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File: 2.46 MB, 1313x912, holowhole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66706676 No.66706676 [Reply] [Original]

Which holo hates porn of herself the most?

>> No.66706820

I imagine Pekora would literally erase all lewd art of herself if she could.

>> No.66706848

If the bait threads I see are any indication, Flare?

>> No.66706899

Kronii for sure. Kronii is absolutely disgusted by the fact that her model is pure sex.

She definitely cried her eyes out because of her Hololive Summer appearances.

>> No.66706939

your mom

>> No.66707113


>> No.66707146

Kronii owns 2 daki of herself, play with her tits in 3D streams and admitted to read hentai
Not to mention she loves her Mama and been seen to get wet over her FGO sister
Faggot catalog tranny

>> No.66707266

suisei, not even a question.

>> No.66707293

Also she like and retw the most sex artwork of herself on twitter

The correct answer is suesei

>> No.66707423

That's a holopro image, not holo

>> No.66707442
File: 639 KB, 637x900, 1704644771282069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora doesn't care about that and she's even willing to do fanservice sometimes
also do your fucking reps on her roommate

>> No.66707454

My educated guesses woulkd be Flare, Ina, Suisei

>> No.66707539

>Actually believing her pretending to like that to pander to her lonely incel fans
God you fags are so gullible and easy to manipulate.

>> No.66707647

Way to out yourself sister, you're fat, brown, ugly and no one will ever love you lol

>> No.66707734
File: 222 KB, 1280x720, kronii in the boob bunker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh for sure bro

>> No.66707783
File: 263 KB, 1080x1920, 1690988040021898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good answer is Suisei, she decided to DMCA a guy just because he posted sexy mmd of her on Youtube and also admitted herself she won't release her 3d model because she doesn't want people using it for porn

>> No.66707806

since she is a singer with a wider audience than most other girls i can see why she doesnt like it

>little girl hears her song
>goes online to look her up
>sees suisei getting her asshole fucked
suisei probably doesnt want to be responsible for traumatizing a child

>> No.66707828
File: 3.14 MB, 500x500, kroniich [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv6yzre.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her liking women in all shapes is pandering to incels
>a 2 yo stream
okay catalog tranny, why won't you post clip of her smacking her fat titties, are you scared of tits sister?

>> No.66707930
File: 268 KB, 1280x720, kronii hiding in the corner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a 2 yo stream
oh she has changed so much sister

>> No.66707977

Retards will say Kronii but it's actually Flare or Suisei, both of them have outright told their fans to not draw them in that way

>> No.66708039

is that why there is hardly any porn of Suisei?

>> No.66708041

>being comfortable with your model and flaunting it to get money
i sleep
>raping your genmate in a live by shoving your face in her big fat korean ass and eating her out

>> No.66708083

But you keep insisting she's pandering to the "lonely incels" while you keep posting screenshots of old ass streams of her supposedly hiding her tits
You are loosing the plot tranny

>> No.66708114

It's why any porn of Suisei is the hottest because she would absolutely hate it

>> No.66708151

>old ass streams
That's from a few months ago, you coping retard.
>b-but muh 3D
She can't hide her model in those.

>> No.66708161

Did you try looking before you said that?

>> No.66708194

All the korean ones

>> No.66708210

She knows 100%. The more she acts like a prude the sexier she gets. It's the forbidden fruit. A delicious, flat fruit. It also helps her family friendly image, getting two birds stoned at once

>> No.66708223
File: 269 KB, 598x712, 12087389202246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le Kronii hates her tits retarded rrat in 2024
>meanwhile Kronii
lol nigger

>> No.66708224

Based streams watcher

>> No.66708328
File: 195 KB, 339x346, 1642626246635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you niggas are still biting

>> No.66708340

I know you retarded nijitroon don't even get Home3D streams, but we do and the girls can do anything they want with their model, turns out Kronii want to slap her fat titties
Seethe cope and dilate tranny

>> No.66708374

Suisei and it's not even close

>> No.66708407


>> No.66708497

Kanata hates any hetero porn of herself with any male.

