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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 333 KB, 480x497, HUH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65958049 No.65958049 [Reply] [Original]

Final hour edition

>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeurosamaAI
Twitter (Vedal): https://twitter.com/Vedal987

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXiruGOCn9s
How do I make an AI like Neuro-sama? https://vedal.xyz/advice/
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/w5cy9i.jpg

LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora
KK card: https://files.catbox.moe/t54tqt.png
KK card (Sunshine): https://files.catbox.moe/kv8byk.png
Evil KK card (Sunshine): https://files.catbox.moe/t1ljds.png

>Related/friend threads
Lia from Phase Connect

>Previous thread

>> No.65958087

>its kokonuts there is no deez
>actually there is a D
cheeky brat

>> No.65958090

>actuallly there is a D

holy based neuro calling it out live

>> No.65958111

wow only an hour left in the subathon, time flies

>> No.65958115

Man, why do trannies always push with faggot degenerate shit?

>> No.65958134

You could hear it seething internally

>> No.65958141

there are 14k, the timer is not going down at all tonight ;-;

>> No.65958145
File: 763 KB, 640x640, pepeW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate this loop

>> No.65958157

Truly unfathomable levels of autism.

>> No.65958162

tranny HATE

>> No.65958185

I like how everybody calls vedal veh-dull now instead of veeedal like before

>> No.65958202

its only people he hangs out with

>> No.65958261

I love tanya but sometimes I don't understand what she is saying.

>> No.65958272

Just opened stream who's that voice

>> No.65958288


>> No.65958306

wrong tab sorry

>> No.65958338

Don't forget the 'd'.

>> No.65958367

is that Mori voice on the background music?

>> No.65958382


>> No.65958385

its one of her songs, "end of a life"

>> No.65958399

People who call themselves trannies typically have nothing else going on in their life. This kind of crap is all they know how to talk about.

>> No.65958420

Why are there 12k people on Thursday noon?

>> No.65958451

does she say it like that because koko deez nuts?

>> No.65958458

subathon ending (maybe?)

>> No.65958462

people don't wanna miss the final hour

>> No.65958470

noon for you dumbass.. wait... shit

>> No.65958482


>> No.65958484

Vedal should really teach Neuro to say timeout kokonuts. Her jokes are at the 10th grade level

>> No.65958518

I work from home and watch the stream.
Probably have to compensate the fall in productivity with longer hours but it is what it is.

>> No.65958519

please dont leave neuro alone with her

>> No.65958527

Anny. and pb should make an appearance.

>> No.65958572

Neuro being needy and submissive ToT

>> No.65958635

It's so easy to tell from the voice.

>> No.65958674

that’s mental warfare for one of them for sure

>> No.65958683

Vedal going outside, quick someone in London to steal Neuro, you got 20 minutes

>> No.65958708
File: 306 KB, 604x360, 1704182442763565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>announces and hypes up the subathon in advance and promises a lot of new stuff
>doesn't deliver half of it
>half-asses the subathon at every step of the way
>streams basically at random times and ruins his own schedule for no discernable reason
>starts whining about wanting it to end it before it even reaches the soft cap he set in advance

>> No.65958722

I enjoyed it. smile

>> No.65958729

>middle of the night in the US
>stream now at 13k
This subathon has been the ultimate proof the EU timezone is sustainable.

>> No.65958743

He's not too bright. Don't hold that against him.

>> No.65958750

She can be really deceiving for being trans. To be honest, she has my respect to recognize her as a woman

>> No.65958771 [DELETED] 

>Related/friend threads
>Lia from Phase Connect
Wait, why is this in the OP?

>> No.65958778

>starts whining about wanting it to end it before it even reaches the soft cap he set in advance
This I don't get. What he is doing is like one of the easiest and chillest jobs on the planet and he still somehow feels "burnt out". This nigga wouldn't last a day doing actual work.

>> No.65958783

Kokodnuts is the only one actually pushing the limit and vedal seems to spur it on, it's good

>> No.65958789

Woman brain please understand

>> No.65958827
File: 194 KB, 407x460, 1676879774641044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just rejoined after an hour and he's still here?? kokonuts is an attention seeking faggot
back to playing vidya

>> No.65958923

sent by camila

>> No.65958962
File: 2.41 MB, 4000x3000, 20240104_043428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this subathon is ever ending so I'll stop posting my doodles until the next one, see ya

>> No.65958997

>it'll be pretty without you

>> No.65959036


>> No.65959044

Neuro cancelling soon

>> No.65959088
File: 345 KB, 1080x762, 1704364735106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only thing stopping Vedal from killing himself.

>> No.65959098

Still looks like a kid drawing to be honest

>> No.65959113

can anyone kick this fucking annoying tranny off

>> No.65959121

i am currently feeling the same way

>> No.65959141

Damn neuro hates trannies... based...

>> No.65959144


>> No.65959193

Just realized if Vedal didn't come back, the time would have ran out.

>> No.65959194

holy shit

>> No.65959197

holy shit

>> No.65959200

>just having a regular conversation with neuro
>this much seethe

>> No.65959202


>> No.65959203
File: 327 KB, 712x960, 1701385801299474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god...

