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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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6573751 No.6573751 [Reply] [Original]

>good singer, but boring as fuck and has zero personality
Are you telling me that Cover seriously couldn't find anyone better than this. What about someone who can sing but actually has character?

>> No.6574454

She hates bugs, ceiling fans and Santa, that makes her based in my eyes.

>> No.6574506

It's actually funny seeing Holobronies pretend like she's the greatest thing since sliced bread when they know she's ugly and boring as fuck. Brand loyalty is a hell of a drug.

>> No.6574526

>hates Santa
So she's a zhang

>> No.6574564

Unfortunately this, I didn't jump on HoloEN bandwagon and waited 2 months before even checking clips...

>> No.6574565

I mentioned she hates bugs. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

>> No.6574572

>Not edgy I'm depressed. I hate everything. 5% only. GFE experience.
She's already better than most EN. Her personality will show as she streams more. I'm glad the bandwagon fair weather fans are filtered by her design. If only some of the ironic shitposters get filtered as well so that her chat is not Gura tier toxic

>> No.6574589

Bugs hate other bugs... what's your point?

>> No.6574693

so by that logic you're a zhang too?
ogey bugman

>> No.6574704

Hating that fat Coca-Cola mascot does not mean you are one of the those filthy arthropods who deserve to be exterminatused from the face of the earth in the name of Saint Kiryu Coco

>> No.6574751

No, I'm white
Yes it does, only bad kids and chinks don't like Santa

>> No.6574836

The only EN she's proven to be better than is Ina.

>> No.6574914

No EN holo is better than Ina

>> No.6574919

>Guys saying she's ugly isn't working um um...SHE'S BORING

>> No.6574931

You denying both of those things?

>> No.6574971


She has an awesome sex voice

>> No.6574974

come on the cope is obvious

>> No.6574978

I'm shutting your butt down, you see you have illegitimate reasons to discredit IRyS and I shut you down

>> No.6574998

Both are subjective

>> No.6575000

Okay Redditor, take your cope somewhere else.

>> No.6575007

Holy shit there's like 6+ threads about Irys right now. But I guess we gotta find a chuuba to waste the time on no?

>> No.6575021

People realized from the very start that she's just like Ina though.

>> No.6575048

Cover needs to drop EN2 just to see irystoratts seethe... tards jumping on bandwagon high on hype

>> No.6575077

Oh yeah, she's just like Ina, if Ina had an ugly design, no personality, no artistic talent, and no unique characteristics like her "wah" cry (IRyS did gyp this) and her penchant for puns.

>> No.6575088

Yes, I'm aware she's boring...

>> No.6575099

I doubt EN2 would be as hyped as her anon. Face it she's popular enought to have vtweeters shitposting here on /vt/

>> No.6575136

Hello tourist, Gura had vshitters and twitch that's seething

>> No.6575152

>But I guess we gotta find a chuuba to waste the time on no?
Kiara getting mogged in this dept. too. RIP

>> No.6575186

Isn't she from Hawaii?
Most natives from Hawaii are mixed Japanese.

>> No.6575221

She is probably more timid than the other EN girls, but she should open up with time. Maybe a few collabs will help her break the ice.

>> No.6575223

>Doesn't remember Guragate

>> No.6575247

I said EN2 you dumbfuck chumcuck. Gen 1 was the first of the branch so every member had heat. You are not even on /jp/ when that happened.

>> No.6575248

Can't make this shit up...

>> No.6575260

What ice? She’s dry as fuck

>> No.6575279


>> No.6575284

>As if every new gen doesn't get heat...

>> No.6575303

>no artistic talent
Music IS art friendchama.

>> No.6575310


>> No.6575342

m-maybe she's a bad kid..? h-hot

>> No.6575343

You know damn well anon meant drawing skills

>> No.6575345

>steals Kiara's niche of being able to speak fluent japanese and english
I thought this looked like a bad thing for Kiara. Until I learned that she's a haafu, which is basically cheating. So Kiara still wins in this regard.