>> No.66708531
File: 502 KB, 653x680, 219090307441857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this was last month, 3 hours of giggling Paizuri window, who's copping now sis

>> No.66708549

Suisei owns her model appearance and still believes that someday she will make it without Hololive. So she hates seeing her model getting fucked in every hole because maybe that will hurt her future solo business opportunities (spoilers: there won't be any future solo business opportunities. This is your ceiling you prude blue bitch).

>> No.66708590

Anyone fight or saying anyone that's not Suisei is wrong.

>> No.66708609

kronii for sure

>> No.66708647
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x2900, 1675290538567761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a hate per say.

>> No.66708897

Suisei thats why porn of her in the most degrading manner is easily the hottest porn from any hololive member not only does she hate it but vile acts even by porn standards are exacerbated to 11.

>> No.66709000

I'd really like to know how Korone feels about her porn

>> No.66709046

I'm more interested in how Okayu feels about Korone's porn.

>> No.66709154

Considering she's about Marines level with her own porn, I have my guesses since there is a lot of futa Korone fucking her art.

>> No.66709423
File: 3.72 MB, 1916x2012, 1689328147968174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Kanata insisting she's not gay a running joke by her or something?

>> No.66709443

Her tit rigging going berserk is not playing with her tits on stream.

>> No.66709479

It’s Suisei and Towa

>> No.66709685

Bait is bait for a reason. Flare has said she doesn't care, nor does she care if you jerk yourself too her, she just doesn't want to hear about it.

>> No.66709808
File: 1.10 MB, 1637x1080, Flare Peace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare is ok with lewds of herself and even RT pretty ecchi stuff at times.

>> No.66709883

Doesn't Ina dislike that sort of thing?

>> No.66709892

Suisei and Ina

>> No.66710077
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, suishoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sniff Suisei's shoes

>> No.66710260

I don’t watch all holo so I’m not sure but I unsubbed from Ina during the “Ina’s back” freakout she had. It wasn’t even porn but she acted like it was taking over her entire image lol

>> No.66711005

>Which holo hates porn of herself the most?
Most of HoloEN doesn't want to see lewd art of their model and several of the JP talents have asked fans to keep their art tag safe for children. Cover obviously wants to pander to coomers with dakis and swimsuit concerts but Pekora has admitted the lewd stuff is an awkward part of their job since they know that children watch their channel.

Suisei, Flare, and Ina have been the most outspoken and none of them have released their MMD models. Promise doesn't have any MMD models and several of the JP talents don't have them even after several years. I suspect that once Hololive started becoming 4views that coomerbait became more questionable even with the talents that previously acted like it was okay.

>> No.66711094


>> No.66711151

The most catholic one

>> No.66711553

my Shiorin would never!

>> No.66711606

>most outspoken
>literally said on-stream it's OK to jack off to her
Where do you retards keep coming from

>> No.66711991

Suisei is the only one who has outright said she doesn't want to be perceived that way and has even gone out of her way to deny fanservice with stuff like the bodysuit under her dance practice outfit.

Anyone one else is just SEAschizo catalog bait

>> No.66712100

You know, Bae does the exact same thing, except when she does it people say she’s trying to look like she’s completely naked. Goes to show how ridiculous it is to use this as proof.

>> No.66712183

Flare probably, since basically you need to meed like 300 different arbitrary rules she set about how she "should" be drawn and she's going to make a passive aggressive complaint on stream because some absolute madman drew her holding a fork while smiling or whatever and she's triggered.

>> No.66712214


>> No.66712319

Flare really is a weird one

>> No.66712323

I'm saying it doesn't even matter if it's porn, she gets mad over completely stupid arbitrary shit and hates art of herself overall period.

>> No.66712361

Oh hi, Flareschizo

>> No.66712544

I dont think suisei really cares but she just wants to protect her younger fans

imagine if your little sister liked suisei and wanted to be like her. if she looks her up online and sees a bunch of slutty pics of suisei then she might start acting slutty too

>> No.66712575

Gura loves her own porn but hates her fans for fapping to it

>> No.66712894

The more she hates it, the better

>> No.66712998

She does care, but she understands people will do it anyway so she reminds people not to tag suggestive things. Everything else she plays for jokes like how she was teasing her chat when she had to fill that summer bingo "wear your swimsuit on stream".