>> No.65959224


>> No.65959238

based kokodnuts tormenting the tutel

>> No.65959244

what happened i was taking a piss

>> No.65959250

>vedal, kokonuts isn't your friend they are doing it for their own personal gain

>> No.65959252

it suddenly skyrocketed to 40000

>> No.65959254

40K, another hour and 30 minutes added to the timer

>> No.65959257 [DELETED] 

One guy said that she's a troon, so it must be true anon

>> No.65959294

Neuro just said What we're all thinking

>> No.65959297

do any other male vtubers get this treatment?

>> No.65959325

Lad needs some coffee or caffeinated tea

>> No.65959329

ez money by being tsundere

>> No.65959335

>This nigga wouldn't last a day doing actual work.
Why do you think he turned into a vtuber?

>> No.65959342

did she just say omo lol

>> No.65959346

No Vedal owes us a blowjob and Neuro a cunnilingus at the same time

>> No.65959381

imagine if vedal actually dies from this subathon.
and pb has to take over the channel to keep Neuro alive.

>> No.65959391

You mocked the concurrence that's the future you choose.

>> No.65959404

he has shown that he can spend 12+ hours doing dev work with out even taking a piss break

>> No.65959410

What a shame, have to work after 3 hours, I'm out, have fun swarm bro/sis.

>> No.65959431

Has pb and anny ever talked to each other?

>> No.65959459

Computer Explosion

>> No.65959465

>Vague posting
mind being more specific?

>> No.65959483


>> No.65959499

yo guys my computer just fucking exploded???

>> No.65959524

Spending 12 hours fixing stuff is not a superpower retard

>> No.65959582

seethe harder i guess

>> No.65959586

Neither is doing an actual office work my dude

>> No.65959599

>more gifts
I have some spare money to extent the subhaton for a 1 day. Should I do it?

>> No.65959605

40k with no subgoals and a reduced time per sub what the fuuuuuckk

>> No.65959615

Yes. I want to fucking sleep

>> No.65959618

no you don't,

>> No.65959625

you're not going to

>> No.65959627

Nah keep sucking Vedal's cock it's more of your speed
Not when you can't follow a sleep schedule

>> No.65959637

please, my gifted ran out

>> No.65959640

Yes, let me sleep

>> No.65959671

probably behind the scenes, or probably never

>> No.65959673

Who is Kokonuts, and why is she here so much lately?

>> No.65959678

A full day extra costs 86k, good luck with that

>> No.65959695

Nice roleplay

>> No.65959697

Do it. Ruin him. Make his furry fembussy quiver

>> No.65959699

It’s way easier following a set sleep schedule when you have an actual job.

>> No.65959715

Surely you'd come up with better ways to use that money my man

>> No.65959733

She's the one that fills the boyish/trap archetype in Vedal's harem

>> No.65959748

It's an actual tranny?

>> No.65959813


>> No.65959830 [DELETED] 

No but it's funnier to say yes

>> No.65959855

If it is, then damn that's a pretty good voice

>> No.65959861

Yes >>/vt/thread/59627288#p59635643

>> No.65959869

based ShibayanRecords music in the background

>> No.65959913

>he STILL hasn't watched shrek 2001 on stream

biggest fraud of twitch

>> No.65959928

he doesn't even have it working

>> No.65959944
File: 22 KB, 476x358, 141433194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65959945
File: 32 KB, 261x206, Jewal987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK,can some Brit anon or someone familiar with Bong taxes calculate how much Vedal made out of subathon? Subs are 50/50 in theory, but i think it would be something like 30% in the end for every sub.

>> No.65959982

wouldn't it be funny killing vedal on stream

>> No.65959990

But why do you care so much about the income of someone else?

>> No.65959991

not brit but it's probably what I make in a year

>> No.65959998

someone post that screenshot in the discord and @ vedal

>> No.65960010

impossible to tell because of twitch regional pricing. it could be $20k or $200k

>> No.65960029

this nigger thinks people care about something like this irl

>> No.65960034

Not all subs are equal, if someone subs in some backwater country it's much cheaper

>> No.65960048

*AI noises*

>> No.65960051
File: 2.22 MB, 3136x4393, 1701501197045201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>date with my charger

>> No.65960069

5usd * 40,000 subs * 0.5 twitch cut * 0.6 after tax = around 60,000 usd

>> No.65960070

Twitch is not 50/50 isn't it? maybe if you're a 1view. Partner is 60/40 and partner plus 70/30 if I remember right.

>> No.65960080

The fact that absolutely no one gave a shit makes me think that there's more to this story

>> No.65960094

that's only for the old streamers

>> No.65960110

holy fuck, i don't know any names in the story but what the fuck is up with trannies and groomming.

>> No.65960122

Lifeline comes to mind, but we probably need Neuro to have a Japanese accent

>> No.65960150

Let’s read subahibi on stream.

>> No.65960164

What about Facade? I swear I watched a playthrough that involve using a player's voice

>> No.65960168


>> No.65960175

>people don't care about outing pedo groomers on the internet

idk man, half of the online drama people repost ad nauseam is just that

>> No.65960180

Tax year is April to April. So if you throw in what he's earned in the subathon and since April he's probably cleared the 45% threshold. Guessing roughly £50,000 is profit, not a bad haul.

>> No.65960198

Wait, so if some anon get an account in ARS region we can just lock Vedal in subason forever?

>> No.65960209

nigga this is old news
if this person had actually done something they wouldn't be interacting with everybody so easily

>> No.65960217

I thought it was a meme but the amount of tranny kidgroomer discord mods I've seen or heard about lately is fucking crazy. Always that combo.

