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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.49 MB, 2496x2160, 1702347172094192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66192908 No.66192908 [Reply] [Original]

Where is my bird wife
>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, but I fear getting crabbed or not getting real feedback, should I not even spend my time here?
It has been shown that the thread tends to not give feedback for the sake of saying positive things, but anons can help when you formulate your questions properly, and if it failed once, please try again at a later time, know that as there are so many anons here, it's hard for everyone to see your question and respond, even if they know the proper response to you problem, so stay hopeful, and keep asking your different questions!

Ganbatte, /asp/ies! You’re all gonna make it! Good luck in persevering with all your Vtubing endeavors!

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>66169981

>> No.66193028

Daiya is still live

>> No.66193145
File: 73 KB, 375x167, Screenshot 2024-01-04 182702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shvah is still live

>> No.66193196
File: 437 KB, 773x740, 1704446046144926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As psychopathic as he is, he's got good taste

>> No.66193327

You look up at your ceiling and see this. What do you do?

>> No.66193379

I see it, anon

>> No.66193418
File: 413 KB, 895x945, Cieling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66193429

fuck it

>> No.66193478

What the fuck why does it reverse flip the image?

>> No.66194385

I am heading to bed can any of the cute boys give me a kiss good night

>> No.66194490
File: 859 KB, 1063x1181, valentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chu chu anon-kun

>> No.66194856

No. Goodnight though.

>> No.66195851

I'm such a fucking Laine-cel.

>> No.66196034

claudette please draw more nsfw with your big peen out and give me measurements so I can try to see if I can take it

>> No.66196059

I am waiting for Laine's return so she can break my spin and force me to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life

>> No.66196318

Isn't this supposed to be a secret until February?

>> No.66196627

Probably, but shhhh. 'Sides, I've seen others posted before

>> No.66197255
File: 92 KB, 500x583, pepsi cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am brain dead and can't think of a good character to have, let alone a character design.

What if I was an object instead of a person? Like a bottle of water or a bucket or even a pair of scissors?

Consider it an "experimental" phase if you will...like I want to experiment and be a chuuba but my resources are limited and I just want a few people to watch me play stuff. I don't have friends and I don't have a discord server.

>> No.66197259
File: 47 KB, 1000x800, freestab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66197295

that weapon looks oddly hydrating

>> No.66197332

hello vtuber i love you

>> No.66197390

There are a few people who do use inanimate objects for their designs. I personally think a humanoid or even like creature design are preferable just because the audience can better latch on and connect with you, but that's just a conjecture on my part.

>> No.66197548

hi chat

>> No.66197567

I love you too

>> No.66197574

Love you too <3

>> No.66197616

Do you have any examples for research?

>> No.66197621

I love being parasocial does it ruin the magic if I use that word

>> No.66197690

I don't have any examples of big chuubas with inanimate designs if that's what you're asking, which leads me to believe that going down that route makes it harder for people to connect to you.

>> No.66197768

I'll have to ask pommy first if you want to try licking it.

>> No.66197821

I'm still waiting for my favorite experimental pizza vtuber to stream again...

>> No.66197910

Mwah mwah mwah
T. Ugly bastardo

>> No.66197963

Majsoul Friends Room 34634(4-Player East): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=34634

>> No.66198102

hotdogbongwater420 is uh... a bong.
billy_the_bucket is a bucket
There's tons of computer screen faced vtubers out there if you just wanted to try a computer or somethin'

>> No.66198243
File: 165 KB, 640x480, commandments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asp/ Commandments
>1. Are you a girl or a boy?
It is not of our concern.
>2. Are you a babi or a femboy?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Did you guys see the aspie numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you see what twitter/discord is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>5. The baiters are insulting your aspies!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. Hey guess what I heard from /asp/cord!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>7. You guys should quit...
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.66198284
File: 94 KB, 720x719, FsbfKciWwAEW5dP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I feel so disconnected in general.... I don't really have anyone to call a friend now. That's why I don't feel like I can be a person.
Case in point: I was playing a game with someone earlier and now I see they unadded me for no reason.

I hate that I can't be "myself". I don't have the energy...my battery is always low. Now I could be a battery except one that is leaking and warped...but who would watch that?

>> No.66198375

I feel like hurting myself.

>> No.66198420
File: 1.00 MB, 1719x1609, scissors1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish granted

>> No.66198456

hurt me instead, Iriya

>> No.66198464

I feel that way all the time my friend, I've made some great friends here and I'm sure that you will too. I honestly don't think you need to worry about a design that much here and you can always just change your design later.

>> No.66198545
File: 1.01 MB, 1719x1609, scissors2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66198731

>psychopathic as he is
wait how so?

>> No.66198892

Does Iriya need his own write up for newfags now?

>> No.66199017

Man I'm crying right now...you're so kind. I wonder if the scissors could close? Or am I asking for too much?

Now to come up with a name and think of some lore (lol). At least my emoji is obvious.

>> No.66199031

Don’t do anything to yourself please.

>> No.66199180

anyone streamin?

