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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66512300 No.66512300 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to give love to your oshi】



Previous thread >>66435300

>> No.66513579
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send her love today fags

>> No.66513671


>> No.66514093
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She deserves it, it’s also a nice day to do it

>> No.66514205

fat girls don't deserve love.

>> No.66514277

ok but let me rest a little first

>> No.66514383

ok eru

>> No.66514688

Good afternoon, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Yamu and can't stop thinking about her...

>> No.66515384
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>> No.66515467
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Eru should apologize

>> No.66516201

>she deserves it
I hate that fat thot, so no.

>> No.66516260

Architects disagree

>> No.66517519

Im wondering if nisha feel for nisharts the same feelings that yuko does for her boobros

>> No.66517587

today's result will mark a turning point
>time to harvest consequences

>> No.66518007

tf are you talking about?
If you plan to shit the thread fuck off.

>> No.66518275

stfu schizo there are positive and negative consequences.whether is good or bad depends on ccv eyes

>> No.66518389

>doxxniggers baiting
>more shitters parroting their trash
yeah, pass, it only lacks the choripanschizo for the cherry of the cake.

>> No.66518500

Your phrasing heavily implies something negative.

>> No.66518785

I don't care about your choripanera

>> No.66518927

anon....has so much harm been done to you /here/?it´s just a comment in air
>don't be schizo

>> No.66519072

>so much harm been done to you /here/
Every girl has been shitted on by the same retards over and over, you can't have a normal talk here anymore

>> No.66519146

What's happening today?

>> No.66519204

Nothing will happen today.

>> No.66519343

Today Shura will pay.

>> No.66519445


>> No.66519585

My bed and blankets are too small for her.

>> No.66520857

Mating press sylvie

>> No.66522949

I wonder what is my wife up to...

>> No.66523061

Dealing with her burnout

>> No.66523328

>getting tired kneading pizza dough after not sleeping all night
That doesn't sound like a relaxing activity imo

>> No.66523883

That was the day before yesterday.
Anyway I hope she's fine.

>> No.66524420 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.66524486

Nooooo what have you done to her :(

>> No.66524856
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malnutrition is a serious problem anon, you should donate to your oshi and present her healty food on throne

(((bigger))), also give her some calories

>> No.66525200
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>> No.66525413
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>also give her some calories
is this your oshi?
I'm not judging tho

>> No.66525513

At first I thought her face looked nice because she reminded me to Himea, then I scrolled down kek

>> No.66525557

She is sweet

>> No.66525655
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You should be locked up

>> No.66525986

She got the programmer socks

>> No.66526252

shura futa version when ?

>> No.66526319 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.66526485
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>> No.66526551

This nigga obssesed with Renacuajo wtf

>> No.66526608


>> No.66526630
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>> No.66526729

Man, i can’t talk about my oshi because that fucker always mention Ren or some shit, i know she hates /here/ but damn. now i understand why nobody talk about their oshis, except yamufags

>> No.66526794

Your mistake was giving free (you)'s to the fag

>> No.66526829

I want to eat her ginger hairy pussy

>> No.66526836

you should give a shit, and you should give love to your oshi. that's what Yamufags do. They always give love to their oshi in spite of the antis, love always wins.

>> No.66526888


>> No.66526949

Don't give away (you) free,took a long time understand it anon

>> No.66527175


>> No.66527644

That Switch gamepad looks HUEG in her hands. Just how fucking smol is she?
Genetically built for IMAGINE.

>> No.66528125

140cm… imagine…

>> No.66528246

what do you think?

>> No.66528352

open a onlyfans at this point whore.
the fucking cancer of vtubing.

>> No.66528361

A retard nigger was saying that her freckless where ugly or some shit like that.

>> No.66528406

Not to shit on her but she keeps asking stuff related to vtubing in what's supposedly her personal account.
>Discussing vtubing activities
>personal account
I don't understand her.

>> No.66528413

>personal account
kys nigger. at least she doesn’t have le secret twitter acc o ig acc, kek

>> No.66528472

your whore is a; p r o s t i t u t e.

