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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66753710 No.66753710 [Reply] [Original]

now that it's been 2 months
what do we think about them?

>> No.66753770
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we don't

>> No.66753792

I think they SUCK

>> No.66753804

I like Ruze and Jurard, others are too gay for me. Seriously, Cover should stop hiring fags.

>> No.66753828
File: 591 KB, 482x852, FEMALE SUBSIDIZED MALE STREAMERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In layman's term

>> No.66753870


>> No.66753897

We don’t think of them

>> No.66753916

>Flip Sexpest Nepohire
>Literal Groomer that pretends to be a fag
>SJW Anti-Loli retard
>The other one, I guess...
Unironically the worst HomoEn gen, and that's saying something.

>> No.66754000

Why would I be thinking about m*les
I'm not a cuck nor a faggot
Kys, OP

>> No.66754051

The numbers don't lie. Ruze is by far the most interesting member no matter how many catalogfags want to misinterpret his words. Trex's best quality is that he can always pick up on a bit and roll with it for comedy. Octavio has the pagpag debuff with not enough to compensate for it. And I just can't accept a person that openly looks up to Luca.

>> No.66754246

Go back to your split fag I don't even remember their name anymore

>> No.66754632

>what do we think about them?
i don't

>> No.66754644

Eh, often i'll tune in to Ruze going on an interesting rant and he seems cool. Don't give a shit about his take on cunny, and it doesn't seem like he ever brings it up anyways.
Don't care about the rest, since Goldbullet has based game taste but he's weird as fuck. And i can't even listen to the dino guy.

>> No.66754651


>> No.66754834

Fire the clown and they are dead in the water when it comes to external collabs worth a damn

>> No.66754873


>> No.66755078

Genuinely forgot they existed. As long as I never see them around the girls I don't give a shit what they do and how successful they are if they haven't completely flopped already.

>> No.66755204

They are not Magni, Vesper or Bettel. Jutard makes an impact sometimes but it comes off as Niji-tier faggotry sometimes. Octavio seems like the only good sort but he's in league with the red faggot from Vanguard. Overall I'm kinda disappointed

>> No.66755331

if you watch male vtubers you're a fucking faggot and should be killed.

>> No.66755538

If you're a self-hating male. Take your own advice.

>> No.66755627

Wtf did nijien release yet another gen so soon? Are they expecting others to graduate or something so they are trying to replace them as fast as possible?

>> No.66755847
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He is the best.
Keeps freaks out.

>> No.66755947

How was Ruze misinterpreted?

>> No.66755979

Who ?

>> No.66756193

they are good enough to beat nijien latest wave.

>> No.66756222

>>Flip Sexpest Nepohire
>>Literal Groomer that pretends to be a fag
>>SJW Anti-Loli retard
>>The other one, I guess...
You could expand some knowledge by telling us who belongs in these taggings for those of us who don't watch them anon.

>> No.66756264

"I don't like cunny" somehow translated to "face the wall pedo"

>> No.66756538


>> No.66756556

>>>Flip Sexpests Nepohire
I don't know about sexpest. Lizard boi is a nousagi and he slipped by saying there's someone on the inside who helped him get in Holostars. He's definitely a flip.
>>Literal Groomer that pretends to be a fag
Caught DMing Vesper's former yume by saying "nice art". Other yumes/femcels are seething and think Goldbullet is a groomer.
>>SJW Anti-Loli Retard
The guy with the mask. He's not just Anti-Loli but Anti-Rape and Anti-NTR in FICTIONAL settings. So yes, he's a leftist asshat. Even included "non-binaries" in his little speech like Altroon.
>>The other one, I guess
The Twink with the music note for clothes. He's alright. Just a bit boring. Hangs around with the red faggot so I wouldn't say he's off the hook either.

>> No.66756652

I don't

>> No.66756709


>> No.66756744

Sexpest was in reference to his discord mod level tweets he made before debut. When fucking Ironmouse of all people does the Twitter equivalent of an awkward laugh then you should know you've probably fucked up.

>> No.66756776

I like that the dinosaur sounds like Markiplier.
Ruze seems like a bro in general, probably the closest to a male-aimed male vtuber since Vesper.
Haven't watched GB much, honestly more interested in his friends if Cover lets him collab with them like Lythero.
I have literally no opinion of Octavio. The little I've seen of him solo, he's been aggressively boring.
They have a pretty fun dynamic. I liked the "prepare for trouble, make it rumble" bit early on with their way of getting around mentioning other IPs.

