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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 104 KB, 1165x679, 1681529490819641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66868754 No.66868754 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to foster growth and gain an audience. For more technical advice you can check /asp/.

>Can I self post and promote?

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."

Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight. Don't turn this general into /cgl/, please.

Last thread FAQ:
- How can I set up a Paypal account without being doxxed? (and without committing taxfraud)
- Can I write off vtuber expenses (apparently you can)
- Where I can hire clippers for my oshi? (that would actually boost her)
- How to make it so your Mods and Vips dont kill your growth (the koreans apparently have a word for that type of crabbing)
- Is there any benefit on selfposting? (worth getting schizoed?)
- Is being brown a debuff? (rip Sana)

Are you an expert on any of these topics? Drop by! Your opinion is welcome!


threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie chuubas
>>>/vt//choc/ - Chuubas with overall darker skin color
>>>/vt//wool/ - Sheep chuubas and friends
>>>/vt//vrt/ - Retro gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//vt/uber drawthread - Drawfags and draw requests
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up

Previous >>66756536

>> No.66868914
File: 2.88 MB, 2040x2720, 1677779202247850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me Ant Andy

>> No.66869147

>Can trans females post here?
I would go as far as femboys posting, but then again then the floodgates open and it is no longer about female vtubers.
But then again no female vtubers self posted with name last thread.

>> No.66869195

I miss her bro...

>> No.66869267

She'll be back anytime soon

>> No.66869324

why is gumpai just one perpetual woman moment

>> No.66869552

I would say this is a good thumb rule >>66869311
they should do only if they feel the advice can apply to them, which i guess it will have to do with whether they do their voice reps or not

>> No.66869862

It feels like we have been having an uptick in femcel posting, is /vt/ being raided by some feminazi discord group or something?

>> No.66869879

For any trans femanon wondering, yes you can post yourself here. You are valid and dont let the jealous cis fucks say otherwise.

>> No.66869984

Nvm this general is definetly some femcel discord raid.

>> No.66869991

You're gonna learn the fun way what happens to a community when no men are (openly) present

>> No.66869997

>- How can I set up a Paypal account without being doxxed? (and without committing taxfraud)
You can't. Use a middle man. Don't give direct links to your paypal.
>- Can I write off vtuber expenses (apparently you can)
You're too small to reasonably do that. Doing it unreasonably is fraud. Business expenses are extremely regulated and you can't just mark your new computer or the electricity/internet you use to stream as business expenses. This is something you should start thinking about when you start hiring people.
>- How to make it so your Mods and Vips dont kill your growth (the koreans apparently have a word for that type of crabbing)
You can't. Hire professional mods or accept that all you'll get are obsessed fans and tyrants.
>- Is there any benefit on selfposting? (worth getting schizoed?)
There are none and you should avoid getting associated with a site of poor reputation like 4chan. For the general population, 4chan is kiwifarm and kiwifarm are doxers and rape apologists.
>- Is being brown a debuff? (rip Sana)
It is, sadly.

>> No.66870023

If you want access to the secret invite only /wasp/ server, DM https://twitter.com/ElliottAmbers

>> No.66870035

For any trans femanon wondering, yes you can post yourself here. I will schizo you until you kill yourself don't let the jealous cis fucks say otherwise.

>> No.66870108
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x991, 1681222048167454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all me

>> No.66870112

I like this anon.

>> No.66870161

that person doesnt seem like a woman...

>> No.66870222

A male /asp/ie?

>> No.66870230

>Use a middle man.
thats what I suggested but apparently using a friend is a "dick move" and "tax" fraud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAGbYwxhXBg

>> No.66870297

You know he's grooming every fem /asp/ie he'll meet

>> No.66870581

That's not a middle man... That's just fraud. A middle man would be a service that knows and verifies both parties and takes care of the technical aspect of things. Youtube and twitch donations are exactly that. Youtube knows your real name and address and gives you a cut of the donation someone made for you (after giving youtube their real name and address) meaning that neither party knows the real identity of the other because youtube takes care of that. Throne function in a similar way. Throne knows the identity of both clients. The clients do not know the personal details of the other client. Throne takes care of that for them.

>> No.66870597

who else is going? who's in danger?

>> No.66870630

just use kofi holy fuck

>> No.66871125

any advice for deep voiced bitches? i'm looking to be more of a brotuber than gfe and i can handle people calling me a male but i worry that sounding like one will handicap me, especially if i don't lean into mommy stuff.

>> No.66871144

we are still here I mean
just judging from the distance

>> No.66871248

Ask Elliot about Xia and what age she was when the got together

>> No.66871295

make it fit your character but in general you can have a deep voice and still be pleasant.
I would say Okayu and Mori have lower than average voices but they are pleasant to the ears.
Try taking some radio broadcasting lessons, those will improve your speaking voice no matter your register anyway

Also If you fucked up by smoking then thats on you.

>> No.66871367

there you can discuss all the male drama you sisters love

>> No.66871398

I want to quit my retail job, any tips on getting started?

>> No.66871406

He doesn't need to groom anyone else, he already got a wife from asp

>> No.66871410

That is an advice to women before joining his groomcord

>> No.66871415
File: 164 KB, 498x498, 1675581471837277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Throne knows the identity of both clients.
that one goes to a different friend

>> No.66871435

Don't quit your job for vtubing.

