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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 425 KB, 454x480, F7uHEJKXgAE77j9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66699110 No.66699110 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: shadow weekend

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>66649992

>> No.66699281

Do think FT will stream again? Imagine start streaming and 30 of your sister's creep stalkers start watching you without saying anything. I'd be weirded out.

>> No.66699429

Do you think he knew it was them?

>> No.66699538

I think so. I honestly felt bad for him. He was waiting for someone to type in chat and tried interacting with the people who followed him but got 0 chat messages. Not even a thanks for the stream when he was ending it.

>> No.66700264


>> No.66700336

just start /ft/ losers

>> No.66700539

I will when he gets a model.

>> No.66700737

people will start talking if she brings it up in todays stream

>> No.66700752


>> No.66701531

FT and Sho collab will fix the lack of female viewers

>> No.66701599

Of course. Someone wouldve alerted that the faggots are fagging again

>> No.66701736

shondos unshaven shunt

>> No.66702301

Passionate love making with shondo

>> No.66702309

I love Shondo

>> No.66702884


>> No.66703105

it's very cute when she giggles uncontrollably at her own jokes

>> No.66703587

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.66704380
File: 313 KB, 449x642, IMG_0617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Shondo a lot! And I’m looking forward to her stream today! I want to give her a hug!

>> No.66705417

>sister's creep stalkers
his sister isn't any better than us so i hope that doesn't bother him too much, for shondo's sake
next time i'll start chatting on an alt, i just wasn't sure if it would be okay to talk on main. i still don't see why it wouldn't be but whatever

>> No.66705773

randomly got the urge to smack shondo around, all i'm doing is sitting at my pc, nothing happened to cause this

>> No.66705870
File: 762 KB, 870x796, shondo_109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just gave me the urge to smack shondo around, maybe rough her up a bit too, throw a few punches, even.

>> No.66706184
File: 227 KB, 850x1204, sample_4676bc23974c98c6651a2312dbde07f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much PLAPing is necessary to get her pregnant

>> No.66706213

has anyone deciphered this image yet? I think it's an image of her shunt but I can't make it any clearer in my image editor

>> No.66706299
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nakadashi 3x a day minimum 3 months minimum

>> No.66706919

Are you dumb

>> No.66707534

no but i am silly

>> No.66707554

hi silly

>> No.66707577

now you are silly
hi silly

>> No.66708179

I hope shondo realizes that her brother counts for the no-males collab law. Don't care how cool of a guy he is.

>> No.66708398

I know you're joking but I wouldn't be surprised if there are actualy people in the comunity who think like that

>> No.66708501
File: 163 KB, 404x305, F9idsJgXwAAAb7z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not joking. She is not allowed to collab with her brother.

>> No.66708536

Yeah, me. I dont want that shit
I want to groom him in peace I dont want more people to know abou him

>> No.66708592

isnt he an actual UAB&

>> No.66709543

shondo in my arms

>> No.66709873
File: 47 KB, 982x755, IMG_3314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost wife time

>> No.66710074

its so over

>> No.66710187

What the actual fuck is her problem?

>> No.66710243

she read one post here that said they didn't like slow mode so now she will ignore the 50 regulars saying they liked it

>> No.66710303

she doesnt know what she wants

>> No.66710316

Unironically that's what it feels like.

>> No.66710364


>> No.66710369


>> No.66710382

Slow mode is gone again? Bruh. Chat was a tualy usable last stream

>> No.66710387

I'll be honest, it tanked my mood.

>> No.66710491

Maybe she just wants a fast chat and gets self conscious when it's slow

>> No.66710504

same. I dont understand her

>> No.66710518

maybe she just likes the autiscal emote spam

>> No.66710525

i can understand that, shondo

>> No.66710609

Why would you need to spam more than once every 10 seconds? The point of a wall of emotes is that it shows a lot of chatters doing the same thing, not that 1 autist is spamming the chat. Again, with 10s you still can do 1800 messages in a 5h stream, why do people need more than that

>> No.66710611

Does Shondo value one anon's opinion over every active white ribbon? LMAO

>> No.66710648

Regulars who complain about not having slow mode are just piss because now they don't get their messages read so easily,try pay attention last stream and see how often she replies only to them

>> No.66710697

Yes because you didn't have to spam like crazy to get anything read

>> No.66710718

And that's bad because... ?

>> No.66710727

>Regulars who complain about not having slow mode are just piss because now they don't get their messages read
isn't that obvious? why even make this post

>> No.66710754

the only one who's pissed is you with this pointless post.
care to explain why reading less messages because of emote spam is a good thing?

