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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 119 KB, 1080x427, rosemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65819537 No.65819537 [Reply] [Original]

When Rosemi graduates, it's either Phase or Vshojo, not Hololive.

>> No.65819887

If Hololive Vshojo and Phase connect offered her a contract she would pick hololive without thinking twice about it.

>> No.65819930

>not Hololive.
You assume they want her to begin with

>> No.65820001

Phase is likely, mainly because all her Tsunderia friends are there

>> No.65820039

That's a fair point, but if she's looking for the idol experience and wants to make as much as she possibly can then hololive is the place to be.

>> No.65820202


>> No.65820280

if anything she's likely to go indie

but my secret rrat is that she'll join the new group that pomo and kiara make when they both leave

>> No.65820348

Rosemi has always like Kuzuha though?
She even likes Kenmochi for being a lolicon

>> No.65820357

She's had 2+ years to prove something in Nijisanji and hasn't shown why she would be qualified for a Holo spot.

>> No.65820539

Why would Rosemi graduate?

>> No.65820604

it's clear shes in a toxic work environment
explains the lack of collabs

>> No.65820646

Rosemi is graduating to marry me
>verification not required

>> No.65821005

>all her tsunderia friends
She knew them for a grand total of 3 months and outside of a recent tweet to dizzy hasn't keep in contact with any of them in almost 3 years. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.65821340

Dizzy herself is the one who told her to ditch Tsunderia and join NijiEN. They likely have kept in contact and talked behind the scenes.

>> No.65821468

Source? Cause IIRC rosemi went back to being an indie after leaving, and there was a whole thing with /tsun/ back in the day where they talked about how she completely ghosted the entire company.

>> No.65821557

Holo won’t want her
Phase would make sense she is friends with their Gen1

>> No.65821660

Are we all looking at the same image? How did two words in romaji spawn what I’m seeing on my screen right now

>> No.65821911

When she was still a Tsunderia manager, Dizzy shilled Rosemi and supported all of her streams. A Tsunderia insider said that before Dizzy was fired (which put the nail to Tsunderia's coffin) she encouraged Rosemi to join NijiEN since it had better opportunities than Tsunderia and no sexpest groomer managers.

>> No.65821913

Rosemi deserves the best, I honestly hope it is EN4 cause she would fit in well. Being as seiso as you can be in a Yabe company deserves respect.
It would be cool if she was in Phase but JP is the next coming gen

>> No.65821999

Hololive not seeking out some of the EN girls is actually frustrating. Why wait for a generation, they didn't for IRyS?
I just want them to scoop up Lisa and let her keep her model, now with Niji imploding you could poach Selen, Rosemi and Pomu and boom you have 4 girls. But nah.

>> No.65822057

>but JP
nigga nobody cares about JP. Phase Connect drones everything if a talent like Rosemi becomes available. You debut her as an Invader as soon as her model is done.

>> No.65822100

>>65821911 (me)
Knowing Dizzy, she'd probably tell Rosemi to apply to Hololive before any other corp too, even Phase, because she wants the best for all her friends.

>> No.65822120

Fishman's secret recipe is keeping the talents in the oven for an entire year so that will never happen

>> No.65822148

True, with how good Rosemi is just making it work would be the smartest plan.

>> No.65822190

Not saying Rosemi isn’t good enough for Holo, but with the existence of Invaders, Phase is infinitely more accessible than Holo is, fishman would probably jump at the opportunity to have a former Niji.

>> No.65822212

*former Tsunderia

>> No.65822267
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He definitely would hire her, not because she's a niji, but because it's all part of his grudge to absorb Tsunderia for rejecting him.

>> No.65822278

Both, in a theoretical instance where Rosemi was done with Niji and graduated, she’d basically be a sure thing given both her history with Niji and Tsunderia.

>> No.65822296

Sakana has never had a talent as big as Rosemi sitting in the basement. All 5 Invaders were 2views except Lumi who was like 200 twitch when she got hired.

