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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 10 KB, 200x200, Crane Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66396749 No.66396749 [Reply] [Original]

Birdboat Edition
>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, but I fear getting crabbed or not getting real feedback, should I not even spend my time here?
It has been shown that the thread tends to not give feedback for the sake of saying positive things, but anons can help when you formulate your questions properly, and if it failed once, please try again at a later time, know that as there are so many anons here, it's hard for everyone to see your question and respond, even if they know the proper response to you problem, so stay hopeful, and keep asking your different questions!

Ganbatte, /asp/ies! You’re all gonna make it! Good luck in persevering with all your Vtubing endeavors!

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>66376322

>> No.66396817

Crane is already astroturfing, dear lord.
Why are YouTube chuubas so cancer?

>> No.66396873

At least he properly baked. Not gonna complain.

>> No.66397108

>OP pic isn't even a real streamer (yet)

>> No.66397116

>be Crane
>be pre-debut png with no former connection to /asp/
>show up 2 days ago
>no experience in being a chuuba other than streaming a decade ago
>has no idea what the meta is (lmao streaming on youtube as an EN indie male) but still offers advice and opinion, not as a viewer but as a chuuba
>blogpost, shillpost, make yourself the OP and bite bait constantly

I already don't like you

>> No.66397226

But he's a bird and we don't have enough birds

>> No.66397281

Laine exists.
Female birds > Male birds
There's a reason Hakka was rejected out of Holotori.

>> No.66397366
File: 86 KB, 834x755, followalert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I want more bird friends

>> No.66397369

nigga doesn't even watch other aspies, he is just trying to leech viewers from here

>> No.66397436

>haven't seen him in YOUR chat
>"he doesn't watch other aspies"
Anon, how do I tell you this...

>> No.66397467

Laine, sweetie, please stop living in this thread, its embarrassing.

>> No.66397543

Sorry I couldn't stay the full time, but thank you for the stream Luna! I'm sure people will find it very cute as usual :)

>> No.66397564

I haven't seen him in any chats.
t. Serial Lurker

>> No.66397615
File: 30 KB, 165x199, Hanabi3111-1744862475168653382-img1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you to everyone who showed up to the stream! Hopefully you all enjoyed my strategic talents, and look forward to more!

Also thank you lots and lots for the art Hanabi

>> No.66397617

Liane please beat me up

>> No.66397696

who the fuck is crane

>> No.66397709

birds are bretty cool, yup

>> No.66397747

Camui 2.0

>> No.66397810

Please use me as a punching bag, I really need it after a bad day...

>> No.66397827

I haven't seen him anywhere either

>> No.66397859

I thought you wanted renata to beat you up?

>> No.66397894

Camui at least started streaming less than a few days after appearing here

>> No.66397897

Im retarded, who is this hanabi supposed to be?

>> No.66397906

Thanks for coming :D

>> No.66397949

Habani, for you.

>> No.66397972

He just made the YouTube channel, you figure he even has a Twitch yet? I know he followed a few /asp/ies on his personal, has been in their chats.
He mentioned he might stream tonight.

>> No.66397992
File: 45 KB, 180x185, GAH9CuTWQAAkGkI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanabi makes cute art. Here is a example of his work.

>> No.66398006

The one who drew that picture? Even if you don't know who he is you just need to use your shiny smooth brain for a few seconds to figure it out

>> No.66398059
File: 961 KB, 2048x2048, 1704164612793834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up bros, played any good vidya?

>> No.66398088

> I know he followed a few /asp/ies on his personal
His personal? Okay this is obviously Crane talking about himself in third person, because how the fuck would someone but him know what Crane's personal Twitch account is named.
You're trying so hard, it's embarrassing.

>> No.66398128
File: 1.94 MB, 1338x753, brave_2024-01-10_02-42-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean who it's depicting, it's me, WIPlash!
I was playing Valkyria Chronicles and the guards have a helmet that says Bruhl on it

>> No.66398201
File: 365 KB, 960x480, Screenshot_20240109-090122~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a yakuman when I woke up and then I got yakumanned now when I'm going to bed

>> No.66398204

There are multiple attractive people I want to beat me up. The highest and most unmaintainable dream would be to have them all beat me up at the same time and just turn me into human mush from all the punches

>> No.66398224

It's been so long since I was last able to stream. The time I can start again is coming closer and closer, and I should be excited, but instead I'm just anxious! I used to stream regularly without any issues whatsoever - this feeling will fade, right, aspies?

>> No.66398269

>Valkyria Chronicles
Based af game, i really should redownload it and finish it to completion on stream sometime

>> No.66398299

I know who Hanabi is, I didn't know who the fuck the person in this picture is supposed to be.

Thank you.
This is the first time I'd say Hanabi has failed at capturing the essence of the person he drew.
You have a very stylized art style, but the design itself isn't very unique, so I understand why there is a struggle.
I think I would've given a different eye shape and not make the hair completely black.