>> No.66871477

wait to see if you are successful first before quitting, most of the time this hobby will actually put you in the red

>> No.66871498

vtubing is not a get rich quick scheme even for girls

>> No.66871551

Okay what kind of setup do I even need to at least cover my bases.

>> No.66871617

blue yeti and a png
try it for a bit and see if you even like it to begin with, most people actually realize quite soon they hate streaming
Later you can try a big debut with a $4000 model but only if you actually enjoyed it while you were a nobody

>> No.66871645

A decent mic
A png

>> No.66871670
File: 336 KB, 500x500, 1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiplash is LIVE!

>> No.66871742
File: 17 KB, 218x218, 1001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camui is playing Undertale!

>> No.66871759

what kind of money do you have to get started? aside from buying a decent mic you can do basically everything else for free by following the flavr approach and AI generating your assets or getting a vroid until you earn enough to commission a live2d

>> No.66871793

vocaroo right now

>> No.66871792

I'd rather watch puppies be drowned than listen to Camui

>> No.66871811

thanks anon, i appreciate it! i'll do my best and i'm grateful for your thoughts. lessons sound like a lot of fun, and i don't think that's something i'd ever have thought of!

>> No.66871847

He is a great streamer. Give him a chance! He is popular with a lot of girls!

>> No.66871859
File: 1.43 MB, 1440x1365, 1684382231612510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for a new jiggly

based on the art suggestion

>> No.66871917

corpse and chrii are fighting for his attention

>> No.66871922


off topic but thanks for the bumps
I suggest you trying asp

>> No.66871984

Camui made this thread. All women need to go through him.

>> No.66872010

corpse will win because unlike chrii she's willing to slut it up

>> No.66872019

he made fasp
this is wasp

>> No.66872063

he had a wife when he started, what makes you think just one is enough for him

>> No.66872065

Is this the thread for trans Vtubers? How did you guys voice train? I'm just starting out

>> No.66872075

>camui made the fem chuuba groom thread
wow everything I hear just makes me think less of him

>> No.66872079

Camui made /faspie/
I made /fasp/
This is /wasp/

>> No.66872117

They already have materials there

>> No.66872170

>I made /fasp/
are you happy with the result of your prank, son?

>> No.66872201

Only trannies have self posted so it might be.

>> No.66872224

>Says he doesn't want to let chat groom him into doing lewd shit
>Keeps doing the same innuendo jokes

>> No.66872294
File: 98 KB, 320x272, panel-1010969059-image-08d533b5-c824-471b-bc17-50afecce0f0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi I'm as new aspie and this is my first post here, just started streaming a few weeks ago please check me out.

>> No.66872349

Impossible, this person is live and playing.
Don't post random people.

>> No.66872351

I feel like 4chan really hypes up the fact that "girls have it easy" when it comes to streaming but I think about how many girls I know who get like 1-10ccv max and I think it's lies perpetuated by male vtuber faggots who can't break 3ccv

>> No.66872389

I'm in the /asp/ discord too, I just joined recently.

>> No.66872435

Say banana on stream

>> No.66872482

Arts for jigsaw anon



>> No.66872509

The tranny thread has another tranny join. Welcome.

>> No.66872517

/faspie/ is the prank
/fasp/ is me actually making sure that /asp/ie's dumbassery is immortalized
/wasp/ is carrying the torch

>> No.66872595

>no banana
Ok cool

>> No.66872608

List of radfem chuubas who hate trannies?

>> No.66872611

A pleasant voice/ voice acting skill
Some sort of niche you want to appeal to
Pngtuber model/png pictures
Good mic
you can stream on a potato and still do old games or browser games

>> No.66872691

>"girls have it easy" when it comes to streaming
That is a lie perpetuated by bitter males. Males dominate streaming as a whole. Vtubing is a niche category where females have a better chance but not much really

>> No.66872900

Most here are trans, wrong thread anon

>> No.66873095 [DELETED] 

I literally work in a Bath & Body Works so my wage is like barely above minimum. I still live with my parents and older brother so nothing too loud or expensive. I'm sort of been NEETing my life as well so money is extremely tight.

>> No.66873162

speak normal

>> No.66873213

Fuck do you mean normal

>> No.66873301

if you're not above a little crime you can get the mic for free too

>> No.66873303

>groomers thought theyd get a bunch of cute biofems
>its only babis posting

>> No.66873370

It's all trannies lmfao even the vocaroos are awful here

>> No.66873424

I'm not stealing shit. I think this is a bad idea anyways plastering my voice on the site that can backtrack my location in a moment's notice.

>> No.66873461

already downloaded it

>> No.66873487

I hope you like pizza

>> No.66873533

See, my point exactly. Shit's anxiety inducing yo.

>> No.66873665

I fed it to an AI. If your voice is somewhere on the internet I will find you.

>> No.66873932

I'm already under your bed.

>> No.66873972

i made my twitter account but i got nervous when it came to making my youtube... i don't know why i'm so anxious. woman moment i guess

>> No.66874003

already triangulated where you lived from your typing style alone that will teach you to mess with the hacker site 4chan
no ones gonna do shit retard vt is full of redditors

>> No.66874078

btw if you act paranoid that the schizos are gonna get you the schizos are in fact gonna get you. people like that feed off of reactions so it's best to just ignore them. sorry you're feeling anxious, hope all goes well with your preparations. definitely get a half decent mic and a png for sure though

>> No.66874097

There’s an anon in this thread that really hates trans people and women

>> No.66874125

Take your time

>> No.66874152

Trans women are welcome here even if one screeching autist disagrees.

