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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 25 KB, 419x312, allah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66509965 No.66509965 [Reply] [Original]

Show must go on

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, but I fear getting crabbed or not getting real feedback, should I not even spend my time here?
It has been shown that the thread tends to not give feedback for the sake of saying positive things, but anons can help when you formulate your questions properly, and if it failed once, please try again at a later time, know that as there are so many anons here, it's hard for everyone to see your question and respond, even if they know the proper response to you problem, so stay hopeful, and keep asking your different questions!

Ganbatte, /asp/ies! You’re all gonna make it! Good luck in persevering with all your Vtubing endeavors!

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed)

Previous thread: >>66496560

>> No.66510151

reply to this with your go live links so i don't have to scroll through the bs

>> No.66510208
File: 1.76 MB, 1140x1099, my-image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting since i post it when the thread died lol

>> No.66510230

Aspies most likely to get partner in 2024?

Aspies most likely to rebrand in 2024?

Aspies most likely to quit in 2024?

Aspies most likely to end it on a stream in 2024?

>> No.66510237

Meat who are you getting groomed by? And don’t tell me it’s Gumpai

>> No.66510311

all me

>> No.66510450


>> No.66510592
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>> No.66510609
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>> No.66510656
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>> No.66510713

Why are you like this?

>> No.66510758
File: 3.50 MB, 2289x1420, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread cleansing so that you all are distracted and stop arguing. Post your top albums of all time https://topsters.org/

>> No.66510766

I actually like almost everyone here

I just like stirring shit

>> No.66510839

>Female detected

>> No.66510880

>And don’t tell me it’s Gumpai
What's wrong with gumpai?

>> No.66510937

Listen that album got me through like 3 years of high school leave me alone

>> No.66510947
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>> No.66510953

So you're either a two-faced retard, or a schizo? Got it.

>> No.66510978
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>> No.66511018
File: 79 KB, 189x205, hanabi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daiya is live

>> No.66511048

but funny?

>> No.66511111
File: 515 KB, 2174x1420, myusack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my crap music taste

>> No.66511163

Yes, but funny I give you that

>> No.66511211

The overlap is pretty interesting desu

>> No.66511225

Go back to /mu/

>> No.66511279
File: 513 KB, 1961x1420, F-hR5ksWAAA6UEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it cause i have neutral milk hotel on it LOL here's my game list

>> No.66511284

not bad

>> No.66511306


>> No.66511400


Aspies most likely to get partner in 2024?
Dorian, Sin, Rinna, Mond, Pafu, lava, Sin, LL, Olga, ChaosFoundry

Aspies most likely to rebrand in 2024?

Azu, claudette, beryl, haru, rinna, SpikePls, sonowono, gclef, cabu

Aspies most likely to quit in 2024?
gurun, cheen, renata, chriichrii, ryuta, laine, dante

Aspies most likely to end it on a stream in 2024?


>> No.66511481
File: 758 KB, 828x804, IMG_7913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my taste is all over the place

>> No.66511585

no not really. i'm gonna get a new L2D once my art improves.

>> No.66511661

>Aspies most likely to quit in 2024?
you forgot Layla

>> No.66511708


>> No.66511798
File: 122 KB, 526x579, tama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( i’m >>66511481 )

>> No.66511831

Can someone make a big web chart of connected venndiagrams displaying all the cliques here?

>> No.66511847

>most likely to quit
nah I'm only getting started, only up from here

>> No.66511924

I'm claudette, not digby lol.

>> No.66511930

I will try my best not to but I won't lie and say it isn't hard sometimes. But I wanted to try this for so long that I don't want to quit too soon. I am also having fun streaming despite everything.

(Why is there another thread? Which one are we supposed to use?)

>> No.66512022

The female one Layla, it got titsposting and everything.

>> No.66512087
File: 127 KB, 1080x1480, buffdigby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Digby
HAHA! I am none of these, you are the fool anon

>> No.66512234

ngl I understood it as you're quiting once you're done with your studies?

>> No.66512266
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>> No.66512316

What studies? I'm confused. I don't want to quit, sorry if I'm not being clear enough.

>> No.66512412

because people dont give or ask for advice here so might as well start over

>> No.66512488

I guess it's just rumours on here then, guess I shouldn't believe all I am reading on here.

>> No.66512530

Also don't be sorry it's me being a retard.

>> No.66512661

That's not Laine if that's what you're assuming

>> No.66512739

No I assumed it's Layla?

>> No.66512796

Yes, it's me. But I am a corporate slave + freelancer. I'm not studying anymore (I want to go back to college and study more someday tho, I love investigation and the academy).

>> No.66512879

I meant research not investigation. It's "investigação" in Portuguese and I went with the similar word but I think the meaning is different. Sorry.

>> No.66512892
File: 35 KB, 352x498, Behold_UPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is me ~

>> No.66512928

Well then, nevermind then, looking forward to your next stream. Not this weekend, but next weekend, right? Would fit better with my exams.
>corporate slave + freelancer
At least you get to rake in some dough, please take care of your health.