>> No.66528479

Become Nimu

>> No.66528534

I don’t understand her neither. but, it’s her personal acc. her “Manager” account, she wants to separate Sylvie to her. The same shit shondo was doing

>> No.66528562


>> No.66528611

But how can she separate the accounts when she keeps talking about vtubing there.
Shouldn't she asking that stuff directly in her Sylvie account?

>> No.66528618

Ok but enough about Eru, chuuu~
Also, doesn’t this is the same shit that the idol girls do?

>> No.66528660

stop fucking angelo, you're not going to fuck her

>> No.66528672

kys nacho taco chimichanga

>> No.66528677


>> No.66528730

It’s not them, it’s the same nigger who keeps posting about Renacuajo every. single. day.

>> No.66528735 [DELETED] 

go back to slurp Ren's semen cuck, she is full of his cream right now

>> No.66528747

Seeing her legs, you could probably use those red threads down there as dental floss.

>> No.66528838

Immersion ruined

>> No.66528847

It’s good that she is asking about it, but at this point i think she needs to delete everything about Sylvie in that account, i know she have that dynamic “Manager-Talent” and wants to do the same shit that Shondo does, but doesn’t work with these niggers who keeps harassing her

>> No.66528904


>> No.66528906


>> No.66528913

See? he’s obsessed with Renacuajo. he can’t stop thinking about Renacuajo’s cock

>> No.66528972

Yeah, I think she's too autistic to know how to keep her irl and vtuber persona truly separated.

>> No.66528982

Women will women

>> No.66529000 [DELETED] 

see? a cuck, he don't care if his lying cunt is having sex with other man

>> No.66529017

Who the fuck do you think is retard?
That fucking braind dead of Angelo thinks they're still together

>> No.66529024

>secret twitter acc o ig acc
That's exactly how it should be tho

>> No.66529072

>lying cunt
Do you have proof? go back to moan on twitter, nigger. are you gonna post those screenshots from facekek? nobody takes (YOU) serious, you’re only a clown at this point

>> No.66529143

It’s not that nigger dude, it’s that retard who have that twitter acc. Its obvious at this point. that nigger was harassing her since she was Anya

>> No.66529146

>That's exactly how it should be tho
they should nuke all that stupid shit and disapear from internet with those shit, only bring problems.

>> No.66529201

That would imply nacho's gang stopped harassing her, but nothing happened that could have made them stop.

>> No.66529311

>trying to justificate stupidity with muh boogeyman
tell her to delete that account idiots

>> No.66529316

Nigga are you saying they should only exist as vtubers on the internet? That's impossible, they're human.
Read yourself again.

>> No.66529334

It's amazing how some of you can be complete idiots.

>> No.66529378

They are harassing her always, but they stopped. The only one /here/ it’s that nigger with that twitter account, he’s obsessed with renacuajo. everytime someone mentions Sylvie that nigger starts to spam his shit and harass her, he keeps believing his narrative
>le evil anya
Also, nacho gang/Angelo only refers to her as Sylvie or K

>> No.66529437

>That's impossible
(You) sound like a groomer wanting to be on those ego trash accounts

>> No.66529456

Dude, it’s obvious at this point.

>> No.66529465

How are you so sure?
To me it looks like they're trying to deflect blame to that twitter faggot.

>> No.66529540

They can have their personal accounts that none of her fans know about.
I bet all the girls have those. Meica, Nisha, Eru, Shura, etc.

>> No.66529598

Nah, i don’t care about these niggers. Angelo has a restraining order, he said so himself in his diskek server, kek. The only one who keeps spamming his shit it’s that nigger, her schizo who keeps harassing her since her Anya days

>> No.66529619

had. past.
only Meica have one active.
Eru only have her work account.

>> No.66529642

she had it, but aldair screwed it

>> No.66529662

That you know about.

>> No.66529691

>abandon your other hobbies and personal activities you invested years into just because
Grow up, kid. There's a right ways to do stuff without going to extremes.

