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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 412 KB, 1080x1968, Nene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66700089 No.66700089 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.66700181

Glad he made it, he has been a fan for years

>> No.66700232

Mone is the only black dude I have no problems with he's been a faithful nene fan for years. I'm happy he finally met his oshi.

>> No.66700293
File: 1.86 MB, 2450x1653, average nekko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all Nekkos chads?

>> No.66700344


>> No.66700346

Have you seen some of the nousagis?

>> No.66700396

Is this a compliment or are the nousagis a joke?

>> No.66700397
File: 230 KB, 768x1024, wtf legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain what the fuck is going on here?

>> No.66700440

Some of the nousagis are fucking rip at least the ones I've seen.

>> No.66700451

happy for him

>> No.66700521

Good for him. Dudes been a hardcore Nekko for a while

>> No.66700524

based nekka

>> No.66700706


>> No.66700819


>> No.66700919

You love to see it. A man meeting his kamioshi.

>> No.66701250

skipped leg day+wide pants

>> No.66701474

Absolute Legend.

>> No.66701706

That's awesome.

>> No.66701826

Yes, only REAL MEN can truly appreciate how great Nenechi is.

>> No.66701889

piece of shit nigger called my oshi a whore so he can go die for all i care

>> No.66701941

Kek so he finally got to meet nene?

>> No.66702000

It takes a certain amount of arm strength to be able to bridal carry our wife.

>> No.66702002

Don’t know who he is and he looks ridiculous in that hat but good for him.

>> No.66702076

They should turn on the lights

>> No.66702116
File: 625 KB, 2448x2304, 1684720910770988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66702192

Bro i dont even watch holo and im happy for my negro and nenechi. Shits wholesome as fuck

>> No.66702208

unironically based. Good on him.

>> No.66702242

who's your oshi?

>> No.66702470

fucking kek
I love JP takes on western world sometimes.

>> No.66702605

>It might just be this guy, but black people look like crazy people. I can't say this outside, but it makes sense that white people persecute them
lmao what the fuck

>> No.66702787

Is this a fucking AI fill?
Why extend the picture that way? What's the point?
The dude seems cool tho.

>> No.66702969

I fucking love this dude, he's such a positive entity in the community. He definitely deserved to meet Nenechi.

>> No.66703048


>> No.66703122
File: 221 KB, 1152x2048, GDx9n2-bcAESHRh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't imagine a guy like this has trouble finding women, yet he still chooses to go after Nenechi. Like you know it's a choice, he doesn't just watch Vtubers because he has no other options. He won't drop his oshi at the first sight of some 3DPD like a lot of losers. That's how you know his love is legit. I fucking kneel.

>> No.66703261

congrats anon that was the gayest shit ive read all day

>> No.66703289

u jelly

>> No.66703334

>reads a man praising another man
holy insecurities

>> No.66703338

The only political position I hold is TND, but Mone is good.

>> No.66703344

>this may be the first time I've seen him smile
Fuck, I think he's right is the worst part. Happy for this dude to finally meet his oshi.

>> No.66703362

he's terminally autistic and 90% of his twitter feed is self loathing /r9k/ style posting

some girl called him cute and he just said thanks and walked past

>> No.66703393

this niggachi is youkya

>> No.66703473

I mean look at him wearing that fucking hat. You could not pay me to wear that hat in public. I'm sure he's very autistic, you have to be in order to not give a fuck about what people think. It makes him look like a retard.

>> No.66703514

He's winning, what are you doing?

>> No.66703583

>t. Has never met his oshi
Real fans wouldn't give a fuck what they looked like at a con if they were given that chance and it made their oshi happy.

>> No.66703654

Well yeah, Nene is not my oshi. I like her and I think she's cute and funny but I also take the term oshi seriously and I know I don't watch her consistently enough to call her my oshi. If she was my oshi I'd wear that hat with pride but she's not. Also since she's not, I won't take the hat from some actually deserving husband.