>> No.66512999

I think you should quit, it's good for your mental health and honestly you've been nothing but a leech with a nice mask on.

>> No.66513139 [DELETED] 

Would be cool with Investigative studies though, I think I would study that if not for economics and history if not economics.

>> No.66513146

Just found out someone unfollowed me when they did a mutual only tweet and I couldn't reply to it, weird way to figure it out but oh well

>> No.66513262

I don't know any of the drama but if you want me to make one up in my free time I will. I only will use people for it that are ok with me making random shit up so if you want to be in it you know what to do

>> No.66513514

name chubba

>> No.66513535
File: 2.20 MB, 1634x1106, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the best taste t b q h

>> No.66513567


>> No.66513576


>> No.66513603

who are you

>> No.66513618
File: 320 KB, 925x909, 1704844381174798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're gonna try a Zatsudan

>> No.66513670

Hidden in the album list

>> No.66513770


>> No.66513916

I don’t understand how Keitaro has a low viewcount when he speaks pretty well and is really entertaining to watch

>> No.66513959

Like most, inconsistent scheduling and no advertising.

>> No.66514018

I’ll advertise for him because what the fuck

>> No.66514036

Maybe you're biased in your assessment of his talent, if you're one of the few that sees it like that?

>> No.66514082

How am I biased? I’m a viewer and I’m very picky with indies I watch and he does pretty well

>> No.66514085
File: 3.14 MB, 4032x3024, Fndhdbh437e6dg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66514099

Really hit that picker wheel hard huh

>> No.66514201

Maybe you have a bit of a crush on him

>> No.66514235

Maybe… o//////o

>> No.66514239

Thank you! I've already added previous to my discord in potat art room and want to add it too!
How should I credit you or you want to keep it anon? :3

>> No.66514293

>low view count
Compared to other fucking male aspies?? He's on the upper end.

>> No.66514445

>Implying I actually listen to enough music to make one of these
Haha, ha... I'm so fucking uncultured, bros...

>> No.66514558

Damn is he? Lol. That’s sad

>> No.66514576

I can't even do a games one cause it'd be so obvious.

>> No.66514588 [SPOILER] 
File: 612 KB, 749x776, 0074009a070717e51044003cf9cc7f0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear he's single so back off bitch he's mine.

>> No.66514624

Yes, unironically. Most males here float around 1view for most of their streams except for Haru, Keitaro, Beryl, and Camui.

>> No.66514638

Tourist coded post

>> No.66514694

I don’t watch males anon. I’m not a tourist

>> No.66514731

>unicorns in /asp/

>> No.66514762

he doesn't know yet, but he will learn soon enough.

>> No.66514789

If you're the same anon, what convinced you to dodge a female stream for once and watch Keitaro?

>> No.66514873


>> No.66514923

Personal preference. I barely watch indies or males. I love Keitaro’s energy and if he were to get a Live2d he’d go far.
I can understand Beryl a little bit because of his connections, but I think there’s some vendetta against the men here

>> No.66515018
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>> No.66515028

His design and game choice. Came for the gameplay, stayed for the entertaining hampster boy.
I like watching Rura, Mond, and Ria mainly as far as asp is concerned, and he really clicked well with my interests

>> No.66515137

I actually wonder, what happened to his 4view friend? Did he raid Keitaro again? Or did Keitaro ask him to stop because the tards over here were shitflinging?

>> No.66515287

Can't believe the piss princess made it to 4 veiw for her redebut

>> No.66515291

Beryl is pretty entertaining from what I saw. I can understand how he got the numbers he has now

>> No.66515324

>Sin twice
how did he partner twice?
how well is Dorian doing atm?
stop picking on my husband >:(
Clonk already applied only needed two more streams. godspeed, clonks.
where would he go? I think if he would stop focusing on just gaming it would be more interesting.
>quitting streaming
stop picking on my wife >:(

>> No.66515381

>the four best number male aspies have the most schizos

>> No.66515534
File: 1.67 MB, 1846x1017, Screenshot 2024-01-11 133003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For half of these, I just looked at what appeared the most on my Spotify.

>> No.66515544

literally fucking her boyfriend while making fun of you

>> No.66515587


>> No.66515772

Fuck off crab. They're cute together and I am looking forward to the collab. Fuza is a great guy.

>> No.66515849
File: 3.02 MB, 2279x1420, IMG_7079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some tunes

>> No.66515850
File: 1.50 MB, 1619x2048, 1696941856954135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majsoul Friends Room 69900(4-Player (1 Game)): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=69900

>> No.66515900

Are-- are you wearing their skin Tupa?

>> No.66515914

Haru barely hits double digits without raids from more successful retro chuubas

>> No.66515935

an angel made this

>> No.66515983


>> No.66516011

can't play about to stream, rip

>> No.66516041

who else listens to masa in this godforsaken thread anyways

>> No.66516087

also name chuuba

>> No.66516104

Sweet Trip and The Smiths were a bigger tip

>> No.66516116
File: 203 KB, 308x459, 1688832247167184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think my oshi posts here?