>> No.66529699

>Ru locked her account

>> No.66529729

anon i'm on Marie's discord i know more that you think.

>> No.66529731


>> No.66529746

If you only knew, that pedo is looking for information about Sylvie.

>> No.66529769

That’s what happens when you want to do the same shit Shondo does, kek

>> No.66529873

>I'm le insider
Do you really think they would let anyone in the vtubing circle know their REAL personal accounts? lmao.
I'm not talking about PL, I'm talking a real personal account.

>> No.66529880

Eru has two, one public, and one private.

>> No.66529900

this girl is dumb, very dumb.

>> No.66529917

So she have Angelo, Marie, Saku, Nacho, The faggot with that twitter acc, Filishnna, and the other groomers.
Poor girl, she can’t have a rest. The funny thing its that they made her hate /here/

>> No.66529978

What do you expect about a girl who have no friends and have asperger? kek

>> No.66529999

anon i know chapita's ig

>> No.66530023

Not a vtuber.

>> No.66530074

Not really, it's obvious that the guy who leaked her best friend's account is to blame for her hating this place.

>> No.66530082

>They aren't inside Fishu

>> No.66530095

wow! your autistic underage trolls playgorund is just as worthless and irrelevant as those cringe supremacia kids server.

>> No.66530125

you still don't get it what i'm trying to say right? whatever i'll not spoonfed you.

>> No.66530166
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You forgot Tona! She keeps harassing her everywhere

>> No.66530231

>no puede estar mas usada

>> No.66530274

if you still have a working braincell report and ignore the shitters.

>> No.66530292

>he isn't inside lala

>> No.66530303
File: 82 KB, 1170x1335, D30CB319-6A6E-4B2C-89EC-DD8B684B64F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also tona cuts herself and she have an ED. Hi tonita~

>> No.66530382

Tona it’s in a relationship with Nacho and all Roblox Dahood, kek. kys Nachito. don’t make me post all your shit

>> No.66530402

She has "secret" accounts only for selected paypigs tho

>> No.66530411

hi nisha.improve your narrative it's not normal cry on one side and laugh on other

>> No.66530479
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It's pretty easy to identify those rats.

>> No.66530485
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uh oh anya melty

>> No.66530487

when will jannies will rangeban this choripaneros shitters

>> No.66530507

Whatever you say Nigger

>> No.66530562

What a sad faggot

>> No.66530565

Now they are desperate.

>> No.66530575

Yamu have the shittiest people on the hobby, is like Pippa and her kiwiniggers, fucking disgusting.

>> No.66530620
File: 139 KB, 1170x1237, 6F6D7F7E-E637-4B54-B33E-3FF65AB0FE88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga it’s 35 yrs old btw

>> No.66530682
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Go back to your dying corpo general

>> No.66530696

Why is Sylvie is pushing muh discordniggers boogeymans narrative again?
Did she fight with another solCHUDsito on stream agaain?
my membership expired a few days ago...

>> No.66530741

Like a clockwork

>> No.66530779

>no new IP
he is right

>> No.66530802

>be me
>bored playing call of duty
>turn off pc
>turn on tv
>let's watch some stream
>nothing worthwhile
>meica appears as live
>"let's watch her, i haven't seen one of her streams in months"
>sick of this shit after 15 minutes
>turn off tv
>turn on pc
>"what the fuck is happening? heee??"
>completely forget my pc password that I have used for years
>better go to sleep maybe I'm just tired
>sleep for 9 hours
>wake up
>still don't remember the damn password
what the fuck? nothing like this has ever happened to me in my entire life, so it's true that watch Meica stream lowers your IQ
really, really can't believe it, I went to work, came back and couldn't remember my password, I had to transfer all my files and reinstall windows
for years watching trash content on TV I thought I was immune to this kind of thing still can't believe it

>> No.66530805

It was always nacho's circle.

