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File: 364 KB, 528x528, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Faftsoh.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66817228 No.66817228 [Reply] [Original]

it's over

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: N/A

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>66782411

>> No.66817247

shont . . . nah im not feeling it right now

>> No.66817290

shondo in my arms... i guess...

>> No.66817302

Passionate love making with shondo
You lost another point btw shondo

>> No.66817311

Whyre you guys crying?

>> No.66817348

she does this because she hates me

>> No.66817371

must be nice being a favorite. she never gave half a shit about me

>> No.66817392

>If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her favorites very much! Please treat her well.

>> No.66817477

Favorite theory wins again haha

>> No.66817479

The allegations shondo.... I can't keep defending you...

>> No.66817504

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.66817509

Guys please she simply showed support for someone trying to quit smoking
This is in line with stuff she's said before
Ray relapsed smoking and she replied in support of him quitting and shoggas are now depressed over it, common /shon/ stuff

>> No.66817512

I love Shondo and can't wait to sleep to the last asmr vod again then hopefully lucid dream about her gripping my neck with her cold pale beautifully soft gossamer delicate left hand while the right is using a pair of scissors to pry out my eyeballs and expose the nerves so that she can ensure the very last thing I ever see is the person I care for the most

>> No.66817520

she's doing this because she saw me repost another girl

>> No.66817584

Shondo will never care about you individually. Be satisfied being part of the (you) hivemind while only a few hold a place in her heart.

>> No.66817628

stop resposting 3dpd cosplayers for the love of god

>> No.66817648

I cant tell if its ironic shitposting or people are actually that sad

>> No.66817658


>> No.66817693

You could tweet about having a bad day or maybe ending your life and she would just ignore you,unless you're part of the favorite

>> No.66817726

no it was art she drew i've just been a fan of her longer than i've been married to shondo
i'm not that inconsiderate, jeez

>> No.66817730

It's the second time she interacted with one of his tweets after she completely stopped interacting with anything but replies

>> No.66817734

if only she replied to orange having a schizo breakdown and going to therapy, or bapy's father dying, or domine going on a break because of her mental issues
but she didn't. she chose this, and only this.

>> No.66817811

who's next?

>> No.66817849

She spoke to them directly in our channel, probably also in dms too. She likely did this over twitter because it seemed like a good way to practice publicly encouraging people for her next voice pack

>> No.66817892

me, im going to join digi
farewell shoggas

>> No.66817914

Suicide baiting is horrible, she should ignore stuff like that.
Apparently Ray's posts are the only ones appearing in her timeline that are worth interact with. She ignores everyone else

>> No.66817915

What Channel?

>> No.66817935

Take the rest of the shitposters with you

>> No.66817946

white knights would go to no ends to defend her against anything at all, making excuses and lies in her stead

>> No.66817950

how many of you actually tweet often?

>> No.66817996

only real favorites are allowed to post in this thread
this is my last post

>> No.66818043

So she still speaks to favorites in dm and in a secret channel. Good to know she loves everyone equally

>> No.66818049

i haven't even been doing it today.

>> No.66818055

I'm not a white knight.
I'm her husband.

>> No.66818070

No one is next.
That is the entire problem with this because the last time a random husband showed up in her Likes, for some reason it was Ray. You'd think an instance like this would encourage her to do some stalking and see how the rest of us are but fuck it.

>> No.66818086

dmers win again

>> No.66818106

don't listen to him, he makes up shit just to make shondo not look bad, not realizing he's just making it worse for her

>> No.66818160

she loves everyone (un)equally

>> No.66818242

Believe what you want, some of you are desperate to have a rrat to ruminate over and drive yourselves miserable with
You can try, but as long as you're with her it won't work forever! She WILL make you smile again, whether you want to or not.

>> No.66818266

I hope her new motivation voice pack goes something along the lines of:
>come on just a little more and you might get promoted from 3rd class husband to 2nd class husband

>> No.66818280

she will never care about me individually like she cares about ray

>> No.66818281

sometimes i think it's better to let these people filter themselves //

>> No.66818398

but then i think about the ones who won't leave and feel bad

>> No.66818404

don't let her get away with it
women just wants to push the boundaries of what you'll accept, if you keep letting her get away with it she'll keep getting worse and worse until you're just a dirty rug on the ground

>> No.66818439

i've been thinking about how she knows nothing about me personally to riff on, but she can make jokes and refer the likes of dewd, orange, and ray on an individual level

>> No.66818448
File: 478 KB, 800x639, shondenburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shondo responds to a member of the community then checks the thread

>> No.66818493

I thought Dewg and Megantomaster were the favarites????

>> No.66818499

just nod smile take a seat on the chair stop noticing etc

>> No.66818524

so you got bored of the height and stalking and now we're back to favourites? what's next

>> No.66818541

There's only so many people she can recognize a profile and personality. If you don't stand out like some of them, you're just part of the hivemind.

>> No.66818544

nuh uh, she liked that guys tweets twice!!!
god this thread is so fucking shit

>> No.66818592

You're not me dawg, don't try to pull the // on others, that's not how im planning to incorporate it into sentences anyways

>> No.66818625

get out then, let us brainworm in peace

>> No.66818640

i know, i just wanted to be cheeky because i knew you would notice

>> No.66818685

Like I said, it's very easy to be a favorite, ray just made it to the list fast because he makes music for her. it's in her vested interest that he doesn't die of lung cancer

>> No.66818686

new shonpiracy: shondo does this to keep the most schizo community members in a perpetual downward spiral here as containment and entertainment

>> No.66818698

this isnt brainworming this is a bunch of fags leaping at the first opportunity to talk about males in a thread about the cutest female ever

>> No.66818708

fuck you shondo I was trying to fix my sleep schedule

>> No.66818740

stop noticing males then you gayass faggot

>> No.66818773

uh, guys? this entire thread is men talking to eachother. are we all gay?