>> No.66199251

Daiya and Cheen are live

>> No.66199284

Eh sure go for it

>> No.66199298

How about a sad face too or a straight one? I haven't made my channel yet.

>> No.66199448

>cheen doxxed himself

>> No.66199643


>> No.66199898
File: 1.05 MB, 1719x1609, scissors3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe something like this? await 4th file

>> No.66199962

No but people who don't understand it will think it's a negative, use it only on member streams.

>> No.66199963
File: 1.02 MB, 1719x1609, scissors4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66200031

His youtube channel is enough...

>> No.66200278
File: 1.06 MB, 1719x1609, scissorscry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66200419

Iriya is a local anxiety ridden menhera, self harmer, ryona/gore fetishist, BFE ASMR chuuba. He's obsessively in love with another aspie, Rura Taurus, who he has donated hundreds of dollars to, comissioned art of, made edited clips, made an MV, regularly writes ero BDSM fanfiction of her and stalks her through twitch streams usually just sitting in streams she is in just to watch what she says. He's had numerous meltdowns when she has collabed with males but somehow he's still a mod for. He has also publicly posted videos and photos of his own self-harm cuts. He's properly emotionally unstable and recently pulled a Gumpai and deleted his twitter, advise to keep a healthy distance from him

>> No.66200472
File: 1.05 MB, 1719x1609, scissor straight face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O - O face

>> No.66200509

I hope >>66197255 downloads veadotube mini and used the scissors png

>> No.66200523

Can you reupload this as looks cut off at the top?

>> No.66200579

Anon I don't want to redraw your scissors (don't want to be rude) but i think it'd be cooler to turn them upside down, make the handles the eyes, make the blades the mouth, and have the scissors open and close as the "mouth movement" for a scissor pngtuber

>> No.66200615

ah i see one momenmt

>> No.66200650

God I'm in love

>> No.66200807

Is there anything you want Scissors to play? Maybe we stream something tomorrow.

>> No.66200855

chaos foundry is that you

>> No.66200918

literally how

>> No.66200936

Any other tools worth grabbing? Or other assets for overlay, chat etc?
Never heard of them. Watched a few /asp/ies but not them.

>> No.66200954
File: 1.05 MB, 1719x1771, scissors4 tak2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still kinda messed up the blades on this one sorry

>> No.66200978

NGMI but will i ever have one of these written about me

>> No.66200998

Never forget

My like for/fascination with self-harm, ryona and things related to it is multifaceted and complex. I cannot give a whole or complete answer since I do not understand every part of why I like it or why I interact with it. What I can say is that I do not want people to harm themselves if they do not need to. The counter to this point would be, "Nobody NEEDS to harm themselves" which is true and not true. People won't die if they don't harm themselves of course, but taking into account that self-harm is a coping mechanism, it is possible and most likely that if someone does not self-harm when they're in a period of distress they may do something worse to themselves or begin to harm other people. The total level of harm done increases when someone cannot or will not self-harm therefore it can be argued that self-harm can be construed as mildly positive but this is neither here nor there.

Addressing the point of "If you like it and interact with it, it encourages it". I don't think this is true. Liking and interacting with TRUE self-harm (self-harm that is done as an emotional coping mechanism, not for attention [which is itself it's own coping mechanism but it's beyond the scope of what I'm talking about]) has no bearing on whether the person themselves is going to do it. I have posted my own self-harm and at no point was I influenced by others to do it even when people have encouraged me because I know they're acting in bad faith. My issues are severe enough that text on a screen can't bother me. For me personally, showing my own self-harm has a few purposes:
1. It's proving my own self-punishment to the world. The world can stop hurting me now, I've already done it to myself.
2. I want others to abuse and mock me for it, so that I feel more confident that I did the right thing and that I deserve it.
3. I want to communicate with others who do it so I feel less alone and they feel less alone.
There are probably more reasons but these are the ones I can properly dissect. In addition, my self-harm isn't just cutting. It can come in many forms including punching, hitting myself with something solid, denying myself food or water, or making myself throw up.

Addressing the point of "Why do you like it/interact with it if it has no bearing on whether or not the person will do it?"
This is complex but I think the best way is that when I see it, it gives me some relief myself and I feel less alone. I empathise with that person and feel their hurt. I can imagine the sensation and it takes some of my own emotional edge off. I go through my own likes pretty frequently, especially more so when I feel shitty, and seeing those things helps me from doing it more often.

Addressing the point of "Why harm yourself or want to harm others at all?"
This is again, complex but I think it can broken into two parts intimate and non-intimate. Dealing with non-intimate first since I think this is the easier one to explain. It's simply a lack of effective coping mechanisms for myself. It's the only thing that makes me feel better and makes me feel like I deserve to exist.
Dealing with intimate harm is a bit different but I think it can be explained somewhat easily. The purpose of wanting to harm someone who I have intimate feelings for comes from a place of insecurity, probably. If someone is willing to be hurt by me, to put up with pain, being degraded, being hurt and just generally being fucked with, they must really like me. It's absolute proof of their love. It's easy to tell someone you love them, it's easy to buy gifts, it's easy to just hang around with someone. It doesn't require any level of discomfort. It's extremely hard to pretend to like someone when they're hurting you. When someone punches you and you still love them despite it, that's what real love is to me. It's also an emotional release for myself and I would also be okay with someone wanting to hurt me if it meant proving how much I loved them. Getting to hurt someone (or hurt by someone) and they want you to, to prove how much they love you, is the best feeling possible.

