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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.21 MB, 3000x4000, 1684151427124832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65716229 No.65716229 [Reply] [Original]

year of the dragon

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1740515949218873636

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>65707632

>> No.65716339


>> No.65716371
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gold digger
da klub
cuck chair

>> No.65716452
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>> No.65716470

all true

>> No.65716481

dont forget oink

>> No.65716520

stop saying oink her nose is cute

>> No.65716524

I love my wife and she loves me too

>> No.65716538

careful with the jannies

>> No.65716562
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>> No.65716806


>> No.65716822

shondo in my arms

>> No.65716904

why won't they load! why won't they load! I want to do my reps! I want to do my reps but they won't load!

>> No.65716933

the fuck are you talking about shoghga

>> No.65716951

use the other website

>> No.65717312

Passionate love making with shondo

>> No.65717331

>she has been troubleshooting probably all of this time
I love my schizo wife

>> No.65717536

this is just an excuse she vomited out

>> No.65717595

Wtf are you implying here

>> No.65717641

I wish she wouldn't worry about such a minor issue. I just want to spend time with her, even if there's an audio issue i need to maxx my volume out to hear.
I love her so much!

>> No.65717648
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is this troubleshooting anything like calibrations? I know she said she doesn't shlick, but I just don't believe she can hold herself back after feeling lust of thousands of shondophrenics live!

>> No.65717701

roll for rrat

>> No.65717859
File: 65 KB, 247x284, I'm just happy to be here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try my best not to get brainworms but sometimes I do.

>> No.65717976

the worms were right

>> No.65718036

Hello any way to stop chatterino from preventing my pc to go sleep and minimize it to tray.
I would like to have it open when I am using my computer but that's stopping me from doing so

>> No.65718079

Unpopular opinion:
I believe Shondo is incredibly Cute and Funny as well as breedable.

>> No.65718120
File: 201 KB, 661x596, 1703098245857705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the nye depression is kicking in and no wife to comfort and distract me
how are you coping bros?

>> No.65718167

i don't understand how a mouse cable can have grounding issues, but i'll just syadouHappynod

>> No.65718196

>how are you coping bros?
I took melatonin, antihistamines, magnesium and drank a cup of protein shake, preparing to go to sleep. It's cold so I turned up the heat to 26 celsius and I'm gonna wrap myself in a think elastic-band sheet like a mummy, and sleep.

>> No.65718216
File: 505 KB, 1024x1023, live with the pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to put the pistol in the boot of my car and out of the house tonight.

>> No.65718267

anything USB short-circuiting can easily cause PC issues

>> No.65718327

If they're both plugged into the same USB bus 100% it can. Her cabling and power situation are both fucky, and she said she unplugged it and it stopped and replugged it and it started, so makes sense to me.

>> No.65718339

sipping my drink and thinking of the great time we had tonight

>> No.65718388

it was plugged in when the issue went away on stream though

>> No.65718427

doing reps tonight!
Are the PNGtuber streams worth it or too old of anything meaningful

>> No.65718443

what cognitive dissonance reps do you recommend for a shogger to do

>> No.65718475

It's possible when she was moving all of her cables around that fixed it briefly, she could've moved the cable to a slightly better place, and then it went back later on. The issue didn't return instantly, it was a while later

>> No.65718723

this is a thread of civility and grace. Shondo is loved here. nice things are said about Shondo here. People post funny or nice or violent short stories about Shondo here. Art is posted here. It's a nice place. It's a happy place.

>> No.65718871

I'm having a hard time coping tonight, it's getting harder to get through the days now. I love her but she doesn't even care about me

>> No.65719003
File: 325 KB, 519x481, pinkieswear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listening to a loop of shondo kissing me and reassuring me that she loves me

>> No.65719009

DM me

>> No.65719023

She doesn't care about a lot of husbands and that's fine. Today's stream was proof that favorites like Orange are miles ahead of second and third tier husbands.

>> No.65719119

she doesn't even know who you are. or me. or 99% of the thousands of people that watch her now. intimacy in this current situation is just unsustainable and unrealistic

>> No.65719133

it was a very favorites-focused stream so i think a lot of us ended up feeling bad afterwards. we'll just have to learn how to live with it.

>> No.65719243

by watching her friends instead

>> No.65719252

>find new 1/2 view on twitch every day
>she reads my name & thanks me
it's that easy to get your daily f*male interaction quota

>> No.65719361

I don't care about anyone but shondo

>> No.65719400

so you say

>> No.65719447

I have no reason to lie on an anonymous board

>> No.65719520

I've just come to terms that I'm going to be an outsider and in love with her from afar. It's hard out here for newfags.

>> No.65719544

It is though, if you are a favorite that is. They get all the attention and love just fine. Those who don't accept it and sit down in the corner are bound to break soon enough

>> No.65719588

what are the characteristics of each tier of husband?
like tier 3 husbands tend to be short, and thin due to malnourishment and need to forage for engagement
but what about a tier 2 or 1

>> No.65719627

you're gonna live to see chat truly become (you) with growth of her popularity

>> No.65719664

yup literally not reading my chats vs playing a whole shitty game with cuck jokes and laughing at them all was great

>> No.65719672

can you fucking nigs not be weepy faggots for one day in your life today was a good stream and she had lots of fun and so did I.

