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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66206277 No.66206277 [Reply] [Original]

Chuubas are millionaires and still eat fast food daily.

>> No.66206399

Where's the spaghetti and mango pies?

>> No.66206949

they're probably too poor to hire a chef to cook for them

>> No.66207577

fast food is expensive

>> No.66207903
File: 154 KB, 1122x1108, AAB31158-A98D-4CC1-8C7F-66529ACAECEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowadays I have to book hotels for work all across the country, and having to eat fast food daily honestly sickens me. Like I rather just skip lunch or breakfast than go to the same McDonald again.

>> No.66207982

Have you seen fast food prices in this day and age? It's fucking expensive.

>> No.66208050

wtf is a jollibee? from the lack of shoes that actually cover the feet of the people in line and the motorbike parked by the window some shitty kfc knock off from asia

>> No.66208078

I remember Warren Buffet always talking about how he would get a McDonald's breakfast sandwich and that guy is money incarnate.
Rich people food usually sucks anyway.

>> No.66208222

Why would you have to? Do you honestly not have the time to sit down at a small restaurant to eat? And is McDonalds really the only choice here? Hell, even gas station food would be preferable in terms of price and quantity you can get.

>> No.66208245
File: 16 KB, 133x76, burgerys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fast food tastes good I'm tired of pretending it doesn't

>> No.66208270

>not 2pc
>no extra rice

>> No.66208276

best spaghetti i've ever had came from jollibee

>> No.66208286
File: 361 KB, 708x556, 1648162519915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you get this picture of me and my retarded wife?

>> No.66208652

>Ketchup on paper towel
Are flips for real?

>> No.66208717

>ketchup on napkin
People do this??

>> No.66208798

Why did they build their brand around the shitty chicken and spaghetti. The burger steak is the only item worth a damn.

>> No.66208864

Ketchup on napkins is how you differentiate the serial killers

>> No.66209064

fast food prices are through the roof, im as NEET as they get but even ive had to start making my own meals and cut soda out of my diet. Honestly aside from the loss of convenience its kind of a good thing since im eating somewhat healthier and am learning to cook better

>> No.66209132

If your fried chicken isn't swimming in gravy, then you overpaid.

>> No.66209252

good. cooking is a skill everyone should have

>> No.66209428

Jollibee chicken comes with gravy on the side.

>> No.66209472

>Best spaghetti
You must have been served some pretty shitty spaghetti all your life then.

>> No.66209620

Even as a NEET once you start cooking for yourself you will realize how shitty fast food really is. I don't mean health-wise, I mean it tends to taste like shit.

>> No.66209674

nah i ate every spaghetti known to man and jollibee's the best

>> No.66209865

It's funny how that works. As you climb the economic ladder you often eat trashier and trashier food because of time constraints, loop back around to poor and it's paradoxically cheaper to make your own food which ends up tasting better than anything outside of high class restaurants.

>> No.66209987

order food from a restaurant to your hotel

>> No.66210006

The way to break that is to have a wife that stays in the kitchen while you work. American families in the 1950's new what was up.

>> No.66211220


>> No.66211408

The top 10 in Holo are actually. Haachama isn't in that though.

>> No.66211507


>> No.66211576

>needing a pool of sauce
Sounds like you get shit chicken.

>> No.66211637

Subaru actually did this. Not sure if she still does or not.

>> No.66211641


>> No.66211700

not sea but I do this sometimes, I mean, it works surprisingly fine if they're stacked enough. never had it leak through.

thing is however you can see there is a plate like, right there, that I'd definitely have put the ketchup in first before a napkin.

>> No.66211748

If I was rich, I would order fast food every day.

>> No.66211784
File: 109 KB, 702x437, filipino transport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filipino fast food restaurant, you get there by riding in a jeepney.

