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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65804684 No.65804684 [Reply] [Original]

How can one man be so perfect edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, but I fear getting crabbed or not getting real feedback, should I not even spend my time here?
It has been shown that the thread tends to not give feedback for the sake of saying positive things, but anons can help when you formulate your questions properly, and if it failed once, please try again at a later time, know that as there are so many anons here, it's hard for everyone to see your question and respond, even if they know the proper response to you problem, so stay hopeful, and keep asking your different questions!

Ganbatte, /asp/ies! You’re all gonna make it! Good luck in persevering with all your Vtubing endeavors!

Open company auditions:
VReverie (Jan 3) https://twitter.com/VReverieLive/status/1731525487741309078
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Previous: >>65793298

>> No.65804732

We need more tier lists

>> No.65804802

We don't need more tier lists and the link needs to be removed from the op

>> No.65804863

We need the same amount of tierlist and Iriya needs to stab me and call me worthless UwU

>> No.65804865
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>> No.65804917

Iriya love. He intimidates me but Iriya Love.

>> No.65805086

The (THE) Patchey?!

>> No.65805108

The tierlists are pretty good for genuine feedback or a laugh, I like seein em a lot

>> No.65805207
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It's not a good idea to enable me but keep going anyway.


>> No.65805266

So now that we’ve established that Iriya was sexually harassing Mond and sending her pics of his tiny hairy micro penis in dms, the question must be asked: who leaked it in the thread?

>> No.65805370
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We got someone new so I had to update this

>> No.65805405

Mond herself pretending to be Iriya.

>> No.65805468

Bro are you who I think you are

>> No.65805509

it's not yellowc*t

>> No.65805607

At this point I'm rooting for you to die, yes.

>> No.65805641

Hi Corpse. If you're wondering why I blocked you, this post is why. Iriyacels get the fucking rope.

>> No.65805699

who the fuck is corpe

>> No.65805726

Cope a deez nuts

>> No.65805900

It'll be a miracle if last thread didn't scare off /asp/ies

>> No.65806038

Everyone gets schizo'd. Last time it was Kai and Renata, now it's Poly and Iriya.

>> No.65806121

Idk who u are specifically but I’m inclined to like u cause of make funny tierlist and taking the time to include sooo many /asp/idea so ya got one at least!

>> No.65806181

Kai, Renata and Poly have done nothing wrong. Iriya is a legit freak of nature that writes cutter manifestos and sends unsolicited dick pics to femchuubas. I hate him to the point where I might be tempted to track him down and dox his bitch ass and expose his online shenanigans to anyone I can find that's related to him.

>> No.65806225

>I hate him to the point where I might be tempted to track him down and dox his bitch ass and expose his online shenanigans to anyone I can find that's related to him.
This makes you worse than him FYI

>> No.65806248

Wait what

>> No.65806292

idc at least I'm not sexually harassing the girls here and knowing I caused grief for a legit sexpest that gets his jollies terrorizing women online will be reward enough for me

>> No.65806303

What in the fuck is going on are u good dude

>> No.65806327

>Kai did nothing wrong

>> No.65806395

Ok bro get back on your white charger and gallop on back to Camelot, the femchuubas here can pull up their big girl panties if they want to do something about him. White knighting is cringe as fuck and makes you look like a dweeb.

>> No.65806396

kai's worst crime is being a clout chaser tbf

>> No.65806455
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Thanks for coming
Become ROC on time, but maybe it should be called ROEA(East Asia) ha

>> No.65806486

If I was white knighting I'd say who I am hoping I can get some female attention but I'm not desperate for it like Iriya is
I'm doing this primarily out of hatred for Iriya himself and he has to go

>> No.65806547

The girls don't need to be protected my man, least of all by you. They can just hit the block button.

>> No.65806627

Fine by me but I hate him so I'm gonna do everything I can to make his life a living hell from now on because I'm sick of the fag

>> No.65806650

>I’m not white knighting

You’re right, you’re just kinda being weird. I appreciate the sentiment but yeah as a femchuuba here if someone was that weird to me I’d just tell them to fuck off or block em, or put em on blast here idk

>> No.65806677

How do you plan to do that? By schizoposting in a thread on a dying site all the time?

