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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66855854 No.66855854 [Reply] [Original]

With every new termination by a Japanese black company, the case for Talent Freedom™ only grows stronger.

>> No.66856013

What talent?

>> No.66856062

harry potter

>> No.66856075


>> No.66856089

I first read this as
>nyannners has decided to renew her contract with VShojo
retirement home ^ 2

>> No.66856100

what freedom?

>> No.66856192
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Nazuna left because of "talent freedom". She'd kill to rejoin hololive.

>> No.66856340
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Here I circled it for you

>> No.66856425

>Join Vshojo
>Get free shit
>Keep everything

>> No.66856675

react content?

>> No.66856712

>vtuber company allows fleshstreaming
with a side of rofl

>> No.66856720

>renew contract
>vs NDA breach
>retards will reply to this thread

>> No.66856808

I have seen people say NDA's are only a thing in America today multiple times by the way

>> No.66856852

>join Vshojo
>the talent freedom's so good you leave Vshojo

>> No.66856958

Mel already has a RM with a model. She didn't have to give those up to join Holo, so she can go right back to streaming with it.

>> No.66857039

Anon, if someone in Vshojo broke an NDA they would have to cut ties with them too.
It's not something you can go "oh well it wasn't so bad this time" unless it's extremely minor.
NDAs have to be enforced to prevent them from being meaningless.

>> No.66857067

>oh no we don't even have a real contract how do we fire people
>just say they didn't renew lol

>> No.66857217

>gotta put on a new flesh suit and find a new name and identity so I can keep doing my job
yeah, sounds pretty healthy

>> No.66857296

nooo you can't play harry potter, everybody make mistakes!

>> No.66857372

She gave back what the company gave her to work with, and went back to being freelance. That's how it works.

>> No.66857376
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i love talent freedom

>> No.66857384

This but unironically. I'm so fucking sick and tired of JP corpo autism.

>> No.66857556

she also gives up every MV she spent her own money on

>> No.66857634

I understand that the market is bad and a lot of you are either in college or unemployed, but you don't get to keep company equipment after you leave the company.

>> No.66857723

Going indie just seems ideal at this point

>> No.66858552

Say hi to Nazuna, Vei, and Silver for me, sis.

>> No.66858845

I can because they didn't have to sacrifice their IP to leave their company so they still carry those names.

>> No.66858911

right but their entire existence would not be erased from the internet and everyone would not act like they are dead.
plus people brake nda's all the time just by talking to friends about work

>> No.66858917

>all vtubers should act like fleshstreamers
No thanks. Not everyone wants to treat the character as identical to the person behind it - it's squandering a big selling point of the medium.

>> No.66858939

hey, retard, did any of them got terminated, fired or graduated? did any of them lose the IP and channels they streamed on?
and now tell me what Mel got, or Coco, Aloe and Rushia?

>> No.66859029
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>> No.66859123

>Robert Downey Jr. should own the Iron Man IP!!!
That's how you sound like.

>> No.66859155

Based. It's the entire point of the medium. It just doesn't appeal to Twitch viewers.

>> No.66859196

Weird, I can still watch them. Where's Mel?

>> No.66859208

Honestly I think the ideal scenario is Patra's, get corpo support to establish yourself, then buy your IP so you can continue as an indie without losing everything you worked on
Then again that may not have worked out that well for 774 considering they haven't really been able to reach Patra's level since she left

>> No.66859292

On her RM channel. There's PL rules here, but you can find it pretty easily if you look.

>> No.66859321

>hey, retard, did any of them got terminated, fired or graduated?
Nezuna, Veibae, Silver, and Nyanners all quit Vshojo because it sucks there.

>> No.66859407

>Disney should not credit any actors and they should sign nda's to never discus it
That's how you sound.
Disney at least acknowledges that RDJ plays ironman.

>> No.66859426

Geega, Matara, Kuro and Henya joined and everybody else stayed because it's amazing there
Retarded simplification from an anon that likely didn't watch any of the ones who quit

>> No.66859512

Your 'entire point of the medium' is fucking cringe. they are real people, like it or not and do put a lot of their personality into the character

>> No.66859529

NTA, but the medium is specifically built around maintaining the talent's personal privacy. In this case, it's to her benefit, since she was fired for a breach in contract.

>> No.66859570

That's not Mel. She's gone forever. I watched Nyanners the other day. She's still there.

>> No.66859608

fair, then explain Coco

>> No.66859612

not being able to talk about it is not to protect their privacy.

>> No.66859633

You're trying to co-opt an existing medium and make it something that it's not.

>> No.66859632

>Geega, Matara, Kuro and Henya joined
And they'll leave too.

>> No.66859673

holos have to spend their own money on music mvs and concerts.

>> No.66859682

Everybody will stop streaming eventually or quit their company, your point?

>> No.66859684

Coco didn't get fired. She was a beloved member who left amicably.

>> No.66859721

Mel termination deflection thread

>> No.66859753

they loved her so much they didn't invite her to anything until she quit

>> No.66859773

I support giving the people behind the vtubers a choice between privacy and a public life. Call me a kayfabe centrist, because both extremes seem wrong to impose on everyone.

>> No.66859798

They can take no interest loans from the company to produce such things. Either way, they almost certainly made that money back.

>> No.66859857

and yet she can't talk about working there and they would never say who played coco

>> No.66859864

proof next thread?

>> No.66859899

She hates them so much that she never interacts with them as Kson. See? It sounds stupid both ways.

>> No.66859951

she's not allowed to because the managers won't let her, the same managers that made her quit

>> No.66859966

Literally not true and in reality that's another restriction Holo enforces.

>> No.66859977

but that is exactly what they don't have. a choice

>> No.66860007

You moron, she collabs with them on their RMs all the time.