>> No.66710762

she reason she says that she can read every message is because its 90% emote spam and 10% dewd saying some random shit so she just filters out the emotes to read the messages of her favorite husband and i think thats kinda disrespectul to the rest of us 10s slowmode really showed that the chat can be comfy but i guess she doesnt want to put the effort in to read all of our messages and maybe even react to them and that makes me kinda sad i wish i could be as cool as dewd so she would read my messages all the time i dont really get what she likes about him tho im way funnier than him oh well we will see how it turns out i think it will go back to being super spammy and her just reading dewds messages i hope she can see that others want to chat with her aswell and turn 10s back on maybe even 15s or ban dewd idk it would be nice if it came back i really liked chatting for once shondo if you read this please turn it back on ily <333 *chu*

>> No.66710770

God forbid Shondo reads messages from her regulars instead of first time chatters.

>> No.66710792


>> No.66710871

>one step forward two steps back
The fallenshadow experience.

>> No.66710907

is dewd actually agreeing with me
am I sharing the same opinion as dewd

>> No.66710970

>changes chat mode for Dewd
this is what I'll think if she reconsiders now

>> No.66710971

unfortunately I have the same opinion and she hates me so she won't change it back to spite me

>> No.66711024

we knew you were mentally ill already no need to tell us again

>> No.66711025
File: 144 KB, 720x722, 1701889234799421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66711044

change your opinion
do it for the greater good

>> No.66711091

what the hell happened i just woke up

>> No.66711102

if she didn't read our messages the only reason she'd change it is for one guy, either sit in your cuck chair or hate Dewd

>> No.66711148

she read my messages plenty

>> No.66711171

haha maybe it's just not slow mode for now so everyone can say hi to eachother and then she'll change it back after haha

>> No.66711198


>> No.66711222
File: 98 KB, 925x899, shontongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only send a few messages per stream but she reads them every single time

>> No.66711253

does she read your DMs?

>> No.66711312


>> No.66711315

shes not gonna ban him even after dumping steamy traumadumps in her dms for 2 years straight she loves him too much

>> No.66711340

I, too, hate personal attention from my parasocial wife.

>> No.66711359

it's like you don't know where you are or who you're watching

>> No.66711404

if it wasn't for personal attention I wouldn't donate a single $1 to shondo

>> No.66711417

why are you the one having a melty then

>> No.66711423

yes, and she replies to them, occasional irl photo exchanges, you know, typical husband and wife stuff.

>> No.66711440

The solution is clearly accelerationism to show her how it looks like when everyone followes her "just chat more" philosophy and averages 1chat every 30 seconds like the top 20 husbands do

>> No.66711466

good for you Dewd I will get in my cuck chair now and watch like the rest of /shon/

>> No.66711511

I've been wondering how they do it, if I typed that much crap at that sort of pace i'd burn out within the first hour

>> No.66711532

she dms me too

>> No.66711533

Why vandalize the chat to make a point? Wait until she gets 400k followers.

>> No.66711652

not him

>> No.66711713


>> No.66711725

Glueeater just won. get in the chair dewd.

>> No.66711727


>> No.66711729

then we're both watching Dewd from the cuck chair

>> No.66711754

mouseKINGS, we have won

>> No.66711784

I don't have a problem with g-san winning

>> No.66711861

She is having second thoughts about the very needed 10 second Slowmode, despite acknowledging how spammy we are and pretty much everyone being okay with it, because she is a stupid woman.

>> No.66711933

god she has tiny hands

>> No.66711944

glue-san dm me already :(

>> No.66711970

Happy to see i'm not the only one wanting this

>> No.66712002

she is too self aware

>> No.66712041

fuck off, gluee is my baj

>> No.66712092

I think this is enough conformation to say she read the abuse story

>> No.66712168

what abuse story?

>> No.66712180

read this
*plunges fist into shondos face*

>> No.66712200

what did she say? i missed it i guess. and i wrote it

>> No.66712211

for some reason I audibly laughed

>> No.66712258

first aminal is gonna be dewd

>> No.66712294

when is shondo playing dark and darker

>> No.66712348

I hadn't even thought about this
she's going to give all the animals her favourites names isn't she, is this an ntr stream

>> No.66712356

i feel bad that i'm old enough to have had that phone when it was brand new and i'm still here

>> No.66712399

Wait why did she like that most recent picture lmao

>> No.66712408

read the last thread

>> No.66712587

its OVER

>> No.66712613

>girl who draws once in 6 months wonders why pro artists would make work easier for themselves

>> No.66712640

please stop forcing your cuck fetish on us

>> No.66712657

would you pay 200 buckaroos for ai

>> No.66712711

why would I pay for AI when I can just run SD locally and download one of 10 trillion models for free

>> No.66712735

I wouldn't pay 200 for a hand drawn one either. For 200 I want paint on canvas

>> No.66712765

this topic is for dumb people i hate it actually

>> No.66712895

stop reading the threads you dumb WHORE

>> No.66712922

Tbf many human artists also don't cover it

>> No.66712933

>it's kinda hard to find your rules if they're really new

>> No.66712941

i still cant fathom how many fuck that up

>> No.66713076
File: 5 KB, 128x128, 1692924448827803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66713077

i love my grifting wife

>> No.66713087

put it in the art tag

>> No.66713106


>> No.66713108

post it in the tag

>> No.66713133

>laundry list of art rules
jfc imagine being an artcuck, I'd only draw shondo if I was at Pettan's level

>> No.66713179

this made me smile very cute

>> No.66713191

She's such a control freak these days.

