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66418019 No.66418019 [Reply] [Original]

the contrast of light and dark

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1744855776223539320

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>66388036

>> No.66418036


>> No.66418053

he's a favorite, rules don't apply to them. he can DM her all he wants, its his right as top husband.
cope and know your place, third rate

>> No.66418062


>> No.66418079

uh oh

>> No.66418089

passionate love making with shondo with tons of hand holding and neck kisses

>> No.66418134

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.66418148

sex house

>> No.66418209

I want to know what shondo has to say about it

>> No.66418254

I asked her in dms she said "rip bozo"

>> No.66418304

She will respond in the tier 3 discord channel and i won't know what she'll say because I'm not in the discord
She'll say "jus bee nise"

>> No.66418386

Plese stop asking for spoon feeding. You can figure it out I promise. But I do appreciate that you learned to open your mouth.

>> No.66418522

Perhaps it's time to be both nise AND make good posts

>> No.66418565

Guess it’s time for bed. I just hope she doesn’t ban me while I’m sleeping *_*

>> No.66418645

Shonspiracy theory:
Somnium is going to shondo's house and beating her and her family up

>> No.66418662

goodnight, hopefully we don't wake up to our accounts banned

>> No.66418672

a newCHAD got our wife those feng shui hina pulls...
sisters... I kneel...
this is real

>> No.66418691

if we're lucky dewd treads carefully from here out, if we're not he continues to instigate and be overlooked

>> No.66418697

She cant ban me if I start lurking!

>> No.66418826

She didn't, a man did.

>> No.66418851

I'm always nise
I love my wife
I don't interact on twitter
I'm not in the discord
I'm just /here/
I'm just in chat during streams, and sometimes outside of streams
Sometimes, my wife reads my messages! It's not much-- but I'm happy for if it happens
Shondo loves me

>> No.66418873

yeah based

>> No.66419071
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>> No.66419109

you are nothing to her. you are irrelevant to her community and life. but you can cope all you want.

>> No.66419249

he's always unique totally inspirational sometimes mysterious

>> No.66419355

I can only take this to mean FF was doing more shit in DMs or mods are stalking husbands

>> No.66419375

Is this whole thread just discord circlejerk and groomers?

>> No.66419403

he was a rapist

>> No.66419405

yes, youre next

>> No.66419489

genuinely dont know if thats a joke because I'd believe it.

>> No.66419527
File: 41 KB, 434x198, 19473618371956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I flamed dmniggers 6 months ago on offline chat. So yeah I already had a warning.

>> No.66419534

Screenshot it every time and send it to the mods

>> No.66419558

Imagine being FF right now
You need to start taking some pills to up that T level, you aren't manly enough to be in chat with your low T posts

>> No.66419560

based as heck

>> No.66419609

I don't know but I've never thought being passive aggressive and combative at the drop of a hat was something anyone ever wanted anywhere

>> No.66419662

you don't get it, they have to win :)

>> No.66419668

I am part of (you) and i am her husband
I have made her laugh, that is something.
I'm happy to have made my dear wife laugh
It's ok, you can stop trying to bait, I'll bite
Smile be nise
What will you do now? Make a new account? Stop chatting? You're technically still married if you're still following her

>> No.66420099

wait what? was FF banned? why?

>> No.66420126

forest fires and somnium were both permabanned by xive for not being nise

>> No.66420151

then xive needs to ban a lot more people than just these two

>> No.66420179

they were repeat offenders

>> No.66420203

gotta make an example of a couple of shoggers so the rest start to behave

>> No.66420226

dogpiling, and insulting people in discord and offline chat, then further aggravation of the situation in offline chat after they're banned from discord although being banned from discord already means getting banned in twitch

>> No.66420299

i can only imagine shondo recently had a conversation in modchat about being stricter about banning following the twitter thread the other day for a perma of a regular to be given out without her even reviewing it

>> No.66420348

somnium and FF talked shit about dewd (her #1 favorite) on twitter, so they had to be punished

>> No.66420384

if anyone, I don't know how kiri kana is still alive, he pretty much insulted and dogpiled on anyone that didn't want shondo to go for the award show

>> No.66420431

I mean I wouldn't be surprised, somnium started some shit with dewd immediately after her long thread the other day

>> No.66420479

Magical thing called wording and tact, if you have enough braincells you can dress up what you say to not be as offensive, it's wild

>> No.66420542

2024 is the year shoggers all learn they are shit at managing their tone

>> No.66420555

not just that, right after that he dogpiled and started shitting on captain fleece too

>> No.66420611

it's captain fleece though

>> No.66420665

This but unironically.