>> No.65719715

Fuck it, I might pull a gracklebones and leave without a word. If you can't see that her favoritism is at an all time high then you're delusional

>> No.65719737

anon you promised not to be an anti...
>so did I
that's the problem: in 4 view chat, chatters want no favorites so they wouldn't feel cucked
the transition from 1 view to 4 view is one from
>every viewer is important
>I love you all equally

>> No.65719777

That's not going to happen. Her favorites are above the rest and always will be. Today was painfully obvious, it was really panful to watch from the corner.

>> No.65719827

cope, house won't buy itself and this mentality is in the way

>> No.65719861

Stuff like that makes me want to give up on putting any effort on anything for her. I'm not a favorite so she probably won't appreciate what I do as much as she appreciate them. I was practicing my skills and having ideas for new projects, but I really don't want to end up like the next Gracklebones. I really hate the competitive feeling of this relationship.

>> No.65719876

Don't do it. Just train and be on standby.

>> No.65719880

Sorry you can't better yourself to do the bare-minimum that it takes. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

>> No.65719965

Whenever I'm in a bad mood or sad I listen to her ASMR and that seems to lift my spirits.

>> No.65719971

she's a claimed woman
he won :(

>> No.65719982

why cry about favourites when the guy that will win is right here :)

>> No.65719990

>be on standby.
>sit in a cuck chair
If she's gonna play favorites, she can stream for them and the rest of us can just leave then. That'll do good to the channel.

>> No.65719993

I'm not a newfag you aren't tricking me

>> No.65720018

Fucking look at today, she cucks grackle for a month and praises orange in front of everyone for something that's of less or equal effort

>> No.65720027

Its working just fine though, favorites are happy, third rate husbands watch them have fun with Shondo, house will happen. Everything working fine for them.

>> No.65720063

at least she acknowledged grack. think about the shogga who spent a ton of time creating music for her only to have her COMPLETELY ignore it because the songs broke some unspoken rule she has that she only cares to enforce depending on her mood.

>> No.65720084

>third rate husbands watch them have fun with Shondo
inertia, they'll get tired of cuck chair

>> No.65720088

What does that even mean

>> No.65720100

Oh was he in stream today? I must have missed that when he brought his game to her attention. Feel free to tell me the timestamp.

>> No.65720116

>sit in a cuck chair
If being a cuck was the first thing that came to your mind then you will never make it
You'll see

>> No.65720124

maybe I find comfort in listening to her read Genesis anon.

>> No.65720157

>look at your wife having fun with other men
it's literally what it is

>> No.65720195

>Having to beg for her attention after she promised to play it
Yeah that's really a healthy relationship

>> No.65720324

Is the drooling due to anorexic diet?
Are Shondo' shits always watery?
Asking for myself.

>> No.65720368


i'll add anorexic

>> No.65720389

ikr? he must have been dying to have a turn off the cuck chair.

>> No.65720419
File: 1.63 MB, 1356x2078, 107056755_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wife hates sex despite being so sexy, how do we fix this?

>> No.65720460

just don't ask, only rape

>> No.65720470

she hasn't had sex with me yet.

>> No.65720550

Yeah ok

>> No.65720569

orange can fuck her brains out while we all watch from the cuck chair

>> No.65720571

even though Im in ET it feels like new years already happened
I think I'm gonna cradle my shondaki and sleep to the latest asmr vod again
also could someone explain what exactly glueeater did during the stream? I looked away for a moment and missed him pasting something apparently incriminating

>> No.65720618
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>> No.65720655

i watch other girls for gfe
i watch shondo for NTRE

>> No.65720685

>claims to have a disdain for sex
why is she like this?

>> No.65720708

just accidentally derek posting on twitch chat

>> No.65720711

ah yes the "bare minimum", surely that will get her to notice me. Actually no. Tried for more than a year, she always ignores the lesser husbands as she reads every message from favorites. it doesn't works, it never will. i used to think it was just shitposters but I took my head out the sand realized her favoritism is very real. i just learned to accept it but some streams like todays are still really painful.

>> No.65720746

she thinks its funny, she doesnt understand lust

>> No.65720761

if you think about it for more than 2 seconds you'll realize it's completely consistent

>> No.65720832


>> No.65720924

If she played grackles game first, would you be doon posting like this while she was playing it? Or because she ignored it and instantly played a game from a favorite

>> No.65720925

you can leave if you are finding yourself distressed by watching her streams. it's supposed to be fun. you're supposed to enjoy it. If you're not having fun and not enjoying it, why in the world would you continue to stay?

>> No.65720934

are you guys actually jealous of orange
why not be happy for him and motivated to create for wifey too

>> No.65721002

>motivated to create for wifey too
So she can ignore it too?

>> No.65721021

he copypasted something really fucking stupid into a dono message(gossip, talking shit about others). he will be fine tho, hes a dear favorite.

>> No.65721042

its just one guy whos having a bad time and is taking it out on the thread
i hope it gets better for him, no hard feelings

>> No.65721047

thats so cringe I hate finding out people in the community I like actually spend time here

>> No.65721095
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I think the best part is that she clearly knew exactly where he meant to post it

>> No.65721098

holy newfag

>> No.65721111

anon pretty much everyone is /here/

>> No.65721169

because not everyone responds to a situation the same way. some people get motivated by being beaten by their parents because they get a "i'll fucking show them i can do it without them" attitude while others will break apart completely and end up killing themselves. why does this need to be explained to you?