>> No.66713306

She knows she has a lot of JK girls watching her, and wants to be a good example for them.

>> No.66713994

Pretty sure it's an image thing, she is the only one who owned her character before even joining Hololive plus her aim is to become a well known singer so it makes sense to be more protective of your character's public perception.

>> No.66715883

Suisei without question is the absolute right answer.

>> No.66715922


>> No.66716455

Kronii literally had cropped fetish art as title card in the little time I've been here.

>> No.66716793

Wants to keep her art tag safe for children, refused to wear her default outfit after getting her new outfits, convinced management to make changes to her 3D model (added shorts and removed the boob window) even before her redesign, got a 2.0 model redesign, and even now is so wary of coomers that she won't release an official MMD model. Flare was less direct than Suisei or Ina but it's obvious the coomerbait stuff really did bother her and that dealing with coomers for years has made her cautious.

>> No.66716874
File: 225 KB, 1000x821, nm-pantiessandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei, which is why collecting printed doujinshi of her is likely a goal for a man of class to have.

>> No.66717342

Not a running joke she just didn’t consider herself gay

She no longer owns it but despite your crazy seethe you aren’t wrong

>> No.66717375
File: 133 KB, 850x1157, __ouro_kronii_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_tight_ohmygod__sample-6f4e7ecbc29fad113ef262efc748f3f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artwork in question

>> No.66717473

Well bae has done streams where she pretends to not understand her fans are explaining ways they’d fuck her

>> No.66717579

Are you implying the other girls like marine or all the other female celebrities in Japan that do bikini shoots aren’t good examples?

>> No.66717690

Fetish art isn’t sexual unless you have said fetish which most people don’t. You’re more retarded than the people giving Kronii as an example

>> No.66718017

Suisei has like the 3rd most out of all of Hololive, behind Marine and Gura.

>> No.66718220

I don’t know if this was a genuine question or an elaborate scheme but wow you just exposed that most of this board is just threadreaders. And to answer your question you homobegging faggot it’s Suisei. Everyone else just doesn’t like particular types of porn like or are neutral at worst. The issue is what people do with it that some have a problem with and would be a much more interesting question

>> No.66718281

This. Didn't she literally send a C&D or something to that effect to erase a model that was being used for MMD porn years ago? Biggest cunt in HoloJP for sure.

Nah, she's just a snob that thinks too much of herself.

>> No.66718291

I don't believe anybody can compete with Suisei.
Nobody else has even come close to ever actually taking action against porn of her like shutting down AXL35 from pumping out countless Suisei sex MMDs.
He used to do nothing but endless Suisex and he's still around but compared to his Suisex archives his modern library is tiny.

I don't know why he was targeted specifically, it might have just been too much Suisex since I don't believe he has any paid platforms.
Odd example but there was one case of Toby Fox taking down one specific Undertale porn artist because she kept specifically advertising Undertale porn and trying to get into Google/Twitter searches for Undertale.
So like that he might have just been in the results one too many times when searching for Suisei MMDs.

>> No.66718423

That’s not how that works and even if it did it means what ever computer that girl was on had it’s cookies geared toward porn which is an issue with the parents.

>> No.66718500

>Didn't she literally send a C&D or something to that effect to erase a model that was being used for MMD porn years ago?
Literally no evidence of this.

>> No.66718607

Yeah, going with kronii too, her recent change in behaviour is just to milk as much money as possible from her model as possible now, after she has completely dissociated from it.
As soon as she graduates from hololive you can bet your ass she's going to talk and cry about how degrading that was for her and how she was pressured into doing that

>> No.66718650

Ina just wants takos to use restraint and post lewd only under the 4th wah hashtag. Her "freak out" was just annoyance that people were using her general hashtag for lewds where anyone could see, and takos in chat spamming "Ina's back" in chat. She said there was a time and place for everything, not that she didn't want any lewd art of her.