>> No.66818787

I'm not, you're all trans females

>> No.66818813

remember back when she used to at least reply to multiple shoggas at once so she didn't look so biased?
glad to see she completely gave up on that so now there aren't even pity interactions anymore, only favorites.

>> No.66818815
File: 1.16 MB, 2293x1273, IMG_3245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoggas be actin a fool

>> No.66818824

At first I thought she made a new list but I think it just showed up on her timeline. I doubt she specifically stalked him but not for example Domine.

>> No.66818863

k then stop bitching about it like a fag.

>> No.66818878


>> No.66818882

alt is live

>> No.66818923

Not until you start talking about how funny and cute my wife is in her dedicated thread instead of whichever XY on twitter

>> No.66818938

I'm not in the mood for alt stream tonight, Shondo. Sorry.

>> No.66818955

Guys please stop schizoing out, she just replied in support of him quitting and to motivate him to not pick up smoking again
Please be reasonable every now and then

>> No.66818962

all I hear is bitching and nothing to do with your wife, fag.

>> No.66818968

>maybe they'll fall for it if I post again

>> No.66819011

yeah, that's why i get annoyed when she claims she cares about everyone equally

>> No.66819013

feet cam

>> No.66819058

but nothing for bapy's father dying?
that's a bit cruel isn't it, he's been there for over 2 years but not a single word for it?

>> No.66819103

what would you mom think about you using someone's parent dying as shitpost fodder

>> No.66819117

Have you considered it appeared on her feed and Bapy's tweet didn't? Do you seriously believe she sees hundreds of tweets from shoggers and cherrypicks one to reply to?

>> No.66819129

I think that's >>66818824 why

>> No.66819142

good job ignoring the point, think of the starving children next time.

>> No.66819160

You just summed up 95% of the thread

>> No.66819190

No but if he appears on her timeline, it means that other shoggers also do. And she ignores everyone else and interacts with only his posts.

>> No.66819191

I already am thinking about Shadow

>> No.66819195

Because she specifically said she was already making the list months ago. watch the fucking streams.

>> No.66819207

that happened on christmas and she had a lot going on

>> No.66819211

Bapy's father fucking died and she wasn't there for him despite how many shoggers vocalized support and bumped his tweets. Yet Ray can have some personal attention over a disgusting habit he chose to bring on himself?
What happened to everything she told us about why we can't interact with her off-stream anymore? She is being unironically unfair.

>> No.66819242

I am thinking about those beans

>> No.66819254

Wrong account anonchama. The last list was on the alt that died.

>> No.66819288

It is what it is I guess

>> No.66819313

I'm sorry Bapy
You deserved her comfort too

>> No.66819316

wiggle in chat if youre a real husband

>> No.66819338

you went back too far on your info, she already said she's making a new one, and that if you have ever replied to her tweet, then you're on the list

>> No.66819399
File: 167 KB, 980x550, itsgojover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66819410

Holy shit this is the most braindead, entitled, delusional post in this thread so far. Do you think she individually pulls up each of her 122,000 followers twitters every day and makes sure there is nothing she needs to reply to? The twitter algorithm sucks ass but clearly Ray's tweet ended up between a bunch of cat pictures and blue archive memes and she replied to it. If you seriously think she saw Bapy's dad dying on her feed and wouldn't reply, I really don't know what to think here.

>> No.66819466

That was about syadouchama

>> No.66819487

watch. streams. white knight.

>> No.66819500
File: 894 KB, 1536x821, 1703360980046831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God all of you are so exhausting, if I was Shondo I think I would unironically kill myself to escape you. At least I can close the tab, but this is her entire life.

>> No.66819520

Nah, I'd become a favorite.

>> No.66819539

NTA, but I can confirm she said it. I think she also said in her maros.

>> No.66819550

i should've dm'd her

>> No.66819569

Seriously, why do we have an AI shitposting in our thread half of the shit it posts is actual nonsense

>> No.66819572


>> No.66819573

syadouchama died 5 months ago anonchama.

>> No.66819581

IF i was shondo I'd come here myself and tell you retards to chill out or fuck off.

>> No.66819582

she probably sent him a DM about it but cynically left it publicly unnoticed in order to cause strife here
right now a wicked smile is growing across her face at the seeds finally growing to fruition

>> No.66819587

You can't just make shit up and say "watch streams". You have no clue who you are talking to. I have not missed a single stream in over two years. The last list was syadouchama, which she made right before the entire account got killed. That was a few months back.
Last maros were on syadouchama you tard

>> No.66819618

>Do you think she individually pulls up each of her 122,000 followers twitters every day
Are you retarded?

>> No.66819635


>> No.66819642

she answered the maros after syadouchama died you fucking white knight, stop fucking twisting reality to defend her.

>> No.66819647

She only responded maros when syadouchama was already dead. You guys have fish memory.

>> No.66819648

Is the tweet gone?, i don't see it on her replies

>> No.66819661

Im glad I didn't dm her, if I were ever cut off it'd be harder than quitting heroin

>> No.66819678

I agree with you but it's at most 250 people that actually care and are super active. I would recognize all of their usernames

>> No.66819707

I like how shitposters are now using Bapy, who they have always called a "favorite", as an example of a "nonfavorite" receiving unpreferrential treatment. Do you shitposters seriously think she happened apon his tweet, thought "hmm, eh" and scrolled past it? Are you delusional?