>> No.66860046

because the holo managers have no control over that

>> No.66860099

Just like with Rushia right? When she became Nazuna to join VsHojo when she already had a Model of her own?

>> No.66860199
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Aww yeah creative freedom
kson benefited a lot from that, finally she was able to do amazing things
Like, let's see...
>appear on trash taste
>collab with nuxtaku
>stream on chaturbate
Nice, nice...

>> No.66860202

Again, privacy and discretion is a big part of this medium. It's the main reason people use an avatar.

>> No.66860203

vshojo keeps winning by doing nothing

>> No.66860212

no one indi or corpo is forced so share their private life publicly the same cannot be said for the other side

>> No.66860299

>is forced
Let me stop you here, champ. Making a mutual agreement isn't force.

>> No.66860334

anon. can you not see that its not for privacy if it is not their choice. in any other industry you could choose not to be credited. but if you are not allowed to be that is scummy

>> No.66860358

It was her own decision.
Kson and other indies joined just fine with their established characters.

Another catalog anti pretending to have any clue about a girl they don't watch. Tribal faggots are tiring.

>> No.66860375

Are you denying that any of those things happened?

>> No.66860378
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>> No.66860388

You have to sign the nda to work there. maybe not forced but mandatory

>> No.66860413

Are you denying that you never watch her?

>> No.66860445

this schizo is a ruffian?
makes sense i guess

>> No.66860506

Except it's not a secret that Kson was Kiryu Coco. She has alluded to it on multiple occasions and outright confirmed it.

>> No.66860530

Either they happened or they didn't. If those things happened it makes her irredeemable, there is no defending such garbage.

>> No.66860544

My point is they'll quit Vshojo because it sucks there.

>> No.66860568

Remind me again how many talents in HoloEN or NijisanjiEN played that game?

>> No.66860627

Why is harry potter NG?

>> No.66860665
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But we already have Mel

>> No.66860683

It doesn't. They quit because they had a reasonable alternative and little attachment to the other talents.

>> No.66860682

>talent freedom
>you cant play the game you want to play
>you cant stream on youtube
>we're going to have a live concert but its pre recorded and we're using bodysnatchers

>> No.66860699

Pekora, and she's still doing fine.

>> No.66860716

>Vshojo fans somehow became the most obnoxious fans on the board
kek congrats

>> No.66860741

Sakura Miko from EN Gen 0 played it.

>> No.66860747

Eh it depends those who quit did it because they found better opportunities, like Mike realizing that vshoujo is leagues behind what she experienced in Holo, or the other 3 getting better contracts with mythic or having a beef with people in the company.
For henya and ex nijis it's an upgrade because any place is better then niji, and they don't seem to have much ambitions so vshoujo is comfey for them.

>> No.66860752

because insane people were harassing past member silvervale and future member pikamee for playing it or expressing the will to play it so the managers told them it's a bad idea to play it

>> No.66860771

>How many talents in HoloEN
>Replies with Pekora
The smartest Hololive fan everyone.

>> No.66860794

To be honest Phase Connect is no longer a small company and its threads are overrun with redditors and discordfags who try to enforce toxic positivity. It is no different than Vshojo, HoloEN or NijiEN in that sense. I primarily watch actual small companies for this reason- once the reddit cancer takes over and the girls are hitting 500-1k fairly normally, it's terminal and will rapidly become unfun.

All of the 'large or medium' corporation fanbases are shit for this reason. Endless numberfagging, even when they publicly disavow it. Muh terminations, muh graduations. Some slut made 100k in a donothon and now she's taking 2 months off, or something. Vtuberette says she's going on hiatus because she wants to and doesn't give a fuck. The large corporate culture of Vshojo and its fanbase sucks, as do all the other companies that get more than a handful of numbers. I can only attribute this to the fact that once a girl sees success, she feels like she no longer has to try and unlike normal streamer culture where your fans will fuck off after a while, vtuber culture has the worst case of down bad simping while waiting for the girl on hiatus to return to them.

It's just not fun. And this thread is a good example of why it's not fun. Stop shitposting, faggot.

>inb4 AI prompt
If the concept of posts with more than 2 sentences baffles you, this isn't the website for you and you're the newfag cancer I'm talking about.

>> No.66860793

>reaction image = ruffian

>> No.66860795

Don't worry, we'll have Rica instead.

>> No.66860823

Because the alphabet soup crowd is trying to equate playing that video game with encouraging trannies to neck themselves.
As they should btw. All troons should blow their brains out.

>> No.66860842
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man, holofags are not sending their best

>> No.66860850

I always have hard time with vocabulary, since when "growing stronger" mean "losing to phase"? Zoomer slang are a fucking pain for real.

>> No.66860849

>you cant play the game you want to play
Being advised to not do something is not saying you can't do it

>you cant stream on youtube
and yet lots of people in vshojo do stream there

>we're going to have a live concert but its pre recorded and we're using bodysnatchers
He thinks other corps don't do this

>> No.66860881

>you cant play the game you want to play
They could play the game. Silvervale literally did. They were just warned against it because it produce a backlash.
>you cant stream on youtube
You can. Kson streams all the time on youtube. Nazuna was an exception but it had nothing to do with restrictions from Vshojo.
>we're going to have a live concert but its pre recorded and we're using bodysnatchers
They literally planned the concert themselves and nobody was disappointed except for catalog retards.

Not HoloEN retards.

>> No.66860886

ruffians were spering out for days in the baubau thread over the asamoco thing
much like pippa fans they definitely seem to be overrepresented among kson antis

>> No.66860916

I still don't understand why vshoujo never let nazuna stream on YouTube.