>> No.66516124

Hi Gcleff

>> No.66516184


>> No.66516186

No, absolutely not

>> No.66516209

He's had a Collab with swirldrop today, so at the very least he's networking fine. Then again, swirldrop seems to go for anything that plays retro games once

>> No.66516214

she regularly crabs on people here

>> No.66516264

Who is the gura of /asp/?

>> No.66516271

She crabbed on me yesterday

>> No.66516275


>> No.66516390
File: 1.13 MB, 3039x1680, topsters2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a weird relationship with these charts. Growing up, my parents would always play "best of" records, so putting actual Beatles records like Sgt. Pepper or Yellow Submarine, for example, would make me feel like a poser. This is a list where I'm sure I've fully listened to most of these records in their entirety. I probably shouldn't post a Muse album after only listening to Knights of Cydonia, get what I mean?

>> No.66516392

Mond or Rura but they actually stream

>> No.66516569
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>> No.66516589
File: 1.18 MB, 1264x826, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had to really stretch here, there are lots of single songs that i like but not many artists who i know at an album level and have actually liked the albums enough to be noteworthy

cheating a little by putting the vice city ost on there, but i do put that on to listen to sometimes so it counts...

>> No.66516664
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x718, FE sacred stones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing more Boomer FE right now

>> No.66516699

thank u renata very cool <3

>> No.66516755

i am not likely to quit in 2024

>> No.66516904

hi, biweekly check in, how can i improve my content/streaming skills, was gone for a few days because of scheduling so i’d like to try to incorporate the advice here in todays stream
>t. rinna

>> No.66516992

Claudette (stinky)

>> No.66517096
File: 18 KB, 300x300, dfe6a3e5-ccd0-4893-a8f8-0ab3ce6ca7ca-profile_image-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66517101
File: 48 KB, 331x331, spikeGRILL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /asp/
I saw multiple Tierlists today with the topic of "I wish to collab with" kind of themes - 2-3 had me in the "I want to collab" and please don't feel weird about dm'ing me or anybody else - we are all equally autistic in here. Some are just more equal than the others.
Go ahead, DM me on whatever plattform you prefer and I'll make sure our collab works out well!

Hey there! I mentioned it on stream I am trying to mix up some things like how I wanna do art streams where I start animating live and I also wanna do cooking streams like for example Noona would do. >>66511400 was probably referring to that.

>> No.66517112


>> No.66517261

not me, which should be pretty obvious when you actually see mine

fuck i forgot daft punk in mine, i could have easily put that in place of the vice city ost

>> No.66517351

draw yourself playing terraria (alone)

>> No.66517364


>> No.66517369

yeah i was like "hmm there's not the pillows or much RHCP in it" and then i saw >>66516589 lol

>> No.66517398

Is it that easy to get a collab? Should i just send a DM? I'm autistic and scared of saying something wrong.

>> No.66517443

Partner+ for Sin.

>> No.66517522

It was fun but I have to cook, I'm sorry jong bros

>> No.66517572
File: 89 KB, 240x240, 1674184465791613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for playing

>> No.66517597

oh me too me too someone name a chuuba

>> No.66517598

You can't get what you want without asking for it you retard

>> No.66517618


>> No.66517626

That's mean, I dislike renata because she is m*xican but even I don't wish anyone to play terraria alone, I would go as far as to play with her if she wasn't from there

>> No.66517637
File: 267 KB, 600x600, logo enamel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone. FreeOfMe here. Its been quite a while since I tried to get feedback here and I think its about time I did so. This new year has kind of lit a passion in my recently and I am putting more effort than ever into improving my stream and trying to make it as good as possible.

I'm not necessarily looking for advice on how to grow viewership, I just want to produce as good of a stream as possible for the people that already watch me. I know the two are related, but its important to me to focus on improving myself rather than achieving some outward goal. If you have any kind of suggestions I would really appreciate hearing it. If you don't know who I am this is my link https://www.twitch.tv/freeofme .

>> No.66517658


>> No.66517865

All 4 Digbys

>> No.66517919

Your over all quality is good but maybe you could try to be more interactive with your chat, I noticed that while you seem comfortable with your zatsus with games like truck simulator or the long drive you mostly wait for a topic to come from one of your chatters, maybe you could bring interesting topics that you think your general audience would like to talk about but I also must say that you lately have less dead air where you are sitting listening to music so you are improving.
Also your music taste is great so please don't change it.

>> No.66517961

Camui raping Patchey

>> No.66518140

Keep doing what you're doing. You've made a ton of progress on your pixel art

>> No.66518160

Puente !

>> No.66518246

Love him, sad I didn't give him a try until december

>> No.66518305

>sonowono, renata, chriichrii
None of these people are streamers or have any kind of brand to rebrand.

>> No.66518339
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Not too proud of my chart looking back at it

>> No.66518416
File: 239 KB, 513x567, evil plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon you shall face god, and he will not be so merciful.

>> No.66518486
File: 23 KB, 197x206, 111pukkiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66518504

*cums on you*

>> No.66518507


>> No.66518511

*cums on you*

>> No.66518533

*cums on you*

>> No.66518572

shes so cute....

