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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65760233 No.65760233[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jesus, Japanese are the most insufferable bunch of snowflakes ever.

>> No.65760255

may you die getting stabbed by a nigger

>> No.65760268
File: 4 KB, 131x35, detected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you brown sub-human.

>> No.65760294

Die you subhuman piece of shit. No one loves you and when you die not even the obituaries will mention you.

>> No.65760301

Why are you upset? Are you nips?

>> No.65760303
File: 353 KB, 1160x800, 1607992881852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cancel fuwamoco's reveal they're the only one the japs care about.

>> No.65760342

Actually, surprisingly, Shiori also has a semi-large Japanese following and a good number of Japanese fans who watch her streams.

>> No.65760354

It's just Cover being incompetent. Imagine if Sony or Toyota stopped doing business because something happened in Japan.

>> No.65760416

>we can not have outfit reveals for the EN branch because of a Japanese earthquake
>because we refuse to give EN talents managers in their timezone
>assuming managers even do anything
>people will defend this

>> No.65760422

Why are you brown?

>> No.65760427

hey at least they didn't fire someone because of baseball

>> No.65760435

I'd tell you to hang yourself but your mudhut ceiling won't support your weight

>> No.65760453
File: 80 KB, 824x824, 1648798840675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake hit the bum fuck part of Japan
No mass death and destruction
A literal nothing burger

>> No.65760458

My nigga, don't FWMC live in Japan? Or am I wrong on this?

>> No.65760461

It's a Japanese company, not a globohomo company like your beloved Amerimutt ones plus third world shitters like you have no influence on anything anyway.

>> No.65760502

>Talents : Yesss, more time to prepare
Egostic little piece of shitstain like you should just die already

>> No.65760505

NijiEN doesn't have any event to cancel anyway, no need to bring them up.

>> No.65760543

Dogs are canucks.

>> No.65760568

I didn't know we had actual japs posting here. Neat.

>> No.65760575

Ah yes Euroid hours where they seethe about Americans and the fact they arent even as relevant in vtubing as fucking southeast asia
Unnaturally mad defending a company, good little customer you are.

>> No.65760576

Genuinely kill yourself.

>> No.65760588


>> No.65760603

Oh, do they live there now?

>> No.65760605

Damn, some angry nips and last samurai here.
Hard to figure out which is more pathetic.

>> No.65760626

Absolutely nobody will even notice your passing

>> No.65760638

Niji-tiers level of bootlicking.

>> No.65760651
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and stay there

>> No.65760686
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>Hard to figure out which is more pathetic
Easy answer, the Indonesian among us.

>> No.65760699

You must be over 18 to post here

>> No.65760713

>No one loves you and when you die not even the obituaries will mention you.
>Absolutely nobody will even notice your passing

Are these supposed to be some kind of insults?

>> No.65760722

Unnaturally whiny at something that always happens everytime there's a major disaster in Japan
For a Niji-tier level of whining, equal response you will get

>> No.65760731

>tells others to go to /pol/
>posts /pol/ tier image not related to vtubers on the vtuber board
>convieniently leaves out the much more /pol/ tier posts in the thread because they disagree with him
sad behavior.

>> No.65760737

>expecting anyone to show empathy on a Burundi beatboxing forum

>> No.65760750
File: 130 KB, 463x453, pekokek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, are you actually underaged?

>> No.65760770

Thankfully my country has no niggers, mutt

>> No.65760775

What happened to niji now? Tell us traveler, it will ease your pains.

>> No.65760782

They only lived in Japan for like 1.5 year and visited it as tourists a bunch of other times, which is one of reasons why their Japanese is so good. They said so in their streams (so, don't remove this post like you did few weeks ago, you catalogfag janny). They live in Northwest Passage normally.

>> No.65760784

You retards dont know how insane are jps, they cancel ppl on the net over shitty stuff all the time and vtubers are the main target because of tribalism, cover here is doing the right thing protecting the talent over antis.

>> No.65760786

It is actually surprising. In certain thread shitposting stopped almost completely as soon as nips had to run. I feel bad for blaming other nationalities before.

>> No.65760785

I know your English is too poor to understand, Mohammed. I'll just keep it simple, kill yourself

>> No.65760828

You didn't answer the question.

>> No.65760878

Holy shit you're retarded. Ask the OP that question, not me!