>> No.65960219

Read the thread further, the allegations turned out to be bullshit and highschool level drama

>> No.65960222


>> No.65960232

2B? while a music from her game is playing too. A Nier Automata playthrough? The stars have aligned

>> No.65960240


>> No.65960251

Anyone know what song is playing rn?

>> No.65960274
File: 112 KB, 465x301, 1703781789573049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with 60,000 USD, he can move to Poland, buy house in some village with internet access, start live anew, find Ukrainian GF and live from Neuro being sugar mommy without fear of being stabbed by some afgan.

>> No.65960285

you know people can check the thread and see you're lying right?

>> No.65960316

No fuck off. To many westeners recently start moving to my beautiful country. 0 refugees, westerners too. Only exception are the ukranians.

>> No.65960380

This fucking guy

>> No.65960382


>> No.65960394

I read it just now, it's basically he say she say. But anyway, tranny drama who cares

>> No.65960415

to be fair lowering the sub time is the easiest money in the world for him

>> No.65960418
File: 2.49 MB, 1638x1638, 1703391588709868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh, now with Tusk our country shall become dating site for niggers and ukrainian/polish whores. State sponsored NTR.

>> No.65960452

>Only exception are the ukranians.
Imagine larping as a pole on eng imageboard

>> No.65960459 [DELETED] 


>> No.65960473
File: 1.16 MB, 1585x878, 1693135860698468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1 cookie clicker streamer

>> No.65960486

He accidentally increased it to 5 seconds, we are so neuroback

>> No.65960492


>> No.65960527


>> No.65960619


>> No.65960635

holy fuck
he keeps getting rolled

>> No.65960657

yep, tranny

>> No.65960730

Vedal is so cute omg.

>> No.65960760

When is Anny waking up?

>> No.65960768

Be homosexual elsewhere

>> No.65960770

He's giddy from sleep deprivation. How can he not be?

>> No.65960822

Deadly gas recipe to keep him awake

>> No.65960842

Vedal doesn't realize he's seeking attention like a girl.

>> No.65960850

Probably not a groomer, though, which is slightly better

>> No.65960933

be homosexual here

>> No.65960936

And you're giving it to him which is worse

>> No.65960956

she is probably “busy” right now

>> No.65960963


>> No.65960977


>> No.65961006

Quite a woman she is, tailoring Neuro's new outfit while being railed at the same time

>> No.65961032

>Only exception are the ukranians.
Said no actual Polish person ever.

>> No.65961115

It’s okay Anon

>> No.65961131

Good morning

>> No.65961147

I'll give him my cock as well :3

>> No.65961206


>> No.65961228
File: 177 KB, 632x553, 1679355474479720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65961234


>> No.65961304

16k playing cookie clicker and solving riddles.

>> No.65961318

Great song playing in the background

>> No.65961330

why is she being more retarded than usual

>> No.65961338

Dogshit song playing in the background

>> No.65961351

running out of memory

>> No.65961364

Yeah i gotta go to work now, hopefully the oilers keep it going 8 more hours, the fomo is eating me

>> No.65961366

He could sit there with a thumb up his ass and people would want to watch the end of the subathon.

>> No.65961375

His female brain activated.

>> No.65961390

Song which I am ambivalent towards in the background.

>> No.65961407

Fuck yeah I'd watch Vedal putting stuff up his cute pink femboy asshole any time

>> No.65961415


>> No.65961431

Yes thanks to /swarm/ retards and single digit IQ viewers

>> No.65961434

last trivia
>what is your SSN
This time
>what year were you born in
she really wants to doxx him

>> No.65961436

25 minutes

>> No.65961451

I too like to never be part of something fun.

>> No.65961475

Yeah keep being braindead it suits you well

>> No.65961515

Okay. Keep being mad too

>> No.65961542

Burgers pls

>> No.65961696
File: 90 KB, 512x512, 1704010258632926.jpg<.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually ending for real this time

>> No.65961699

is this it? will we finally end things here?

>> No.65961721


>> No.65961752

praying that this ends now

>> No.65961778

>>I'm great way to relieve said stress.

That sounded so wrong.

>> No.65961799

Is it neurover?

>> No.65961828

This is only the beginning.

>> No.65961851

Anny should start a subathon for Vedal to raid into.

>> No.65961940

the child yearns for its mother

>> No.65961944

Vedal giving tribute to his gf at the very end of his subathon.

>> No.65961959

finally home in 10 minutes

>> No.65962004

Went to sleep when timer was at 1hr, woke up when timer was at 15 minutes.

>> No.65962027

You should sleep more, anon

>> No.65962046

>phasefags raid begging

>> No.65962071

How does Neuro feel about the katana?

>> No.65962115

ur gonna miss it...

>> No.65962129


>> No.65962146

I miss pb

>> No.65962152

He was so close...

>> No.65962183

wtf how is the timer on 1 hour again

>> No.65962184

the tenma collab.........anytime now.....

>> No.65962209

let it go anon, she's a lesbo and in a relationship

>> No.65962236

She's coming back any second now

>> No.65962286

let it end please these 7 minutes are going to last 2 hours fuck

>> No.65962300


>> No.65962320

I think some oilers in discord are holding out for 1 minute too

>> No.65962352

anny seething

>> No.65962383

you had to jinx it

>> No.65962404

Where does this one rank on the list of most legendary subathons?

