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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66120393 No.66120393 [Reply] [Original]

This person is correct. The reactions to graduations are cringe as fuck,

>> No.66120535

and yet sister cany stop talking about advent delayed outfit revealed like funerals!

>> No.66120573

You are reacting to graduation, cringechama.

>> No.66120578

Pomu's graduation is a celebration tho?

>> No.66120644

Casuals who don't know shit and unironic Niji fans are the only ones crying over Pomu's graduation, everyone else knows Pomu can do better without Niji.

>> No.66120663

They're not grieving the person idiot, they're grieving the character of Pomu Rainpuff who will almost certainly disappear entirely. It's like being sad about a favorite character from an anime or manga dying, it's okay to have an emotional response to something fictional if it's well enough made.

>> No.66121065

This. The loss of Nina's and Pikamee's and Coco's avatars is enough to make people stop watching said talents altogether. Pretending that the avatar doesn't matter is completely retarded, that is the whole point of watching anime girls instead of e-thot fleshtubers.

>> No.66121074

Coco's graduation was treated like a national tragedy only for her to come back as a whore not even a month later. Idk how anyone could take graduations seriously after that.

>> No.66121231

God, I miss Coco so fucking much...

>> No.66121446

Kson never died. Coco is gone.

>> No.66121491

>dumb takes
name a more iconic duo

>> No.66121692

Pikamee inclined hard by reincarnating though, and you fags didn't like her isekai model anyway

>> No.66122482

Anyone who mocks graduation heavily exposes their tourist status and should consider taking up a new hobby

>> No.66122683

A big fish in a shitty little pond (VOMS) might incline from the change in platforms, sure, but for others, Vshitshow is merely their retirement home, never able to reach their previous heights again.

>> No.66122771

Matara's viewers tripled

>> No.66122809

You say this like there's anywhere certain members could go but downward from being part of THE face of vtubing

>> No.66122931

Graduating from a black company should be celebrated

>> No.66122953

he's not wrong, but he's also from twitter so he should bathe a toaster.

>> No.66123009

4k Thats tripled? Wasnt she like a super well known chubba in niji? Man niji en really has shitty numbers dont they

>> No.66123078

Now consider that Niji corporate's sticking their fingers in their livers' income too

>> No.66123083

Apparently she had like 1k on a good day in Niji

>> No.66123135

hilarious there's catalogshitters who bitch about the occasional sana thread when she's the one who actually stopped streaming

>> No.66123155

And this is while streaming in the one timeslot that makes her impossible to watch for her EU fans (literally midnight to 8AM)

>> No.66123186

opinion disregarded

>> No.66123367

? Coco never came back, it'll take another 498 years for her to return

>> No.66123417

I get it, you never got over her not choosing an abusive corpo with mandatory in-person bullshit all day every day and instead went to an agency where she can be 100% remote.

>> No.66123581

Why? Her model was garbage.

>> No.66123595

>x opinions
Stop being so pathetic

>> No.66123600

Unironically no u

>> No.66123739 [DELETED] 

On the bright side her reincarnation allowed us to see her ass and cunt for free.

>> No.66123811
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I only watch big vtubers who own their models so I never have to worry about graduations.

>> No.66123849

I used to get a bit sad about them at first, but now that there's a high chance a vtuber graduating will resurface somewhere else, I've been more invested in where they might end up. Now, the only time I might get somewhat emotional is if their future is up in the air (like Erika Byakko; and in her case, it's not just the fact that the person behind the character may be gone for good, but the design as well), but that still seems to be fairly rare.

>> No.66123857

not much of a reincarnation if Kson existed a full year before Coco as a VTuber

>> No.66123978

Her current L2D model was presented, treated and celebrated by the ksongumi as a reincarnation of sorts.

>> No.66124210

Not really, the fans were just happy she got a new model.

>> No.66125155
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Alker is objectively correct, anyone who disagrees is a dumb baby retard who don't know nothin'

>> No.66125202

How to detect a fucking tourist

>> No.66125387

Because we knew it marked the end of an era, autist-kun.

>> No.66125429

She went from youtube to the bot ridden fest that is twitch. Even IM triples her views there

>> No.66125487

So who was all the nina spammers on twitter/reddit and vt back then? Chopped liver?

>> No.66125497

Isn't she a fucking react streamer now?

>> No.66125531

But her kayfabe was on point, that is the whole point

>> No.66125560

>streams like 5-8 hours
>she gets hungry and puts on the youtubes to watch with fans for 20 mins or so while shes eating
I hate you catalog niggers so much she dosent even do thid everyday

>> No.66125581

Someone's salty it's not 2021 anymore and Vshojo can't be an easy punching bag...