>> No.66201164

Just fix up what you want to do and let me know if you need any other suggestions, going to sleep so knock yourself out if you want to have a good time making any kind of assets for scissors.

>> No.66201170

If you're insane enough

>> No.66201547

He's weirdly self-aware

>> No.66201749

He needs CBT, both kinds

>> No.66201842
File: 1.77 MB, 2201x2230, upsidedown 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I messed up. You will better understand when you see it open

>> No.66201923
File: 2.18 MB, 2201x2230, upsidedown 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.66202059

Name chuuba for cum tribute

>> No.66202092


>> No.66202099


>> No.66202114


>> No.66202145
File: 207 KB, 1158x1592, tp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toilet paper chan

>> No.66202149

pls no

>> No.66202162

That's what makes him dangerous
He's aware he could get help but consciously chooses not to and embraces his mental illness

>> No.66202202

they will scissor

>> No.66202207

My cock is hungry for this whore

>> No.66202312

I respect that actually.
The only thing I don't like is the self-harm stuff.
Like the dude could have terabytes of guro shit he's drawn and that's fine, as long as he's not actually inflicting harm on himself.

>> No.66202396


>> No.66202433


>> No.66202468

He's going to actually kill himself if he sees this

>> No.66202490


>> No.66202827

Father Larry Duff reaching on the table behind him for his phone, but picking up a stapler instead and 'answering' it, embedding a staple directly into his temple, sending him crashing down into the large house of cards he's just built. Larry's tremendous fun.

>> No.66203679
File: 59 KB, 633x256, IMG_6637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont! its really the fact that its largely vtubers that commission me! i take commissions from viewers and nonstreamers aswell!! i just prefer to do it through VGen to keep track of things better.
i have a severe issue with underpricing my artwork (according to friends) and im pretty sure that will run you over 1000+ USD if you plan on getting each piece rendered and i am deathly afraid of having to make someone pay that much. is it really worth it anon.
tehe! pero! id rather have to deal with thread dogpiling me than people speculating about what could've happened with iriya. extremely retarded execution though and i apologize, I hope iriya is doing alright.

>> No.66203927

Still waiting for Renata to break my ribs, remove every finger and toe, and call me worthless garbage

>> No.66205032

It appears that you prioritize vtubers. It's okay money is money bonus clout

>> No.66205048

any tier list suggestions

>> No.66205051
File: 272 KB, 691x583, scissors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a butterfly now.

Anyway I have made an account on Twitch. Not sure when my first stream will be (or if I'll even talk on it yet, my voice is garbo) but please follow this.

I spent some time making panels.

Any questions in case the thread dies please go to https://curiouscat.live/sukadrii for any Q&A and feedback

And if the artist wants to draw more scissors or anything for the channel feel free to send them to my @proton.me (username same as the above)

>> No.66205162

renata, your twitter posts are the reason i started wearing a stab-proof vest under my clothes.

>> No.66205174

Before anyone asks:
>As for the name, it doesn't give any search results. Consider it a brand of scissors from wherever you buy things from. Maybe it will evolve one day...

>> No.66205570

Cum tribute tier list
>would enjoy making them
>would enjoy making threm (if they had a penis)
>would enjoy recieving them
>secretly enjoys receiving them
>does not enjoy recieving them

>> No.66205834
File: 207 KB, 1280x746, IMG_6174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the world was made of pudding
what do you mean by that? what do you mean?

>> No.66205847

What does this mean

>> No.66206064

>What if the world was made of pudding
I have no idea what you just said so ok

>> No.66206097

>>would enjoy making threm (if they had a penis)
I'm not really an expert but I thought women could cum

>> No.66206157

What do I mean? I want Renata to call me worthless shit beneath her feet while she beats me into a coma with a blunt object.

>> No.66206368
File: 3.45 MB, 2880x2160, dafuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66206404

What, piss?

>> No.66206642
File: 17 KB, 190x299, 1681123508451247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

despite the crabs this place is pretty cool, thankyou /asp/ also whoever drew this should out themselves so i can shower them in praise, i love it

>> No.66207241

would you guys join nijien if you were given an offer despite all the drama and allegations that have been happening lately?
i wonder if its worth it even for 1 views

>> No.66207404

Unless they offer me guaranteed yearly income in excess of 2 or 3x my current then its not worth it.

>> No.66207521

Do you not think you'd make enough in comparison to what you do now? I assumed aspies made very little if not nothing, so I'm curious

>> No.66207634

I wouldn't join any corperation, I don't want anyone telling me how to do anything, I just want to do my own thing.

>> No.66207862

I will, then keep breaking rules, then leave within 3 months

>> No.66208123

Why is this question being asked so much lately? I think most would take the exposure and leave as soon as possible and take their audience with them.

