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File: 169 KB, 1242x1333, some-en-replies-to-selens-latest-tweet-from-yesterday-v0-5cangmk3549c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65484714 No.65484714 [Reply] [Original]

Selen's hospitalization really isn't that important to Nijisisters, bros. Look at the very little public support they have versus the vtuber industry.

>> No.65485016

You remember Pomu Rainpuff, Selen’s supposed friend? Yeah, try to find any hint of her acknowledging this situation. Meanwhile talents from rival companies are more than happy to wish her well.

>> No.65485184

Translation: Stay in your olace. Do Not Mess With Nijisanji, Selen.

>> No.65485436

This is a warning to others to stay in their fucking lane, or else you will end up in the hospital like her.

>> No.65485519

What kind of people say, “stay safe” to someone in the hospital? You say that when someone is doing something or going to some place.

>> No.65485604

Oh, she's going somewhere, alright

>> No.65485621

Feels like it's 1985 over in niji. The 'family' thing gave me shivers

>> No.65485722

Stay safe has been said during pandemics because you can still get the rona in hospitals, retard.

>> No.65485799

Not a good look if she actually tried to off herself

>> No.65485980

Meaning Pomu, who actually knows what's going on, understands that replying to the tweet is meaningless. While all the hanger-ons and people outside of Nijisanji take the tweet at face value and respond with genuine concern.

>> No.65486220

You realize the implications of Selen not actually being hospitalized reflect even worse on Nijisanji than if she was, right?

>> No.65486292

"Act sympathetic for Selen or you'll be next."

>> No.65486362

>pomu knows what's really going on
>rosemi and kyo don't
Seems unlikely to me but yeah people are making too much of these tweets.

>> No.65486474


>> No.65486558

The problem is, we don't know anything about what might be going on. Hell, to my knowledge, we don't even know what happened to Yugo, and given what we do know about Anycolor, I say the hospitalization is a cover up.

>> No.65486612

nta but I mean the way it is now with a handful of people chiming in for something so serious makes them look terrible in a different way. if they were all quiet all-around it would look like they were telegraphing to us that it's not actually-serious aka it's just a bullshit foil for a stealth suspension as people think. If she actually-did have an emergency you would think all ENs would at the very least take a minute to make a tweet by now if they were convinced it was real or at least wanted to make an effort to make us believe it's real. With this, it's kinda neither, it looks either fake or like most of the members don't give a fuck about her in the slightest.

>> No.65486629

Pomu has a collab with Kiara, she doesn't give a fuck about sa 'friend' trying to off herself.

>> No.65486642

Nobody would cover up something with a hospitalization that implies a suicide attempt. It's like covering up spilled milk by taking a shit on the floor.

>> No.65486662

>cover up
assassination attempt

>> No.65486681

>None of Luxiem or Noctyx commented
Based. Fuck whores.

>> No.65486758

Pomu and Selen Sister

>> No.65486847

I don't think that's what's happening but just because something's a terrible idea doesn't mean it can't happen.

>> No.65487036

1. I don't think they were trying to imply a suicide attempt. I think they genuinely believed they could get away with saying Selen got into an accident three days after her 15k song cover got taken down without having rrats spread.
2. It wouldn't be the most moronic decision Niji management has made by a long shot.

>> No.65487146

I do. Anycolor does not.

>> No.65487389

>Pekora lost her 500k bet in horse racing still streaming

>Selen 15K on cover cancel MV hospitalize


>> No.65487396

Alright, good. Just had to make sure it was clear that there is no explanation that doesn't make Nijisanji look worse than it is.

>> No.65487401

1984 you mean, retard-chan.

>> No.65487525

Listen, these are nips. If they understand anything, it's subtly implying suicide.

>> No.65487791

Honestly, I haven't seen a precedent for implying suicide with Niji's stealth terminations. They said nothing whatsoever about Yugo, and when Zaion's turn came around, they made her out to be some war criminal.

>> No.65488432

Anon, pekora and miko won their bet. The one who losing 540k yen(around $3800) was Koyori,

>> No.65489398

>Person exists
>Something happens to said person
>Need to pretend to give a shit
Why? Selen was more buddy buddy with all the twitch people, hell her unit is probably the most divided one in the entire company.