>> No.6575370

She's literally a boomer. You can tell because she watched literally who? shows like Fafnir in the Azure or films like Final Destination.

Not that that's a problem but it's obvious she has a decade experience as a musician and not a streamer and is ill adapted to being a long form entertainer/media personality.

Honestly it's jarring as fuck to place the chunni as fuck lore and derpy model (that still isn't properly calibrated to her facial movements) against her actual semi-tame middle aged personality that seems aloof of the zeitgeist

>> No.6575374

Holowhore? Hot

>> No.6575388

She's a halfu

>> No.6575417

>Can you tell us a story?
>Hmmm, hmmmmmmmmmm, hmmmmmm
>Ah, I remember one, I didn't like RGB keyboards at first but now I do

This girl doesn't do anything but sing japanese songs and sit in front of her computer it seems like.

>> No.6575430 [DELETED] 
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>good singer, but boring as fuck and has zero personality
>Are you telling me that Cover seriously couldn't find anyone better than this. What about someone who can sing but actually has character?

>> No.6575470

I'll make her wet then

>> No.6575473

>films like Final Destination
Kek. This is the exact thing which gave it away to me too.

>> No.6575480

Literally said she gets access to them 1st and in a shorter period of time than the average ban, but you don't know because you're a dumbass anti that doesn't watch her

>> No.6575484

Fafner isn't that old, I'd guess her age is around the early 30s just like me.

>> No.6575506

I'm not gonna wear clothes from unknown brands.

>> No.6575516

Her personality is definitely lacking. She needs someone else to carry her to bring out her true potential. She's like a youtube reactor. Not the good kind. The ones who do unboxings and trailer reactions because everyone else is doing it and has no prior knowledge on the subject to say anything interesting about it. Should stick to singing and ASMR.

>> No.6575571

Well, there's a reason for collab bans so that she can be comfortable on her own first and establish herself, before interacting on stream with her ENmates. Just give it time and she'll eventually fall into her niche.

>> No.6575745
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Is there anyone here who actually watched her past persona? If so, can you vouch and tell us what her personality is like?

>> No.6575882

It worked for Apple and iphones. You are assured of quality even before the product comes out.
Meanwhile, competitors can only release subpar imitations.

>> No.6575922
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Is this a real thread? It will always take a while for a new streamer to come out of their shell, especially when you have a huge audience poring over your every move.

>> No.6575997

that just makes you a faggot contrarian though. imagine not checking them out just because you didn't want to appear to be a bandwagoneer.

>> No.6576123

There's a difference between that and pretending garbage is good because it has a gucci logo on it. This is the latter.

>> No.6576163

Please tell me this is a joke and you aren't unironically saying "Hololive is like Apple" as a good thing.

>> No.6576216

She's been a breath of fresh air. Even when she was whining and cursing in Apex she was still cute. If you don't like her it's fine. No need to try extra hard to make people agree with you. You are trying draw shit from literal nothing.

>> No.6576238

Sssshhh.. let them be anon. It's the only way these 2views cope

>> No.6576541

They literally just saw her two viral songs(which went big because she didn't put "Cover" in title and people thought it's the actual song) and thought she's this super amazing singer like the numberfags they are

>> No.6576570

I think there's nothing wrong with her. However, she just feels like one of the Niji girls rather than a new Holoen member. Also her model is ass-ugly.

>> No.6576612 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 600x1091, 1626342908806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good singer, but boring as fuck and has zero personality. Are you telling me that Cover seriously couldn't find anyone better than this. What about someone who can sing but actually has character?

>> No.6576652

Corporate bootlickers are hilariously deluded

>> No.6576671 [DELETED] 
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>Corporate bootlickers are hilariously deluded

>> No.6576725

Then why are iphones the best phones?
Same with vtubers. Cover produces the best vtubers. Predebut sub from me.

>> No.6576748 [DELETED] 

"No, Jerry, you don't understand! He put MY POST next to the onions wojack! HE'S CALLING ME A ONIONS WOJACK, JERRY!"