>> No.65806870

Is this your new target, hyde?

>> No.65806901
File: 817 KB, 1968x1205, letmein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day leaf san you will accept my skeb. I will offer 60000 rather then 30000 like last time

>> No.65806916

yea any woman /here/ is capable of taking care of themselves. if they aren't, they're tourists, and they should rope anyway.

>> No.65807036

Do it. Maybe he'll calm down if you do.

>> No.65807145

That's why they keep biting every bait.

>> No.65807211

It’s just really funny how tryna be genuine at all pisses everyone off honestly lmao

>> No.65807248

All the women are laughing about the responses they get when they bite the bait in the bitch cord. They love making the thread shit itself

>> No.65807270


>> No.65807306

I wish I was a girl so I could see inside the clubhouse

>> No.65807332
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Women were a mistake

>> No.65807422

Femchuubas don't need the support
Femchuubas don't like you but they want your money anyways but you are no simp, you are a discerning anon that knows better
A femchuuba has NEVER made me laugh like a malechuuba has
A femchuuba has NEVER made me feel welcome like a malechuuba has
A femchuuba has NEVER made me feel like I was truly not alone anymore like a malechuuba has
>b-b-but they're cute!
They're just an anime character! Watch anime instead if all that matters is that she's cute! There is a REAL 194lb con-hotel-room-dwelling weeby nerd bitch that smells of hot dog water behind that avatar! Not so with a standard anime character!

>> No.65807489

>194lb con-hotel-room-dwelling weeby nerd bitch that smells of hot dog
Hot where do I find me a girl like this

>> No.65807502

Yet I have never gotten shit and I have never not been genuine... maybe its a (You) problem, have you thought about it?

>> No.65807545


>> No.65807554

I like you

>> No.65807615

Who is this vagueposter, if you like them so much?

>> No.65807655
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>> No.65807717

Goat being groomed by a transvestite and a depressed guy...

>> No.65807794

>think of a funny babi concept i could get behind and gives me a fun design i like
>don't want to be a babi

>> No.65807901

thinkin abt becoming a bloodsports drama vtuber to collab with ethan ralph

>> No.65807912

>a transvestite and a depressed guy

>> No.65807988

Become babi. Join babi cord. Profit

>> No.65808025

There's a babi cord?

>> No.65808060

Oh I mean I’m sure it is! If I wanted to be left alone I wouldn’t be abrasive like that. I’m just genuine in a mean way sometimes lol! And when they have meltdowns over women being real people I can’t help but think it’s funny

>> No.65808127

Untapped niche, I like ur gumption!

>> No.65808156

gump moment

>> No.65808194

I want to do a shock collar collab with someone

I like shocking people

>> No.65808248

thx. there's flamenco but that dude's a garbage metokur clone

>> No.65808256

Omg I love those guys Arnold and Daniel gump!!

>> No.65808312
File: 18 KB, 164x175, F3BK21Db0AEO4gi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys im back! im live literally rn lets talk about our plans for this year hiiiiii sorry im so LATE

>> No.65808326

How do you talk after a conversation dies? Nobody ever DMs me so I have to be the one to do it and when a conversation dies I'm not sure how to reignite it. I want chuuba friends

>> No.65808389

I am down but only if you call me worthless garbage when you shock me

>> No.65808392

Pure shit of a human being lmao

>> No.65808413

I have that exact same problem, I'm always scared of being a bother to people so I never know how to restart a conversation.

>> No.65808535

Thanks senpai!! ;D I’ll keep up the good work!!!

>> No.65808611

Who is this cringe motherfucker

>> No.65808620

Depends on the person and how close are, but occasionally sending a meme or something you think they’d like or find funny can spark up conversation and let them feel like you’re thinking about them in a subtle nice way!!

>> No.65808633

Wish someone would bonk me to help me sleep :(

>> No.65808690

Would you believe me if I told you I’m sonic the hedgehog, or markiplier?

>> No.65808808

I fucking hate sending memes because I feel like it dies again after they respond "haha". Where do you go from there?