>> No.66208297

Rura you need to tard wrangle your pet menhera

>> No.66208547

If it is enough to quit my job sure. I don't want to have two jobs man. It

>> No.66208616
File: 690 KB, 773x767, be not afraid-peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is this question being asked so much lately?
desperate niji agents looking for new talents in preparation for the upcoming wave of graduations

>> No.66208681
File: 199 KB, 463x453, 1682313654608954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to believe this because it would be very funny

>> No.66208723

They're not desperate enough to look in /asp/ of all places

>> No.66208834

Larry needs some more recognition around these parts

>> No.66208866

I'm sure you will still get dick pics no matter what word you use anon

>> No.66208929

Asp might actually be a fairly good barometer for guaging how indies view niji at the moment. If even aspies wouldn't join your company you are going to have problems recruiting.

>> No.66208986

Honestly, I feel like there are true diamonds in /asp/ and I wouldn’t be surprised if some agencies take a peek in here from time to time to get a pulse on the indie sphere and even possibly scout/shill their auditions.

>> No.66209024

Have you even seen how mid the indie scene is? Go to the vtuber tag in twitch and sort by low to high, and compare those vtubers to the ones here. Despite everything said here, the bar for streaming is much higher in /asp/ than most people in the general indie scene shooting for a corpo.

>> No.66209040

Uwu prolly but I doubt he'll have the same freedom

>> No.66209086
File: 251 KB, 1337x753, CLIPStudioPaint_6HLDSXitiK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the hair thing in the front is kinda fun but I don't feel like this properly communicates the disheveled look I'm going for. I need to find some resources on drawing hair. I suck at it.

>> No.66209139

I dunno. You look at the low end of CCV and the /asp/ies are generally god tier.

>> No.66209240


>> No.66209300

Especially in the rates of followers vs. ccv. Some have small followings but have at least a 2view ccv. Some people I’ve seen elsewhere will have a high follow rate on twitter or twitch but their ccv is surprisingly shit. /asp/ helps one cultivate a dedicated viewer base and builds networking skills to use elsewhere, when you sift through the crabs.

>> No.66209443

Get a better model

>> No.66209577

a bunch of the older gen aspies that have been streaming for a while could probably go corpo if they wanted to but I doubt they want to

>> No.66209644

Which gen 5 aspies would fit decently well in a corpo?

>> No.66209673

Well one went to Holostars
And he's been the one who has caused them the least hassle

Haru would definitely fit right in

>> No.66209759

Someone brain-dead like (you)

>> No.66209794

Whichever one would bail in under a month is the one that would get picked

>> No.66209849
File: 66 KB, 786x476, 1685890301578119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66209889

Which one?

>> No.66210037

Shinri used to be an /asp/ie
Like gen 2 I think?

>> No.66210053

>shinri used to be an /asp/ie
>source: my ass

>> No.66210192

look at who his pl follows

>> No.66210194

Lex Parte

>> No.66210319

He's the least watched one on account of his being incredibly boring so wouldn't surprise me desu

>> No.66210372

>would you guys join one of the largest corpo in a field you are passionate about despite their shit working culture?
Each year thousands of people all over the world willingly join investment banks, accounting firm, consulting, law, etc. fully knowing they're going to sell their soul in exchange for that CV

>> No.66210643

the thing that pisses me off about this image is the fact that hazmat had the gall to unfollow me and basically stop interacting with me because I defended myself from people who would cut him out of their little friend circle if they knew he hungout with people like this.
He's lucky I'm not a shitty person.

>> No.66210731

name names, go scheduled earth, make 2024 the year of personality integrity

>> No.66210775

They're not your friends. The moment things go dicey they'll leave you hanging

>> No.66210780

Nah man I dropped all that shit I ain't interested in digging up the past.
I'm just venting to strangers on my favorite mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.66210832


>> No.66210929


>> No.66211568

You have to act like you're cool with trans people even if you're not. Haunt is a great example

>> No.66211711
File: 3.37 MB, 1405x2194, DeusEXHM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scout mode time! More Deus Ex HR today

>> No.66212523

i based it off rex from bad dragon. it's around 12 inches long. and the knot is 3 inches in Diameter.
i will be drawing more pics dw

>> No.66212659

I wish you were dead

>> No.66212752

Me too, but i keep on living to spite people.

>> No.66212830

Why must fags be like this, why can't you be normal and not post stuff like this in public??????

>> No.66212833

pikame was a teapot

>> No.66212866

because it's funny.

>> No.66212892
File: 210 KB, 656x512, 109180412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha it's Suwawa!!

>> No.66212955

I want her to gently step on my balls

>> No.66213175

Dear threadpeoples,
Is there a list of common questions or common superchats that have led to fuckups, and how not to answer like an idiot?
Thank you.

>> No.66213192

Ok! We get it! You ever gonna stream or what?