>> No.65760883

Nor did you, Timmy

>> No.65760907

Which board or general dicked you off this time? Was it because you got ignored on /hlg/?

>> No.65760920

I'm honestly flabbergasted, seeing this many posts unironically getting this butthurt over people poking fun at a natural disaster. I mean, if this was any other website, sure, that would be completely unthinkable, but people post audacious shit here every day. This is THE website for audacious shit.

>> No.65760938


>> No.65760939

Which one? I'm curious.

>> No.65760948

You must be a nijinigger or a braindead westacuck.

>> No.65760954

>This is THE website for audacious shit.
Literally isn't, this is a vtuber board. Kill yourself.

>> No.65760988

>look mom im le hacker known as 4chins im using the edgy based redpilled forum
kill yourself

>> No.65761014
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>> No.65761031

Japanese really aren't known for their great sense of humor. But the fact that there are so many Japanese here is surprising.

>> No.65761034
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Seething japs ITT

>> No.65761097

People defending this retarded decision from Cover, explain to me why an event, albeit an horrible one, happening in Japan, should stop EN that don't live in Japan from streaming. Aside from being some shitty corpo tatemae, to save apparences in the retarded JP collective mind

>> No.65761160

>discord maymay
so you are underaged

>> No.65761214

Literal Nijisanji behaviour.

>> No.65761216

??? Nobody told the EN to not stream on that day. They're just going to postpone the outfit reveal that's all.

>> No.65761225

I don't even think they're Japs. They're either pathetic last samurai or autistic Cover corpo fans who will follow Yagoo-sama anywhere.

>> No.65761261
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Keep it coming

>> No.65761285

Because it's a Japanese company.

>> No.65761298

1. They can streaming, bae streaming right now
2. The earthquake doesn't end yet, there still report of incoming subsequent earthquake
3. The staffs most likely have a merch line up and need to follow up with the distributor.
4. This is hololive not nijisanji, they have holojp fan too.

>> No.65761309

Hi Daft Punk

>> No.65761316 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 645x770, 83ae0d2a894421a4a9e1850a51e6862b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protects the honor of the Japanese people by calling you a nigger and to kys. dare I say based

>> No.65761335

An outfit reveal is a stream Anon. There is no logical reason as to why the reveal should be postponed

>> No.65761339

Or just people capable of empathy? Cretin

>> No.65761340

Why the fuck they postpone EN ? They arent JP ?

>> No.65761350

i love that bait

>> No.65761354

It's the only lingo these retarded dramafags understand

>> No.65761360

Stigchama, I meant that every last samurai and Jap ITT is acting like Nijisanji fan on their way to polish Rikus yacth.

>> No.65761369

Absolutely nobody loves you. Your parents regret ever having you.

>> No.65761375

Retarded argument. The audience of EN is not japanese. Even from a business stand point it doesn't make sense for them.

>> No.65761391
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>> No.65761415

The only retarded one here is you. The EN talents literally work for a Japanese company so they have to do what the Japanese company tells them to do. The audience for EN is completely irrelevant.

>> No.65761453

People on this board are notorious for being very similar to political twittertards i.e very sensitive, constantly trying to cancel someone they don't like and constant virtue signaling (when it comes to Japan in the case of this board). Usually you see the first two, but in cases like these the last one makes an appearance. Very neat

>> No.65761461

>There is no logical reason as to why the reveal should be postponed
1. You are correct, sympathy is an emotional response. Outfit reveal stream is a celebration and they just decided they're not going to celebrate for a moment.
2. They can still stream, you're just going to butthurt because MUH OUTFIT REVEAL.

>> No.65761462

>The EN talents literally work for a Japanese company so they have to do what the Japanese company tells them to do.
Yeah, and in this situation the Japanese company is telling them something retarded, and we're criticizing the company for it. Understand yet?

>> No.65761479

Lmao learn some fucking English dude

>> No.65761481

Makes sense if it's a mass casualty event

>> No.65761490

So im 100% right then.

>> No.65761512

why is this thread still up?

>> No.65761516


>> No.65761523

literally no one died.

>> No.65761524

Worst board in 4chan, what do you expect?