>> No.65721192

Nice quads but if that were true the community wouldn't generally be so pleasant

>> No.65721202

Damn, did he get timed out or anything?

>> No.65721238

its just like the art thing, everyone tried but she only really sucked giru and rens cocks while ignoring her community fanartists
be the favorite or be nothing

>> No.65721243

violent sexual fantasy about Shondo

>> No.65721251

message deleted and laughed at

>> No.65721303

the funny thing about the glue situation is that shondo laughed her ass off about it. i wonder how baru interpreted that.

>> No.65721340

that is unfortunate, I will pray 2024 is kind to him

>> No.65721545
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This is shondo's fantasy

>> No.65721572

What a coincidence that's also my fantasy

>> No.65721607

more like laughed with they were having a ball shitting on that dude

>> No.65721692


>> No.65721700

I tried to be more active in chat but it felt weird so i will no longer participate and will embrace lurking

>> No.65721702

Fuck it, 1 year. I'm going to try my hardest and if I'm not where I want to be with this relationship I'm killing myself and donoing everything to her.
See you next year shoggers

>> No.65721720

i want to draw shonbondage but my hands are so shaky uuuuuuu

>> No.65721778
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>> No.65721807

She won't appreciate it as much because I'm not a favorite, but maybe I'll give it a try. But if the same thing that happened with Grackle happens with me I'm killing myself.

>> No.65721853

it just gets awkward when neither she nor other shoggas interact with any of your messages. you just end up thinking what the point is. at least that's how it is for me. feels like you're just screaming into a void.

>> No.65721887
File: 568 KB, 1131x1145, no thinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but im killing myself at 30.

>> No.65721938

I'll be 6 months off 30, maybe I can wait until then

>> No.65722007

did she know that gracklebones made the game?

>> No.65722227
File: 120 KB, 1000x667, hand circle shon thighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I put my hands together in a circle and wonder if they'd connect around shondo's thighs

>> No.65722263

you just have to keep trying. you will fail 90% of the time for rare successes. the more you persist, the more you succeed and the more you will continue to succeed.

>> No.65722276

We're just really good at hiding and pretending we like each other.

>> No.65722302

probably. she's very skinny

>> No.65722313

She needs reminders about this kind of thing so newfags are throwing a tantrum trying to use him as an excuse to point out MUH FAVORTISM

>> No.65722390

So that's a no

>> No.65722448

I only dislike the people who make their problems hers

>> No.65722473

How can everyone keep track of all the regulars but she seemingly can't be bothered? I don't understand how you can see the same people every day and forget them so easily

>> No.65722483

I'm not pretending most of you are funny and their messages make me laugh

>> No.65722509

because i love you

>> No.65722550
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>> No.65722570

she's bad with names

>> No.65722590

If you loved me you would DM me

>> No.65722706

I don't pay attention to chat much, did orange beg for her to play his game?

>> No.65722795

you say everyone but its more like the 40-60 people that are dedicated regulars, antis or both, counting lurkers as well

>> No.65722854

she doesn't gives half a fuck anything i do. i am third rate

>> No.65723329

there's usually like 10 lurkers per poster at least

>> No.65723533

yeah but a good chunk of them either are just tourists or they've actually stayed under the radar despite being in streams. most people worth knowing that are /here/ have already gave it away at some point intentionally or not

>> No.65723606

thank you for saying that im worth knowing, it means a lot to me

>> No.65723687

post your name

>> No.65723737

you're alright raknov :)

>> No.65723745

raknov dm me...

>> No.65723780

good with faces though so post that pearly white grin of yours for her to see

>> No.65723826

When did she mention it? I can't find it in the vid

>> No.65723892

hello i am new here
you guys all seem very nice : )
should i join the discord ?
should i watch the youtube clips too ?

>> No.65723950
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>> No.65724105


>> No.65724164

shondo said my name name today so that was pretty neat

>> No.65724181

just confirming that she will forget non favorites and to expect it

>> No.65724223
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>> No.65724281
File: 371 KB, 700x764, 1703885674210560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third (3rd) reminder of the most basic of bait posts.
Consult the bait chart before replying to a post please. Shondo loves you.

>> No.65724335

It's not bait if it's true

>> No.65724446
File: 466 KB, 2865x2118, Fewz0Q3UoAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be beheaded for this but watching clips is a good way of quickly understanding what type of content someone makes and if you'll enjoy it, so go ahead.

>> No.65724450

truth oomfie (kill yourself in the minecraft videogame developed by mojang)

>> No.65724472

Remove favorite from the reminder. You can't shut down discussions about her obvious bias towards certain husbands

>> No.65724524


>> No.65724531

reply with an explanation longer than 2 sentences and i might take you serious

>> No.65724604

found the guy who's in

>> No.65724706
File: 175 KB, 500x469, 1698609556310966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat fuck (non-derogatory)

>> No.65725033

You're fibbing. I actually don't care anyway.
I'm drunk and made these posts >>65719861
That's how I feel. I just wanted her to put more effort into showing she cares about us equally. She said she wanted see us more like a hivemind but it's not going as planned.