If a name falls into your lap, you debut them as soon things are ready.

>> No.65822326

i believe it's because she's interacting with a male in the tweet?

>> No.65822378

I'm just saying Sakana would care more that she was Tsunderia than that she is Niji.

>> No.65822418

It's not an interaction so far, just a gamer autist and some e-thot begging for his attention.

>> No.65822464

If Sakana poached a talent from the Big2, that would be by far his biggest get yet.
Outside of Lisa, he already has the tsun girls he wants. Meru just graduated literally the day gen3 debuted he could have saved her but didnt.

>> No.65822741

Like she’s done forever?

>> No.65822815

Niji gets a lot of well deserved shit, but I think people here underestimate the brand power it still has, they’re really only behind Holo and arguably Vshojo in the west, her also being formerly tsun is just a bonus.

>> No.65822827

>Vshojo? Nah.
>Hololive? NOPE.
>Phase Connect? Idk. Maybe?
She should go to Pixelink, Prism Project, Vreverie or VSPO

>> No.65822960

Why do you holobeggers think everyone wants to go there?

>> No.65823070

Brave seem to be treating VSPO JP very well by and with their 3D infrastructure I can see Selen being apart of a possible EN branch. Any of the Niji girls leaving would be a dip in their income but theh would definitely bounce back up.
The rrat about Kiara leaving would be crazy as all of Holo JP respects her but like life nothing is impossible.

>> No.65823133

All Tsuns have a spot in Phase by birthright

>> No.65823134

Midsemi Midlock

>> No.65823142

The world anon flocks to number 1 choice in almost everything. I'd say he is using Occam's razor.

>> No.65823145

They are well ahead of vshojo. vshojo are on a baby retirement home platform.

vshojo takes holo and nijis sloppy seconds. holo and niji dont take vshojo’s hand me downs. that tells you where they stand in the food chain.

>> No.65823219

Nobody who leaves Vshojo would ever consider cucking themselves by going to Niji.

>> No.65823235

This. Just look at notLulu, she only has half of the subs she used to have because she doesn't have the gay pacman logo anymore

>> No.65823253

> vshojo takes holo and nijis sloppy seconds. holo and niji dont take vshojo’s hand me downs. that tells you where they stand in the food chain.
100% this

>> No.65823255

I mean if you could make it in it’s usually a golden ticket, though being a large indie or in Vshojo would also work, and you wouldn’t have to deal with Japanese corpo autism. Shes coming from Niji which had a different culture, don’t necessarily think she’d pick Holo if she could get similar success elsewhere.

>> No.65823350


i'm literately just guessing bros, i've no idea

>> No.65823368

>niji vs. niji

>> No.65823555

If were talking pure numbers, Vshojo has members who are on par or outperform other NijiEN members, the only reason I really put them as number 2 in EN is because they have way more members and have a larger hold on the fans of male vtubers, since Vshojo only has Kuro.

>> No.65823607

I'd be extremely disappointed in her if she left because someone falsely convinced her she could do better elsewhere. I want to believe that she's not that dumb.
>She's more like interaction with her friends kinda

>> No.65823667
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Now why Phase is automatically the second choice for nearly any retiring/terminating vtubers? Phase Connect is bellow Idol, certainly less viable than compared to Vshojo

>> No.65823677
File: 39 KB, 625x626, 1702976309008752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again you're gonna need a source with this post mate, cause I was a /tsun/ regular in 2021 and almost everything you said is entirely wrong.
>I watched dizzy back then and she had zero mention of rosemi's PL or even her tsun incarnation
>In fact she was the most isolated member of the entire corpo while she was there, and there was even strong negative pushback from both /tsun/ and even some talents over the fact that she streamed more on her Indie roommate than her actual corpo account
>ANY mention of her was always vague and slightly negative, inferring that she just ditched everyone there according to them
>/tsun/ also heavily used this and her focusing on the indie account to anti her when she was announced for NijiEN
>Even going as far as to attempt to slander her on twitter

Phase Connect is a good corpo, and Dizzy does do a good job, but you can't just rewrite history for the sake of making them look good. Rosemi's exit was controversial to both fans and everyone in the company.