>> No.65490856

Seems like its really prevalent on the internet and gaming, people keep telling me "keep yourself safe".

>> No.65491969

Bold of you to assume these people are smart enough to still be covid-conscious

>> No.65492134

Holobros... yesterday you told me the Niji family didn't say anything to support their fellow liver... what is this?

>> No.65492393

No, because I'd feel a little better if it was some bullshit lie made up by Anycolor. As is, it sounds like she got hit hard by management and attempted or contemplated taking her own life, and I really don't want that to be true. If it's just a lie, she may be freaking out right now but she's actually physically ok and could also be sonewhat mentally ok. With the other, she's 100% not mentally ok and there's a chance she's not physically ok either.

>> No.65492829

>no millie
she is such a snake

>> No.65493464

5 people (6 if you count the VirtualReal talent) wishing her well while everyone else didn't. And even then last night it was only 2-3 people that wished her well. That's barely any talents, Millie was quick to defend Anycolor but does nothing when it comes to a coworker.

>> No.65495386

Yes, it'd be better for Selen if the tweet was a lie, but Anycolor's reputation will never not get dragged down by this incident. If Selen is in the hospital, then there's a good chance it's at least partly because of Nijisanji. If she's not, then it shows that Nijisanji isn't against lying about their employees. Either way, Anycolor's reputation suffers.

>> No.65496775


>> No.65497810

Because it's most likely another one of Niji's stealth suspensions, given the recent events, and any talent who's replying to this is either playing along or oblivious.

>> No.65498139

Oh, you talked about last year race.
Sorry, I thought you talked about this year.

>> No.65498553

I think it’d be funny if they stealth suspended her and told her to make up a reason, so she chose this with the knowledge that wrinkly jap prunes wouldn’t understand the implication. But I don’t believe she would actually do that, and I’m worried about her.

>> No.65499079

Nobody implied a suicide except you schizos

>> No.65499158

I was literally saying Niji management wasn't trying to imply a suicide. Why the fuck did you tag me as if I'm feeding the rrat?

>> No.65499393

I’ve seen you make this same post a couple hours ago

>> No.65499414

Mission: Defend the Black Company, Millie.

>> No.65499415

>except you
I'll indulge you anon I don't believe it anymore then the average person but what kind of accident are you denied your phone for a few days after? Even moreso after the timing, I'm legit curious. The best rrat I can think of is the she made an joke about killing herself to some family or a manager or something and she got put on watch.

>> No.65499443

500k Yen

>> No.65499491

NTA. Bingo. Watch for the next chess move by Nijisanji management. They'll pull more lies out of their ass.

>> No.65499498

It's pretty much certain that some, or maybe even most of Niji management it going to end up in prison over this whole situation. There's no way there won't be justice. It can take time for everything to work out though.

>> No.65499577

Because you’re also spreading a rrat that they’re making her use the hospital as an excuse. Like some of you are pretty retarded why would they risk a crime for a vtubing agency when they’re too chicken shit to even humor the possibility of legal action?

>> No.65499609

No. 1985. We've gone well far past 1984 by now.

>> No.65499669

I personally doubt it, they'll hide in their country and avoid accountability like with every controversy when abusing their talents.

>> No.65499673

>Japanese company
>Face repercussions for abusing workers

Lol. LMAO even.

>> No.65499708

Do you think niji fired her manager?

>> No.65499775

But enough about Amerisharts and Chinks

>> No.65499842

The only method to combat this is to be careful with the narratives being spread around on all sides. It's been so common-place for the public to take one side and run with it. You can see this mob mentality on multiple fronts.

You can see the suicide schizo rrrat as one narrative. While it's plausible, running with it 100% just makes you look like a complete retard.

>> No.65499903
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>> No.65499914

based retard

>> No.65499951

That would require someone with as much influence as Anycolor, if not more, to look at this situation and decide to pursue a case. Even if that happened, there's a bigger problem: Anycolor is a Japanese company, so the case would more than likely be tried in Japan, and the Japanese legal system tends to be corrupt as all hell.