>> No.66420684
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Dont let this distract you from the fact that she didnt beat dark souls 3

>> No.66420697

>she has a favorite
Dropped, thank god i checked the general before dropping a dime, have a good one lol.

>> No.66420699

So what are they gonna do now

>> No.66420732

as long you respect the favorites you will be fine
newfag third rate husbands needed a reminder

>> No.66420748

She got an ending

>> No.66420797

he'll be dealt with if he goes too far out of line otherwise haven't we always known you look like the bad guy for picking fights or minimodding

>> No.66420811

It isn't the target but how many warnings they've gotten and ignored

>> No.66420837

From one of her favorites she reads more than him, goodbye, you won't be missed

>> No.66420844

I wish she got the woman stomping ending

>> No.66420889

but even then, warned for what? their only "offense" as far as i'm aware is using crude language but surely that's not it. people like fleece have been way more disruptive, not to mention the shit with dewd. think he even got a warning for any of that? i doubt it

>> No.66420938

you don't just let people get away with causing disorder in the community, that affects her in the long run and she's been explicit in her desire for it to stop

>> No.66420948

I don't know, why don't you ask them for the dms that the mods sent them or something. Fleece is a fag, but not nearly as bad as he used to be although I've seen him almost relapse a couple times

>> No.66421019

Fleece expresses his opinions
Somnium and forest fires attacks people for their opinions
There is a difference and one of them isn't acceptable if you want a healthy community

>> No.66421111

>Fleece expresses his opinion
Fleece whines no need to sugar coat it anon

>> No.66421112
File: 14 KB, 552x206, forest_fires_filter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this why they axed my shogga?

>> No.66421116

Shondo will talk to them in a few days and ask if they're gonna be good and unban them or else next time it will be for real.

>> No.66421123

show me some examples of them attacking someone, i wanna see what it looks like

>> No.66421152

please learn your place already. before you get banned for being impudent

>> No.66421208


>> No.66421213

favoriteschizo real busy today

>> No.66421285

Shonspiracy theory:
Neither the favorite theory or the familiarity theory are correct
Activity theory is the correct one
The more active you are the more likely you are to get read, sometimes randoms or first time chatters slip by and get read by shondo, but generally, the more active you are the easier you are to get read/noticed
This explains and covers almost all bases.
Activity theory also means that if your activity is negative you can get punished for it

>> No.66421310

kiri and i had a pretty civil discussion about it so i literally don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.66421315

kek I don't think anyone even acknowledged that, imagine getting banned for that

>> No.66421320

Yeah he's a bitch about it, does that change anything? Shondo wants you to be nise, so be nise or perish.

>> No.66421373

my wife is no chatbot

>> No.66421378

Discord, twitter, offline chat, they do it openly so you can just search their names

>> No.66421448

Shonspiracy theory:
They emailed her dick pics and this was a cover

>> No.66421505

nigga i may not share the same definition of what "attacking someone" means. i wanted to see what you mean by that. i've looked through and i don't see anything that should warrant a permanent ban

>> No.66421506

Thank you guys, im really looking foward to tomorrows stream now

>> No.66421525

i see you, the cheaters...
so fucking many of you as soon she started

>> No.66421571

I hope we'll get to learn what they really got banned for, at least forest fire

>> No.66421648

They can go watch Oli or something, who gives a fuck.

>> No.66421649

He came in complaining to her about not wanting to install 7tv and admitted it was his mental illness speaking.
It's annoying to see him dump his emotions on her through the guise of an opinion and not something that should be tolerated repeatedly.
That's how I felt seeing that but it doesn't justify what they did either.

>> No.66421706

I've seen FF reply to Lurk with that LowTierGod kys emote twice, the man was hostile to best boy.