>> No.66703749

you're cringe and samefagging

>> No.66703759

I'm happy for him

>> No.66703814

He literally just looks like a regular black person smiling. What the fuck is wrong with japs?

>> No.66703822
File: 61 KB, 456x563, 1684559251476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i will never meet my oshi
being an euro is suffering

>> No.66704305
File: 60 KB, 938x500, 1704501070345450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, they don't realize the autism black guy got abused for liking things he's not supposed to, they naturally suppress their own intellectuals. that they think of him as a "black guy" is actually semi socially ridiculous, the amount of abuse he probably took from his own people for putting one toe out of line probably makes him politically useless as part of the negroid lowest common denominator machine.

so this is actually a lure thread by libshits to get you to alienate literally off-color intellectuals because we're at the end of a sorting process, we already found the rare black guy we shouldn't alienate and they're trying to get you to alienate him specifically so you can't form "grassroots" and can't get information about them from other identarian parties

>racism good
>libshits bad

don't let them do this trick, once they push you out of column 2 and into column 1 you're just brush to be removed by a work crew

>> No.66704373

JP people love humble/cool black guys.

>> No.66704468

>It might just be this guy, but black people look like crazy people. I can't say this outside, but it makes sense that white people persecute them
Doesn't seem very loving to me

>> No.66704521

Wide angle lens. You can tell, as the screen Nene is on also shrinks at the bottom.

>> No.66704569

You've just become accustomed to their presence, black people don't really look human, That guy looks like a demon and the hat's not helping

>> No.66704570 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.66704636


I'm sure you look absolutely breathtaking yourself anon

>> No.66704656

>black people don't really look human
If you live in a country that has literally no black people, yes, they won't look human to you.
If I lived in a country where I had basically zero exposure to a race and then saw them for the first time, i'd probably be freaked out too.

>> No.66704735
File: 3 KB, 336x101, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how in a thread about a jacked black Nekko, you manage to be the biggest nigger here.

>> No.66704870

He's a bigger fan of vtuber than most on this shithole site are.

>> No.66704934

Holy shit you think if you sucked on his boobs hard enough you could get some choccy milk outta those things?

>> No.66704983

He is but that's a really low bar nowadays. SEAnigger drama clips get the most views followed by EN clips, and then way at the bottom are JP clips translated to EN.

>> No.66705129

I miss the 2020 era when people were just fans of vtubers and enjoyed vtubers. Even when not understanding the language, EOPs would still watch streams.
Now we've got a bunch of shitters who don't even watch EN streams, let alone JPs and shit up threads and catalogs nonstop.

>> No.66705249

That's like Japanese saying they aren't racist against Korean because they keep them segregated from the Japanese population lol I swear this board told me Japanese people had high iq.

>> No.66705266

gigantic bbc energy

>> No.66705428

Dude were on vt, you get banned for dox info if you even discuss streams.

>> No.66705446

Very based. And I wish we lived in the world that those kinds think we do

>> No.66705454

5ch is the place all kinds of losers gather just like 4ch
Of course there're racists among them

>> No.66705596

But unlike white racist that are proof of who they are Japanese people are in denial about their racism and will sue you for defamation even though they're calling you a monkey or worse lol

>> No.66705640

It's not even that many. It's just one guy.

>> No.66705659

Typo proud not proof sorry not a home I'm on my phone and auto spell is being a retard.

>> No.66705753

That person would be proud to say that he's a racist for sure

>> No.66705876

terminal low self-esteem really makes a man powerless
yes I am projecting

>> No.66706008

The act of mentioning someone's PL is seen as doxxing so that joke is too close to reality.

>> No.66706012

>Election tourist machinations
Fuck off

>> No.66706030
File: 421 KB, 478x639, 1705249313187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66706072

>You could not pay me to wear that hat in public.
weak. kill your self

>> No.66706134

Not the western world asians are just not afraid of being racist.