>> No.66713237

>laundry list


>> No.66713238

Not a lesbian by the way.

>> No.66713241

what laundry list? its 2 rules
always include the ribbons and make her flat flat not fake flat

>> No.66713259

what if i make the ribbons out of blood

>> No.66713264

Hina's armpit is making me go insane

>> No.66713307

do you come to these streams just to bait in the threads? you did this yesterday too and it was only after stream started.

>> No.66713310

>not too ecchi
>not too gory
>actually I want PG13
>if a little gory flag

>> No.66713316

her family is proof you shouldnt have children past the age of 25

>> No.66713317

Update on c_v: he is switching to Linux mint before the end of the year

>> No.66713364

everyones a lesbian until they get some DICK

>> No.66713499

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.66713530

i can fix her

>> No.66713562

im going to tell her that with my penis

>> No.66713590

She's in such a good mood and I'm not having fun because the shit she talks about is cringe.

>> No.66713661

if my wife is happy then i'm happy because i can wipe her stupid smile off her face with my fists

>> No.66713702

Truly a little sister experience.

>> No.66713771

The more I watch her the more I understand this feeling, is this the path for all husbands?

>> No.66713792

I've stopped having fun altogether around the Filian collab

>> No.66713964

Am I the only one buffering a lot today?

>> No.66714001

nothing here

>> No.66714040

shitload of buffering even with vpn, had to try a bunch of different locations to finally get it lag free

>> No.66714096

a bit more than usual

>> No.66714244

She has the gayest mods.

>> No.66714294
File: 18 KB, 414x292, comm__shondo_by_atz_zukin_dfxlpnk-414w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my inflated wife

>> No.66714349


>> No.66714402

>if I think it's weird I won't interact with it
another rule for the laundry list of art rules
gore is not weird, sure, right Shondo whatever you say

>> No.66714416

Please say no shondo

>> No.66714433

kiri kanna.........

>> No.66714437

Dear fucking God, no trannies on the art tag please

>> No.66714466



>> No.66714549

it's not weird to her. it's her art tag. you don't get it at all.

>> No.66714554


>> No.66714571

anti based xisters what now

>> No.66714633

post your legs shonshon and prove it

>> No.66714634

finally you stopped denying the laundry list of art rules, good

>> No.66714727

new rule for the laundry list
>no male cosplayers

>> No.66714746

You have to be retarded to have a problem following the rules

>> No.66714778

>finally you stopped denying the laundry list of art rules, good
this is all I wanted from you faggot, some honesty

>> No.66714816


>> No.66714863
File: 749 KB, 1024x768, newfagsfuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trannies go home

>> No.66714958

fallenshadow is thick
(this is a joke that she is stupid)

>> No.66715044

she is fat now

>> No.66715087

>167cm is tall
im so in bros

>> No.66715089

It was all the cake…

>> No.66715115

more cushon for the pushin

>> No.66715192

for a woman, for a man you have to be at least 185cm tall for shondo to take you somewhat seriously

>> No.66715198

She always thinks she is fat

>> No.66715197

get in line manlet

>> No.66715250

>for a woman

>> No.66715267


>> No.66715273

>dont compare men and women

>> No.66715323

we are winning over and over and over again my shoggers, TTD is commencing.

>> No.66715328


>> No.66715396

Not a lesbian by the way, she's totally "married" to you.

>> No.66715403

shondos pale thickening legs jutting out from her white dress before you hit her in the head with a cricket bat staining her entire body crimson red with blood

>> No.66715433

sir, die

>> No.66715441
File: 64 KB, 670x857, shonsexuality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off anti faggot.

>> No.66715460

women can like anime girls and not be a lesbian

>> No.66715505

low quality bait

>> No.66715546

pretending its my birthday right now

>> No.66715566

my boy almost got murdered live

>> No.66715629

Did you just send me a screenshot proving Shondo is a liar? lmao
>anime women
Nice cope.

>> No.66715662
File: 17 KB, 1380x91, 1697784174490554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66715669

i thought i told you to die

>> No.66715670

okay now I'm less scared of saying it's my birthday. Thank you Shondo

>> No.66715777

Is she trying to passive-aggressively guilt her into acknowledging it?