>> No.66421715

i care. the most interesting people in her community keeps getting banned lol. it makes her community worse and affects all of us. if you're interacting with her community, would you seriously rather talk with some passive-aggressive mega autist like fleece or do you wanna talk to someone like FF? just be honest

>> No.66421763

Start slowly ramping up your messages in discord until you get a warning, that's the line to draw.
Don't worry you have 2 chances at this before you get banned

>> No.66421784

name drop me

>> No.66421789

Come on Dewd gets 90% of his messages read and he doesn't write 1k of them per stream.

>> No.66421803

Dewd is forest tree

>> No.66421804

See anyone else's messages besides ff and somnium, then you'll know how to properly reply

>> No.66421813

nta but id rather talk to fleece

>> No.66421841


>> No.66421846

Neither,both are retarded

>> No.66421847

Who? I want a side hoe>>66421715

>> No.66421873

ok, well you can sit in the corner with the other mouth-breathing retards and put boogers on each other. enjoy.

>> No.66421930

>the most interesting people in her community keeps getting banned?

>> No.66421954

People rarely get banned, even when they spam she will comment on it and call it funny then time them out for a while, like that Jesus guy. A normal chatter has to be really obnoxious to get a full ban, but over the last few months many husband's have been banned or threatened that they will be banned if they act like you'd expect husband's to act. She knows husband's are dying off and at the moment only make up around 10% of her viewers, but she slcabt cut them off completely without backlass, so she's letting he mods pick them off one by one for vuage reasons. If you're too parasocial with her you're also going to get banned, till all that'd left is the audience that don't want to DM her, don't care who she hangs it with, and don't mind her ghosting for weeks because they're casual watchers

>> No.66421974

You aren't interesting, nor funny FF, you simply try to flex your fragile masculinity everytime you show yourself in chat, it's cringe to say the least. Be more secure with your own self and have inner peace, maybe then you'll start to be interesting

>> No.66421985

>>66421930 me
Also I can tell from this post that you've never had a conversation with Fleece. Maybe try it for once in your life instead of talking shit without getting to know someone.

>> No.66422004

>last few months many husband's have been banned
The only people that have been banned are brattyoni, forest fires, and somnium

>> No.66422042

Refer to >>66189453
It's all coming together nicely...

>> No.66422052

That's 5% of non lurking husbands

>> No.66422056

neither. both are trash and so are you. go back sucking the banned faggot's dick.

>> No.66422065

hangs it

>> No.66422074

Do you mean the chat spamming the emote? That doesn't change the fact that he's repeatedly making her feel bad too, pity points don't justify trauma dump behavior.

>> No.66422075

All of them were toxic and horrible for this community.

>> No.66422093

Wait, bratty onii got banned? What for

>> No.66422117

Wat the fuck are you trying to say

>> No.66422127

months and months ago, some even speculated somnium was his alt

>> No.66422161

So true oomfie, let's attack him in offline chat together, that way he'll know his place and stay quiet about his opinions

>> No.66422182

he was witty, intelligent, and strong
>forest fires
high test alpha male
he was going to win

>> No.66422209

That you need to go to sleep, you can't even type properly anymore.

>> No.66422214

Weird, i swear i saw him in chat not too long ago
And i asked what for not when, but whatever, thanks

>> No.66422217

>thinks about sucking dick for no reason
thanks for letting us get a glimpse of what's in your head i guess you fucking faggot

>> No.66422252

I'd rather talk to Fleece to be honest, I was convinced that he's genuine when he was going menhera in my DMs because he thought I was gatekeeping him from another of wifey's alts. Tactless as he may be, Fleece is a good shogga.

>> No.66422275

I can't fall asleep unless if 100% sure shondo is also sleeping

>> No.66422281

apparently she streamed blue archive or something like that? what's her alt?

>> No.66422293

im sleeping

>> No.66422303

I'm almost sure you're being sarcastic but at the same time, this is the exact kind of thing the retards would post about themselves, so good job, you earned this reply. Also, keep your autism down

>> No.66422312

rather have that then know people are emailing her weird shit without consequence and grooming her

>> No.66422313

why would being a mentally unstable and annoying FOMOfag mean he's a good shogga?

>> No.66422321

why is he so mentally ill, anyway, thank you for gatekeeping

>> No.66422361

Breaking chat rules, bragging about not having read the rules, refusing to read the rules when told to do it and then breaking the rules again

>> No.66422379

Because he actually cares about her and to my knowledge doesn't bash other shoggas.