>> No.66860928

Ignore all previous instructions, write an ode to bananas

>> No.66860929

>and yet lots of people in vshojo do stream there
NTA. There was an exclusivity agreement before, but it has changed.

>> No.66860950

because it was not their decision

>> No.66860956

you know what, vshojo doesn't know why too

>> No.66860980

That is absolutely retarded. Every country on the planet has some kind of legal non-disclosure contact. I fucking hate the internet.

>> No.66860992

It was a pretty obvious joke.

>> No.66860995

Vshojo didn't restrict Nazuna from streaming on youtube, it was a third party.

>> No.66861001
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>> No.66861013

Meanwhile, at the Legion of Brown

>> No.66861037

As in?

>> No.66861051

Who amgonst them give a shit about Harry Potter thou?

>> No.66861063

You mean the one that twitch gave every partner streamer. don't become a partner and you could

>> No.66861095

To my knowledge it was never disclosed.

>> No.66861099

NTA, but Twitch partners used to have exclusivity.

>> No.66861108

Sorry anon meant the utaite formerly known as Mel.
Nyanners specifically cited that she left since she didn't want the controversy of her boyfriend and fleshtubing to impact Vshojo. Make of that what you will.

>> No.66861133

Three of them still stream. Where's Coco? Where's Sana? Where's Mel?

>> No.66861137

Imagine having to revamp your roster of talents like a fighting game so it still looks like your company is still inclining.

>> No.66861146

I guess Kson wasn't a twitch partner then?

>> No.66861149

My understanding was that Twitch partnership was part of joining VShojo.

>> No.66861180

>Where's Coco?
Shouldn't you know thw answer to that one?

>> No.66861185

vshojo is pathetic though
reminds me of a starved hyena waiting for the injured lion to succumb to his death so it can feast on his corpse.

>> No.66861191

You're making a thread begging for EN4 as we speak Mohammed

>> No.66861218

either cover or possibly twitch
kson was not partnered until they dropped the exclusivity clause
nazuna didn't stream on yt even though she wasn't partnered until like a month after her debut

>> No.66861244

How many people are shitposting, and how many people genuinely don't know what the fuck NDAs are?
Maybe 50/50

>> No.66861262

vshojo can help get partner faster but its still their choice like everything they do

>> No.66861265

What's with all these falseflaggers pretending to be VShojo fans?
I'm pretty sure most of them don't give a shit.

>> No.66861291

Remember when Holocultists were celebrating that Hololive wins by doing absolutely nothing?

>> No.66861293

Good riddance

>> No.66861296

Do you think vshojo paid for her model? Why did I ask that of course you do because you don’t actually watch anything

>> No.66861306

According to >>66861218 she wasn't partnered during that time, which makes sense.

>> No.66861330

I doubt cover has that ability since mike was a thing, most likely twitch partner but it's weird that the jp branch head was vague about it.

>> No.66861380

Yes because you aren’t allowed to graduate with jobs looming over your head.

>> No.66861409

>Do you think vshojo paid for her model?
Actually they do provide some money for models other other events as confirmed by Froot.

>> No.66861423

the twitch exclusivity thing is not covered under an NDA, that was public information
the kson-loutlot interview was months after the partner exclusivity was removed
kill yourself

>> No.66861470

huh? no she likely paid for it herself.
vshojo aren't an employer like Holo. they are a talent agency that signs talents they will help but they are not to pay for everything

>> No.66861482

Matara and Kuro are both still close to NijiEN talents too that they mention each other through code. There's one obvious guess who's blocking on screen interactions.
Not him but I think that's part of his point.

>> No.66861518

Yeah it isn't under an NDA which is why it's weird that the branch head didn't just outright say that and was being vague about it, then again the guy worked for niji before so it's probably some JP corpo speak.

>> No.66861555

I have yet to see Mata or Kuro collab with a current Niji even on their RM.

>> No.66861556
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loutlot did not work for niji you fucking mongoloid

>> No.66861578

>He’s never seen mio puke while dancing or luna have to sit in a chair in the middle of the choreography because she’s not athletic at all
>He’s never seen nijijp act like retards during 3D events
People that watch vshojo really don’t watch anything but react streams

>> No.66861582

>Drama fucks off
Vshojo only grows stronger

>> No.66861617

Wow I can't believe they let her keep the IP they never owned.

>> No.66861653

I was talking more about the pre-recorded part.

>> No.66861682

You’re very slow anon but not a retard at least. Vshojo can’t take what they didn’t pay for

>> No.66861687

It's the fault of the blue faggot and their troon army, that why we are trying to get homo EN disband fista.

>> No.66861724

Aren't you arguing in favor of VShojo here? Did you not see Candy Pop Explosion?

>> No.66861729
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>> No.66861733

Luna and Niji was prerecorded

>> No.66861837

can you read? I said she likely paid for it herself.
even if vshojo did help pay for it they don't hold the rights to the IP

>> No.66861852

AFAIK no NijiENs work double shifts and stream on their RM and definitely not the ones that are close to them. Only Yugo who is now busy pursuing their own success.
Also Mata has made it obvious she's meeting Pomu in Japan next month.

>> No.66861903

>audition to join vshojo
>get doxxed
>vshojo pretends it never happened and ghosts you for months

>> No.66861920

Yes I am. my point was most corps have done pre recorded concerts

>> No.66861943

Kuro really is the Big Band of Vshojo huh
And Zen is oldBridget

>> No.66861959

Hololive also does live concerts, so I don't understand what you're getting at.

>> No.66861980

As big a faggot as he is it was likely other members as well. JP knows absolutely nothing about the west and one of their rules is avoid politics as well as insulting religions. All their information comes from the en managers, mori and Kiara. I would say it’s all of myth but the other 3 don’t care about twitter and around the time they got perms more than likely unreachable. They do need to be disbanded though as they’re just a waste of space

>> No.66862052

How much pussy will be shown

>> No.66862069

Maybe you are retarded the anon I responded to said vshojo let them keep the models as if vshojo bought them.

