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66764981 No.66764981 [Reply] [Original]

>Hoshi no Kanata is coming back after being dead for 3 years
Hololive is healing
Next is PekoMiko

>> No.66765037
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Is this "PekoMiko" in the room with us right now?

>> No.66765045


>> No.66765175

t. micometfags

>> No.66765193

qrd on the pairing, and give me a list of kino streams

I've been listening to this Suisei acoustic cover with Kanata on the thumbnail for the longest time and it always seemed weird for me.

>> No.66765221

This is completely different from PekoMiko because there's no evidence they hated each other, just that Suisei had moved on to bigger and better things and Kanata had lost her connection to most of Hololive.

>> No.66765299

>just that Suisei had moved on to bigger and better things and Kanata had lost her connection to most of Hololive
Replace Suisei with Miko and Kanata with Pekora and it's basically PekoMiko

>> No.66765562

>both Pekomiko and Hnk died right after management forced Mikomet
Really makes you think

>> No.66766280

>there's no evidence they hated each other
Holy new
Holy new both were dead before then

>> No.66766437

>both were dead before then
Look up when was Mikomet created

>> No.66766450
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Don't have a list of streams, but their 2 covers together are PEAK
let me guess you believe Kanata hates Suisei because of Mario Kart lmfao

>> No.66767164

>Hoshi no Kanata is coming back after being dead for 3 years
I wish man, I fucking wish...

>> No.66770086

>Next is PekoMiko
youre going to have to wait many years

>> No.66770858

PekoMiko is never coming back. Move on, anon. Miko has a new blue women.

>> No.66771163
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>Next is PekoMiko
Let it go, anon...

>> No.66771235

Anon, I…

>> No.66771281
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>> No.66771910

>Don't have a list of streams,
because this pairing was never a thing

>> No.66772255

I thought women were supposed to reconcile faster than men. What's taking pekomiko so long?

>> No.66772959

i want their collab, not utattemita shit

>> No.66774042

>I thought women were supposed to reconcile faster than men
In which bizarro world? Women always fight over the most pointless shit

>> No.66774481

Yes, but they're supposed to reconcile faster.

>> No.66775054

lol no
I know women who still avoid each other because of some stupid shit years ago

>> No.66776163

>Miko has a new blue women
Yeah a complete boring bitch wtih 0 memorable stream with Miko. The fact that management thought they could replace Pekomiko with this is insulting

>> No.66776271
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>> No.66776486

Suisei called Kanata in totsu a year ago and they promised to do a collab to deny the rumour
After a year they never interacted again until now. There's no hope bro
Hoshi no Kanata is fucking boring anyway. People talks about it because it's not happening. If it comes back nobody won't be watching

>> No.66776645

In what fucking world?
If anything they more likely to hold grudge longer

>> No.66776911

micomet is more popular than pekomiko ever was
and micomet are closer than pekomiko ever were

>> No.66777825

HnK wasn't a stream duo, but a singing duo, their covers were good.

>> No.66778327

>micomet is more popular than pekomiko ever
>micomet are closer than pekomiko ever were
Only Miko thinks they're close. Suisei herself admitted that they aren't actually that close offstream.

>> No.66778392

there is no evidence that Miko hates Pekora, she is still fine with mentioning her. There is BIG evidence that Pekora hates Miko. She is very reluctant to mention her or acknowledge her.

>> No.66778765

This is your brain on rrat.
If you actually watch streams Pekora still mentions Miko every now and then.

>> No.66779074

Extremely mentally ill, wrong, and terrible posts. Pathetic.

>> No.66779200

more than avoiding it awkwardly? nah

>> No.66779348

>Suisei herself admitted that they aren't actually that close offstream
That's the complete opposite of what she says (and does)

>> No.66779421
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>wtih 0 memorable stream with Miko
idk this stream and the warioware one were fucking hilarious

>> No.66780805

It was never really dead, they were just too busy to do stuff together.

>> No.66782301

Haha yeah let's ignore just how awkward they both are in the last 3 years even though they went full yuribait in 2020

>> No.66782571

Come on now anon, this is just coping. It obviously isn't true. They actively avoid eachother, talking about eachother, being in the same collabs. It is pretty clear they are not on good terms. Noel and Flare are an example of a ship that stopped baiting as much in streams but still interact off screen. PekoMiko is just plain dead.

>> No.66782690

There's that saying that women forgive, but not don't forget and men forget, but don't forgive. Anyways, that's the extent to which I understand women, otherwise I wouldn't be here.

>> No.66782948

I thought that anon was talking about HnK

>> No.66782983

Nah, he's absolutely right. I used to be a nousagi, but I couldn't understand why there was so much one-sided animosity from Pekora, especially since this was basically at the height of pekomiko. The secrecy only made it worse for me cause I would just end up spinning new rrats in my head, so I ended up dropping her altogether.

>> No.66783094


>> No.66783102

Your right. I'm dumb. Gomennasai.

>> No.66784250

haha come on nobody likes Kanata

>> No.66785401
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Everyone like Kanata

>> No.66785644

Everyone knows that it is management that pushes these collaborations.
They don't especially like each other because suisei is everything Kanata can never be and that soured their friendship.
Let the naive treasure this stream fondly because it will be another 3 years before it happens again.