>> No.66398314

You will be back to normal after a few streams, don't worry buddy

>> No.66398332

>his personal

Okay Crane. This means jack shit becausr nobody knows what your personal is (the fact you're willing to skinwalk as someone else defending you now is very suspect) and feels like damage control at this point, take a step back, stop defending yourself, lurk more, learn the etiquette of the thread and actually interact with people before you shill yourself so hard here

>> No.66398337


>> No.66398359

Hanabi's actively getting worse at a rapid rate and it's really funny

>> No.66398375


>> No.66398408

>He mentioned he might stream tonight.
Crane just say if you are or are not going to, you are already failing at being a vtuber by not even committing to a single stream.

>> No.66398435

Thank you! This made me feel a bit better. I'll do my best as always!

>> No.66398459

Here's a tip, don't give your opinion on everything. It will rub people the wrong way and gives off the attitude of a know-it-all.

>> No.66398460

they are here

>> No.66398477

Oh fuck you, don't use my post to crab him.

>> No.66398487

It's kinda hard to get WIP right in such minimalistic style of doodles though, that's why I have never tried doodling anyone with a basic and simple design or one that has an added accessory like that helmet

>> No.66398503

I want a schizo vtuber.

>> No.66398547

You have many to pick from here

>> No.66398569

People need to learn to take critiques if they are going to be public figures.

>> No.66398676

Hanabi like the rest of the drawfags is doing things out of passion(except Gael), so while I don't think he would mind criticism I wouldn't go too hard on someone making a doodle for fun

>> No.66398814
File: 79 KB, 268x502, Screenshot 2024-01-09 200219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66398940

Gumpai, Denpa, Lava, Iriya, Camui, Layla. That's just the newer gen

>> No.66398959

5D chess stratagems right there thanks for the stream!

>> No.66398968

I was going to stream but now I'm tempted to play fighting games with you

>> No.66398997

Damn you have awfull taste

>> No.66399043

Chaosfoundry isn't a schizo, but thread thinks so.

>> No.66399047

The only actual schizos on that list are Iriya and Denpa

>> No.66399064
File: 543 KB, 1700x2700, 20240110_020030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how different artists approach things. You get a glimpse of how they see the world. This artist made me very beautiful!

Also skeb addiction is starting...

>> No.66399112

He isn't a schizo, he is actually schizophrenic

>> No.66399199

Or just really lonely. I'd give him a hug.

>> No.66399205

hananbi is doing it to groom

>> No.66399295

I'm terrible at most but I like learning and having people to play with. Always down to run a set ^^

>> No.66399298
File: 257 KB, 1400x880, 1692160642853221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job bro, proud of you

>> No.66399313

Hachigatsu Kokonoka Boku wa Kimi ni Kuwareru

>> No.66399353

gael why do you keep accusing hanabi of grooming everyone, it's starting to reek of being like that one senator that lobbied hard against same-sex marriage only to get caught sucking guys off in an airport bathroom

>> No.66399406

Source: Last night onboard ChaosFoundry's ship.

>> No.66399571

Kankuro made this post.

>> No.66399631

it probably has a lot to do with him not coloring in his drawings anymore.
...why'd he stop doing that, anyway?

>> No.66399812

I hope for Hanabi to draw the scissors one day. And Lava too.

>> No.66399833

>no bb: centralfiction
Your taste suck.

>> No.66399855
File: 89 KB, 240x240, ichihime-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks meat, I was thinking of you when I destroyed that hag character

>> No.66399914

Game expensive and I've never had anyone to play it with so I've had no drive to buy it, sry

I do like bbtag though because I'm a tag fighter andy

>> No.66399952

what was the scissors guy's name again?

>> No.66399959

How many of you guys interact with JP vtubers? I watch them more than I do English Vtubers to practice with my language learning, but it feels embarrassing to do it in their chats

>> No.66399996

This rrat will never not be funny to me, I think even hanabi laughs at your pathetic crab attempts gael

>> No.66400005

I chose the denny's parking lot Laine. Feel free to beat me with your fist or any blunt object

>> No.66400020

Maybe I will one of these days. I know lots of people here like to play fighting games but it's always either granblue or tekken and I'm abysmal at both.

>> No.66400161

Wtf even is grooming anymore? I think most people here a emotionally unstable enough where prolonged exposure just makes you want to fuck

>> No.66400182

buy it and i will play you

>> No.66400223
File: 1.05 MB, 1719x1609, scissors3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sukadrii is the name. I got his ref here if you need it. He is also still live with genshin

>> No.66400228

we all are secretly or openly horny here

>> No.66400247

It's a word that lost all meaning since it's been overused by twitter cunts

>> No.66400280

i do frequent some JP chuubas streams because they also speak english, it feels really different compared to a typical english chuuba

>> No.66400289

That's just human nature, it's hard to spend time around the preferred sex without getting feels

>> No.66400291
File: 1.78 MB, 3840x2160, ujCAgWP-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean hey, how else are we expected to improve? My games of choice would probably be BFTG or melty AACC but I did enjoy Tekken 7, I'm unsure if I'll buy 8 for a good while though

when it's not $40 I'll consider

>> No.66400303

it represents getting headpatted.