>> No.65761564 [DELETED] 

don't awaken the basedjak posters

>> No.65761570

>we are jp company so you have to do what ever we told you
Lmao sound like a black company

>> No.65761571

nah thats still /vg/

>> No.65761576

I don't know because your post makes no fucking sense.
On other news... Angry nips posting here and Baes chat full of nips. I thought everyone there were dying and situation was bad?

>> No.65761605

>literally no one died
Anon... at least 2 are found dead already and it's fucking night time, not the most ideal time to do a search mission

>> No.65761613

How come NijiJP got to keep streaming?

>> No.65761627

Yeah, and I'm saying that you're retarded because that argument doesn't make any sense. Understand yet? You're bitching for the sake of bitching. Also I see you already abandoned the audience part of your argument since you realized how retarded that made you look.

>> No.65761639

Soulless corporation with no moral compass

>> No.65761655

For the JP viewers, no matter how little that may be, to watch and donate money to the streamer since outfit reveals are third to Birthdays and 3D lives in terms of earnjngs.

>> No.65761663

Because they, like in any black company, have to work even if they're actually dying.
If they do die they just get tossed into the garbage and the next organ takes their place.

>> No.65761682

nips are fucking trash, they literally cancel everything due to earthquake, hell I understand earthquakes are shit but c'mon

>> No.65761695

No it has a moral compass, just it points in the opposite direction.

>> No.65761698

Only 2 then
More nips die everyday from murder

>> No.65761717

>outfit reveals are third to Birthdays and 3D lives in terms of earnjngs.
Data ? Or trust me bros ?

>> No.65761719

>ITT entitled brats

>> No.65761721

Dead niji just means they missed stream frame and will be stealth suspended for it until they find the dead body and quietly graduate them.

>> No.65761739

Can someone hold the fucking goalpost please?

>> No.65761752

>he doubted that most of this board is underage

>> No.65761756

I dropped it because you called the audience, Cover's source of income, the most important thing in the world to the company, 'irrelevant' and I don't know how to even begin to explain how retarded you are for that.

>> No.65761758

>ITT Holocucks who think Cover dropping everything because of a Japanese only thing is 100% a good thing

>> No.65761757
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>thinks a corporation can have a moral compass

>> No.65761770

100 people die from accidents everyday. Should we cancel streams everyday?

>> No.65761768

ITT butthurt nips

>> No.65761776

Trust me bro.
But I sincerely doubt anyone would argue against those being the trifecta

>> No.65761778

Why don't you complain on their website, also show merch so they know you not a larper, you not a larper right?

>> No.65761801 [DELETED] 
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>> No.65761831

you are retarded, most buildings in japan are earthquakeproof there is literally zero point in canceling shit

>> No.65761834

Jesus Christ, what the fuck is going on in this thread?

>> No.65761847 [DELETED] 
File: 775 KB, 726x711, 1687195950429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus, Japanese are the most insufferable bunch of snowfl-ACK

>> No.65761893

Calling out Japanese retardation really set people off. lol

>> No.65761900

Nip should cancel their stream too , since pp in American die everyday lol

>> No.65761905
File: 85 KB, 424x736, 1687892122107257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65761916

People who think Japan only event mean something outside of Japan should be postponed

>> No.65761932

Yeah ok maybe i'm retarded so what

>> No.65761951

No because most of traffic accidents are preventable. Many cases are the driver's own fault for not learning how to drive responsibly like Mr Daft Punk here >>65761261

>> No.65761952

So they are prioritizing the JP market over the Overseas market...for their Overseas Streamers? Thanks for admitting we are always a second thought for them.

>> No.65761954

3 dudes on discord shitting up catalogs

>> No.65761960

>he think they are holofag
Lol the moment they wish cover act like some soulless burger corpo, they already drop their mask.

>> No.65761970

Holy fucking shit... Nips are drowning from the tsunami and still have time to post ...jacks. Truly superior race.

>> No.65761979

Always have been.

>> No.65761987

Why should a holoen event be canceled for shit that happened in Japan with barely any casualties

>> No.65762009

>you have to be hecking edgy and act like a subhuman in 4chin!
Holy fuck you underaged retard, stick your head out your ass, it's about the ppl who is affecting, hololive members that's who we care, not the disaster itself or random japs.

>> No.65762013 [DELETED] 
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>> No.65762028

If you aren't Japanese, you aren't even B tier. You are F tier to them.