>> No.66715812

I posted a screenshot proving that you are coping and full of shit, fuck off.

>> No.66715830

but actually :)

>> No.66715861


>> No.66715875

I pity the mentally ill

>> No.66715889

if she was gay then explain florida

>> No.66715891
File: 14 KB, 536x105, 1682137056178519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just send a wave of messages basically crying, I haven't been this happy in such a long time

>> No.66715896

this fucking faggot needs to leave and never come back, nobody likes the presence of this nastytroon and shondo is especially disturbed and disgusted by this rotpocket piece of garbage

>> No.66715902

I don't know how she couldnt have grasped the fact shondo was dancing around saying "no" super hard

>> No.66715918

Kiri she called you a fucking man. Take the hint and don't further embarrass yourself you troon.

>> No.66715923

Directly asked him not to post it and he’s going to anyway. Go ahead and do it kiri, let her see who you are.

>> No.66715942

Why are you such an irrational white knight? She's clearly attracted to women, physically and romantically. If money wasn't an issue and she had the option to pick between any man in the world or a cute Asian cosplayer, she'd marry the cosplayer in a heartbeat.

>> No.66715953

cant wait for the cosplay to be acknowledged on stream and the chuds to be btfo once again

>> No.66715957

take a hint, YWNBAW

>> No.66716024

a white knight would defend her being a dyke, get your shit straight retard

>> No.66716050

why are you such an irrational mental gymnastics gaybaiter faggot? you have not a single idea the essence of shondo, fuck off immediately

>> No.66716099

>can I redeem mine then?

>> No.66716110

rip dewd kek

>> No.66716112

dewd rejected. g-san is the new favorite confirmed.

>> No.66716115

chuds always win.
seethe about it

>> No.66716121

>a white knight would defend her being a dyke
Only if the white knight didn't buy into the marriage RP, if the white knight was a daughterfag.
>y-you don't know her as well as me!!!!!

>> No.66716139

now we need to start hating him

>> No.66716174

drinking shondo pee rn

>> No.66716193

don't worry, i'll send her a DM to let her know we want dewd back on top

>> No.66716233

g-san is my favourite

>> No.66716239

shut up dewd, your reign is over

>> No.66716248

she sent him a DM after that saying "nice joke right teehee :)"

>> No.66716268

Stop being gay

>> No.66716283

go home fag

>> No.66716313

if I really hated myself I could believe this

>> No.66716315

sorry shondo I'll behave now

>> No.66716317

I'm saving you fags form an egirl scammer.

>> No.66716335

its fine guys, i took my shot :3

>> No.66716391

mental illness

>> No.66716453

>it's a lie
She admitted it.

>> No.66716458

sorry we like our grifting wife and the rrat she built go be a faggot somewhere else

>> No.66716510

which one of you sent that joke, you have to be here

>> No.66716574

if thats what you think of her go somewhere else

>> No.66716575

id never be caught dead in a ferrari or a ford so it wasnt me

>> No.66716602

>cheating is a dealbreaker for me
>unless you're d*****l

>> No.66716625

if cheating is a dealbreaker then why are you cheating on us with DMshoggers you WHORE

>> No.66716627

our clubbing wife seems to be quite the expert on this topic

>> No.66716647

or at a concert

>> No.66716764

Shondo you have to help us masturbate so were not cheating on you

>> No.66716780

bros shes spinning more purity narrative
it hurts that she is so two faced....

>> No.66716798

this but unironically
it's annoying to hear

>> No.66716825

I'll stop jacking it to 3d and start jacking it to 2d just for you Shon

>> No.66716860

she is here

>> No.66716894

this stream is full conformation on that

>> No.66716906

I hate it so much when she used to talk about cum

>> No.66716919

>we're talking about him
duh of course he didnt need to while they were together

>> No.66716921


>> No.66716947

post this in chat faggot, stop being a pussy

>> No.66716950

shondo doing sex acts with (me)

>> No.66716961

pin it

>> No.66716997

she'll read the thread later with the favourite club and have a laugh about it

>> No.66717031

so this stream isn't going to be archived right

>> No.66717059

It makes me nervous when she talks about sex things I’m gonna go play league instead

>> No.66717100

Do your images count as 3d

>> No.66717138

She's basically asking me specifically to send her a video of me jerking off right, that's what's happening

>> No.66717162
File: 15 KB, 553x158, 1697518439237113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo posted this on discord but I guess she "forgot" about it just like she "forgot" about GTA5.