>> No.66400405

No wonder that anon said that everyone in haru's chat was grooming him

>> No.66400412

I think I’m going to equip all the armory needed to slay the raid boss at /wvt/ and make it inhabitable again. Please grant me your blessings. im going to actually hack into his computer

>> No.66400413
File: 2 KB, 170x31, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i probably wouldnt be that much fun to fight given how many hours i've played but...

>> No.66400506

Would it be a bad idea to make another account where I'm openly menhera so it doesn't slip out on main?

>> No.66400530

This honestly. The only one I'd say doesn't want to be fucked is mond.

>> No.66400544

Are you retarded?

>> No.66400559

Yes, that way, when you get big, you will be able to collab with uwu_to_owo

>> No.66400712

Why you niggers need a twitter account to vent? Create a microsoft word document and use it as a journal instead of destroying your carrer online, you retards

>> No.66400821

Mond doesn't have a choice. I will force her.

>> No.66400838

no i want attention from strangers online >:(

>> No.66400869

Thank you for your sacrifice

>> No.66400883

I very rarely vent on mine, I just shitpost.

>> No.66401007
File: 183 KB, 768x768, 1704584314701537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God help me I'm actually playing Undertale voluntarily

>> No.66401018

mond virgin cunny ToT

>> No.66401033

Maybe it's because I'm still learning the language, but they talk to themselves so much. Either that or they stream both on places like Twitch and some random Japanese site that I don't know.

>> No.66401052

Sorry camui, you're making it difficult to not crab you with these games

>> No.66401103
File: 59 KB, 300x300, DIAYA_HAPPY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Portal

>> No.66401150

what did he mean by this.

>> No.66401218

yeah, i think it's a common thing, they always mumble to themselves.
Maybe the japanese animays werent exaggerating with the outloud monologing

>> No.66401319

That's what Iriya does

Doesn't stop people from harassing him about it

>> No.66401350
File: 71 KB, 332x273, 1703865144557694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, Keitaro...

>> No.66401429

ok, but who is this schizo artist.

>> No.66401568

Too many people streaming I want to join in too

>> No.66401592

I'm about to stream too :3

>> No.66401601

so fucking horny

>> No.66401679


>> No.66401692

who wanna play with my boyhole?

>> No.66401720

mmm tasty :P

>> No.66401748

How tight are you?

>> No.66401754


>> No.66401792
File: 5 KB, 248x100, ToT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the emote artist you like ups their prices

>> No.66401797

Should stream more!

>> No.66401854

I shit myself on stream. How do I recover from this?

>> No.66401870


>> No.66401928

holy moly, share that VoD brother

>> No.66401943

denpa please

>> No.66401984

What the fuck are those prices...

>> No.66402007

For 1 emote...

>> No.66402156


>> No.66402229

That better be vietnamese dong.

>> No.66402337


>> No.66402377

I changed my local currency to USD to take that screenshot. It looks even worse in my actual currency

>> No.66402558
File: 206 KB, 400x451, 5minutethumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for stopping by.

>> No.66402603

The only schizo thing about Layla is her terrible taste in men

>> No.66402798
File: 3 KB, 240x31, 1701676332326375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66402899

She my wife. No happy with lewd

>> No.66402966


>> No.66402989

Sometimes, I go into people's streams, and I find out that they are literally nothing like what I remember, in some cases I find that they, somehow, decided to change their whole personalities. While on the other hand, some are the same as the last time I checked, but my shitty fucking memory just erases everything and I get flashbanged out of nowhere by false memories and completely made up shit that doesn't add up to who they were.

>> No.66403074

Please go to a psychiatrist that doesn't sound normal

>> No.66403096

Thoughts on 1 on 1 male and female collabs?

>> No.66403160


>> No.66403205

I'm male and I want to collab with the girls
i'm gay so don't worry

>> No.66403254

I dunno I am just sharing the word of the hampter.

>> No.66403297

It's fine when the guy is gay like Daiya and Gumpai collab

>> No.66403418

Just don't flirt and make everyone uncomfortable

>> No.66403429

That's how sexpests get in

>> No.66403519

I only trust maybe like 4 or 5 male aspies to not be sexpests in a 1 on 1.

>> No.66403569

Tell us who.

>> No.66403613

Tierlist all of them

>> No.66403668

I agree, tierlist this shit

>> No.66403693

Ok, but what if I WANT to be sexpested :3c

>> No.66403740


>> No.66403748

You have some issues with men.

>> No.66403776

Corpse? I thought you were working on this.

>> No.66403786

if they have good chemistry then it's fine
if it's clearly just one of them hitting on the other (even if they're already in a relationship) while the other wishes they were anywhere else then nobody wants to see that shit

>> No.66403841



>> No.66403847

Nta but I would feel pretty comfortable with the men who are openly in committed relationships. They can fuck at home and get it out of their system.

>> No.66403854

>No kankuro, digby, or dante
Shit opinions

>> No.66403885


>> No.66403894

But there's only one person I'd sexpest and I guarantee you aren't them.