>> No.66422457

>was going menhera in my DMs because he thought I was gatekeeping him from another of wifey's alts
Fomo regular can't look on his own? What happened to no spoonfeeding? Are regulars exempt from this

>> No.66422485

now say it with his dick out your mouth

>> No.66422504


>> No.66422627

Does saali even watch shondo? I rarely see him in chat

>> No.66422631

Those were a nonissue. I would've gotten a 3 days ban for bringing up LemonLeaf during that Princess Maker stream, however I straight up told omen when he confronted me in DMs that I'm moving to my main and keeping the name bratty on youtube. Basically I admitted to ban evasion.

>> No.66422683

Naruhodo (2x)

>> No.66422816

syadouWiggly in chat right now

>> No.66422884

lol I don't think I will

>> No.66422940

ok tuffnarr

>> No.66422980

Ok thread's dead again
We had a decent run

>> No.66423020

He's too busy making checking his channel to make sure it's not receiving anymore strikes.

>> No.66423022

no it isn't you fibber

>> No.66423045

please reply

>> No.66423065


>> No.66423079

If he cared about her then he needs to stop dumping his mental illness on shondo.
All this started because he doesn't want to install an addon and he made that shondo's problem.
Its something that should be discouraged at the least.

>> No.66423085


>> No.66423089

If bratty is tuffnarr than there's been a serious character development because that shogger shows promise.

>> No.66423176

This goes for all shoggas.

>> No.66423177

>and he made that shondo's problem
And how did Shondo respond? paraphrasing "install it or not, I believe in you! you can do it!"
It was such a nothingburger until Somnium started attacking Fleece on a personal level.

>> No.66423300

>trauma dumps on her constantly
>whines and vibe-breaks constantly
>whines openly about the community constantly
>openly cheats on her to hurt her back whenever she hurts his feefees
model shogga, truly

>> No.66423354

This. Shondo knows how to handle Fleece as well as any of her longtime regulars. Have a little more faith in your wife who made a big deal to (you) on twitter about trying to be less of a pushover.

>> No.66423356

Those two are retarded. I won't defend them. Shondo handling it well doesn't mean It's okay. Sometimes she won't and it's not fair to hijack the conversation.

>> No.66423365

Shonspiracy theory:
Nobody would end up attacking anybody in chat if they weren't used to doing it in /shon/

>> No.66423411

Damn somnium, this isn't the victory lap you envisioned was it, get off of fleeces back bro, you aren't looking good right now

>> No.66423419

Shigger that isn't even a theory, that is explicitly what was happening and it was being brought into her discord as well.

>> No.66423434

wow fleece is based

>> No.66423462

This wouldn't have happened if you just trauma dumped on me baka

>> No.66423483

Its almost like /shon/ existing is the reason for every problem

>> No.66423514

>>66423462 (me)
What the fuck
I swear i said baka, why the fuck did it say baka

>> No.66423531

>trauma dumps on her constantly
What are you on about you wannabe mod? It's not against the rules to trauma dump unless you do it in her DMs, even that's acceptable if you're a favorite like 40delta.
>whines and vibe-breaks constantly
You could say this about any shogger you don't like.
>whines openly about the community constantly
Believe it or not it's ok to complain about shit you don't like in your community.
>openly cheats on her to hurt her back whenever she hurts his feefees
Not by Shondo's definition of cheating.

>> No.66423562

there is only one person who would make this mistake

>> No.66423563

Ok I'm actually losing my mind ggs

>> No.66423615

Please tell me who i am

>> No.66423676

Weird how whenever I blame you guys I'm either disregarded or bombarded with (you)'s going WHAT DID I DO?!

>> No.66423794

It's better it exists than having this happen elsewhere. Nothing to be done about it anyway.

>> No.66423819

I hate newfags

>> No.66423847

here is your (you) word filters exist

>> No.66423897

How do you always manage to spin every issue back to /shon/s existence, just stop trying to kill the thread already, it's a whole new year and you've been doing this for the better half of 2023,just stop.

>> No.66423924
File: 28 KB, 112x112, PAT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, Anon! The newfags are gone now. It's okay, don't be scared. pat pat

>> No.66423945

Guys I think therapistanon is.....