>> No.66125632

The term 'graduation' itself is cringe as fuck. When vtubers "graduate" they're killed off completely and they get erased from history. There have been very few actual graduations in vtubing.
And yeah, saying that you're graduating/retiring/quitting is meaningless when everybody knows you're just going to reincarnate soon anyway. Making a huge deal about graduation is nothing but attention whoring at this point.

>> No.66125687

A content thief is a content thief, even if it's "not ALL of the time, bro"

>> No.66125697

Of the last four Vtubers who joined, three of them have had big inclines. Geega more than doubled her viewership, Matara's are up 3-4x, Henya is about double and continuing to incline. The only person who lost viewership was Kuro, which is not surprising given that he's the only male in the company and deliberately purged his fanbase because they were insane harassment fujos.

>> No.66125701

>jealous 2view
many such cases

>> No.66125754

It's not even about him being male, it's just that he's a loner who panders to his existing fanbase instead of hanging out with the other members or even networking with outside people. The most he does is play games with Shxtou and Bettel

>> No.66125906

do you think letsplayers aren't react-streaming content thieves? because I don't get this board getting their panties in a twist over one and not the other when it's all the same thing

>> No.66125969

>reddit dragon memes
I'm so glad she and her mickey mouse voice are gone. It's a shame she attracted so many losers like you.

>> No.66125993

You know WHY they have a problem with it. It's because you can't do it at all on Youtube, but you can on Twitch, so it gets their platform tribalist panties in a twist

>> No.66126058

React videos are huge on YT

>> No.66126076

Watching videogames aren't the same as playing them, unless it's some shitty walking sim, and I don't give a shit about Activision interests anyway

>> No.66126107

You don't have to do mental gymnastics to justify how your corporate whore not being allowed to watch youtube makes her a superior streamer.

>> No.66126160

>mUh CoNtEnT tHiEf
I'll be waiting for photos of all the physical media you personally own, faggot. and no, digital shit doesn't count.

>> No.66126172

not one single vtuber is watched for their masterful gameplay
they're watched to see their reactions to content that they didn't make

>> No.66126221

Henya streams for 8+ hours, even if you cut out the 30-60 minutes of Youtube while she eats lunch (which sometimes she just skips entirely) she's out-producing most vtubers in real content by a country mile.

>> No.66126258
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back to where you came from twitch pest

>> No.66126302

>niggers line up to defend lazy content
Don't you have xqc to watch

>> No.66126395

>a g*mer is actually offended that people called his hobby "lazy"
kek rumao

>> No.66126485


>> No.66126646

>React content is BAD and THEFT!
>OMG! Did you catch the members only watchalong of Lord of the Rings Kiara did? Pure KINO full of SOUL!
>Anyways, my idols are so above those react WHORES! They put effort in and would NEVER do react content!

>> No.66127684

brown hands wrote this

>> No.66127833

Didn't Kson have some opinion like "graduations shouldn't need to exist" or something similar? It felt a little cynical coming from someone who made half a million dollars on hers, but it really made me think. If the person doesn't want to go away, and isn't actually going away,it's stupid that we pretend they are going away.

>> No.66128184

How much you see a chuuba promoted in your corners of the net isn't determined by their CCV.

>> No.66128722

>It felt a little cynical coming from someone who made half a million dollars on hers
How? She would have preferred to not graduate even if that meant not getting a bunch of money.

>> No.66128774
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The lingo is retarded anyway. Someone was either fired, didn't renew, or quit.

>> No.66128993

yeah, reminder that it's called "graduation" because "old people retire, and we're not old, we're idols uwu"

>> No.66129174

Why do these people mention "corporations" when it's people who are affected by it? Your job isn't just your workplace, it's your colleagues too. I guess people who never worked in their life don't get that, they only ever see brand wars.

>> No.66129253

I'm glad I share this board with you, anon
I consider the Coco-Chinks situation as killing two birds with one stone
Only negatives I felt from that were the sad reactions from the girls I watch who got somewhat attached to her already at that point

>> No.66129462

Those words you wrote have also been written by some famous author and yet you don't see them suing you you goddamn idiot

>> No.66129821

The cringe part is they usually just appear elsewhere, instead of the normal graduations in the rest of the idol cultured where is more of a definitive send off.

>> No.66129922


>> No.66131306

It's only accurate when a vtuber quits the agency but gets to keep the character because that's how it goes in the real world.

>> No.66131569

I hadn't thought about that, yeah the term doesn't work in that sense, it's basically breaking kayfabe and acknowledging the person behind the model

>> No.66131589

Why does it matter? Why should I care?