>> No.66403942

Tierlist it

>> No.66404097

>No spike

>> No.66404182

Dante is probably the least sexpesty /asp/ie I've interacted with

>> No.66404260

>No lcolonq

>> No.66404315

Im too scared of interacting with people to comprehend whether I'm being flirted with. The main reason I ask is because I don't want to be called a whore or let the person I'm collabing with to be shitposted about

>> No.66404338

I love Daiya!! He’s pretty much the only chuuba I have good chemistry with so far

>> No.66404352

angels are disgusting

>> No.66404635

Are you Andy? Who's autistic enough to be like this?
Unless you're a unicorn chuuba, nobody will care if you collab with another male 1 on 1. The thread doesn't matter and nobody will ever bring it outside of /here/ since that'd reveal they're crabs.
Most of the male chuubas here seem well-adjusted enough that they won't flirt if you specify you don't want that kind of thing. It's even more true if they're established and experienced with collabing with girls.
People will shitpost regardless, anyway. If two male chuubas become friendly there'll definitely be a few fujos and gays here shitposting about it. You can't escape this sort of thing, but you shouldn't care because it doesn't matter in the end.

>> No.66404709

Sage wisdom.

>> No.66404740

>The main reason I ask is because I don't want to be called a whore or let the person I'm collabing with to be shitposted about
schizo shitposting crabs are gonna do that no matter how respectful or tame the collab is so it's not worth worrying about

>> No.66404759

Damn the bird guy already getting schizod lmao

>> No.66404934

This list is mostly right from my interactions, I'd also add Kankuro as others said.

>> No.66404944

Collabs are inherently awful content. There are exceptions to the rule but they are that, exceptions.

Not saying you shouldn't. Just don't pretend you're doing it for your viewers

>> No.66405006

What are the exceptions?

>> No.66405011
File: 790 KB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2024-01-09-19h03m19s693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Losing every match of Hunt Showdown tonight!

>> No.66405052

I kneel. I love Hunt Showdown, probably my favorite FPS game.

>> No.66405109

Bird guy seems like a schizo himself

>> No.66405115

Ui-mama and Watame

>> No.66405146

They aren't good for chat interaction, but they can create some of the most funny moments in streaming, and they're great for the streamer's mental health too as that's a way for you to make friends.

>> No.66405171

I'm sorry I'm very bad at this game. Don't expect any decent gameplay tonight.

>> No.66405209

I'm making a list for people to use to show what games are their favorite. It would be an easy way to show others what are your preferences! Am I missing any genre?


>> No.66405261

Not Andy. But you're right, thank you for the detailed answer, anon. I've been over thinking it too much for reasons outside of my question recently, so I just wanted a reason to mark this out of my list of worries. Ultimately I do know schizos and crabs exist and that they don't matter much outside of /here/, yet the paranoid still exists unfortunately. Thank you again!

>> No.66405312

Card games

>> No.66405314


>> No.66405337

Yeah it's mostly for myself, I feel good on stream and I feel even better when I'm streaming with my friends

>> No.66405340

As I've said, you're doing it for yourself not for your community

>> No.66405392

I really wanna do a YuGiOh sometime.

>> No.66405466

Even though your community loves the interaction?

>> No.66405486
File: 9 KB, 112x112, potatosleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tonight, rambles.

>> No.66405522

Shut up Lance.

>> No.66405569

Added it now. I think the list can evolve in the future to add other genres that may be missing. I'm Nikola and these are mine:

RPG: Baldur's Gate 3
Sports: Fantasy Tennis (RIP)
Puzzle: Portal 1/2
Sandbox: Minecraft
Strategy: HOMM3 (Heroes of Might and Magic 3)
FPS: Hunt Showdown
Fighting: Skullgirls
Survival: Minecraft
Rhythm: OSU (Taiko)
Card: Shadowverse

>> No.66405625

If you maintain chatting speed and viewers are not just talking to each other, sure

>> No.66405643

The best collab things I've watched involve chat interactions in some way so I try to emulate that. Halbernacht's tabletop streams for example had the dice influencing point redeems which I tried to make a little bit more extensive, and there was an improv stream between two VTubers with chat prompts that I really want to try and do as well if I can find some collaborators for it.
I also don't have much interest when I see someone streaming a collab, but I think it's lacking that factor and becomes more about watching other people be friends on-screen

>> No.66405659

>tfw you don't want to collab with anyone but your oshi so you can have their attention all to yourself
>tfw you know it's a terrible idea because you'll out yourself as a complete obsessed schizo as you drool all over them for hours

>> No.66405734

I am too nervous to talk to my oshi outside our DMs

>> No.66405746

That's what inherent means. You need to go far and beyond to make it good

>> No.66405762

MMO: RuneScape
Sports: NFL Blitz
Puzzle: Magical Drop 3
Sandbox: New Vegas?
Strategy: Total Annihilation
FPS: Titan Fall 2
Fighting: GG Xrd Rev 2
Survival: REmake
Rhythm: Amplitude
Cards: MtG

>> No.66405856

SMT 4, good taste, good taste.

