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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66634906 No.66634906 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Pekora such a condescending bitch to her kohais? Does she have no shame?

>> No.66634969


>> No.66634977

We love baupekobaubau here.

>> No.66635011

Being a bitch is just who she is.

>> No.66635038

Jesas, this board really is a gathering of gossiping middle-aged ladies

>> No.66635064
File: 376 KB, 774x423, 1692667803151052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd act the same as Pekora if I were on her shoes honestly. Have you SEEN her other English kouhais? Nevermind about speaking Japanese, it's rare if they stream at all. FWMC must be a surprise to her.

>> No.66635424

She feels threatened, so she tried to take them down a peg.

>> No.66635481

Every JP is comically insensitive when it comes to gaijins, it's so funny you can't hate them for it

>> No.66635524


That's her being considerate because EN interacting with JP like her is precious moment for her, not like you sisters would understand anyway

>> No.66635731

I can't believe Pekora would bullied her Kouhai into including her in their catch phase like this... Nijisanji would NEVER...

>> No.66635789

I cannot believe Pekora put a bullet in Mococo's skull unprovoked. This would NEVER happen in Vshojo.

>> No.66635889

But Aqua revealed that Pekora invited them to her stream. So she has way more respect for them than she does most members of Hololive.

>> No.66635968

It's just hilarious and she's based for being the stereotypical oldschool nip supremacist.
When she mock mimicked IRyS I raffed for days.

>> No.66635969
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Pekora saying bau bau and fuwamoco fighting back saying they won't let her took it are funny.
>The top member and new members can build content together like this, that's no way it will happen in Niji.

>Kuzuha:Bau bau
>Nijimoco(fake): I won't let you take it
>?: Aieeeeeeeee How dare you talk to King like this kys kys kys kys

>> No.66635970

Classic number bunny. She already had Marine beat her so she won't let these two upstarts do it as well

>> No.66635977

Of course she does, as a numbersbunny she's gotta hop on the girls making waves and ride it herself. On the plus side, this also means that dino homo will never get his chance to interact with her since he's already fading into obscurity.

>> No.66636003

>Kuzuha:Bau bau
>Nijimoco(fake): I won't let you take it
>Hard cut to the Phoenix Wright courtroom.

>> No.66636010

It's not just her, most nips are still under the impression that absolutely no one outside their country knows Japanese fluently.
It still surprises me to remember that there are Japanese people who are unaware that manga and anime are super popular in the West and are surprised to hear it.

>> No.66636023
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You all are worse than clipfaggots. You are thumbnailfaggots. You don't even watch the clip in question, your entire exposure are just youtube thumbnails. A single glance at the (intentionally not linked btw) clip would not only show Pekora being very polite and having fun with the baus, but overall an extremely wholesome moment. You are what is wrong with this board. This is not a place to talk about vtubers but a gossip central no different than teenage girls who talk about e-celebs and tiktok influencers. You are the reason gatekeeping exists.

>> No.66636276


>> No.66636314

She's /vt/'s spirit animal for a reason

>> No.66636428

She was just bantering them for being nervous, which they did amazingly well despite. But also thank God for joge kankei and Subaru being a champion of law and order or that rabbit would run amok

>> No.66636577

To their credit nearly no one does. Also Japanese insularity is extremely based

>> No.66636696

based peko

>> No.66636956

Silly anon, Pekora is just pretending to be their sibling. She's not actually a female dog, she's a rabbit.

>> No.66636999
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You're very right.

>> No.66637282

Dubs of truth

>> No.66637429
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1680039142541998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does fuwamoco poop together?

>> No.66637438

Fuwamoco had a lot of awkard silent moments, as if they weren't on stream and had a job to do. That's why Pekora asked that.

>> No.66637503

Pekora is making sure the dogs were comfortable speaking in Japanese. I'm sorry the talent in your shit hole company don't care or help each other out in time of needs and rather stab each other in the back until 1 remains to lick Riku's hairy asshole.

>> No.66637523

>t. thumbreader

>> No.66637563

Simple as

>> No.66637588

A Nijinigger who only sees thumbnails and a Newfag who doesn't know vtube tengoku is well known for using the cheapest clickbait, terrible rrat

>> No.66637619

What's with all of the clip thumbnails trying to pit fuwamoco against others lately? Feel like the big clippers secretly resent them and want to cause more drama than usual. I feel like focusing on her wanting to be their sister would be a more positive focus of the thumbnail

>> No.66637674


>> No.66637751
File: 1.01 MB, 1972x1500, GDp4lb5aAAEskE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've really hit a low point on this board if shitposters are bored enough to try to spin what was a moment of consideration and wholesomeness into something it wasn't.
Anyway, baupekobaubau.