>> No.66131836

I don't take seriously anyone using words like "cringe" unironically.

>> No.66132141

Yes I think the term's retarded, but if the vtuber themselves or the corpo they belong to think of themselves as idols then I guess that's fair
I've noticed a lot of JP indie vtubers from last year don't even use the term graduation (卒業) anymore and just call their departure a retirement (引退)
Then again I think calling it a retirement's still retarded if they're gonna reincarnate anyway

>> No.66132292

Isn't this just the usual 2deep4me shit but for vtubers
>lol why celebrate birthdays the earth just went around the sun one more time
>lol why act as though this school graduation ceremony is so deep and meaningful
>lol why hold a wedding I already registered with the government

>> No.66132366

Some people just aren't capable of enjoying things at face value
There are some things worth deep diving for, and there's just some things you watch when you want to turn your brain off and I think vtuber streams fall into the latter category

>> No.66132568

Only post any catalog thread needs right here

>> No.66132940

I personally don't mind people grieving over graduations. What annoys me are when people get hung up over it and keep trying to force the graduated character into everything their associated group does.

Sanafags trying to force Sana into everything related to Promise does being the prime example.

>> No.66133104

You're right, she's not a react streamer. She's just boring.

>> No.66133497

>it's basically breaking kayfabe and acknowledging the person behind the model
In what way? It's the character who's graduating and the person behind the character isn't acknowledged in any way. The character will keep on living and the person behind it isn't forced to adapt a new identity.

>> No.66133723

I understand the sadness when someone graduates and you've got reason to believe they're disappearing from the scene entirely. it's someone important in your life, even if only as an entertainer, going away.
when it's really, really blatantly obvious that they're just jumping ship to another company, or trying to strike it out as an indie... well it's like crying that your favorite basketball player became a free agent and got signed by someone else, isn't it? maybe it's frustrating that your team lost a key player, but if you only care about "the team" and not the well-being of the people playing for them then that's not a healthy mindset. and even if you are focused on your team first, surely you'd have faith in everyone left and whoever they're planning to sign to fill that void rather than assuming this is a catastrophic blow.

>> No.66134532

I mean, now that you bring up the team, there is a clear huge impact, though. If you were an indie or a loner, it doesn't matter, but for a large corpo vtuber it's different. They won't be able to collab freely with anyone in the corpo like they did before, for one thing. You can't expect to see them further developing the relationship they had with their former colleagues, or dropping in on VC, or performing in live events, or playing as a contestant in an internal tournament.

>> No.66134878

The ones that are cringe are the trendhoppers, Pretending to mourn for Pomu. Meanwhile pomucord is literally celebrating for Pomu rn.

>> No.66134985

stop sucking Elons cock

>> No.66136585

>maybe it's frustrating that your team lost a key player, but if you only care about "the team" and not the well-being of the people playing for them then that's not a healthy mindset. and even if you are focused on your team first, surely you'd have faith in everyone left and whoever they're planning to sign to fill that void rather than assuming this is a catastrophic blow.
You have never met hockey or football fans, huh?

>> No.66137645

>When vtubers "graduate" they're killed off completely and they get erased from history.
No? That's not true most of the time, not even true for the big corpos. Coco, Sana, Nina, Mika and Mysta's channel and archives are all still up. And "graduation" doesn't even imply "retiring the character" in the first place, it technically just means "leaving a group or corpo". Those two things get confused a lot because they often coincide when the corpo owns the character, but they're not the same. There are various counterexamples.

>Making a huge deal about graduation is nothing but attention whoring at this point.
That's true once you realize that in many cases like NijiEN, the talent is indeed not gone, they're just leaving a shitty corpo is shit and will reappear soon enough. A surprising amount of casual viewers seem to be oblivious to that.

>> No.66137920


>> No.66137992

I think it depends entirely on the situation surrounding the graduation. If the graduation was truly abrupt and out of the blue, or caused by serious health or life changes, then yea it's okay to be sad. But if the writing was on the wall about the graduation and it was culmination of months of the vtuber being dissatisfied or having their creativity stunted, then yea being sad makes no sense to be sad because they're doing what's best for them.

>> No.66138595

It's different because one is algorithmically found garbage and the other is peak cinema. It's also different because the watchalong does not show the video, so you have to be there for that watchalong. It's not numbersbait and requires effort beyond the media watched.

>> No.66138691
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it still hurts. i miss her

>> No.66138836
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it really was a beautiful and absolutely wasted in nijisanji

>> No.66138873

Congratulations. You're becoming a normie.

>> No.66139077

>Coco's graduation was treated like a national tragedy
They gave her a state funeral to apologize because she took a bullet for the whole company.
Context matters.