>> No.6576766

You made the falseflag too obvious, but that's not going to stop me from calling Holofags iToddlers from now on.

>> No.6576795 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 567x541, images (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"No, Jerry, you don't understand! He put MY POST next to the onions wojack! HE'S CALLING ME A ONIONS WOJACK, JERRY!"

>> No.6576823

Why not? It's an apt comparison. I don't need to try the new iphone to know it's great.
I don't need to watch anything from their new vtuber to know she's great too.
It's like a seal of approval. I let my opinions be formed by the company that produces the product.

>> No.6576851 [DELETED] 

Can we go back to smug lolis, please?

>> No.6576961 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 724x724, 3883204830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bait consists of nothing but greentext and low energy wojaks
Put in some effort you lazy nigger.

>> No.6577109

thats why people living there hate tourist nigger spics kikes and crackers
>She's literally a boomer.
she just hit the wall the hag/boomer is botan fucking zoomers thinking 30 is hag/boomer

>> No.6580164

Deadbeats on suicide watch

>> No.6580534

what a disaster of a model.

>> No.6580662

She was hired to sing, not entertain, you fucking retard.

>> No.6580724

I think her model has a rough charm to it.

>> No.6580891


Even worse.

>> No.6580969

>She was hired to sing
>not entertain

Your stupidity is showing, anonchama.

>> No.6581085


>> No.6581451

if the rrat is true about the other half she make good genes for breeding

>> No.6583871

I miss her old design

>> No.6584033 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 430x328, 1622573242408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if the rrat is true about the other half she make good genes for breeding

>> No.6584562

She's already at least as watchable as half of holoEN, and it's only been the first week. At one week in, Mori was pissing with her mic on, gura had zero zatsu ability, and ame was still recovering from her weird debut. Not to mention Kiara screetching into her WalMart mic. All of that probably lasted for a few months now that I think about it.
Her model is terrible but that's cover's fault.

>> No.6585764

Are you liking your Duchamp fountain?

>> No.6585826

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? Duchamp and his fountain are based

>> No.6585875

Yes, he's pretty based but the fountain was just a
common urinal put on a pedestal with a sign on it, basically what Cover does

>> No.6586131

Pleae don't pretend you know what you're talking about

>> No.6586189

Please don't pretend to be the ones who think it has a deeper meaning than "people will buy fucking anything if it's advertised correctly"

>> No.6586221

Fuck you holobronie

>> No.6586272

Dont care. I sub for her music contents

>> No.6587063

>good singer,
goodweather thats the software they use to sing

>> No.6587553

she's better than all 6 en nijiniggers combined

>> No.6587849

I feel like for the most part she’s probably a bit nervous and doesn’t want to show much of her actual personality. Also, her avatar is ugly, I won’t make concessions about it being cute or pretty.

Anyways, I’m gonna give it sometime before she settles and feels comfortable.

>> No.6587909

itt nijiniggers seething

>> No.6588806

I won’t deny Cover’s numberfagging but they literally say 歌ってみた in the titles, EOPchama.

>> No.6589258

Based tarantinochama

>> No.6589282

>I miss her old design
what was it?

>> No.6589368

Alright, which hololive reject vtweeter are you?

>> No.6589388

If she was a Zhang she would know kanji by default unless she knew absolutely zero chinese.

>> No.6589426

this thread is in dire need of that one suisei image that tells you to stop replying to bait

>> No.6590489

She was in Japan and Cover treats EN like trash despite wanting to be a global brand now.

>> No.6590575

singing is overrated
its a nice cherry on top but the main appeal of vtuber is their personality

>> No.6590664

>Are you telling me that Cover seriously couldn't find anyone better than this.
IRys's roommate has a song that has over 100million views. I'm guessing that was enough to get greedy corpo Cover drooling. Talk about having low standards. Cover is dumb as fuck.

>> No.6590895

Why? I can get King and lame anime OP covers from literally any other Holo?