>> No.66718836

Kronii. It's not even a debate. She's loathes her model; she loathes the fans that lust after her model. And not even in a haha funny way, she is genuinely disgusted by it.

>> No.66718957

Ah yes nobody knows feet are a fetish besides the people who have it and many people don't find it even more awkward if they don't have it to have feet shoved into their face in a picture no no, totally normal picture.

>> No.66719098

She should be happy it was a simp because I would’ve doubled down. There’s a fine line between giving her all your support and letting her walk all over you. Even if he was only making a dollar off those videos the takedown takes away any push you had in the algo, next time something like that happens he’ll have a strike if he doesn’t already have one, and now he can’t challenge other situations if someone else does the same as there’s now a precedent.

>> No.66719169

English is your 3rd language?

>> No.66719298

Point out the actual errors in that sentence that is purposefully written a bit overelaborate retard.

>> No.66719566

Ina is funny enough the only person who needed to do this. Everyone else that complains are usually looking for something to complain about but Ina had a metric ton of lewd art uploaded over 2 weeks and it didn’t help that a lot of people as well as holos were retweeting and liking, namely Mumei, bringing them all to the top of her hashtag. Would be awkward for the non horny fans if she didn’t

>> No.66719580

how the hell is that 'fetish art'? Nothing lewd or weird about it, unless you are a depraved footfag yourself.

>> No.66719715

proof: the hamster wheel spinning on my mind.

>> No.66719771

He was on Iwara only as far as I know. Or at least if he did have a Twitter it was taken down when it happened.
Iwara didn't have any sort of algorithm until very recently, years after the fact.
Iwara was and I'd say still is struggling so I doubt either wanted to fight it.
The best he could have done was go to a different platform, but he decided to just stay on Iwara and stop doing Suisex.

>> No.66720034

I explained that the object or activity of the fetish aren’t inherently sexual and you write a paragraph about feet being a fetish. Based on that I assume you can’t read English, but could write it somehow. Just seemed more likely than you being braindead. Well if you are braindead best I clear it up now. Shit is a fetish but anyone normal, even most abnormal people, understand it’s not sexual. Saying she posted sexual art when the art in question has her fully clothed except her feet makes you retarded or English isn’t your strong suit

>> No.66720256

Didn’t someone else get struck to like 2021 or 2022

>> No.66720383

So if she had a title card cropped of artwork with a huge piece of shit where her feet were on that one that would be not fetish art and totally fine for normal people?

>> No.66720501

Thats a huge difference. I mean you could take literally any fucking art and if you had an eyeball fetish call it 'fetish art', retard. There's nothing inherently fetish-y about that piece.

>> No.66720800

I don't know about her going after the model but she did specifically target a mmd maker using it. >>66718291 So it's very possible.
You'd have to dig through old /h/ MMD threads but maybe somebody mentioned something there.
You'd probably search for AXL35 to get to the related threads.
I have another unrelated archive adventure I'm already on right now so I probably won't be looking into it myself.

>> No.66721758

>>66720800 (Me)
Ok I looked around some more and I found a tweet from the creator of the Suisex model about how he had to stop because of copyright.

Nothing like talking about how Suisei shut you down in the same tweet as you showing off your WIP Iroha model's nipples and puss.

The fact that none of the other Hololive models get taken down seems to indicate it's specifically Suisei that was litigating and no other involvement from Cover.
Also there's vt threads about this, so you might have to look around archives here as well.

>> No.66721961

>>66721758 (Me)
Somehow status changes to stats as I was copy pasting the link.

>> No.66722106

That Iroha is ripped!

>> No.66722124

Anyone who think Suisei isn't the answer is a newfag.

>> No.66722170

But everybody is still using that Suisei model.

>> No.66722853

>This. Didn't she literally send a C&D or something to that effect to erase a model that was being used for MMD porn years ago?
No? lol everything everyone uses to "prove" that is a bunch of circumstancial evidence. if she really wanted to do that she wouldn't have stopped for no reason at just that one random dude when there's tons more people doing MMDs of her this very moment.