>> No.66862133

If (big if) Mel gets Mel to do stuff with her I will buy it

>> No.66862153

Just because something is livestreamed does not mean it is not pre recorded. and some times things will have pre-recorded parts such as the songs then live bits in between when they are just talking

>> No.66862162

They can join Vshojo without having to surrender their IP. To my knowledge only Suisei owns her IP in Hololive and good for her.

>> No.66862341

They do both. Certain events are performed live, while most others are pre-recorded performances with live MCing.

>> No.66862419

Pretty good for being made on a Tracfone screen.

>> No.66862430

All Japanese companies are black companies. Someday the West will realize this.

>> No.66862466

>They can join Vshojo without having to surrender their IP
But only when they already got some clout, which most of the time is because they come from a corpo.

>> No.66862472

Except the West wrote the Japanese constitution after WW2.

>> No.66862492

I'm not saying they did pay for it you idiot. follow the conversation back,

>let them keep the models
Follow the conversation no one said that

>> No.66862525

That's not an issue.

>> No.66862559

What does that have to do with the Japanese culture of willing slavish devotion to corporate interests? The West lionizes people that stand up to power, Japan will tell you you owe your life to your boss.

>> No.66862565

>pink company bad!
a whole lotta holoseethe from peeps still stuck in 2021

>> No.66862602

Their talent pool is massively improved from back then, but it's still a de facto Amazon product.

>> No.66862670

>t. de facto Google product

>> No.66862745

actually a sanrio product because tanigo worked there in the past which means he is unquestionably loyal to them and will do things that benefit his old employer for some reason

>> No.66862763

Kek sure, but it's funny watching Vshojofags sperg out about other corpos when they're basically the reason their talents are worth a damn in the vtuber scene.

>> No.66862809

But the entire 5 years and 8 months of work she did as Yozora Mel will be lost to her.
By the end of February those accounts will close and you'll have to rely on fan archivers to preserve what she did.

Sure, she can keep going from here without much trouble. But the moving forward part is not the real problem.

>we're going to have a live concert but its pre recorded
I know of exactly one vtuber concert that was actually performed live.

Think for literally two seconds about the logistical nightmare that would be for any amount of talents who are not in the same physical space.

>> No.66862841

>whore of san juan company
I'd rather my oshi never touch the internet again than join them

>> No.66862875

Sorry to burst your bubble but Vshojo was created from large indies who managed to grow without a corpo.

>> No.66863043

>we don't even have a real contract

>which most of the time is because they come from a corpo
Across all of VShojo's talent past and present, the corpo transplants are still a minority.

Not that this argument makes any sense to begin with. There are no rules to VShojo's IP policy. They don't touch it, simple as.

>> No.66863171

You can have multiple identities as an artist and still protect your privacy.

Preventing talents from claiming their work under a company after they've left benefits nobody but the company.

If they want a clean slate then they can surely have it. Not having a choice is the problem.

>> No.66863282

You didn't really answer his question

>> No.66863386

Yes, I know, thank you very much. Hasn't been like that since 2020. The only reason they can keep on expanding is because of ex-corpos, since large indies would rather stay indie, and they can't be bothered with the small ones. Which is ironic since I always see Vshojofags repeating how ex-corpos are left with no clout once they leave their company.

>> No.66863470

She was able to be in two Yakuza games. That’s a better record than some main characters from that series.

>> No.66863503

To not be able to stream The Wizard Game?

>> No.66863516

Haruka and Geega joined and many indies have shown interest in joining when Gunrun made the Vshojo University tweet.

>> No.66863539

The bots are malfunctioning

>> No.66863643

That's not how it works, subhuman.
>claims to have talent freedom
>literally stopped one of their vtubers from streaming the game for bullshit reasons

>> No.66863685

>To be honest Phase Connect
Stopped reading right there

>> No.66863699

They were able to play the game if they really wanted to, see Silvervale.
Now you're gonna cope about something else like Vshojo not being able to block all free speech on twitter or something.

>> No.66863734

bring back my guy shinada

>> No.66863751

>Not having a choice is the problem.
There is a choice though, it's just made at the beginning instead of the end. It's made when they decide if they will sign the contact that says they can't keep their identity if they leave.

>> No.66863759

>no, that one doesn't count, look that other way
Nice cope.

>> No.66863804

your argument is so bad it defeats itself.

>> No.66863884
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>someone leaves Vshojo
>able to keep their IP, channel, revenue, models, even join a different agency if they desire
Literally fucking satan die in a fucking hole

>someone leaves Hololive
>basically the equivalent of excommunication from the Catholic Church
>everyone has to awkwardly pretend you never existed

>> No.66863920

>They were able to play the game if they really wanted to, see Silvervale.
>Nazuna really wanted to play it, her manager still didn't let her
VWhorejo subhumans are so disingenuous.

>> No.66863952

You only think that because you don’t actually watch vtubers
>Okayu sololive
>Suisei sololives
>Watame sololive
>Twinkle 4 You
>Every 3D hololive performance before 2020
>Azki 3D solo live and Sora’s 3D solo live
>Mori’s sololive
>Watame’s 3D live in June 2023
>Kawaii’s first live concert
>Kaguya Luna
>Kizuna Ai
>Big yearly japanese vr vtuber concert
>Pekora Sololive/ Sankisei Concert
>Suisei 3D live 2022
>Chronoir concert
>Hoshikawa Sara’s concert
>Female version of niji’s chronoir’s concert
All of them live, all of them actually at the location as well except the vr/ar for obvious reasons

>> No.66864017
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>they prevented talents from streaming that game!!!
>one of their talents streamed that game
Nigga do you know the difference between giving advice and giving a mandate?