>> No.65725161

so she early checked the tag to see his game i see now

>> No.65725208

My brain is ping-ponging between being reasonable and being way too emotional. Between wanting to try harder and wanting to give up. I hope sleep helps, because I'm at a nye party right now and it's taking everything not to have a break down

>> No.65725229

drop a syadouFried in offline

>> No.65725298

What are your intentions?

>> No.65725528

do it and show that you're someone who's been putting in effort

>> No.65726002

My efforts aren't public right now besides one thing that I spent 32 hours making for her. I have some WIPs that are mostly for practice purposes and I probably won't post. And I have some plans going on.
I won't post in chat because I would probably regret tomorrow when I'm sober.

>> No.65726169

so you make no public effort and cry you arent noticed? truly a genius in our midst

>> No.65726229

>32 hours
Nothing is worth taking this much time on for her. Honestly just work on small things until you've improved and can do what you want faster

>> No.65726335

not even orange's kusoge took that long

>> No.65726423

I'm not crying about not being noticed, but this whole thing made me think of this of a competitive environment and making my anxiety of sharing my stuff publicly worse.

>> No.65726882
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the look she gives you after finding you in another chuubas chat

>> No.65726933
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>> No.65726943

Hey anon, that was more than 2 sentences and i'm replying :)
and you actually do care, which is fine :)

She does care about us vaguely equally but she's only one girl with 2000 viewers, it's hard to be objective with that.
If you spam chat like an autist though she'll notice you a lot more because there's less than 100 of us which is actually realistic.

>> No.65727095

She has proven time and time again that this is not true. When one of her lurker favorites chats she stops and makes sure to read them. There's no rhyme or reason to them being favorites either, they barely participate and she loves them more than anyone

>> No.65727193

hey dumb insecure nigger, i love you, but maybe keep in mind she appreciates loyalty and when a lurker for 2 years sends a chat she's going to be receptive to that :)

>> No.65727452

so its a you problem. stop blaming her

>> No.65727504

I chat frequently, but sometimes I put her stream on background while I do something else. I believe she recognizes me. I just want to make stuff to make her and the community happy, but seeing this as a competitive environment puts extra pressure on me that I don't want.

>> No.65727628
File: 325 KB, 564x549, IMG_3206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I worry that people will think I’m the complainer because we have similar writing styles but I don’t complain.
Also I love this art I wish she’d make that face at me

>> No.65727799

Blaming her by pointing that she inclines to give more appreciation to certain people in the community while ignoring others that put the same amount of effort into their contributions?

>> No.65727814
File: 274 KB, 2738x2714, 1698335385390679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an empty head 98% of the time so I don't think of anyone as any poster

>> No.65727904
File: 3.57 MB, 1280x720, uoh-sex[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftrucmm.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pomf plap plap plap

>> No.65728165

okay, well you obviously arent gonna change your stance cause you're an unironic favouriteposter. stay mad or leave ngmi either way

>> No.65728524

There are too many amateur artists now for her to recognize if I'm improving. I wanted to start my art reps but after today there's no point

>> No.65728661

I want you to be right about the whole thing about favorites being a non existing problem and just a shitpost. I want to change my stance, how do I do that?

>> No.65729454

start by not believing everything people here say at face value. the objective truth is right there so i dont know what to tell you

>> No.65729772

it's not a competitive environment, as long as you're a real husband who doesn't cheat and you've been around longer than a year she loves you.
if you're not that then wait, otherwise the other anon is right, stay mad or leave.
btw at least 30% of the posts in any given thread is antis or retards, but it's more like 50% so quit believing anonymous trolls and start believing your wife or fuck off.

>> No.65730016

It's not your fault, her favourites just have a bbc and you don't

>> No.65730441

LMAO. Grackle is from the subathon and he gets cucked by orange

>> No.65730937

Today has been absolutely horrible for me. I was really excited about the stream and wanted to enjoy it :(

>> No.65730994
File: 355 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_2705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and her except I’m her and she is Otis

>> No.65731079

sorry to hear that, anon.

>> No.65731128

Same :(
2024 will be better for sure

>> No.65731177

I don't like seeing my shoggas suffering. I don't know what I can tell you but it's gonna be okay. You matter, shondo loves you, have patience, don't lose hope, trust the plan.

>> No.65731314

please refer to the bait post and find your generic template (hint: it's the cuck chair)

>> No.65731335

Grackle man was right... Just leave with no word and don't look back
I hope he never watches the vod from today

>> No.65731417

I recognize shitposts and antis and I built my own perspective of this relationship. I will stop using the example of gracklebones getting ignored while she plays a game made by someone else because I'm not him and I will try to mind my own business.

>> No.65731450
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>> No.65731509

honestly anon that makes you better than 80% of the posters here :)

>> No.65731585

good man, shogga

>> No.65731697
File: 114 KB, 422x1101, IMG_1383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65732171
File: 183 KB, 489x425, IMG_3235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ow I’m sorry please stop it anon I’m sorry I’m sorry

>> No.65732446

Goodnight /shon/
Let's have a better 2024 together

>> No.65732681
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>watch wife stream tonight
>decide not to go out to NYE party
>snug as a bug in a rug
>listen to wife ASMR until fall asleep
Today was good day.

>> No.65732898

I will be hating my wife again this year, thanks for supporting me /shon/

>> No.65733071

I will be loving my wife again this year, thanks for supporting me /shon/

>> No.65733520
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>> No.65733954
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I hope she wears her cute little art hoe circle glasses again in 2024 she looks so cute and studious but free spirited.

