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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65939872 No.65939872 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread for sharing previous streams of the now graduated duo of Go! Go! Nippon! streamers. Please avoid going off-topic and dive in some nice old moments worth remembering.

Some very fun streams happened that are worth checking out for those that never checked out their channel such as their Yakuza 0 playthrough:


>> No.65941038


>> No.65941224 [DELETED] 

1st dokibird and now GGN
im glad /vt/ is becoming dox friendly

>> No.65942110

>dox thread

>> No.65944189

their voices sound much more normal than I expected

>> No.65945425

So are they Fuwamoco or not? I never figured out if people were trolling or not

>> No.65945504

they're kanata and coco

>> No.65945577


>> No.65948806

true twins

>> No.65948973

dirty bottom boy bros...

>> No.65949090

Watch their OG Resident Evil 4 stream if you want to see them actually finishing the game, because God knows they're never doing it again.
Their 10k celebration karaoke is also the most kino karaoke they have ever done.

>> No.65949987 [DELETED] 

that is a stupid rule to have to begin with. doxing has become normal on twitter and even fucking reddit.

>> No.65952786 [DELETED] 

watch FuwaMoco
>noooooo i watched them before y-
watch FuwaMoco, hipster faggot

>> No.65953048

i dont know if the members content is still up for free but the Shrek watchalong was funny as hell

>> No.65953497

Aren't these characters from some flop VN?

>> No.65953665

I think none of you faggots know the meaning of dox

>> No.65953951

Take it up with /vt/'s moderation team

>> No.65953980

Their audio was really good, the model rigging was pretty filtering though

>> No.65955648

I liked the rooftop confession. True passion.

>> No.65955758

Tell that to the jannys. I've gotten banned for posting about Senzawa before which is the same as discussing ggn.

>> No.65955978

I still remember that last month before graduation
Pretty emotional, I wasn't the biggest fan but I didn't want to see them go, I'm happy for them now
Btw does anybody remembers the name of the japanese 3d platform game they played where this dude collects sushi?

>> No.65956130 [DELETED] 

they are going to play the brand new sequel once they've done the New Year outfit reveal

>> No.65956178

Unrelated, but FuwaMoco are coincidentally going to play the brand new sequel of that game once they've done their New Year outfit reveal

>> No.65957361

in a vtuber sense, which would be obvious given the context but you're too autistic to follow i'll spoon feed you, doxing would be talking about pastlives and roommates
in a literal sense its showing ip and adress and real name and such which is what i wasnt talking about

>> No.65957692

You are literally and unironically undermining actual, real dox victims by trying to lump all these broad meanings under the same word. Eventually dox won't mean anything.

>> No.65957784

>members content is still up for free
Don't those disappear when you lose the ability to join membership?
I wonder if anyone knows of any archives.

>> No.65957900

>literally and unironically
ok zoomer

>> No.65958007

>>65957784 (me)
I just found one if anyone is interested.
I wonder if these are all of them, this archive has 17 members streams, can someone confirm.

>> No.65958047

I'm glad you at least understand your retardation.

>> No.65958080

The only reason pl became dox is because early indie vtubers had zero opsec because of low views and technical incompetence, so finding pl meant finding dox.
It's 2024, now even the vtubers themselves are telling you pls

>> No.65958146

Hololive was a mistake.
We used to have those wholesome small corp/indie Vtubers and there were a bunch of options.
Now what we have? A herd of degenerate girls and their cult fandoms.
Evil Japanese companies ruined everything.

>> No.65958220

fucked up how they never played katawa shoujo

>> No.65958264

Small corpos and indies are still around anon, what are you smoking?

>> No.65958681

Mustache hosted a VN Book Club of Katawa Shoujo on their discord and Makoto joined in to read through Hanako's route

>> No.65958715


>> No.65958879

Did they ever sync?

>> No.65959287

Do seamonkeys really go through all these mental gymnastics to justify doxxing?

>> No.65960264

Back in the days, all indies were perusing their ideals and trying to create their own unique worlds. It may sound naive, but they were trying to become special snowflakes.
But today? All activities are step stone to hololive debut. While pandering to their 2 viewers, all they dream is hololive and its Yuri keyfabe. No soul in it.

>> No.65960334

post the smug face

>> No.65961119

People went from wanting to be Kizuna Ai, to wanting to become hololive members, nothing really changed.

>> No.65961275

Stay in your hug box redditard faggot

>> No.65961345

Said the seamonkey itself kek

>> No.65963139

Retard nigger how is it dox if no one is connecting their past life to their present life

>> No.65963299

Oh no! Stop doxposting!

>> No.65963336

Try discussing Shachimu’s japanese e-celeb chasing adventures sometime.

>> No.65963393

>post whole life on social media for simpbux
Poor girls

>> No.65963517 [DELETED] 

Guy's check out who met KSON in person

>> No.65963574

which one is the boy?

>> No.65967275


>> No.65970347

Some of them ARE chuubas. So of course they will just ban people trying to find shit about their past.

>> No.65970435

>in a vtuber sense
You mean in your retarded illiterate sense?

>> No.65970478

>I was never an extra special traveler
Why live?

>> No.65970485

Fuck off faggots.
If you want 3DPD, go watch 3DPD. Skip a fucking step.

>> No.65970549

why the fuck are 2views allowed to be jannies here?
youd think the jannies would be people who don’t even watch vtubers so that they’re unbiased

>> No.65970607

Yes. SEAnegroes are 'savages', their minds don't actually work like ours of a civilised people.
It may seem like they are the same type of human, but the reality is altogether different.

'while nowadays travelers habitually observe how prone the savage is to forgetfulness, how his mind, after the least exertion of memory, begins to wander and lose itself until finally he utters falsehood and nonsense from sheer exhaustion. Yet, in dreams, we all resemble this savage. Inadequacy of distinction and error of comparison are the basis of the preposterous things we do and say in dreams, so that when we clearly recall a dream we are startled that so much idiocy lurks within us'.

>> No.65970817

How retarded you are anon?

>> No.65970982

Mako-chan's speech at the graduation stream is one hell of a tell that prior to vtubing, some real shit went down with people she thought were her friends.
I'm glad I could make them happy in the little bit that I did show up to their livestreams. They are precious and deserve the world.

>> No.65972285

Dang, I've had friends lose interest in the things we used to enjoy together, but never been betrayed by them.

>> No.65976649

Holo turned them from 2views into #1. They couldn’t make it on the small level.

>> No.65976702


>> No.65976767

has their management announced anything about a new GGN game?

>> No.65976781

what happened to these two cuties?

>> No.65977603

They sound very cute