She wasn't "Given advice and recommended to leave for niji", she was ostracized by everyone in tsunderia and her departure and future ventures were 100% rosemi and rosemi alone.

>> No.65823739

She can do better in another place when Niji is number 2? Hello?

>> No.65823768

hololive is guaranteed success

>> No.65823787

Nice shit-stirring OP, they actually ate it up like catfish

>> No.65823878

This thread has been fairly tolerable actually, OP is a faggot but we’ve mostly just talked around him.

>> No.65824032

the next holo gen is going to be male only and 6 members. After that it will be mixed with 4 boys and 1 girl. They've already got the models ready and have signed 4 guys on so far.

>> No.65824197

but enough about holostars

>> No.65824246

Honestly Hololive is at a pretty good spot in terms of the number of members and I don't see much reason for them to expand any more.

>> No.65824428

All of this matches up

>> No.65824486

i really don't care about NijiEN, only Rosemi, I hope her motivation are more personal than the great corpo

>> No.65824491

>Phase Connect is bellow Idol
I'm curious by what metric you are measuring.

>> No.65824575

Idol exposed themselves to having groomer managers which is already a huge no-no for ex-Tsuns because PTSD

>> No.65824628

Automatic success, no real need to stream. NijiEN's likely to leave you at least a little burned out from streaming, so if you could somehow sneak into Hololive after graduation, you'd be set for life in a grand way. Could just phone it in, rake in the dosh and get praised for your amazing talent, recognition you'd never be able to achieve in NijiEN no matter how much effort you put in.

>> No.65824701

Cunny probably

>> No.65824733

but not guaranteed happiness. Look at the state of EN. 2 males quit last year. Gura only streams for sponsored content and Kiara tweeted out that gen 1 collabs will probably be just herself with Kali, Ina and Ame in 2024.

>> No.65824796


>> No.65824873

Gura was a recovering alcoholic who joined and immediately overshadowed all of her senpais she was a fan of then found out she doesn't even need to put in effort anymore to be a top percentile earner. Things were doomed for her.

>> No.65824920

It is automatic success, my only real argument is that it’s not the only place to get success anymore. She could do okay as an indie, or she could probably make her way into Vshojo, hell even Phase might be a genuine option. If she retains some of her Niji audience she could probably stay around 4view, plus she wouldn’t have the same restrictions put on her that a Japanese corpo would. Vshojo seems like the most likely bet since she’d definitely be 4view and culturally Vshojo is more similar to Niji than Holo is.

>> No.65825008

nice try idol shill

>> No.65825093

I think even Idolfags would know better than to bait that hard.

>> No.65825101

If Rosemi joins VSPO, then she can play Counterstrike with Nazu-chan.

>> No.65825128

Sayu missed her chance to go to Phase. She KWABd so hard.

>> No.65825202

Rosemi deserves all the headpats

>> No.65825411

The only corpo that even seemed like they wouldn't give a shit about the controversy with Sayu was Vshojo, and they don't like her at all based off of Nina. No other corpo would ever risk losing connections to hire her.

>> No.65825593

Ehh I think Phase is like a 50/50. I think she’d probably fit in okay but I’m not sure how fishman would feel about it. Phase deals with a lot of menhera’s but my impressions of Sayu during her time as Zaion is she wasn’t very easy to work with.

>> No.65825782

What? Why? On what basis are you making those claims?
Are you another schizo?

>> No.65826277

Bro you got checked and mated

>> No.65826286

Can still be an invader but her chances got lower when she collabed that one SEA doxxer.

>> No.65826329

Phase has better managment

>> No.65826543

Phase has no place for Sayu. She is not worth the shitty baggage she carries.
Without her baggage, she is a lazy Genshin twitch streamer.
Phase should aim higher

>> No.65826597

They somehow patch up menhera and the fans are kind of damaged too.

