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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66628777 No.66628777 [Reply] [Original]

I think they are objectively great vtubers and I really want to like them but any time I try to watch some of their stuff I just get bored within minutes.
Anyone else feeling like this?

>> No.66629002


>> No.66629118

It's just screaming and noises. Nice screams and noises, but they really are just teletubbies for adults after a hard day at work that want bright colors, loud sounds, belly and tits and to not have to think. I can see the appeal but...yeah, not for me.

>> No.66629183

Advent is boring. I've tried so hard and given them so many chances.

>> No.66629343

Better than Myth and whatever remains of Promise

>> No.66629479
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Biboo is the best thing that's happened to vtubing since Gura.

>> No.66630016

>I think they
Not how that word works anon

>> No.66630085

>I think they are objectively great
Anon that's a subjective opinion you dummy

>> No.66630147
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You can think objective thoughts.

>> No.66630255
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I think thats fair.
Some content can be great, but just not for you.
Ive had an amazing time in some of their streams, and clicked off others.
Id reccomend to check out the streams ppl love most if you want to try and get the hype.
Either way have a nice day, bau bau

>> No.66630282

If they were objectively great they would've made it without blue dorito.

>> No.66630379

Nigga not all content is for everyone its ok to know something is good for certain reasons even if you know you cant enjoy it yourself

>> No.66631360


>> No.66631642


>> No.66631724
File: 1.74 MB, 4300x3900, fuwamoco_why_so_big[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ft93852.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need the membership content

>> No.66632937

I'm long past my membership paying days I'm afraid.

>> No.66633100

Nope. I watch all of their streams and don't get tired. I do skip the superchat readings because I don't like hearing screennames over and over. But they're easily the most entertained I've been by an EN talent ever. I want their happiness and success so much to repay them for the joy they've brought me. I'm in my 40s and life can be pretty dull--but the dogs have really given me something to look forward to every day and a real purpose. Maybe that's "cringe" to admit--but it's real, and I think it's true of a lot of us and why they are getting so much support in supas on top of ccv. For us older types they're kind of like your daughters you can't help but want to spoil.

>> No.66633277

They are great, but some of their stuff is boring. FWMC morning is just the same thing every time and makes up half of their weekly streams now that they have dialed back. SC reading streams aren't that great and they usually do 1 full sc reading stream a week on top of reading superchats for about 1/3 of every stream. Game choices are also iffy with a lot of retro visual novels/anime that aren't really for everyone. I guess I just got used to their schedule for the first few months where every day there are great gaming streams.

>> No.66633287

skill issue

>> No.66633651

I don't get bored by them, but seeing the appeal of something and still not enjoying it is completely okay. Dare I say, healthy even.
