destructive things aren't fun either. Oh wow I feel funny for like an hour and then all my teeth fall out. You get woken up by hospital workers and/or police shining flashlights in your hungover face. Fucking so fun. And that's the tame shit. I highly doubt you've tried literally everything else.

>> No.66908706

look woman either you pander to the idol crowd or you pander to the coomers in twitch there is no in-between these dark days
Just really think hard about which groups do you want to target because vtubers are niche within a niche and there arent that many people around to begin with

>> No.66908746

It’s not about if it’s “good enough” for me, I said you should get help for BPD if you’re not lying about having it and you started malding
That’s not me

>> No.66908837

The problem with that is that I am like a turbo cringe nerd. Like, I could tell you facts about a ton of shitton of stuff because I am boring as hell irl.

I don't really feel it suits me because I am boring, despite being something I really like.

Nah, I don't go outside home. I wish I could do all that cool shit but I am too old for that already.
Right now my goal is to become an idol (or vtuber) and get an army of simps.

But I don't want to get help with bpd, lmao. I don't need help with that at all.

>> No.66908875

I've worked with 4 jp artists already. They might just be busy, give it a week.

>> No.66908952
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>The problem with that is that I am like a turbo cringe nerd.

Yes that's why it's super cute if you went for a emo design due to the gap moe. The idea of a emo looking girl that talks your head off about the nerdiest shit is something that appeals to people.

>> No.66909438

Forgive me, anon. Bpd, drug use, etc, is just a sore topic for me. I forget that people who have BPD can be absurdly stubborn, dishonest, and self-deluding to a degree that you need real training to deal with them properly.
On chuubing, it's easy enough if you just engage with chatters while not saying anything that will get you outright canceled online. Just don't use gamer words, and you could do whatever you want as long as you act cute.

>> No.66909597

I don't know, I don't like the idea today. I think I will just be cringe.

Most ppl I talk with online say I am very cute, I think that part is easy. Why should I use gamer words?
When I used to stream (without vtubing, long ago) only ppl that came to my stream were very fucking rude.

>> No.66910703

Green color scheme. Definitely, green.

Just think of a something that is a green animal

>> No.66910973

Rura would be sad you made this post

>> No.66911057

It's far cheaper to have a small png model - but one that has multiple poses/emotions (animations are optional, but better).
If you're good at art you can draw it yourself. If not, commission it, costs far less than a full L2D rigging.
Teach yourself to swap between the different poses/emotions according to the mood and events on the stream.
If the pic quality is good, this setup more than serves as a good enough representation of yourself until you can sustain yourself enough to splurge on a quality L2D.
Going for a full L2D setup as someone that doesn't have a sustainable audience just isn't really worth it.

>> No.66911077

I see your point based on the other posts >>66906502 and >>66906726 but I fucking hate green.

Is literally the colour I dislike the most in the fucking world. Probably the only colour I can say I dislike.

I wrote this on the other asp thread if someone wants to check it out:

>> No.66911820

Is BPD the new fotm illness for uneducated people to latch onto? Did depression get too mild?

>> No.66911885
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Funny that with things you hate you can settle with, no?

Why not just mash them up? Nothing is original anyway.

If I were to design you it'd be wearing straight jacket, messy hair, eyebags (important), spats (important), bandaids (important), muted colors.

Since you can't decide black and white color scheme. Or purple. I like purple.

If you decide to have spats. You will my spats oshi. I will drawsimp you

>> No.66911891

I am sure I have depression and some of autism too but I don't think they actually do anything regard on me not being able to choose my design.

>> No.66911903

How new are you?

>> No.66911930

is this how 0views call chuubas with fans?

>> No.66912069

>Funny that with things you hate you can settle with, no?
Actually, yeah. I just like too many shit and randomly go switching around all of them a lot very quickly.

I have trouble being sure of stuff unless it is stuff I fucking hate with all my soul. And I used to like green when I young. idk I am broken u.u

>If you decide to have spats. You will my spats oshi. I will drawsimp you
OwO? Really? XD.

I will take notes on your idea, thanks :3

>> No.66913061

>>66912069 <-(me)
Anyway I will go to sleep, I will come back here when I wake up to see if someone wrote something else about me, bye.