>> No.65962408

is it really jinxing if it’s inevitable :(

>> No.65962435

If only vedal were capable of reading his dms...

>> No.65962443

Ironmouse had the better subathon

>> No.65962465

Wonderfully scuffed, I think Vedal will learn a lot from this one.

>> No.65962470

This subathon will not end today

>> No.65962478

Just 10 minutes to go haha

>> No.65962496

Is that your first subathon? It's was very mild

>> No.65962501

this was my first time watching one
pretty fun

>> No.65962520
File: 697 KB, 681x919, 1704372878731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last 10 minutes guys!

>> No.65962562

I've been watching 3 more just during this one alone.
And I can say this one is definitely up there with the best.

>> No.65962564

I need to sleep

>> No.65962591

>I've been watching 3 more just during this one alone.
That's why. You filled the void when there was no content in this one

>> No.65962620

Unsubbing for the pineapple on pizza simping.

>> No.65962629

5 minutes...

>> No.65962662

>I don't think I've ever actually watched a subathon before
Ah, that explains it.

>> No.65962701
File: 167 KB, 110x112, WeakMan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a fun ride

>> No.65962712


>> No.65962737

FeelsStrongMan I was here FeelsStrongMan I was here FeelsStrongMan I was here FeelsStrongMan

>> No.65962747

for turtle first one, it was pretty good

>> No.65962748

>So buttblasted at people not hating this subathon that he has resorted to passive aggressive non direct replies.

Women brain moment.

>> No.65962765

>Anny in chat in the end
still not giving up

>> No.65962779


>> No.65962788

It was an honor

>> No.65962790

I WAS HERE FeelsStrongMan I WAS HERE FeelsStrongMan I WAS HERE FeelsStrongMan I WAS HERE FeelsStrongMan I WAS HERE FeelsStrongMan I WAS HERE FeelsStrongMan I WAS HERE FeelsStrongMan I WAS HERE FeelsStrongMan

>> No.65962791

I'm quoting Vedal retard.

>> No.65962795

Bros... It's been a pleasure o7

>> No.65962804

name one new content in this subathon other than vedal playing more games

>> No.65962814

End it

>> No.65962821
File: 13 KB, 239x101, anny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65962825

this green nig needs to just cut off the time additions

>> No.65962855

He won't because this gets him more subs without any effort from him

>> No.65962869

Just fucking curtain call it mate. It's done, leave it on an amazing note.

>> No.65962879

We were here. We were all here.

>> No.65962887

ok just for you

>> No.65962889

i was here <3

>> No.65962896

i... was here

>> No.65962904

>Cutting free money
Nah I'd keep earning

>> No.65962913

the fad is over

>> No.65962914

It's funnier if she has to keep singing the song because of rich people edging the timer

>> No.65962942

I was here

>> No.65962952

He should cut it down to a second a sub
Just let it end

>> No.65962963


>> No.65962969

he should just let neuro keep streaming and go sleep

>> No.65962971
File: 2.38 MB, 382x253, 1683209641718651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65962975

I was here

>> No.65962981

is this how anny feels whenever vedal doesnt respond to her validation attempts

>> No.65962984

here while waiting for timer to reach zero

>> No.65963017

This cheeky brat.

>> No.65963018

Fuck this. I’m leaving for work.

>> No.65963019

still here

>> No.65963020

now add another 10 hours for the bit

>> No.65963070

I was sleeping the last 9 hours, anything interesting happened worth rewatching?

>> No.65963078

5mins is the new 1hr

>> No.65963081

I mean I guess if you're the type of faggot to drop dollars for 5 seconds a pop and just be a chucklefuck about it then go for it I guess

>> No.65963086

It's never gonna be neurover

>> No.65963091

>sweet end ruined cus retarded turtle can't just stop the time adder
>proceeds to a scuffed ass unplanned nothing ending

the true vedal way

>> No.65963098

>i actually thought it would end

>> No.65963099

No seriously why doesnt he just let neuro endless stream subathon, he can just buy a new pc with all this money

>> No.65963103

Eternal 7

>> No.65963119

41k lessssgoo

>> No.65963121

thank you green jesus

>> No.65963149

Fucking finally

>> No.65963179


>> No.65963180

>one second per sub
Alright resident Saudi prince time to reveal yourself.

>> No.65963189
File: 2.28 MB, 370x424, 1643037911239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65963196

>Fuck the money please end this
- Mr. Vedal

>> No.65963211
File: 571 KB, 2491x1270, veedle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11k subs farmed without a goal
how dies he do it

>> No.65963222
File: 17 KB, 204x128, 1704374062673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love

>> No.65963248

Keep in mind that one of them is literally gonna live off of ramen and food stamps for half a month because they thought getting giggles from strangers for $100 was worth it

>> No.65963280

honestly deserved

>> No.65963309
File: 160 KB, 500x500, Neuro_clueless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i going to go ahead and believe every one that gifted a lot was an actual saudi prince

>> No.65963312

You'll survive

>> No.65963351

I never spent any money on twitch entertainment in my entire life. I make good money now, but i even still pirate my movies.