>> No.65734725


>> No.65736807

minutely affirmation: I will impregnate shondo

>> No.65737292

It can't fit into her tiny shunny...

>> No.65737855

Has anyone bothered to dm gracklebones?

>> No.65738470

many anons have, myself included. no response yet sadly. don't keep yourself up other this shondo, some are keeping a look out for him.

>> No.65738855

This is the first time I’ve been called Shondo :o

>> No.65739076
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We all have a shondo inside of us

>> No.65739222

I’m not into pegging sorry

>> No.65740063

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.65741473

What will come first Shoggas, the fumo's preorders or the 3D swimsuit stream?

>> No.65741500

feel a little bad on special occasions when I do have plans, since this is all she has for these occasions and I miss out on the heartfelt moments that entails

>> No.65742015

I sacrificed time with my friends to make sure I could with her this new years. Sucks you have to choose but there's no escaping feeling bad.

>> No.65742166

I spend a lot more time with her than my friends lately so in the end I went with them. I can watch a vod but I can't substitute what little in person fun I get. Luckily I still had some time with her today either way.

>> No.65742532

what did glue eater post in chat that was deleted?

>> No.65742608

copy and paste of baru's dono message because he was pasting it here

>> No.65742759

oh lmao

>> No.65742881

gold digger
compulsive liar
cuck chair
NTR competition

>> No.65742957
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>> No.65743251

the shondo experience

>> No.65743495

Does anyone have the timestamp when she talked about trusting us and not leaving us? I want to listen to it again

>> No.65744347

I think it was actually his twitter post

>> No.65744409

no the message included the bot's "anonymous donated with the message"

>> No.65745168

I write VOD timestamps in my messenger and never watch them.

>> No.65746190

I think it’s fucked up of her to laugh and encourage dereking and bullying someone who obviously needs help. The girl who said she’s against bullying.

>> No.65746311

Share them here, I'll watch what you wrote down from tonight's VOD.

>> No.65746448

true gfe

>> No.65746454

I meant I mark timestamps where I stopped or started watching

>> No.65746761

you know what else is fucked up? trying to manipulate her like that. it's been an ongoing thing with that person for months. i'm glad she put her foot down.

>> No.65746849

>put her foot down.

>> No.65747004


>> No.65747186

That was warranted yes. 100%. But encouraging bullying was not whether she meant to or not.

>> No.65747221

i just hope he doesnt cut anymore

>> No.65747250

you imagined that last part

>> No.65747390

She literally said the world would be better if people were nicer to each other. And then laughs her ass off seeing someone accidentally reveal they’re going to mock the guy on 4chan

>> No.65747447

he was never named and she told him to be nise

>> No.65747537

for the anon who tried to call me out, it was a different guy complaining about her vocal fry / vibrato

>> No.65747594

I kinda wish people would reach out and try to help people like this and explain why their way of going about these things are wrong and offering to talk it out rather than coming here and mocking them. The community would be a much better place to be. Maybe people should follow her naive way of thinking. It can’t work in most cases in the real world but maybe it can here.

>> No.65747832

this has happened dozens of times already, it doesn't get through to him
there's really nothing more to be done for that guy at this point except suggest he seek therapy or leave her

>> No.65747874

she addressed the issue personally multiple times over the last almost half year. if they don't listen to her the fuck am i supposed to do?

>> No.65748109

be nice (in public where i can see you)

>> No.65748186

She was very clearly laughing at him for being a dumbfuck, so was chat. Even joined in on the teasing with his name being GlueEater. Nothing about that moment was some epic win for bullying mentally ill people.

>> No.65748485

Have you tried? People don’t automatically change in a day.

>> No.65748760
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Did you not take a second to look into this guy so much since you seem to care about his feelings so much? He chose to unfollow a bunch of husbands and willingly isolated himself from the community and has attempted to openly cause her grief and emotionally manipulate her for months.
>isolated how?
He has additionally pushed to not be apart of (you) and has vocally said he hates the community.
What exactly is there to reach out to when literally being banned for a week (during a stream break sadly) didn't even sink in. And not only did it not sink in, he practically doubled down with a dono to harass her.

>> No.65748961

130iq move from the guy to kill digi when he was banned so she would go on break

>> No.65749014

months. doesn't listen to his 'wife he loves.' ngmi. sometimes you just can't save a person. ill choose to put my effort into battles i think i can win.

>> No.65749229

Yes I have. Can’t say I blame him for not liking this community. But he needs to know that trying to guilt her won’t make her change and that guilting her for a fantasy that stems from trauma isn’t the way to go. Unlike you I’ve had this conversation with him instead of whining and dereking here. And I think he’s recognizing the problem.

>> No.65749342

you sound like women

>> No.65749487

sounds like the type of people who clamor for men's mental health to be taken seriously but won't get those men to take the first step to wanting to be helped, they just want you to pity them and stroke their egos while they refuse to reach out

>> No.65749505

Orly? How recent was this conversation with him? Was it before or after he sent one of the most red flagged dono messages she's received in a while?

>> No.65749684

shogga it's the literal same thing he says to her every time

>> No.65750009


>> No.65750143

It was during the stream. I thought about reaching out after I saw his tweet but didn’t. I really wish I did.