>> No.66913289

Shylily has the most basic model you can think of (standard seifuku). It's a highschool girl uniform. You are overthinking this.

>> No.66913616

Yeah, model is secondary. Shylily is a veteran streamer before debuting as vtuber tho

>> No.66915766

What? she was a 2 view vtuber streaming to nobody for a year before she blew up.

>> No.66915815

Veteran as in streaming for many years.

>> No.66916364

Tell them you're seiso christian and happily married to me.
They come and they go, they can't stay with one chuuba forever unless you actually delivers their fetish, if they are just there for your entertainment skiils and don't coom in chat then it's not really a problem.

>> No.66916536

Everyone is broken in one way, or another, just pick up the pieces you like and improve yourself little by little.
I don't know if it helps, but my go to thing when I don't know what I really want is to draw lots, or flip a coin. When you see the result you will know if it was the result you really wanted and if not then you know you wanted the other option(s).

>> No.66916572

What a dismissive thing to say

>> No.66916608

People overthink when it's a big investment, if you just start out with a relatively cheap .png, or standardized customizable live2d model you can see if it's something for you and with time see if the model fits your stream.

>> No.66916675

Sorry it came off like that.

>> No.66917796

Viewers don't care about cute upgrades. Learn how to emote with your rigging first.

>> No.66918729

I care that they get cute stuff that they are happy about, but a well rigged model and cute expressions is worth more to me as a viewer watching.

>> No.66918875

Paypal only dox you through direct donations right? Receiving subs and bits is fine?

>> No.66918928

Yes, subs and bits are more secure

>> No.66919287
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>Are fighting games a debuff?
Do you think these are bad >numbers?

>> No.66919573

she got in early though

>> No.66919908

So did gen 1 aspies

>> No.66920864

the problem is that numbers don't exist on a vacuum
you would need to compare if something else would had done better

>> No.66920926
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the only way to be completely safe is if you commited tax fraud, apparently

Should we teach vtubers how to use Monero?
>The gang becomes cripto bros

>> No.66921120

No, there's a board for that.

>> No.66921166
File: 1.44 MB, 1105x2048, 1685415638833769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bringing up the hammer helps, ban any retard that goes "ouhh mommy" and they will get the message, that's what bat does.

The biggest mistake every beginner vtuber makes is thinking they need to tolerate every shitter that comes by because they need every view, but in fact a single bad chatter can drive away 10 viewers by himself.

A good way to show respect to your audience is to tell them that if they arent banned they are welcome, most viewers spend an unreasonable amount of time overthinking about if the vtuber actually likes them or if they are being tolerated.
Kill anyone who annoys you immediately. and the rest will know that if they are still standing is because they are appreciated for something besides the 1 view they bring. Moriko does this, and her chatters love her and fear her in return

>> No.66921569
File: 3.06 MB, 1444x2000, 1699848241159632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not only groomers.
It is too difficult to do anything in asp nowdays, grooming is just one of the things that became too hard.
Think of groomers as rats in a sinking ship: they are always leave when they notice shit is about to go down, because they are moved by self interest. You on the other hand, as an honest fan, do things out of love and desire to support, and you will be very willing to give bad agents third and fourth chances.

So ironically, If all the obvious groomers/oilers/mod badge collectors left a chuuba, that chuuba is probably so bad in private even people with evil intentions run away, so you better fucking escape right now. Boyfriends do not scare groomers, they know just to wait until they broke up to attack. Male collabs do not scare groomers, they will pretend to be supportive and even try to become friends with the boys you like. You banning people who flirt with you in chat doesnt scare them off, they know very well how to hide their intentions.

So, what scares the fearless evil? Only existential threats of the nuclear kind. If you see them flee, run.

>> No.66921771

Rura would know it's an obvious falseflag, anon

>> No.66921835

This actually reads like Terumi

>> No.66921857

What if I just want to sniff the space Pafu occupies

>> No.66921996
File: 22 KB, 302x304, 1564549220219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaa why couldnt I have a loli voice.
I dont want want to be a mommy I want to be the little sister

>> No.66922029

>I dont want want to be a mommy I want to be the little sister
Why don't you play that character and maybe cover both bases

>> No.66922647

Vocaroo, let us judge if you can be a lil sis.