>> No.65808833

Except he's in Mond's chat rn

>> No.65808835

it's just a rumor, if it exists then I haven't been invited because the other babis look down on me

>> No.65808903

Pafu it is

>> No.65808908

>oh hey it's that person that hasn't talked to me in weeks
>open dm
>it's an unfunny shitpost
>close dm without replying

>> No.65808999

Not possible since Rura is in Emo's chat. He has to be where she is

>> No.65809017

Sometimes it dies down and that’s fine but it’s also fine to give a quick “I saw this and immediately thought of you lol” kinda thing or try to ask something related, like if it’s a meme from a game or anime asking if they played or liked it can sometimes work out! Thing is you can’t be too pushy though. Some people won’t be open to friendship. But if they let you send them little things like that once in a while over time they’ll probably like you more and more for thinking of them and not being weird.

>> No.65809079

Yep that’ll happen sometimes. Just gotta take it in stride, not get offended, and move on. You can’t be friends with everyone.

>> No.65809104

You're kinda gross, ngl

>> No.65809118
File: 6 KB, 78x68, itsreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a rumor
You wish it was only a rumor

>> No.65809152

>be me
>do not dm aspies
>do not watch aspies
>do no raid aspies
Feels good man :)

>> No.65809267

why are you here

>> No.65809312

Just givin advice that’s more helpful than “be normal and likeable” and sayin you can’t be friends with everyone. What’s gross about that?

>> No.65809315

>be me
>dm aspies
>watch aspies
>raid aspies
>never get any in return
Feels bad man :(

>> No.65809409

>be me
>dm aspies
>watch aspies
>gets fucked in the ass by asp
>depressed ever since
Feels bad man :(

>> No.65809548

To reap the rewards

>> No.65809667

>be me
>do not dm aspies
>watch aspies
>haven't streamed in almost a month on twitch
>don't raid aspies
>no one knows who I am
feels good man

>> No.65809689
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>> No.65809736
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>> No.65809747

>be me
>no twitch account
>no Twitter
>just lurk and watch everyone having fun
>sometimes role-playing in my head about what its like being friends with them
>when I'm out I do things like
"Oh cheen would think that's funny" in my head

>> No.65809817

I had a song I wanted to share with him but it seemed like real poor form to share it when I saw it was about rating other /asp/ie's designs

>> No.65809853

>be me
>dm aspies on x
>watch aspies
>chat in aspie chat
>stopped streaming because ran out of ideas
>deleted discord because social battery small
>everyone knows who I am everytime i post
feels bad man :(

>> No.65809858

what do you guys think the average time to get a model drawn is and the average time to get it rigged is

>> No.65809869
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A potato is fine too

>> No.65809911
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I hate this nigga

>> No.65809936


>> No.65809941

like 3 months if you're going by a different artist/riggers

maybe 2 if the artist is the rigger

>> No.65810193

shit I knew it, the other babis hate me

>> No.65810266

The only ones who said feels good man are the ones who keep interactions with aspies to a minimum. There might be something to this.

>> No.65810327


Just because someone UwUs doesn't mean it's me my dude, I can't be the only person here who uses cat faces >:{

Tbh I don't know Iriya, or enough people to properly judge tierlists yet.

Now unblock me plz ;_;

>> No.65810344


tfw even the babis dont consider me one of their own

>> No.65810400

Fwiw idek who the babis are!

>> No.65810462

Corpse's flat chest and wide hips are always on my mind, and it is with immense sadness that I realize that I never got many chances to catch her streams to hear her voice more often...

>> No.65810472


>> No.65810590
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>> No.65810663

Eh, I'll just strike out into the world to seek out a flattie with a FAT ASS to call my own...

>> No.65810711

They all have bfs

>> No.65810761

good luck, remember to make eye contact and for fuck's sake, smile!

>> No.65810953

I'm a 30yo khv but this thread gives me hope

We're going to make it.

>> No.65810975

I can't

>> No.65811105

You're not corpse.