>> No.66518579

>still no male sexpest tier list
slacking on the job

>> No.66518592
File: 177 KB, 350x355, WTF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66518634

Claudette don't pretend you don't like it

>> No.66518693

Milk are you still here?? When the fuck are you gonna debut?!?!

>> No.66518701

Oh, shit, that's Claudette? I was feeling bad because I thought it was a newfag

*cums on you* you slut

>> No.66518842
File: 527 KB, 757x838, amgry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to be dark and brooding!!!!!

>> No.66518858
File: 3.24 MB, 2782x1420, chart (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66518964

You keep running your mouth like that and it'll be dark and breeding mister

>> No.66519016

how do i do these charts

>> No.66519023

This whole time Gumpai has been laughing at me. I was just being nice. Why are women like this?

>> No.66519112

Please tell me this isn’t who I think it is…

>> No.66519138

I stopped expecting anything about her to make sense and just enjoy the gumpy ride. It's more fun when you don't think about it

>> No.66519198


>> No.66519269
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>> No.66519296
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>> No.66519454

>Want to
Then ask me

>> No.66519581

Funny you mentioned that, I was really considering just quitting. But then I realized that I didn't wanna go out like a bitch so I'm sticking around.

>> No.66519633

Schizophrenic taste

>> No.66519638
File: 102 KB, 1024x760, DigbyDrewHimself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that time /asp/
Digby is gonna deny dat ass in Baldurs Gate 3 as the chastity challenge continues
We shall save the world without touching the vile repugnant flesh of the fornicators!


>> No.66519682

Please stop changing models

>> No.66519822
File: 160 KB, 336x398, IMG_20240111_150358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling dibs on streaming this game.

>> No.66519841
File: 674 KB, 750x1260, Gewtawan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66519897

geltaran? more like GAYtaran lmao

>> No.66519950

The mask is fading

>> No.66519962

be nice to him!!!! he's only a little fruity!!!

>> No.66520246
File: 97 KB, 478x488, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The VTuber

>> No.66520376


>> No.66520378


>> No.66520433

I hope your favourite song turns into a Nightcore-version TikTok trend

>> No.66520489

I was taught to treat women the same as men. And I was taught to be kind to everyone. That if I was humble and thoughtful things would be okay. Where men see friendship women only see weakness.. All that time spent in schools,gymnasium, and churches. And for what? I have still ended up alone. No happiness. Focus on yourself? What a mockery. It only makes the time speed by and I have nothing to show for it. A lifetime listening to the words of others. A wasted life. Now I'm old. Alone. And I spend my time being insulted and mocked by a younger woman in a different country. Nothing I worked for came to fruition in this life. I have never met any semblance of a kindred spirit. I have been alive for so long and I have not had even a single gram of fun. My youth is gone. I only became an unrecognizable shadow of myself. Well there is yet a single piece of inheritance left to me. From the days when my family was filled with hunters and soldiers and proper men who could have families. Men who could laugh and cry and love. Not the creature I am now who can only harm himself and others. It is only fitting my line should end with this final relic of the old days. Better men. Bigger men. Open up and down the hatch . This won't hurt.

>> No.66520540

less guerillas on continuations (cult of the lamb, lies of p) because regulars might miss them.

it ruins your branding every single time, and fractures your audience on those who like it and those who hate it

>> No.66520632

checking in, how can i improve my content/streaming skills?

>> No.66520730

nice post, didn't read

>> No.66520772

be less degenerate on what you talk about and talk slower
this is pretty common tho and comes with time.
>TL;DR keep streaming to find your style

>> No.66520792

Find a purpose in life that isn’t women.

>> No.66520856
File: 105 KB, 237x353, PFP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally glowing

>> No.66520877

Fellow Dance with the Dead and Macross enjoyer

>> No.66520932

Which male aspies have the best accents?

>> No.66520974

Since some others are doing it, how can i improve my content/streaming skills?

>> No.66521012

3rdPT next question

>> No.66521023

Easy to say

>> No.66521026

y'know what let me get in on this too. I wanna know what it is you guys like about my streams and what you want to see more of.

>> No.66521065

I actually never want to watch your streams

>> No.66521069

I like Charley's accent.

>> No.66521073

*cums on you*

>> No.66521112
File: 3.07 MB, 2095x1420, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know whats wrong with me so pls dont ask

>> No.66521117

i dont live in mexico why do you guys think this i think i sound pretty american

>> No.66521146

ur voice makes me diamonds :)

>> No.66521176

Guerilla stream, assetmaking continued

>> No.66521204

Don't care where you live, if you say you are m*xican I will despise and pity your existence.

>> No.66521206

hehe i started the camui crab last threads and i had no idea it was going to get this bad
sorry not sorry? he kind of deserved it

>> No.66521215

I want to play terraria and rewatch szs with you

>> No.66521238

I tried to warn you dude, bad pussy energy

>> No.66521274

Shill yourself and then kill yourself

>> No.66521302

You should use the femboy model more often, its much more appealing to look at I think

>> No.66521341

I want to play terraria and put a baby in you :3

>> No.66521361


>> No.66521390
File: 156 KB, 631x773, IMG_7011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna make your ass feel like you just had mexican and its not gonna be because of food
haven't finished watching szs zoku so im down for a friend to watch it with! o/

>> No.66521453
File: 60 KB, 222x170, uooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon! i made this just for you.