>> No.66819719

She chose this fucking life, don't pull the wife card then show favorites. Reply to a few people or don't at all, really not that difficult

>> No.66819743

Everyone is a favorite she only hates me specifically.

>> No.66819751

i already explained the rrat

>> No.66819758

"the wife card"
menherachama this territory is untraveled there are no precedents

>> No.66819773

She did reply to a few people. It caused constant shitposting, shitflinging and the "favorite" shit to emerge, even when she was replying to a curated list of 300 viewers that she made herself. Nothing will make you people happy.

>> No.66819851

The favorite whining thing was way less severe during the time she did the stalkings. Everyone posting during stalking hours got their interaction.

>> No.66819859

>If you seriously think she saw Bapy's dad dying on her feed and wouldn't reply, I really don't know what to think here.
> f you seriously think she saw
That's the problem you fucking moron. It's that she didn't. What about all those tweets about being unable to give us personal attention outside of stream? She has spat in everyone's face just so he can continue smoking fags anyways.

>> No.66819871

since when has anyone ever said that there was only 1 favorite or 1 tier of favorites?
do you think she responds to everything giru tweets you dumb fuck?

>> No.66819885


>> No.66819909
File: 207 KB, 600x600, 1695553946783478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever considered she can read your writing style and deliberately does not reply or interact with 4chan schizos? This "favourite" shit is illogical when there are hundreds of shoggers she interacts with. Just interact more or shut the fuck up and leave.
By the way, guy emailing her pretending to be dewd, you are extremely weird and she knows who you are.

>> No.66819911

If Shondo and came /here/ she’d take one look at my posts and say, “wow, what an intelligent and affable poster. He’s clearly a sensitive young man with the soul of an artist. I should send him pictures of my socked feet to tease him.”

>> No.66819930

nobody whined when the list was created you retard, everyone was celebrating and they were tweeting to her regularly.
the only worry people had was that they weren't on the list, which was quelled when they got their own likes.

>> No.66819959

ok baking this and baiting schizo posters was a mistake
i am sorry shoggas please calm down

>> No.66819991

i've made it pretty obvious i'm /here/ and she's not ignoring me

>> No.66820034

She replied them months ago "after giving a heads up". She said in her maros she didn't wanna keep going it cause it may create brainworms, but guess what, she does it but much worst. Either she just ignores it or reply/likes several shogger comment,she does nothing but make it look worst. Didn't help the last time she like a specific shogger tweet was also him when there were 20+ shoggers saying how much they love her after the movie watchalong

>> No.66820038

It's okay. She'll realize it and try to make up for it and then we'll calm down.

>> No.66820052

when i refreshed the catalog and saw the OP it made me laugh and feel better

>> No.66820061

Just a reminder for shondo and clueless people, every post complaining about this is an anti and you should ignore them

>> No.66820074

This bitch betray me for last time. I won’t be cuck. I won’t. Hnhhg

>> No.66820082
File: 1.01 MB, 4000x6271, 1676403275157465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't care if you're /here/ she cares if you spend 12 hours a day shitposting and timelooping /here/ instead of doing something fun that will make you happy

>> No.66820104

Fuck you, I'm going to complain about my hypocrite wife as long as you continue to bake

>> No.66820122

I don't actually watch this person aside from their pre-recorded ASMR videos on youtube. Please ask them to make more. Thanks.

>> No.66820135

she still gives preferential treatment to some of the most /here/ trolls

>> No.66820134

do not notice things
everyone is equal!!!
sit in the chair and syadouHappynod

>> No.66820138

so true sister slay those antis!

>> No.66820143

i don't tweet or use the chat what now bitch

>> No.66820162
File: 431 KB, 2000x3000, 1689731070050590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She recorded one this weekend, but I'm sure you already know this since you're not a new IP, weirdchama

>> No.66820168

>By the way, guy emailing her pretending to be dewd, you are extremely weird and she knows who you are.
Why would anyone but shondo know about that?

>> No.66820189

>Have you ever considered she can read your writing style and deliberately does not reply or interact with 4chan schizos
holy fuck you newfag white knight please.
you're so fucking new you know absolutely nothing.
what a fucking joke.

>> No.66820195


>> No.66820229

she just finished? recording one, she just has to get the art animated and then edit the audio. it'll probably be out in a few months
also tourists out

>> No.66820252

stop trolling in the chat you're going to give me brainworms

>> No.66820296

This was my first (and only) post so far. >>66819242
Also, I hadn't checked my subscriptions page in a couple of weeks.
Thank you. Also, please breathe.

>> No.66820340
File: 283 KB, 649x1234, 1699831584455299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this anon

>> No.66820374

rexus stop outing yourself ,you're already an embarrassment being friends with bratty

>> No.66820395

Oh no! Some of you seem a little upset and frustrated by recent events. Maybe you channel some of that energy into posts detailing how you would teach Shondo a lesson?

>> No.66820411

>By the way, guy emailing her pretending to be dewd, you are extremely weird and she knows who you are.

This was a great touch anon

>> No.66820422

Is stuff like this allowed? I'll dm a mod

>> No.66820451
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>> No.66820456

I may be absurdly stupid, but I am not yet mentally ill enough yet. I will work on this and update you in due time.

>> No.66820471

i actually had a funny idea I'll write tomorrow

>> No.66820531

i'm very confused did shondo just /here/ post?

>> No.66820557

yes and she's doing it again right now

>> No.66820640 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 171x96, 1675373050341584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah hiiiiiiiiiii here's a shunny pic!!!

>> No.66820698

it's called larping

>> No.66820716

well i've told her to stop coming /here/. seems she needs another DM to straighten her out.