>> No.66922914


>> No.66923171

you can train yourself, nene did
it will take years tho

>> No.66923701

despite what vt says, wanting to fuck chuuba doesnt automatically make you a groomer.
you become a groomer the second you start using underhanded tactics to manipulate a mentally unestable woman into dating you because you know she wouldnt otherwise.

>> No.66923793

>people talking about groomers
>meanwhile my oshi is the one who's actively grooming me

>> No.66923971

careful son, if she is doing that to you she is likely doing it to 50 other guys.
she might just ve afre your big fat wallet

>> No.66924019

welcome back chrii

>> No.66924077

aren't all these threads just full of males lusting over femboys and trannies larping as female? i honestly don't think there are any real women in these.

>> No.66924153

I'm aware, but I'm also reveling a bit on the attention.
And it's more like 10 other guys desu, to me it looks like she's doing spear fishing rather than industrial scale whaling.

>> No.66924363

sorry about your brain damage

>> No.66924691

should I join the aspcord? a friend asked me if I'd like to join but idk... are the groomers worse than here?

>> No.66924744

objectively there is more tax fraud advice than lusting

>> No.66924829

yes, considerably so
there is little point being a groomer on an anon thread
groomers know the real action is on discord.

>> No.66924981

It's just the legitimately friendly aspies with the schizos and groomers filtered out. There's a reason why the schizo groomers in the threads do not want you to join because that makes you a better target. Join and check it out, if you dont like it just leave.

>> No.66925029

Let's just put it this way, the server owner of /asp/cord instantly got into a relelationship with a vtuber when she turned 18

>> No.66925087

haha just kidding retards I wasn't looking for advice, I tricked you

>> No.66925184

based ToT
now THAT is textbook grooming

>> No.66925657
File: 11 KB, 144x225, 280352712-144-k217715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nyo
how devilish

>> No.66925679

I am sure he didn't use any underhanded tactics, or the age difference to his advantage, so it's not grooming you groomers. She's a willing adult and it's only grooming when fans do it because we know they are just unlikable, creepy and no one will ever date them willingly, unlike this honest vtuber.

>> No.66925759

lol virgin alert

>> No.66926241

>asp cord filters out schizos
>Layla in it
>gumpai until she left
>text chat where people go ape over thread

>> No.66926284

>/asp/ie visit thread
>goes ape shit

>> No.66926445
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Also to new chuubas here this is a common tactic known as 'falseflag'
He is actually shitting on Elliot

Not that he doesnt deserve it tho even if his intentions were good he should had really thought about the optics of openly dating a vtuber so close to the age of consent that he met in a discord while acting as an authority figure.

Even assuming he didn't do nothing wrong, it looks reeeeeaaally bad, and then he did a victory lap over all the other groomers on that cord with that offline karaoke collab.
Xiagate was /asp/ Spacergate, and nothing will ever be the same.

>> No.66926631
File: 533 KB, 1134x872, 1680968773220626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, he only did the fun part and left...
guess I will have to prepare a new one in a bit

>> No.66927556

well you can tell pretty easily who is an schizo tourist anyway and the girls will need practice

>> No.66928803
File: 3.45 MB, 2198x2266, 1688152515484769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gap moe is an extremely powerful force
t. batstar

Cuteness comes in many shapes as forms, and no one is cuter than the one you love.
Moe is in the eye of the beholder.

>> No.66929358

I birthed this thread and I can unbirth it

>> No.66929769
File: 1.54 MB, 1210x995, 1694295373434665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I created you

>> No.66930316

wait, how do i avoid being reverse groomed by a vtuber

>> No.66930377

>reverse groomed

>> No.66930550
File: 491 KB, 808x602, 1682754265869479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, there's nothing more cool than being DM'd by someone you like, but if someone tries to touch your wallet for an amount that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's no good! It's your money! No one has the right to touch it if you don't want them to!

So, what do you do? First, you say, "No!", then, you get out of there! Most importantly, you've gotta tell someone you trust, like a your fellow anons, or your parents!