>> No.66521602

you need to configure the vroid expressions a little better, your teeth are clipping out of the bottom of your face when you crank the expressions up too high (thats the white thing)

>> No.66521651

the movement range? funnily enough. veeseeface runs better than v-tube studio.

>> No.66521689


>> No.66521736

I'm not even that guy but *cums on you too*

>> No.66521757

I think I'm too unhealthy to hang out i had a lot of caffeine and sugar today and my eyes are red from crying so much even though I'm not sad at all I need to go to sleep

>> No.66521814

I also want to know what I should change or improve
>t. Bunkum

>> No.66521849

Nothing, you're perfect.

>> No.66521851

You sound weak

>> No.66521917

>the only people who watch me are gay men trying to groom me and women who feel safe around me because they think I am gay
How do I not give off these vibes

>> No.66521921

Well he's old, so of course he's weak

>> No.66521977

Try acting masculine

>> No.66521984

Skill issue dayo

>> No.66521983

Get a gf, that'll show'em, those filthy groomers and puritans

>> No.66521992

Obtain a better looking model, try to work on your speaking as well, you need to enunciate more. You sound like you have marbles in your mouth sometimes.

>> No.66522069

If we're giving advice/critiques/criticism, then I'm always up to hear what I can do better.
>t. Finbar

>> No.66522077

Hey, I want to hear what I can do better too.
>t. Nikola

>> No.66522121

>get a gf
I'm 34 and have never had one despite wanting one(my audience thinks I'm 19)

>> No.66522147


>> No.66522285


>> No.66522293

Hello, I want advice
t. [every aspie]

>> No.66522298
File: 3.09 MB, 2512x1420, musoic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am serious

>> No.66522354

Don't stream, post genitals

>> No.66522386

>/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>> No.66522429

aww, he's smiling.

>> No.66522438
File: 310 KB, 1016x349, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66522507

How many of these aspies asking for advice consistently review their own VODs?

>> No.66522687

I can't listen to my own voice

>> No.66522688


>> No.66522791

I watch my own VODs constantly because I actually really enjoy listening to myself while I'm doing other things. I don't know if I'd call myself entertaining necessarily but if I was someone else I'd definitely lurk my streams because I'm nice to listen to.

>> No.66522815

Fuck this old man and his dash.

>> No.66522835

I fall asleep to my vods sometimes. Not sure whether that's good or bad

>> No.66522940

I'm here to give advice to those who want to make it!

>> No.66523002

I want to review my VOD but my friends and I are watching Delicious in Dungeon EP2. I got a martial arts tournament later tonight too. Kind of keeps the schedule tight.

>> No.66523114

Is there any specific reason? Is there anything that would change that?

>> No.66523142
File: 209 KB, 264x358, 1682700103868039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could always use more advice

>> No.66523185

I watch my own vods right after streaming, I’ve been liking how consistent I’ve been in both stream time and energy, and it’s very noticeable I’m having so much more fun. I would like to ask for advice but most anons think I’m okay. It’s now up to me to find a niche that I can continuously do so I can get better numbers, which isn’t really my priority now.

>> No.66523208

keep leeching and you'll get there

>> No.66523268

Could you give me some advice on what I could improve? It's a bit hard to figure out on my own

>> No.66523351

You are not focused enough in a single stuff, and you model is a barrier for many

>> No.66523442

I wish I had time, but I get home with 1 hour to eat and get ready for stream, then after stream its time for bed. On days I don't stream I have IRL obligations to take care of. If only there was more time in the day to watch VODs.

>> No.66523533

I have nothing to add but awoo

>> No.66523566

The latter I can't do much about, but the former I've been trying to improve. Right now I'm setting aside each Friday specifically for tabletop-related streams, and aiming at running monthly or bi-monthly games of different systems. Is that enough or? I'm working on some tabletop youtube things as well, but that's a work in progress

>> No.66523618
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1081, crash trilogy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My sleep is fucked and I meant to start three hours ago LET'S FUCKING GO!
>Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Are we going to be Running with Scissors? No but we'll be dying since there's a death counter.

>> No.66523627

Haru porn when!!??!??!

>> No.66523663

The next time somebody tells you that your model doesn't appeal because its not a generic ikemen or girl with animal ears remember that there's a male streaming as a rock right now with more ccv than the person giving that advice.

>> No.66523683

haru x other femboy porn

>> No.66523686

going live soon, might as well ask for advice as well.
>t. 3rdPT
well, i'm flattered.
will have to ask mana and others, but would you be interested in a group collab?

>> No.66523745

>might as well ask for advice as well
brain no work, cannot type, apologies.