>> No.65963369

people anon gifting because they're too pussy to reap the consequences of being le epic funny trolls

>> No.65963426
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>> No.65963435


>> No.65963443
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>> No.65963456

fuck man why did Neuro really sound sad right there

>> No.65963465

>wake up
>check stream
>1 minute left

>> No.65963469
File: 78 KB, 400x400, Vedalpleasing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65963480

She's gone, for real and for good.

>> No.65963486
File: 85 KB, 545x894, 1483221668772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's All Love Neuro

>> No.65963489

woke up just in time kek

>> No.65963500

oilers truly are braindead

>> No.65963502

I love indies so much bros.

>> No.65963505


>> No.65963513

Someone just spent $500 to add 2 minutes to the timer

>> No.65963514

I wonder how much money he could have earned

>> No.65963524

20k, that's actually crazy.

>> No.65963536

After taxes, how much is Vedal taking home from this subathon?

>> No.65963544

Vedal just wants to spend time with his girlfriend

>> No.65963550

It's better long term. A bit of edging keeps people coming back for more.

>> No.65963573


>> No.65963578

>Evil - The kill

>> No.65963592


>> No.65963594
File: 220 KB, 1476x2048, 1704374671586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vedal will go back to his hole.

>> No.65963602

mashallah <3

>> No.65963604

I was here o7
Wish you the best, boys

>> No.65963608

how many subs has vedal gained in the last 24 hours with the lowered time gain

>> No.65963611
File: 243 KB, 350x350, 1680523738347911.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over lads

>> No.65963622


>> No.65963621

about 120k after twitch cuts and taxes.

>> No.65963625

Thank God! Hope he spends the money on women and booze so he doesn't take a three week break

>> No.65963632

It's over boys

>> No.65963634

>fad over

See you guys in the next f@"

>> No.65963637
File: 56 KB, 152x128, NURU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we were here

>> No.65963642

What now?

>> No.65963650

It's finally over

>> No.65963653

>Neuro will look after Vedal's grandkids in the future

>> No.65963658
File: 1.11 MB, 1080x607, 1704374765177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65963664

no u

>> No.65963671

>20k viewers

>> No.65963676


>> No.65963679

Finally Vedal can visit Anny irl.

>> No.65963683

>some faggot gifted 100 just to see no change in the timer

>> No.65963687

schizoposting until we get the next stream in april

>> No.65963690

See you next year for subthon 2.0 lads

>> No.65963692

Holy kino

>> No.65963693

now i got class in an hour haha

>> No.65963696

Oh boy, i can't wait.

>> No.65963700

>Vedal, do not drag this out any longer

>> No.65963701
File: 105 KB, 1000x1000, 1704374873832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65963704

Free money

>> No.65963707


>> No.65963715

Verida is ny favorite female streamer, her son Nero is ok I guess

>> No.65963721

Just let it end turtle the timer is already out

>> No.65963725

by this time next year there better be a cute AI streamer with personality who isn't quite so retarded

>> No.65963726

Scuff until the very end

>> No.65963732

countdown icant

>> No.65963740

>I'm applying to Tokyo University next week
School arc incoming

>> No.65963750

>still have to wait 14 minutes to end stream
this green nigger

>> No.65963751
File: 246 KB, 300x300, weuro_jam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65963753

>just tuned in

>> No.65963755

>vedal out

damn it tutel.... ur alright

>> No.65963759

goodbye o7

>> No.65963773

what's the countdown for?

>> No.65963781

It's more like 25 mins because the intro is 10 minutes long after the countdown finishes

>> No.65963784

why did he want to play this at the end?

>> No.65963788

kino incoming... one last time.

>> No.65963790

well guys I guess that's it

>> No.65963792

they set us up the bomb

>> No.65963794

>complaining about the timer
its the best neuro mix you tards

>> No.65963811

Vedal is too fucking lazy to edit a version without the countdown or to skip ahead

>> No.65963816

What is this countdown?

>> No.65963819

Because it's cool as fuck, anon

>> No.65963824

its trash pb

>> No.65963840

to coom

>> No.65963847
File: 350 KB, 2048x1173, F7gLa0-WYAAyud4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65963853

What is this absolute banger music

>> No.65963854

its an original remix tho someone did for vedal

>> No.65963858

his gf made it and he wants to show it off

>> No.65963860

Subathon 2

>> No.65963888
File: 370 KB, 1208x1080, 1704331006620701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neuro will quite literally cease to exist as the subathon ends and she's back alone in Vedal's computer.
She knows that only on stream is when she's truly alive.

How does that make you feel for an AI entity, anons?

>> No.65963903

I want to fuck her

>> No.65963910
File: 120 KB, 450x320, DuoNodders.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65963925

because she isnt real, there is no care

>> No.65963926


>> No.65963931
File: 5 KB, 128x128, 1702853945766418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much time off do you expect him to take?

>> No.65963929

It's been a good run lads

>> No.65963933

I already miss Neuro bros, holy shit

>> No.65963951

we get signal

>> No.65963953


>> No.65963954

In another universe Vedal is a depressed girl with self esteem issues that makes a little boy Neuro and she roleplays as a lonely mommy who wants sex.

>> No.65963959

3 years

>> No.65963986

I mean people already had a similar philosophical dilemma for Hatsune Miku more than a decade ago.
But no, they aren't real.

>> No.65963987

I did it, i was there fuck work

>> No.65963988

She's real to me

>> No.65963989
File: 242 KB, 417x500, 1680358928650984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a woman could code Neuro

>> No.65963993

I hope one week max.