>> No.65750219

Last I knew he was on meds and getting therapy already. Not sure what else can be done at this point.

>> No.65750310

He tried to go to therapy but there’s a long waiting list.

>> No.65750321

Typical woman really

>> No.65750368
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What good do you think it did? You realize he came back into the stream and gave her more money and went right back to being manipulative right? Or do you think your good deed is really going to matter to someone who is autistically far gone with his mental illness and lone-wolfing in a community.
Or did you not process at all what shondo said where she was struggling to tell him how much she's tried to reassure him and he still chose to do this. If someone is having repeating brain worms THIS BADLY, I doubt you've done fuck all for him and have only given him a reason to think he's "in the clear" to continue his behavior.

>> No.65750537

This is even worse, anon. He should have been encouraged to leave if therapy isn't even available to him right now.

>> No.65750607
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>> No.65750669

No one is asking you to read you fat lazy fuck.

>> No.65750712

I think it’s going pretty well actually. I’m not going to leak dms but I will say he’s recognized his problem which is the first step to fixing it. Also I don’t see how sending apology money is manipulation. That happened while we were talking.

>> No.65750757
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>> No.65751083

she is grooming us to like lolidom

>> No.65751116

I wish she pandered to lolidom much

>> No.65751171
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> Also I don’t see how sending apology money is manipulation.
Because he is a manipulative person. Do you just not process anything that's been said by either him or your wife when she blatantly said he was?
You have zero read on this person who is clearly in dire need mental help. This isn't a new issue that has sprung up, it's been going on for months, anon. You really think your reassurance was much better than the reassurance he's gotten from her? Multiple times???

>> No.65751345

at least she isn't too scared to do karaoke, but I figure we're not getting christmas karaoke in the end
I think she could've just changed one of her scheduled streams where she ended up doing voices and shit anyway but she's anal about that, probably would've liked to but she scheduled thinking she was actually getting sick

>> No.65751410
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>I WANT TO BRWEAK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there's hope for lolidom fans like me

>> No.65751535

ehh that's more psychological and subtle than I'd call typical for a dom tyupe of thing

>> No.65751584

Imagine a little girl like shondo being a dominatrix. God

>> No.65751779

when I first got into her I took a peek at her asmr scenarios and thought she'd be a bit more domineering in personality
she kind of is but in a pretty typical woman way more than anything, definitely not domineering in any overt way

>> No.65752355

i suppose she made asmr tuned to what she would like. there's a lot of her personality in her videos

>> No.65753260

fuck off you enabling little faggot

>> No.65753774

Ok. Just continue ignoring the problem and letting it get worse. Because he’s not going anywhere. I’ve made it very clear that what he did was wrong to him. In fact you cowards doing fuck all but bitch and moan on 4chan is more enabling this behavior than what I’m doing.

>> No.65754077

You can stop trying to make yourself feel better by pretending to give a shit about someone who is far gone, Retromancer. You need help almost as bad as he does for being manipulative with Shondo. You're next, retard.

>> No.65754403

Am I retromancer? Because I’ve also been identified Shondo earlier in this thread, so who knows. Either way I’ve done so with other people, not just him. I just wish more people would try to help. Because what you’re all trying helps nobody and just makes the community worse overall.

>> No.65754508

she responded and promised to play the game on twitter in response to his post about his game

>> No.65754541

nta but I'm helping people that don't seem too far gone he is just wasting your energy at this point

>> No.65754698

How does anyone know who is and isn’t too far gone without speaking to them first? Bitching on here isn’t gonna change or help anyone especially when they don’t even come here.

>> No.65754706

>who knows
Well I do you fucking manlet. There is no helping him and it's pretty disgusting that you're trying to score points for yourself as if you aren't guilty of behavior like his.
>Because what you’re all trying helps nobody and just makes the community worse overall.
Calling you out is making the community worse is it? Odd, because problems lately have been you and him making her have to speak up and defend herself over things she shouldn't have to.

>> No.65754724

the only one who will get through to fake husbands like him is shondo blocking them
did you actually convince him? are you going to admit you're wrong when he pulls some more nigger shit in a month or so?

>> No.65754740

It’s not even just about him it’s about this entire communities behavior

>> No.65754773

if he keeps @ing her with the same shit even after "he got it" and tells her he is going to stop doing that that's when I know he is too far gone

>> No.65754836

bro he had fucking DM and maro access and the same retarded brain worms during that time. and he STILL came to her today about months later. yeah, i think he might be not fucking getting it.

>> No.65754912

please don't talk about the shiggers that is very homosexual just let them fuck your wife over and over

>> No.65754915

Dm me *chu*

>> No.65754972

the community is tired of this shit and rightly so if you can't accept her for what she is you should just leave

>> No.65755012

This is the first time I think he’s ever been called out for it on stream. This time I think it’s finally set in and if it hasn’t I’ll do my best to make sure it does.

>> No.65755033

No response? Didn't think so. You're literal scum larping for free affection. Kill yourself with one of your many guns and leave a long suicide note describing why you chose the gun and list many worthless facts no one gives a shit about on it. Thanks.

>> No.65755070

it didn't need a stream call out you fucking retard. nothing he is having worms about months later requires a fucking stream call out. are you insane?