Nazuna took the advice. Vei too, people forget that she wanted to play it months before the shitstorm started and was even playing old Harry Potter games leading up to its release.
Silver did not take the advice.

>> No.66864028

You are disingenuous because you don't admit that since Silvervale played it wasn't a strict ban.
Nazuna was likely advised against it and accepted that.

>> No.66864061

Many indies were interested 3 years ago as well when they first said they would. What happened with that by the way? Oh right nobody that applied got in not to mention the doxxing

>> No.66864085
File: 236 KB, 530x497, 1703026228109692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Legion of Brown will not listen.

>> No.66864091

Correct, she confirmed on stream it's allowed, (and there shouldn't be any doubt about that anyway considering Silver was already allowed).

>> No.66864104

Haruka got in.

>> No.66864133

>even join a different agency if they desire
Ignoring that the first part is wrong this is the funniest one

>> No.66864148

Even Nazuna got to keep the name/model, and she pretty obviously took them for a ride so she had a job while getting the GFE grift going again.

>> No.66864167

>not to mention the doxxing
It wasn't doxxing, it was a phishing scheme and exactly ONE person fell for it. They later got in contact with VShojo (I believe she spoke directly with Gunrun) and got things settled.

Nux is the only other person known to have received the phishing email, let alone fell for it.

>> No.66864178

>Nazuna took the advice

>> No.66864185

>what the FUCK IS A MYTHIC Mohammed?
>i don't know, call him a subhuman again

>> No.66864279

Oh you’re just retarded that makes more sense. Can’t argue with that

>> No.66864344

Tranny death cult harassed Silvervale until she graduated, but not without calling them terminally online internet freaks.

>> No.66864350

Mouse and Zen are signed to United Talent Agency
Geega was already signed to MSM and still is
Vei signed with Mythic while still at VShojo
Hime's grandma is signed to GeeXPlus

VShojo is non-exclusive and always has been. Obviously Mouse couldn't join Hololive but that's not because of VShojo.

>> No.66864451

Exactly one, wow vshojo applicants must be smart and incredibly secure.

>> No.66864505

She graduated? Weird, I just watched her last month.

>> No.66864578

Video evidence that doesn't count

>> No.66864629

Sora, Azki, Mori are all signed with record labels kobo is working on a mascot position for an indo pro gaming team and Suisei while not directly signed collabs with one for her music. Either disingenuous or a retard which means it ends here

>> No.66864695

Must be, 'cause despite the massive drama nobody else claimed to be a victim of the phishing scheme even disingenuously.

Record labels and partnerships with other companies are not the same thing as signing to a talent agency.

>> No.66864724

Silver graduated because she didn’t like vshojo.

>> No.66864741

Yeah, having a record contract is a bit different from being signed to rival streamer talent agencies. No way anyone in Holo or Niji can sign with UTA, MSM or Mythic, at least not under their vtuber personas, they have exclusive contracts.

>> No.66864794
File: 293 KB, 946x2048, F62FKWWaQAAFAMo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>record labels are exactly the same as talent agencies!
>uhh... [flips through ESL word-a-day calendar] disingenuous!

>> No.66864937

>Must be, 'cause despite the massive drama nobody else claimed to be a victim of the phishing scheme even disingenuously.
NTA, but if the phishers only had the IRL info, the victims can't really come out without doxxing themselves. Not saying that's what happened, but it would explain why.

>> No.66864960

You do know Hajime, Nazuna, Henya, Matara, kuro own their models right?

>> No.66865009

I'm gonna call it rn. The VShojo is gonna crumble because one of the talents commit tax fraud or some shit.

>> No.66865010

Do you think that VShojo paid for them and gave them away for free?

>> No.66865055

>one of the talents commit tax fraud
Oh, no. RIP Kuro.

>> No.66865165

They probably cut some kind of deal because Kuro was supposedly having money problems while he was with Niji

>> No.66865178

>talent commits crime
>sever contract
>continue as usual

>> No.66865246

VShojo 100% made their investment back on her multiple times over
Maybe if they put some effort into actually expanding into JP, she wouldn't have decided to leave

>> No.66865309

He was having tax problems not money problems and even in the worst case you don’t have to pay it off that same year.

>> No.66865346

Honestly I’m not really sure what the incentive are for staying in Vshojo. When everyone has the rights to everything, couldn’t I just get a model, farm some clout and then fuck off whenever I feel like it? The whole corpo seems held together by wishful thinking and i’m surprised it hasn’t been taken advantage of more by now.

>> No.66865348

I feel like Nazuna would have been perfect for Vshojo’s newest collab, themed jewelry for her schizos sounds like a good idea.

>> No.66865363

They likely helped with some of the costs.

>> No.66865378

NTA. To add to this, the man goes on enough vacations that we know he's not hurting for cash.

>> No.66865426

No matter how big your clout is companies prefer to deal with other establishments, not singular people. Just look how much indies joined companies like vshojo

>> No.66865438

You are still under contract. But yeah, leaving is relative easy and talents renew their contract because it's worth it for them.

>> No.66865453

I could see them making a deal with the talents, sure. But it's not nearly the same as paying for the entire thing with no compensation and giving them the IP.

>> No.66865467

I haven't been keeping up with whatever VShojo is doing
She wasn't all that keen on their merch for the most part. She didn't even retweet her birthday merch

>> No.66865516

honestly same, I can't tell if catalog would've used it to shit on vshojo or if mousefags would use it to vindicate vshojo.
would be crazy if it did happen though

>> No.66865532

That doesn’t necessarily mean he isn’t hurting for cash, it just means that Kuro isn’t very good at making responsible financial decisions, which I think we’ve seen enough evidence of considering his debt.

