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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 347 KB, 1536x1024, corn-crops-1536x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66496992 No.66496992 [Reply] [Original]

The one with the cornfield.

Here we discuss V-Dere - a talent-run Vtuber Group established by 4 buddies. Come join us, let's have a good comfy time.
It might appear that we're new, but we're actually still the /same/!


Airi Viridis

Mozumi Pichi

Elia Stellaria

V-Dere YouTube channel:

V-Dere Twitter List

V-Dere website:


Previously on /vdere/:

>> No.66497007

Mozumi Pichi - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCJGTtJdw1gtJKyMm0Fq2eng

Elia Stellaria - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UC0lSxKAt9osiA29vnk1R4sg

Spica - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UC58Ng5nTN3aiVveus4DEEDg

Airi Viridis - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCFcdX8we6-tSndu6w4bwnag

/vdere/ archive: https://disk.yandex.com/d/tc6kz_kIKeriIA

>> No.66497036

Airi's co-working stream will probably start later because Airi is still very sleepy

>> No.66497951

Spica's membas in 30 minutes!

>> No.66498810


>> No.66500277

Spica is sure picky with her vocals

>> No.66501117


>> No.66501690

Opened YouTube in another tab and saw "Spica's VTuber Graduation Announcement" in recommended videos. Don't scare me like that please...

>> No.66501911

More than half a year and still the worst OP images in /vt/.

>> No.66501994

You just reminded me that Spica sounded slightly different back then compared to now. Her voice back then had more soul but her current one is more versatile and sweeter.

>> No.66502045

Our baker has a weird sense of humor anon. Don't blame him, he does his job well.

>> No.66502164

I like how spica says buh-bye

>> No.66502185

Spica is gone mate, she's gone...
And she raided Cyon!

>> No.66502204

Spica off to vdere meeting

>> No.66502263

so at least 50 people were in that members stream judging by how much Cyon's CCV went up

>> No.66504230

Cyon is such a good noodle. She was explaining that she respects how hardworking Elia is for wanting to stream twice a day.

>> No.66505500


>> No.66507807
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Airi dot dot dot
Looks like she unlisted the coworking stream for today as well.

>> No.66509280


>> No.66510203

Why is there a cornfield in OP?

>> No.66510432

Airi just returned from her non-consensual cornmaxxing adventure in Alabama.

>> No.66512659

mozzu makes do

>> No.66512730

airi has a twitch channel now (not live)

>> No.66512834

Great! I love twitch 4head poggers sleeperhead

>> No.66512927

Last time I commented (on the Discord situation) I got sent to a pleasant vacation. "Hmm, interesting" is all I can say.

>> No.66513188

anon I know you think this post makes perfect sense but if you want non-schizos to understand you you'll have to give a little more context at the very least

>> No.66513318

I watched almost all of Mozzu's marathon last weekend from the Twitch perspective and it wasn't too terrible with the exception of raiders. Twitch raiding seems really insufferable, which just seems like it's part of the culture there.
Twitch also has pretty dreadful emote selection for members.
I'm also not really clear if I'm going to need to maintain two memberships per Dere now.

Don't forget to hydrate, Anon.

>> No.66513584

>I'm also not really clear if I'm going to need to maintain two memberships per Dere now
what for? I doubt they are going to start doing subscribers only streams
if you want to help them monetarily streamelements is always better

>> No.66514761

Please don't implicitly shame her for streaming on Twitch too. And don't be pretend to be daft. You know streaming on YT as an indie (or small corpo) is like competing in a 5k marathon with medicine balls tied to your ankles. Discoverability is very poor and unless you've made it big with a well known corp your market space is severely diminished on the platform. Twitch raiding, while it can be annoying if it interrupts something exceptionally immersive, is one of the avenues of the aforementioned discoverability. Not sure why you're fanboying a streaming platform anyway as, while there are pros and cons to both, they aren't that much different to begin with.
>but muh culture
Largely the same. I've seen you fags argue Twitch culture is so much worse but you never provide anything compelling. The truth is they aren't much different, and if I had to distill the small symmetric difference between the two, it would be that Twitch is more sympathetic to trannyfagging, and YT has more obnoxious ESL/SEA monkeys. Still YT literally employs the ADL as censors, so can you really make the argument it is any less pozzed than Twitch?