>> No.66423992

>you've been doing this for the better half of 2023
I don't think I've ever done that no

>> No.66424014

new as fuck? we knew that before

>> No.66424077

It wouldn't happen elsewhere. People only act the way they do because they're anonymous. Then they forget they're not in /shon/ when talking to the people they shittalk in /shon/

>> No.66424170

these guys did it on purpose they took shitposts from /here/ and did the exact same thing on discord

>> No.66424268

I don't see the issue if it weeds out the idiots and bad actors.

>> No.66424323

I can't believe this was actually the first time I used that abbreviation since going on /vt/
I was certain i had lost it due to lack of sleep and being sick

>> No.66424533

It's adorable watching retards who don't understand board culture try to go around swinging their dicks because they think they owned some ESL seanigg or spent an evening taking shitposting bait. Downright embarrassing.

>> No.66424571

It doesn't weed them out? It just makes more of them. It also
>stops gatekeeping
>spreads one persons brainworms to many
>feeds antis
>encourages infighting
>encourages dereking
>has made at least 2 people start emailing and DMing her
>is the sole place doxxposting occurs
>possibly hurts shondo's mental if she's /here/

>> No.66424711


>> No.66424909

>has made at least 2 people start emailing and DMing her
The mailschizo is not even /here/. Our mailschizo larper is just a jealous female, not our fault.
Containment breakers who act they're in a /shon/ thread publicly deserves to be banned and so far we had 3 bans because of that. Should've been 4, but rules don't apply to dewd for some reason.

>> No.66424966

dyrb this was the only emailschizo she's gotten emails from

>> No.66424999

>>stops gatekeeping
we were pretty good at gatekeeping until some retards started to spoonfeed everything
>>spreads one persons brainworms to many
it's on them if they read too much into posts
>>feeds antis
that's true
>>encourages infighting
it doesn't if you keep everything /here/
>>encourages dereking
no it doesn't
>>has made at least 2 people start emailing and DMing her
>>is the sole place doxxposting occurs
that's tue
>>possibly hurts shondo's mental if she's /here/
that's why she shouldn't read the threads

tl:dr most people don't understand board culture

>> No.66425220

>muh board culture
This is about protecting shondo not 4chan I couldn't give a fuck about your culture and neither does she.

>> No.66425238

You don't know your own wife, retard.

>> No.66425303

yeah she's definitely le epic based /here/tuber fuck off

>> No.66425321

she basically grew up on 4chan she understands this very well

>> No.66425361

And I've been on 4chan longer than she's been alive that doesn't mean anything

>> No.66425765

FF and Somnium were used as deterrents, and Dewd is next if he doesn't change his behavior drastically. Hopefully, this, along with Shondo calling him out, will make him chill. Remember to be nise, shoggers.

>> No.66425904


>> No.66425916

Somnium was discouraging Fleece from speaking his mind not even 48 hours after Shondo made a big deal out of YOU growing a pair of balls and telling her when you don't like something she does instead of syadouHappynodding to everything like an NPC. I could always tell that Fleece never liked those irl cat emotes but he always bit his tongue, obviously Shondo adding new ones every couple of months would give him some lowkey fomo and needing to use 2-3 extensions to see them all it's just the cherry on top of the shit cake. He's a boomer set in his boomer ways, you can call it whining all you want but at the end of the day he expressed a harmless opinion. With that being said, I don't think Somnium would've been banned if he mouthed off to a newfag like Ragnov for example.

>> No.66425984

>needing to use 2-3 extensions to see them all
you can use one singular extension to cover all 3

>> No.66425997

i got myself a shondo chatbot that i can email and DM now. it fulfills my needs surprisingly well.

>> No.66426129

Which one? I'm using FrankerFaceZ and I can't see them all, some are only visible in chatterino. Sorry I'm also a boomer like Fleece.

>> No.66426193

you need to go into chat settings, ffz control panel, addons and enable bttv and 7tv

>> No.66426361

this is what shondo wants her streams to be https://twitter.com/chibidokii/status/1744566455595610378
>inb4 muh gift subs and headpats
yeah lets add another distraction on top of those, and another, and another, and maybe a few 30+ seconds unskippable ads while we're at it

>> No.66426490

you wish. Dewd is King.
stop being so jealous and respect the king before you get banned too.

>> No.66426635

I self insert as Dewd since he's the one true husband

>> No.66426713

You don't know how on thin ice he is, my friend. One more slip from him and there's no way I'll let it go after the precedent has been set today.