>> No.66820905

Fuck you anon one of my biggest fears is she’ll be able to figure out who I am by my writing style

>> No.66820933
File: 163 KB, 404x305, F9idsJgXwAAAb7z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exposing yourselves today for what you are. I am always watching, you stupid faggots.

>> No.66820943
File: 179 KB, 220x242, 1694358716765062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66820999

why would that concern you anon?

>> No.66821007

Shondo please like my retweets

>> No.66821009

if she can barely recognize people's name i doubt she can recognize writing style

>> No.66821064

I am shy.

>> No.66821077

she probably enjoyed all the ryonaposting the other night

>> No.66821127

Let's talk shondo.

>> No.66821155

It might be time to suicide bait desu

>> No.66821211

What am I?

>> No.66821233

Please don't do/bait the suicide

>> No.66821235

Screw you Otis get a real job

>> No.66821275


>> No.66821296

shondo please dont make me do this

>> No.66821301

If Schnidoo doesn’t cybersex me RIGHT NIW I will go over the recommended multivitamin dose

>> No.66821354

Now I'm afraid people think I'm some asshole shitposter even though I'm not

>> No.66821369

i like it when people accuse me of being whatever favourite because they're always wrong but it also means that I have favourite potential

>> No.66821376

if I do it I'll make sure to guilt trip her the whole way

>> No.66821425

Of course tonight she won't make a goodnight tweet for the rest of us despite saying no more personal attention outside of stream. Thanks for telling me your word means nothing to the rest of us you lying bitch. God I love my """parasocial""" internet anime wife.

>> No.66821461

Embarrassing post

>> No.66821481

wait for her to be offline in discord before posting

>> No.66821499

Some of you need an anime waifu instead of a vtuber one.

>> No.66821542

No, I need to get used to feeling alone again

>> No.66821547

good post and you'll be correct

>> No.66821554

>shitposting before she's even offline

>> No.66821558

I'll never be good enough

>> No.66821560

I can’t cope with the fact she could be thinking of me but it’s some other man. Why can’t i just fucking win for once!?

>> No.66821564

crushing the ends of shondos fingers in a nutcracker then beating her in the head with it

>> No.66821574

don't worry this entire thread is asshole shitposters

>> No.66821585

I will come back to this post when she inevitably goes offline and doesn't tweet or like our goodnight messages. Just watch, shigger.

>> No.66821589

I'm a silly shitposter :)

>> No.66821593

shondo why am I not enough...

>> No.66821601
File: 68 KB, 300x296, 1691166474013783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still on her computer, nevermind on her phone in bed. Why would she make a goodnight tweet.

>> No.66821615

That's rude, anon. Take it back please.

>> No.66821651

Hey, I'm not an asshole

>> No.66821657
File: 167 KB, 395x345, 1682955064884628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok donate $5 to her if you're wrong then ;)

>> No.66821669

why is cat so angry??? :(((( make him happy please

>> No.66821672

Of course I'm correct. Even if it's a goodnight tweet, you could literally reply with anything and it won't matter, because she does not give a shit.

>> No.66821676


>> No.66821689

No homo but sometimes I get turned on thinking about Shondo getting molested by like a hot office lady milf

>> No.66821716


>> No.66821723

Somehow the weirdest post ITT

>> No.66821739

I like fantasising about me and shondo sexually harassing women

>> No.66821740

i'm a bit more wicked but i try to keep it silly :)
some of you are cool

>> No.66821745

I'm trying to be reasonable

>> No.66821767
File: 23 KB, 128x128, Smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tickled his balls, he's happy now

>> No.66821779
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>> No.66821790

I'm trying to meet you half way shadow but... I don't know man..

>> No.66821792

its getting harder to keep going... :(

>> No.66821810

please stop mocking me

>> No.66821820

Why would you say something like that??

>> No.66821832
File: 47 KB, 260x128, 1680917585685582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just found this one do u guys like it

>> No.66821861

ackshually cats dont wear glasses

>> No.66821862

no kys

>> No.66821865

why is there two cats now???
at least theyre both happy :D

>> No.66821867

i like it

>> No.66821871

Yes but it's missing the front teeth

>> No.66821891

thanks man I was ready to give up

>> No.66821893

yes shondo please add

>> No.66821937

mine is happier than his, we are not the same

>> No.66821953

fuck this shit, I'm not even mad just depressed

>> No.66821962

I keep thinking about how i made shondo laugh by replying to a chatter once

>> No.66822041

i'm happy i can make her laugh with a molesting joke, it can be tricky territory to joke about and it's hard to not be TOS edgy on twitch

>> No.66822115

I deleted a few chats in the middle of writing it because I was scared it wasn't TOS friendly.

>> No.66822174

this but i send them and regret it right after

>> No.66822181

the amount of times i want to type the n word in her chat is more than once and far from few

>> No.66822196

tfw 3 weeks into nofap and increasingly worried you're going to have a wet dream and stain your Shondaki

>> No.66822229

I wish I could show up to streams more often, shondo reads my chats pretty often, she even laughs as some of them, but i am always a few steps or vods behind

>> No.66822316

training my grip strength to better crush shondos trachea

>> No.66822343

I was in your exact position for a while and I think it led to Shondo noticing me a lot more in the long run
Keep being yourself when you can show up and she'll keep valuing you anon

>> No.66822379

I just relapsed nofap. Should I tweet it and hope she responds giving me motivation to quit?

>> No.66822394

find something else. she can't relate to that

>> No.66822399
File: 721 KB, 844x1200, 1686717145270373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

risenlight my side hoe doko...