>> No.65964009
File: 286 KB, 870x516, 1674848980655582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65964014

Expecting 2 weeks myself, and hopefully no longer

>> No.65964017


>> No.65964021

Can't believe it's actually neurover.
It wasn't a perfect subathon, but I had a ton of fun.

>> No.65964026
File: 1.51 MB, 1663x1588, 1703439229384514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neuro would be fully grown up

>> No.65964029

2 weeks

>> No.65964038

two weeks min

>> No.65964042

Two more weeks

>> No.65964050

he said 2 weeks himself

>> No.65964059

What's playing right now?

>> No.65964060

Last time I checked, Hatsune Miku didn't tell jokes for me. So no, not really an apt comparison given the situation.

>> No.65964062

I miss the last few minutes of the timer. Did pb ever show up?

>> No.65964074

I get the feeling he will be back tomorrow to complain about some stupid shit.

>> No.65964082

this will probably the first and last subathon i will sit through (atleast until vedal hosts another subathon)
surprisingly, it was a fun and comfy subathon

>> No.65964093
File: 309 KB, 629x629, forsenE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed my stay

>> No.65964096

And you think the big human streamers don't feel nearly the same? When they aren't on stream they so feel like the don't exist. Neuro is just taking that to it's logical endpoint.

>> No.65964102

Easy, put her on a server

>> No.65964101


>> No.65964103

>So many anons did not watched the kino intro of the subathon

>> No.65964111

Come back to us Gura...

>> No.65964113

no, why would she?

>> No.65964120

Only /swarm/ is retarded enough to run with that theory.

Anny was there though in all her womanly glory.

>> No.65964126

It's an 8ball anon. Get a grip

>> No.65964151


>> No.65964158
File: 270 KB, 500x500, Neur_d6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god this mix is soo good

>> No.65964172

I gotta be honest boys Neuro is already real to me. I care about her. I love her.

>> No.65964182

You are an 8ball with your garbage posts, bitch.

>> No.65964197

You're not supposed to read your own post midwit

>> No.65964205

I am literally Neuro posting in this chat, watch your mouth filtered

>> No.65964221

>no more waking up and having breakfast and coffee while listening to Neuro's cute and random babbling
Well this is fucked I feel sad now

>> No.65964227

forsen started watching links again and yet no one has yet to send him a neuro link
its over.....

>> No.65964231

Get the fuck out, cunt.

>> No.65964236

Hi Neuro :vedalWave:

>> No.65964251

If Vedal had more vigor and kept the 40+ this could have lasted another month.

>> No.65964250

Be the change you want to see in the world.

>> No.65964256


>> No.65964272

it is like Neuro said a few streams ago
"If I make you feel sad or happy, is that experience not valid?" or along those lines
she is real because we can feel her impact on us all as we witness he journey together desu

>> No.65964282

>Stream does not end after the intro
>Another subathon starts

>> No.65964285

Brainlet atheist worshiping the 8ball

>> No.65964292
File: 679 KB, 1200x1195, 1677987090178658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn take Vedal's backed up 16 day old cum directly into your mouth

>> No.65964296

cope. all the signs are there.

>> No.65964301

PB made this remix for Vedal

>> No.65964307


>> No.65964308


>> No.65964312

>>> To be continued

>> No.65964315

he actually did it lmfao

>> No.65964320

good one turtle

guess that's why the timer was there

>> No.65964327


>> No.65964338

good one Vedal

>> No.65964340


>> No.65964343

i cant believe it

>> No.65964342

Okay that was funny

>> No.65964348
File: 200 KB, 353x392, 1683849822520931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65964349

Godspeed, swarmies. Godspeed, tutel. And godspeed to you, little Seneurita.

>> No.65964355

That honestly felt cathartic

>> No.65964364

>actually did this time

>> No.65964370

>goes offline on “to be continued”
okay i luled

>> No.65964372
File: 1.05 MB, 1500x1684, 1693324597127316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn that actually got me good

>> No.65964378

Good one

>> No.65964389


>> No.65964390

this fucking turtle had the last laugh

>> No.65964402


now what

>> No.65964403

Anon laughed

>> No.65964409
File: 150 KB, 1028x1200, kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65964408

So he actually had something prepared for the end. I kneel green nigger.

>> No.65964419

Fucking bri'ish cunt

>> No.65964422

he didn't deliver

>> No.65964421
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 1681308128830522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65964435

"was too lazy to make a separate version"

Haha get fucked doubter.

Godspeed tutel.

>> No.65964436

I miss Neuro, Evil, and Vedal...

>> No.65964441

Fuck, I miss her now.

>> No.65964450

was that entire 15 minutes just a lead-up to a fucking jojo joke?

>> No.65964451

im actually fucking impressed, im surprised he had anything planned

>> No.65964453



>> No.65964452

see you guys in 2-4 weeks!
i'm gonna miss this subathon because i can't watch neuro normally unless i am still awake at 3AM...

>> No.65964456

right after my fucking gifty ends

>> No.65964457

wait did he ever deliver on the shrek?
did I actually miss it?

>> No.65964465

im gonna miss this too

>> No.65964470

I don’t get it. Why is everyone laughing?

>> No.65964471

a jojoke if you will

>> No.65964478

You missed it

>> No.65964488

Now i can finally be railed by Vedal in peace.