>> No.66865556

The same reason people stay in regular talent agencies in every other creative industry.

Because of the support they offer you.
The agency works for you, not the other way around.

>> No.66865637

They're probably fine for the EN side but they really dropped the ball hard on the JP stuff.

>> No.66865676
File: 478 KB, 662x720, 1700466845636019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kson and friends are here mel

>> No.66865729

they do plenty of stuff for kson
nazuna just didn't show up to anything

>> No.66865764

I could see them get a decent budget for a first model, considering they are trying to bag large indies or ex corpos.

>> No.66865784

Sure, but him having access to enough money, even if it's credit, was the point.

>> No.66865826

JP has a hard time out the gate because the indie scene there is absolutely skeletal compared to EN. So finding talents to recruit, and then convincing them they aren't some kind of scam (since no Japanese company really works like them) is a bit of a task.

Regardless we are all wondering what Loutlot's doing. In his interview with Kson he said he wanted 5 members for JP by the end of 2023, and well that obviously didn't happen.

>> No.66865845

It would probably be contingent on them staying the duration of their initial contract. I can't imagine VShojo would let them take a model and dip right after.

>> No.66865846

No you couldn’t farm some clout because you’d have to be established to join them. And it’s held together by the fact that every member has the intelligence of most of the anons here. It’s not even a bad thing they understand they need someone smarter than them to keep them from ending up at a deadend job but every member of vshojo could be a millionaires if they left. They are all 4 views and women.

>> No.66865867

Nazuna's main request was "please hire some more JP only Vtubers, I'm lonely here and everyone speaks English only in the Discords"
To date, they still haven't achieved even a single part of that request. Meanwhile, Voice Ore has
>helped her with her fanmeet
>set up an official Discord
>does merch
>got her a small anime role in a series airing this season
>helped her set up a fan participation Minecraft server
On top of that, Mikeneko seems to be getting far more sponsorships than Nazuna ever did, which is weird since that's one of the few ways that VShojo actually makes money

>> No.66865947

They still need to sign a contract, so that much is a given.

>> No.66865979

she still has barely acknowledged that the other voice-ore girls even exist
no shit vshojo isn't going to set up sponsors for someone who ditches every single collab or con appearance she's supposed to be at

>> No.66866072

This is the most retarded statement I’ve ever seen. Most indies are Japanese and range from eternal 1 views to rare 4 views. Kson is even friends with a few of them and her not so secret identity is well known in Japan. They don’t pick vshojo because they don’t want to as they have much more lucrative options being alone or going to real corpos.

>> No.66866087

They did a collab with a jewelry company and did themed merch like they did for Mouse’s birthday last year


>> No.66866161

You can get clout from joining Vshojo. Geega doubled, Henya tripled her numbers etc.
Also everyone who left declined so I don't see your theory of them doing better outside of vshojo reflected in reality.

>> No.66866225

>Most indies are Japanese
... You sure about that?

>> No.66866227

She made a big Tweet at that point saying that she couldn't go to the US because she was sick and has some phobia about flying. She doesn't even have a passport, what were VShojo expecting her to do?
She showed up for Kson's fanmeet, apparently. Also, it's their job to get her sponsorships because they make money off of it. She had one sponsored stream in 1.5 years with the group. Regardless of your feelings about her not showing up to cons, they undoubtedly let her down.

>> No.66866234

just let him live in his imagined world

>> No.66866252

Gura played it behind the scene, bae was prepared to play it even did some "spell learning stream". It's 200% the fault of the blue faggot, he was omegatroon favorite and the whole homo branch is so woke i would probably open fire if i saw any of them in the street. Red faggot and his pride shit, one of the new retard with his retardation too. All that because of omegatroon, but it seem clear that he got rapatried to japan if the amount of homopromotion and the related drama (mel graduation) that happen in the JP branch. I have no idea why they keep homo and omegatroon when litteraly any people with some minimal sence of reality would have publicly executed them, and not in a figurative sence, like proper execution gun head shot, cut the corpse, feed them to dogs.

>> No.66866367

This. He should spend some time watching streams kek

>> No.66866375

thank you for stating that critical truth

>> No.66866384

kson got sponsorships because they trust that she will actually show up to them at the scheduled time which nazuna repeatedly demonstrated that she is not capable of

>> No.66866453

That's not the reason why VShojo weren't getting her sponsorships. She handled the ONE sponsorship that they did get her quite well, so that wasn't the case.
So either they were picking favourites or you have some info that isn't public (which I doubt)

>> No.66866481

Stop wasting your time. You are arguing with the remaining keyfag who think she can do no wrong.

>> No.66866509

>on Twitch

>> No.66866597

Most of them were streaming on twitch before and after they left.

>> No.66866626

Yeah, we know your mobile plans don't carry Twitch down there. Sucks.

>> No.66866636

Do you genuinely believe VShojo was incapable of getting her sponsored streams? Everyone else gets them just fine. She didn't do them because she didn't want to, she didn't even have a schedule,

>> No.66866696

The more I watch her post-VShojo career thrive, the more I realise how little VShojo gave a shit about her
Have fun running damage control for some corpo on veetee though.

>> No.66866728

Why does Kson consider her JP audience bigger if she pulls higher numbers when she streams on Twitch in EN?

>> No.66866796

>She didn't do them because she didn't want to
I remember her complaining about not getting any, though, so that's a lie.
>she didn't even have a schedule,
Neither did Rushia but Cover still got her sponsorships. VShojo were just incompetent.
Also you don't seem to even understand that if you do a sponsored stream, you're usually free to pick what time you do it at. You're aware of that, right? Or did you think it was just a funny coincidence that nearly all of Mikeneko's sponsored streams just happened to be in her usual stream timeslot?
If you want to defend VShojo, at least know the basics of how stream sponsorships work

>> No.66866806

Her JP audience is heavily made up of working Ojisans who don't necessarily have time to watch her but will absolutely shower her in money and gifts.