>> No.66530883 [DELETED] 

One of her groomers leaked her PL TikTok and some paypigs went mad because she didn't tell them about it

>> No.66530928

honestly this guy is dumber than pettanko lol

>> No.66530934

Everything because of this faggot.

>> No.66530936

>All chuubas can have their personal accounts!!!

>> No.66531001

She had already told us about that account a while ago, what are you talking about?

>> No.66531019

choripaneros are the new misopitas, always throwing shit at other girls but they will report any faggot exposing their faggotry.

>> No.66531039

>Ren la dejó por una más tetona, culona y alta

>> No.66531060
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>> No.66531084
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>> No.66531105

I hate that I feel compelled to help this girl, I don't even watch her.
>Ah shit, here we go again.

>> No.66531142

Tell that to who? Her paypigs?

>> No.66531151

but enough of your brownie queen and the services she offer on that other account

>> No.66531179
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>> No.66531189


>> No.66531230

I literally watch all her streams every day and she has never said it, not even on twitter

>> No.66531237

do it faggot

>> No.66531272

She told on a public account afaik, I'm not a soldadito and knew about it, she even told to not look at her likes, maybe she deleted it later on.

>> No.66531356

>larping as spammer anon
Is this the cuernuditos new way of doing damage control?

>> No.66531364

Damn, Ren will pay

>> No.66531397

>185 ccv
>3 translators fighting for attention
Back to the old days ,it seems that if you want to leave

>> No.66531401
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>> No.66531402 [SPOILER] 
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shut up faggots

>> No.66531426

Kys nacho go back to roblox
>damage control
kek, whatever you say faggot

>> No.66531466
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>> No.66531480
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>> No.66531500 [DELETED] 

>not only anysado but also her grommers really think she broke up with Ren

>> No.66531543

I know but she had other one were she added some groomers, someone leaked and then some solCHADsito linked all the groomers in through that account, she privated it after everything exploded yesterday, I'm obviously not posting the other account

>> No.66531557 [DELETED] 
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woops, wrong image

>> No.66531588
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>> No.66531599

Shut the fuck up Ren, you’re part from that group and no, she hates (You) so fucking much.

>> No.66531661
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>> No.66531686

Who did she add?
someone from the aldair discord.

>> No.66531687

Tf is this nigga talking about, the only thing that was leaked was her maros.

>> No.66531725

Sylvie listen your chat loves you, that's a fact.

>> No.66531728

thanks god i downloaded all the images and screencap all controversial post from her personal facebook

>> No.66531741
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>taka collab
>that big ccv
>no i can't believe it! this was the end of an era!
>oh noes this is grim, spicbros we should finger your anus together on discord

>> No.66531760

>Unstable, lonely girl, asperger, addicted to clonazepam, cuts herself
I can fix her…

>> No.66531793

He's making shit up obviously. Literally nothing happened.

>> No.66531813

just do it don't bait it cuck DO IT

>> No.66531896

What are you talking about?
Is that the thing you said would be a turning point?

>> No.66531908

omg wow!!!! screenshots from a facekek of a relationship who nobody gives a fuck!
>b-but she’s racist and.. and!!!
Nobody cares, nigga. kys. Renacuajo he was unfaithful to her and that's it. nobody cares about that fucker anymore.

>> No.66531939
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Yes, in the solCHADsito exclusive maro

You are confused anon, the only one she talked publicly was her Sylvie Ru account and the other one was only in the exclusive maro

>> No.66531953

that was at the mornig nigga

>> No.66531997

You all seriously want Sylvie to stop being a vtuber

>> No.66532059

she should move to twitch and drop that gay ass avatar and open a onlyfans.

>> No.66532072

>Yo no era Vtuber, nonera activa en space, no planeaba volver, porqué no pude tener mi privacidad?
Welp. she got a point

>> No.66532082

>the are people who actually think that Sylvie and Ren broke up
It's amusing how delusional people can be KEK

>> No.66532083

And, fuck poorfag

>> No.66532138

They won't achieve it.
Her fans support can't be matched nor defeated.