>> No.66930979


>> No.66931396

Please keep the Mondposting here. Thanks

>> No.66931584

who is mond

>> No.66931683


>> No.66931769

No, asp claims her

>> No.66932648

cute german vampire

>> No.66932745

rhetorical question moron

>> No.66932773

I need less reasons to post cute girls

>> No.66932851

>creepy baby voice
into the trash it goes

>> No.66933021

>loli has a loli voice

>> No.66933079

more like fat woman doing a nasty high pitched gurgle

>> No.66933220

she is tiny. the jealousy is not it sis

>> No.66933243

I hate tourists

>> No.66933257

Whats with the weirdos on /vt/ who think young women can't have high pitched voices

>> No.66933399

>she is tiny
>young woman
literally any woman of any age can do that voice. It sounds like every other "loli" vtuber. No personality, just the same stilted high pitched bs. Gross

>> No.66933405

she's mentally disabled

>> No.66933449

oh that makes sense then

>> No.66933619

ok tourist

>> No.66933716
File: 114 KB, 601x434, 1705514366642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ is a board for schizophrenic simps who worship BPD women. Men are gay.
BTW /asp/ always was /groomer/ and any girl in here should be absolutely wary of the subhumans trying to get too close to them. Keep your opsec up2date

>> No.66933723

you have no clue who she is

>> No.66933803

the type of character she chooses to portray herself as says everything you need to know about her

>> No.66934006

If you want to go full anon then I'd say set up a LLC in Wyoming, create a business bank account and use that one for PayPal business and streamelements.

>> No.66934076

She's so obviously manipulative and very very studied on how to be a vtuber.
>doesn't follow a single male not even her "friends"
>only follows people who could benefit her
She's basically a pro. She's exactly how to act and what to say to keep people on. She even did the "view me as a little sister not a girlfriend". She's far more practiced than she let's on. I wouldn't be surprised to see her go corpo after her meteoric rise

>> No.66934150

>She even did the "view me as a little sister not a girlfriend".
the voice even reminds me of lilyhops too lol

>> No.66934185

you are talking about a mentally disabled turbo autist with severe anxiety

>> No.66934276

this is what literally everyone thinks of their oshi. It's a grift.

>> No.66934293

There are plenty of /wasp/ that clearly have actual autism and anxiety and they don't act like trained vtubers that say all the right things from the beginning and hit 100ccv after one month

>> No.66934320
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>> No.66934450

can you list the ones with actual autism i need a wife to groom

>> No.66934453

her pipe bomb tutorial streams tell a different story

>> No.66934545

say all the right things from the beginning? you clearly didn't watch her from the beginning

>> No.66934961

>obsessed with maps, flags, tanks, bombs and trains
>spent months doing the same repetitive task in runescape
What do you call this then?

>> No.66934972
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puzzle ready
next puzzle soon

>> No.66935024

Le heckin based Pippa

>> No.66935062

Mond is a flag autist too?

>> No.66935121
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>> No.66935144

I mean. Have you seen what hololivers are like? You guys at like this is just so crazy

>> No.66935174

I am so glad I made this containment thread for you sub humans

>> No.66935262

The Towa poster is so obviously a tourist groomer

>> No.66935295

you are fucking retarded

>> No.66935402

It's probably Poly bitter that she won't let herself get groomed.

>> No.66935438

but you are not me

>> No.66935519

I know mond irl and all I will say is mond is her second side account. Her main has been partner for a long time

>> No.66935676
File: 18 KB, 215x215, IMG_3070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the first thread when it was fasp

>> No.66935679

okay, now repeat that in german

>> No.66935705

and i'm the queen of england

>> No.66935755

Should I do the meme twitter quizzes?
How can I improve my streams?
What are my strengths?
What are my weaknesses?
Why don't people watch me?
Why won't you talk in my chat?
Do you like the music I play on stream?
Should I play music even during game play?
Should I talk about even negative things in my life or leave dead air?

>> No.66935810
File: 213 KB, 596x640, 1677334357205809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just said I was
groom chuubas into installing FIGHTCADE
Also into buying Tekken
Play Idol Showdown when Mori releases (soon)
/wasp/ raccoon cup when

>> No.66935930

fasp is dead
long live wasp

>> No.66936204

/faspie/ was made by a schizo /asp/ie
/fasp/ was made by me, a Ria lover
2nd /fasp/ was also made by me, a spatslover
/wasp/ carried the torch and was made by /fig/anon

>> No.66936438

and I hope all of you die

>> No.66936606

seconded, and might i add painfully

>> No.66936915

>/faspie/ was made by a schizo /asp/ie
Coming to a joke thread and taking it seriously is way more "schizo" behavior though

>> No.66937004

Can you give me a hint as to who you are, so that I can avoid giving you three meme responses like I did last time and actually tailor responses that might be useful to you, specifically?