>> No.66874164

I'm gonna get a fucking leak before I even debut. fuck this, i'm out.

>> No.66874228

A better mic is on its way (:

>> No.66874300


>> No.66874368

My former corpo oshi forgave me and starts doing content I really like.
Told you I was weak, see you around /wasp/ies.

>> No.66874460

There are whores that did not stream a single time but managed to get their entire PC and mic setup gifted to them on throne by being female.

>> No.66874602


>> No.66874958

I hope you know nothing that gets posted here is deleted forever.


>> No.66875010


*Trans women are welcome here even if a couple of screeching autists disagree

>> No.66875093

Imagine being a tranny and wanting to present yourself as a tranny, despite vtubing providing the freedom to be anything. That's both a (you) problem and a skill issue

>> No.66875143

Yeah but you literally didn't have to repost it.

>> No.66875277

good strategy /asp/ies, might as well go back to /asp/ if it's full of trans and not actually a board for female vtuber to seek advice and self post.
wouldn't surprise me if it is actually women that invite the trans women, it always is.

>> No.66875283

Posting it for the people that wanna see what was deleted.

>> No.66875310

trans women are more fun to hang out with than cis men

>> No.66875356

But they already heard it. Just delete it already.

>> No.66875482

b- based?

>> No.66875852

honestly if you get a .png and just call yourself a dumb bitch like that enough you'll be more successful than 2view retards in the other thread.
the dommy mommy market is heavily oversaturated.

>> No.66875933

>shilling yourself in /wasp/

>> No.66876167

What's the big deal having a thread dedicated to trans women? There aren't many biological women that selfpost on 4chan of all places

>> No.66876244

Rura rape.

>> No.66876254

This. If this thread wants to survive it needs trans women, babis and femboys.

>> No.66876309

What's next, we're gonna allow long-haired prettyboys too?

>> No.66876324

Rura Taurus? Rura collabed with male Vtubers before so your best bet is to become one and DM her.

>> No.66876572

The thread can survive on jiggers alone. It doesn't need anything else.

>> No.66876964

What's the point of this thread? Why not just do OnlyFans if you're a woman. Could probably make a lot more money than vtubing.

>> No.66877034

all the problems with oversaturation in vtubing are probably even worse with onlyfans type content considering you have to compete with a much wider market

>> No.66877315
File: 15 KB, 497x818, muttonconcept2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made some adjustments to my design. i shortened the horns to a more realistic length, changed the eye and ribbon colors, and added some more sheep like elements in the hair. let me know what you think

>> No.66877418

Looks cute sis, let's hope your voice matches.

>> No.66877421

>Could probably make a lot more money than vtubing
Denpa has a fansly and basically has to beg people to pay. There's no money in porn unless you've cultivated that audience way before doing it since you get ghost banned on twitter for doing such things (the biggest way to get reach)

>> No.66877425

>we're gonna allow long-haired prettyboys too?
Only if they are asian, good looking and looks good in lingerie, but those people aren't on here, so same as not allowing them.

>> No.66877506


>> No.66877515

already posted a vocaroo sis

>> No.66877542

oh god no, it's so adorable, but the horns could be a bit smaller.

>> No.66877558

OnlyFans is harder than vtubing. Everyone has tits. Not everyone can afford to vtube so there's less competition.

>> No.66877573

Holy shit I remember you posting in /asp/ around gen 2 or 3. What happened to your other design?

>> No.66877574

Onlyfans is terrible for making money anon, for every Belle Delphine there are thousands of girls making 5 dollars a month at most. Also most girls believe or not dont want nude pictures of them online.

>> No.66877597

Didn't you wanna do a sheep?

>> No.66877627

Denpa's got three tiers of subscriptions, in addition to having individual pics that run, like, $35 dollars. Pricing is important.

>> No.66877647

unfortunately i think i really just have a generic voice, because that's the very first vocaroo i've ever posted. not sure who you're referring to but hope she's doing well wherever she is

>> No.66877662

female sheep don’t have horns
tranny confirmed

>> No.66877703

I thought they were practically giving them away like candy, for free of course.

>> No.66877707

I archive everything so I'll look for it later. If it isn't you, apologies. If it is you, your old design was really nice.

>> No.66877733
File: 39 KB, 739x352, yestheyhavehornsdumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still am a sheep!
google is free

>> No.66877771

sounds like a tranny too. they whisper when they speak. dead giveaway

>> No.66877801


Tranny colors....

>> No.66877860

>thread that welcomes trans women has trans women
What's the big deal?

>> No.66877924

your voice passes better than mine. how long did it take to train? do you have resources?

>> No.66878059

lmfao you people are stupid
i trained naturally through puberty using the power of ovaries. sorry this isn't helpful

>> No.66878083

>still am a sheep!
Sorry, the horns confused me since their horns usually don't point upwards like that, they bend backwards, or curls.

>> No.66878212

How long can you hold that voice? Your natural voice probably works too

>> No.66878321

alright, you still have big horns
and talk normally next time— i also have the vague notion you’re underage, get off this website kid

>> No.66878388

about 1~2 hours depending on how warmed up my vocal cords are. my natural resting voice is similar to felicia from fire emblem

>> No.66878393

if you remove the side hair it just looks like rura without her blue highlights and a different outfit

>> No.66878427


>> No.66878447

ngl I love the dress, but the hair, horns and ears aren't sheep coded, at least not to me. Maybe I'm just weird, I don't see Lisa from for Tsundaria as a sheep either.