>> No.66213390

Debuts 2027
not her. i just like suwawaposting because it's cute

>> No.66213448

Use AI voice and prerecorded shit if you're this nervous atm

>> No.66213582

He wants to probably finish his world building before he streams

>> No.66213645

I have a rrat. This is actually Mei

>> No.66213954

If you want to pull numbers from a deliberate yab,
Consider doing the following:

Ketamine Yoda roleplay ASMR stream

Just put a disclaimer saying it's a parody.
Watch your numbers go brrr

>> No.66214022


>> No.66214053

Not me, I'm too busy beefing with Claudette right now to give advice on cool new Yoda variants.

>> No.66214113


>> No.66214180

Just make a yandere catboy asmr video it's guaranteed 10k views. It doesn't matter how shit it is. You are welcome.

>> No.66214543

Scege, that's not exactly why I unfollowed you bud. There was a while where it felt like you were very aggressive about a few topics, not just defending yourself, and it got very tiring and worrisome. I don't think you're a bad person or anything, I just had to separate myself from how you were acting in public.

>> No.66215060

Oh my fucking god why did I wake up at this time
I hate being alive

>> No.66215241


>> No.66215258

Back to bed with you

>> No.66215277

im kinda bored should i strimb draggerfall?

>> No.66215325

Just do the five guys mario party at the next vtuber con
I'll make the sacrifice, as a fan

>> No.66215332

You should stwimb whatever the ffffFUCK!!! you wanna schtwimmb!

>> No.66215365

Why not morrowind? I'd watch.

>> No.66215413

cause daggerfall unity just got it's 1.0 release and i wanna ceck it out

>> No.66215461

Omg it finally happened and im at my fucking jobbbb NOOO
Anon stream it now please please please

>> No.66215500

okay okay! lemme install it.

>> No.66215535

Tips on how to make it (GMI):
>easiest of them all: be female (enough)
>make something crazy
>be as degenerate as possible (just be trans/furry/coomer/weeb)
>don't have a model yet? become an autistic goblin or another slime vtuber
>dislike your voice? that's part of your gender dysphoria now - take your meds
>complain about your life on social media and on stream every once in a while
>act super supportive by sharing your """"friends"""" stream on twitter but never dare to subscribe or give bits (they should sub to you after all, it's your menhera lifestyle and you get to decide what furry porn artists have to make of you)
>be art streamer (who cares how well you can do that - just be an art streamer)
>run subathons, reimagine yourself and add "new features" to stream once a month despite everything staying the same
>give up everything - just stream
>kill yourself at the ripe age of something between 25-32
anyone in here got any tips on how to run a schedule? I am redoing mine this year and I am trying to get more consistent.

>> No.66215691
File: 511 KB, 720x567, TheFinger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ain't me. I'm busy working out kinks right now.

>> No.66215714

Mei doesn't care about this place.

>> No.66215780

sutraya's skinwalker

>> No.66215863


>> No.66215887

Guess where that finger is going tonight ;)

>> No.66215918
File: 431 KB, 1283x1283, Pinyappbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LIVE WITH DAGGERFALL UNITY!!! THE 1.0 VERSION CAME OUT I'M SO EXCITED! https://www.twitch.tv/claudettevt

>> No.66215957

You need to correct your fans

>> No.66215979


>> No.66216124

>... Or another slime vtuber
As one, I can confirm, there are way too many. I miss the community that it used to foster, but those days are dead and gone after someone burned a lot of bridges.

>... tips on how to run a schedule
The only real tip I can give here is to try to find a time of day where you get rarely ever have other obligations. I'm also learning that too many streams makes each one a little less special, and keeps your creativity low.

>> No.66216340
File: 384 KB, 1249x1205, 500 203224 achilles and troilos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finishing that book!


>> No.66216857

Who's the best singer here?

>> No.66216972

This dragon Cain was a better than most Hololive males, I expect him to get in. idk if he still vtubes though.

>> No.66217033
File: 165 KB, 1200x1200, shanihilism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gm aspies don't kill yourself today

>> No.66217215

>>give up everything - just stream
Only thing i've done, damn

I don't even know how to write out my schedule since I stream on midnight so it's inconvenient to write the actual day i'm streaming for every time zone

>> No.66217259

It seems that everytime I collab with someone once they suddenly dont want anything to do with me anymore. I dont understand why, they had fun during the collab and everything. Was it something I said?

>> No.66217313

Tips on how to make it (GMI as male):

>don't be a vtuber

>> No.66217386

I think Remove won tv shows or something

>> No.66217523

this male vtuber was banned from the karaoke competition due to abigail alligator (hitler) being scared of getting btfo https://vocaroo.com/1doYY1byf4uI

>> No.66217560

I'm glad you think I'd be a good fit for a corpo. I don't know if it would be worth leaving behind my awoomfies that love me and I'm unsure I'd have the freedom I'd want to do what I enjoy there, but it might also be a fun experience.

>> No.66217606

Hard to say, anon. Maybe you acted differently than they expected? Maybe you have too much or too little energy? Maybe you talked about the wrong things? The list is endless. If they don't want to hang out with you, then they don't want to hang out with you. However, a little self-awareness wouldn't hurt, especially if youre the common denominator. Just don't be too hard on yourself, okay? I doubt, if you did anything, that it was something that couldn'tbe forgiven :]
Be nice and kiss the homies :] being good at something or not being too petrified to be bad at something couldn't hurt.