>> No.66937270

How do I give a hint without doing? And if I did give a hint you'd just say it anyway. Or other people would figure it out.

>> No.66937374

>Should I do the meme twitter quizzes?
everything but the purity rice test that always goes wrong
>How can I improve my streams?
Watch vtubers you find funny and copy
>What are my strengths?
born a female
>What are my weaknesses?
born a female
>Why don't people watch me?
you dont advertise yourself
>Why won't you talk in my chat?
im shy
>Do you like the music I play on stream?
I only like power metal
>Should I play music even during game play?
>Should I talk about even negative things in my life or leave dead air?
if you want to exploit the menhera niche sure, but you need to be someone people want to PROTTECT so you better be a loli. 30 years olds are mommies and should listen to my problems instead and tell me everything is going to be alright

>> No.66937976
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Reminder that successful /asp/ies like Clio and Clauvio often have at least 1 hour of pre-game zatsudans.

>> No.66938117

The "WHO?" responses are pure japery, but I can't give observations on your strengths or weaknesses, or where you can improve if I don't know who you are. That would be irresponsible of me and would come across as disingenuous to you. That said, I'll at least answer what I can safely with general stuff
>Meme Twitter quizzes
You can if you would like. It provides a point of engagement, if nothing else
>Music on stream
It's fine, more than likely. As long as you aren't deliberately playing something to offend the senses, you'll be fine, but take care that the music doesn't overpower your voice
>Music during gameplay
Up to you, case by case. Some prefer to have their own music on over a game that has minimal music, some people let the game's OST (or lack thereof) to carry things while they game and talk.
>Negative stuff vs dead air
Sharing some negative stuff can get viewers to sympathize with you, but try to keep it from completely dominating your talking points during a stream. Also, some dead air is fine, just be careful that you don't fall dead silent for, like, a full five minutes.
>Why don't people watch me?
I'm unsure of who you are.
>Why won't you talk in my chat?
I'm a serial lurker, sorry. I'm working on chatting more often

>> No.66938574

Is it to take a few days off streaming? I feel like crap and just want to lay in bed doing nothing. I don't even want to eat and haven't in days

>> No.66938757

no, if you don't constantly provide entertainment your viewers will instantly forget about you and commit suicide

>> No.66938829

1 - make your initial post detailing your health-related break as pitybaiting as possible
2 - make plans for your return, schedule it if possible at the very least
3 - keep engaged with your core community publicly on twitter or whatever platform of your juice, make polls or something

unironically kinda, if you stop for too long without doing what I've detailed, they're going to click on other chuubas since there's literally dozens of others in your same timezone competing for viewers, and then they suddenly find their oshi and you're relegated to a second pick or worse

>> No.66939088
File: 819 KB, 1000x563, 1703662079881845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you arent passionate about streaming you are doing it wrong
streaming should be an escape from your misery, not cause you misery
if you dont like to stream dont stop streaming, instead, change the way way you stream until you only want to stream

there are thousand of chuubas out there who only think about streaming and wish they could quit their jobs so they can stream more, how could you ever beat them?

pic related wanted to stream react videos but her viewers voted no, and as result, she never streamed again
Be lucky you can still change your content
dont feel forced to stream certain ways to get buffs, if you hate doing this, might as well go get a real job, it pays more

>> No.66939150

>there are thousand of chuubas out there who only think about streaming and wish they could quit their jobs so they can stream more
until they get bored of it, and they will

>> No.66939284
File: 165 KB, 250x250, 1702797656322585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>until they get bored of it, and they will
not if they literally cant to go outside or they will die

she is number 1 for a reason

>> No.66939472

I like streaming I am just sleep deprived and in pain. I want to take 1 day to sleep

>> No.66939593
File: 103 KB, 208x243, 1686705927775245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well retard sleep then
you need to be on top of your game to make top content
this is a marathon not a race
pic related died because overextending herself
she got better

>> No.66939600

Literally not true. Mouse can go outside. It just takes a lot of prep work and increases her chance of getting sick. She has enough problems with getting sick just inside her house.