>> No.65811135

>tried googling khv
>koi herpes
I didn't know that was even a thing wtf
also not sure how you managed to live to 30 I'm pretty sure those fish don't have that long a lifespan but good for you bro

>> No.65811228

This is so beyond unfunny it has to be one of the girls

>> No.65811238


>> No.65811267

Kissless Hugless Virgin, i.e. me

>> No.65811336

Idk I laughed xD

>> No.65811361

Giving you hope for what? All the girls have boyfriends

>> No.65811380

That's because you don't have a sense of humor Layla

>> No.65811395

They all have bfs. You thought that only meant vtubers?

>> No.65811393

Just be an artchuuba and grind comms on stream

>> No.65811417

Dunno who that is but I bet she’s hilarious based on this

>> No.65811483

Oh ok you're just acting up.

>> No.65811488

I thought the joke was funny and I'm the dude who made the original post.

Seeing everyone trying their best is making me want to try my best too

>> No.65811511

How many of you are high on crack right now?

>> No.65811817

None of us.

>> No.65812140

crack? in this economy?

>> No.65812342

Burgers finally gone to sleep?

>> No.65812377
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At this time of year?

>> No.65812480

nah i'm still up

>> No.65812539

Yeah, anon, I have a boyfriend.

You. My chat. My viewers. :)

>> No.65812613

I love you too

>> No.65812787

I love you more though. <3

>> No.65813281

nah momo is that unfunny too

>> No.65813334

thanks for dropping by! love you all

>> No.65813401

Whats renatas new X?

>> No.65813424

fuck off chri and cam

>> No.65813472

tfw you miss hampter husbando... it's joever

>> No.65813473

Well, he is German

>> No.65813792

she didnt make one, she will reactivate her old one maybe

>> No.65813848

What happened? Menhera?

>> No.65813850

He's German born-Turkish though

>> No.65813984

focusing on comms, did a woman and deactivated instead of locking it

>> No.65814012
File: 3.76 MB, 2508x3541, 1702261312411724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she get a visit from oji-san?

>> No.65814104

... would this also reactivate her following / followers? Or are they gone? Renata was precious to me because she's one of the few people that followed me.

>> No.65814138

she a month to reactivate, it'll freeze the account until the real deletion date

>> No.65814169

I wish I'd left my twitter deactivated desu. I want to just stream and otherwise go off the grid.

>> No.65814228

That's just regular German these days :^]

>> No.65814399

Should I follow my viewers back on twitter? I initially wanted to but am a bit afraid of freaking them out or accidentally missing someone and causing a menhera attack so I haven’t done it yet.

>> No.65814452


>> No.65814482

Why is this even a question? You follow who you want

>> No.65814515

Only the ones that look like they're also trying to also be a creator... please...

>> No.65814689

Genuine lack of understanding of social media
Sounds like I was right it’d freak people out then? I will continue to not follow non-vtuber viewers

>> No.65814784

Other than rewatching their audition tips vids and curating pandering my content, how to look good for small corpos?

>> No.65814880

Oh, I only said it like that because I'm also a vtuber and basically no one follows me back. I'm not a viewer who would be scared by a follow.

I'm sure viewers would be happy too, but I think it's a bit pointless to follow them. Keep it professional is my advice. And follow back other vtubers, please, I crave twitter affirmation.

>> No.65814901

put your strong talent(s) forward, and talk a little about yourself personally (maybe)

>> No.65814947

i love vtubers so much, i wish i could clone my brain and hook it up to machine to watch everyone. ganbare asp. t. viewer

>> No.65814966

Youre a real homie

>> No.65814974

Hard-core trauma dumping during the audition video. Start off fine then casually let it seep in until you start crying to an imaginary chat. Make them uncomfortable.

>> No.65814978

drop ur twitter

>> No.65815038

Nobody watches me

>> No.65815100

name or rope NOW, vagueposter

>> No.65815130

How the fuck is Haru still alive?

>> No.65815162

>Keep it professional
Does this mean don’t follow non-creator viewers? I’m not talking about other chuubas, I’m talking about viewers.

>> No.65815313
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Because he is an actual good streamer and he is dedicated enough!

>> No.65815352

Fuck you vita

>> No.65815368

I was gonna shit on you but that's the kind of joke I would make so uhm... Fuck!
Screw you either way >: (

>> No.65815389

Love you too anonymous user :)

>> No.65815400

Love you vita

>> No.65815403

Are there any other male chuuubas besides Keitaro that get a shitload of gifted subs and bits every other stream? I need to see how the fuck they do it.