>> No.66637831

Japanese people tend to speak slowly when conversing with someone they consider a gaijin. Other Holos did the same with Kanade when they realized she isn't "japanese".

Bae is probably the only exception where I don't see this happening, possibly because the rat goes to great lengths to hide her ancestry.

>> No.66637841

>anonymous psychopath invents the dual-toilet bathroom

>> No.66637882

Most of the shitposts in this thread is one (1) schizo samefagging too.

>> No.66637977

She literally bullies IRyS over her Japanese and she speaks it at a completely fluent native level. Just goes to show that the Japanese will never accept anyone who wasn't born in Japan with 100% Yamato heritage as one of their own.

>> No.66638000


>> No.66638031

during her off collab with regloss, she was barely audible. lmao.

>> No.66638076

>I heard in /vt/ from a schizo so it must be true.
Kys fag.

>> No.66638168

>it was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.66638203

yamato people are a minority which pekora is probably not part of.

>> No.66638241

>Bae and Mori are apparently threatened by FWMC because they told them to take it easy
>Pekora is threatened by FWMC because she was speaking Japanese slowly to them

Why do ruffians have such a victim complex?

>> No.66638347

they are in position of strength right now.

>> No.66638371

Did this ever actually happen, because when I search for it all I can find is Pekora complimenting IRyS for being bilingual.

>> No.66638461


Of course it's no longer available but you can look it up in the archives

>> No.66638603

you're FUCKING retarded.

>> No.66638786

These aren't ruffians, these are nijifags false flagging as ruffians.

>> No.66638887


>> No.66638972

Because you have to watch in order to clip and FWMC are hard to watch if you’re not in the target audience of mongoloids.

>> No.66639037
File: 191 KB, 480x360, imagen_2024-01-13_115451089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> baupekobaubau

>> No.66639224

Not even remotely. It's just shitposters and schizos doing what they always do; taking something that is nothing and twisting it into something it isn't like in the OP.

>> No.66639382

if it did it would be much more prevalent than one, maybe two, schizos still trying to push it one and a half year later. even back when she imitated irys in rust no one except a handful cared about it because it was nothing.
it's just shitposters and schizos being how they are.

>> No.66640455

/Nijinigger2/ thread

>> No.66640515

Third anon here, I don't care about whatever this incident is, but almost every JP goes full ルー語 the moment they talk to a foreigner and you know it

>> No.66641274

You don't watch Bae and have no idea what you're talking about, she's been very open about it

>> No.66641511

This never happened you schizophrenic chimp

>> No.66643553

Are the twins hafu like Irys?

>> No.66643888

I honestly think Pekora's concern about her own talking speed is warranted.

>> No.66643923

it's not worth getting this mad over this lost cause of a website, anonymous. it's over.

>> No.66643960
File: 22 KB, 842x254, ESL fwmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I were on her shoes
I know the keys are literally right next to each other, but (You) really walked right into that one anon

>> No.66644103

Why are the anons in this picture from Mars?

>> No.66644400


>> No.66644560


>> No.66644562
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x3843, 1666855248855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Pekora teaching the JP noobs their place.

>> No.66644614

Rat is already a certified honorary HoloJP.

>> No.66644656

Retard, (You) >>66637977 were already btfo

>> No.66644764

>Papa Franku
>was born in Japan with 100% Yamato heritage
>Some nips still was still surprised by his language proficiency

>> No.66644776

they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.66645037

this anon
is retarded and over-exaggerating, HOWEVER Pekora is the closest to a queen-bee in hololive

>> No.66645216

this will always be hilarious kek

>> No.66645559

If you have watched JP streams enough, you must have known Pekora is the only spoiled child.
Literally every single JP except the rabbit was raised in a (at least partially) dysfunctional family and has been repeatedly mistreated in her life.
Pekoe’s upbringing was so pampering that her mom used to make another dish of fried prawns when prawns were crooked.
She might look cute, but her personality is nothing but a self centered and narcissistic princess. And that’s what Mori meant by her words “never meet your hero irl”

>> No.66645590

You dumb faggot, go play on the highway

Japanese people speaking japanese slower is them being considerate towards foreigners, it's not condescending but kindness.