>> No.66523756

If you routinely watch your own content and review it, I guarantee you won’t cringe at your own voice anymore.
That depends on your ideal stream atmosphere. If you’re aiming to be chaotic with high energy, then it’s likely not good. If you want to be cozy and chill, then it’s a plus
I don’t know anyone’s analytics besides my own, but only about 15-20% of my viewers will watch my streams from start to finish. Majority of new viewers who decide to drop a follow do so in 5 minutes or less. You don’t have to review the entire VOD. Even reviewing 5 mins 1 hour in vs 5 mins 3 hours in can provide insights. For example, maybe your commentary and engagement is lacking in one vs the other. You’re a firecracker at the start but your energy wanes or you take an hour or two before you reach your prime in terms of charisma, commentary, etc. 5 minutes is an extremely small window but some review is better than none. 30 minutes is a sweet spot and can be broken up into chunks.

>> No.66523866

True, but first I have to actually watch it, that first step is the hardest to do

>> No.66523910

Join Jignxcord.

>> No.66523976

I understand anon. I had to pause the playback every 5 seconds when rewatching my first stream. I believe in you!

>> No.66524171

I just want to know what else I should fix. I listen to my viewers like a good boy I am and I love getting told what to do.

>> No.66524266

To be fair the criticism is pretty valid. Sure there's alot of ikemens and animal girls, but there's quality difference between them that viewers notice. They're fighting for the same slice of the pie but it's a VERY big pie that's looking for that. Meanwhile there are less gimmicktubers, but there's also far less people looking for them, especially actively.

>> No.66524283

I dunno if I like him because he's funny and cool or if I like him because I wanna talk to him and flirt in private with him. It's killing me.

>> No.66524347

Haru isn't in there? I respect him more now

>> No.66524384

That's a lot of words to respond to nothing in the post you replied to

>> No.66524461

What is wrong with wiplash's model? I like it

>> No.66524473

Big pie for the generic tradition Vtubing stuff, small pie for niches. Simples.

>> No.66524533

I don't know why you thought repeating your post with less words made it more responsive or more correct.

>> No.66524550

I wish this was about me...

>> No.66524635

Person giving the advice is talking from the traditional side.

>> No.66524660


>> No.66524779

i am always interested! let me know whenever you can

>> No.66524783

>Check VOD
>Music didn't come across on audio ONCE during the entire stream
>None of the desktop audio did, even when I turned everything up and thought it was working

Please put me in a coffin now. I am a failure.

>> No.66524796
File: 3.54 MB, 2281x1420, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name jeff

>> No.66524816

yes i know i am such a pain for this IM SORRY im sticking with this model until i get my live 2d made I PROMISE

>> No.66524876

Rinna what ref am I supposed to use for you

>> No.66525001

Hi rinna! I love all your models and I also want to have several and switch between them sometimes. Regarding this, I have a question for everyone: what if I make changing models a channel point redeem? You could pick your favourite! What's so wrong about having the same character in different forms, especially if the lore allows it? I really really really want several models... and I don't want to "kill" the old ones.

>> No.66525083

Hey sisters (male) .. Is doing sucking on objects and stroking slimy objects asmr against twitch tos if the object is not seen?

>> No.66525126

Begone thot

>> No.66525137
File: 30 KB, 200x200, qualitythumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live with starcraft.
kopa, right? i'll ask the rest after stream.

>> No.66525210

It is and I do have plans for him. That said, I am currently brainstorming a redesign for my main avatar though it's gonna be a long while before that's ready since I gotta make it myself.
Yeah I'm not sure what kind of speech issue I have but lately it feels like the sides of my tongue ache after talking for awhile.

>> No.66525218

I can't believe I had so many people watching me when I couldn't form a coherent thought and everything was busted.

>> No.66525305

Is it bad the nun model you use makes me want to impregnate you?

>> No.66525486
File: 1.07 MB, 1719x1609, ss4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nearly an hour in
>still 1 viewer
damn...maybe people were right about the scissors sucking

>> No.66525496
File: 3.77 MB, 2131x1420, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alva would kill me for putting some of these on here

>> No.66525710

How do I make my waifu real?
t. waifuchuuba

>> No.66525732 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 170x110, iceStare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since everyone else is asking for feedback, might as well do that too

>> No.66525785

it feels like you're stuck in 2010

>> No.66525804
File: 611 KB, 1132x621, IMG_0794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My music taste is all over

>> No.66525839

what kinda faggot
but also tell me what site you are using for this

>> No.66525870

Who is that? I want to go back to 2010

>> No.66525916

The Pawfu type of faggot

>> No.66525924

Mumkey coded

>> No.66526026

How so?

>> No.66526030

and actually i lied im switching to a pngtuber when its finished that i forgot about oop
just dm me and i’ll give you the ref because apparently people at my job are being fucking suspect and i can’t post images in my ip range
i’ve seen people do this and it’s a good idea! but only i think if it’s the same ref but different styles across models
my brother in christ repent

>> No.66526045
File: 114 KB, 581x618, smoking daiya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66526149

Pafu is love Pafu is life

>> No.66526411
File: 3.54 MB, 332x240, 1xSPX4AR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really the only way to make it?