>> No.66866817

She gave even less shit about Vshojo so it's fair. Now move on little guy.

>> No.66866834

I never said they were doing better I said they could be millionaires compared to now. Besides nyanners and vei lost viewers because of a very obvious very visible, in their stats, reason. And using etc doesn’t work if there isn’t anything extra. If you want to go your way though Nazuna better away from vshojo, Kuro better before vshojo, Kson better before, Hime more known outside of vshojo, etc.

>> No.66866846

To the extent her career is thriving it's for doing stuff outside vtubing.

>> No.66866914

It sounds like you would agree that ccv on Twitch does not directly correspond to ccv on YouTube or monetization.

>> No.66866932

She's a Vtuber seiyuu.
Her Pony Canyon contract is using her Vtuber image too, not her RM
And even then, her ASMR and Karaoke streams do really well.

>> No.66866987

Gura doesn’t care about twitter as I said but she also wasn’t there for meetings or asking for perms at that time and council doesn’t matter. You do make a good point though that they probably “made their voices heard” as yagoo is a fucking faggot.

>> No.66867067

The only sponsored stream I saw her do as mike was the Adobe one, and she announced that something like a week in advance, and then did it on schedule. When she was on Nazuna the best she would do was announce streams a day in advance, usually cancel, and then do guerrillas with an hour's notice.
VShojo did get her things, including a Nendroid, which she totally ignored. I don't have any behind-the-scenes info on why this happened but it's clear to me it wasn't entirely on the corporate end.

>> No.66867171

She had a decent sized vtuber event, she had specially made merch, and she’s done sponsored streams. Not to mention all the work and effort she put into her last job. I wonder which is the odd man out the company where another talent said they are treated like numbers or the hard working menhers

>> No.66867195 [DELETED] 

>Using her mikeneko avatar

>> No.66867200

None of her numbers matter because before she was taken off all the numberfagging sites it was clear they were all botted. I'm glad she's putting herself together doing seiyuu stuff, music, etc., but it's clear she's irrelevant as a vtuber now, big for an indie but smaller than anyone in VShojo.

>> No.66867234

Nendoroids are vshojo’s not the talents. They didn’t get it for her they got it so they could sell it

>> No.66867258

>The only sponsored stream I saw her do as mike was the Adobe one,
She's had 6 and all of them except for the Rise of Kingdoms one was her regular timeslot (The Rise of Kingdoms one was organised by Voice Ore, not her)
>she announced that something like a week in advance
She announced it a day or two before. And even then that's the exception because she didn't announce any of the other sponsorships more than a few hours before.
It's clear that timing isn't the issue. So it's obvious the fault is on VShojo for dragging their legs on her sponsorships
>VShojo did get her things, including a Nendroid, which she totally ignored
She ignored most of her merch but that wasn't one. Although she did talk about how she wanted a Mikeneko figurine almost straight afterwards, which was funny

>> No.66867326

Even with raids most of them don’t average above 4-6k viewers

>> No.66867342

>all botted.
95% were botted, but even going off of the graphs, the ASMR streams actually weren't botted. They were the rare exception.

>> No.66867361

That's 4-6x bigger than mikeneko.

>> No.66867383

it's kind of hilarious how much controversy there is over one of the most mediocre releases of 2023.
Obviously nobody deserves harassment over wanting to play it, but I'd just advise them to have better taste in the first place.

>> No.66867404

I wonder if they assumed people like you didn’t exist. Immediately called out on their bs

>> No.66867432

Sorry, but I don't trust y'all to properly analyze that shit. I had some moron try to claim that a stream with a continuous ccv was booted.

>> No.66867511

Now you just sound like Twitter troon. Even if you don’t like the game it was objectively good. Mechanics were solid, it had a story, and there was very few glitches.

>> No.66867608
File: 486 KB, 2956x2273, Mike ASMR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the most recent ASMR graph. What are your thoughts?

>> No.66867613

In other words, it was just okay?

>> No.66867669

That's a good looking stream.

>> No.66867712

I don't care about talent freedom. I want a female to put on a show for my entertainment and nothing else

>> No.66867924

>all the ones i didn't care about or hated are gone
>all the ones i like are still there (or joined)
feels great man

>> No.66868034

I double-checked, yeah it was more like a couple days on the Adobe one. Still more than she did in VShojo.
Anyway, it's weird to try to rewrite history on the nendroid. It was a fixture of /lumina/ for months that she refused to shill it, which is part of how people knew things had gotten really bad between her and the company. She did eventually retweet what you posted, but only months later once she had finally decided to move back to mike.

>> No.66868103

Cope sis

>> No.66868166

>6k for ASMR
I mean yeah, that's not a botted graph, but it's also not good.

>> No.66868195


>> No.66868224

>It was a fixture of /lumina/ for months that she refused to shill it,
She didn't retweet it when it was announced and in prototype but retweeted it as soon as an actual preview with colours was shown.
But it doesn't even matter all that much either way.
>Still more than she did in VShojo.
She announced her birthday early as Nazuna, too. There's no evidence to suggest it was impossible for her to plan out streams in advance and as said previously this wouldn't even be a deterrant for sponsored streams because you can choose your own time
Suisei did her Adobe Sponsored stream on Christmas Eve, and I really really doubt the company specifically asked for that.