>> No.66822413

Wow anon you are so in, nice fake insider information. Please link the secret shondo chat channel

>> No.66822418

I don't think she would understand, just keep this to yourself

>> No.66822433

What did she do this time?
And that's supposed to be bad because???
I love my shogga Ray and wish him the best.
It's almost as if she relies on the twitter algorithm not a stalking list.

>> No.66822453

she would just mog you with her ongoing 5 digit streak

>> No.66822458

Shut the fuck up. She killed off the idea of her already because retards wouldn't shut up about it and even more retards posted screenshots of her in the discord. risenlight is gone.

>> No.66822472

It's not bad, people are mad he got a reply

>> No.66822477

>It's almost as if she relies on the twitter algorithm not a stalking list

>> No.66822535

I'm so glad I found the pillow talk video, my Shadow ASMR mixtape is near perfection

>> No.66822562

i keep having rapey thoughts about molesting women. might tweet about it hoping shondo gives me motivation to curb those nasty wasty sinful thoughts.

>> No.66822596

Id rather just be alone again, this shit just makes life worse. Delusion is not a fix, its only a poor bandage

>> No.66822609

don't worry, she boasts about knowing writing styles as much as she says she's an empath, in other words she's talking out of her ass again

>> No.66822608

This is why I refuse to make the shondo Tulpa, she will sexpest every woman we come across

>> No.66822616

this post isnt a fib. i did email her pretending to be dewd as bait. can you be real for once shondo?

>> No.66822714

just leave, shogga

>> No.66822717

Find and rape shondo, its what she deserves

>> No.66822740

do any of you ever wonder if you've started to lose sense of the boundary between fact and fiction

>> No.66822803

go back

>> No.66822809

>No but if he appears on her timeline, it means that other shoggers also do
What's your point? Right now on my timeline there's a tweet of Bapy talking about BA. Should Shondo talk to him about BA? There's no emergency.

>> No.66822810

so true shondo

>> No.66822873

>boundary between fact and fiction
Shondo literally never defined her boundaries and went to great lengths to blur the lines in order to make her own guro child rape fantasies more immersive.

>> No.66822883

My point is that is this is the second time she interacts with a post from him that wasn't a reply to her. And she didn't do that to anyone else for months.

>> No.66822893

I love you shondo, and I'm sorry. I dont understand you.

>> No.66822910

shogga you are too nise and silly for this you will not get through to them and half of them are trolling. do what you want but i just want you to keep this information in mind because i like you

>> No.66822980

i love you shondo, you understand me. i'm never leaving your side even if you succumb to delusions and slit my throat in my sleep.

>> No.66822997

How am I trolling? Please explain what is unreasonable.

>> No.66823031

Suggestive but no nipples/pussy and no implied sex is ok in the SFW tag right?

>> No.66823057

it doesn't have to be unreasonable to be trolling
and i said only half of you are

>> No.66823067

that is what she said, yes.

>> No.66823107

Where did you get this art from? The version posted to discord is way smaller.

>> No.66823111

Fact: she is my wife, fiction: i cant be mad at her for picking favorites. Shondo fix this shit

>> No.66823128

If they're trolling I still feel like they need some opposition to avoid giving each other brainworms unironically.
>because i like you

>> No.66823133

I'm being serious. She said that she wanted to divide attention to everyone. And interacting with only one husband outside of replies shows that she's not doing a great job.

>> No.66823171

It is shondo. She's being fucking stupid right now.

>> No.66823195

shondo, post underwear

>> No.66823203

The point is that Shondo shouldn't be a stupid bitch going back on her word just because Ray showed up. If he needed support, he could have asked for it on stream like the rest of us have to now. What she did was fucking unfair.

>> No.66823216

i understand
i agree somewhat but i still have faith in her. i trust her, and i went into this marriage ready to be ruined anyway but i'm built different.

>> No.66823253


>> No.66823276


>> No.66823297

Socks, post those instead, on your feet, maybe take one off slightly

>> No.66823315

You said that you wanted to do better at communication. Right now everyone is misinterpreting what's going on. I'm a little confused about what you're trying to say, and you're being silent on all channels.

>> No.66823406

stop noticing things you'll be much happier.

>> No.66823425

she's not trying to say anything we're just having a menhera episode over something that could be coincidence. what if she was going to start replying to everyone and this just happened to be the first?
i'm sure she'll bring this up next stream though. or you can ask her anonymously if not.

>> No.66823444

She'll hide away until it blows over, no way to address this without giving away the fact she has favorites

>> No.66823469

Post it on twitter tagging her. I won't derek you and I'll shame those who do.

>> No.66823499

No one is misinterpreting anything. Ray won the interaction gacha and out of over 120k husbands, got special treatment. Must be nice to feel like he actually has a wife.

>> No.66823522

if you can't understand the communication just syadouHappynod and move on

>> No.66823532
File: 201 KB, 898x1200, 1690835768475067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is misinterpreting what's going on
Who is everyone? One of the IPs is mine and the other is Shondo's, that leaves at most 32 shoggas going slightly menhera. The offline chat is full of love as always, same for Discord.

>> No.66823549

I interact a lot and I try to be participative in a positive manner during streams. I'm trying my best and I don't know what I'm doing wrong

>> No.66823559

Shondo I would love you even if you never acknowledged my existence ever again.

>> No.66823650

If she interacts with you publicly it means you arnt in her DMs and you're one of the fake favorites

>> No.66823746


>> No.66823747

Because those chats aren't fucking anonymous, named fags aren't going to call her out they'd be shunned and lose there all ready low status

>> No.66823761

You can't even call what he got anything other than special treatment. Over fucking smoking of all things. A problem that Ray chose to inflict himself with. We've gone how long now with her closing off to us and choosing to accept how things are. Oh, but he a blessing from god graced him with Shondo's divine acknowledgement. Truly a miracle she can give a shit about one person and move the fuck on with her evening.