>> No.66514997

Thank you for your input, Mozzu

>> No.66515807

>I've seen you fags argue Twitch culture is so much worse
I personally haven't argued this. I do believe that, speaking generally, Twitch has a much more insufferable culture but I watch other smaller/indie chubbas there and their chat and overall vibe is fine.

My problems are:
>When chat steps out of line to an even minor degree Mozzu (very publicly) gets on their case. Meanwhile raiders can act like dipshits and it's a-ok.
The obvious retort is "well they're raiders, the expectations are lower" which, in my opinion, serves as an example of the cultural disconnect you claimed didn't exist.
>It splits the chats
This is mostly a technological issue more than anything. It's annoying that you can't get the full context from watching one stream. Personally I'd much prefer it how some people in Phase do it, where a stream is on YT or on Twitch but not both.
>Mozzu essentially memory-holed her stance on Twitch
This is me asking a woman to be consistent so whatever, but it's weird to me that she's comfortable talking shit about Twitch for so long, do an about-face and then try and continue to claim that 'I'm not a Twitch streamer.'

All of this is academic anyway. Number lovin' Pichi got raided by Tenma on Twitch so the die is already cast, I've made my peace with it. These are just irritations that bounce around my schizo skull.

>> No.66516070

amazing, literally everything in this post is wrong
I'd like to see this "discoverability" thing twitchfags keep talking about, because it doesn't exist. Twitch doesn't even have an algorithm, it's literally just raids, and Youtube has that too. Youtube's discoverability is a lot better but twitch streamers are lazy and don't put in to effort to benefit from it.
the vtubing culture doesn't exist on Twitch, some chuubas really try but it's overran by whores acting like regular twitch streamers, thanks to vshojo and /lig/gers like filian. You can try to gatekeep but most of your viewers aren't going to be vtuber viewers, they're going to be twitch viewers.

>> No.66516280

>the vtubing culture
Vtubing didn't begin as an extension of idolfaggotry or whatever made up image you delusional apes have conjured. It was hijacked by corporations and made that way to siphon money from pathetic waifufags

>> No.66516300

lol of course you're one of those, go back

>> No.66516669

mozu is a whore

>> No.66516672

Notice he didn't say I was wrong
I've been here the whole time

>> No.66516746

next you'll start whining about unicorns, gachikoi and gfe
please fuck off

>> No.66516750

elia is a whore

>> No.66517195

>It was hijacked by corporations and made that way to siphon money from pathetic waifufags
It wasn't originally an idol thing, but corpos made vtubing blow up in the west and now every other talentless whore wants to siphon money from people while offering absolutely nothing in return. Props to those that can actually be entertaining (Mozu, even though she's a cunt) or have any kind talent that can translate well on stream (Spica). Everything else is beyond slop.

>> No.66517442

>it's literally just raids
so you do get it
2.5k ccv on twitch that day, all of that mainly from raiders that stayed
albeit twitch measures ccv different than youtube but even so she got like 300 new subs on youtube AND twich that day

>> No.66517476

>Twitch doesn't even have an algorithm, it's literally just raids
i don't have a dog in this fight but this is patently wrong. i literally found mozu from twitch's recommended channels lol

>> No.66517532

>where a stream is on YT or on Twitch but not both
this is probably the worst solution
you should kill yourself for even proposing it

>> No.66517543

I talked to a lot of small vtubers from twitch and they all agree that discoverability is just a meme.

>> No.66517683

Who beat V-Dere in the awards ceremony again? Seems to work fine for them.

>> No.66517732

that's not a fair comparison shit bag

>> No.66517802

nijisanji has more viewers than phase, should v-dere imitate them in absolutely everything they do too?

>> No.66519302

Mozzu starting soon!

>> No.66519548


>> No.66519759

Good. I want to know what she makes of all this. Hopefully she will set this fag straight.

>> No.66520000

>I'm eating a donut
Why do these whores pretend to be so busy that they can't eat at literally any other hour of the day? They always leave the stream slot hours for stuffing their faces.