>> No.66532158 [DELETED] 

facebook / felipe.toronja.9
Discord: martetona

The stalker who wanted to fuck her for years, Angelo / the friend who sold the information, marghott

>> No.66532200

This. Worst of all, she is a hard working girl. she still maintains her GFE and respect for her soldaditos, but her groomers and antis will always harass her.

>> No.66532216


>> No.66532254 [DELETED] 


>> No.66532272

Seriously, this is not different form discord groomers gatekeeping stuff for their own convenience.

>> No.66532274


>> No.66532282 [DELETED] 

facebook / felipe.toronja.9
Discord: martetona

The stalker who wanted to fuck her for years, Angelo, Canada / the friend who sold the information, marghott, Chile

>> No.66532286

It was obvious that it was Mar who sold her.
aka natashka, she is the doxer too.

>> No.66532311
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>b-but she "wasn't" a vtuber in that exact moment it doesn't matter if she was a vtuber 1 week before or if she cameback to vtubing 1 week later i-it doesn't count!!!!

>> No.66532335

all her soldaditos don't give a shit, She is all alone, kek

>> No.66532343 [DELETED] 
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>> No.66532380

She wasn’t a Vtuber, nigga. And that acc she deleted it. so it’s doesn’t matter anymore

>> No.66532390

he is the fucking rapist

>> No.66532407

Oh, soldadito, you're giving way too much importance to those loud insignificant shitter raids that disturb our peace now and then.

>> No.66532436

He looks like a fuckboy, kek. What a pathetic faggot

>> No.66532495

and you look like an orc kek

>> No.66532517 [DELETED] 

Insider anon here
Angelo Felipe von kleist, Canada
Marghott ruberina, chile Antifa

They are the ones behind all the hate on Sylvie

>> No.66532531

Hi Angelito~

>> No.66532571
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So what does all this have to do with her posting photos for me to jerk off?

>> No.66532595

And the schizo with the twitter acc. That nigga its obsessed with Ren. he even saved all of these screenshots of her failed relationship with Renacuajo, kek

>> No.66532611

More like a fucktoy for anons.
I call for yoffinication

>> No.66532656 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 437x421, 1698187609500384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your facekek screenshots has no power /here/ kathy

>> No.66532700

Hate rape it is.

>> No.66532751

Go back to twitter, pathetic nigger. go watch ur corp who its slowly dying, kek

>> No.66532787

It must hurt right? being cultivated by renato lol

>> No.66532823

Friendly reminder that

>> No.66532824


>> No.66532827

Kinda wish I cared to do something about it.
It's all on you soldaditos.

>> No.66532908

>Now he’s samefagging
The same shit over and over again. The nigga with the facekek screenshots its the same one with the twitter acc btw, Angelogang are harassing her in her streams or directly

>> No.66532943


>> No.66532971

silvye must make a lomitocausto to clean up community if it really wants to continue

>> No.66533014


>> No.66533021

Let me take a wild guess. She told you in about her tiktok in the same stream where she told you her steam account.
Am I right Puchy?

>> No.66533039

how you can comunicate with the mods of this board to explain the situation?

>> No.66533052

The antis always repeat the same thing, they can't attack her any other way because they know she hasn't done anything wrong

>> No.66533064


>> No.66533067

The ones harassing her are none of her fans, if she decimates her fanbase the only thing she would achieve is that her harassers become louder due to them being less outnumbered.

>> No.66533107

Stop trying nigger. all the proof it’s there. even her mom was joking about it. kys

>> No.66533124

you are talking to the shitter anon posting all that shit

>> No.66533188

This, we basically have them cornered and they don't know what to do.

>> No.66533194

Join the IRC, I don't know how tho. And make your case in a way they don't laugh at you. It's said site mods hate /vt/ and actively sabotage it by refusing to make changes that would make it better.

>> No.66533208


>> No.66533216

Imagine wanting to attack a girl who just wants to play games

>> No.66533241

>he keeps believing
Show the proofs at least cuernudo

>> No.66533267

This. but that girl have serious problems. She’s all alone in this. She can’t talk about this with her dad because he is going to forbid her to be vtuber.