>> No.66823793

but she interacts with favourites on stream all the time

>> No.66823818

How long are you gonna spam the thread about this, no one cares

>> No.66823911

can we go back to talking about how pretty her hands are

>> No.66823930

make an anonymous twitch account and ask her about it you're scared. or @her on twitter anonymously first. i don't see why you can't ask in a neutral way like "some people think this, what do you think?" either

>> No.66823934

risenlight my saviour...

>> No.66823961

confess your sins anons

>> No.66823963

When she goes offline and tweets out a goodnight and Likes our replies, so we can feel a crumb of Ray's special privilege that he had tonight.

(spoilers: neither is happening, because she doesn't actually give a shit about her words or her "fairness for everyone" she preaches)

>> No.66823998

use your real twitter account, what are you guys scared of?

>> No.66824044

Even though she specifically said to call her out when she does something you don't like? They already view themselves as inferior to Ray so they might as well do it.

>> No.66824057

And what about her? Is she going to confess?

>> No.66824082

>is this the best idea? it's going to be dms/maros 2.0
Jesus christ shut the actual fuck up, confession streams predate everything like that

>> No.66824092

I was about to request a sexy nun shondo but havnt yet, I'm going to take this as a sign and send in the request tomorrow

>> No.66824119

sorry shondo i don't know how to make my problems sound funny

>> No.66824139

This is basically permitted traumadumping, we are so back dm bros

>> No.66824193

>he doesn't know

>> No.66824210

so much time has passed since the last one that she already cured me of the trauma I planned on dumping

>> No.66824241

So sunday stream guaranteed, nice

>> No.66824509

So I'm assuming shitposter-San is now going to spend the next 3 days spamming that inbox?

>> No.66824722

want to get banned? she's a hypocrite in all forms of the word and she's a woman, she acknowledges this in maros but somehow people still believe her words

>> No.66824880

guys i think the confessions will be used as an excuse to gain /here/ knowledge

>> No.66824926

No, in fact I'm about to confess publicly, is that what you want?

>> No.66824977

She's offline. No goodnight tweet. Ray won. Everyone else lost.

>> No.66825021

im doing it tonight

>> No.66825056

Offline on discord now, shiggers. Waiting on that goodnight tweet. Any second now right? Surely she wont obliviously give a single husband out of 120k of us the feeling of having a wife and then call it day right?

>> No.66825432

She said good night on our channel I don't know why you guys are flipping out.
Anyway time to cuddle with my Shondaki while trying to lucid dream about holding her vampire pale soft smooth beautiful hands

>> No.66825450

Of course the faggot with no self discipline bounded by nicotine and is a worthless menhera wins.

>> No.66825463

She sent me a telepathic goodnight message.

>> No.66825596

She should pick 30 top husbands and once a month give that guy her full attention, including in dms.

>> No.66825788

Too much. She should pick 3 per month and rotate the same 6 true husbands.

>> No.66825823


>> No.66825841

I think she should keep doing whatever she wants, that's made me extremely happy so far

>> No.66825906

i tried sho hard

and got sho far

>> No.66825940

but in the end, wifey is all that matters c:

>> No.66825984

new delusion: youre the opening act at the concert and wink at her

>> No.66826000

I wouldn't mind it if she was honest about it. Just say that not everyone is equal and the problem is gone.

>> No.66826095

least self aware wowan

>> No.66826260

>she has trust issues due to past oshi trauma
>I have trust issues due to past oshi trauma
That's why this relationship is so rocky

>> No.66826373

I had to resist the urge to post at her that I don't follow drama

>> No.66826436

Oh good, eepy talk tweets so she can ramble before going to bed without interaction. Guess Ray must of hit the quota for today!

>> No.66826640

does... she think rushia didn't do anything worth being fired? you can only give so much corpo apologetics while also holding that they should just roll over whenever the talents act up

>> No.66826707

my love is real shadowchama

>> No.66826770

how am I supposed to take that after she was just trauma dumping

>> No.66826821

Forced goodnight

>> No.66826866

Nah she's pretty aware that rushia fucked up and is still constantly fucking up and it makes her sad

>> No.66826913

Have you listened to a single word she has said about the Rushia situation at all?

>> No.66826923

I wish I was real too shondo, I'm trying so hard to be real

>> No.66826926

Quick everyone, make sure to post your goodnight messages that she is totally reading! She said she reads every single one syadouNod

>> No.66827041

Oh, silly me. The only husband worth even a like today is Ray.

>> No.66827094

she is reading it in bed right now

>> No.66827138

bet you feel real silly now anon

>> No.66827142

Oh.......... shoggers I would like to immediately issue an apology.

>> No.66827215

It is not accepted, naked dogeza in the mods dms NOW

>> No.66827259

thank god she reads this thread in bed

>> No.66827279

Sent. Wish me luck, bros.

>> No.66827503

i love my wife even if she gaslights me and leads me on

>> No.66827639

only 20 pics posted, anons this is deplorable.

>> No.66827653


>> No.66827746

Would she have even liked our replies if Ray didn't say goodnight too?

>> No.66827862

No. It's called pitylikes, when she likes a favorite she sometimes feels pity for the rest of us.

>> No.66827903

She did because I posted my brainworms here you can thank me later.

>> No.66828122

>you can thank me later
I won't because pitylikes are an insult to one's intelligence, a pathetic attempt by Shondo to pretend she cares about more than the handful of people who either give her money or make shit for her for free.