>> No.66939648

dont fucking akshually me you know what i meant

>> No.66939738

Anon you stated something that was outright incorrect. Quit being a bitch.

>> No.66939765

Oversleeping will make it worse

>> No.66940439
File: 529 KB, 856x622, 1704609750867757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puzzla complete
runing out of ideas for edits
need more waspies art
in any case puzzla loading

>> No.66940704 [DELETED] 

>instantly got into a relelationship with a vtuber when she turned 18
Oh no an 18 year old stop the presses we must do something a out this menace to society

>> No.66940908

rare advice i will take seriously.

>> No.66940913

i'm pretty sure she was 19 anyways

>> No.66940931
File: 1.62 MB, 1844x1145, 1681080078941417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

donto sleep depriva
donto oversleepa
donto drama
donto diea

>> No.66941025

ngl the 10 year age gap when she's 18-19 is not a good look.

>> No.66941083

i’ll try making more art of myself sometime now that my design is almost complete

>> No.66941321
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also I forgot you arent hololivers so here is the explanation of the joke

Now I want to smoke

>> No.66941372

How many do I have to block before the twitter bots stop

>> No.66941385

why the fuck is a viewer here anyways, go home fucker

>> No.66941853
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, 1698263837537014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has to do with the fact so few girls play fightan
First I tried only watching holos but only Mori did (SF6 arc didn't came up until very recently)
Then I tried watching small corpos but the amount of corpo vtubers that play fighting games can be counted on one hand.
Then I tried watching indies but there are still very few and the one I watched the most graduated and became a niji, and then she stopped playing fightans
Then I tried watching male vtubers but when i beat a couple of them they got super salty and I felt bad for them for humiliating them in front of their fujos

Now, the only plan I have left is to in fact persuade vtubers to play fightans before they even debut. Absolutely devilish

also I failed you towa

>> No.66942071

he's in prison

>> No.66942619
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this one might have been to easy

>> No.66942978


>> No.66944133


>> No.66944144

if you can draw well thats a buff

>> No.66944187

You can keep Kuku

>> No.66944263

he fucked up
the one advice we give to males is to pretend to be women but he went back
this will be horrible for his numbers

>> No.66944521

I think its ok if this thread is slow, that way people can back read for advice
asp is only as fast as it is right now because it is90% selfpromo, drama, and infighting
old asp (pre gen 4)used to die a lot too

>> No.66945251

Harro, tourist here.
>Should you quit your job to vtube?
No. Even if your goal is to get experience for a corpo, until that shit gets finalized or you can actually pay for rent/utilities and food with whatever you got from streaming for the last 3-6 months, always treat it as a hobby.
>Are fighting games a debuff?
Skill issue. Depends on whether you can hold a conversation while not sucking so much because you will not be paying full attention to the game.
>Are coded color designs real?
>Why making an only fans sucks for women
You should be able to answer this.
>Is lusting for anime men really a debuff?
If you make it your whole personality, yes. If you keep it to certain moments and can contain your lust, then not really.
>How to make it so your Mods and Vips dont kill your growth
Lay down the rules, and don't be afraid to punish them if they step out of the line. You can find examples of this happening on some of the EN vtubers threads.
>Is there any benefit on selfposting?
Depends on what you're going for. Some chuubas just do this for the lulz and literally stream to their own thread. Others want the sweet validation from anonymous people for some reason. My take is that you can selfpost but not that blatantly. And for the love of god, unless you're the first type, never outright state that you visit this hellhole on stream.
>Is being brown a debuff? (rip Sana) Part 2
Your model? Not really. You? If your accent is too thick and you don't know how to mix it into your character.
>was it really necessary to make a wall of text
Yes. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk

>> No.66945282

yeah i plan on drawing my model too. haven’t decided if there’s any particular series whose art style i wanna homage

>> No.66945429

>You can find examples of this happening on some of the EN vtubers threads.
please drop actual examples those are helpful

>> No.66945497

Of the opposite, I mean. Of mods and vips having powetrips and being attentionwhores.