>> No.66533270

and farm ignorant a inoccent lonely boys money

>> No.66533344

half of her subhuman viewers are unironically groomers or potencial groomers.

>> No.66533347

Watch streams, shitter.

>> No.66533394

How funny how Angelo's Facebook gets leaked and the thread gets more intense.

>> No.66533397

why faggots keep giving free (you)s to a shitter?

>> No.66533403

Hi newfag, if you haven't realize yet nobody cares about this shit, the whole board is just as shit

>> No.66533408

This. Not to mention she have to deal with pettancuck.

>> No.66533428

She just needs her fans not to believe whatever crap they throw here

>> No.66533483

All of her retarded fans are /here/ kek

>> No.66533518 [DELETED] 
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>She’s all alone
She has Natashko

>> No.66533622

Whatever you say angelito

>> No.66533721

hololive threads are not like this trash

>> No.66533825

Does everyone see this? It's always the same shit, If you really love Sylvie leave her positive messages on twitter and marshmallow, btw I'm not a fan of her, but it's pretty simple to do the right thing

>> No.66533828

Stop being obsessed with those discordniggers Anya, you will make Ren get jealous...

>> No.66533845

I think you're new so I'll make it clear, there are people in her fandom who stalk her, the stalkers love to make noise, they like to leave their mark and the most pathetic thing is that they are 25-30 year old fags, god it's pathetic that you don't understand that.

>> No.66533911


>> No.66533920

>no proofs

>> No.66533960

Fuck off nigger go back to Twitter

>> No.66534009

What's wrong about it?
That's what this business is about.

>> No.66534137 [DELETED] 

that liying cunt of Kathy will pay

>> No.66534153

The ones who stalk her the most are her harassers not her fans.
Are you really saying that if she gets rid of them Nacho's gang will magically disappear too? pffff

>> No.66534165


>> No.66534396

You can shit all you want on her in this place it'll change NOTHING.
None of her fans will change their opinion about her because shit written here.
Nothing a bunch of discord kids say will actually affect her streams and how her chat treats her.
She only needs to stream as always and everything will be okay.
This applies to any chuuba.

>> No.66534455

Read this Sylvie.

>> No.66534529


>> No.66534688

the jews kicked Kyo out just cause a paypig leaked that shit on the jews thread making his own narrative, half of stardusts eat that trash and dropped hard her and started mass bitching at the CEO

>> No.66534696


>> No.66534697


>> No.66534734

Scared that everyone realizes your shitpost is irrelevant?

>> No.66534783

don't give (you)s fucking retard

>> No.66534810

you really don't get it, there are two sides: the groomers outside the fandom (nacho, anya skizo and other faggots), then the ones inside the fandom who think like sex objects, they are potentially bait in fact that bunch of fags go through /here/ lurking to see how to get to their oshi

>> No.66534820

you are underestimating the severe retardation that some fags have, let alone the underage idiots that consume her streams too.

>> No.66534872

Yeah but what if one of her schizos have a Twitter acc who only harass her there? kek

>> No.66534910

Has any of it actually affected her core fanbase?
No. They all know it's trash.

>> No.66534988

Not a stream, did you read what I said? The only thing that matters are the streams.
No twitter, no discord, no here.
Only streams.

>> No.66535037

just proving you wrong, remember Ozuni, all the stupid shitpost you say here end hitting to your oshi since reards are very very very stupid.

>> No.66535268

This. Sylvie has said that they were harassing her in maros. Man i’m so tired of these subhumans wtf

>> No.66535329

Ozuni was never a Lia fan.
And none of actual Lia fans cared about that shitfest, look at them they're still with her donating and all.

>> No.66535372

If she wanted copy nisha style so much, she should not take any social network as important.It took her 2 months to assimilate they all sucked and now she is happy in own way

>> No.66535414

Again, not streams.
And it's really easy to send shit on marshmallow.
You can sent dozens without any effort.