>> No.65815418

Fuck you anonymous user :)

>> No.65815440

I would never hate on my bros >:(

>> No.65816083

I'm new here, where do I go for friends?

>> No.65816180

Just chill out in other people's chats, talk to them, add them on twitter, DM things you want to chat about.

>> No.65816200

If you're a chuuba and want to collab or whatever, hang out in some streams. Chat and network, raid and shill your link here from time to time.

>> No.65816237

AAAAAA we keep having the same conversation here -_-
You can decide this for yourself, but I probably wouldn't follow normal viewers!!! Id only do it if they became a friend to me somehow.

I love you for offering but I am shy and don't have art yet. That (the lack of art) is the real reason I'm not refollowed, so don't worry about it lol. Thank you though.

>> No.65816373

Are you the peach candy ring poster?

>> No.65816398

Vtweeters are welcome here. You'll have easy time making "friends" here

>> No.65816442

I only have private acc because otherwise I'd get banned again.
I am looking to be a whale, I am not a chuuba.

>> No.65816528

Be my whale plz

>> No.65816536

Girl or guy? What content? Friend or partner?
I donated a couple akasupas here and got pretty cold shouldered by one, while it activated the gatekeeping defense force for the other, you've been warned.

>> No.65816583

Don't whale on normal aspies, they will get weirded out because it's not something they expect and their viewer base will think you are trying to get all the attention for yourself

>> No.65816689

either, zatsu/games from 2008 to present, friend. I will whale semi-anonymously, thank you for the heads up.
Whoever I choose to donate to won't be normal, and I don't care about what the other viewers think.

>> No.65816804

I didn't know the lookatmymeat guy was the Johann dude from twitter. I just realized that only now... I kept seeing his tweets before I even realized he lurks here

>> No.65816875

No sir! I don't even know what that is!

>> No.65816916

we WILL appreciate it and LOVE YOU FOREVER
thank you if >>65816689 gave anyone a throne gift <3

>> No.65816944

Becoming a friend on twitch or here isn't impossible, but it needs two sides working for it. There are a lot of people I interacted with, but they don't even follow me on twitter or anything, so I'm assuming they are not too interested. On the other hand I saw some hop into my chat more and more often after I basically just said "hi" once in their streams and now we are dming a lot and do stuff together somewhat.

If you're just in the same server chat but they don't interact much with you outside of it they probably don't have any interest. If they do interact with you outside of the one server you are active in, chances are they want to be friends with you. In that case, make sure to actually build a bond. And if you see them interact with you a lot on multiple places, consider if you wanna build on that or not. They are definitely interested in being friends with you, now it's your call to make.

Don't forget tho, an internet friendship is a fickle thing so you will have to make sure you actually invest some decent amount of time into it. Otherwise it'll just die down eventually.

>> No.65816973

I don't want friends I want numbers

>> No.65817113

Make viewer friends then

>> No.65817117

I miss you.

>> No.65817120


>> No.65817179


>> No.65817219


>> No.65817333

Why the fuck would you get banned?

>> No.65817410

I love my retardbros.

>> No.65817422

Being a cute girl on the internet is inherently GFE.

>> No.65817487


Not including all the ones I like because it will give me away. There are a bunch of chuubas here that stand out to my palette which is diff to yours. Stick around and you'l surely find someone for you.

The bros
3rdPT – serious yet soft ojisan, retro af
berylCh - tired and chill demon intern guy, FOTM and horror
Charleyfolds – comical and grateful art rat bro, very good artist
Spellcrafter_Geltaran - chirpy, SFW and optimistic wizard dude, any game with digging or DnD in it (except JONG)
Sterling_G_Brickman – calm and caring golem man (think Laputa), miscellaneous (goes from zatsu to puzzle games to FPS)

The gals
andygraviti – space idol cowgirl, miscellaneous (RPGs, puzzle games, some horror stuff and, of course, ranching)
kokomelipan – sweet ESL melon-themed missy for the daughter experience, any anime or retro game
RiaCitrx –2000s genki chick, literally plays nostalgia from that time too

>> No.65817498

Are you tired?