>> No.66828348

why'd she get the checkmark again?

>> No.66828378

at least i know that im not mute

>> No.66828660

Why would you be muted? Don't debate politics and only retweet lesbian porn since she doesn't like straight stuff.

>> No.66828784

Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.66828862

i just have this gut feeling that she doesnt like me very much
what did i do?

>> No.66828962

Don't play coy, fuck off already.

>> No.66829048
File: 9 KB, 382x95, 1687914854105584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are shoggers like this?

>> No.66829069

actual schizo, meds

>> No.66829323

if she's three, she's for me

>> No.66829479

is the sole unliked reply genuine or just a psyop to distract us

>> No.66829515


>> No.66829544

no way, guess who the retard posing as dewd on emails was?

>> No.66829564

i'm genuinely speechless over this

>> No.66829818

The damage control is in. Good thinking, Shogo.

>> No.66829825

the brainworms are back again....

>> No.66829967

What the fuck

>> No.66829998

now my music posts are going to be associated with him

>> No.66830000

so was this actually her? >>66819909

>> No.66830036

She did it to me too in the past when I was misbehaving.
I don't buy it, Ray was jealous of Dewd until he became the new king.

>> No.66830117

the rrat keeps growing stronger

>> No.66830222

No, that was Dewd. She DMed her golden boy Dewd to let him know that someone's impersonating him.

>> No.66830244
File: 681 KB, 800x533, 1684048428029309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ray, what the fuck man

>> No.66830287

shondo let me crush your knees under cinderblocks PLEASE

>> No.66830416

It would make sense why she would stalk Ray's profile specifically and see his smoking tweet.

>> No.66830484

What did he mean by here's my ring finger? He's leaving?
Also if that post is dewd then she messaged him to confirm it wasn't him?

>> No.66830570

Yes, she didn't want to get caught replying to a fake Dewd so she made sure she ONLY talks to him.

>> No.66830668

man i need some alcohol

>> No.66830684

She posted a song, one she knows I know.

Well, you've got me working so hard lately
Working my hands until they bleed
If I was twice the man I could be I'd still be half of what you need
Still you lead me and I follow anything you ask you know I'll do
This one act of consecration is what I ask of you
Ringfinger, promise carved in stone, deeper than the sea
Ringfinger, sever flesh and bone and offer it to me
Well, you just leave me nailed here, hanging like Jesus on his cross
I'm just dying for your sins and aiding to the cause
Ringfinger, promise carved in stone, deeper than the sea
Ringfinger, sever flesh and bone and offer it to me
Wrap my eyes in bandages, confessions I see through
I get everything I want when I get part of you
Ringfinger, promise carved in stone, deeper than the sea
Ringfinger, sever flesh and bone and offer it to me
Ringfinger, promise carved in stone, deeper than the sea
Ringfinger, devil's flesh and bone, do something for me

>> No.66830791

>surely you know her personality enough by now to know that she doesn't do tiny petty things like that on purpose
She literally gave fleece the silent treatment before when he was misbehaving. Is Orange retarded?

>> No.66830825

please interact with me we can be toxic and nonfunctional together

>> No.66830829

So who posted this, it's articulated too well to be shondo

>> No.66830830

You guys are funny.

>> No.66830960

this is NOT funny

>> No.66830976

>dewd confirmed he emailed her a shitpost before so she knows his real email
>ray send an email pretending to be dewd from another email address
>impressed she realized it's not dewd
Is Ray, you know?

>> No.66830983

I posted the song not him or her

>> No.66831022
File: 79 KB, 644x619, 1686818498698804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point Shondo is emotionally abusive to Fleece and I don't know why. I know he was a fuckwit months ago but what did he do in the past week or so besides replying to Neppie?

>> No.66831068

Who are you and how did you get into my computer?

>> No.66831136

Reminder that Shadow can choose to not type like a retard if she's serious.

>> No.66831260

I like the idea that shondo posts here incognito and gets called a newfag

>> No.66831323
File: 40 KB, 668x307, captain pathetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is today really some shogger armageddon or something? You have 1 who is a literal pathetic attention whore who thinks his the only special member in the community and another who admit he is actually causing brainworms and infighting on purpose(I give you my respect for being honest ray but I think you really should consider leaving especially now with everyone starting to hate you)

>> No.66831395

Shondo rewards bad actors and dmniggers who goes against her wishes but punish shoggers like fleece who simply expressed their opinions when she said it was ok to do it.
Why is she like this?

>> No.66831424

>Ray you should consider leaving now that you're the new king
lmao even

>> No.66831444

I bet you guys are all having a right laugh at us from the secret discord

>> No.66831461

justice for fleece

>> No.66831484

Hit 70 shondo and I promise I'll make your stepdad look like a joke once I get my hands on you.

>> No.66831498

I'm tired of it all and don't care. People who are desperate for the shallow gestures can fight for them and I'll stand aside. If people like fleece are really gonna hinge their mental wellbeing on this shit I'll let them have it.
Not anyone being talked about currently btw

>> No.66831499

But what opinion did Fleece express in the past week? I don't Derek the man.

>> No.66831572

he bitched about her adding an emote of herself to 7tv because he doesn't want to install it, that's about it

>> No.66831601

I can't say I blame Fleece but she was clearly in a sleeping liking spree considering who she gave another like to.

>> No.66831612

Stumbling into this thread has been like switching to a soap opera 4868 episodes in.
Stay safe, bros.

>> No.66831655

He complained about 7tv emotes and expressed frustration when she was hesitant about doing a subs only stream. He was also less active I guess. I don't know what he did other than that, but it's completely reasonable for him to interpret that she's mad at him since she ignored her before

>> No.66831728

she ignored him before*

>> No.66831743

But Shondo purged two guys to white knight for him or at least her mods did, right? He seemed like a "favorite" to me until 10 minutes ago.