>Be me
>Use jeepney for the commute to university everyday
>Rides the clown car. Pay the fee
>The vehicle is clogged with niggers. So goddamn cramped inside.
>Then, the jeepney took the usual route. The Slum — the one teeming with thieves, subhuman nigger gang scum, and low lives.
>It's also the place where traffic is the most congested. The pace of the vehicles in the road is akin to a snail.
>The jeepney driver echoed out in a robotic voice, "Okay, we are now in this shithole of a street. Hide all your valuables."
>Me and the other passengers nodded with conviction and removed all our accessories and gadgets and hid them in our bags.
>Looked around the congested traffic. Screams echoed out.
>I literally saw eight 14 year old Children jumping around the roofs of vehicles during a congested traffic.
>After parkouring on the car roofs, they immediately rob the drivers by pointing boga (makeshift fire arm) or knives.
>It's the infamous group of notorious children — the "Spider Gang".
>The members of the Spider Gang huff toxic adhesives as a form of stimulants because they don't have enough money to buy Illegal stimulant drugs. These stimulants in turn gives them energy to rob citizens and to sate their growing hunger.

Fuck this clown vehicle. Fuck this clown country

>> No.66211819

Buffet and his friend the late great Charles Munger both knew that the magic to living a long time was having a lot of money, otherwise it doesn't matter if you're 95 and drinking cocacola and mcdonalds

>> No.66211845

nah. they doordash every meal though
hey chat my door dash is here

>> No.66211879

Subaru did this at one point. Not sure if she still does but she had a pro chef/nutritionist come by and cook for her 3 or 4 times a week.
It wasn't even that expensive from what she said.

>> No.66211962

Kill yourself you self hating pagpag

>> No.66211987

sounds hilarious

>> No.66212020
File: 34 KB, 475x475, img94l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't have vermin problems that would prevent storage, buy a sack of flour and roll your own noodles. they cook faster than dried noodles, the reduced fuel consumption will offset the cost of the noodle machine ($20 used on ebay) in no time.

>> No.66212034

But napkin is for wiping something clean, why preemptively make it unusable instead of just opening the burger and putting the ketchup on the inside of the burger wrap

>> No.66212129

>just get robbed on the way to jollibee, that's what true maharlikans do
Marcosfag please.

>> No.66212147

If the burger came in a little box I use that, but I tend to not like pulling off the whole wrapper from the burger and handling it since it'll get my hands all greasy. napkin's a last resort basically but I was just sayin', it actually does work perfectly fine which is surprising.

>> No.66212197

Ever think of carrying a poisoned cookie just so if you get robbed and they take the cookie to eat they'll get sick or die?

>> No.66212241

And you fucking poor that you still there.

>> No.66212470

It tastes good, OP

>> No.66212613

>from the lack of shoes that actually cover the feet
Why do women judge people based on their shoes anyways?

>> No.66212666

Status symbol, people with fucked up shoes means their life is suffering

>> No.66212675

You can get this service in the states too:
It usually costs around $300~$400 a week(5 meals) for a family of 4, ingredients included.

>> No.66212762

millionaires that stream multiple hours a day and probably stay inside all day because they're fucking weebs. they're not gonna dine at 5 star restaurants every day or order some extravagant meal as they play lethal company...

also, they're girls, so they don't know how to handle money that well (except subaru cuz she's a tomboy go figure). when they do eat out tho you hear a lot of members paying for the entire meal for everyone. also kinda ironic you posted hacchama considering she cooks a lot for streams...

>> No.66213749

why are flips the most self hating fags on earth?
i bet you'd suck my cock right after fucking your girlfriend as a thank you for insulting your country
at least you know your place, monkey

>> No.66213862
File: 99 KB, 595x680, 1704034525895807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66214109

I haven't been in a fast food for over a year as a millionaire.
Are they addicted to uber eats and too lazy to go to the nearest combini to get some prepared food?

>> No.66216213

man fuck jollibee for making the peach mango pies damn too small
but I have no high expecations for jollibee foods corp in general
did you know they also own burger king, yoshinoya and panda express franchises here?
at least they're not fucking up panda express yet

>> No.66216365

Single income families. Kek. That's now an unheard of luxury except for the wealthiest portion.

>> No.66216613

Those fries look bad

>> No.66216662

>tomato sauce on a tissue
Do Americans really?

>> No.66218218

just like in my anime!