>> No.65762038

Weeb JPkeks are happy if their oshis die in the rubble so long as EN streams are delayed, so bring on more quakes.

>> No.65762069

Good to know, gonna go take my subs/sc and give it to vshojo then

>> No.65762074 [DELETED] 
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>> No.65762105

People using disaster to shit on hololive for a delay, a FUCKING DELAY, imagine using deaths and natural disaster because they hate hololive.

>> No.65762109

Bruh barely anyone died
Barely any damage to property
It just came and went with a whimper

>> No.65762111

Or " why holojp didnt cancel their event because something that happen outside JP ?"

>> No.65762124
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Guys i'm such an epic troll anonymous no forgive no forget

>> No.65762126
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>100 people die from accidents everyday. Should we cancel streams everyday?

>> No.65762158


>> No.65762175

Holobronies when their slop isn't delivered on time

>> No.65762182

Yeah with this logic holojp should cease all streams whenever American incel shooters go apeshit

>> No.65762196
File: 114 KB, 736x736, 1704060894112787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engage in a japanese hobby
>watch a japanese company
>hate japanese
What compells a "human" to act like this?

>> No.65762208

>Nijinig when they larping as holofag.

>> No.65762215

No deaths reported retard

>> No.65762224

>something happen in JP
>oh you outside JP ? Delay it

>> No.65762240

I wish they'd drop foreign branches altogether

>> No.65762252

Well they certainly not a holofag that for sure. Probably 2view indie or the "other" corpo.

>> No.65762261

This thread is an intresting look into mind of Japanese Hololive fan.
Don't worry JPniki, I hated you before already. Carry on.

>> No.65762268

The same thing that cause 3rd world "people" to shit on the culture of where they fuck up

>> No.65762269

Don't care. Tempus and Armis are better.

>> No.65762271

You can enjoy a country's entertainment shit without caring about their people or their culture
do you really think people who watch hollywood films don't hate americans

>> No.65762281

I love the diverse community here.

>> No.65762292
File: 208 KB, 720x1242, Screenshot_20240101_095029_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something probably major happened in niji, not gonna even bother finding out what. If it's because of Selen thing then OP and his doxcord fags are gay

>> No.65762293 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 1024x1024, 28363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Nijinig when they larping as holofag.

>> No.65762309

I mean, sucks that the streams are postponed, and even in /hlgg/ people are understandably pissed, but why is there a fucking brawl in the catalog because of it?

>> No.65762316 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 200x200, 1699123306446-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you tranime faggots still crying about pipikin pippa getting doxxed geg

>> No.65762319

It's always thinking that Japan is alt-right or Japan is a bunch of snowflakes. Americans always think Japan is part of American politics and social discourse. In reality, Japan does it's own thing and the only real awareness of Americans that they have is movies and soldiers getting in trouble with local law enforcement. The problem is American (and Americanized) neurosis, because everyone understands they're neither alt-right or snowflakes, and that this is just their culture of respect.

>> No.65762322

don't you have some graves to stomp on to get your shitty outfit reveals brony

>> No.65762328

Advent doesn’t fucking live in Japan and neither do most of their fans

>> No.65762344 [DELETED] 
File: 346 KB, 760x704, 1691780799234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont shit on muh hololive

>> No.65762346

>hollywood films
I know I stopped caring about their films around the times their culture turned to shit

>> No.65762365

Common niji behavior, please understand

>> No.65762379

Damn she got doxx'd?

>> No.65762395

he says while being a snowflake

>> No.65762406

notselen tweet are grim and alluded to graduation

>> No.65762432

why do you think this is?

>> No.65762439

>EN member don't live in or around Japan
>Event canned because of Japan only Event going on
It almost as if firing people over ball game is something Cover don't do

>> No.65762473

Fuwamoco begged the management to delay it. Blame those weaboo dogs if anything.

>> No.65762488

Her model is western Jirai Kei/Gothic Lolita, the JP's think her voice is sex and think her Japanese is retardedly cute, she also actively tries to communicate with them despite barely knowing Japanese. Also, she's clipped a lot for JP's.