>> No.66723119

never understood why suityan makes the brown man seethe so hard just because she won't let you post porn in her art tag.

>> No.66723540
File: 64 KB, 240x241, Gura Wooper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but hates her fans for fapping to it

>> No.66723624

There's literally no other explanation. Cope.

>> No.66723736


>> No.66724906

It's just that the original creator of the model can't touch or distribute it anymore.
The files are on the Internet so Suisei would need to play whackamole, which she kind of did with AXL35.

Just recently a Korean webtoon giant took down Tachiyomi, going directly after the developers even to avoid GitHub's legal defense fund.
But that's not gonna stop all the forks of it without playing some serious whackamole.

What would even be actual proof in your mind if statements from all the various creators that were affected isn't, a public legal statement from Suisei's lawyer?

>> No.66725920

It's irresponsible of her.
>all the other female celebrities in Japan that do bikini shoots
They don't have JK audience.

>> No.66726627

The idea that legal action had been taken holds little water when the same model continues to get used on the same platforms and with patreons and fanboxes freely advertised by the creators.

>> No.66727592

It seems clear to me that she only went after the source and biggest creators.
Do you think they all just happened to conspire to stop making Suisei stuff and all say they got litigated all the same time for the lulz?
Or that she's gonna perpetually hunt down all the instances of it or spend money making her lawyers do it like Nintendo which still don't even find everything.
It's not like Patreon, Iwara, ect give a shit directly, and only care when they get a DMCA/C&D.

Besides the Undertale example there was also Faithful Tepig which got too big and was shut down, but it's not like GameFreak/TPC/Nintendo go around shutting down all pokemon doujins and the like.

>> No.66728065

Of course Patreon gives a shit, it's their entire business on the line. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.66728477

Patreon actively hunts down a lot of things including off platform but unless they've actually gotten litigation to start taking down Suisei MMDs I don't see why they'd start doing it because other specific users on other platforms for hit by it.

>> No.66728569

If Suisei was actually going around taking down MMDs then of course she'd do it.

>> No.66728717

You got it backwards anon

>> No.66728741

>ITT Suisei makes coomers seethe
Go jerk off to other people, you freaks. Not everyone needs to pander to your ilk.

>> No.66728925

suisei is so fucking professional; i love it

>> No.66728956

I don't think any of them don't know what they signed up for. I think they just don't want you to tell them to their face you have your dicks out for them.

>> No.66728999


>> No.66729164

I'm saying repeatedly with the Undertale and Faithful Tepig examples that it seems like she just took down the biggest creators on the Japanese front and the model maker rather than going on a crusade against all lewd mmd makers.
It didn't take down all the Suisex on Twitter or Iwara even at the moment it did happen, and none of the people who were stuck had a Patreon.

>> No.66729227

I am not gay. I have have relationships with women, and sex with women

>> No.66729322


>> No.66731445

Which holo loves porn of herself the most?

>> No.66731815


>> No.66732911

Marine probably.

>> No.66733121

It’s her pick up line streams

>> No.66733185

Kiara, because a lot of it is straight porn instead of dyke shit

>> No.66733339

Depends on what you mean? If you mean doujins definitely Marine but just art alone I’d give it to Matsuri. Kanata is a close second. In en I’d have to say Gura.

>> No.66733538

Marine buys doujins of herself

>> No.66734000

There are hundreds of vtubers that are okay with lewd fan art and coomers have many other choices besides pushing their filth on Hololive. Most talents won't bother criticizing porn since they know coomers feel insulted by any request for self control but it's obvious which talents find it disgusting.

>> No.66735354

Hell hath no fury like coomers denied their fap material.

>> No.66736757
File: 411 KB, 630x540, 1672748231121284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell down now

>> No.66737084

Yea I’m sure the majority of the members hate it. Not that you would know since you don’t watch any of them, you probably don’t even watch suisei

>> No.66737710

holy shit, I wish she was really like that I'd pay a lot more attention to her. I would send so many SCs talking about licking her abs.

>> No.66738027
File: 508 KB, 1500x2000, magochama alcohol boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