>> No.65499962

Based on their silence and actions recently, I doubt it. It's much easier for this guy to get away with zero accountability and saying nothing. :)

>> No.65500000

She's supposedly in the hospital for a whole week. For her to be there that long for a reason that wasn't a suicide attempt (or at least a suicidebait), she would have had to been in a massive car wreck or something. And if she was actually in a horrific freak accident with crazy timing I think more than four organs would chip in, and probably with more than "stay safe ;)"

>> No.65500020


>> No.65500085

to her credit, she liked the recent hospitalization post: https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff/likes

>> No.65500105

A. I never said anything about suicide. I just said that it's likely that Selen isn't hospitalized and that the tweet was a cover up.
B. Remember when they made up a bunch of shit about Zaion just so they had an excuse to kick her out? That could be considered libel, but no one pursued legal action.

>> No.65500234

Quints of truth

>> No.65500254

Remember when she corrected Selen in 1 hour about how she didn't get the permissions correctly?

When Selen got hospitalized yesterday, 24 hours laterish or more, Millie has said nothing and didn't like the tweet. Instead she has been live-tweeting her experience in Japan and can't be bothered to give any public best wishes.

Really makes you think about her priorities to fuck over a coworker and defend the company.

>> No.65500282

That's almost worse than if she just ignored it. She didn't even take the time to type out a three word message, she just clicked the like button and kept sucking Tazumi's cock like her supposed best friend isn't either in the hospital of on the verge of being fired.

>> No.65500373

She's a sycophant. Easier to do as you're told and get a paycheck than to go out of your way to do the right thing.

>> No.65500379

That's true. I see it as a middle-ground if the previous stealth suspension rrrats were true that you get punished if you publicly support a talent who management wants to be ex-communicado and isolated. Regardless, everyone looks bad in this situation.

>> No.65500449

I doubt Sayu had the resources to pursue a full out legal battle. Lawyering up just for proofreading her document probably ate up most of the money she had

>> No.65500519

Yup, really shows her true colors here.

>> No.65500572

I wonder if they could say that they said were about Zaion the character and not her and they didn't like the portrayal of the character hiding behind half truths.

>> No.65500638

First off your statement is already a schizo delusion. She said she’ll be under supervision for a few days and got her phone back yesterday. Unless you’re going to say she lied about when she received her phone she had her phone on her within 24 hours not a few days. Now because I know you don’t watch any streams and just want to spread drama did you hear about when Gura was in the hospital? Ina? Haachama? The jp niji male? No of course not because some people don’t think about posting that shit at all and some do it after they leave. Since she’s staying she decided to give a heads up to let them know why she might be gone instead of springing a health emergency after a month of silence. I miss gura
And as a favor to you here’s 10 reasons why she wouldn’t have her phone on her at the time
>Left it home, she was unconscious, couldn’t sign in, mri, doctor held it during a psych eval, stress relief, it broke and she signed into a new one, it was just misplaced, help her focus on treatment if there’s trauma, and in some cases because of privacy
She never stated the doctor held it just that she didn’t have access

>> No.65500786

They probably have each other's real life contact information. This virtue signaling means nothing. If I was in the hospital, I'd want my friends and family to visit or call me, not fucking tweet at me. You people are idiots.

>> No.65500806
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>your statement is already a schizo delusion
>absolutely schizo blogpost
Not helping your case here.

>> No.65500823

Genuine retards making shit up as you go along. Japan has a 99.8% case completion rate because if you get tried you’re going to prison. Let’s not talk about accuracy but anyone getting tried is pretty much dead to rights

>> No.65500970

Ok, fine, but kindly answer me this: where is petra in all of this? How about millie, or elira, or literally anyone else who might supposedly be her friend? Didn't she have a whole group with Enna, Vox, and Fulgur? Where are they in all this?

>> No.65501051

You're reading too deeply into it. Nijisanji is not concerned with the details of the supposed accident. It just needs an excuse for Selen to be gone for a while.

>> No.65501071

That's if the case even gets off the ground. From what I understand, cases in Japan aren't tried unless they're sure they can get a guilty verdict. That's why the completion rate is so high, because they won't even start the process if they can't be sure they'll finish.

>> No.65501096

I used to really like Millie. Why is she such a bitch now?

>> No.65501102

Try not to project all that shit onto me anon, that ain't healthy. I'd say the odds of having an accident these days where you didn't have access to your phone is pretty low unless she was in one so bad it fucked that up as well.
Your ramblings aren't any better then the ones the other anons came up with.
I also didn't say the doctor took her phone but you implied it could have been the case for a psych eval so I feel like you are arguing with yourself.
I thought this was obvious honestly. Pomu wouldn't send gws message on twitter she'd call or dm her for sure.