>> No.66756963

Yeah, but the way he worded it seemed to imply that he thinks liking cunny is morally wrong, but even if one were to ignore that, he openly admitted to disapproving of sexualizing fictional characters who aren't openly sexual. So either way, he'll probably think I'm a degenerate since I do all of that and so he is not the brotuber for me.

>> No.66757122


>> No.66757257

I like how this post sums everything up nicely

>> No.66757287

Classic thirteen year old statement. What next bitch?

>> No.66757663

I only know the name of the dinofag and groombullet because of other threads. The other two I don't have any idea of how they sound like, what they do or even their names

>> No.66757952
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The freaks are the people who think FICTIONAL CHARACTERS have to consent to being sexualized when THEY ARE NOT REAL PEOPLE

>> No.66758392

>there's someone on the inside who helped him get in Holostars

He just asked for their advice. Literally no different than some of the girls giving audition tips on stream. We all know who it is and literally what the fuck would she know about the Holostars EN audition process?

>> No.66758501

More than you think.

>> No.66758576


>> No.66758733

I think all homostars should graduate

>> No.66758966

nothing really, I've seen like 1 minute of their content in total, funny that the t rex guy gets hyped as some yab machine when him and his entire gen are probably the most secluded ones from hololive so far

>> No.66759035

VG was more secluded at this point in time. They remained super far removed for a very long time. Armis has made overtures of future collabs even though they haven't manifested but VG basically avoided even mentioning the girls for ages.

>> No.66759052

His "yab" stuff was all isolated in the first week of activity so that's the impression he gave off

>> No.66759530
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gura killers

>> No.66760538

We don’t

>> No.66762581

it was a bit, and mouse played along

>> No.66763731

Save Ruze

>> No.66764650

Very original anon, good work.

>> No.66765770
File: 703 KB, 1170x1202, 1684553369785945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ruze is by far the most interesting member no matter how many catalogfags want to misinterpret his words.

What was misinterpreted? He basically said that loli is fucking pedoshit and disgusting.

>> No.66766120

Got filtered by the trex dude yelling every 3 seconds like an autismo. Forgot they even existed until this thread was made.

>> No.66768451


>> No.66768488

Jugard is the only one thats even half decent.

>> No.66768799

Ruze was ok until it became clear he thinks he's hot shit for having trendy, SJW opinions.

>> No.66769488

Meh, their voices just sound fucking ugly and they're just kinda boring for me to get interested and invest my time in.

>> No.66769699

I can't tell who's more schizoaffective, the lolicons or the people that complain about lolicons while roleplaying an anime boy for a living

>> No.66769769
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>> No.66769795

IDK? Who is the zestiest STAR and are any of them good at videogames?

>> No.66770050

I love this comparison
"Redditards think Hololive audition is a paper examination which they had to choose A, B or C and Ollie told him to choose C"
If you even look at clips, Ollie is basically friend with the entire fucking streaming community. Plenty of her friends asked for advice and only one get in.
But watching streams is too hard for /vt/ and so does watching clips.

>> No.66770076

Not even my friends who watch Stars talk about them much, so I legitimately don’t know. I don’t have anything against Armis, but I don’t know their names and I could only point out Jurard (I also know there’s the guy who hates lolis, and I *think* that’s a different guy from Goldbullet, but I’m not sure).
At least I know Armis exists though. Some anon tried to shitpost with homobegging, and he completely forgot that StarsEN had a new gen. Which completely fucked up his bait.

>> No.66770459

Goldbullet. he's pretty good at games and can finish them in reasonable times with little to no difficulty while keeping chat engagement very high

>> No.66770498

Goldbullet freaks me out, his voice reminds me of the voice filters a rapist uses.

>> No.66770522

they're deluding themselves that Armis brought in new fans but it just seems like the people watching Tempus just spill over, basically what im saying is the same 2k people watching Bettel are the same 2k or so watching Ruze etc.

>> No.66770690

Bottom of the barrel trash filled with literal who SEAfags. Not a good look for the future of the brand if this is the absolute best they can attract after losing their top two talents in less than a year. Makes me wonder just how bad the contract and pay are.

>> No.66770828
File: 282 KB, 748x748, 758284a81280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the contract/pay are decent its just there's not many male vtubers out there that want to sing and dance out there while also streaming regularly. Male Indies seem to either be utaites or regular streamers with an anime avi that aren't interested in idol journeys.