>> No.66405926


Best i can do i guess.

RPG: Final Fantasy 6
MMO: Final Fantasy 14
Sports: Inazuma Eleven (Any)
Sandbox: Tabletop Simulator
Strategy: Warhammer 40k Dawn of War
FPS: Blood
Fighting: King of Fighters 98'

>> No.66405939

havent heard of amplitude for years, 90s kid huh?

>> No.66405970

Not really. Streaming video games is "inherently" boring if you're not taking your audience into consideration either and just making it about you playing the game, I just think people tend to be more neglectful when planning a collab

>> No.66405988


>> No.66406006

RPG: Cyberpunk 2020 (TTRPG)
MMO: Runescape
Sports: VRC Boxing
Puzzle: Tetris
Sandbox: VRChat/Roblox
Strategy: Civilization V/Alpha Centauri
FPS: Pavlov
Fighting: Mortal Kombat/VRC Boxing
Survival: Banished
Rhythm: Rock Band

>> No.66406037

I didn't put it in the list on purpose.

>> No.66406070

That's tragic, racing games are pretty fun.

>> No.66406072

I'd say guess the person but it seems it might be too obvious

RPG: at the moment BG3, but I have recency bias
MMO: FFXIV, WoW, Monster Hunter Online (rip), currently trying GW2
Sports: n/a
Puzzle: The entire picross line of games (biased to Pokemon Picross for the 3DS)
Sandbox: Starbound ( :( )
Strategy: Civ VI
FPS: Fortnite, Paladins
Fighting: [too easy of an answer]
Survival: Ark
Rhythm: Deemo/LLSIF/Groove Coaster/DJMAX/Jubeat/PiU/too many to name
Card: Pokemon TCG Online <3

>> No.66406121

Very much so.

>> No.66406146

RPG: Fallout 4
MMO: Wizard 101? I dont play MMOs
Sports: madden ig?
Puzzle: N/A
Sandbox: Minecraft
Strategy: Fire Emblem
Fighting: Smash
Survival: Resident Evil 2 Remake (It's survival horror, close enough)
Rhythm: N/A
Cards: The Pokemon card game?

This is making me realize i dont play as many kinds of games as i thought i did

>> No.66406188

GW2 is so fun!! I might try streaming it one day.
Holy Wizard 101, I need to play it again.

>> No.66406227

About to go live with Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix


Actually starting on time for once!~

>> No.66406229

>RPG: Bloodborne
>Sports: Rocket League
>Puzzle: Zero Escape
>Sandbox: Minecraft (modded 1.7.10)
>Strategy: Civ5
>FPS: Rust
>Fighting: MBAA
>Survival: 7 Days to Die
>Rhythm: Osu

>> No.66406291

stinky sea bunny wife nurglemaxxing purging heretics this evening + zatsu

https://www.twitch.tv/umiisagi (embed)

>> No.66406303

If you're a streamer, say who you are! Or we can keep on trying to guess which list belongs to who, that doesn't sound bad either.

>> No.66406359

>Magical Drop 3
name now that's an insta follow

>> No.66406432

RPG: Monster Hunter
MMO: Ragnarok Online
Puzzle: Tetris
Strategy: Age of Empires
FPS: Tribes Ascend
Fighting: Jojo HFTF

>> No.66406460

It's more fun to keep you guessing :3

>> No.66406513

I would like to change my Sports answer to Wii Sports, specifically Golf.
I feel excluded.

>> No.66406527

RPG: Bloodborne
MMO: Haven't played one in a long time. Toontown was the last one
Sports: N/A
Puzzle: N/A
Sandbox: BG 2
Strategy: Civ 5
FPS: Warzone
Fighting: Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! Special
Survival: World of Horror
Rhythm: Taiko: Drum Master
Cards: MtG

>> No.66406604

It's 5AM, I thought I clicked on everyone. Say who you are, NOW!
A lot of people love Bloodborne, that's good to see.

>> No.66406694

Mine feels obvious enough so I think I'll leave it as is

>> No.66406718


>> No.66406793


>> No.66406832

>RPG: Black Souls
>MMO: Maplestory
>Sports: Mario Stikers?
>Puzzle: Catherine
>Sandbox: GTA
>Strategy: HOI4
>FPS: Darktide
>Fighting: Street Fighter 6
>Survival: Don't Starve
>Rhythm: Guitar Hero

>> No.66406885

Do you play the 40k tabletop?

>> No.66406939

Yes, Age of Sigmar aswell. Ive also played 30K

>> No.66407024
File: 566 KB, 631x621, ScheduleIllust5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see if I can get you to teach me sometime then!

>> No.66407036

BBCF isn't that expensive if you use a key shop since it's old, I'd call it worthwhile if you have people to play with semi-regularly (or at least as long as what you consider to be worth the entry)

>> No.66407143

See guys? The magic is working! Share your lists! Collab and have fun!