>> No.65826622

I don’t know if DN is specifically blacklisted from Phase, most of them have just decided to stay away from him, or be like Tenma and told him to go fuck himself. Pippa was the only one really interacting with him and shes been trying to branch out from the dramatuber portion of the vtuber fanbase.

>> No.65826808

the place she quit on a dime to jump ship to nijisanji because of a perceived golden opportunity?

c'mon man

>> No.65826845

Sayu is oblivious. When she collabed with Lia a d Punaklopi, she thought Lopi was Pippa and that Lia and Lopi were genmates

>> No.65826850

>holo and niji dont take vshojo’s hand me downs. that tells you where they stand in the food chain.
Holo and Niji take failed small corpos' hand me downs. Succssful vtubers that Holo and Niji are no longer good enough for go to VShojo. That tells you where they stand in the food chain.

>> No.65826902

Pippa cut him off too

>> No.65827004

Except for the males

>> No.65827114
File: 384 KB, 372x542, Come-home-Phase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home, Rosemi

>> No.65827974

Miki is a retard

>> No.65828084


>> No.65828233
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>If Rosemi graduates or is terminated, will you continue watching NijiEN?

>> No.65828670

Sayu I can't see ever being part of Phase. She sunk tons of money into her new model, why on earth would she join to become an Invader when that means giving up the rights to her character IP? Plus she's already close enough to Shiina and Airi, no real sense in joining the corp just to be closer.

>> No.65828725

Can Holos stream Tekken?

>> No.65830740
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, F2IEeE3b0AAmvuT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to pull the usual Kuzuha vs Kanae

>> No.65830847

Likely not since Salome got the sponsor for Nijisanji and even a tweet from Harada himself

>> No.65830855

lmao nobody wants Rosemi though, maybe one of those small corpos like vdere phase or vreverie kek
don't put her up there with Pomu and Selen

>> No.65831281

And in the Pomu/Selen poach threads you talk them down too.

>> No.65832029

Why does Kuzuha always say such random things on twitter?

>> No.65832564

Why the fuck a tweet about her interaction with Kuzuha somehow is about her graduating and the retards buy it? Am I the only normal person here?

>> No.65832614
File: 19 KB, 698x287, king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's the KING.

>> No.65832711

OP is gay but I’m just entertaining the idea desu, it probably won’t happen, but I don’t have anything better to do right now.

>> No.65832733

>and they don't like her at all based off of Nina
She collabed with kson few weeks ago.

>> No.65832754
File: 58 KB, 400x400, Utatane_Nasa_-_Profile_Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Sakana poached a talent from the Big2, that would be by far his biggest get yet.

>> No.65832847

Sayu's problem is that she wasted her firing/return hype.
She genuinely seems like a ho. Anybody that publicly insults their mama for taking too long because her model is not given priority is a ho.

>> No.65832900

Nasa and michiru have been the only chuuba to make me consider doing my reps. I hope fishman knows what hes doing with these supposed JP talents hes hiring, they deserve better.

>> No.65833202
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>> No.65833479

another hour another beggar thread

>> No.65834034

She was part of Yumenographia which wasn't Niji but was part of AnyColor
She also says it was a black company lmao

>> No.65835182

That seems to be a very reoccurring trend among ex-Anycolor staff, they really hate it.

>> No.65836156

No shit it was a literal whore group of escorts

>> No.65836259

Nasa was a whore....

>> No.65836450

vtubers aren't staff. staff are employees, not contractors

>> No.65836504

Yeah, mine

>> No.65836723

She's not interested in becoming part of another corpo though?

>> No.65836747

Phasebeggar general

>> No.65836865

>close enough to Airi
they have collab'd like once they don't know each other.

>> No.65836934

She streams once a week, it will be Hololive for sure if she does it.

>> No.65837002

The selen rrats weren't working out so sisters are now moving to Rosemi?

>> No.65837043

Poaching and otherwise acquiring top talents from other companies is standard practice in many high-stakes fields, from tech to sports.