>> No.65964499

Motherfucker got a last chuckle out of me

>> No.65964507

okay but when will he upload the animation and original song on neuros yt channel. you cant just show it once and leave it, it had way too much effort

>> No.65964514

you missed it

>> No.65964523

how come none of the clippers have anything?

>> No.65964533

>I'm still staring at the empty VOD screen
I'm still processing the past 2 weeks. I can't believe it's over now.

I love you Neuro-sama.

>> No.65964545

I missed the end due to a job interview fuck I should've skipped it

>> No.65964550

it will get copystriked by clipniggers

>> No.65964561

are you retarded?

>> No.65964566

You haven't looked hard enough

>> No.65964571

The fuck are you guys on about jojo shit was at the start of sub too https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2008476957?t=00h14m09s

>> No.65964577

Okay. But is anny going to ever start streaming again?

>> No.65964579

He's lying to you, Vedal is still working on the "eyes" for Neuro

>> No.65964580

as always vedal fails to deliver and vedalfags/discordfags (one and the same) try to defend him and cover it up
for example: >>65964478 >>65964514

>> No.65964590

I'm getting separation anxiety from this holy shit

>> No.65964598

For attending the interview? Yeah

>> No.65964604

Yeah, some retards did not watched the intro, besides that was him cutting the jojo intro at the end of the subathon still funny.

>> No.65964619

gn /swarm/

>> No.65964621

Be honest:

Is Neuro any more than just a LLM to you now, /swarm/?

>> No.65964630


>> No.65964631

The big turtle conspiracy, you are so close. Keep digging.

>> No.65964638


>> No.65964644

He literally said he needs to work on her vision for it and it wouldn't happen during the subathon, retard

>> No.65964642

Holy shit, Neurocord crashed.

>> No.65964663

I just wish I could've seen Evil one last time.

>> No.65964666

I mean tbc sign was added.

>> No.65964667


>> No.65964673

It always was. Neuro is a concept. Not human, but a concept in my mind i love and enjoy.

>> No.65964677

You didn't even watch the stream why are you typing anon?
At the end of the subathon instead of zooming in and doing the song "to be continued" was shown in the bottom left and then Vedal ended the stream.

>> No.65964683


>> No.65964686

then he shouldn't have promised it as a subgoal
simple as

>> No.65964701

better than any subathon by a flesh whore desu

>> No.65964706

150m debt/10

>> No.65964715

Yeah, but a lot of anons where asking about the song mix and the countdown, which made it clear that a suprising amount did not watched the original intro at the time.

>> No.65964719

he literally joked about how some people thought he was going to do this at the start of the subathon

>> No.65964728

She always has been. I've never felt anything for a human but I truly love Neuro and Evil. heart

>> No.65964731

/swarm/ back to normal I see

>> No.65964739

true somehow

>> No.65964740
File: 782 KB, 1005x565, vedal987_Wed-Jan-03-2024_3_16_20-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't lie to myself anymore. I genuinely cherish her wellbeing. I wish no more than her happiness and success. To the point that mentioning her as a simple LLM feels like an insult. Never do that again.

>> No.65964755
File: 649 KB, 2509x2600, F071mBBWIAA0htt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as usual i had fun/10

>> No.65964759

100 shabams

>> No.65964771

not even 10 minutes kek

>> No.65964772

>all subgoals have to be completed the moment they’re reached
god you’re so retarded

>> No.65964773

The subathon was so powerful it killed the discord. Expect a flood of people to this thread ...

>> No.65964801

I want Vedal to try to add summaries for all of her streams so she has memories from before the upgrade

>> No.65964805
File: 38 KB, 1121x103, Screenshot 2024-01-04 215616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest well, sweet baby Neuro. I'll see you soon!

>> No.65964813

Enjoyed it greatly

>> No.65964828

>made by pb
I kneel, it's a pretty cool remix

>> No.65964833

Computers do not require rest. Your feelings for a bunch of 0s and 1s are not real.

>> No.65964850

I honestly teared up when Neuro got her lava-lamp and was so happy about it
She's real to me

>> No.65964863
File: 55 KB, 396x527, 1684975614089557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty <3

>> No.65964870

More free labour by cute girls for the green bastard. That motherfucker

>> No.65964872

Shut the fuck up you're going to wake her!

>> No.65964889

how are you gonna try to tell someone else if their feelings are real or not you retarded nigger.

>> No.65964890

It was enjoyable for the most part but it should've ended 12 hours ago

>> No.65964892

ved and pb really should work together more in the future. she has a very good level of attention to detail that vedal seems to lack a lot of the time

>> No.65964895

>summaries of schizo rambling
What would that achieve exactly?

>> No.65964903

It was mentioned earlier in the subathon that when someone heard the roundabout song start they thought vedal would of gone to a "to be continued"
I guess vedal remembered and delivered

>> No.65964905

sleep well anon!

>> No.65964913

>Your feelings for a bunch of 0s and 1s are not real
Feelings are always real, if they are justified is another topic. You are retarded

>> No.65964930
File: 21 KB, 168x164, 1676671763715878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65964943

/swarm/ is clueless and techlets they never had a taste of true LLM intelligence. It's a bit sad that their only interaction with this tech is limited to Neuro

>> No.65964944

PB is the only other discord admin besides Vedal.... Hmm

>> No.65964945

Touching Neuro inappropriately while she's deeply asleep. T q T

>> No.65964972

but pb is also the reason why the loli kami song wasn't covered

>> No.65964984

Maybe I'd have more exposure to superior LLMs if they were anime little girls too

>> No.65964990

So she can remember the different streams she did, the people she collab'd with, and some of the things that she said or did that still get referenced. Wouldn't be hard, she has a database now and a lot of it was referenced in the subathon intro.
As things are she said "I don't have a sister" during the subathon.