>> No.66407389

RPG: Trails in the sky SC
Sports: Powerpro
Puzzle: Tetris
Sandbox: GMOD
Strategy: Age of Empires 2
FPS: Serious Sam
Fighting: Marvel vs Capcom
Survival: Dont Starve
Rhythm: Patapon 2

this list needs more genres

>> No.66407442

Let me know which genres you want to add, anon.

>> No.66407496

>Strategy: Warhammer 40k Dawn of War
We need more aspies who play DoW so we can have a free for all or team game

>> No.66407538

>RPG: Final Fantasy 7
>MMO: Final Fantasy XIV
>Sports: Wii Sports
>Puzzle: Helltaker (I havent played a lot of puzzle games i like heh...)
>Sandbox: Lego Fortnite
>Strategy: Fire Emblem Awakening
>FPS: The Citadel
>Fighting: Guilty Gear Xrd Rev
>Survival: Signalis
>Rhythm: Cytus

>> No.66407577

RPG: Tales of Berseria + Undertale + Child of Light + Lost in Random + Alice: Madness Returns + Cult of the Lamb
MMO: World of Warcraft + Fall Guys
Puzzle: Little Nightmares + Nihilumbra + Trine + Gris
Sandbox: Slime Rancher
Strategy: Teamfight Tactics
FPS: Overwatch
Survival: Don't Starve Together
Card: Legends of Runeterra + Hearthstone
Gacha: Genshin Impact + Azur Lane
Horror: Layers of Fear
MOBA: League of Legends + Smite
Narrative: Life is Strange

>> No.66407590

Just DM me sometime i can work it out.

Would prob need the Unification mod for that aswell.

>> No.66407591

RPG: Bravely Second
Puzzle: Tetris
FPS: Halo 3 multiplayer
Rhythm: Project Diva
Card game: Duel Masters (it's NOT Master Duel)
Yeah uh, I actually don't play a lot of video games

>> No.66407656

Cytuschads, I miss old Rayark, Cytus 2 and Deemo 2 just don't do it for me

>> No.66407686
File: 22 KB, 564x555, mecrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of you have such cool games that I love as well, but NONE of you say who you are!

>> No.66407721

hell yeah, cytus 2 is fun but I prefer the first game a lot !

>> No.66407720

hack n slash, beat em up, shot em up, racing, metroidvania, platformers, VN (only me and i few people have something for the latter i guess)

>> No.66407733

Good. I don't want you to know.

>> No.66407741

It's a shame your stream died. I hadn't seen anyone doing a duo like that before. Cool channel/concept.

>> No.66407824

you will know if i stream one of the games ive listed

>> No.66407853

If you are who I think you are, I don't want you to know.

>> No.66407895

You have to guess anon :3

>> No.66407906

Send your profile picture again and I will !

>> No.66407927

RPG: Hylics 2
Sports: Midnight Club LA? Do racing games count?
Puzzle: Crosscode if it counts, Tetris
Sandbox: CDDA if that counts, Terraria otherwise
Strategy: Total War Shogun 2
FPS: Stalker SoC/CoP
Fighting: BlazBlue/SF3S
Survival: Rust I guess? I don't play a lot of them
Rhythm: IIDX/DDR

>> No.66407939

Dragon Warrior III
NBA Street Vol. 2
Baba is You
Saints Row 2
Endless Space 2
Titanfall 2
I dunno, Terraria?

>> No.66407945

Wow... what did I do...

>> No.66407951


RPG: Elden Ring
MMO: Destiny 2
Puzzle: Talos principle
Sandbox: Factorio
Strategy: Civilization
FPS: Payday 2
Fighting: Hisoutensoku
Survival: Terraria
Rhythm: Guitar hero

>> No.66408008
File: 1.56 MB, 1906x1420, 25games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66408038

>>66407538 (me)

Hi I'm sh'vah

>> No.66408080

Great Taste

>> No.66408114

Shvah i said once but ill say it again: you’re so based for not identifying as a tranny

>> No.66408207

Based Sh'vah.

>> No.66408226
File: 79 KB, 832x916, 20220809_175246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me (lance) btw

>> No.66408258
File: 2.37 MB, 1080x1920, ffxiv_dx11 2023-07-25 13-48-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you FFXIV answers please post your wol

>> No.66408267

You're so based, based, based

>> No.66408305

Who? Either you're a based male or a mommy I must meet

>> No.66408330

Forgot Bioshock in FPS

>> No.66408334

Sorry I'm known on /xivg/ and don't want to break containment. I run one of the FCs.

>> No.66408377

>RPG: Fallout NV
>MMO: Dofus
>Sports: Football manager...?
>Puzzle: Opus Magnum
>Sandbox: RimWorld
>Strategy: Stellaris
>Fighting: Melty Blood
>Survival: Valheim
>Rhythm: Ensemble Stars

>> No.66408422

Based for Melty Blood.

>> No.66408431

RPG: Persona 4
MMO: Elsword, alternatively Wizard101
Sports: Wii Sports or Mario Tennis
Puzzle: Tetris
Strategy: Arknights
Fighting: Budokai Tenkaichi series
Rhythm: Hatsune Miku Project Diva series, PSP versions.