>> No.66785684

Owari da...

>> No.66785874

>thinking management can push Suisei to pretend to be in good terms with anybody
>thinking management can push Kanata to do something she doesn't want to do
are you fucking stupid?

>> No.66786107
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>Hoshi no Kanata is coming back
>Next is PekoMiko

>> No.66786217

No they talked about this on a stream. last year or so.

>> No.66786459
File: 545 KB, 600x901, PekoMiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>management forced Mikomet
imagine unironically believing this

>> No.66786695

Micomet was absolutely forced. Just because it worked out, doesn't mean it wasn't directed by management.

>> No.66786742

honestly they might have but at this point they clearly are friends. Management may suggest and pair members together, but they clearly don't force duos to stick together even when they are successful if they don't want to.

>> No.66786787

Pekomiko is weirdest divide because its feel like they dont want to appear together ever.
Before you call me a schizo just check any big collab created by hololive it will either have Pekora or Miko but not both at the same time.
During The Cops and Robbers game created by Iroha miko tried to talk to the rabbit a bit but she acted like she never heard her.
Noel and Flare might not collab like they did before but it never felt like they actually avoid each others.

>> No.66786853


>> No.66786925

Suisei and Marine should ditch miko and pekora and create a new powerfull musical duo.They might create a viral song together

>> No.66787184

It's pretty obvious to anyone paying attention. The relation springs up immediately after pekomiko has a falling out. They even joke about the business friendship.

>> No.66787224

so no proof then
you don't even know how it happened, which they explained multiple times

>> No.66787258

They had that one voice call in minecra and i don't think i felt any tension then. Fucking weird

>> No.66787292

How the fuck am I supposed to provide proof? Bug Cover's offices? Where's your proof that it isn't management directed?

>> No.66787353
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>disprove my unsubstantiated claim
no, fuck you

>> No.66787500

It'd at least be less of a flop than the Gura Marine song

>> No.66787518

Stupid people are wrong in what they say, I am not.

>> No.66787623

The alternative to it being management directed is Miko desperately finding another coupling to fill the gap left by pekomiko because of intense loneliness or some bullshit. Pairings just don't change overnight like this, especially not when pekomiko just released a song together. You have to actually be autistic to not understand this.

>> No.66787768

The "management forced" miComet was them getting shipped together to events like VILLS
Them collabing 30 times in a year was organic

>> No.66787986
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>Your friend P is being distant and doesn't care about you
>Your new friend S, who said she loves hanging out with you in Marine's quiz, wants to hang out with you

>> No.66788031

They were kind of a natural fit so it worked out. Not quite the same relationship as pekomiko, but more like older and younger sister. Also part of the same generation, though it was defined post hoc.

>> No.66788301

This was more than just your typical collab, this is one of those fake lesbian relationships they they intentionally produce as fan service. Their friendship is real, but the shipping is obviously forced.

>> No.66788452

>repeatedly tell fans not to ship them
>the shipping is forced

>> No.66788659

>Can't have a single collab without some other holomem bringing up mikomet

You know Suisei could just ask them to shut up about it if she wanted to?

>> No.66788730

Why do you think they tell fans not to ship them?

>> No.66789123 [DELETED] 

Kiara doesn't know the lyrics of Rebellion... she's a fake fan

>> No.66789464

not even Kanata likes Kanata

>> No.66791516

PekoMikofags are deranged

>> No.66792199
File: 429 KB, 926x926, kanatalove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's getting better though and if even Kanata can learn to love Kanata then everyone should!

>> No.66794364


>> No.66794969

thats gay

>> No.66798818


>> No.66801471

Not as deranged as micometfags from what I've seen

>> No.66801522

The most sane PekoMikofags

>> No.66802176

They’re styles are just too different.

>> No.66803185

>n-no u

>> No.66804051

>Them collabing 30 times in a year was organic
Bruh most of their collabs are obvious shilling collabs

>> No.66804199

who would do this?
just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.66804379

You literally don't even watch them so why fucking lie like this retard???

>> No.66806169

I don't hate micomet but I just think it's more boring

>> No.66806481

Micomet is litertally the best thing to happen to Hololive in a long time. Pekomiko is one of the things that got me into Hololive, but I have moved on. I never could have expected my two favorites, Miko and Suisei to become such an iconic pair. This was the best case scenario for me. Watching their collabs, their interactions on their main and sub twitter accounts, hearing them talk about each other, hearing other hololmen talk about them. It is literally like crack to me.

Anyway, yeah I guess Suisei and Kanata doing something together could be cool. I don't really like Kanata but Suisei and her could do a cool song or something together.

>> No.66806693

its like looking at zoo..

>> No.66807028
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Are we doing this again?

>> No.66807971

2766 based

>> No.66810283

Just because you like it doesn't mean it's not shilling

>> No.66812558
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>doubles down

>> No.66812807

One day maybe.

>> No.66813679
File: 97 KB, 432x416, micometsaikyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone loves easy money from low standard yurifag ATMs, cover just want to squeeze the last drop, plz understand

>> No.66814860