>> No.66520056

Mozzu always does that

>> No.66520080

Wooow, another zatsu.
I like them a lot

>> No.66520281

I know. Her and 90% of other vtubers. I wanted to say that respecting their viewers time isn't their priority but then I realized that just by watching vtubers, you are clearly not respecting your own time.

>> No.66520525

*tips fedora*

>> No.66520537

Why are bpdmites like this

>> No.66521344

Are they cucking themselves again?

>> No.66521874

Winslow is okay, and he's CUTE

>> No.66522109

Mozzu implied that something that usually happens very last minute which leaves everyone upset will now be happening with some forewarning I guess she meant a Con appearance

>> No.66522245

was anyone upset about the con appearances? i dont think anyone here would visit a con

>> No.66522343

Maybe she’ll start making schedules again ba dum psh

>> No.66522373

I just hate that because of twitch we never get to see more of her model anymore because she is worried about the underboob rule

>> No.66522450

Not on regular streams, but she plays with her model a fair bit on member’s.

>> No.66522724

yeah but it's still not the same, plus the member streams are so inconsistent. Sometimes she will do multiple in a week then we get a drought

>> No.66523661

How much do you need to see an animated underboob? Like are you literally retarded? Try jerking off before the stream you braindead coomer.

>> No.66523710

Sorry about your low T anon, maybe if you had a normal sex drive you’d realize what a crime it is to have a sexo model and not be able to show it off.

>> No.66523778

I realized the other day that after she had that mini-freak out about lacking in member posts she has barely posted any. I don’t really care, I just think it’s funny she forgot about it so quickly.

>> No.66523907

That is one of the saddest copes ever. Being that animalistic about animated underboob just makes you a fucking retard.

>> No.66524135

My oshi only respects men that are DTF, that’s all that matters.

>> No.66524279

it's more about the fact that she literally is not allowed to show more of her model except the tiny bit we see now. It is fine with zatsu and some game streams but it's going to be weird going forward and depending on the type of stream very noticeable. In the past when she talked about the rigging and other stuff about the model she would show it, now when asked she just says she can't show it

>> No.66524443

She has it up for weeks already if you watch streams. Never did anything with it.

>> No.66524553

Had there even been any Airi streams? She’s been away for a long time.

>> No.66524576

You're the coombrain here if your first thought goes to sex when men talk about beauty.

>> No.66524754

Starting Monday, are you even following

>> No.66524833

Before that numbnuts, they said it was up “for weeks” but prior to this week she hadn’t streamed “for weeks.”

>> No.66524885

Airi mods lost wrenches

>> No.66525067

Yes, she was in the US and her last streams were all about that, so the question still stands

>> No.66525120

Airi starting!

>> No.66525152

It was mentioned in a Spica stream. She asked Airi to make Twitch account just to add her to the team page.

>> No.66525480 [SPOILER] 
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If this is true then I accept it as a legitimate criticism against Twitch, although I'm not sure how pic related has been streaming there for years

>> No.66525545

where did you hear of this supposed rule?

>> No.66525574

I think the thing with twitch is that a lot of its rules are fungible --so long as-- you don't draw attention to yourself. You can probably skirt by for a while if you don't encounter someone with real hate-on for you.
We're talking about Mozzu and you're likely familiar with the kind of people that post in this thread, so...

>> No.66525678

Maybe, but I know I've seen others with outfits that expose it as well. I really don't think it's violating any rules

>> No.66525880
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and Mozzu being Mozzu she is going to be paranoid about this kind of thing

>> No.66525959

Mozzu is gone...
And she raided Airi!

>> No.66526028

>For those who present as women
Ugh, two strikes in one rule, jfc Twitch.
This point goes to YT.

>> No.66526064
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>> No.66526090
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'Underbust,' seems pretty cut and dry. The phrasing is interesting though, since that would imply you couldn't wear, say, a bikini top that doesn't completely cover the curve of the bottom of the breasts.

>> No.66526111

and she is reacting exactly how mozzu wanted her to react to her forest

>> No.66526343

And now Mozzu is gonna play MC with Airi

>> No.66526359

It also means it will most likely affect future outfits etc.

>> No.66526427

Airi likes Mozzu so much, it's so cute

>> No.66527683

I don't think I will. In fact I've just got comfy. Fancy seeing you here, although I should have known you were a mite.