>> No.65837045

Why does anycolor want Rosemi dead?

>> No.65837103

Hololive probably has an agreement with Niji about not poaching each other's talents. And that's a good thing considering how hard the Niji girls cuck there audience. Hell, just look at how they went out partying together instead of streaming on Christmas to their viewers.

>> No.65837222

Why would hololive want that trash that have 0 desire to become idols or want to learn how to dance or sing?

>> No.65837435

I'ma be real with you chief. The order of which org she would join (if they were all to offer her a chance) would be
Guaranteed success no matter how entertaining you are.
No cuts, basically an indie with management.
Just another corpo. Cuts on earnings.

>> No.65837552

Please, i beg you, watch one stream….

>> No.65837843

Genuine question:

Why would ANY NijiEN leave their terminally autistic Japanese company only to join a different terminally autistic Japanese company?
>it's better
It's the same problems just less severe.

>> No.65838382
File: 268 KB, 1280x720, HelloMF[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F29olvz.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its Phase Pet Chinchilla

>> No.65838449

Total Fish domination. Tsunderia will be his!

>> No.65838507

This post brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends

>> No.65838572
File: 891 KB, 1249x619, 2023-12-19 20_36_43-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats my child in there btw

>> No.65839008

Rosemi became pretty close to Nina so I assume she is going to follow her.

>> No.65839115
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>> No.65839186
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Are you sure about that?

>> No.65839487
File: 3.22 MB, 1920x1080, you[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fogn1kf.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont need to beg when you are shitting on everyone faggot. Stay mad.

>> No.65840017

Selen could get poached by an eSports organization, she could be their mascot like Vienna is for Cloud 9

>> No.65840066

kek what a retard nanora

>> No.65840081

Why are Japanese companies worse than American companies?

>> No.65840275

VShojo girls get more views than Niji girls.

>> No.65840377


>> No.65840453

and yet here you are

>> No.65840488

>>65840377 has got a point.

Posting in a thread is begging? Why are you begging faggot?

>> No.65840552

Sayu is too boring for Phase, set aside all the other baggage. It's nice of Shiina to share some of her audience and it's nice of Sayu to hire Shiina's discord buddy Yuuki to be her content
manger, but that should be the end of it.

>> No.65840881


>> No.65841083

contractors aren't staff you fucking retard
get a job

>> No.65841334

What definition of staff got you to this?

>> No.65841976
File: 2.30 MB, 982x1332, 5675657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody respects twitch babbies.
you get a lot further in vtubing being at 300 on youtube than being a 4view on twitch

>> No.65842027

Twitch views are more valuable than YouTube views.

>> No.65842094


>> No.65842125
File: 81 KB, 1024x1024, 1698676310712418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I follow Pippa on Twitch you cannot fool me.

>> No.65842397

>you get a lot further in vtubing being at 300 on youtube than being a 4view on twitch
Nigga what. You can not be serious.

>> No.65842407

Pippa is a Youtube streamer baka. Twitch is where she cyber sexxes me.

>> No.65842537

twitch whores in the MUD

>> No.65842592

Show me 5 4view EN indies on Youtube.

>> No.65842706
File: 691 KB, 886x985, sleepy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffjubs5.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleepy isnt a whore you fag take that back.

>> No.65842867

The major point to make here is Muumi cute

>> No.65842993

and there is a reason they don't exist, YouTube is where the big boys play.

>> No.65843069

Pikamee used to split streams between Youtube and Twitch, she was ~20-25% higher on Twitch either because of audience, how Twitch counts viewers, or a combination of the two. So while the numbers aren't directly comparable, you're massively exaggerating.

>> No.65843411

nta but the difference is twitch is incredibly easy to bot and they don't make efforts to stop it, because it's a dying platform and they want their streamers to look like they are bigger than they actually-are to charge advertisers more when making claims about impressions/demographics.

youtube is also bottable but it takes effort and hiring specialist services etc, and more importantly youtube fights tooth and nail to try to purge them all it can and there have been multiple instances where the audience CCV suddenly gets massively culled across specific regions or worldwide (it was by like 2/3rds instantly in one of the worst examples).