>> No.66878510

So you’re that specific sheep species?

>> No.66878586

i am almost 30 <3
yeah, i'm realizing i gotta work on the hair and horns more. i really like that kind of hairstyle though

>> No.66878597

It looks really cute anon! I cant wait to see what you do with it

>> No.66878785

is this thread already faster than asp?

>> No.66878869

No? Usually asp has three to four threads a day while this one has two and on a good day three with the help of jiggies

>> No.66878890

I just assume /asp/ was filled with women to begin with. Male vtubers don't really sell.

>> No.66878912

Babis? Trans? Are they allowed to be talked about or discussed here?

>> No.66878919

that is probably the same person tho
this is a good chance to train yourself on how to deal with schizos, might as well start now so you dont get one guy by someone in your chat.

>> No.66878989

It helps that /asp/ males keep bumping it up with their tomfoolery. Other than that, there's actually discussions even if there are shitty advices

>> No.66879067

Please god lose the heart ahoge, if I see one more concept with this i'll start anti-ing them all

>> No.66879182

this isnt a comunity thread, this is an advice thread. They can ask for advice if thy want to but female only strategies will only work if your audience thinks you are female.
Babis with no voicechanger wouldnt benefit that much from anything said here except on how to commit tax fraud

>> No.66879205

How else do we know if they're mentally ill or not before they open their mouth

>> No.66879274

why ahoge hate? its cute and its a 2000 reference

>> No.66879299

oh shit u rite, she even has the standard pink hair

>> No.66879381

Why don’t you go hang then? Trying to get the cunny buff?

>> No.66879440

*HAG not hang jesus christ

>> No.66879479

oh my god

>> No.66879590

ahoge is fine, heart antenna is a femchuuba standard and incredibly boring. Screams you didn't do any research.

Hell Coni and Hexa are literally the same colours with the dumb heart antenna, and i've seen atleast 4 others with it still active on twitch

>> No.66879677

Congrats, you guys made /asp/ seethe with these two posts

>> No.66879727

what about a sheep shaped ahoge? might look cute

>> No.66879854
File: 15 KB, 497x818, muttonconcept3.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shortened the horns, and changed the eye and ribbon colors back to green. tried adding something akin to sheep pupils but it's hard to do it in this art style. once i get more refined art than this (drawn in mspaint for fun) i will try to make it an art style that is more compatible with it. if anyone has any good examples i'd appreciate it.
that is a very funny typo lmao. anyway i like lolis and therefore i want to be one. simple as. the buff is a nice bonus

>> No.66879910

I don't care, women are better than men. Especially at Vtubing.

>> No.66879971

Oh thank god, the tranny colors are gone.

>> No.66880098

>tranny colors
i hate that this is a thing people have to avoid

>> No.66880134

looks cute but the heart ahoge has been done to death, especially on pink hair. At this point it probably does you a disservice to have it.
It also kinda clashes with the fluffy type of hair you got going a bit? Which by the way I really like the shape design of the twin tails, that's really nice.

>> No.66880264

>>66880134 (me)
didn't see people have already pointed out the ahoge and you decided to keep it still, ignore that part

>> No.66880268

holy sex please use this instead. its less generic

>> No.66880270

>has been done to death
Im going to be honest most things have been done to death, if your going to start removing things just because of that you might as well not even bother.

>> No.66880331
File: 37 KB, 356x345, 1679351367110438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66880362

I changed my hoodie because of this, its good to point it out.

>> No.66880405

Blue looked better. This is just Rura

>> No.66880537

yeah i agree
>>66879854 if someone just whines tranny colors and that makes you change it, thats an actual issue. You're likely going to find atleast one delusional schizo who says stupid shit like that, dont fold to it.

>> No.66880612

Rura is rebranding? Why? Dino suited you better

>> No.66880706

i like it but i'm starting to wonder if maybe a spiral ahoge would be better. i could just go no ahoge i suppose
my normal voice sounds really shaky and i'm self conscious about it. and i like how the loli voice sounds
not yet

>> No.66880730

Just copy what worked? Rura is popular for a reason lol

>> No.66880856

I mean the ahoge could be toggleable, like it maybe its a spiral but with keybinding you can turn it into a heart, that would certainly be more unique but also more complicated.

>> No.66880898

>not yet

>> No.66880946

if you out a tatoo of the ace of spades or something people will think you sleep with blacks

if you use the trans flag colors people will think you are trans

if you add a swastica people will think you are a nazi despite it being a religious symbol in japan

its not about bitching its simply how asociation works

>> No.66880995

an ahoge that waggles or reshapes on toggle is a cool idea

>> No.66881080

>its not about bitching its simply how asociation works
Dude like dozens and dozens of female vtubers use those colors and no one is out there calling them trans. 4chan itself puts waaay more thought into trans things then anyone else, the average person isnt going to see a person with pink/blue/white and automatically think oh there trans

>> No.66881132

Unless you train your voice it’s a strain
>t. someone who puts on a voice

>> No.66881191

adding, Girl_DM is another very big vtuber with green hair and a heart ahoge.