>> No.65762489

I don't hate them for being Japanese, I hate them for their backwards work culture and overboard cautiousness. They have no faith in the overseas market to put in way overdue funds and employees who are dedicated to overseas talents and fans. Why is there still not a EN branch office in say California or Vancouver to provide better support to the Overseas talents? Why was there such an obnoxious delay between Council Promise and Advent? Most major JP companies eventually open an US based sub-location when they go big. Hololive still thinks small, they don't have faith in Vtubing being able to go global so they drag their feet on expansion and support growth for their Overseas talents. At this point I'd wager they see it as a gold rush that is dying out and they are merely trying to ween whatever remaining profits they can off a dying brand before overseas interest shrivels up completely overseas outside the last desperate weebs. Hololive had potentially the future in their hands and they threw it away because they didn't want to gamble. They are like Kodak, AT&T, IBM, Blockbuster and every other big company that was too cautious to take a chance and grab onto the future and rested on their laurels since it was working for them at the time, leaving it to competitors to seize the chance and leave them in their dust.

>> No.65762538

>it's just their culture!
Cultural relativism is the worst meme

>> No.65762565

People always talk about "American exceptionalism". Seems to me that "Japanese exceptionalism" is much worse.

>> No.65762621

autist who believes hes entitled this much for an autist reason

>> No.65762639

If they do what you want they will crash and burn in a year like the rest of the tech sector that expanded way too fast and are now all collapsing. Slow growth and a steady building of a dedicated fanbase is the way to go. I know it sucks ass currently but the alternative is collapse.

>> No.65762642

Meanwhile actual Japanese are playing Mario Kart on Bae stream.

>> No.65762664

sorry about your flip mundanity

>> No.65762677

>People always talk about "American exceptionalism"
nobody talks about it, mutt. this is your own mutt argument.

>> No.65762698
File: 407 KB, 1574x2000, 1678854831879110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most major JP companies eventually open an US based sub-location when they go big.
This is the most retarded post i seen and it have been timeloop in # since last year.
>At this point I'd wager they see it as a gold rush that is dying out and they are merely trying to ween whatever remaining profits they can off a dying brand before overseas interest shrivels up completely overseas outside the last desperate weebs.
Ok nvm, you sound retarded like a nijikek since this is exactly happen to nijisanji. holoid have a cruise concert, holoen have it us based concert connect the world and kiara tease there will be more in 2024.

>> No.65762704


>> No.65762707
File: 584 KB, 700x900, Soyba9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't hate them for being Japanese, I hate them for their backwards work culture and overboard cautiousness. They have no faith in the overseas market to put in way overdue funds and employees who are dedicated to overseas talents and fans. Why is there still not a EN branch office in say California or Vancouver to provide better support to the Overseas talents? Why was there such an obnoxious delay between Council Promise and Advent? Most major JP companies eventually open an US based sub-location when they go big. Hololive still thinks small, they don't have faith in Vtubing being able to go global so they drag their feet on expansion and support growth for their Overseas talents. At this point I'd wager they see it as a gold rush that is dying out and they are merely trying to ween whatever remaining profits they can off a dying brand before overseas interest shrivels up completely overseas outside the last desperate weebs. Hololive had potentially the future in their hands and they threw it away because they didn't want to gamble. They are like Kodak, AT&T, IBM, Blockbuster and every other big company that was too cautious to take a chance and grab onto the future and rested on their laurels since it was working for them at the time, leaving it to competitors to seize the chance and leave them in their dust.

>> No.65762722

Man, One of these dogs Japan's gonna be ash and rubble. The region is just not safe for humans. Your oshi will probably die too.

>> No.65762748

>EN branch office
Unless they send a bunch of JPs over to manage it, no thanks. Westerners will just fuck everything up with their culture.

>> No.65762778

Eh, Indonesia will be underwater first, and the stream of brown immigrants will kill Japan far sooner than earthquakes and tsunamis will.

>> No.65762817

Put in the stream times and numbers bruh, you can't get equal treatment if you don't bring equal results
Local offices can go rogue and do shit on thier own that goes against the policy of the main office, a lesson cover learned with the now defunct chinese branch
Everything point to the gold rush comparison being the case, foreign market is dying
A foreign office would probably be expensive and hard to maintain and the money foreign branches bring in probably isn't worth it, it would also introduce a bunch of tax shit since the en girls would be working for an american branch of a japanese company and not a japanese company, double the trouble for canadian based ones
tl,dr Japanese company, majority Japanese market, foreign viewers mostly care about Japanese talents, not worth it

>> No.65762841

That one ...jackposting nip. Holy shit. Go take a swim and relax, samurai.