>> No.66770851

>2 months
I didnt even realize hololive got another stars gen lmao

>> No.66770970

My friend responded to the debut announcement with, “I would have preferred new outfits for Tempus instead.” Negative hype is right

>> No.66771014

>.Even included "non-binaries" in his little speech like Altroon.
I maintain that this is a good angle for western ENmen, the hand that feeds them is 30 year old legbeards who want to be yaoi bottoms when they grow up.

>> No.66771074

yeah..I would say maybe the 2nd gen of tempus brought in new fans (many nijifags that ruined the casual atmosphere the fanbase had before) but you can't argue that they didnt bring in new people. The only people I see talking about Armis are people that were already watching Tempus anyways/displaced magmites and vesties looking for new oshis.

>> No.66771206

people really underestimate how much more money fujos are willing to put into hobbies than men
and also how iketog and all the drama-vtuber-sites are literally filled to the brim of 30 year old married women who love their oshi more than their husband, basically the kpop legbeard audience

like, there's a reason why kyo-ani and white fox went full pander mode for several years
don't get me wrong, the girls still all make more money and better ccv means better sponsors, but the men bring in well more than like the 10-20% a lot of people would expect them to bring in.

>> No.66771670

Ahhh, Ruze seems neat, hes a big minecrafter who pops on a lot when others stream so thats nice for server community

>> No.66771879

I doubt its even considered a "move"
They are a younger generation so that is more and more normalized for em

>> No.66771931

>What was misinterpreted? He basically said that loli is fucking pedoshit and disgusting.
Anon do you really believe anyone in HoloEN doesn't share his opinion? Ruze can get away with saying what he really thinks while the girls have to pretend to be okay with pedobait when they definitely find it disgusting. I am skeptical that Gura and Laplus aren't conflicted on how they are promoted by management.

>> No.66772162

Fuck no. Anon, do you seriously not realize a lot of lolicons are women? That isn’t cope, that’s basic knowledge in terms of otaku culture.
Go back, faggot. When you realize this hobby isn’t the reason you got molested, maybe then you’ll be mature enough to form opinions.

>> No.66772165

the girls are disgusted definitely but they know its the same thing that pays their bills so they swallow their pride and keep their mouths shut and role-play that they enjoy it which fair enough that's the smart business move to do. Ruze can afford to say it out loud because his fanbase is a majority female (and guessing since he's into Homestuck, probably Tumblr refugees) that agree with the statement.

>> No.66772207

>men think women don't pretend to be interested in what they enjoy so they can get more attention/gifts/validation from them
anon is being played like a damn fiddle and he doesn't even see it

>> No.66772489

Ok since this thread seems to be filled with people that actually watch them, anyone care to highlight anything positive about them? Because from my limited to non-existent understanding:
>T-Rex: The Big personality of the gen, Loud and obnoxious but what did you expect, he's an actua flip.
>Goldbullet: The big gay dude, so sisters probably like him a lot.
>Ruze: Brotuber? Don't know much about him
>Octavio: The VSinger homo, which in all honesty, respect, but... that a VERY steep hill to climb.

>> No.66773862

If Gura is faking about liking lolicon then she goes far beyond what would be expected to maintain that lie. I get it, you don't want to believe some women like lolicon, and maybe you could make this argument with any other cunny in Holo, but not fucking Gura.
Fairly spot on. I find Jurard enjoyable, as long as he's solo so i can set his volume at 50% or so.
Ruze is a brotuber, and also the one most invested in keyfabe, which for him is being a mercenary/bounty hunter. It's like watching some cool side character from late 00's vidya streaming.

>> No.66774775

It's not the same. I miss Vesper.

>> No.66775114

Gura is an incredible business woman and entertainer anon. she knows the game and how to play it well. believe it or not there are women that know how to do that.

>> No.66775396

Nah he was also boring, he was just the brotuber's holofag self insert

>> No.66776832

someone literally tried to cancel her for being pedobait anon, she doesn't care

>> No.66777424
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I'm a big fan of Ruze. He is great and has a good personality, and his game choices are decent to good. The other three I only watch in collabs. They stream at odd times for me, and their game choices don't inspire me to watch the VoD. I don't really have a negative opinion of any of them though.

>> No.66779109

Dinofag was mildly interesting, if he could have kept up the shitposting heel act even more he might have kept the traction going. The rest are all literal who's that I already forgot existed.