>> No.66527896

Both of you should stay in discord.

>> No.66528309

>if you touch a sawblade with your hand it automatically stops
that's why you don't allow neets or women in the shop

>> No.66528541


>> No.66528573

Anon's never seen the hotdog test

>> No.66528706

try that on a normal table saw with your cock

>> No.66531188

Mozzu killed Airi. Twice.
It's over.

>> No.66531259

Airi and Mozzu should kiss.

>> No.66533407

I really hope Airi and Mozzu will meet one day

>> No.66533808

They HATE noses in V-Dere

>> No.66534420

Blessed scream

>> No.66535956

Airi and Mozzu are gone...

>> No.66536136

And she unexpectedly raided Coni

>> No.66537260

Mozzu suki

>> No.66538290

isn't that kiki's friend?

>> No.66542830

Kiki is friend

>> No.66546191

mozzu doesn't come here.

>> No.66551656

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.66553219


>> No.66553496

Yes, and I want to have sex with her

>> No.66555602

Elia soon

>> No.66555872
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Your whore is a liar

>> No.66556578

Elia in 30 minutes

>> No.66557175


>> No.66557202
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>> No.66557469

Interesting timing.

>> No.66558001

"But it's Mozzu, so I'll ignore it."

>> No.66558218

She told me to trust her. That's enough for me.
Thanks for the warning though! I hope you will find someone you can trust, too.

>> No.66558432

But of course let's forget that she said that YT is and will be her main focus, and that even if she gets banned on Twitch she won't get upset because whatever, it's a secondary platform to her you goddamn shitter.
Why am I even bothering...

>> No.66558453


>> No.66559329

Spica delayed her stream because she needs to make food

>> No.66559407

Lying whore

>> No.66559634

damn, almost forgot it was spica time

>> No.66559822

ogey but enough about Elia

>> No.66560475

delayed a further half an hour, lasagna still in the oven

>> No.66561389

starting now!

>> No.66562921

guitarists hate!

>> No.66563374

Spica really wants to do this Gura song even without proper tabs
respect the dedication

>> No.66564229
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>> No.66564826
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>> No.66565470
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>> No.66565895

>coomed to menace when she was purple
>now coom to a double paizuri from her and her friend
this year's off to a good start

>> No.66566039

Spica is gone mate, she's gone...
And she raided Elia who's also about to end!

>> No.66566118

And Elia is also gone now...

>> No.66566119

and a Japanese cutie pecotiita on Twitch
Lethal Company with Eve tomorrow!

>> No.66566184

And she raided Akiko!

>> No.66566311


>> No.66566354

People here have me spooked about what Menace is like but I'm going to take a chance on her just because
>Her interactions in her alternate guise have been fun
>People here will shit on anyone
and most importantly
>Big tits

>> No.66566446

I'm excited about more Menace/Mozzu (M&Ms?) stuff, but I hope it doesn't fall into the same trap as Kiara/Mori

>> No.66566675

>same trap as Kiara/Mori
And that would be what? I don't watch hololive.

>> No.66567053

The shipping just got incessant, to the point where it leaked into streams as well. To be fair Kiara invites that kind of thing, but I think Mozzu’s pretty clear that what they do is more shitposting than yuri baiting

>> No.66568147

I am all for grooming mozzu into moving with menace, marrying her, and maybe have a baby through artificial insemination (with my seed btw)

>> No.66568244

Mites love being cucked, we know

>> No.66568300

lesbians can't cuck you, anon

>> No.66568362

I learn so many new things about myself in these threads.

>> No.66571203


>> No.66571748

Have to get my Mozzu news from second-order Mozzu threads baka

>> No.66572407

>doesn't creep in freechat all day every day
skill issue

>> No.66572432

you're not a real mite if you're not in the freechat

>> No.66572658


>> No.66573312

/vdere/'s thoughts on free chat
>calls them all groomers
>thinks you should spend all your time there

>> No.66573714

more like wfhchad mites

>> No.66574047

to be fair they’re the same way about discord. don’t believe anything you read here.

>> No.66574220

doesn't -window work for literally everything

>> No.66574585

I've never seen so many people gripe about a streaming platform lmao

>> No.66574631

twitchslop so good!