>> No.65843514

anon it's a lot less words to say "I'm a tribalfag that really hates twitch"

>> No.65843567

>nta but the difference is twitch is incredibly easy to bot
I see people say this but has yet to provide any proof. I go to /#/ and I see the holo girls get botted every day.

>> No.65843611

One schizo in /#/ bots like half of Advent's streams. I don't think there's anything to suggest it's easier to bot/being sysematically botted/etc. outside of narratives and speculation.

>> No.65843732

you mean you see some asspained tryhard pay for obvious, over-the-top botting that gets culled in like 10 minutes. unfortunately because this is a shady third party thing to begin with the talents can't elect to not get bot surged and he picks random targets all over the place. this is a very recent trend relatively speaking and it's really obvious some fucking fag is so butthurt he's paying out of his own pocket to bot holos himself just so he can then point at his own handiwork and cry about it.

>> No.65843806

Ok but that still doesn't answer the question on how "twitch is incredibly easy to bot" yet nobody here has been able to prove it.

>> No.65843878

it's a shit ton of them, you may not like asmon but he did an expose on it. it's not even a vtuber specific thing, it's just endemic to the platform.


>> No.65844027

When she graduates she is opening an OF and streaming on Twitch

>> No.65844074

Not technically botting, but you can have twitch streams auto embed play on websites and it counts the view.

>> No.65844165

I agree the guy is a massive fag but he's definitely demonstrating that it's easy to bot Youtube.
I don't understand the point of tribalfagging platforms this hard and pretending all Twitch views are fake, it's obvious that there's a twitch buff because of how they count views but people like you take too far.

>> No.65844260

>he could have saved her but didnt.
You can't save someone who doesn't even feel they are worth being saved

>> No.65844263

It's true that certain people have been caught viewbotting on twitch, but that doesn't mean everyone is viewbotting or the company is engaging in fraud.
They disabled this in November. The main group abusing it, Fextralife, hasn't streamed since October 31.

>> No.65844347

It was so satisfying when they disabled embedded streams. Everyone fucking hated Fextralife.

>> No.65844732

Proofs: Non-existent.

>> No.65846503

>when this tumor is cut out of its cancer-riddled corpse, it will be entering someone else's body instead of mine
oh nyo?

>> No.65847231

Oh yeah, cause them poaching 1 member 4 years ago in the JP branch is totally representative of what Hololive is willing to do nowadays. Either way keep coping Nijicucks, your whores aren't getting into Hololive

>> No.65847462

not sure what makes you think im a nijinig but go off

>> No.65849257


>> No.65849664

Finally, people who get it.
Rosemi has never been good.

>> No.65849697

I’m not really a big corpo watcher but there seems to be this bizarre impression that anyone in Holo is too good for Niji, I don’t really understand it since the only thing that seems to be different about Nijis is that they interact with males, which isn’t even banned in Holo. To some people, even suggesting that a Niji may join Holo is like an insult, because Holo would supposedly never stoop so low.

>> No.65849767

Seems Luna was the one and only ever cross corpo pickup. Seems neither side can touch either's former talents
If Siska joins HoloID 4 then i'm entirely wrong though

>> No.65849975

What possible benefit is there in Hololive if you don't care about being an idol or a singer? Yeah big numbers but you'll have to be dealing with permission garbage

>> No.65849991 [DELETED] 

This. Reliving her NND/old men hitting on her days.

>> No.65850042
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>> No.65850178

It’s not even like it’s the only place she could get big numbers anymore, if she ended up in Vshojo, which seems like a common strategy for former Niji’s she’d also get good numbers and basically be allowed to do whatever she wanted.

>> No.65850198

>have to deal with permission garbage
implying NijiEN doesn't lmao??
NijiEN management seems malicious. At worst, HoloEN management seems incompetent.