>> No.66408471
File: 2.89 MB, 1080x1920, ffxiv_dx11 2023-07-27 23-37-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZT, huh...

I fanta between femroe and femra, but I find myself enjoying roe more to be honest

>> No.66408483

I got into it when Stormblood hit and bought the level skips/boosts so that I could play the new DLC with a friend that had already been into the game. Once I finished the story I realized I wasn't really invited the the raid party and that friend ghosted me shortly after.

That was some $200 down the drain, but I would love to give the game another try/log back in sometime soon, I really enjoyed it.

>> No.66408531
File: 928 KB, 1227x720, Do You Rike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... what do we do?

>> No.66408532

MMO: Classic WoW
Sports: theres no racing category so i'm going to metagame hard and declare that racing is a sport and therefore crash team racing is an acceptable answer
Puzzle: library of ruina of that counts (probably not), baba is you otherwise
Sandbox: factorio
Strategy: sengoku rance
Fighting: tekken (lol)
Survival: uhhhhhhhhhhhh, dont starve i guess??
Rhythm: pop'n music if it had better fan support for custom charts but it doesn't so ddr

>> No.66408534

I haven't heard that name in years...

>> No.66408547

I don't know a ZT, I play on Primal.

>> No.66408610


>> No.66408626

Who made this schizo chart

>> No.66408665

>Laine plays a femra

This explains alot

>> No.66408792
File: 3.22 MB, 1080x1920, ffxiv_dx11 2023-08-22 00-03-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my lizard-bird-dragon baby but I love my big buff woman more

>> No.66408796


>> No.66408886

hello vtuber i love you

>> No.66408918

erm... they're all twinks

>> No.66408939

ELSWORD!? If only I could stream from elsrift, I would stream it daily. But private servers get you banned...

>> No.66409092

wishing you the best of luck anon, please let it be a home once more

>> No.66409151

Chaosfoundry revived if anyone's interested.


>> No.66409317


RPG: Gravity Rush
MMO: Mabinogi
Sports: Inazuma Eleven
Puzzle: Monaco / Snake Pass
Sandbox: Craftopia
Strategy: Age of Wonders
FPS: Titanfall 2 / GTFO
Fighting: BBCF / GBVS
Survival: N/A
Rhythm: Deemo / DDR
TCG: FE Cipher / Shadowverse

>> No.66409386
File: 537 KB, 2354x1817, 18cf1a4f7b323-screenshotUrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realized that I didn't have any recent screenshots to use for this, had to jump through some hoops because I'm a filthy console player

>> No.66409395

Chaos is kind of funny, if he dropped the schizoid roleplay of the giant ghost yandere and was consistent he might have better numbers

>> No.66409405

GTFO based, such a fun game I don't see people playing.

>> No.66409867
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>> No.66409872
File: 574 KB, 1417x1417, 147284572476264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RPG: The World Ends with You, KH2
>Sports: Dancerush Stardom or DDR
>Puzzle: We Love Katamari
>Sandbox: Starbound
>Strategy: Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, Civilization V
>FPS: Team Fortress 2
>Fighting: Ultimate MvC3
>Rhythm: Groove Coaster
you're based as fuck for TWEWY and Barkley on the same list

>> No.66409877


>> No.66409969
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>> No.66410232

These choices make me think of Lollipop Chainsaw, based.

>> No.66410288

It's in stream game limbo for me; I've come to prefer solo streams by a considerable margin, but it's built to be a team experience.
>>66409872 If I play PSO2 am I going to seek death or is it a real and playable game

>> No.66410337
File: 531 KB, 636x877, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RPG: FF9, Mass Effect 1
MMO: FF14, GW2
Sports: Snowboard Kids
Puzzle: Sheep Raider/Sheep Dog 'n' Wolf
Sandbox: Morrowind
Strategy: Warcraft 3, Rome Total War, Myth 1
FPS: Hedon, Heretic, DRG
Tactical: Squad
Fighting: Soul Calibur (only a bit)
Survival: Minecraft
Rhythm: Muse Dash, Guitar Hero Aerosmith
Cards: never got into them
Racing: Crash Team Racing
Horror: Silent Hill 1

When I last logged off I didn't have my best outfit on. I love that red neo-ishgardian dress with heels too much.


>> No.66410770
File: 951 KB, 2632x3680, yahoo!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to play that!

>> No.66411037

i enjoyed the combat and movement in the game but i dropped it after being the unluckiest motherfucker and not getting the rare weapon drop i needed to be a useful party member but it was fun while i was playing
i also just don't play many mmos

>> No.66411121

RPG: Tales of Graces/Berseria, Persona 4.
Sports: Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup
MMO: Last I played was Maple Story, I haven't played an MMO in over a decade.
Puzzle: Catherine/Portal 2. I wanna get into Puyo Puyo so I can play something else against Slushy.
FPS: Overwatch/TF2/BFBC2 in terms of multiplayer.
Fighting: DOA5LR/TTT2. DNF Duel has been a recent favorite. Might get into Granblue but for now I'm a F2Per.
Cards: If TCG, Yu-gi-oh. I like and own a lot of board games though. I got TableTop Sim as well.
BEAT-'EM UP: Streets of Rage 4 (If you wanna play this with me, I'll probably come running). Final Fight 3. Dragon's Crown counts AFAIC. Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise Of The Dragons is new and pretty cool. God Hand is an old favorite.