>> No.65762930


>> No.65762941

Sorry but that a whorldwide recognised shit take. Like we know you faggot love your boys for some reason but they are mid at best when all the stars of the galaxy align during the blue moon.

>> No.65762956

I knew Chinese/Japanese/Korean men acted like subhumans on the internet but it's so sobering to see it happen firsthand. Sorry SEAbros I'll never make fun of you again

>> No.65762959

>earthquake in bumfuck inaka western japan where approximately 3 people live
>literally, unironically no deaths reported and damage is minimal
>time to cancel EN outfit reveals in solidarity
Sounds like an excuse to me. Somebody at Cover probably missed their deadline.

>> No.65762988

>A foreign office would
be definitely taken over by woketards like sony cali and other jp videogame companies "localisers". that faggot must want to totally "localise" holo en.

>> No.65763012

Do you know what a tsunami is anon? It might be time to learn some things about the planet you live on!

>> No.65763031

FWMC were having computer issues. Maybe they caused the earthquake to buy some extra time to prepare.

>> No.65763042

It isn't cultural relativism. That's something completely different. Lean to, well, just learn anything really.

>> No.65763051

That was Omega. Thank God it's gone.

>> No.65763072

solidarity matters. see niji en.

>> No.65763083

Oh, was there a tsunami? Tell me, anon. It's been quite a while since the earthquake so surely Western Japan is already underwater.

>> No.65763091

Literally zero deaths reported

>> No.65763122

what the hell happened in this thread holy shit I've never been this confused who's even arguing with who

>> No.65763137

According to Japanese news this tsunami was 30cm of water on western Japanese coast. I'm sure it will hit Tokyo soon and North America soon after.

>> No.65763212

some mustve died since plenty of houses collapsed. generally in a disaster reports slowly come out. also houses or factories have been hugely damaged in a fire

>> No.65763229

Omg 30 whole cm?

>> No.65763233

Nijifags are jumping at any crack they perceive, even if it involves natural disasters and reasonable explanations, because Nijisanji management and Millie bullied Selen to the point where she attempted suicide and then suspended her.

>> No.65763308

those are in some areas. the max was 1.8m. tusnami is fucking violent even if its 10cm.

>> No.65763345

There's going to be victims for sure, but the tsunami was a nothingburger.

>> No.65763364

that's what ur mum said last night

>> No.65763381

Guys you don't understand the outfit debut needed to be delayed thank to the Japanese only earthquake because

>> No.65763404

Holy shit that's enough to flood the Netherlands

>> No.65763425

>that faggot must want to totally "localise" holo en
Yes because JP management has done WONDERS for

>> No.65763537

Mark my words... Not a single thing by JP girls will be delayed in any way but hey let's see those Advent new years outfits in July.

>> No.65763579

The japanese company is showing solidarity towards it japanese audiences that makes up the majority of fans
>but en
second class citizens, deal with it

>> No.65763700

unless the same level of disaster happens for sure.

all jp holomems who were streaming had to quit their streams immediately right after the earthquake happened.

>> No.65763702

>it japanese audiences that makes up the majority of fans
Sure Anon sure keep coping

>> No.65763779

welcome to r/hololive (4chan chatroom division)

>> No.65763849

do you have data that suggests otherwise lol?

>> No.65763908

Do you have data that suggests Japanese are majority of fans

>> No.65763962

You have weird fantasies you brown faggot.

>> No.65763971


>> No.65763992

They're surely a small minority for EN. And let's not even talk about SCs with the yen being in the shitter.

>> No.65764118
File: 135 KB, 376x376, 1687546502943686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brown, actually Japanese, or Euro Holocustomers got so mad at people calling out a japanese company for being retarded theyre now posting soijacks
Saddest shit ive seen on this board in a while

>> No.65764122

Lmao, just like Kurosanji, JP always come first lol.

Did people even died? I couldn't care less about JP because they don't care about EN

>> No.65764186

Chumbud here, I don't see the problem here

>> No.65764204

That would be the nijifags as they are trying to cover up the fact that nijisanji management and millie bullied Selen to the point where she attempted suicide, by trying to make hololive look bad.