>> No.66535496

Nisha is truly an example to follow.

>> No.66535544

Ozuni is just an opportunist who got lucky.

>> No.66535552

In her streams too, there’s was a faggot with her ex name and was spamming shit

>> No.66535625

Oww poor nishadown, also Sylvie only wants to copy Shondo’s style not Nisha

>> No.66535652

there are schizos on every place sadly, twitter can be fucking cancer, discord is a shgithole for the worst scum on the internet and let alone the ig groomers.

>> No.66535783


>> No.66535814

Was he able to outnumber the rest of chat?
I highly doubt it.

>> No.66535833

She said it herself.

>> No.66535881

sometimes you only need one rotten apple to ruin the hole basket

>> No.66536023

Why would you give so much importance to one faggot?

>> No.66536049

>poor nishadown
sorry to disappoint you but I´m not nishadown but /here/ and she herself was proud to follow nisha style.Although funny enough almost all nisha fans went with sylvie

>> No.66536071

ok keep being on denial then

>> No.66536081

the point is to know how to control them, sadly I have not seen anyone in the community that has stopped them, the best example is /here/ as long as there are the grommers and opportunists of discord here we will be here to balance them (those of us who spin the real facts, not the skizos who only come to shit the thread with their shit).
as said before, what matters are the streams (as long as there are no vulnerable points for oshi's personal accounts and there is no faggot to shit on his private life).

>> No.66536210

so you are THAT one shitter, stop posting faggot.

>> No.66536341 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.66536395

what model are you using btw?

>> No.66536453


>> No.66536475


>> No.66536548


>> No.66536628

take it easy soldakek.i don't care about (you) oshi and i hope his situation improves
>Not everyone wants to shit on sylvie it's just 3 faggots who already have a predefined narrative and (you)soldakek eat bait free

>> No.66536835

let it start to spill milk and it will look good

>> No.66536912

kys nigga srsly

>> No.66536944

make her a loli now

>> No.66537199

are more nigga, next time check the one week thread and you'll be in for a surprise.

>> No.66537309

Friendly reminder that no matter how much those niggers shit on Sylvie they won't achieve anything.

>> No.66537398

sure shitter, now fuck off and stop baiting other shitposters to shit on her

>> No.66537577

thanks for remembering it, if I am sincere I would like that sylvie does not read these threads of shit, she has more important things than being here reading threads of hate, not like others who do read and even participate.

>> No.66537950

In the end anons are the less schizo of them all.

>> No.66538019

wtf happened in the last few hours?
I need a summary pls

>> No.66538074

nice one shitter, anons have twitter accounts, discord accounts and yt accounts too, surprise anons are justs faggots posting anonymously.

>> No.66538235

The ones who ended up being more schizo of them all were the ones who don't use this place as their first option, they were the ones who spend most of their time on discord and places like that.

>> No.66538576

die faggots you are the cancer of tha community.

>> No.66538695

Sir this is not discord.

>> No.66538784

It would be good if you set an example first before commenting, don't you think?

>> No.66538845

half of the tards posting here are subhumans from those cancerous discords kek

>> No.66539098

in fact they are yamufags and pankeks shitting on another girl usually, not even the guardiafags were that dumb

>> No.66539176

>keeps trying to push a narrative for a tribalfaggery

>> No.66539203

What a way to out you as @totally_not_wctor

>> No.66539203,1 [INTERNAL] 

Like you?

>> No.66540004


>> No.66540072

choripaneros really are evil faggots

>> No.66540402

>That Meica drawing in Misora's pose
kek who did it?

>> No.66540467

stop shilling yourself here scum.

>> No.66541042

>thread is comfy.
>anon talks about sylvie.
>thread goes to shit.

>> No.66541084


>> No.66541199

kys nigga

>> No.66541359

Yamu is comfy.
Sylvie is a fucking lolcow retard who ruins these threads.

