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6652275 No.6652275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what's the real reason?
Is she spending time with her boyfriend or is she just making an excuse to not stream?

>> No.6652330

Every teammate here has a cuckold fetish. When she cancels a stream, they get off to the thought that theres a male (new bf) penetrating and creaming her pussy.
I heard she has an insemination fetish, so she probably lets the guy cum inside her real good and takes the pill later. Tummy hurt


>> No.6652339

Damn, looks like 5% has some company, eh?

>> No.6652369

she´s pegging Uto and Nabimama as we talk

>> No.6652389

Seems like there is a mix between unironic cucks and delusional copers in her fanbase.

>> No.6652428

I believe her. Family can be a pain like that.

>> No.6652552

She "accidentally" kicked Bubba and killed him, again. Now she has to get another replacement.

>> No.6652567

>i don't have a good relationship with my family so the idea that Ame wants to spend as much time with hers as possible seems impossible.

>> No.6652571
File: 136 KB, 421x366, 1624069298877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ames newest bf here, can confirm this is true. she also invites bubba to help sometimes.

>> No.6652585

Unless your oshi is aqua you all are cucks and thats cause shes the most introverted person to exist

>> No.6652627

>sorry guys, we have a threesome with Enma and Gura tonight

>> No.6652673

Nah, that’s just you

>> No.6652685

she got pregnant again and is on her way to get another abortion

>> No.6652739

We all know she has a boyfriend and cancels streams to spend time with him you dont need to rub it in dude....

>> No.6652859

Hot sex with bubba

>> No.6652887

This is why Ollie is better.
She can satisfy her boyfriend and do a collab stream at the same time.

>> No.6652920


>> No.6652971

Ame's trailer trash family want a taste of the good life

>> No.6652989
File: 195 KB, 453x479, 1606970951035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are you niggers so obsessed with being cucked all the time, can't a chuuba just enjoy time with her family? Fucking hell.

>> No.6653011

Gura didn’t visit family like she said, but went to visit Ame so they can have amazing sex for a few days. Since today is Gura’s last day before coming back, Ame said “fuck streaming” and decided to pound Gura all night long.

>> No.6653051

I know I would

>> No.6653144

>So what's the real reason?
It said there in the pic, she is playing with her family.

>> No.6653221

A boyfriend will understand her job and would not force her to postpone a stream to hang out. Parents, on the otherhand, will bitch to high heaven until you postpone to hang out with them.

>> No.6653264

Do you have any idea what Hispanic family is like? I completely trust her explanation.

>t. bean

>> No.6653288

>this nigga thinks he knows how relationships work despite never being in one
Dude you retarded cope harder

>> No.6653305

Seems pretty flimsy. Her family cant go 60 minutes by themselves so she can do the thing she said she was going to do?

>> No.6653353

Bitch, I've had numerous boyfriends in my life, and you'll never touch a boob.

>> No.6653413

Actually I'm a femanon and touch my disgusting cow tit boobs all the time wishing I was flat and cute.
Not being cunny sucks dude dont remind me.

>> No.6653432

Based fag and/or femanon

>> No.6653455
File: 40 KB, 258x239, 1625112936631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of them is 14 years old & addicted to Fortnite, so yeah, it makes sense.

>> No.6653539
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>> No.6653595

Dont believe in body mutilation sadly. I wish I could be a cute loli with a futa cock to pleasure other cunnys with but that shit isnt right. Trannys who get ops, women who get breast reduction or enhancement, and people who cute the foreskins off their kids all deserve the rope.

>> No.6653713

just because your parents have given up on their 400 lb mountain dew guzzling, piss storing, tendie eating man child doesn't mean other parents have given up on trying to maintain a family

>> No.6653979

When she streams, she streams.

>> No.6654066

itt tetarded Teamates can't help posting in troll threads

>> No.6654138

There are retarded yes men like you here who buy her every excuse. Pointing out she is ditching you for her boyfriend is not cuckholdery. It's just telling the truth to you virgins.

>> No.6654145

You new here? Ever since the Gura anti threads died down because nobody actually cared they went after Teamates because they have the same issue as their oshi where they talk lots of shit but cant ever back any of it up.
They are way easier to bait since the only "chumbuds" that ever reply to Gura anti threads are obvious false flaggers.

>> No.6654197

Gura is with her boyfriend too. The family bullshit is just an excuse. Her boyfriend is the new mod "HELPS" in her chat.

>> No.6654327

Rrat, she has cuban heritage and her family is making her go out and protest with them because of what's happening in cuba.

>> No.6654386

Would have been at least slightly believable if you said girlfriend

>> No.6654404

Stream source and timestamp?

>> No.6654457

>He doesn't know
look, newfag. nobody in here but newfags like you believe that Hololive has a lesbian.

>> No.6654458

>troll threads
Better than most split threads actually. Even more moderated too.

>> No.6654491

show tits or gtfo

>> No.6654549

Her last stream. The Asetto Corsa one. I don't know the time but it's there. I think its during the superchat reading.

>> No.6654558

>he thinks he knows.
look redditor I get that you found hololive 5 months ago but you dont have to tell everyone that openly.

>> No.6654580

Lol, hahahaha. You actually fall for the leabian kayfabe? No wonder these girls are showered with money.

>> No.6654590

I'd post my tits but the jannies wouldnt like that and I enjoy being a retard on the internet sorry.

>> No.6654667

She’s getting gangbanged tonight and she’s gonna be too tired to stream sorry teacucks

>> No.6654695

t. deadbeat

>> No.6654743

Based mommy?

>> No.6654757

>so what's the reason? they can't possibly ever tell the truth, right?
I pity compulsive liars like you. so accustomed to never speaking truthfully you can't imagine that someone else would ever not be lying too.
>he's convinced himself there are no dykes in homolive
no anon, you're the bigger retard.

>> No.6654865

I'm 6'3 female and have annoyingly large tits despite working out enough to have slight abs before I gained annoying covid weight that im too fucking lazy to lose....

>> No.6654872

post it and leave it for 1min. and then delete it so jannies wouldn't suspect you

>> No.6654888

The only women that are actually 100% lesbian are bulldykes. Every real woman is bisexual, not lesbian.

>> No.6655026


>> No.6655051

You do realise every EN has been confirmed to have had romantic interest or relationships with men, through self admittance or doxxing right. There are unironically zero dykes in HomoEN, dont know about JP.

>> No.6655082

the only real dyke in JP is Miko, fags will claim there are more but they're wrong

>> No.6655132

As the lesbian femanon..... this is 100% true.