>> No.66945509

>If your accent is too thick and you don't know how to mix it into your character.
what does this mean?

>> No.66945520
File: 3.06 MB, 1920x1080, 1696233900881187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when in doubt, lucky star

>> No.66945572

just drop in a couple of screenshots of that and some links to make research easy, some girls here dont even know how to use the archive, like >>66945282

>> No.66945928

simple advice for poorfags? decide on your oc, begin with a png and do your best drawing it, but it should always be a placeholder until you can get funds for the actual model of the oc

>> No.66946144

but do you know how to commit tax fraud without getting caught? that is the big question around here

>> No.66946345

unironically only the big vtubers/content creators can help you with that, the rest either haven't gotten caught yet or are also baiting for answers

>> No.66946822

This general was a mistake for the entire board, if you can't see it now you will see it later.

>> No.66947287

everytime males ruin something, the same general gets remade without them
Niji was ruined by men, then lazulight and haha was created
retro was ruined by men, then retro girls was created
wvt was ruined by men, then lig was created (men rarely get numbers high enough to get to partner)

this is just the normal course of events

>> No.66947464

My favorite /wasp/ies are Rura, Mond, Andy and Ria!

>> No.66947643

>begin with a png
What's wrong with a free model? part of the reason I clicked on the stream of my current 1view oshi in the first place was because her free model is very cute and I rather watch that than some OC creatura.

>> No.66947718

if you like them some much why dont you post art of them for puzzles huh

>> No.66947821

unless you can buy your own oc, you'll be in a filian situation where she pretty much has to commit to the free model

>> No.66947823
File: 294 KB, 1960x1435, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66947826

My favorite /wasp/ies are Haru, Kuku and Beryl!

>> No.66947941

Filian is a huge exception to the norm in many ways and should be disregarded for practical examples, imo.

Once you can commission an OC and are willing to spend the money, you can always debut a similar model. I honestly don't see a problem with it.

>> No.66947961

When will Runoxi infect me?

>> No.66948019

>free model
that explains why i saw her model in a fucking porn game that was absolutely the same one she was using

>> No.66948147

i tried looking for a decent premade sheep model in my budget but couldn’t find any that suited my tastes. so i’m just gonna commit to making the model myself from the get go

>> No.66948285

if you can use l2d go
dont use vroid, even if you are good, the models still look like shit

>> No.66949456
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almost complete

>> No.66949711
File: 221 KB, 467x574, 1678291120385869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puzzla done
next puzzla

>> No.66949762

>all this fuckery with paypal
maybe it's better to go corpo afterall

>> No.66949911

Did these bitches ever Collab or something? Or interact in any way at all?

>> No.66949978

all this energy and effort wasted on such a worthless pursuit.

>> No.66950266

they collabed

>> No.66950417

all pursuits are equally worthless
it's about the journey

>> No.66950797

I know most of y'all are indies and everything but I wanna know from people tryna go corpo: how the FUCK do we pass auditions
i already failed in 14 different corporations
there's literally no hope bros

>> No.66950879

We make our own corpo.

Hard mode: Streaming on Kick so there's less oversaturation.

>> No.66950925

>how the FUCK do we pass auditions

Phase: be an ex tsunderian
Idol: Be an ex Cyberlive
Niji: just have bigger numbers than their current talents
Vshojo: get fired form Hololive or Nijisanji

at this point your best shot is viewercorp corpo

>> No.66951205

How would you even go about making a corpo?

>> No.66951332

-make a vtuber discord
- pick people from that discord
- dont fuck any them

it is that easy yet so hard

>> No.66951510

aside from what >>66950925 mentioned (aka networking + nepotism helps a lot), you need to grab their attention in the first 5~15 seconds of your audition. you can use a really funny clip, a clip of your singing, whatever as long as it grabs their attention. it especially helps if you can fill a niche in the company that is empty. aside from that it's kind of a numbers game because unless they specifically state what they're looking for, you're just kind of guessing at what personality they want and you may not be what they want. or they have a design in mind that your voice doesn't suit. it's annoying and a special kind of hell but you gotta keep applying; think of all the holo girls that got rejected on their first try

>> No.66951578

show me your auditions I'll tell you everything wrong with it

>> No.66951590

well your gonna need thousands of dollars to start the business, and the connections to network with brands...