>> No.66881229

I like the heart ahoge

>> No.66881728
File: 14 KB, 497x818, muttonconcept4.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final edit for now. there's only so many colors that go well with this shade of pink
never watched her a day in my life. she does have a cute design but her hair struck me as more of a teal rather than green
that's a cute idea and i can do that
yeah, in the process of training for it

>> No.66881972

That's better with the horns.

>> No.66882082

looks great

>> No.66882088

Why do you have wings on your head if you’re a sheep? Is it like some kind of mythological winged sheep?

>> No.66882407

Who is Grace414? Is that viewer-chan?

>> No.66882413

those are sheep ears, retard chama...

>> No.66882484
File: 278 KB, 503x602, 1695093756767082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last page puzzle done

>> No.66882483


>> No.66882714
File: 665 KB, 926x531, 1692411524737410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is also done
next jiggly loading...

>> No.66882778


>> No.66882825

sheep rura

>> No.66882896

I missed it...

>> No.66883369
File: 3.73 MB, 1920x1080, 1694015234780975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the bright side, here is the next puzzle

>> No.66883494
File: 391 KB, 530x530, 1696299388273413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also have a logo for the future

>> No.66883509

hi wasp im at the ice cream store you want anything

>> No.66883555

Get me some strawberry ice cream

>> No.66883564

Ben and jerry cause im gonna go watch grimmy

>> No.66883704

by the way my name is mutton
chocomint ice please

>> No.66883779

not lamb chops!!!!???
also you draw so well and so cute i wish i could draw like that

>> No.66883806
File: 825 KB, 1208x915, 1693649637014829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well mutton you are the puzzle today
feel free to join so you can solve yourself

>> No.66883905

we don't need lamb we have lamb at home (me)
also thanks! just takes practice and studying and a lot of time. you can do it too anon i believe in you!

>> No.66884058
File: 388 KB, 1440x3088, Screenshot_20240117_005736_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i should become a vtubber
>yes, yes, a niggress anime gurl suits me really well
I just diacovered her. What a trainwreck, lmao

>> No.66884147

There was a black guy on twitter a while back who talked about how his views went up 10x when he went from doing face cam to a white guy png

>> No.66884219

there were some problems with sana
the design was pure sex but they fucked up the rigging

>> No.66884274

That's just corpo in general, most big indies have rigging well beyond any corpo

>> No.66884368

might be too early but maybe we can start planning for a divegrass team?
We can get the /asp/ manager to do it and he will accept cause that will get the female eyes on him for a chance.

>> No.66884383


>> No.66884497
File: 366 KB, 512x512, 1687122512926425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are asians white?

>> No.66884653


>> No.66884722

No Patrick, Asians are not white.

>> No.66884843

Congrats Mutton for being the first /wasp/ie!

>> No.66884927

>30 year old loli sheep ripping off Rura's design

>> No.66884988

and i know a 35 year old loli, your point?

>> No.66885076

Vtubing is actually an asian womens profession, especially an east asian women.
Note: American asian is not asian, westernize asian is not asian. You will never be accepted in korea/japan/china. For example if you american japanese girlsl you are not actually japanese, please do not go up to some poor japanese women and say KONASIAWUA as if you were actually japanese, it is very cringy. Know your place Ms. Banana , thank you.

>> No.66885228

What? She's perfect. I love it.

>> No.66885296

I welcome another lamb

>> No.66885412

we needed more slutty lolis

>> No.66885516

yay! another way to disappoint my parents. i am honored in all honesty i'm actually pretty happy i managed to get past my anxiety to post
i don't care if people think that because people will read into a situation however they want but i don't really see the similarities beyond the hair being pink and the horns being similar shapes. we're going to be making much different content too so i'm not that worried. i wish for the best for her though!

>> No.66885611 [DELETED] 

>steals rura#s design
>I wish her well though
What a cunt

>> No.66885724

When people say hag here it's a endearing label for 30 years old and above just so you know

>> No.66885795

I dont see it

>> No.66885885
File: 433 KB, 552x500, 1686651469269868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask for a collab with her after your debut in Tekken.
Rura audience from fig will welcome you with their arms open.
Please we beg you we need more girls into fightan I know its a debuff just please play MvC2

>> No.66886107

Good luck, i cant wait for your debut!

>> No.66886251

>are asians white?
Only the japanese, the civilized northern parts of China, and if you must insist koreans, but only after the mandatory plastic surgery.

>> No.66886273
File: 289 KB, 1062x1080, 1699313445084367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please we beg you we need more girls into fightan I know its a debuff just please play MvC2
/fig/bro... Shimmers is always there for you

>> No.66886510

On what planet is she ripping off Rura's design?

>> No.66886550
File: 216 KB, 500x500, IMG_1011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choc love!

>> No.66886788
File: 812 KB, 640x764, 1696690585842235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it is a good time for you to learn to handle trolls, in this site and else.
Because how bad this site is you can discard pretty much any criticism that isn't well though
A troll will not likely write paragraphs to defend his position, he is out for the quick reply bait.
Also, this might as well be our new topic of the day: Reformed schizos, What made you tick? What were your strategies? What could have one of targets do to make you stop harrasing you? Why did you get bored of some of them and moved on?
Share your secrets for the sake of the new generation.
I will start: many years ago I used to spend an unreasonable amount time shitting on people on twitter for their politics. I just found holes in their arguments and proceeded to make fun of them in a retarded way so they would waste time writing paragraphs in anger.
What made me stop was realizing how fucking pointless it was. I was just taking my frustrations on them but in turn I felt miserable because I had to keep myself updated with politics and that will ruin your head. I just now let people be and since I no longer watch the news I don't feel the need to "destress" by ruining someone else day.
Also /pol/ is a shithole stay away

>> No.66886810
File: 36 KB, 401x380, ohio5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lie I created /fasp/
Everything is going according to plan

>> No.66886990
File: 1014 KB, 1024x576, 1698399887460934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was getting banned for off topic posting part of your plan ?