>> No.66717164

its tiresome to hear her lie through her teeth like this

>> No.66717203

Tell her

>> No.66717227

Shondo I don’t even need images I just picture what I want to see in my mind I can rotate naked lolis in my mind

>> No.66717232

Stop being a pussy and ask in chat
Be a man faggot

>> No.66717241

should've asked in chat

>> No.66717240


>> No.66717247

wait, is that real?

>> No.66717254

im already incorporating these lies and misdirections into my fantasies actually
it just makes things better

>> No.66717299

shes laughing at her fans for being gullible

>> No.66717308

I will admit im too much of a pussy to ask that in chat

>> No.66717312 [DELETED] 


>> No.66717338

I'd respect you a lot if you did that

>> No.66717347

can someone answer?!?

>> No.66717348

cropped out of a general chat with people making similar jokes yes

>> No.66717368

if you don't like the golddigging grift then stop watching

>> No.66717383

I don't even think any of that old discord stuff is an issue in of itself, it's just disillusioning that she lies about stuff so much.

>> No.66717417

Yes she explained it as her being around a group of people that used that type of humor. She was very underage and impressionable at the time.

>> No.66717424

I can readily and easily imagine raping you, Shondo. And your reaction of crying and disassociating in the process. And holding you and gently patting your head, brushing your hair, while waiting for you to come back to yourself.

>> No.66717426

you cant fool me into revealing my username to put me on the monitored users list, bastard

>> No.66717433

I would rather believe pigs could fly than believe that my loli little sister daughter wife would lie to me!

>> No.66717466

Shondo's ovulating right now

>> No.66717482

send an anonymous dono fag

>> No.66717488

Agreed. If she admitted to it I wouldn't have an issue with it, in fact I believe that she probably gave Pyro a blowjob or a handjob.

>> No.66717497

>i was groomed and coomed

>> No.66717530

>I read too fast and don't remember it
she's here again

>> No.66717565

*smashes shondos skull into pieces with a tyre iron*
stop lying to me!!!!

>> No.66717592

If anything they probably broke up over the issue of sex. She said in a maro the reason was her not being comfortable with physical stuff.

>> No.66717594

Please send dono.

>> No.66717613

I like how shitposts lately are just timelooping in order are they gonna shitpost about d next

>> No.66717656
File: 144 KB, 500x541, grapetheshondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66717659

>proof that she just told a bold-faced lie on stream

>> No.66717675

this is d just trying to head off shitposting about him

>> No.66717687

She knows people jerk off to her though

>> No.66717717

Her mum knows

>> No.66717743


>> No.66717757

her favorite game is saya and she has consumed way more lewd content than the average person, including creating it herself, but teehee shes so pure and doesnt know anything. actually sickening lol. guess shes grooming her new viewers

>> No.66717770

nobody asked tranny, shut the fuck up

>> No.66717797

she closes her eyes during the sexy scenes :)

>> No.66717808

shrek watch along shondo pleaaase

>> No.66717807

>her favorite game is saya
She even called the first sex scene between Saya and her man cute.

>> No.66717827

because it was?

>> No.66717862

you ever consider that she knows to separate fictional sex from irl cause she actually has a brain?

>> No.66717870

We already watched Shrek 2, newfag

>> No.66717877

she wont be able to close her eyes after i tear her eyelids off and cave in her orbital with a wireless mouse

>> No.66717914

oh my bad

>> No.66717925

Personally I like to imagine tying Shondo’s hands above her head to the headboard and ankles restrained at the bottom of the bed, then lightly tracing my fingers along the curves of her body. She wriggles and squirms. Her little abs contracting against her will underneath your lips

>> No.66717949

My point is she's less innocent than the average anon here, not only does she have real life experience but she also did some hardcore drugs. Granted, against her will.

>> No.66717976 [DELETED] 

she gets sloshed AND muntered at the club every week

>> No.66717994

Post the list

>> No.66718032

i'm so fucking horny and you post this shit?

>> No.66718080

>I feel like a right slut right now
this bitch playing coy

>> No.66718117

im going to unfollow but keep watching i think following your future wife is a bit weird

>> No.66718142

Somnium give up

>> No.66718149

you're really gonna apply what happened to her in the past as "experience" that she could use to understand a healthy romantic relationship and masturbation habits? actual retard

>> No.66718169

you're being baited by an anti

>> No.66718209


>> No.66718247

>you're really gonna apply what happened to her in the past as "experience"
If you get raped that still counts as you losing your virginity, it's not your fault but it counts.

>> No.66718266

How do non-antis here reconcile her lying?

>> No.66718296

I don't consider it lying. I know what she means.

>> No.66718310


>> No.66718339

aight, i'll leave and break my promise because you said so anon thanks for convincing me :)

>> No.66718365

>I dont think I own a swimsuit -laughs-
didnt she swim the pool in florida

>> No.66718385

I stick my fingers in my ears and go LALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU HAHA

>> No.66718399

Imagine throwing Shondo in the pool and watching her drown haha

>> No.66718416

Does anyone know the name of the current BGM?