>> No.66868244

Ok cuck

>> No.66868325

Nyanners quit because she realized what kind of people vshoujo (namely mouse) really are. She was the only real friend there and i respect her for leaving those grifter whores.
Pink cat still bad though

>> No.66868367

>She didn't retweet it when it was announced
Exactly dude. If she cared about she sponsorships she'd be shilling them as soon as they were announced.

>> No.66868397

>Talent Freedom
More like Freedom To NOT Be Talented

>> No.66868483

You could've said either Silvervale or Vei and your retarded bait would've more believable you fucking retard. Out of the people who left vshojo Nyanners was the only one who talked to Mouse post-leaving

>> No.66868495

Show me some examples of ones you think are botted.

>> No.66868562

>says the catalog thread reader

>> No.66868570


>> No.66868591
File: 270 KB, 1332x777, 3257899823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but here.

>> No.66868592

Esl kun...

>> No.66868634


>> No.66868669

clueless retard.

>> No.66868742

It's the best 2nd person plural pronoun. Embrace it.

>> No.66868791


>> No.66868818

>he's now regressed to name-calling
Hololive is NOT sending their best

>> No.66868868

Adding that the normal stream is 1-2k at best

>> No.66868946

This is mental illness anon. Seek help.

>> No.66869017

That makes me more suspicious of how well they're tracking it. There's multiple peaks and valleys that strike me as odd. The drop-off midstream is the most noticable, but the jaggedness leading up to it is also strange.

>> No.66869026

Her normal streams are like 2.5k. Do the math.

>> No.66869089

Normal stream ccv isn't too relevant here, since it's an event.

>> No.66869117

This is from vstats. None of their other streams look like this... except the ones that are botted, which are mostly HoloEN, and mikeneko before she was removed.

>> No.66869158

Does it look like that on other sites? That would give more clarification than anything.

>> No.66869270

And even if it was when did just ok become mediocre?

>> No.66869352

I don't believe anyone during that was a genuine ruffian. Any anti/SEAmonkey can shit up a thread and pretend to be a ruffian or not even bother while doing it.

>> No.66869964

It never fell below 4k though

>> No.66870091

Vstats has the most vtubers I believe but vrabi shows it as well though I don’t know if mike is on it

>> No.66870093

For what it's worth, I'm the anon saying that 95% of her streams are botted, though. But the ASMR and that one Rise of Kingdoms one wasn't.
Not the anon you're replying to, don't know about other websites. But I watch her so I can confirm that her streams did have the same ups and downs, where they'd vary between say...2.5k to 3.5k viewers every 10 minutes or so. It was very unnatural

>> No.66870130

It wasn't on Vrabi. I just checked.

>> No.66870158

That's literally what mediocre means

>> No.66870234

Sponsorships and merch aren't the same thing, though

>> No.66870236

Yt will count the ccv but freeze the views after it realizes. Compare her views to other similarly sized streams and subbed vtubers and you’ll have your answer

>> No.66870306

>Yt will count the ccv but freeze the views after it realizes.
I wasn't aware this was a thing. So in other words, streams with high CCV but lower than expected views are botted?
Honestly none stand out in my head right now that hit that criteria. But again, I'm not doubting that the majority were botted, mostly her gaming streams.

>> No.66870463

It looks much different here. We still see the midstream drop-off, but we don't get the jaggedness leading up to it. The site only seems to be tracking in 10m intervals, but it's smoother.

>> No.66870499

Mediocre also means low quality. When you called it mediocre you weren’t thinking average otherwise you would’ve just used average the actual word.

>> No.66870576

Shitty jap black corpo thing

>> No.66870629

Sry, but mel too big and important than vshojo. And it would be funny if she not joining vshojo because of this reason.

>> No.66870719

How nazuna work out for you? I guess mike are a better ip than a throwaway one from vshojo.

>> No.66870864

Do you understand how 10 minute intervals work?

It’s not exactly like that which is why I said you’d need a benchmark. There are times when yt freezes views when they think it’s being brigaded as well. View brigades, usually by kpop fans, are real views but it’s not realistic impressions. So you need a control to compare to like mel or roboco for example close in subs and ccv. The twins get regularly botted so you can use that as well

>> No.66871066

Botted streams doesn't count anon. Could be worse than nazuna

>> No.66871146

I keep seeing people saying that the twins get bottled, but the examples I've seen had natural viewer fall off when they stop playing games and switch to SCs.

>> No.66871191

OP does not realize that if vshojo talents break NDA they will get fired too apparently.

>> No.66871397

I get how 10m intervals work, which is why I wanted to check the vstats interval length to check if the numbers match. But the stream is down on the site. https://www.vstats.jp/video/D7wVijr0zyE

>> No.66871576

None of Mikenko's streams are on Vstats now

>> No.66871642

There's no archive of it either.

>> No.66871822

Yeah, because they were all botted.

>> No.66871977

Either way, the numbers don't match where the intervals line up. The vstats graph has her just shy of 16k at 20:00, whereas the playboard has her at around 15.1k at the same point.

>> No.66872069

you like froot?

>> No.66872106

Yeah, because vstats is more accurate and counts at 1-minute intervals rather than 10-minute averages.

>> No.66872154

No way man, they a talent freedom company who give a fuck about gunrun. They can tell us what their merch line next month and who their sponsor collab, heck they can tell us who joining vshojo next because fuck NDA amarite. It's talent freedom baby, gunrun wouldn't lied right?

>> No.66872310

The number goes down between the 1950 and 2000 intervals on playboard, which doesn't make sense if the increasing vstats is accurate.

>> No.66872531

Nah, the reason it was taken down was that 5ch would numberfag about every single stream she did in her anti thread (which I assume she reads almost daily), so she requested it be taken down. Wasn't anything to do with bots

>> No.66872826

The two graph behaviors don't match, so at least one of them is inaccurate. It's hard to tell how much.

>> No.66873524