>> No.65817527

I kept sperging out about how much I hate trannies.

>> No.65817546

New recommendation: HauntLich

>> No.65817569

Nta but I love mahjong :)
>Captcha: N0MADS

>> No.65817596

>>65817487 (me)
I meant he likes jong, not that he doesn't wan tjong

>> No.65817635
File: 193 KB, 200x200, 1681269751211892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how Beryl's entire theme (being sleepy and tired late at night) is probably his greatest weakness considering he can't stream longer than 2-3 hours on normal days or just gets outright too exhausted because of being a wagie.

>> No.65817686

thanks for the reccs

>> No.65817911

Treat your GFE chuubas right o7

>> No.65817928 [SPOILER] 
File: 612 KB, 749x776, 0074009a070717e51044003cf9cc7f0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keitaro I love you

>> No.65818195

Just like IRL

>> No.65818237

I am 95% someone here has a crush on me but I can't replicate those feelings but I don't want to tread on their heart. What do I do?

>> No.65818271

Be upfront. If they're a reasonable person, you both should discuss it like adults and set boundaries.

>> No.65818373

Are you both guys or something?

>> No.65818702
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Designing is done really.
Currently setting up tech.

>> No.65818707
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>he is online

>> No.65818741

please don't be about me please don't be about me please don't be about me please don't be about me please don't be about me please don't be about me

>> No.65818768


>> No.65818812

haha it's suwawa!!!

>> No.65818813

>forgot to set up paypal business account before paying artist
>full legal name on receipt
fuck my life I guess that's $1500 down the fucking toilet

>> No.65818816

My reccomendations based on people who need it:

>> No.65818845

Lol, lmao even

>> No.65818852

suwawawawawa hype!

>> No.65818882

What does need it mean?

>> No.65818924

People who have mentioned struggling with money (like Daiya, TINY) or that I feel are struggling with money (like Slushy, Parseks)

>> No.65819207

Kingdom Under Fire Endurance stream


>> No.65819215

Best zatsu chuubas we have are Lcolonq, Mond and Lavandel
If you want to save then Lavandel is mexican, Kopadot and Tupo are argentinian, all of them could use the help

>> No.65819242

Just ask them if they like you first. Don’t get ahead of yourself.

>> No.65819299

unironically how can you tell

>> No.65819364

The arrogance, get over yourself woman, just because someone is nice to you doesn't mean they fancy you

>> No.65819387


>> No.65819500
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>> No.65819564

I have a crush on someone I’m constantly shipped with, sometimes I wonder if the thread influenced those feelings on me.

>> No.65819601

You reminded me I also need money to runaway from where I live

>> No.65819616

Gay anon…

>> No.65819634

You can live with me, we only need to have sex once a week

>> No.65819716


>> No.65819776

>backread last thread
>gumpai calling neat cute
Grooming incoming

>> No.65820065

I am male though

>> No.65820437

In that case, we'll have to have sex twice a week

>> No.65820471

how many chuubas here are full time wagies versus being neets

>> No.65820519

They DM me out of the blue constantly, initiate intimate conversation and I've connected some vague posts here to them
this is all despite me being really terrible at replying to them

>> No.65820555

Make a tier list and see who gets upset.

>> No.65820584

>I've connected some vague posts here to them
That's just me, I don't dm chuubas

>> No.65820637

Girl or guy?

>> No.65820659


>> No.65820673

>initiate intimate conversation
If it's a woman then that doesn't mean anything, if it's a guy then it could be a sign indeed

>> No.65820700

I am not going to confirm who I am or who they might be

I just want advice on how to deal with this situation, I don't want to hurt anyone

>> No.65820718

I think there's a solid chance you're reading too much into it.

>> No.65820720

I probably ask 5 times a week at least

>> No.65820753

Once or twice is a baseline, we can do more but the quality might drop

>> No.65820800

Well your response depends on your sex and if they’re a girl or guy. Girl x girl, tell the girl you’re not gay. Guy x guy, once again tell the guy you’re not gay. Guy x girl, tell them you already have someone in mind and that they should look forward for their own good. It will always hurt. At least give them space to heal.