>> No.65850320

Niji actually seems to be faster when it comes to getting perms for games at least, that comes with a whole bunch of other downsides but they seem more on the ball about that.

>> No.65850365

Can't wait for the NijiEN exodus.

>> No.65850440

People forget IRyS had her own completely ruined and Kronii almost lost out entirely on Mafia had it not been for the good fortune of her manager being lazy over Shien's perms (in house)

>> No.65850459

Been saying this forever, but as a former 2021-early 2022 rosebud (dropped her after she quit wageslaving), I think schedules and sticking only to one thing make her borderline unwatchable. Those that watch her probably bought into her seiso character/are in love with her because lol mentally ill men.
To me she had drive before she quit wageslaving and got disappointed her content got WORSE after she had more free time BUT her members stream were good. She needs to freewheel it to get good content. Play 2 or 3 games, have a zatsu and end with a karaoke. That's Rosemi at her best post-wagie life.

>> No.65850519

>her own cover song completely ruined*

>> No.65850631

Didnt she do a lot of shit last year like 3 covers in a few days, made her entire allback cover that was better than henya by herself and spent 500 hours on some game she made?

>> No.65850658

I wouldn't care if I had nice managers if it meant having to deal with the same garbage japanese bureaucracy except even slower because the Holo perms faggot demands motherfucking FAX signed files or is a lazy fuck. I don't even have to mention when management rejects the games you want to stream like what happened to Gura

>> No.65850720

Anon, he's modifying a copy pasta from the day before Rosemi did her magic show. He's either out of the loop, legitimately retarded, or is hoping he can spin a new rrat

>> No.65850999

I mostly moved on from the bigger corpos for this reason, japanese restrictions are just so autistic that you get these periods where barely anyone is doing anything interesting or just spamming fotm content.

>> No.65851037

She did.
And it wasn't good content.
>noooo you can't say you don't enjoy her anymore!!
>liking her members only stream that are freeform is spinning a new rrrat!
This is why rosebuds are the worst female NijiEN fanbase lmao

>> No.65851154

I doubt vshojo is going to take in every niji that comes along just because they want in. They still have their own identity and I doubt gunrun is stupid enough to not see that turning it into niji 2 is detrimental to the brand.

>> No.65851340

Not only that, Rosemi's entire schtick is out the window as Henya is the resident seiso chick, except she's also got more of a personality than her.
Being seiso among degenerates is the one thing that makes Rosemi stand out in Nijisanji.

>> No.65851344

You can dislike her or her content all you want, but making shit up or skewing her work ethic to not adhere to some metric you make up, only to then shift the goalposts because you were proven wrong, is another thing all together

>> No.65851371

Smells very brown in here

>> No.65851383

We'll know the answer to this soon if Mika joins. Mika was a total shitter and will probably continue to be a total shitter but she's friends with the ones that joined.

>> No.65851595

Rosemi could just be Henya's seiso sidekick. There's no reason to assume they'd compete for audience rather than bringing in more.

>> No.65851599

holy shit lmao

>> No.65851820

>I doubt gunrun is stupid enough to not see that turning it into niji 2 is detrimental to the brand.
I’d agree, but basically everyone who’s gotten into Vshojo only gets in because they knew someone. To me that looks very detrimental to the brand, but if thats considered okay then I don’t think adding a third Niji would be too much of a stretch. Plus while I think plenty of Niji’s would probably have what it takes to be in Holo, I think Vshojo is culturally more similar to Niji since they’ve always been a little more lax, not really having any obligation to do idol stuff. For the record this is all under the assumption that Rosemi is gonna graduate, which I don’t really think is happening, but if she did I think Holo might be a more difficult adjustment.