>> No.66718449

By accepting the fact that she's playing 4-5 characters. Main channel one, shadowchama, risenlight/ririko, fallenshadow_yt the businesswoman and normie concert goer Shadow.

>> No.66718492

>mouth to mouth with Shondo after you save her from drowning (you’re the one who pushed her in.)

>> No.66718539

it feels really gross

>> No.66718544

shes just like a child

>> No.66718548

after you're done peeing on her first though right

>> No.66718568

I know. It hurts me too.

>> No.66718594

There is no woman on earth who doesn’t lie.

>> No.66718604

cant wait to meet normie clubgoer shadow and get called a nonce before dancing with her

>> No.66718614

No doubt she'd like it

>> No.66718692

>There is no woman on earth who doesn’t lie
She's an entertainer retardchama and she's not above lying, she could pretend to be the ideal woman yet she doesn't even want to put in the effort.

>> No.66718789

she is pretending to be the ideal woman

>> No.66718834

She isn't, she can't lie without contradicting herself.

>> No.66718911

thats cute

>> No.66719056

She's so silly today

>> No.66719077

The thing that always gets me is how she made such a big show out of the GTA thing, like she really wanted to convince us that she was somehow allergic to lying even over trivial things so we wouldn't question more important stuff.

>> No.66719120

Shondo please play the game I want to look at the animols

>> No.66719133

I wish I could tell Shondo this, but I used to watch these movies with my sisters when the movies were out on DVD, so a watch-along with Shondo would be very nostalgic.

>> No.66719162

any time she lies just syadouHappynod and then punch her in the nose as hard as you can

>> No.66719168

Why can you not tell her this?

>> No.66719183

>I wish I could tell Shondo this
erm, do it? $1 dono right now

>> No.66719206 [DELETED] 

Yeah, Pyro got to see her in a cute swimsuit. I also remember her saying they were supposed to go to the beach too but she had a meltdown over the sand and they had to drive home. She was pretty embarrassed around his family cause of that.

>> No.66719239

She even sung HBD today
we are so back

>> No.66719291

why is she trying to memoryhole GTA? should i watch the vod?

>> No.66719333

>shondo calling pixel a liar
she's onto you pixel, shondo and neppie are communicating

>> No.66719335


>> No.66719334


>> No.66719338

It's in the first VOD like 2 hours in

>> No.66719344

She lies about a lot of things and I can get it's probably because she wants to actually BE her character because she hates her true self/past. But the way she acts like she never lies is really grating.

>> No.66719379

say it when we watch it. might be in a couple months or something she will love it trust me

>> No.66719388

It wasn't actually a lie (forgetting something != lying) but she made a big deal out of it as if to suggest she was incapable of lying.

>> No.66719439
File: 112 KB, 892x956, FinXJFUWAAERmv1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was someones favorite shogga

>> No.66719531

It's annoying how she acts even though she lies about her height and also aged herself down since she started vtubing.

>> No.66719590

someone was jealous of me for no reason but i'm no one's favorite

>> No.66719626
File: 302 KB, 1809x2000, FjKlv7cXwAM1ySF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are my favorite

>> No.66719628

at which point did you stop trying to make thing believable?

>> No.66719673

>shittalks farmers
>wants to be a farmers wife

>> No.66719683

t-thank you

>> No.66719700

it's not even the first time this week she's done it
it's so over farmerbros

>> No.66719813

love and hate are two sides of the same coin, get everyone to hate you

>> No.66719830

Do you feel relaxed while watching Shondo's streams?

>> No.66719843

>shit talks farmers
>mocks soldiers defending their country
If she lived in a different time period and her village got invaded by a barbarian horde she'd be the first to spread her legs.

>> No.66719850

You would be but you never DM me now do ya?

>> No.66719899

She might have to do that anyway given the absolute state of the UK and Ahmeds.

>> No.66719928

how new

>> No.66719950

she would like that

>> No.66720018

not in t'norfeast

>> No.66720028

did she just admit that her main problem is her weird tastes

>> No.66720081
File: 129 KB, 398x387, IMG_3296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like goose I never know what she’s saying but she’s very cute

>> No.66720110

anon.. i'm sorry she laughed at you

>> No.66720118

coming back into the farmhouse after a hard days work and finding there is NOT any warm tea and NOT any hot food and beating your STUPID whore wife with your belt

>> No.66720122


>> No.66720124


>> No.66720128

Ligger, your tabs...

>> No.66720146

fuck you liggerman

>> No.66720165


>> No.66720172

for me its the implication that feeding the chickens is easy work
she wouldn't last a day

>> No.66720211

I mean I imagine feeding is the easy part, cleaning up all the chicken shit not so much.