>> No.66574775

Thank you for the biddies anon, remember to hydrate.

>> No.66574842

stop shitposting and help mozzu with the tech support

>> No.66575079

arent there programs that let you play anything in windowed mode

>> No.66575344

try joing their conversation without being a clique member

>> No.66575468

you should be there for mozzu news, just dont chat

>> No.66575596

Why isn't she using twitter? Honest question. One tweet 'I'm thinkin Space marine today' and it's all good.

>> No.66575880

I refuse to indulge in platformwarring with you virgins ^^

>> No.66575929

have (You) tried?

>> No.66576594

mites keep complaining about the lack of GFE but they completely disappear when she asks for tech support

>> No.66576709

they tried their best
one guy even pirated the game to try it on his machine and it worked
past this point it's imposible to help her without seeing what she's actually doing

>> No.66577087
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>let me just take a bite of this soap and wash it down with my piss
i forgot how YT viewers are so much more refined
>if i cast the features of this other site in a bad light it won't highlight the limitations of the one my oshi streams on

>> No.66577444

Girl, just google it.

>> No.66578127

every time I see this image on /vt/, it's attached to a retarded post
wouldn't be surprised if most of those were yours

>> No.66578688

Thank you for the doordash anon, remember to tune in to my members exclusive.

>> No.66578757

>scarfs down soap
>takes swig of piss
yuotube slop so gooood

>> No.66579830

Everyone who bitches about her is barely familiar with her, or a L*mi or K*ki cocksucker, don't worry.

>> No.66579905

Mozzu in 30 minutes

>> No.66580208

>remember to tune in to my members exclusive
I like the new tier a little bit more every time a poorfag seethes about it

>> No.66580266

it's a schizo from /vrt/, he doesn't actually watch her

>> No.66581241


>> No.66581679
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>> No.66581684
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Space Mozzurine

>> No.66581873
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I know I shouldn't...

>> No.66582013

Remember she has mods now

>> No.66582066
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>> No.66582163


>> No.66582412

>almost done with book 4
she didn't learn her lesson
the speed reading continues

>> No.66583074

>greentexter...kill yourself
I kneel

>> No.66583934

fat balding whore KEK

>> No.66585036

this is about vdere, not your mother

>> No.66585242

God, Warhammer is such a trash IP. It's like a high schooler's badly-written plagiarized fan fiction of his favorite sci-fi stories. The Sonichu of grimdark faggotry.

>> No.66585323

It's so silly I just find a lot more enjoyment by indulging in it. Like turn your critical brain off and just accept that it's at home being completely over-the-top.

>> No.66585417

It's supposed to be camp, but when attempts at camp fail, all you are left with is kitsch.

>> No.66585491

Airi and Mozzu sexo

>> No.66585514

Airi's ASMR featuring Mozzu (and it's quite long too!)

>> No.66585860

My dick won't survive this day

>> No.66586048

>did one with Elia
>now with Mozzu
she wouldn't do the impossible and actually get Spica in on this too right?

>> No.66586504

Airi starting!

>> No.66587869

This ASMR is pretty bad.

>> No.66588238

She only does roleplays before please understand

>> No.66588770

I hate when chat makes these girls insecure about their heartrates. Fauna stopped letting saplings listen to her heart because they made her too self-conscious.

>> No.66589032
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>> No.66589093

Mozzu is gone...
And she raided Lottie!

>> No.66589158

and her sister r_u_u_ on twitch, who invited her to play lueage (kek)

>> No.66589236

For now?

>> No.66589262

Airi is gone...

>> No.66591310

Mozzu talks about her sister and drugs but is it just weed or something harder? Big difference specially with her sister having others over to do it.

>> No.66591421

I really hope it's just weed, there's nothing worse than being in one building with meth or crack junkies

>> No.66591591

>get raided from Lottie to Yae Yugiri
>hear familiar music
Funny coincidence

>> No.66591762

A while back she was talking about how she and her sister went to sbux together and on the way home her sister took a hit of something that had been infused in a vape. Obviously she could be doing any combination of drugs but it's probably just various forms of THC.
I pray one day a drug deal goes bad and we can be rid of the both of them.