>> No.65851914

How am I making shit up about her work ethic?
Her streams have remained uninspired, rushed and unprepared.
Her doing an ARG is cool. Her doing an RPG maker game is cool.
Was it good content that's reflected throughout her streams? No.
While working her escape was streaming. She looked forward to it. After quitting? Not so much. She can make a thousand covers and I still won't like them because she is tone deaf.
I value the energy and quality of streams more than her little projects where what amazes me is the time spent on something so mediocre.
In fact, maybe watching her progress would be more satisfying to me than the end product itself

>> No.65852002

There is.
Rosemi and Maria barely talk or interact. Wonder why that is? Surely not because of similar designs and personalities, right?

>> No.65852082


>> No.65852101

why the fuck a thread about rosemi interacting with kuzuha is about her graduating? are you all fucking schizos or something?

>> No.65852162

You dont need to know that answer soon because many nijis graduated and only 2 went to it. even if mika goes to there, most that graduated recently either became indies or arent vtubers anymore

>> No.65852213

>crying impotently
Ur right tho, better cope in silence

>> No.65852296

I don’t know how many of us actually think it’s happening, i’m just entertaining the possibility even if that possibility is basically 0

>> No.65852456

Sounds like nijiproblems to me. VShojo doesn't have competition for niches to the same extent.

>> No.65852581

>only 2
>muh 50 jps and ids
has another job

>> No.65852649

rrat is <insert random schizo shit here>
reality is they are opposite ends of the world (Canada vs Australia) and their streaming hours are mid day-US hours and mid day AU hours
They've met up multiple times however and love each other, most recently was a JP collab in a Karaoke club

>> No.65854789
File: 425 KB, 460x561, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus she's already close enough to Shiina and Airi
you cant just dox them like that
good to know, i live in the same city as Sayu so now I can start watching my other local chuubas

>> No.65857833


>> No.65858820

if Siska joined HoloID the catalog would get full of unicornlarping retards shitting on her. what happened to her btw? did she stop vtubing as a whole or did she reincarnate/go back to her pl?

>> No.65862635


>> No.65862777

stop pretending they're even on the same playing field as vshojo or niji this is fucking pathetic

>> No.65865393

I hate Phasetards

>> No.65866134

HoloID is the designated cuck branch of Hololive. It's literally the SEA branch so they don't care about Homo collabs.

>> No.65868838

seethe nijinig

>> No.65869215

Whenever I see someone actually write "Bahaha" it's an auto autism confirmation. And not just the regular /here/ autism, you know that's not how anybody has ever laughed in all of history, right?

>> No.65870013

I swear permissions autism will be the achilles heel of Cover and Anycolor. If a western or some other corpo comes by with mass appeal that's able to do the same things as Hololive sans permissions bullshit, it's going to seriously disrupt the market.

>> No.65870141

>>yeah big numbers

>> No.65870302

lmao you believe that?

>> No.65872489

She was never gonna make it into hololive anyway, nijicuck. We don't need anymore cocksleeve shitters in holo

>> No.65876654

Don't bet on it

>> No.65877696

I speak for all phase connect fans when I say we don't need that WHORE on our company
phase is only for for girls with hard work and loyalty in them, you ride or die with us, every one of our members is the best at what she does and wosemi just isn't good enough
she's at big corpo and barely manages to hang on to any relevance she had when she debuted

>> No.65877782

>why on earth would she join to become an Invader when that means giving up the rights to her character IP? Plus she's already close enough to Shiina and Airi, no real sense in joining the corp just to be closer.
Lumi didn't give up the rights to her character when she joined, that much she has revealed already. It's all int the contract and they can negotiate it.

>> No.65878015

When she graduates, it is neither phase or vshojo or even hololive but be a good wife in my house

>> No.65878172 [DELETED] 

Given that Rosemi canonically looks good IRL I wonder if she would become a fleshtuber like Misumi. Anyway she's not going to graduate soon

>> No.65878297

deep down I want Rosemi to follow in a similar path
I mean, just look at Misumi she's doing great and having fun

>> No.65880218

Owari da

>> No.65882680

>using my oshi in a bait thread
>over 200 retards reply
I hate this place

>> No.65882720

What do you like about Kuzuha?