>> No.66526486

Yeah. I think my zatsu ability really starts lagging when I am doing stuff that requires a lot of concentration. Unfortunately that includes art and many different games. I'll try writing down topics to talk about though. I haven't done that in ages but it's a good idea. I don't know if I can really get much better at it at this point but I'll put an effort into it.

I might try some more chat interaction in streams. I've kind of gotten stuck in the mindset of trying not to have any expectations on chat at all. Now that I have a larger and more relyable viewership than before I need to start thinking of ways to involve them better.
Aww thanks!

>> No.66526533

His accent is great, but just one of the many reasons his streams are enjoyable.

>> No.66527035

Someone tell me what kind of music would be good for a book reading.
Examples would be appreciated.

>> No.66527180


>> No.66527213

I love this and use it often, but it may depend on the kind of book. I think it works well with fantasy: https://www.youtube.com/live/3K89-TbxL9I?si=sjMJAVa4GrWnJeGp

>> No.66527249

What kind of books? Anything that doesn't have lyrics and isn't too uptempo should be alright but if you can match the theme it would be better

>> No.66527267

just use the same seven second guitar loop that tupo uses

>> No.66527326
File: 80 KB, 768x768, becomes_emo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets go back to 2008!!!

>> No.66527344

I like his ramblings but there's only so many times I can hear that loop without going insane

>> No.66527350

When watching my vods what should I be looking for?

>> No.66527397
File: 3.17 MB, 2281x1420, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't guess who I am.

>> No.66527422

How are you guys making these? I would like to create one too!

>> No.66527446


>> No.66527453


>> No.66527648

>Brooke Candy
be my friend please

>> No.66527671
File: 1.86 MB, 894x1062, 2K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huntin' monsters as 2B
Also throw in some advice that will be read after stream and will be super ironic

>> No.66527746
File: 1.19 MB, 1919x1200, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry....I went downhill after Ripper Roo of all things and just kept on dying after that

things aren't good for me right now....I need motivation to keep on going with my life in general

I really want to do this but I feel I've left everything too late...I don't want to let all the kind people who made assets for me down

>> No.66527789
File: 18 KB, 500x324, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking the sound of that
>know that if I reveal myself you will back away because nobody wants to be my friend

>> No.66527909
File: 837 KB, 2560x1440, secret of mana 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today we explore more of my secret places and play with my weapons as we slay. Yes, we're continuing Secret of Mana (SNES).
My hiccups with the game disillusioned my nostalgia for it, but I still think it's a good game overall.

Exploring everything live here: https://www.twitch.tv/manasongwriting

>> No.66527987

Please include me in your collabs.
Challenge: I'm too shy and I'll never tell you who I am.

>> No.66528053

The books I'm gonna be reading are soft sci-fi, I'm looking for slow build up music.

>> No.66528056
File: 3.99 MB, 1700x2700, M_r4569 - Signed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live now, streaming some battle brothers

>> No.66528092

I want to give Ruadh a nursing handjob

>> No.66528162
File: 3.77 MB, 2012x1420, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66528165

I want to give Ruadh a messy handjob

>> No.66528220

Pat him on the head and whisper that its going to be ok as he makes a mess of himself

>> No.66528241

You don't want to get them pregnant

I'm not just a hag, I'm a mummy

We all get a little pregnant sometimes

>> No.66528340

Crane, I’m saying this as a warning, post little and post less or people will crab you for being hyperactive in the thread and accuse you of “astroturfing” or making things about yourself.

>> No.66528587
File: 572 KB, 1079x731, 1000025254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm, i usually keep my mouth shut when people ask for music re >_<

>> No.66528744

No, pin his head with my foot to the floor and continue jacking him off even after he cums

>> No.66529153

lucky bastard, good for him

>> No.66529265

So hot. Please do this to me

>> No.66529780

Lord have mercy, we must stay focused brothers.

>> No.66529816

Don't worry, Camui. I'll do better things to you
Alright, Daiya, come to Daddy

>> No.66530170

fags in the thread pretending they're talking to chuubas busy streaming

>> No.66530697

Thread is about to die so I might as well get this off me.
Every time I look at my vtuber avatar when I open VTS I just get homoerotic thoughts and just wanna have sex with it.
I don't even blame Renata, I think I was just gay all along.

>> No.66530789

That was a secret only to you

>> No.66531029


>> No.66531088
File: 877 KB, 976x549, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fun ! thanks for joining c:

>> No.66531094

I know a bunch of male aspies who hit anywhere between 5-20 viewers per stream but I won't post them here because I don't want to subject them to that

>> No.66531102

Okay Kai

>> No.66531169

All I can get are 2 viewers...

>> No.66531245

I love my design and hope others find it as cute as I do

>> No.66531291
File: 147 KB, 1113x835, pompadour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haru's playing Super Mario Sunshine!