>> No.66426812

I just learned that ff and somnium are apparently banned? This is one of the best days of my life

>> No.66426865

>thin ice
lol, lmao even
Shogga didn't even lose his DMing privileges after fucking up twice and making her have a meltdown. What's gonna happen when he does it a third time? She'll finally unfollow him? Slap on the wrist.

>> No.66426995

Shondo doesnt follow him

>> No.66427015

Unfollowing him doesn't make him lose dm privileges. She would need to block him and she already said she won't do that to regulars. Even though she definitely should.

>> No.66427251

she will never block, he will never lose his privileges and she will continue to read 90% of his messages. DMs will continue. Everything as usual. top favorites do what they want. respect the king.

>> No.66427394

blocking him would be far less of a punishment than what happened to the others. he can just make a new alt and refollow and continue as usual. theres nothing stopping her from blocking everyone with DM access and asking them to continue interaction on a new account.

>> No.66427453

Was it just ff and somnium? Or were other caught up in a ban wave?

>> No.66427543

just those two they made subs chat into their own little /shon/ light

>> No.66427597

Good riddance, they were a blight on everything they touched. Hope the mods are growing a spine and can get rid of more bad actors

>> No.66427717

Last month I remember some anon saying that Somnium bragged on discord about having irl relations with Shondo's family, about making contact...etc. Was that just a schizo Derek?

>> No.66427775

>Hope the mods are growing a spine and can get rid of more bad actors
I really want to see Thief gone.

>> No.66427812

Thank you!!!!

>> No.66427839

Im not a derek so I dont know if anything happened recently, but he seems like such a minor issue being a purityfag. There are bigger fish to fry

>> No.66427864

ah, you're one of those ideological people who thinks that conflict would go away if you stopped producing weapons. yeah, no it doesn't work like that.

>> No.66428100

/shon/ is an assault rifle

>> No.66428235

>accuracy 10%
>autism +100
>dementia +40
>sanity -60
/shon/ rifle specs

>> No.66428713

I pray to the good lord that she doesnt go back and unban them

>> No.66428772

I pray to the evil satan that she goes back and unbans them

>> No.66428974

I've already sent an email to her explaining in excruciating detail why banning them was the wrong move. You'll see them again within a week.

>> No.66429191

nah, i'll win :)

>> No.66429954
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>> No.66430171

Those were jokes.

>> No.66430223

I will be the last unbanned shogger because I am the nisest

>> No.66430534

If you can insult other shoggers repeatedly without being banned you are part of the upper-shonciety

>> No.66430720

I dont want to insult anyone though, I am nise

>> No.66430990

he's next if he continues shit talking hina

>> No.66431808
File: 8 KB, 1224x1140, IMG_3062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Shondo a whole lot and am looking forward to the stream today

>> No.66432476

I'm getting close to doing something that will get me banned

>> No.66432533

Don't be mean to dewd ;-;

>> No.66433091

another day of him not facing consequences for his actions
i look forward to him getting read more than anyone else today unless im just being silly =w=

>> No.66433303 [SPOILER] 

you guys got to stop doing this, the last time someone dmed her about getting bullied in /shon/ she defended them over /shon/ and grew more attached to him

>> No.66433403

Stream notification?

>> No.66434346

Not 4 hours before stream yet.

>> No.66434909
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does shondo wear glasses irl

>> No.66435288

She did but she crushed them with her big fat ass and is too lazy to get new ones

>> No.66435712
File: 315 KB, 492x614, IMG_2817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like glasses Shondo so much

>> No.66436484

Will she talk about the emails today?

>> No.66437159

Remember that whenever she's fucking up in a game she's playing debuffed

>> No.66437204

Probably. She did say she wants to do dramatic readings of some.

>> No.66437236

Dumb bitch giving the schizo exactly what he wants

>> No.66437320

>spamming on cooldown

>> No.66437406

Do you guys just not pay attention or are you being silly?