>> No.65755100

didn't set in for retro

>> No.65755122

Calling who out? You’re not calling anyone out you’re just whining anonymously. Also maybe since I’m both Shondo and Retromancer according to this thread we can meet somewhere in the middle and just go with Shondomancer

>> No.65755208


>> No.65755291

This little girl on the Internet has broken me fully. I want to go back but it's too late now

>> No.65755292

But everyone loves and cares about my autistic gun knowledge :(

>> No.65755311

That's the life of the third rate husband

>> No.65755420

What do you mean when she said she couldn’t trust us because I leaked her super secret award show information on stream? I thought it was mostly agreed upon that that was a woman moment. The other things though I take full ownership of. I’m doing better now though mentally these last few weeks and am trying to avoid doing things like that again.

>> No.65755553

I don't believe for a second that you aren't just using Baruman to prop yourself up. And it's embarrassingly obvious what the motivation is when he's one of the few that are anti-ryona fags like you. It is so clear as day that it's pathetic to watch you squirm like you are the good guy here.

>> No.65755561

You will never learn and will always be someone who ends up hurting her with your actions

>> No.65755703

Also none of this is for any kind of benefit to myself or points except maybe making the community a better place to be and maybe giving Shondo less problems to deal with. I just thought maybe talking about it would maybe inspire some of you to try helping each other out every now and again. Sorry for being naive. I just thought it would be a change Shondo would like to see in the community.

>> No.65755877

the community literally was a nice place which clique started the infighting on twitter again?

>> No.65755894

>I just thought
>I just thought
Shut the fuck up. You only want someone else who will suck your dick whenever ryona stuff comes up. Kill yourself you transparent faggot.

>> No.65755921

I think baru is just doing it for attention, he knows someone will care about him everytime he says it, and it works every time, so why change the tactic?
Had a friend like that and with "depression", constantly using it as an excuse to moap about his life despite how many times I've sat with him til 4 am consoling him, one day I just sat with him and told him to go ahead and do it, I stared at him as I tell him to do it already or stop using it as an excuse.
He's living a healthy life now, stopped talking to me obviously, but he's a normie with a job and everything.

>> No.65756049

you are a horrible person

>> No.65756050

yes these people are called emotional leeches and are not good for her or this community

>> No.65756087

anon kinda did the right thing if it helped his friend to snap out of it

>> No.65756103

"If I'm bad for you, take a break and come back later."
Some of you really need to take this advice

>> No.65756121

When did I ever bitch to her about ryona? I said I was ok with her releasing the pack but said I wouldn’t personally listen. If I did say something in the past I’d like to know about it because that’s not how I feel now. I don’t want to shame her for that.

>> No.65756123

What you pretty much did is similar to what Shondo tried with Baruman today. Sadly, our resident manlet with a Christ complex undid all of that because he did what you tried to do with your friend. This is precisely why Baruman gave her money right afterwards. He has learned fuck all.

>> No.65756170

didn't you call everyone disgusting?

>> No.65756184

yeah that means
>if you are a not a favorite you should take a permanent break
and she is right, she will never dial back the favoritism. either accept it and sit down or leave

>> No.65756191

I don’t think so

>> No.65756220

You didn't know him nor our conversations, I knew him and knew he wouldn't do it nor actually want to. You're the kind of person who enables them and watch them spiral endlessly, wishing you could do something more for them.
I showed him his cowardness and will to live in that moment. You would've distanced yourself from him once he got too painful for yourself to handle.

>> No.65756223

You demonized the parts of the community that supported it.

>> No.65756279

I know for a fact that you subtweeted the community like a little bitch don't make look for the screenshots I know that you deleted the tweets

>> No.65756355

The only thing I remember publicly calling out was how cowardly dereking is. Like just dm me, worst I can do is call you a faggot. Call me a manlet piece of shit nigger purity fag (I’m not) or whatever else I’ve been called on here It’s just this whole board culture that I can’t respect.

>> No.65756413

the award stuff wasn't your fault, you were just the messenger
even the other things i sympathize with you on.
all i'll say is shondo wants you to love her for who she is, and anyone who has a problem with that shouldn't be married to her.
there's no room for leniency for the shiggers who don't understand that, the foundation of their relationship is completely wrong, it's an illusion and not her intention with this relationship.
I know it's hard for shiggers with a ton of sunk cost to understand but this was her exact sentiment when talking about baru today.
If shondo has to publicly shame anyone who has been married for months for them to understand that then they're better off leaving or keeping their mouth shut until their brainworms don't speak for them

>> No.65756424

nta but I thought you got therapy now retro

>> No.65756433

OK. But also my point had nothing to do with "bitching to her about ryona", regardless of you being naive or not, you still enabled Baruman. He is severely mentally ill and him throwing more money at her means he has learned nothing. I'll ask you again, do you seriously think your help was better than the multitude of times that Shondo has tried to reassure him for months when he has had DM and maro access and god knows what else?

>> No.65756483

You keep saying he had dm access but with what proof

>> No.65756494

Can you answer my fucking question you runt.

>> No.65756522

That's not even me, I just want to know why you think he could dm her

>> No.65756533

This is the very reason I’m trying to talk to him. To make him understand. I don’t like ryona either and that’s ok. But shaming her especially on stream is not. It seems he’s understanding but we will see.

>> No.65756554

>this whole board culture that I can’t respect
if you can't stand it you shouldn't come here some of us have been using imageboards for more than a decade

>> No.65756557

He has been around during periods where access was available. This is not hard to understand.