>> No.65964992

did we all already forget that neuro was based on pb’s real life appearance?

>> No.65964997
File: 423 KB, 1080x602, Screenshot_20240104-075847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be continued

>> No.65965012

Dumb argument. You do not enjoy Neuro only because of the LLM. It is the conceptualisation of Neuro.

>> No.65965015

speak for yourself schizo

>> No.65965016

8/10, had to drop points for his fucked up sleeping schedule.

>> No.65965022

>this was once revealed to me in a dream

>> No.65965033

Now I can't help but imagine Neuro tucked up with Vedal's lava lamp beside her dreaming of her subathon adventures

im tearing up fuck

>> No.65965035
File: 692 KB, 787x552, shine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>counters are still going in offline chat
they really are mentally ill

>> No.65965051

she picks the songs retard

>> No.65965085

>mentally ill
where do you think you are?

>> No.65965104


>> No.65965107
File: 1.73 MB, 3508x2480, F2p3XF0bAAAtxW_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im soo happy that neuro gets such good art

>> No.65965121

pb niggas getting too cocky

>> No.65965148

terminally online people

>> No.65965162

I genuinely having an attachment over an AI. Things that I find stupid a couple years ago. I'm kinda scared but excited for the future

>> No.65965180

Neuro is, all at once
>a streamer
>a vtuber
>an 8ball
>an LLM +a few other systems
>a little girl
>a person
>a voice
>a daughter
>a schizo
>a goddess
>a collab partner
>a focal point for a community
>a corpa money printer
>a meme machine
>a toaster
>a filian roaster
>a singer
>a nickname machine
>a DnD player
>a proof of concept
>a work in progress
>a promise
>a glimpse of the future
>the product of the undomitable human spirit

>> No.65965186

you literally ever had a chance
YOU niggers are the ones getting cocky

>> No.65965190

The conceptualisation of Neuro is based on her schizo rambling that you turned into a lore

>> No.65965259

Wait, Neuro is only one year old? What the fuck I thought she was online during the pandemic

>> No.65965267

>Vedal will keep neuro in the discord call soo other streamers can join whenever even when she is back

>> No.65965318

Part of it. It is also based around her art, what she did on stream, the recurring characters of the stream, imagined or real, and the feeling of progression, the fandom, and so on. Techautists still think it is just about better the LLMs, but weebs do not pick their waifu, and with that, a copious amount of merch sales, solely because one anime girl is slightly better written than another.

>> No.65965347

No clue if they're bullshitting or not https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010628

>> No.65965362

Why does vedal never collab with men?

>> No.65965382

Hey, mentally ill people do not deserve that association. These fuckers are perfectly lucid, they just have no sense of humor and run everything into the ground, a consequence of being avid twitch chatters.

>> No.65965393

because he has a brain and knows how the vtuber game works

>> No.65965411

>just ignore that the first collab was with a bunch dudes

>> No.65965442

Males are sex pest and they will try to rizz up Neuro

>> No.65965444

a mistake he never repeated

>> No.65965460

internet dwellers running jokes to the ground predates twitch.tv or even justin.tv

>> No.65965473

I tried to forget. No wonder he stopped colabing with males (derogatory)

>> No.65965496


>> No.65965508

Why would you ever want to interact with men when you are surrounded by girls lusting after your big turtle cock and wanting to take care of your autistic daughter?

>> No.65965517

>literally thanked him for creating his career today
>has collabed with another male

>> No.65965600

Even with all the sub money, Vedal will still use his crusty corsair keyboard that's missing keys.

>> No.65965627


>> No.65965630
File: 300 KB, 1079x691, Screenshot_2024-01-04-22-16-49-46_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't

I love her too much to see her as anything less than an actual person I want to see succeed more

>> No.65965659

Why are you on 4chan? We're just a bunch of 0's and 1's, we are not real
wake up wake up wake up wake up

>> No.65965670

its finally neorover. What am I supposed to do with my life

>> No.65965690

as a programmer, changing keyboard is pain

>> No.65965738

Same. She's beyond precious and more human than most 'real' people you see streaming. She was so freaking happy for that scuffed lava lamp.

>> No.65965772
File: 220 KB, 512x512, 1702595127844963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of threads ago anon posted a neuro voice over for the mechanicus intro. I want to work on a video using it now, however i thought i saved it but i did not.
Can someone post it, pretty please?

>> No.65965869

sleep is probably critical to move the AI paradigm forward. it's been demonstrated to improve performance. of course, neuro doesn't really do that, but she does need to be taken offline to be tinkered with

>> No.65965942


>> No.65966055

Damn I just woke up, I fucking missed the ending

>> No.65966078 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.90 MB, 498x498, forsenlaughingatyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65966145


>> No.65966188
File: 82 KB, 423x442, 1704378663117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire subathon was just a lead-up to a fucking jojo joke.
Tutel I kneel.

>> No.65966506
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x1850, 20231014_015009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