>> No.65501196

typical flip behavior

>> No.65501211

everything changed after secret GC
everything changed after Kyo
everything changed after Reimu introduced the girls to /vt/

>> No.65501273

The way I see it, Millie didn't change, Nijisanji did. She probably just went with it and is doing everything she can to stay in Tazumi's good graces.

>> No.65501296

>You can see the suicide schizo rrrat as one narrative. While it's plausible, running with it 100% just makes you look like a complete retard.
It's the most likely thing. she lives in canada which means the only two things that would've prevented her personally having access to her own phone for two days is either being in ER or being in the mental ward.
The suicide rrat is more likely because it ALSO explains why the tweet doesn't have her 'voice' in it. if she had a mental chimpout then no shit she's not going to be allowed to directly post something on her corpo owned socials and will have to use an intermediary because she's not in the mental state to be trusted right now.
As for the branch largely ignoring the situation, that's simply explained by the fact they just don't give a shit about selen which would likely also back up and add to why she had a mental chimpout when management fucked her over.

>> No.65501393

I completely agree with your post but it's a rrrat and believing a rrrat 100% makes you look like a fool. This is why it's called a rrrrat.

>> No.65501578

That’s not how that works. She could’ve slipped and fell, banged her knee against a table getting a hairline fracture, accidentally cut her finger and didn’t clot, regular car accident with no visual injuries or she could’ve went in for a routine check up. Either way during her physical they found something odd so they kept her for observation. Which is pretty normal especially for a country that’s shit at medicine

>> No.65501661

They also have a 99% completion rate because most crimes aren't actually brought that far.

Can't be convicted for a crime if your workers are mind broken into accepting unpaid overtime nightshifts.

>> No.65501736

On the bright side, this would've alerted her entire network in the vTuber industry that things are weird at Nijisanji and someone out there might reach their hand out to Selen for future opportunities if she desires to leave.

Hopefully this allows future people to be skeptical if Nijisanji decides to terminate Selen out of nowhere citing incompetence, acting out, etc. I can see them do that in the next few weeks. They seem eager to destroy Selen's reputation and bury this yab as much as possible instead of apologizing to anyone.

>> No.65501831

I truly believe they do not have the rep to bury Selen even if they wanted to right now. That would be pushed to all of the drama youtubers at this point and the normies would come at them full force.

>> No.65501883

kind of obvious its a cover up thats urgent and sudden enough to cancel all her scheduled streams and collabs overnight with no additional explanation
if she was actually hurt then it would be a much bigger deal, the kind that actually demands a black text on white background notice but it would attract too much attention which is the opposite of a stealth 2 week vacation
not just Sayu, but also Millie needing to step away for family reasons for 2 weeks after secret GC and even Pomu going on so many "I really don't want to but I have to" breaks this year. Kyo's plastic surgery yab and "voluntarily" suspending streaming. And I'm sure there are others.
kind of dumb to speculate anything else, we'll see when she gets back

>> No.65501903

So what happened, anon? She walked out of her room after telling people to illegally reupload her MV, saying she just lost $15k and needed to sell merch on her PL, and accidentally slipped on a banana peel?

>> No.65501919 [DELETED] 
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Say that to Millie wth her passive aggressive reply

>> No.65501943

We'll see, anon, we'll see. Hoping there's a steady resolution in the end but I don't know.

>> No.65502052

No I don’t remember them making shit up about Zaion because in the real world Sayu made a statement saying “yes this did happen but” to every point made. Technically lied about one of the more innocuous ones and added background information irrelevant to the story to tug on the heart strings of people that have never watched vtubers before. If your take away from her statement wasn’t “nijisanji is strict but she’s kind of crazy” you pretty much ousted yourself as someone that started coming here till way after idol debuted

>> No.65502064

>WaIT, wHat HapPeNEd? THaT's sO WEirD!

I didn't think Millie was this much of a goddamn lizardman, but everyone has to be wrong at some point, i guess

>> No.65502081

3 of the 5 use the phrase stay safe. The other two are some variation of get well. None of them are very long or personal. Did management put the word out on what they could say in response to the tweet, or do they just not care?