>> No.66887015

To new frens here, this thread is new and the original was /fasp/ie which someone from /asp/ made as a "joke" then it become a thing on its own. A lot of them are angry about this thread's existence so they flame it.

Also don't trust anyone who claims what any anon does

>> No.66887094

choc lust!

>> No.66887118

Can't call me off topic if I say I identify as a woman now

>> No.66887157

yeah, i'm working on my "um ACKSHUALLY-" autism response. i have an annoying habit of always always always wanting to give everyone the benefit of the doubt because i know what it feels like to have people misinterpret you; so i tend to attempt to engage everyone upfront and as honest as i can but i know /here/ especially that's probably not a great strategy

>> No.66887227 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 736x593, GBplTQ2WkAAMgUq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choc love...?

>> No.66887312

>t. Groomer who wants to seperate all the girls into their own thread

>> No.66887321
File: 893 KB, 1280x720, 1687970993765121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fig/bro... Shimmers is always there for you

I love shimada but she barely streams more than two hours in a row because of her TMJ
I am a man, I have needs
and I need more retro fightans
install fightcade

>> No.66887386

I'll find some fightan chuubas for you

>> No.66887414

I did that /here/ and it was hell. Don't recommend.

>> No.66887672

cope harder you might huff it into reality

>> No.66887739

Why are you still /here/ then? Just to suffer?

>> No.66887892

I'm very lonely and I wanted to belong and be accepted somewhere. I probably should give up, I know.

>> No.66887924

>I am definitely a girl just like you tehehehe now let me manager larp you

>> No.66888101
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puzzle finished, next puzzleloading

>> No.66888115

I'll tell you this once now, if you make a habit of 'hanging out' in this thread you're going to get drawn into the cycle, it's already starting with that idiot throwing someone else's name and an accusation at you

>> No.66888198

dip in, dip out
best advice is to stop self posting after some point

>> No.66888280

This is why I say I’m a white woman :)

>> No.66889022

This. This place shouldn't be your networking place if you actually want to grow. If you only want vtuber "friends" and drama go here >>66873255

>> No.66889113
File: 1.75 MB, 1315x949, updated pest list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this for the other thread, thought you all should be aware. Be careful of male vtubers from here.

>> No.66889138

Shouldn't you be dming someone's oshi begging for collabs and erp instead of crying wolf about someone actually wanting to be helpful with nothing to gain in return?

>> No.66889477

best networking advise is to actually post in both threads, that is allowed
asp does not exclude girls now that wasp exists
so you must take advantage of it, eventually.
Just drop in, say hi, and 40 male vtubers will follow you immediately, shower you with raids, and beg your for collabs

>> No.66889687
File: 1.27 MB, 1235x824, 1693316481336198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new puzzle

>> No.66889762

why is rura sexpested twice

>> No.66889826

Why are there two Rura's

>> No.66889933

She's just that much of a sexpest lover.

>> No.66890265

Rinna this person does cute ref sheets

>> No.66890320

non schizo thread

>> No.66890379

It's been a while since I last saw that terrible avatar

>> No.66890618

most sovlful chuuba of all time

>> No.66890855

>you can choose either both or none, but picking a binary choice in medium disqualifies you from being able to post here. sorry
ok this got a laugh out of me
you might get the ban but it's worth it

>> No.66890945
File: 171 KB, 801x483, 1696848858514732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened here

>> No.66891547

they were already on my list, i might do it!! or kinak0 on skeb

>> No.66891571


D-did I really seem like I was fighting for attention? ;///;

>> No.66891968

since this is the advice thread might as well tell you the obvious: lusting for anime men kills your views, this is why all vtubers pretend to be lesbians

It gets specially bad if everyone hates the guy in question. Koragi paperbag ship was stable for long because people liked paperbag.
Meanwhile Odd*tte destroyed her career because everyone hated Sh*nia.She was on fast tract for partner until she made him a mod, which also justifies all mod hate

>> No.66892065

shania being a mod almost convinces me to hate them too

>> No.66892174

>Meanwhile Odd*tte destroyed her career because everyone hated Sh*nia.She was on fast tract for partner until she made him a mod
ESL please go

Odette's vtubing career tanked because she literally stopped streaming

>> No.66892343

>: lusting for anime men kills your views
What utter bs, there plenty of female vtubers with 1k+ viewers who do that. Gachikoi fans are the last thing you want.

>> No.66892644

>- Is being brown a debuff? (rip Sana)
I'll always hold the wholehearted belief that being brown is not a debuff and the real problem were the people themselves being shitty.

>> No.66892936

Was sana the only brown holo

>> No.66893156

Yeah i agree, i dont think anyone cares

>> No.66893158

Flare and Irys who both had shitty model clusterfucks going at first.
And Sana killed herself by going a bloo bloo bloo cat died I'm depressed two months break now on the first month and then going baaaaw back hurts break now every three weeks.
No shit she would end up the most unpopular one like that. She would have no matter the model.

