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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66484207 No.66484207 [Reply] [Original]

>a year later
>homobeggars still seething and farding

>> No.66484399


>> No.66484491


>> No.66484529

Even homobeggers would not beg for this because Kanata is canonically a unicorn herself

Try harder bait anon

>> No.66484567

who cares about kanata
literally fell off the radar once Kson graduated

>> No.66484717

We care, we are not nijifags.

>> No.66484858

I don't care who it is, begging for collabs is just embarrassing all around.

>> No.66485865

>posting JP that are now the homo onahole branch

>> No.66486162
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She's actually much, much stronger than she was when Coco was around. She's still growing stronger too. The only thing really holding her back is her reoccurring health problems.

>> No.66486262

How many times has this thread been made? Christ, you fags are the HeroHeis and Revs of the fandom.

>> No.66486285

if there is a video where they gather to be infuriated, then there is a video where they gather to be emboldened.
homobeggars don't exist out the aether, there is something funneling a crusade into this hobby.

>> No.66486355

>the brown spamming this thread for a year is revealed to be a nijinigger
Color me shocked

>> No.66486402


>> No.66486627

She's still growing stronger, the only thing holding her back is health problems, she's an ape, gropes a dragon's round thing, she likes yelling for a long time. Conclusion, she is Goku.

>> No.66486971 [DELETED] 
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More like unitroons seething she's soon to be the only one left.

>> No.66487394

The only reason this is even an issue is the fandom of the boys and mixed collabs are the most immature and toxic fans in vtubing and don't understand how cringe their tastes are to most people. Which is fine, if that's what you like, watch it. But most people just like the girls-only dynamic and dgaf about the guys. It's like an angry mob of k-pop fans trying to get everyone to like their shit music and not understanding how shit it sounds to everyone else.

>> No.66487559

Coco was a terrible influence on her and kept her down
Kanata can finally stretch her wings now that the reddit dragon is gone

>> No.66487801
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>Conclusion, she is Goku.

>> No.66487954

this but unironically

>> No.66487961

Cool deflection thread, how much steam gift cards do you get for these posts?

>> No.66488040

It's impressive you can upload pictures and post while you're gargling penis, anon.

>> No.66488048


>> No.66488349

serious question, why is this the only thing i see brought up about kanata these days?

>> No.66488504
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>> No.66488725

>ENfags unironically think this

>> No.66488961
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>Conclusion, she is Goku.

>> No.66489026
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>> No.66489182

She‘s still perceived as Coco‘s sidekick by /vt/ after all this time, people who actually like probably don‘t even post here.

>> No.66489268

because the retards that have been spamming this thread for the better part of a year are about as helpful to kanata as homobeggars are to the homos
that is to say, they don't watch streams! they don't buy merch! but they're fighting the good fight!!

>> No.66489352

>JP slop
miss me with those fake ass squealing cunts, this is an EN board

>> No.66490055

She has surpassed coco in all aspects barely any vtuber outside of Hololive can match her.

>> No.66490100

It’s a clip where she says she’ll never collab with men not because she hates them, her fans are males, but because it’s not her thing. Homobeggars shit on her in the comments section while also admitting they don’t watch her. We get a thread update like every 2-3 months

>> No.66490211

Holy shit

>> No.66490347

HoloJP makes more money and gets better numbers than holoEN

>> No.66490357

Because you only come here for drama. It’s not hard to figure out

>> No.66490904

All her fans are on /jp/

>> No.66492800

>We get a thread update like every 2-3 months
From the same faggots who falseflag as "homobeggars" in there.

>> No.66493594

Do I see any of that money? Do I care about that? No. Take your ass back to jp.

>> No.66494028

Just admit it m8

>> No.66495935

Cause the most memorable thing she has done in her career was being Coco's sidekick, and I mean it, every meme, joke and character trait she is known for is from that time, promoted and expanded by Coco influence. It is also a reason why she is so forgettable now.

>> No.66496737

It's funny how this clip is the only memorable thing she has done after Coco death

>> No.66498570

it's the only memorable thing to people that care only for drama, only read this board for their hololive content, and/or watch exclusively en. She one of the most popular member members in hololive atm and has been trending up for quite a while.

>> No.66500732