>> No.6591235

So she hates every single zhangs?? Damn, my girl is really based

>> No.6591273

I must inform Zhang and his buddies right this once.

>> No.6591746


>> No.6591843


One of her pre-isekai Twitter accounts expressed support for Trump and blamed the Chinese for covid

>> No.6591940

Her fucking debut stream

>> No.6591994
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>good artist, but boring as fuck and has zero personality
And yet she's the second or third best of HoloEN.

>> No.6592375

You will never be japanese

>> No.6592439
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4th best*

>> No.6594386

Does zhang know about this? If so then good luck irys. Rumao rumao.

>> No.6594644

Her talking density is subpar dunno why they hired someone inferior than ina at talking

>> No.6594680

"I can make this urinal into "art" by signing my name on it and calling it a title" is at least an actual statement. The piece intentionally inspires a response, even if that response for a lot of people is going to be "Oh, fuck off".
Irys is just fucking ugly. And if the point was "this avatar looks like shit but you'll watch anyway" I'd acknowledge the artistry and then proceed to not watch because fuck off, but it's not. She's just bad.

>> No.6602441

You have no idea what a baby boomer is, despite abusing your *oomer slang

>> No.6602995

Nokia though…

>> No.6603284

Watching Final Destination isn't really an indication that you are *that* old, right...? I remember watching the first movie with my friends during early university days (or final year of HS) before and I'm young AF

>> No.6603388

She's a VSINGER, streaming is secondary to singing well. Wait for HoloEN2 if you want personality.

>> No.6604224

Mori and Kiara aren't better than her.

>> No.6605000

before sexy boomer pirate was even thrown around, 'boomer' has lost its initial meaning. Curse them zoomers.

>> No.6605037

wtf I love IRyS much much more now.

>> No.6606861

>Fafnir in the Azure
>literally a boomer
how is that boomer? did your parents abort you in the wrong place? go back to your discord server hideous spawn, this is no place for you

>> No.6607431

Santa is not real retard

>> No.6607551

Please end your life retard tranny piece of shit! Fuck you kid!

>> No.6607778
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>>good singer, but boring as fuck and has zero personality
She's also a fucking Canadian, ewww!!!!

>> No.6607882



>> No.6607990

I don't remember Hawaii being a part of Canada.

>> No.6608082


>> No.6608176
File: 100 KB, 828x817, F9BBDCBA-64F6-4D98-AECD-7815DE5D664B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s cute, that’s all I need

>> No.6608285

Comparing most chuubas on their debut and after one year, you will find them wholly different. Half of the fun is watching them break their character. There are exceptions like a certain naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

>> No.6608318

Wait, is this not that timeline?

>> No.6608354

Welp now you do know it zhang

>> No.6609186

That was quite literally the position. She's not actually supposed to stream content, just lend her voice to signing.

>> No.6609400

At the moment, it seems that she has to pump out music constantly like AZKi. But at the same time allowed to stream various things like Sora.

>> No.6610752

I haven't watched her so far but considering how you guys post 10+ Irys threads every day, it seems like shes doing pretty well for herself.

>> No.6611628

>OK singer
>best years behind her
>no personality
>no pizzazz
>brand destroying model that had everyone selling HOLOEN the moment it went public
>geographically convenient for the company
>knows japanese, which only qualifies her for a behind the scenes role like A-chan if she's not talented enough to make jp collabs fun
You'd have to try really hard to get someone more generic and boring than Niji EN. Unfortunately for us, Cover completely outdid themselves. There is no middle ground. Any chubas that aren't literal perfection will be complete ass. Such is the duality of Hololive.

>> No.6616145

She already has anit?

>> No.6620334

>best years behind her
>brand destroying model that had everyone selling HOLOEN the moment it went public
>geographically convenient for the company
Proofs for these? Sound like RRATs to me.

>> No.6622681

top kek

>> No.6622879

So, basically, hamparte without substance and massively capitalized

>> No.6625544

But she is streaming content