>> No.65756574

No actually. The reason for my better mental state lately is completely stupid and shouldn’t have worked this well

>> No.65756597

I was around too but I didn't DM her, that's a large assumption and would also imply that you DM'd her, unless you weren't around when access to her DMs were a thing.

>> No.65756626

What fucking relevance does this have when the point is that he has had access to communication with her and is willing to go as far as to openly harass her and do so "anonymously" in a dono message.

>> No.65756648

shady as fuck anon.

>> No.65756678

Annoying as fuck anon. Kill yourself.

>> No.65756680

>The self report
I don't like baru either but spamming her dms when she opened them is why things are so different now
Kys too

>> No.65756700

huuuuuuuge high horse you're on, get off it and try again.

>> No.65756708

He’s never dmed her to my knowledge and has possibly sent a lot of schizo maros but I never bothered to ask. And yes I think direct communication helps a lot more than maro posts. I’m hoping my approach works, but if not then I won’t be so nice. The money he sent as an apology but I told him not to directly apologize to put her on the spot. And they were leftover bits.

>> No.65756774

Damn I should air all my brain worms out publicly if it results in shogger dms

>> No.65756777

Shut the fuck up you monkeys.
You don't understand the consequences of enabling severely mentally ill people. I get wanting to help but you don't need to be fixing other people's problems when you've barely fixed your own.

>> No.65756815

Is it enabling to tell him to stop guilting her and understand that no amount of doing that is going to make her act the way he wants?

>> No.65756847

how much backseating are you trying to do about people helping others?
your best mental help suggestion so far was "kys", you're not fit to judge anyone's actions with the mentality of a 12 year old yourself.

>> No.65756864

Yes because Shondo literally said she has tried to reassure him before and that should have been enough. This did not need to happen at all during stream, this is not difficult to understand man.

>> No.65756868

retro i've gained a lot of respect for you because you seem like a good guy, not to comment your methods or anything, it just seems like your heart is in the right place, which puts you ahead of most of the active posters here

>> No.65756896

You'd be surprised how much killing yourself helps the world, anon. You should try it some time.

>> No.65756921

you should stay quiet child, grown ups are talking about mental health.

>> No.65756950

And your commentary is also so insightful. Thanks for the input.

>> No.65756965

Yeah I can fucking tell

>> No.65757020

good and now do a flip

>> No.65757048

the insight wasn't for you, it was for everyone else reading the post. if you gained insight from that, it would just be confirming the allegations.
hopefully that'll help you understand, since you didn't have any trouble understanding many different things from your previous posts.

>> No.65757088

Just busted my first nut of the year and it was to my wife

>> No.65757166

Your insight is dimly lit like a wet lamp. Stop chimping out over the word "DM". Still not over that are we?

>> No.65757191

Thanks. I’m trying. I don’t claim to be a great person because I’m not but I understand brainworms taking over and making you do things you regret.

>> No.65757216

Alright, but you do understand that this isn't simple brainworms right?

>> No.65757267

if you yourself say that, it must mean that what I said ticked you off enough to try dismiss it in such a manner, so I'll just assume you're as intelligent as a child.
the one who started chimping out over DMs happens to be you when you brought up the assumption that Baru DMs her, but now you suddenly want to stop talking about DMs because you were accused of DMing her as well? your deflection of the topic instead of outright denial speaks more than anything you could've said.

>> No.65757347

Shondo has said she has previously reassured Baruman before the last stream and there are many presumed forms of communication where she could have done this, including but not exclusively limited to DMs. Do you get the picture now, monkey? Or are not done trolling yet?

>> No.65757360

I think there may be a hint of projection and self loathing at play here. Maybe I need to reach out to this anon as well.

>> No.65757378

>Keeps rewarding bad behavior
WOW THATS CRAZY, how very unlike her

>> No.65757406

You are clueless to the entire situation if you don't think he's on his last chance with her, including potential mod involvement. Stop typing now, monkey.

>> No.65757407

nta but first gojo, now getting your insults from geto?
fucking kek you're funny

>> No.65757429

If mods haven't perma banned him yet I don't know what else he could do to that would make them

>> No.65757430

I don't know what a "geto" is other than where blacks live.

>> No.65757450

oh I was talking to that jjk fan, that changes everything.

>> No.65757591

Don't worry, my monkeys are just doing some dancing for me. I will win :)

>> No.65757637

Jesus it's been 12h and you guys are still going on about this

>> No.65757752

I prefer dereking over anti post

>> No.65757866

not me i only just caught up with everything:)

>> No.65758007


>> No.65758055

vibe braking is a bannable offense
if he keep doing it after being warned

>> No.65758137

This new guy who started posting is giving me 2nd hand embarrassment, I'm going for a walk

>> No.65758152

you sound like women

>> No.65758177

Be grateful then, you've never talked to one until now.

>> No.65758381

You’ve said this twice. Upset you didn’t get attention the first time?

>> No.65758406

I came hours later, you still sound like women

>> No.65758490

>people who care about the state of the community and their wife are women
good to know I guess

>> No.65758525

you're not changing shit by screeching here
hence the purpose of your screeching is screeching
you sound like women

>> No.65758599

All that has been going on is screeching dumbass. That’s all this thread has been for a long time

>> No.65758633

so you've sounded like women for a long time