>> No.66720227

didn't you see her 3d? she could do that for hours

>> No.66720232
File: 1.42 MB, 2894x4093, 1701055029637942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was her wife score on that quiz? I've always said that Shondo would be a terrible tradwife, you'd have to do all the work and take care of her borderline crippled ass.

>> No.66720233

>talk about old husbands being the only ones getting nicknames here
>next stream shondo immediately gives someone a nickname
she's such a woman she'll do the opposite of anything we say

>> No.66720264

built for smashing her skull in with a garden hoe

>> No.66720297

it was sub 20% i think

>> No.66720313

Did she mention why she's in a good mood today btw

>> No.66720333

>he doesn't know

>> No.66720351

It was saturday yesterday

>> No.66720357

>she's such a woman she'll do the opposite of anything we say
>turns off slowmode despite unanimous approval of it

>> No.66720395


>> No.66720396 [DELETED] 

newfagchama.... she went clubbing

>> No.66720435

she doesn't even read my name, let alone give me a nickname :(

>> No.66720459

did she say when she's releasing the asmr

>> No.66720458

>she'll do the opposite of anything we say
shondo DONT marry me

>> No.66720478

She said she was script writing though, do you really think she'd lie and go drinking and dancing with strangers instead?

>> No.66720500

You could always make your name something she typically says every stream and just convince yourself she's talking to you instead.
I wouldn't judge you

>> No.66720540

She's my daughterwife, regardless. I love her anyway, with all my heart. She's still got the mind of a child, so it's only natural she'd've overreacted and thrown a tantrum over a disagreement. She'll get over it eventually.

>> No.66720545

im legally changing my name to her slurping noise

>> No.66720566
File: 29 KB, 238x212, 7jscpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66720591

dont reply to shitposters

>> No.66720629

ask dewd

>> No.66720649

Here's how I picture the ideal marriage with Shondo based on her limitation: she streams and lies to men online every single day to make +$100k a year, YOU bring in at least $80k a year, by combining your resources the two of you hire some fat immigrant ladies to cook, clean, do the laundry...etc the wife stuff. Shondo sleeps all day while you go work and wakes up just in time for you to hear her cute morning voice. The two of you spend a couple of hours together before she has to stream, that's your quality time.

>> No.66720713
File: 66 KB, 1080x856, bet loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66720773

i need you to dm first

>> No.66720856

dewd here, she's happy cause she loves us c:

>> No.66720894

I didn't know you're a schizo Dewd.

>> No.66720939

i've never claimed to be mentally sound c:

>> No.66720946

found it weird that 10 seconds after >>66720540
was posted she commented on stream saying she wanted us to know she's not laughing at everything because it's funny or she laughing at us in a mean way
she's actually here isn't she

>> No.66721044

Really? I thought you're a pdf file, which I guess lowkey counts as a mental illness.

>> No.66721127

>she commented on stream saying she wanted us to know she's not laughing at everything because it's funny
she said this because some newfag in the chat said that guys getting raped is funny

>> No.66721130

>stream application
>vtube studio
>mod chat
she has 2 average sized monitors where do you think shes fitting 4chan for it to be that accessible without interrupting anything

>> No.66721185

on her phone

>> No.66721261

which is mounted and recording her face

>> No.66721279

she just gets told whats going on by a favourite

>> No.66721315

her other phone

>> No.66721317

She has 2 phones now, idiot.

>> No.66721380

Didnt fauna play this a couple of months ago? Do vtubers all just play the same games

>> No.66721423

Yes, they're a bunch of trend followers and Shondo's no exception. She hasn't done anything original since 2022.

>> No.66721429

ok so she wasn't here during streams months ago but now she is, despite the accusations being the same as always?

>> No.66721443

yes, did you realize just now?

>> No.66721445

I like to imagine they're still friends and they just share games they both like

>> No.66721448

damn, she did like just chatting for 3 hours before gaming. inb4 1 hour of gaming.

>> No.66721483

first time?

>> No.66721510
File: 31 KB, 638x300, 1675873273352178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back then she was just reading the archive between streams, now she's actually /here/ semiregularly and during streams.

>> No.66721530

Because she was more subtle about it. She's dropped 3 hints total if you've been paying attention.

>> No.66721547

Did she turn off slow mode

>> No.66721548

Do you think i'll get put on THE list if I like one of her old tweets with her name in it

>> No.66721575

i only started watching recently. i usually only notice like 2 hours of just chatting.

>> No.66721590

im going to drop 3 anvils on her limbs like im wile e. coyote

>> No.66721609

no, it's 20 seconds now

>> No.66721610

>dick turtle joke

>> No.66721680

so pure and innocent btw

>> No.66721828

last night I smoked weed with my friend and I started to get really anxious and afraid but I thought about Shondo and calmed down

>> No.66721883

Last for my undying love for Shonshon

>> No.66721886

Another solution would've been not doing drugs like a pathetic little man.