>> No.66893213

The thing is they lust for ALL men, giving off the impression that fans have a chance to smash

>> No.66893989


I didn't realize I was coming off as overly flirty, how bad was it?

>> No.66894159

>The Gang Commits Tax Fraud
I didn't realize this was a fun and entertaining general.

>> No.66894237

please don't ask for advice from schizos

>> No.66894318

>She was on fast tract for partner
rumao you can't believe this there's no way

>> No.66894359

ignore them, cause this is a rabbithole that never ends

>> No.66894552

The fact you associate with Camui makes me think less of you in general

>> No.66894694

How is a male shilling his link here not off topic?

>> No.66894762

are you gonna cry about it

>> No.66895139
File: 18 KB, 215x215, IMG_3070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66895314

>create a split from /asp/ to avoid dramaniggers
>the number 1 dramanigger gets shilled here

Watch how fast this thread declines when you won't gatekeep

>> No.66895438

you werent there for the first month, she had 60 viewers or so, which was gigantic for a wvt

You can do it once you are safe. When you are too big too fail the audience just tolerates it. It is also safe while you are relatively small.
The first wall is 30-50 viewers

and why did she stop only to return to marry the faggot in VR

>> No.66895530

it is and you can report it

>> No.66895538

Camui literally brings nothing but trouble. You'd have less drama in your life associating with Keemstar.

>> No.66895578

>all the dramaniggers purposely give wrong advice and stir shit up and newfags all listen to them since they cant tell

Brilliant thread split.

>> No.66895677


I'm new but people keep mentioning him, what exactly did he do?

>> No.66895707

>all the dramaniggers purposely give wrong advice

kill all mods
commit tax fraud
become a tan loli
give nothing to groomers
fuck the police

>> No.66895765

>which was gigantic for a wvt
and still nowhere near partner, she dropped off quickly after people realized she's a schizo

>> No.66895787

off topic, you can check the archives

>> No.66895820

Groomed three girls in DMs. Just dont get groomed by him.

>> No.66895845

Just a reminder
>Camui called everyone a bunch of seething retail workers in like the second thread he was ever present
>Leaked DMs of Layla trying to nuke her reputation whilst having his part of the conversation not present and still to this day has not shown his part of the conversation despite claiming pure innocence
>Used an IRL picture of Denpa and played tic-tac-toe on her forehead despite the fact Denpa had asked for that photo not to be shared around and she was also being bullied very hard at that time. He has confirmed he still has not apologized to her.
>Tried to decapitate Iriya's reputation by publicly accusing him of being an anti for the simple fact that he and Camui were in the same stream at the same time because he was unaware you can watch a stream whilst being logged out. Camui insists that he's a reasonable person who just wants to solve issues but instead of addressing it privately by just DMing him, he maliciously tried to fuck him over
>Camui publicly called out Hanabi for not liking him since Hanabi has not drawn him even when requested and then refused to think that what he said was inappropriate despite multiple people saying he shouldn't air out his dirty laundry in the thread for the millionth time
>Camui threw his own friend Patchey under the bus by morally grandstanding about how much he is morally disgusted by rape jokes and misogynistic humor that Patchey has that he ended the stream early. But not morally disgusted enough to actually end his friendship because Camui's morals stop when it's convenient for him to do so

>Camui claims that he has apologised to people and thinks that that excuses his actions despite the fact he literally learns nothing and keeps trying to publicly damage the reputation of others

>> No.66895879


Layla Chrii and who

>> No.66895914


>> No.66895942

Add on top that he's a 30+ year old man dating a 19 year old NEET girl in another country

>> No.66896120
File: 376 KB, 967x657, 1700809841538611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is giving a lecture right now about how to get started wasps dont miss this

>> No.66896243
File: 331 KB, 621x627, what if we kissed on the infinite azure the azu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puzzle ready, loading next puzzle...

>> No.66896403

im very curious as to how many asp streamers are actually......mentally stable and drama free?

>> No.66896513

no vtuber is

>> No.66896545


>> No.66896615

well sure but i mean no more baggage then usual, especially a person from 4chan

>> No.66896635
File: 1.44 MB, 3142x3142, 1682903261549758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puzzle ready
Get tekken 8 when it come out all

>> No.66896682

>and why did she stop only to return to marry the faggot in VR
couldn't stream with her roommate around so she started spending more and more time just hanging out in her discord

>> No.66896734

considering fighting games are debuff, that is impressive

>> No.66896799

Maybe like 20-30%? But that's relative. Most normal people would consider want to pretend to be an anime character on the internet as being mentally unstable

>> No.66896994

you missed all the discussion last thread about how to help chuubas tax evade

>> No.66897207


>> No.66897568
File: 1.60 MB, 1439x811, 1691986016077114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well start baking
anything that should be added to the op on the FAQs section?

>> No.66897773
File: 466 KB, 1140x369, my-image (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66897849

updated resources.
the /asp/ pastebin is extremely outdated

>> No.66897909

based cirenk art

>> No.66898306

tax evasion (still)
should you quit your job to vtube
color design advice
why making an only fans sucks for women
Are brow chuubas a debuff pt2
Are fighting games a debuff?
How to handle schizos
is selfposting a good idea pt2
Is lusting for anime men a debuff?
kill all mods pt2

>> No.66898380

do you got some at hand?