>> No.66645625

You've formed a very in-depth psychological profile of this Japanese woman by watching translated two-to-three minute clips, anonymous.

>> No.66645653

Can't call it rent free when this thread is the evidence of your shit flinging wars nijifag.

>> No.66645720

Actually she told me all this while we were passionately making love

>> No.66645750

Ah fuck, my mistake anonymous.

>> No.66645909

Source of the clip?

>> No.66645933

And she was raised in terribly male biased Japanese culture.
This kind of oppression form a kind of passive aggressive mindset.

>> No.66646046

lol no, she hasn't.

>> No.66646247
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>> No.66646440

Yes, after many interactions with the JP branch. The same happens with Anya.

>> No.66646564

>Moco’s seat is higher than Fuwa’s
But it’s actually an elaborate design.
While Moco feels she’s superior to her sis, the lower position gives Fuwa a better sight for her backseating.

>> No.66646788
File: 182 KB, 1596x1412, Shortwawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus Fuwawa's legs are pretty short so...

>> No.66646835

You insulted MY dog.

>> No.66646924

You are exaggerating and probably misrepresenting the facts. Pekora is a sheltered person, but she can understand when to keep the keyfab (like with FuwaMoco) and when to drop it, showing a more caring nature (like comforting Nene in the NekNeko Island Arc).

>> No.66647055

It was Kiara who said never met your idols you fucking retard.

>> No.66647477

exactly, and that only came from her being salty over Pekora ghosting her after she tried to push her usual yuri shit a la Mori, Reine and Rissa on the rabbit / act like the nihongo jouzu version of Moona

>> No.66647602

>never meet your idols

Isn't this common knowledge, you needed somebody to tell you that? My first taste of this and I'm guessing everyone's is with actors, you start liking them and then you read about them and they're usually the most annoying cunts in the world. How does this apply to vtubers? Actors act as a job so it makes sense the person behind the role can be anything, vtubers speak unscripted for hours, it would be very hard to fake that. You pretty much know what they're like. If a vtuber fakes the personality I would be very impressed actually, that they kept the act up through all that.

>> No.66647625

Racism is funny in japan

>> No.66647699

But Okayu loves only me and she’s been hiding her feelings for years so perfectly.

>> No.66647790

That's what she gets for making pekora feel uncomfortable? Do you try grab your coworkers penis or try to flirt with him? She should've known better than to act unprofessional around pekora. Hololive is an idol company not a fucking jav porn industry.

>> No.66647940

Racism is funny everywhere

>> No.66647958
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Henya is a hafu that looks white enough that people try to give her English menus, speak to her in English, and compliment her Japanese skills whenever she goes anywhere.

>> No.66648006

>Hololive is an idol company not a fucking jav porn industry.
That’s not what the internet told me.

>> No.66648146
File: 17 KB, 300x278, 1694898383447129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is "clip"

>> No.66648390

Anon I used to watch her a lot, especially in 2020. There's a reason why she doesn't have any close irl friends, she's a social autist with too much ego.

>> No.66648392
File: 656 KB, 1280x1199, curledprawns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekoe’s upbringing was so pampering that her mom used to make another dish of fried prawns when prawns were crooked
Holy kek, pekoschizo is so utterly mindbroken his brain automatically translates and archives every notion related to Pekora into something negative about her. It's truly fascinating.

>> No.66648584

She doesn't like foreigners who have good Japanese. This is common in Japan, but she's the only Holo JP that I think is so overtly mask-off.

>> No.66648649

Low quality spectrum thread. OP is a fag

>> No.66648679

>This is common in Japan
You never been in Japan to confirm or deny this.

>> No.66648765

As a white dude it was a pretty surreal experience, not the first time I experienced racism, but the first time it was malicious instead of ignorant.

>> No.66648931

I have been to Japan, 日本語じょうぞうis a meme for a reason.

>> No.66649121

Japan don't like foreigners at all, even the women who end up dating out of their heritage ends up being disowned. Japanese parents want their daughters to either marry into wealth or some Japanese lawyer or doctor in most cases. Which is why I always find it laughable when a gaijin thinks Japanese fathers would gift their daughter to them like she's a feudal bride or something.

>> No.66649135
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1687807506005890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She doesn't like foreigners who have good Japanese

>> No.66649298

Yeah it's been going pretty hard since yesterday or the day before yesterday. Wonder what triggered its mental illness so badly.