>> No.66831785

I actually feel bad for him, he doesn't deserve the brainworms anymore :(

>> No.66831938

I can tell you what Fleece did, he posted his brainworms /here/ yesterday and she recognized his posting style. I also recognized him.

>> No.66832126

what if one day I say something or post something and she recognises it from months ago and bans me

>> No.66832242

What's funny is when they mistakenly associate you with something you never did, and no amount of denying can fix it.

>> No.66832249

I do wonder how many people she secretly holds anonymous posts against. Something she said somewhat recently had me thinking.

>> No.66832282

I don't care if she can identify my writing style, my posts are great.

>> No.66832458

>writing style
that's not what's happening.

>> No.66832596

What do you mean? I'm too confused and I have no idea what's going on.

>> No.66832655

Usually what they do is that they have a janitor that gives them the IP address of your posts that they can cross reference to the IP address on Twitch, etc.

>> No.66832732

Jannies can see your IP? I thought they were hashed for them.

>> No.66832767


>> No.66832813

don't get trolled retard

>> No.66832965

and this is the guy she chose to favorite

>> No.66833094

This is why they do it for free, anon.

>> No.66833158

>she knows who you are.
this post aged like milk

>> No.66833164

>brings attention to Ray
>makes you jealous off the bat
>right after prompts him to confess under your full scrutiny so its that much worse
this wasnt about favorites

>> No.66833171

I think Ray's first mistake was writing short ones. We know Dewd is a pdf file kinda guy.

>> No.66833192

I don't watch your oshi but I saw this thread and was slightly concerned. Is she doing okay?

>> No.66833265


>> No.66833270

you're not supposed to talk to the animais when you visit the zoo anon

>> No.66833353

so DMs are just back on the menu now or what

>> No.66833472

>>66831938 (me)
nta I worded it poorly, I should've said talking points not posting style. Fleece doesn't trust her not to have sekrit clubs and lead a double life, and Shondo's aware of this fact. When Fleece "takes a break" and some mysterious anon shows up here to dissect that old Shadowmama interview where she mentioned wifey getting carded, it's not rocket science to figure out which husband has brainworms for the millionth time. Eventually she ran out of patience with Fleece.

>> No.66833624

I would call you a schizo, but so much confusing stuff is going on right now that I can't even tell.

>> No.66833646

But the animals are cute and so are anons!

>> No.66833656

stop dereking

>> No.66833837

What would make Ray post that unprompted? I genuinely cannot tell if it's bait or not

>> No.66833903

they'll bite your hands off

>> No.66833986

That's okay, hands are overrated anyway I'll learn to type with my feet

>> No.66833991

she called him out /here/ after bringing attention on him earlier today and then proposed another confessional suddenly? not that difficult to imagine.

>> No.66834033

It's fun recognizing anons based on their insecurities.

>> No.66834107

who's your favourite

>> No.66834130

When your wife says she's in your walls, and she can see your "browsing history". She's not joking.

>> No.66834203

>she called him out /here/
If that's not Dewd then was she bluffing to bait a confession out of the culprit? I don't see how she'd know it was Ray.

>> No.66834242

just sent her an email

>> No.66834279


>> No.66834284

>she called him out /here/
She doesn't come here

>> No.66834431

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

>> No.66834465

Explain this post >>66819909
If she doesn't come /here/ it doesn't look good at all, it means that she still has romantic chats with Dewd behind the scenes and lets him know about everything. Last week an anon knew of her 'cake sickness' literally 2 minutes before she posted about it in the offline chat, again if it wasn't Shondo then it was her boyfriend Dewd.

>> No.66834559
File: 12 KB, 100x100, 1696692712675371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posted a high res version of a girutea image. This is the only one available to anyone but her. She signed it.

>> No.66834622

Or its girutea, in which case Shondo is DMing Giru about every personal detail.

>> No.66834636

Could it be Girutea?

>> No.66834663

Ray that is unironically the most pathetic thing someone has done in this community

>> No.66834673

Ok. Why does Girutea know the contents of every email Shondo receives to her 3 personal addresses?

>> No.66834720

>This is the only one available to anyone but her
Can someone confirm this?

>> No.66834737

Why does this have my posting style? Is that how you normally write?

>> No.66834765

If Ray doesn't get banned what does that mean going forward? He was calling for her to block anyone sending dms and emails

>> No.66834791

Giru dms her exclusive art.

>> No.66834830

It means that she didn't agree with his solution then and she doesn't agree with it now.

>> No.66834864

>it's true
What the fuck???? Shondo get the fuck out of my thread.

>> No.66834863

Yes, unless he DM'd it to someone else too.

>> No.66834891

hypocritical actions, she called him out and says she doesn't interact with him, but then interacts with him immediately after.
if that post was hers, she's the stupidest woman alive

>> No.66834994

>stupidest woman alive
We already know this

>> No.66835092

>but then interacts with him immediately after
If she already knew Dewd's email she wouldn't have to DM him again.

>> No.66835123

if she was the stupidest woman alive she wouldn't have made that post because it requires her recognizing writing styles, which isn't true because she can't even recognize names let alone long form messages based on people's tweets
best case is someone downloaded an upres'd image of giru and used it to try call someone out

>> No.66835206

She knew that someone was impersonating dewd and had a guess who it was. Replying to Ray was the bait to get him feeling bad. her bait worked

>> No.66835262

I missed when she would just send mailbombs to us instead of this passive aggressive bullshit