>> No.66898429

What about the men?

>> No.66898450

how do you pick a cute name without sounding like a wannabe jpn larper? i can't find the balance between a functional name and a theme that doesn't make me sound like i just plugged shit into google translate.

>> No.66898601

find a name that has meaning in a obscure language and make it part of your lore

Not suggesting this exactly but if you are a rabbit you could call yourself Leporidae since its the latin word for the animal

I do this trick a lot in tabletop sessions

>> No.66898673

dont overthink it, simple is fine

>> No.66898697

who cares. go back to your thread

>> No.66898750


>textbook definition of menhera

You're not even wrong

>> No.66898811
File: 650 KB, 1280x720, 1674818628749282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the men, but the women and the children too

>> No.66898870

Hey I’m at least 3 bad days away from a menhera moment

>> No.66898899

Wouldn't you want to warn the rest of the girls of who's gonna fuck them over like Camui?

>> No.66898947

needs some touch ups to include more up to date software such as PNGtuber+. next thread should be dedicated to providing as many useful resources as possible.
/asp/ hasn't included this pastebin for several threads now.

>> No.66899132

Beware of male vtubers. There.

>> No.66899330

all of them will.

>> No.66899401

Include Landitube too, it's like an advanced veadotube

>> No.66899471

that can be done in asp
chuubas are encouraged to browse both threads, if they can handle the gay erp
Asp used to have good advice on sound settings, particularly by those streaming for years.

>> No.66899731

ty anons! i appreciate it

>> No.66899739

i can update the pastebin if you guys link the resources, it's been a minute since I last did

>> No.66900035




>> No.66900124

>enjoy streaming
>don't enjoy watching others stream
what do

>> No.66900223

it only means you are watching boring vtubers

On the other hand, the real content is clips, streams are supposed to be background noise
Watch clips instead

>> No.66900736

put a streamer on while you're doing other tasks
tab back in if they say something funny

>> No.66900888

>streamers are only for background noise
have I gotten the entire concept of streamers wrong for the past 5++ years?

>> No.66900980

only a kid would find watching someone else play videogames fun, anon
thats why you unplug their controllers

>> No.66901181
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1688086382989350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



page nine because I must sleep

>> No.66901196

basically, i doubt there is a streamer that is entertaining 24/7

>> No.66901361

How do you guys feel about spending all your normal spending money on your vtuber setup.
My friends are telling me to save money but I just wanna buy cute upgrades for my vtuber model (to the tune of $2300)

>> No.66902115

I see no problem

>> No.66903744

brain damage

>> No.66903744,1 [INTERNAL] 

Just a reminder

>Camuischizo has been seething in nearly every thread since September 5th 2023 because Camui called him a ngmi seething retail worker
>Camuischizo uses Layla in an attempt to be a dramafag despite Layla herself telling him to stop, proving he is a bad faith actor that does not care about the people he claims are victims; Layla and Camui are still friends
>Camuischizo continues to admonish Camui for not leaking more, because he is the same person who threatened to leak from Gumpai's server, causing her to delete her Discord account and has leaked from Patchcord and /asp/cord in order to crab various users, most notably HauntLich, while trying to pin the blame on Momo
>Camuischizo uses Denpa in an attempt to be a dramafag, claiming Denpa is self conscious about her appearance which is hilarious given that she openly sells nudes
>Camuischizo uses Iriya in an attempt to be a dramafag despite Iriya himself never expressing any concerns, while Camui says they've talked in dms and are on ok terms and has defended Iriya in the threads
>Camuischizo uses Hanabi in an attempt to be a dramafag despite Hanabi himself never expressing any concerns and Camui telling crabs Hanabi doesn't owe anyone anything when they tried to bait Hanabi
>Camuischizo uses Patchey in an attempt to be a dramafag despite Patchey himself telling him to stop, even going so far as to post a vocaroo telling them to stop, once more proving he will use people against their will to try and ruin Camui; as with Layla, Patchey and Camui remain friends
>Camuischizo used to use Vita in an attempt to be a dramafag despite Vita openly telling him he was wrong after Vita did what Camuischizo claims Vita did
>Camuischizo used to use Hyde in an attempt to be a dramafag despite Hyde admitting to giving "compelling arguments" when accused of trying to blackmail Camui and leak his DMs
>Camuischizo used to use obvious skinwalker posts as "proof" until he got called out for it
>Camuischizo has openly admitted to wanting to isolate Camui and has written fake sympathy "I'm your real friend, I'm looking out for you" groomer posts directed at Merlie, Chrii and others.
>Camuischizo has been ritualposting the same stupid post for 4 straight months.

>I will fuck with you until you abandon here. I'm a lot more menhera than you, I can do it with no issues
>I'll take whatever chance I can get to rub salt into the retard's wound
>I have literally zero fucking issues with what I'm doing / I'd rather this thread burn
>(I am a) moral faggot schizo crusader ... I'm going to drive him out permanently

Camuischizo repeatedly shows he does not care about the feelings or wishes of the people who wants to claim are victims in his narrative, and will use anyone and everyone in bad faith to try and nuke the reputation of a 1view vtuber that lives rent free in his head while consistently ruining threads unprompted for the sake of doing so.

This is the cancer that is killing /asp/