>> No.66951663

being indie is so lame, because
- yes, I want to get 1000 views on my debut
- wanna have the assets already done without paying a penny
- wanna give my soul and body to a corporation
- get a decent income from what i love doing the most

corpo chuubas are so selfish from dropping their corpos. i wanna be one of them so badly i would do anything for this

>> No.66951810

Also talking in your audition tape about how you really to fuck your sempais really helps

Thats how Nerissa got in (Kiara)
Same for Civia (Aqua)
Gura (Shion)
The list goes on
This is all true go look it up they said it themselves

On all honestly the reason why nepotism is so prevalent is because if there is no synergy between talents it is just a conglomerate of indies. The product hololive sells is the "holobox", this is why holobronies defend their corpo over terminated talents and why I havent watch kson despite coco being my oshi.

>> No.66952537

Why don't we just make our own vtuber group?

>> No.66952775

yeah, companies like it when they know you actually like them vs just seeing them as a meal ticket. it's a little different for startups though, since you generally have little reason to trust them and they're aware of it.
in general auditioning for startups is 50/50 on whether it goes well or not. they're usually more open to newbies unlike bigger companies; but you may not get the same level of support and you sure as hell aren't getting the same level of immediate recognition. having a manager can be incredibly useful though, but you can always pay someone to be your manager as an indie. you also aren't guaranteed to get an audience from a smaller company. look at bond-en, amberglow, and god knows how many companies on their last legs with talents getting ccv in the single digits. but at the same time, you could get lucky and strike it big like how idol or phase did.
you also want to make sure you're auditioning for companies with professional looking sites. it's not a guarantee, but it helps to sift it from the crappier companies and it's a sign that they care at least a little bit. i could go on longer about auditions but this is already mucho texto

>> No.66952817
File: 347 KB, 400x400, 1682392212319100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that has been already tried and ended badly
rip little s

>> No.66952886
File: 25 KB, 225x225, 1702522879199046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet, these guys still stand strong

>> No.66953126

to me myholo amberglow and bond-en are the cockroaches of vtubing. there is no reason for them to keep going on and yet here we are though i guess liliana is probably the only reason myholo is still going

>> No.66954752

there was once a group called 4clover
it didnt end that well...

>> No.66954838

2% on merch tho and you will make so little money out of your donos you might need to get a day job

>> No.66954896

just commit tax fraud, the irs isnt going to go after you unless you make more than 10.000 anyway

>> No.66955013


>> No.66955077

Do you expect any of these tax fraud experts to know how to operate a business?

>> No.66955359

Ah so it's more about legal financial issues rather than group drama.

>> No.66955439
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1674287986327215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually in both cases the cause of the ruin was males, one being little s and the other one, most ironically, the being now known as the diaper shitter

>> No.66956678

Corpos are just not gonna pick you if you dont have streaming experience nowadays. If you've joined a shit tier corpo, you can jumpship to a bigger one eventually.
If you arent streaming and getting good number there, there's no reason why a corpo would pick you up either at this point.

>> No.66957004

>getting good numbers
This is false.

Fuwamoco were stuck in 2 view hell

>> No.66957161

they built an audience out from nothing and reached 100k subs on youtube. They were impressive as hell.

>> No.66957422

They were not anywhere near 100K pre-fuwamoco

>> No.66957769

Any advice for Vtweeters? I'm trying to make friends and build hype before my debut!

>> No.66957829

Most corpo hires are roughly around the 50 ccv range. Voice and your current follow count on streaming platforms is the most important thing they look for.

>> No.66958539

from what little i watched of fwmc before they usually had around 30~60 viewers. i’m very happy they’re doing much better now and it gives me some hope for myself

>> No.66960379

im outside some one bake

>> No.66960462

also update the topics

>> No.66962532

ill take T8 seriously if someone just happens to give it to me. ill just wait and see if i get a copy next week

>> No.66962870
File: 196 KB, 848x1200, ESWSSIuWoAA8Cqy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put it on your throne, I know people very willing to bank it

also be sure to join the day 1 vtuber tourneys no one knows what they are doing on day 1