>> No.66139091

In the west back in the day graduation meant not coming back. I remember when a indie Vtuber graduated they were not coming back at all. The JP adopted vtubing into idol culture and business model. Graduation now serves two purposes, a quick cash grab and and a law loop to screw content creators out of all the hard work they put into for the past years. It's one of those tradition that if you aren't JP or in a JP company it's just lame and cringe and it's even more lame if everyone knows that you aren't really leaving for good. The industry became so big that not a single big vtuber actually quit and never came back to the medium.

>> No.66139317

No graduations before usually ended with people quitting it just started happening less with Coco. And the idea of a graduation is to move on to the next point in your life

Retard graduations didn’t start with vtubing and it’s supposed to mean putting this part of their life behind them. Which means the next step is going further or leaving the business in general. In the case of vtubing it moved into retiring the character which is why it’s made out to be a big deal. Greedy whores use it as a meal ticket because they can’t get an audience on their own so they have to steal a portion from the company paying them pretty much spitting in the face of the idea because they make lateral moves and straight up lie. As with all things it was tainted by whores

>> No.66139351
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>Not a Single one but what about Sana

>> No.66139422

I don't get the pomu hype
She wasn't a very good streamer
She wasn't as good at tangents as kiara or as funny are 90 percent of other vtubers
I honestly think she was carried by her model

>> No.66139446

That’s wrong a couple big nijis stepped away, sana, stepped away, they weren’t big but the original jews in idol I’m pretty sure all never came back. Vtubing and the idea of graduations started in the east as well so your memory is also wrong

>> No.66139615

Yeah, and that's why it's a funeral. Coco is never gonna comeback, the person behind it's out there doing other stuff, but I don't care about her, I cared about her being Coco.

>> No.66139666

You’re right but let me tell you something most people don’t get the Kiara hype either. Most vtubers aren’t entertaining, most of them don’t leave a lasting impact on vtubing or the wider community in general even if their schizo fans wished it to be. You might not even need both hands to name the actually entertaining ones

>> No.66139715

Anon I literally just coco in the catalog so either those people are seeing something that no longer exists or she does

>> No.66139735

kson sucks ass
but i miss Coco like no other

>> No.66139844

They inclined because they joined a corporation with existing fans. However, they seem to have plateaued - both in popularity and content.

>> No.66140444

The exception that proves the rule

>> No.66140543

That's the most stupid comparison I've heard in my entire life, an anime character is way different than a Vtuber, if the model is gone the Vtuber will still act the fucking same every time, if an anime character is gone then he won't be able to act as the character he was playing at a time due to copyright and stuff.
Now the only difference is coco and nazuna, the first one decided to be a flesh streamer most of the time and the latter decided to stop pandering to gachikois and collab with males, THEY decided that not the company nor the loss of character

>> No.66140570

Just like Kiara, she had the chance to be there in the beginning where vtubing had the big spotlight.
Even if she doesn't have the streaming numbers as she used to she's still occupy a big part of mindshare in the vtubing space and that's very valuable for a vtubers and for potential recruiters.

>> No.66140682

I would agree with the anon you answered to if the actual vtubers was 100% keyfabe and never broke character. But I have rarely seen this happening. Most vtubers it's just them with a retarded voice.

>> No.66140979

People get attached to a character. Part of the character is the way they look and engage with the stream.

Rushia is a prime example of this. Her model at hololive was spot on. Her model at Vshojo was trash. Mike Neko is just not as good. Also, sometimes corpos do a good job of managing talents and reigning in their worst habits.

>> No.66141762

Keeping the archives up isn't common practice. The decision to keep the archives intact is usually left to the talent and most decide to private/remove everything except maybe for some covers or original songs. That's the case with most JP agencies at least.
>And "graduation" doesn't even imply "retiring the character" in the first place, it technically just means "leaving a group or corpo".
That's exactly why calling it graduation is stupid. Unless you can take your vtuber persona with you and continue on as an indie or in another agency, "graduation" means that your story/life has come to an end.
>And the idea of a graduation is to move on to the next point in your life
That's what I'm trying to say. Btw, I'm talking about graduations in context of the vtuber character and not the person behind it. If the person behind the vtuber wants to quit or reincarnate, then I'd like for them to make a lore accurate reason why they're quitting and not call it graduation because the character itself isn't moving on but effectively dies. If a vtuber says they're going to graduate, then I'm expecting them to still keep playing the character, but go indie or something along those lines.

>> No.66141890

>argue with numbers
>numbers show you're wrong, in fact it's the exact opposite
>"she's boring/plateaud anyway"
>repeat ad nauseam
love it

>> No.66144486


>> No.66147199