>> No.66217692
File: 1.04 MB, 1469x926, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spike is leveling up Camui today!

>> No.66217731

Don't write every time zone, just make sure it's clearly stated what timezone you're in and like one other that's a few hours ahead of you.

>> No.66217766

I know but.. Couldnt they atleast just tell me? I dont like being left in the dark like this.

>> No.66217876

>Be nice
I am. Males have more chance to make it by being a facecammer or nocammer

>> No.66217989

What a coincidence, that, while you are bored, you come here on your otheewise streaming hours and start shitting up the thread, anti-male-chan. Have you ever thought about just ending it all instead of being such an annoying bitch?

>> No.66217988

Most people, I think, don't really like saying bad things about other people, at least not to their face. It would be nice if they could when you want them to, but honest criticism takes a certain amount of bravery, too. You could always ask, but just choose your words carefully.
If you have a nice voice and have a passion for something, it seems to make girl brains go AWOOGA AWOOGA HUMINA HUMINA HUMINA WHAT A MAAAAAAAAN

>> No.66218060

Holy fuck stop responding to the "just go be a fleshstreamer" schizo already

>> No.66218077

I still miss copyright infringement gyaru...

>> No.66218120

I wonder if he realizes that male flesh tubers collab with female vtubers literally every day.

>> No.66218229

I won't stop until bitter male schizo stops

>> No.66218506

why? just hate fuck each other instead

>> No.66218724

Finished the book! Stream over

>> No.66218726

need that turok faggot and his holes

>> No.66218886

I stream today give me a few hours

>> No.66218890

Surely giving him as much attention as possible will make him stop.

>> No.66218903

Same with me

>> No.66219118

I know uwo advises this thread often, but does anyone remember what a successful femchuuba had to say for advice? Is it more or less the same as he said on here >>65986369

>> No.66219369

Need to pound the Dullahans boypussy untill he cant move anymore

>> No.66219410

Nah, I want him to whisper gentle things into my ears and comfort me.

>> No.66219473

Ill give him a nursing handjob and whisper sweet nothings into hos ear

>> No.66219548

Followed. I wish you good fortune when you eventually stream.

>> No.66219705
File: 122 KB, 289x355, lolli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The legend is real

>> No.66219768
File: 2.67 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240107_130502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66219797

please post the cheen smoking, i loved it but i forgot to save it.

>> No.66219845

I want to give Charley a nursing handjob too

>> No.66219882
File: 1.63 MB, 3000x4000, rat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66219892

Every male chuuba deserves a nursing handjob.
Except for camui.

>> No.66219921

I should take a better picture, maybe later

>> No.66219948

Ill hand em out

>> No.66220019

My DM's are always open.

>> No.66220075

anyone streamin

>> No.66220084

Please do it to me, I don't even care if you are a boy or a girl...

>> No.66220119


>> No.66220141


>> No.66220180

Huh? Never saw this one before.

>> No.66220255

>check his twitter
>"Not followed by anyone you’re following"

>> No.66220274
File: 2.60 MB, 2048x2048, DigbyPictomancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Digby
I may have to start streaming FFXIV

>> No.66220349

Love your art digby and now I want to draw you again so I hate you

>> No.66220416
File: 431 KB, 512x512, 16544729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except for camui.
that lucky bastard is getting the best paizuri from chrii, he doesn't need a nursing handjob its not fair he gets the best stuff and I get a miserable handjob, kys anon

>> No.66220513

I just want to do hoodrat shit with my friends...

>> No.66220580
File: 246 KB, 1080x1480, DigbyTrader2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mate!
I'm still pretty bad in my opinion. Everythings very flat and such
But I think I'm getting better, still gotta finish this picture need to add a background

>> No.66220642

I don't even want the hand job. I just need to be held.

>> No.66220707

I've never taken anything that big but I'll try for you

>> No.66220998

Shut up corpse

>> No.66221098


>> No.66221186
File: 8 KB, 347x290, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xarley, what did you do...

>> No.66221270

Also, you don't have a refence sheet on your twitter. This is so over...

>> No.66221276

Typically happens if you put your stream link directly into go-live tweets and the like. Best practice is to make a flashy "I'm streaming!" tweet and then reply to it with your stream link.

>> No.66221379
File: 7 KB, 240x240, IMG_6912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66221511

Is that why people reply with the link instead of doing one whole tweet?

>> No.66221552
File: 296 KB, 800x1600, charleyfoldsratPSDresized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao I didn't even know this happened. I'm officially ngmi :(

I haven't drawn shoes on to my model bcuz I'm lazy. I've got a few things I'm doing so a reference sheet for myself is a little further back in my priorities rn

>> No.66221558

Yep, all about keeping the bad algo away and keeping the good algo happy.