>> No.65502162

She's kind of crazy

for making a joke

about being sponsored

by Dee's Nuts

>> No.65502196

what's the senran tab?
also PH is more into FB than ID right? what SNS does ID use?

>> No.65502204

>they dont let you have your phone after a slip and fall, and need to keep you under observation
nigga please dont be this stupid, i know you're a faggot reddit tourist but come on.

>> No.65502294

>No one replies
>They hate her kek!
>So much for family!
>nijien chuubas respond
>”Family amiright guys?”
>so fucking fake kek
There’s no right play for you guys

>> No.65502310

Goddamn the yen is weak

>> No.65502332

I never said it was impossible for her to have actually tried just that you’re a schizo for trying to gleam that off a standard tweet. And I gave you multiple reasons why she wouldn’t have her WORK phone on her at the time. You’re just as stupid as you are schizo

>> No.65502329

Who knows, it's stoic but it's something. Better than the lack of responses before.

>> No.65502331

it's probably more manipulation
>it would be a shame if selen looked like she was lying, wouldn't it?

>> No.65502381

nijiintern please just die already, do a swan dive off of ching bao dae tower.

>> No.65502391

she had sex with depressed nousagi

>> No.65502442

You sound like the frustrated Niji-intern yesterday. We're complaining about the how soulless this response is. It's not hard to do good PR but Nijisanji always fails, kek.

>> No.65502481

Is there some rule you can't use your twitter on something other then your work phone? Did Selen say that she only uses that twitter on her work phone?
To be frank you sound like the stupid, your as delusional as the people that think they know for sure.

>> No.65502540

>Tried to promote genmate's cover and got punished
>Made a deez nuts joke
>Talked about playing romhacks in the past (note: not intending to play them going forward)
Damn, this bitch is crazy!

>> No.65502586

See this is a schizo

This is a faggot that post screenshots into drama discords. Your faggots aren’t main stream

You’re making too much sense anon

>> No.65502623

>you can only access your vtuber twitter off your work phone bro trust me, you cant possibly access it off your personal
come on reddit this is just sad now.

>> No.65502660

Niji intern…

>> No.65502702

Holy shit are you actually fucking retarded? You do know you can log in to more than one account on your phone right? Jesus christ I hope you never reproduce.

>> No.65502708

You want to be right about me but you aren't, I can't even think of why I would be baiting for screenshots asking why a random anon things related to Selen.
Don't be such a child anon.

>> No.65502748

Lmao sure, I'm a schizo for thinking Nijisanji management is black. It's not like they haven't acted this maliciously to other livers before. You sound like a child who lacks critical thinking skills. Enjoy being manipulated by your favorite company.

>> No.65502871

every one of these responses is genuine concern except for the wigger
do you think pio, wosemi, or renren are smart enough to fake their concern for selen's health? only kyo is a wigger and is monkey see monkey do for clout

>> No.65502897

>Nijisanji is strict
Not really, you can't really say that when we have all seen other organs do worse shit and go unpunished

>> No.65502928

It would be a little funny if manage told Selen to come up for a reason for a week break and she made this as the most passive aggressive shit on them of all time.

>> No.65503073

I don’t get it I write out a post, retards choose to not read it then pretend it wasn’t already explained. If she didn’t have her work phone for what ever reason she’d have to sign into Twitter on her regular phone. I will admit this could just be a me thing but whenever I sign into twitter on a different device it asks for verification which she could only get 2 ways through management or someone telling her the code on her work phone. They could also bring the phone to the hospital for her making the sign in pointless but these are all possibilities I brought up

>> No.65503103

Mr. Beast did just lose a lawsuit with Dee's Nuts, so in hindsight, that point might not have been entirely unjustified.

>> No.65503213

who knows, they've said their public statement. Any further speculation is a waste of time. My main concern is management's lack of giving a shit about Selen.

>> No.65503262

>>65502294 (me)
>Retards have no actual response
>J-jump of the great wall of china niji intern! Shamalamadingdong
I accept your concession.

>> No.65503304

Mr Beast did get assblasted by dees nuts. That one was fair.

>> No.65503318

ah you shall dismiss the following responses that has a point and ignore them. You truly are a bootlicker.