>> No.65821814

I just want to help, why the fuck everyone acts like I want to fuck them, I dont even talk about shit like that to justify the suspicions, insecure mofos keep believing that every time I talk to you Im searching some nudes or ridicule shit like that.

>> No.65821830

>this is all despite me being really terrible at replying to them
never stopped the mentally deficient oozing overconfidence before

>> No.65821938

Should have lead with you being male, if it's a female be ready for meltdown, since being rejected as a female is very sad and they don't know how to handle it.
Just lead her on at go at the same pace as you do atm and play stupid if she tries anything, that's what I usually do, she'll leave eventually when someone else comes along.

>> No.65822005

I’m guess you confronted it cause look who’s here now >>65821814

>> No.65822065


>> No.65822203

We're never beating the /soc/ allegations

>> No.65822235

to be fair, no one really denies it

>> No.65822377

Letting vtweeters in sealed the deal

>> No.65822640
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Why is basic human anatomy so hard, anons?

>> No.65822728

What is this level of abstraction.
When I make my stuff I start always with stickmens haha, just lesrn how muscles work and look and voilá! It will look pretty average with just that.

>> No.65822773

Of course not. Might as well get used to the new reality.

>> No.65822809
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wtf is going on

>> No.65822833
File: 336 KB, 1240x1754, Untitled67_20231222102946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep trying to like, make shapes and then chop off the excess to make it human-y...

>> No.65822858

Please somebody start sexpesting me already, I would even consider a homosexual relation as long as I get groomed ;-;

>> No.65823013

I'm sexposting (you) as we speak, anon.

>> No.65823062

>even consider a homosexual relation
You think you want this until you invite your friend over to play vidya and he admits he's gay for you (yes this happened to me)

>> No.65823152

If this is about me I'll kill myself!

>> No.65823169
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the usual. luv u, catto.

>> No.65823186

are you using yourself as reference or something?

>> No.65823194

The biggest barries between me and my friends become partners is that they are blatant heteros, if they told me that we would instantaneously become lovers if it were for me ;-;

>> No.65823291

Just date them then?? Duh

>> No.65823392

Hanabi was in my dreams...

>> No.65823408

fat bunda

>> No.65823447

What he do

>> No.65823556


>> No.65823563

Sweet anon, look at pose references on dA (like senshi stock) and work on figure drawing with stick figures first to get a sense of proportion and flow. You got this!!!

>> No.65823730

I just noticed, but you are projecting, you son of a bitch fucking pedo.

>> No.65823805

>go to find vtuber groups on twitter, twitch and discord
>all of them have less viewers and subscribers than the worst person here
>all of them are way less entertaining and stream terrible games too

I guess all it takes for me to gain some perspective is to leave here.

>> No.65823834

Anyone besides Manasong write?

>> No.65823861

Yeah who would have thought that the kind of people who can survive regular interaction with 4chan would be people with actual personality

>> No.65823892

I feel our tight-knit community keeps us all honest.
We're mostly friends here, but there is a healthy rivalry.

>> No.65823906

I do, but I really haven’t done anything to showcase that, maybe I’ll do a script writing stream at some point.

>> No.65823914

Weird I don't remember posting my life story

>> No.65823954

It's not a personality they're more unhinged with the mental illnesses lmao

>> No.65823974

denpa is so obviously setting up all this fansly stuff to apply to VAllure and it makes me sad because I just want to enjoy her normal content than get her menhera ass (literal) on my twitter feed

>> No.65824011

Chaos Foundry does but they're late on writing the second chapter of their web novel.

> He says in third person.

>> No.65824067

Denpa is hot as fuck with a great voice. She's GMI.

>> No.65824073
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No....I just find I can only make thicc thighs amd also can't draw faces. Is it autism?

>> No.65824205

I wrote a yuri story about a schizo serial killer back in 2008
But I think I deleted it because it was too cringe

>> No.65824217

To be fair people on 4chan larp about mental illness so much that it became a tongue-in-cheek inside joke to make fun of each other. People with mental illness outside of 4chan don't have this self awareness so they're almost always high strung and unhinged

>> No.65824393

The truth is you need some screws loose to be entertaining and A LOT of people are not entertaining.