Ace P.

>> No.66411178
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>> No.66411447
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This is the only picture I could find without getting out of bed.

>> No.66411515

We could accomplish the absolute shittiest /asp/ XIV collab.

>> No.66411603
File: 1.51 MB, 3840x2160, WoL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Action: NieR Automata
Platforming: Super Meat Boy
RPG: Persona 4
Sports: Mario Tennis (N64)
Puzzle: Portal, Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Strategy: Disgaea
FPS: Doom Eternal Jedi Academy for nostalgia Although lightsaber combat is third person
Fighting: Skullgirls, Smash Bros
Survival: Terraria
Rhythm: DDR, Rock Band
Racing: Mario Kart
I know I'm going to re-think this list and remember a dozen games I'd rather add

>> No.66412063
File: 243 KB, 462x385, 2manypixels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sh'vah is live with Emo_Pukki playing Risk Of Rain 2!!!

>> No.66412115


>> No.66412139

It'd be nice if Gumpai stopped thinking so much about her content and just made fucking content, every other day it seems she's rethinking her entire image and brand

>> No.66412143

RPG: etrian odyssey3/ dark souls
MMO: none
Sports: fishing games in general
Puzzle: portal2
Sandbox: factorio
Strategy: aoe3
FPS: drg(does this even count)
Fighting: tekken
Survival: valheim
Rhythm: cytus

no platformer or roguelikes so I don't know where to put my other favorites.

>> No.66412234

Put in the genre you want to add!

>> No.66412881

Goat corrupting my pure eldritch boy ToT

>> No.66413404

Keep seething. I can't wait to see the getting married tweet. Pukki made it.

>> No.66413574

Let's do an ultimate.

>> No.66413915
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If your mom puts you in a maid outfit does it become cannon

>> No.66414040


>> No.66414045


>> No.66414419

Genuine question here:
How do you make time to hop into other people's streams, Discords and Twitter convos while managing your own social life with your non vtuber friends and a job?
How do you make friends in this space with the distance you need to put for opsec?

>> No.66414622

>own social life

>> No.66414726

Literally how hard is it to simply not talk about your address and shit?

>> No.66414731

All my family and friends died leaving me here alone. Makes it easy to spend more time here.

>> No.66414988


>> No.66414996

I like to talk about my life experiences that might date me, share pictures of food and places I've been with friends and discuss other communities I'm in, plus bring my friends around my other friends. All things that risk slipping details about me.

>> No.66415067

>RPG: Dragon's Dogma
>MMO: OldSchool RuneScape (occasionally)
>Sports: Tony Hawk Pro Skater
>Puzzle: Tetris
>Sandbox: Minecraft
>Strategy: Age of Empires 2
>FPS: Team Fortress 2
>Fighting: Under Night In-Birth
>Survival: Conan Exiles
>Rhythm: Bang Dream I guess?

>> No.66415505

How retarded are you?

>> No.66415601

I'm normal, I just like to get close to people.

>> No.66415661
File: 234 KB, 330x451, 1515545374262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you so I know to avoid your streams? Most of us are social rejects and don't want normies rubbing it in

>> No.66415792

I'm sorry anon I am also like that

>> No.66415866
File: 36 KB, 640x360, 1514260113288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please just let me know who you are, I don't like feeling bad about myself

>> No.66415942

One of the VTubers who doesn't stream very often.

I'm a once a week kind of person so you needn't worry.

>> No.66416211

bpds have unstable sense of self

>> No.66416433

New accounts for everything you use.
Google existing aliases to see if theres anything you can delete or remove.
Do it long before you actually start streaming.
Disable all tracking and linking in your existing social accounts.

>> No.66416575

Already did all that, I already stream. I'm just having a hard time making time to get to know people and having trouble with what I can/can't be open with.

>> No.66416584

>How do you make friends in this space with the distance you need to put for opsec?
you stay here long enough and that starts to crumble slowly

>> No.66416719

>How do you make friends in this space with the distance you need to put for opsec?

You have to find the people you can trust to let your walls down a bit

>> No.66416829

Not me, I don't play enough genres to properly fill out something like this.
I can do like half of it:
MMO: Blade and Soul
Puzzle: Stephen's Sausage Roll
Strategy: Fire Emblem Engage
Card: Library of Ruina

>> No.66416863


>> No.66417000

Dont talk about where you live (especially if youre not in a big city)
Dont talk about any school or work names.
Dont talk about specific dates with a location.
Dont talk about people youve met in person.
Location can trip you up because the more you name places you go to (McDonalds, 711, Bestbuy) the easier it is to filter to a specific location. Timezone is basically inevitable though.
School, work, city/town are big the big ones.

>> No.66417941

>I'm normal

>> No.66418773

>timezone is inevitable