>> No.66649607

Gigaretard threadwatcher

>> No.66649869

Latin alphabet users always went on tirades about how Japanese is an impossible language to learn and because of that Nips started to believe it themselves, so they are actually surprised Westerners can speak it. Not only that, Nips are literally retarded when it comes to language learning and most of them cannot learn any other language (not even English, while having English as a second language is actually the norm in the rest of the world, t. ESL), so it's even more impressive for them. Even Fuwamoco once joked with the rest of Advent about being jouzu'd by their senpais, it's pretty much an international meme at this point when it comes to Nip reactions about it. And Nips have no idea it's annoying as hell (their weird cultural autism), they would probably love to be complimented on their broken English any time they actually managed to at least pronounce something correctly.

>> No.66650210

By the way, did Pekora ever jouzu Moona? Because I remember the rest of Usaken going all "IT'S IMPOSSIBLE, SHE SAID ONE WORD IN JAPANESE" while Pekora always either considered it cute or defended Moona saying she's actually pretty good. Don't remember her going 上手だね~ in a typical Nip fashion towards her.

>> No.66650336
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>> No.66650466

What happend anon

>> No.66650537

>The trend chasing numbermonkey not a bitch

>> No.66650974

fubuki herself said there's no way they can't care about numbers being streamers, so they're all trend chasing numbermonkeys anon.
guess they're all bitches by your schizo logic huh? kys retarded schizo

>> No.66650999
File: 590 KB, 1024x1217, 1620554219498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Japanese will never accept anyone who wasn't born in Japan with 100% Yamato heritage as one of their own.

>> No.66651083

>did Pekora ever jouzu Moona?

>> No.66651202

don't be such a fucking baby. you were probably kicked out of some rural store, who the fuck cares. It's not like the Japanese KKK were chasing you around Tokyo trying to fucking lynch you.

>> No.66651700

are clipniggers seriously trying to anti Pekora? kek

>> No.66651836

Based peko

>> No.66651841

based rabbit having respect for her best friend

>> No.66651883

Pekora's american equivalent is the white blonde girl named Tiffany or Brittney from a rich family who is curious about foreigners but thinks they are all retarded subhumans.

>> No.66653206

Pekora is right. All ENVtubers are prostitutes.

>> No.66653835

ahh gomen, Kiara had a rough upbringing in her past ventures. she thought that was the norm.

>> No.66653920

I wish I got a "white piggu go home". But, the best I got was an ojisan hissing at me.

>> No.66653976

cute bitch

>> No.66654203

if it's a white man, he's probably just relieved about foreigners not trying to get him to marry their underage daughters.

>> No.66654739

that's all vtubing is
you don't watch them being bad at vidya for entertainment
you watch it com rrat crumbs

>> No.66654853

yep, me.

>> No.66656345

Not like they will be around long enough for it to matter! LMAO!

>> No.66656890
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so glad my oshi found someone who treats her better

>> No.66657263
File: 223 KB, 542x535, 1695197965998996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is 7 hours late but I wanted to say that I really like this post and it made me laugh

>> No.66657936

Pekora's always been a cunt. People are just blind to it being holo consoomers and all.

>> No.66659548
File: 42 KB, 467x719, 1674115479309306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holos have nothing but good things to say about her whenever they talk about her. Your schizo delusions aren't consistent with reality. Time for your meds. Open wide.

>> No.66659813

Elevens need to be taught a lesson. We should withdraw military support and allow China to take them. That will learn em good.

>> No.66661580
File: 106 KB, 720x798, Pekora shitting on IRyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Pekotyan, ENwhores are just irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.66661677
File: 137 KB, 1080x491, 53pagpag spectrum90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go bot your whore some more 53pagpag.

>> No.66661752

You are insane. Please step away from your internet capable device and call the appropriate authorities to assist in the transition to a mental institution.

>> No.66661804

Reimo whoring herself to holo males deflection thread

>> No.66662032


>> No.66662693

>boohoo they didn't like white gaijin so racist
Sheesh white people

>> No.66662980

100% aryan

>> No.66663660

>holos don't shittalk their coworkers

>> No.66663930

Someone post the clip of pekora pretending to be Irys in Rust and making fun of her Japanese. Haven’t been able to find it in months.

>> No.66664018

I don't blame them desu, we can be pretty bad.

>> No.66664185

You need to stop projecting so much and start watching some streams retard

>> No.66665234

>they just totally lie and hate this holo because the voices in my head say so!
I accept your concession.