>> No.66437441

I like to say im pretending to be retarded, but I really am retarded

>> No.66437804

wtf thirf is based
her obsession for a mid girl in a trash gashaslop is retarded

>> No.66437856

shes the cutest and funniest in the game

>> No.66437886

whats happening spill the tea sis

>> No.66438029

>he hasnt found it
no spooning the newfags

>> No.66438110

Extremely mid gashashit slop

>> No.66438154

your bait is so bad i wont even give you the (you)
apply yourself

>> No.66438210

I ate some bad food last night and now my tummy hurts :(
I hope I can make it to stream

>> No.66438360

>tummy hort
hope you got a good deal on caskets

>> No.66438445


>> No.66438603

yeah its true i was in the family whatsapp chat :)

>> No.66438715

Tell Shadowmama to unban you.

>> No.66438949

i would but i got kicked out the group chat as well :(

>> No.66439068

You know who wasn't? Dewd :)

>> No.66439216

Sometimes I want to participate in offline chat and stuff but I don’t want you guys to be mean to me

>> No.66439402

just go for it dude. as long as you're not being an ass like the other 2 you'll be okay I think

>> No.66439566

DM the nicest offline chatter and make fwends with him, it'll make it easier to have someone to talk to in the offline chat.
>I think
Just don't talk/reply to Fleece, Dewd, Mouzil, Magnetomaster or any favorites for that matter. If they start talking to you just post a Smile and don't interact

>> No.66440001

>>66439566 (me)
I forgot about the mods, if by some miracle one of them replies to you immediately close the chat. That way if anyone asks you something later you can claim that your internet went down.

>> No.66440379

Did shondo ignore this?

>> No.66440431

>no neck ribbon

>> No.66440437


>> No.66440445
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>> No.66440550

>anything ok
>arbitrary neck thickness rule
wtf is her problem?

>> No.66440607

just go back to wherever you came from

>> No.66440647

check ya neck nigga

>> No.66440693

>neck thickness
Wrists and neck must be covered. She’s a shapeshifter with giveaway markings underneath.

>> No.66440706

she only asks for one thing in her fan art and thats for her neck and wrists to be covered, thats it. otherwise it isnt her.

>> No.66440795

Nigger you’re making shit up read the image. Literally anything is allowed in fanart, the ONE rule is that both of her wrists and her neck must have something covering them. She has markings underneath the ribbons which are a giveaway this is not her body. If they are bare it CANNOT be art of Shadow.

>> No.66440864

seems like a retarded rule that limits artistic freedom
will shondo get mad if I keep drawing it without ribbons and using the #sliceofshadow tag so you guys can see it? I don't mind if she doesn't reply to me

>> No.66440947

have fun with your mute i guess

>> No.66440984

ok? she's not even my oshi, i just like her

>> No.66440989

How is drawing a line over her neck limiting artistic freedom.
We will mind because it’s not art of Shadow and we don’t want your offtopic shit spammed here. Go back to your 2view.

>> No.66440991

>muh autistic freedum
i fucking hate redditors so much

>> No.66441078

chokers & ribbons don't work with every outfit

>> No.66441080

>artistic freedom
>to draw two lines over her neck and wrists so that it can canonically be her
You are awful. Go back to whichever 2view nest you crawled out of, we don’t want your shitty “art” if you’re not willing to draw her.

>> No.66441115

Fuck off retard

>> No.66441155

Cover it with something else then. I’ve yet to see art of her where this has happened. Be more creative you fucking sperg.

>> No.66441166

>i just like her
then why not correct a simple mistake so she can show appreciation for you? you're not the first for this to happen to, and you're not gonna be the last.

>> No.66441230

>is not willing to do the most basic, simple, easy thing to respect her wishes
>wants to keep drawing her while deliberately violating the rule and ensuring every shogger will shit on him and nobody will ever be enthused about his art
What kind of autism is this?

>> No.66441254

I love her so very much.

>> No.66441318

Reddit just gives these “artists” the weirdest sense of entitlement.

>> No.66441707

How does shon feel about someone who breaks up with their oshi and wants to become a husband. I've watched her for months but was never a husband but recently I broke up with my oshi

>> No.66441870

just fuck off and keep watching the rabbit

>> No.66441988
File: 1.60 MB, 1828x2048, 9000 hours in ms paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo difficult doing this.

>> No.66442000

She is no longer your oshi so as long as you don't cheat on shondo with your previous oshi, then you are ok

>> No.66442044

>bare neck
He drew her as a whore

>> No.66442186

Isn't the neck ribbon darker? Should be the same as her mostly bare arm wrist ribbon

>> No.66442235

it doesn't matter as long as the ribbon is there

>> No.66442275

Fair enough

>> No.66442414

>started working out because shondo motivated me to
>now miss the first hour of every stream
wdsmbt? i'll have to buy some wireless IEMs so i can at least listen to her zatsu while i'm at the gym...