>> No.66541463
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I hope she’s having a nice day

>> No.66541546

KEK. whatever you say falseflagging nigger

>> No.66541583

You know what? I'll start shilling sylvie from now on, just to make the shitter seeth

>> No.66541669
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>> No.66541717

You know what? I'll start anti sylvie from now on her maros, just to make the you cry

>> No.66541752

how old are you man

>> No.66541755

She doesn't has maros kek

>> No.66541798

yikes bro, give her big tits

>> No.66541831


>> No.66541897

>Mame some AI Yamus
>AI gives her arm bandages
>I didn't ask for them
What did the AI mean by this?

>> No.66541955

Pure sex

>> No.66542027 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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wtf AI

>> No.66542255

holy mother fucker

>> No.66542281 [DELETED] 
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>> No.66542640

moar. now.

>> No.66542822
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>> No.66542901

just saying this, no one give a fuck about english streams dumbo, anglos don't like ESLs, stop being gullible dummy.

>> No.66542974

more oppai loli, feed me AIbro

>> No.66543133

Oh Nisha EN stream time to tune in.

>> No.66543212

she already said goodbye like 5 times you're only getting a goodbye 2 times at the most and then she's going for real.

>> No.66544006
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>> No.66544027
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>> No.66544137 [DELETED] 
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microbikinis are the best

>> No.66545141

>Sylvie's membership stream soon
Are you ready?

>> No.66545166


>> No.66545197

I do.

>> No.66545280

Wtf with all these faggots harassing sylvie from nowhere? she’s sure the most hated chuuba /here/ holy kek

>> No.66545321

keep trying nishadown,chat is as dead as board now.

>> No.66545332

>asking for dragon dildos on throne
it's your time groombros

>> No.66545375

She should be offtopic so no one can talk about her /here/ its a win-win

>> No.66545404

She will have another meltdown

>> No.66545460


>> No.66545502

Only CHADS watch EN streams

>> No.66545517

she already send me DMs and im getting the full service for free, keep paypigging Edwin kek

>> No.66545538

No one really hates her. It just those discordtroons coming to dump their garbage here as if we give af.

>> No.66545547

With Nisha’s english? Yeah sure nishaDOWN

>> No.66545568

Nisha EN is the best Nisha.

>> No.66545586 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.66545636

Her accent is cute af in EN

>> No.66545724
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>> No.66545730
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>> No.66545785

come back to chat nishadowns,your absence is felt

>> No.66545855

>Hana ES stream: 700-400ccv
>Hana ENG stream: 200-150ccv
>no how is this happening?
because spic can't into english

>> No.66546031

i'll need both hands for this...

>> No.66546049

Puti panders to the lowest of the low of the ES vtuber audience, so that's expected.

>> No.66546091
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>> No.66546187

i don't feel anything when i open her streams...
give me back my Neon

>> No.66546224

You didn't feel anything with Neon either, nostalgia is lying to you.

>> No.66546651

Neon wasn’t a cheap whore

>> No.66546780

Eru is becoming lewder and lewder to the point of being vulgar just for attention or attempts for gachis, it was more fun when she was like Merun

>> No.66546801
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babu my love

>> No.66546955 [DELETED] 

(toddlercon:1.8, (toddler:1.8), (sexy 5 years old), now.

>> No.66547097

She's not that lewd

>> No.66547109

>Silvye crying
are you happy schizos?

>> No.66547179
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>> No.66547187

>starts RTing NSFW and asking for it
>wants to release several lewd dakimakuras
>”recién casados” horny ASMR
She’s scaling up, Neon would’ve never

>> No.66547216

You know that bringing this information makes situation worse

>> No.66547265

Go to that discord server and tell them, this is just a public square.

>> No.66547316


>> No.66547610

>starts RTing NSFW and asking for it
She did the same thing when she was Neon
>several lewd dakimakuras
several?????? lewd????
>horny ASMR
Don't you get tired of making shit up?

>> No.66547740
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>> No.66547826

Best I can do is give her a good spanking

>> No.66547847

do it.