>> No.66706257

Immediately goes to racism maybe anon was right and you are gay

>> No.66706468

>it makes sense that white people persecute them
They are so naive they really believe this shit, I mean who would make that shit up right?

>> No.66707041

>europoor are graveyard shift
>flights too expensive
>raped by shipping
>wages too low taxes too high
Being a Europoor is akin to being stuck in the 9th circle of Hell

>> No.66707289

reply two more times and that will cure your gayness

>> No.66707404

he unironically posts /here/

>> No.66707499

Cool. Maybe I called him a nigger at some point in the past.

>> No.66707574

>nigger is racist
This is how I know you're a newfag. You probably think I'm calling you homosexual by referring to you as a fag. You're definitely gay though.

>> No.66707686

/vt/ is fast but it's still a modest fraction of users on this site so yeah

>> No.66707698

Say what you want, they live a better quality of life by most metrics, than the vast majority of growth at the expense of life obsessed ameritards

>> No.66707717

That's toxic masculinity for ya.

>> No.66708394

You mean the country with the most millionaires? Yea it’s such a terrible place that anyone could be wealthy

>> No.66708543

No such thing as toxic masculinity and ywnbw

Oh I get it you’re like 14 and think it’s edgy. If you have to say it behind closed doors you’re just a punk bitch. Say it with your chest if it’s not racist

>> No.66708607

I can't even bench 135 and this guy is based.

>> No.66708989

Can you tell me what percentage of the population is actually a millionaire and what percentage lives in poverty?

>> No.66709181

They may be enclosed on their little island but Tanjiro there is 100% right, he can tell that they feel threatened

>> No.66709454


>> No.66709604


>> No.66709881

my nigga

>> No.66710605


>> No.66710747

Wait, why are the JOPs jealous of EN kek?
Is it because of Advent, or do they hate the JP side of things?

>> No.66710946

Retard (I'm not calling you Anon because you CLEARLY don't belong here) everyone on 4chan gets called a nigger, within the context of this site (I know context is a big word but Google it and you'll understand) it's directly equivalent to calling someone "asshole". Go lurk for ten thousand years you queer baby tourist faggot.

And while I'm not the Anon you're replying to I say nigger around actual niggers because I am, in fact, not a bitch like you. Grow some balls and maybe you'll stop being afraid of the darkies.

>> No.66710951 [DELETED] 

lol, look how dark that motherfucker is. Spear chucker

>> No.66710979


>> No.66711028

He thinks if he shows off his body that his oshi will see it and want to fuck him. That's the only reason to post that shit

>> No.66711331 [DELETED] 

All niggers go to hell (where they came from)

>> No.66711864 [DELETED] 

btw these people are phase/kiwi fans that found some random black dude on twitter and started worshiping him
actual cuckolds you're pathetic

>> No.66711896

That's awesome, good for him!

>> No.66712855 [DELETED] 

>Hey everyone! i hate nigros!
>Do i fit in yet?
Post stomach, porkies

>> No.66713023

Dammm.. This bro almost as black as niji.

>> No.66713783

I know you're here Mone, I'm happy for you

>> No.66713952

>You've just become accustomed to their presence, black people don't really look human
Haha, i remember the first time i saw a black guy irl in college. I still remember how my brain went nuts, something like uncanny valley. Of course, im not insane so i didn't start screaming, but it was funny. Visceral reactions always amuse me.

>> No.66713983


>> No.66714588

It took you till college to see a black person? Where the hell are you from that it took that long?

>> No.66714714

Are you suggesting Nenechi is fat?

>> No.66714819

Yeah, I want to move there.

>> No.66715381

Town somewhat in the middle of Russia

>> No.66715664

Same, anon, same, when I saw a nigress dressed for winter I couldn't do anything but burst out laughing when I walked past her.

>> No.66715916

Yes there is and I replied to it. Saying a man is gay just for complimenting another man is something only men do so yes that's what toxic masculinity is.