>> No.66721912

my wife does them

>> No.66721916

I hope you die alone. But I don't have to, you will.

>> No.66721927

>I wonder how deep they like it
balls deep shondo

>> No.66721938
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, 1686337296655035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66721942

She copies all of anny's shit, of course she's going to copy the sex joke humor too.

>> No.66721947


>> No.66721968


>> No.66721991


>> No.66722001


>> No.66722012


>> No.66722063

G, even if she is a little lying whore I love her so much

>> No.66722064


>> No.66722115

when is the barbie girls openTTD collab stream

>> No.66722129

that's very cute. don't do hard ones

>> No.66722176

well thats conclusive

>> No.66722189


>> No.66722200

Isn't it supposed to be relaxing? I don't know much about that stuff.

>> No.66722225

G I love my wife!!

>> No.66722228

anon I don't think that's happening

>> No.66722268

He just had a bad trip, its not that uncommon of a thing

>> No.66722280

I missed the zatsudan, is it worth going back for it?

>> No.66722365

yes. she's in a good mood today

>> No.66722375

not if you hate BA
she also took a test on which divergent faction she is

>> No.66722438

it can also cause anxiety and often does for a lot of people.

>> No.66722442


I love my daughterwife! I love my daughterwife! I LOVE MY DAUGHTERWIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.66722524

Does she take meds for anxiety too or just for schizoaffective disorder?

>> No.66722556

why don't you do your reps why dontcha

>> No.66722578

she doesn't take any meds, you fell for the grift

>> No.66722589

>BA BA BA lesbianism BA men getting raped is funny except it totally isn't teehee it's noooooot funny teehee
>more Florida related lies (this time she lied about her swimsuit)
>more purity lies
Depends how you define good zatsudan.

>> No.66722613

my retarded wife

>> No.66722675

keep a look out on anyone that said they were in the lawyer faction, they're the ones calling out all her lies

>> No.66722682

i wanted to type "schizo zoo" in chat but i don't know if that's mean so i posted this post here

>> No.66722692

some of you haven't seen the otter picture and it shows

>> No.66722792

i hate vagueposters

>> No.66722827

i would get into trouble otherwise

>> No.66722841

define what picture and what context are you talking about

>> No.66722873

some of you guys haven't seen the shunny pictures and it shows

>> No.66722952

it's a picture of an otter
the account that it's on is the important part
the other pictures posted on it are relevant to questions anon have been asking recently

>> No.66722993

stop falling for low quality bait

>> No.66722996

Its so easy to figure out though. you have to either not care enough, arent gay enough or have low iq to not find from the nuggets that are spoonfed

>> No.66723269

post otter 732

>> No.66723279


>> No.66723309

nta I don't care enough about /shon/ oldfags clinging to whatever obscure piece of trivia they have left in order to seem important, I'm gonna act like it's irrelevant unless Shadow references it on stream

>> No.66723409

going to the otter cafe with shondo and laughing at her when she gets bitten

>> No.66723442

hi shondo

>> No.66723498

ok the naming has started i'm going
i'm being serious though guys
follow the otter
it sound stupid I know but trust me

>> No.66723534

there's no way you're talking about an account that got deleted, right?

>> No.66723545

Yeah good, fuck them

>> No.66723571

dont care I trust shondo

>> No.66723599

"easy" its probably some shit that's super hard to find

>> No.66723602

>kiss when coming back from nose powder

>> No.66723605

ok quin is going for uber eater lmk what happens

>> No.66723683


>> No.66723778

>takes a piss
>thinks about building a really deep lake

>> No.66724047

9 months ago I made her laugh for the first so I have to make her laugh again by the end of the year

>> No.66724097

If I didn't know any better I'd suspect that she finds domestic abuse attractive

>> No.66724125


>> No.66724155

no way

>> No.66724213

he did it

>> No.66724257

its too bad she wont ever get any because her family would get mad at you

>> No.66724319


>> No.66724369

>otis baker baking before 404

>> No.66724541

I'm not the original, the previous otisbaker was murdered by xive

>> No.66724716

last for comeback arc :)

>> No.66724739

that's their cope but is just excuses. it an addictive drug like any other

>> No.66724788

cumback :DDDDD

>> No.66724885

yeah its addictive because its relaxing and makes you feel happy

>> No.66724934

ok fleece

>> No.66725085

maybe a bad trip

>> No.66725214

last for shontoes in my mouth then on my shaft.

>> No.66725319

last for whore wife

>> No.66725616

last for shunny juice in my veins