>> No.66531321

Frenchie "fan" here, i'll tell you what made me click him and what made me stay to the point where he has to wake me up when he goes live (because he gorilla streams and I asked him to do so)
-His model even if ai generated is pleasent to look at, same for his overlay and aesthetic (very pastely) which can't be said for everyone here since some layouts may be badly or poorly made, or the model isn't that interesting or doesnt fit the voice or personality at all. I hope he'll get a rigged model one day because what he has now fits him well and it would be cool to see a variant of it move
-His voice, his mic quality is top notch and he can go in so many ranges it's crazy.
-At first glance I did think he was a jerk with his joke posts he first did but then you understand that he is actually really nice and a welcoming person on stream and privatly And i'm one heck of a shy girl, I don't talk much in ANYONE'S chat nor do I ever message ANYONE first (even he messaged me first to show his work on his model)
-His personality, again he's welcoming but he also has charisma, he is a HUGE people pleaser (you wouldn't believe what he does when people ask him, even if i say to him afterwards "it's a joke dont do it" he does it) he is also carring as he sometimes checks up on regulars and tries his best to make his content enjoyable for a large number of people
-His humor, altho I do not understand half of the refenrences he makes I like to imagine what he references which can lead to some pretty funny misunderstandings. It's also a bit more LOLRANDOM and he has reoccurent(?) bits that I like. Caters well to the zoomers sadly, but he can make elaborate jokes and bits and situational humor also happends sometimes; I like it c:
-His streams are entertaining, despite the chat derailing or him making raunchy jokes sometimes, he is a good entertainer and he is interesting. When you go into his stream you want to know more of him, you want to know what wacky stuff he'll pull out from his pocket, and he is working hard to deliver them
-Again voice wise: his singing is amazing, and I wish to see more of it.
So yeah he has good potential and he is basically Max Gilardi alongside other content creators or Vtubing
-He also cares about his viewers A LOT, thats why you see miss-youknowwho flirting with him openly, that you see some people that ruined him still care about him and other girlies AND BOYS interested in him; it's not just one way Tho I do hope he has boundaries about it, i'm not snooping in his buisness but that wont end well if he doesnt
Also i'm saying this without the ultimate fangirl shtick or..the other one...you know
Your welcome

>> No.66531405

oh hey I wrote that, don't steal my longtexts

>> No.66531448

I ain't reading all that niger. Sorry that happend or good for you

>> No.66531479

They all know each other and watch each other's streams so that helps and they share viewers, and now they are starting to gain traction that way. Plus they all either have really entertaining personalities, can sing, or both.

>> No.66531556

My only advice would be to not overlap as much, you are not doing anything wrong but you always streams at peak hours for normal streamers and I'm not only referring to other aspies, that makes you less likely to get viewed

>> No.66531562

Aspies are aspies because they post here what the fuck do you mean

>> No.66531733

Okay fine. I meant aspiring startups then. Been doing it for like 2-3 months.

>> No.66532056

Threads been feeling a lot better after the retards and whores got exiled.
Good work splitposters!

>> No.66532105

No one got exiled

>> No.66532171
File: 65 KB, 486x490, Skab_Emotes_Heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humble png presents some sub-par war thunder


>> No.66532321

Just because you visit that shitstain doesn't mean there's a nonzero number of people that'll never return. And it's GREAT!

>> No.66532604
File: 80 KB, 360x360, 1704954534670684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is scissors bro doing anything wrong? What could he do to improve? Seems like he's isolating himself a lot.

>> No.66532659

I like the guy but I don't have any interest in genshin or no mic streams

>> No.66532701

Feels like a forced meme that will die off in a month. Especially given how few viewers he had today.

>> No.66532817

Scissors guy is the rot that's infected this thread with Gen 5.
For 1 genuine new content creator that wants to grow and learn, there's 10 viewers that just want to meme for a week.

They've turned this whole place into shit, and keep multiplying everyday once guys found out Clauvio and UwU sometimes raids here.

>> No.66532847

He should try to get a collab or something
He gives me the same vibes as sono and I hope he isn't as depressed as him

>> No.66532927

I think sono has interesting game choices

>> No.66532940

Does scissors talk? The few times I tuned in there was only ingame audio.. If he does then he should work on talking more.

>> No.66532974
File: 532 KB, 751x773, IMG_5971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Finbar, what games you got?
Do you wanna collab in Killing Floor when I get outta my wagie cagie in February?

>> No.66533040

nobody said what i can do to make my streams better, how am i supposed to know what my viewers want if no one responds? zzz

>> No.66533062

I do too but I feel for the man, I wish I could help sono on any way possible but I'm not doing much better

>> No.66533074

Sure scissors has said he can't raid anyone right now as it's a new account. Also he said he doesn't want to use Discord or Twitter, so seems to be hurting his chances more.
He talks outside of the Genshin streams but seems to wait on people texting in chat before he says anything. Like how is he supposed to get people to cling on if he isn't talking?

>> No.66533260

people are just going to post the yelling at scissors meme (which IS funny) but you can have a good interesting design without literally not literally having a design- digby is a great example and his model makes me WANT to interact with him but scissors is just... scissors... and they dont really inspire me to want to watch or chat the same way that a good design does

>> No.66533411
File: 71 KB, 332x273, 1703865144557694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This IDIOT didn't selfpost, come check it out

>> No.66533688

The common new streamer mistake of waiting for others before talking first. Hopefully he just needs time to get a bit comfortable.