>> No.66716319

Some aren’t happy with the recent push to make everything about ecelebs or homos. They aren’t wrong either some members will choose not to appear in big game collabs but have time to sink 8 hours every day into streamer servers. Hlzntl was the first time they ever spoke out about it

If you used percentages you could make anything seem worse than it actually is. Like Mori “has” over 15% female fan ratio while Gura has 8-9% and despite that you could see who has more female fans by sheer number. But it’s like .00 or so percent that are millionaires. Still the most in the whole world as well as most people who are just well off you know 6 figures. As far as poverty goes it’s 12.4% to all of Europe’s 22% and going country to country only 1 has a lower number than America at 11.8% so just barely because America is a wealthy country. Interestingly enough despite your countries being pretty shitty it’s crazy to see that poverty was almost non existent globally going into 2020. If you account for illegal immigrants who can’t get real jobs citizen poverty was bouncing around 2-5%. Though this is only accounting for the developed world obviously.

>> No.66716494

I’m sure they look more human than you, faggot

>> No.66716723

A compliment is nice ___, you’re a/ ___ , or that’s a real man, etc. There are exceptions, this isn’t one, but any compliment longer than a single line is gay. And yes there is something wrong with being gay. Anyone parroting toxic masculinity is also gay or a woman that hates men

>> No.66717026

That’s actually pretty normal in most countries. Even in America there are states where you won’t meet a black person until college and if you really want to shit your pants there’s states where you won’t meet a whites guy until after college

>> No.66717121

wow, pretty hostile in the face of actual racism. does /vt/ actually have a heart? kek

>> No.66717636

Suddenly that makes a lot more sense.

>> No.66717837

she's dirty now

>> No.66717878

You're funny thinking that women would fall in love over just him being black and muscular. I don't know his circumstances but the man just likes Nenechi and that's that.

>> No.66719367
File: 41 KB, 640x640, fbdaffc342aee3576ba43f9dac72b1de83d53e61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nene calls her fans husband
>this black man is her fan
>nene has a black husband
dropped and into the trash she goes

>> No.66719465


>> No.66719480

You never watched Nene so nothing has changed.

>> No.66719615

gj mone

>> No.66719659

No one does

>> No.66719702
File: 2.09 MB, 2196x2332, 1676058714860554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did more work for his oshi than anyone else ITT

>> No.66719909

Maybe because he looks more like an ape than a man, imagine those lips on your face lmao.

>> No.66719966

Fat Tits

>> No.66720003

Novosibirsk, huh.

>> No.66720079

I know its probably just translation but I love how bluntly honest some of this shit is.
Especially, 1248 followed up by 1243

>> No.66720097

You will never take a picture with your oshi nor be anything under 200 pounds and knowing that fills you with envy.

>> No.66720203
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, 1690691897624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind you, Japanese men would rather see their womenfolk blacked than date a Korean. That's how deep the hatred goes

>> No.66720453

He definitely has that "used to weigh 400 lbs" body type

>> No.66720491

is it the chest?

>> No.66722273

>No you aren't a real member of my secret club!
>And while I'm not the Anon you're replying to I say nigger around actual niggers because I am, in fact, not a bitch like you.
No you fucking don't lmao. But I'm sure the verbal beatdown you give them in your head as you slink past them sounds great though.

>> No.66722602

This is the kind of guy I fantasize about when I put on my knee highs and fuck me wig.

>> No.66726175


>> No.66728562


>> No.66732828

he's happier than ill ever be

>> No.66733403

idk im not the one imagining another mans lips on my face anon

>> No.66733423

Lotta jp Mumei fans huh?

>> No.66734144

Can't get big muscles without bulking, anon.

>> No.66738135

good for him im hoping to meet peko or miko too at some point. not many anons can flex that they not only met there oshi, but that she even recognized them too.

also there are plenty of incels with bodybuilder physiques, it increases your chances of getting noticed but it doesnt fix your /r9k/ autism anons. still doesnt mean you shouldnt try to get /fit/ and behave less like reddit dramafags you claim to despise

>> No.66742084