>> No.65824403

The day I finally overcome my fucking ESL is the day I announce it more publicly, I had been writing shit, creating scripts, roleplaying in forums with the cringy "minimum 5k characters per turn", writing documents and speeches, and more accolades that I cant fucking use because I didnt create any of them on english.

>> No.65824413

I never thought about it that way but that’s kinda true. Other platforms are too scared to seriously talk about mental illness unless it’s a flavor of the month thing, it’s like too welcoming and “kind”. Here it’s so unwelcoming and rude that everyone has actual coping mechanisms and can handle insults and trolls way better lol

>> No.65824429

Keep sucking yourselves off any harder and it will become a choking hazard.

>> No.65824457

Haru's marathon stream is doing pretty well.

>> No.65824554

Well if you wanna suck me off instead go ahead

>> No.65824616

Good one.

>> No.65824803

it was pretty funny, unlike you.

>> No.65824853

and then suddenly the two anons, moved by their lust yet simultaneously their hatred for another, begun to kiss feverishly

>> No.65824941

just like one of my hot BL mangas...

>> No.65825004

With wit like that you'd think /asp/ would long eclipse Hololive in popularity.

>> No.65825106

2026 will be my year. The rest will be build-up for that banger of a time. That year everybody will fucking know who I am

>> No.65825111

It's been 16 years, any improvements?
Try not to burn yourself out.
Let me know if you ever do.
I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.65825201

wishing all aspies a bad new year

>> No.65825313
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>It's been 16 years since 2008

>> No.65825359

wishing all aspies a happy new year

>> No.65825528

I do, or did. I have a wiki somewhere detailing the lore and worldbuilding of my novel project, but it's super time consuming and I've put it aside for now for other hobbies. If I kept on pursuing that hobby, I won't have the time to be a chuuba

>> No.65825586

I used to dabble a bit, and I've been sitting on a concept for a manga for a decade now

>> No.65825643

Don't hold back. You think that you're sparing someone's feelings by treating them delicately.
You NEED to be firm and direct if you think that it's a problem you should get ahead of before it becomes a bigger problem. Leave zero room for misinterpretation. Not saying to be overly harsh, but make it very clear that you aren't available in that way.

>> No.65825883

All my teachers liked my writing but I was never into it. I just did it to pass my classes. It also didn't help that I wrote in cursive so they were really into it.

>> No.65825993

Average "boo hoo I have no skills" crybaby.

>> No.65826062

But enough about you m8

>> No.65826355

He's AFK why are 80 people watching

>> No.65826382

sleepyheads raid probably

>> No.65826562

Got raided by some partner vtuber.

>> No.65826610

Who raided him?

>> No.65826708

sleeping viewers brought in by raids

>> No.65826727

Who hasn't raided him at this point, he's been live two days.

>> No.65826841

The last big raid i saw was swirldrop.

>> No.65826953

the retro clique do that a lot so maybe he's breaking into it

>> No.65827202

>AI Art
>Weird Voice

This hobby is just coomer-central, jesus fucking christ there's no taste

>> No.65827324
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Chaos Foundry is going to do so well this year.... I'm hopeful, anons...

>> No.65827360

You already missed a stream, brother.

>> No.65827415

>if you aren’t streaming literally every single day you’re NGMI

>> No.65827468

It's cause I stayed up NYE, desu. Tomorrow is a new chance to start a streak. <3

>> No.65827695
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>> No.65827760

I felt schizo just reading this…

>> No.65827867

Anon, I genuinely appreciate anyone holding me accountable to my goals. Yuki does that for my irl responsibilities.

Because I'm a bit stupid.

>> No.65827900


>> No.65828105

wait, the tulpamancing was real?

>> No.65828336
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Yuki's real, anon. You didn't know this?

>> No.65828750

My model artist took exactly 66 days from the day I paid to the day psd was delivered

>> No.65829050

How do I learn this level of schizo

>> No.65829115

who is the femanon that got raped?

>> No.65829283