>> No.65764218

this dude lol

>> No.65764239
File: 233 KB, 693x723, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I couldn't care less about JP because they don't care about EN
Mexican wallclimber behaviour
EN fans are the guests here
Hololive doesn't owe you a fucking thing, migrant

>> No.65764281

says an amerimutt trannygger

>> No.65764333

You will never be japanese.

>> No.65764358

EN doesn't own a thing to the JP side, they get their own income and hours, why the fuck would anyone care about an earthquake on a country that have one like every week?

Did people died? No
Are you Japanese? No
Do you speak japanese? No

>> No.65764360

>t. everything he "knows" about japan came from amerishart popculture stereotypes and propaganda

>> No.65764363

Americans mad the Japanese postpone streams for a day because of an earthquake so the situation can be monitored, yet were assblasted about Mumei bringing in a Challenger reference in Dan Dan to the point of having her taking it out. Why are mutts such egocentric entitled snowflakes lol

>> No.65764369

also this whenever someone start talking shit about women as a whole in this board
baffling lack of awareness

>> No.65764391

Yes and?

>> No.65764393

>slow growth
kek nothing about their EN metrics is showing 'slow growth' that's delusional

>> No.65764395
File: 1.70 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wind blows. It is 7 in the morning, Ken-sama woke up to the cold morning. He got up, and went to the bathroom to wash his face. Ken-sama live in a traditional Japanese house, he only rent a room though. The old couple is nice enough to let him stay in their house. Ken-sama grepped his kimono and wear it like a proper nihonjin, he walk to a window and smell the fresh nihonjin morning. "Ah, konbanwa anatas. What beautiful morning desu." Ken-sama zoned out looking at the beach from his room. Ken-sama went downstairs to greet the old couple. "Ah, ohayou ojisan and obasan". The old couple replied him with a warm smile and proceed with their breakfast while inviting Ken-sama. Although Ken-sama can not understand them, he easily could read what the old couple is trying to say, he is born with this talent. "Arigato." Ken-sama said, he then went upstairs to take a few things. He took a bokken and a katana, the katana is hidden in his kimono and the bokken is on his obi, this is to avoid being arrested by authorities as he was warned last time. Ken-sama will be going on his usual morning walk to sightseeing the glorious nihonjin country. "Itadakimasu obasan and ojisan", they gave him a mixed smile and a slightly confused expression.
Ken-sama reached the park near the beach, he like to watch kids playing as it is a something that can warm his pure heart. Suddenly, a sudden tremor. No, it's more terrifying than that, it's an earthquake, a huge one. The ground was shaking and beginning to crack, Ken-sama look at the children, they were running away terrified, "minna san! do not run around! Stay in place!" The kids couldn't understand what he was saying, he gestured what he was trying to say, he ordered the kids to stay in the middle of the park as it is too dangerous. But that was Ken-sama's mistake, he look at the beach from afar. It was huge, a tsunami is coming. Ken-sama widened his eyes and look at the children and yelled every Japanese word he knew "Arigatou gozaimasu! Gomenasai! Run away minna-san!" The children ran away, the wave is coming, it was at least 100ft tall. Ken-sama was ashamed with himself, he should have anticipated this, if he did the children would be far away by now. "sumimasen mina-san, it was my mistake", he took his hidden katana and dual wield with the bokken and katana. As he ran towards the tsunami trying to stop it, he uttered his last words. "Arigatou obasan, ojisan. For taking care of me" The wave rise even higher. A shout is heard; "Nippon banzai!".

>> No.65764437

You will never be white

>> No.65764441

There is really no reason for this delay considering even the JP streams are continuing normally.
This is bullshit specially now that we know for sure this was a nothing burger and there is no fucking tsunami coming

>> No.65764446
File: 511 KB, 850x1202, sample_e8f42a1df53daf95ae5bbd10653c821a6c997137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically. nippon banzai!

>> No.65764453

>go into any holo related thread
>ctrl+F niji
20 hits. Rent free. You are obsessed with them. You can't keep blaming or deflecting every issue with your company or talents with muh nijisanji. It's a loser's 2nd place mentality. What's next you gonna blame the actual fucking earthquake on them too

>> No.65764473

And you don't have any dignity. There's no reason for EN to play second fiddle.

I'm white. Cope.