>> No.66221568

Renata can you draw Finbar sucking his own cock please thank you

>> No.66221570

lmao what the fuck, this guy is legit fucking crazy

>> No.66221584
File: 663 KB, 1280x720, chipikawa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

renata watch this

>> No.66221606

damn my whole bottom half is just scuffed to fuck. I'll redo it soon(ish)...

>> No.66221609

what am I looking at?

>> No.66221675
File: 15 KB, 281x283, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66221795

links doko

>> No.66221854

No rat feet lewds hurts my soul

>> No.66221924


>> No.66221994 [DELETED] 

What site is this?

>> No.66222061

Renata its been weeks please I need you to break my legs with a metal bat and crush my skull

>> No.66222157

even I'm not shadowbanned, what the fuck did he do lmao

>> No.66222264

>dude third party website has better understanding of twitter algo than twitter itself
bullshit, that website only exists to extract your data.

>> No.66222292

The key to being a successful streamer is simple but it's hard to execute. At the end of the day it's all about consistently streaming, trying new things and getting yourself out there. All it takes is years of hard work before you see fruits of your success and most quit before then.

>> No.66222330

Chrii is nothing but a groupie. She's gonna learn the hard way that a guy in his 30's who's vtubing is not a suitable romantic partner.

>> No.66222372

Which data is it extracting, smart guy?

>> No.66222413

>than twitter itself
who and what said that?

>> No.66222529

>dude third party website has better understanding of twitter algo than twitter itself
since most of the twitter staff got fired when musk took over I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually true

>> No.66222735

chiikawas are so cute, i didn't realize so many people here liked them

>> No.66222848

X has all the stuff open for anyone to see, that was something that elongated muskrat did like a month or so after becoming CEO. But you do you anon...

>> No.66222910

You mean the 3 year old twitter API that is nothing like the current API a lot of techbros think they understand?

>> No.66222913

I'm always surprised how bad aspies are at the twitter stuff. I don't think its really that hard to gain a following there.

>> No.66223053

NTA, she does act like a groupie but it was confirmed that both of them are together. Even Cam admitted to it although not directly.

>> No.66223306

>both of them are together
She's a groupie. If she honestly thinks Camui isn't talking to other women she's out her mind. She's appealing to him right now because she's young and nothing more.

>> No.66223368

Shut the fuck up man

>> No.66223433


>> No.66223499

When Camui burns Chrii because you all defend her clearly naive viewpoint I hope you're there to comfort her as hard as you defend her.

>> No.66223514

You're a loser

>> No.66223588

Now that is their business, anon. I'm just trying to get your facts straight. Why not get preoccupied with your love life first- Oh right, you don't have any.

>> No.66223675


>> No.66223723


>> No.66223749
File: 399 KB, 1515x1515, PEEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66223760

aspiring ones

>> No.66223822

>talk about being a community
>let some gullible girl get groomed by some 30 year old hick

>> No.66223902

Is it uncouth to ask other Vtubers to raid into your channel when you're just starting up? Not any specific day, but just "Hey I'm new, could you raid into my channel if you see an opportunity?" These would be Vtubers I watch and chat in regularly, they will recognize my name

>> No.66223949

If I had someone ask me for that I would think they were just trying to leech off me unless they're one of my best friends

>> No.66223955

yes? you're literally begging for a free handout when you do things like that.

>> No.66223997


>> No.66224166

that's literally begging for scraps

>> No.66224211

If they like you enough they'll raid without you asking

>> No.66224270

You can now become him, too.

>> No.66224336

>is bored
>create rrat about Camui being a groomer

>> No.66224369

In general what you want is to make friends with them. Then they'll raid you as a matter of course since most streamers will raid people they know

>> No.66224383

>is simply the truth

>> No.66224449

Chrii is a minor?

>> No.66224468

She is 19

>> No.66224513

dramafaggots deserve the rope

>> No.66224515

>try to tell her how stupid the idea is
>get retards like >>66223053 >>66223368 >>66223514 >>66223588 white knighting her demise.

>> No.66224536

Then why the fuck are they talking about grooming if she's an adult.

>> No.66224538

So who cares? It's 2024. People are lonely. Why judge adults.

>> No.66224609

If she's French then she's been having sex since age 8.

>> No.66224722

Claudette bit me!!!! am i gonna contract something?!?

>> No.66224837

Yes, now you are gay like him

>> No.66224867

Yes in exactly 1 ten day you will turn gay

>> No.66224875

I think the point is thats its also her first ever "real relationship". She's incredibly naive doting over a dude more than a decade her senior that also lives on another continent. Anyone who says this isn't a recipe for disaster is lying to themselves and are complacent when this shit inevitably goes sour.

>> No.66224934

I get to make another model. I'm happy... I've finished the head and torso already... I'm really happy!

>> No.66224945

>Xia get's groomed by Elliot when she was a minor
>Nobody cares
>Two consenting adults having e-sex roleplays in their private messages
>The thread loses their shit

>> No.66224983

When this shit goes sour it will be up to them, they are adults and they have to solve their own problems themselves so now stop concernfagging over someone you don't know nothing about

>> No.66225014
File: 191 KB, 879x495, IMG_0528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t wait to stream this Friday !!! I miss streaming so much.