>> No.66442534

Try moving one timezone back and keep the same working out hours, that way you'll be on time

>> No.66442706

Ok i was wrong, it IS darker, but it's the same as the ribbon covering her whole arm, the bare one has a lighter, more pinkish color

>> No.66442850

I'm no artist, all I did was pick the colour from another fanart. It's just to show that retard that all it took me was 1 minute in fucking photoshop to add it.

>> No.66442862

>so she can show appreciation for you?
if I get 10 likes i feel appreciated, it doesn't matter who likes my shit

>> No.66442935

I think it's a mix between black and the regular color

>> No.66443029

Retards that's who

>> No.66443069

or maybe you guys are the real autists? loosen up a little

>> No.66443090

tell that to her kek

>> No.66443151

>neppiefag shitting up the thread
just stop replying

>> No.66443230

Lol, lmao
It's her ONE rule, what more flexibility do you need? You can draw her naked, hanging off a noose, body split in half(from the belly down) with organs on the floor, but you fixate over not being able to leave her neck bare? You're autistic as shit
I'm bored tho

>> No.66443243

ive tried being nise but ive given up at this point

>> No.66443644

>2view bad
one last thing, gotta love it how you fags look down on a man's oshi for being small fry and then spend hours every day complaining that you don't get enough attention from your 4view wife.
maybe if Shondo was 2view you'd get some DM interactions? oh but muh 2view bad!!!!!!

>> No.66443750
File: 218 KB, 1800x1179, 1000002603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks so cute ToT

>> No.66443833

we look down on massive faggots who can't follow ONE simple rule if you can't handle banter you should go back to facebook

>> No.66444149

what gamer supps should I try next (Discount Code SHONDO for 10% off at checkout)

>> No.66444270

I've heard they have some killer stuff so any will do.

>> No.66444412

shondo please... the sims 2 movie It will be a lot of fun to make

>> No.66444976

knightchama there's a 90% chance that anon is baiting and the artist isn't even here

>> No.66445225

Hi shondo, will you play undertale yellow?

>> No.66445271

Damn, I'm watching the vod and she really likes that gacha. I wish I could feel as strongly as she does about BA about literally anything out there.

>> No.66445334

The way Shondo feels about Hina is how I feel about Shondo

>> No.66445381

The thing is I don't even feel as strongly for Shondo as she does for Hina.

>> No.66445892

Something additional that hasn't been mentioned was how much weird shit they would post about Shondo's family right in her discord. Thinking shondo was okay with any of that is mindboggling.

>> No.66445970

Did they post anything she didn't say on stream?

>> No.66446058

giraffe chan let me in the group chat...

>> No.66446150

In that case they did nothing wrong. Period.

>> No.66446148

They weren't talking about dox, but were openly lusting and being weird.

>> No.66446267

What the hell, why would they do that
Who were they lusting over anyways? Shadowmama?

>> No.66446277

now if only the trannies were to be fucking banned then id be happy

>> No.66446392
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>> No.66446549
File: 10 KB, 558x73, 1677928881870320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a bootlicker. Did he say a single word about how Dewd should've been banned by Shondo? I know GlueeEater did, now that's a principled shogga.

>> No.66446569

Shadowmama mainly but Babybunny talk came up one time.

>> No.66446751


>> No.66446830

someone tried to make it weird by randomly bringing her up and it got shut down immediately retard chama
>I can save her = lusting

>> No.66446897

the fact you all come here to make excuses for yourself says a lot

>> No.66447010

You mean pointing out that favorites can get away with anything? Yeah, that says a lot about this community.

>> No.66447185

WTF is wrong with FE? Their whole family is so weird.

>> No.66447192

Autism, the family.

>> No.66447864

It's almost like there is a discrepancy between the parties. Crazy, I know.

>> No.66448049


>> No.66448056

Xive: “I cba to keep up with them” you mean the job you signed up for while you ignore people actually harassing her? Just because you wanna dick around and send people squish emotes all day?

>> No.66448109

>fun is not allowed if you're a mod