>> No.65503330

She's obviously not hospitalized lmao. Anyone who's buying this shit may *literally* be retarded. It's a front for her stealth suspension after the recent MV yab.
Exactly, retard. Pomu knows that this is a fucking farce and isn't disingenuous enough to play into it. Her true friends are not going to respond at all.

>> No.65503436

If you don’t mind me asking but who’s “they?” Was there a second tweet that said someone was keeping her phone from her?

>> No.65503592

That's all we're really saying (baring the idiots claiming it as fact.) the timing is odd and the phrasing implies something that hopefully isn't true.
For all we know she could have had a little fall and sprained an ankle or something and was still pissy about the cover so she didn't care to post.

>> No.65503722

Or maybe they contacted her in private. Like REAL friends do?

>> No.65503742

Not that part that part’s fine but the other 90% of your post claiming selen is like some vtubing jesus that every company and indie will rally behind because you think a stealth suspension is somehow worse than her actually being in the hospital or that even if she is nijisanji has some involvement from halfway across the world is schizo shit. And you knew that which is why you focused on the least schizophrenic point you made

>> No.65503884

Is Selen the type to lie about going to the hospital? She doesn't seem the type.

>> No.65503992

Weird no reply I wonder why

>> No.65504105

They’d need to make friends to understand that

>> No.65504209

No but Niji is

>> No.65504265

I know public opinion being divided is really awful for everyone involved. However, I know what management is capable of with swaying public opinion to get what they want based on precedent. They did it before and will not hesitate to do it again. Selen doesn't deserve this bullshit.

Management lacks accountability, empathy, and humanity. They lack willing to acknowledge any fault or wrongdoing.

Why do any of that when it's so much easier to just throw the talent under the bus instead of admitting you made a mistake. They're egotistical children and don't deserve anybody's respect from the public.

>> No.65504309

Do people not realize Niji can access their livers accounts, and lock them out at any moment

>> No.65504321

Stop pretending Selen is receiving loving messages in private from her Niji Family rather than being locked in a straightjacket in a padded room being fed gruel by an orderly.

>> No.65504324

look, after your 4th grandparent, your cat and your dog and your DJ dies you need a new excuse

>> No.65504397

Are you a fucking esl anon? "I just got my phone back" means she didnt have it, retard.

>> No.65504407

Yeah they likely have done that. Regardless, management doesn't make the situation look good for anybody publicly which is the main focus.

>> No.65504486

where did I say they're going to rally behind her? I said they all noticed this yab and will give her future opportunities if they want or think it's mutually beneficial. It's pretty obvious how much this blew up publicly and if you disagree with that fact, you're an idiot.

>> No.65504518

I’m esl because you can’t read?

>> No.65504668

Selen is basically Jack from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

>> No.65504677

Not just niji literally every corpo has that ability. But you would have to be here for the more than drama to notice

>> No.65504687

You know private messages exist right?

>> No.65504840

>She's supposedly in the hospital for a whole week
So the same length as a standard Nijisani stealth suspension.

>> No.65505064
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Is nobody else going to point out that they're telling her to 'stay safe'?

'Keep Yourself Safe' = KYS

>> No.65505218
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>> No.65505254

Can pomu be chief do you think?

>> No.65505541

Millie doko?

>> No.65505732

That would be a bitter sweet ending as Pomu runs off to freedom

>> No.65505734

>No I don’t remember them making shit up about Zaion because in the real world Sayu made a statement saying “yes this did happen but” to every point made.
You sound like those individuals who did not understand Sayu's document and were completely blind with rage against her behavior from the over-exaggerated termination latter. Why else would you not listen to her emotional appeal? Fuck her, am I right? She's a fucking piece of shit.

Here let me spoonfeed you - Sayu gave EXTRA CONTEXT to the situations cited. This extra context showcased to the public that Nijisanji management SPINNED & MANIPULATED various points in their termination letter to create mountains out of moleholes. This is why I'm worried about Selen because Nijisanji management had zero hesitation to pull this on her to get what they want. Their termination reasons for Sayu were overexaggerated and if you couldn't understand that fact, you're stupid. In your emotional anger, you completely foregone a very vital piece of testimony that Nijisanji management is cruel to their talents.