>> No.66225050

Its her life

>> No.66225063

How do you even know it's her first relationship? She's French, just like >>66224609 said she's probably a whore.

>> No.66225084


>> No.66225086


OK, I won't ask or even imply, I'll just tell them I've started streaming

>> No.66225116
File: 183 KB, 391x874, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a live 2d model! But… what now… I come to realization I know nothing about how to work this. But this bunny is still happy nonetheless.

>> No.66225126

>private messages
Idc about them but let's not pretend they don't constantly remind us they're together.

>> No.66225159

Hey Laine do you enjoy making mascots

>> No.66225195

congrats, bnuuy, hope to see it in action soon.

>> No.66225215

I'm not Laine! But I do enjoy making mascots! Or anything at all really... I enjoy making things.

>> No.66225240

nta but this thread has been pretty clean until one jerk started to call camui a groomer out of thin air, i dont even think they are /here/ right now

>> No.66225307

Can't be tiny since her comms are closed and booked. Who here other than tiny and Laine makes models?

>> No.66225319

Yeah not talking about rn but just saying in general they aren't really quiet about it

>> No.66225409

Looks good Nikola

>> No.66225452

what about just making a tweet, on your account, saying that you are very happy and you are looking forward to raid.
If you put a good enough tweet together, people will start raiding you, saw a girl talk about wanting to get equals to raid and to get raid froms, and now she is sitting at 45CCV.

>> No.66225514

Claudette, mond, Charley, ria(old model) made their models.

>> No.66225560

Tupo what the hell did you do to my computer. Everything is in Spanish now and I keep getting targeted Argentina ads on YouTube

>> No.66225567

They've been quiet for some time now, I'm kind of missing their lovey-dovey shenanigans honestly.

>> No.66225645

Someone very shy who just really, really enjoys drawing model art and hasn't been able to stream in a while. I've never shared my name here but I have to talk about drawing somewhere or I'll explode!

>> No.66225751

Mond rigged it not doing the art (still super impressive btw). I meant who here does model art comms since the person seems to be making a model for someone else

>> No.66225757


>> No.66225821
File: 472 KB, 1515x1515, BONK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66225979

Bakers get your ovens ready. May the best bread win

>> No.66225984
File: 10 KB, 112x112, potatroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahora sos argentino boludo.

>> No.66226114

It's okay, you don't have to reveal who you are, happy that you are doing what you enjoy

>> No.66226168

It's page 7 bro

>> No.66226179

Thanks Chrii

>> No.66226280


>> No.66226283

Wanna do an art trade anon? :3

>> No.66226411

You got actual art this time?

>> No.66226443

>Nobody cares
people called/still call me a groomer despite her being 19 when we first started talking lmao come on now

>> No.66226464

I don't think I can take the knot but I'm good for up to at least 9 inches, I hope that's good enough for you

>> No.66226760

If you find me, you can message me! Good luck!

>> No.66227069

not Chrii, just a random who's calling out the bigots

>> No.66227074
File: 392 KB, 500x500, EmoteClaudetteHeart2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66227213

I just want to be able to satisfy you

>> No.66227273
File: 28 KB, 527x676, shania_schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you do your daily weed yet fat boy

>> No.66227344

But odette was a whore

>> No.66227382

oh anon.. just liking me and bearing with me is enough to satisfy me.

>> No.66227388


>> No.66227424

I wish gumpai would tell me to kill myself

>> No.66227640

That's so sweet but I still want to train to be able to take the whole thing, I can't wait to see more of it

>> No.66227654

Am I SERIOUSLY supposed to just...make some random twitch account, grab a free jpg model, load up my fav game and OBS, and just start streaming and talking? Is thinking about anything else my enemy?

>> No.66227775 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 225x225, 1658955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

||despite all the drama I still want paizuri from chrii||

>> No.66227788

this is really weird.. never expected someone to be into me, but i appreciate any amount of support!

>> No.66227832

Your voice and design are really hot please keep it up

>> No.66227886

>OBS, and just start streaming and talking?
>Is thinking about anything else my enemy?
Streaming is a skill and extremely few are born naturals at it. Unless you practice it often, you're going to be a shitty streamer for a long, long time. No point in spending too much effort into something that will give no returns for a while.

>> No.66227910

you're not even trying.

>> No.66228072

People tend to want to be my friend easily. I come from a performer family and Im good at rambling. As far as ive seen, isnt just "being weird yet coherent" a good trait for vtubing?

>> No.66228106

Glad that groomcord is an accurate name for the aspcord

>> No.66228364
File: 2 KB, 174x247, blushed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will anon! i'll be the best awoo i can be!!!

>> No.66228515

Man, whoever the hell told me my voice fits Snufkin, thank you. Actually watching Moomins and I see it now.

>> No.66228587
File: 59 KB, 773x491, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are!

Now I have scissors, and the channel is made, anyone got some good suggestions? I may do a little stream later.
Once you submit, it will redirect to my Twitch.

>> No.66228637

Are you watching the Shiori watchalong?