Of course, this doesn't excuse Sayu as completely innocent. She has done some wrongdoing and the Dee's Nuts being potential for suing is valid. However, if you cannot understand that situation was full of grey shades with management going full black against destroying Sayu's reputation when terminating her, I think you need to take some critical thinking classes.

>> No.65505852

over-exaggerated termination letter*

anon, your spelling....

>> No.65506153 [DELETED] 

You are the dumbest nigger monkey that ever existed, learn to read.

>> No.65506352

you better still wear a fucking mask and be on your 8th booster

>> No.65506428

You basically can't say anything about someone being terminated or mistreated in any corpo with out zaionists showing up to make everything about them. They're basically a modern-day MASS for catalog threads, it's where her fans reside, even though they can't keep her general alive.

>> No.65506463

NijiEN is a family in the same sense as a crime family, like a mafia or yakuza.

>> No.65506606

Hey Nijisanji-intern, welcome back. You sound like you got owned with my arguments in this thread and so you're resulting in slandering Zaion's name to discredit the validity of her testimony.

It is true that her general is fucking dead but the sentiment and anger behind the drama doesn't translate to celebrity status. That's a foolish point of view.

Or..... maybe you're just a false-flag catalog thread reader who is sick on the same bullshit threads all the time.

>> No.65506670

bro, maybe just make more funny catalog threads instead of making the same repetitive Gura yab threads. Fucking faggot complaining but ain't willing to do jack shit, shut the fuck up.

>> No.65506809

So you admit she said “yes this did happen but…” Conversation should end right here but I should finish. Appealing to emotion is essentially manipulation because you already realized with logic and reasoning you’re in the wrong. She brings up having to pay for her debut as a slight when it’s not asked of you to do it and that’s par for the course in every corpo including the paragon hololive. Idol made a big stink about being different because they pay for it and they are still the only ones to do that. She then goes onto the fact that she was in debt now, so why would you spend all this money when you didn’t have to if you knew big bills were coming? She streamed on twitch so she would know she wouldn’t immediately be monetized and even if she got lucky enough to get monetized early payouts aren’t immediate. You’d only bring these things up if you want to paint a picture of abuse and want people to take pity on you. But I’m not a woman or an effeminate man with no control over his emotions.

>> No.65506814

>Millie: Cover privated? YABBA DABBA DOO
>Millie: You're in the hospital? I sleep.
Biggest tell of all.

>> No.65506865

So closer than real family?

>> No.65507082

If you're naïve.
In truth you can get snaked at any time.
Not saying real family is better but power corrupts.

>> No.65507268

Whoever thinks this is anything other than a stealth suspension is legit retarded. Not only Niji confirmed the existence of those but also it doesn't make sense to get in an accident right after taking a jab at your own company. She even doubled down on her RM account.

>> No.65507490

Millie just correcting selen. she did nothing wrong

>> No.65507621

That is true but for the most part the yakuza and the mafia embody family and loyalty

>> No.65507720

Loyalty only to the boss, anyone who is seen as disloyal is eliminated.

>> No.65507959

>that nine hour gap between Doppio and Rosemi

>> No.65508115

As it should to be real traitors are never a good thing

>> No.65508614

It's "stay safe" as in "don't get fired"

>> No.65508983

no, stay safe is just the buzzwords management told them all to say in the meeting they held in the four hours between everyone /here/ noticing nobody was interacting with her tweet and telling them to fix that PR mishap.

>> No.65509056

By that metric we can deduce that only Vivi and Ren were responding genuinely

>> No.65509254

Because context doesn't matter, amirite? So is there an explanation for Vox claiming to be sponsored by manscaped and keeping his job, besides blatant favoritism? How about Kyo angering Koreans? Enna constantly shitting on coworkers? Or any of the yabs that were objectively worse than anything Zaion did that went unpunished? Surely if we were to hold everyone to the same standards that resulted in Zaion's termination, at least one of them would have also been terminated, no?

>> No.65509365

>why would you spend all this money when you didn’t have to
Because I as a liver should give a shit about making a good first impression on my debut, perhaps

>> No.65509431

Mr Beast got a copyright suit because he was selling a chocolate bar called "deez nuts". Which could reasonably be considered to infringe on the snack seller "Dee's Nuts" copyright.
Anyone who cites it in comparison to Zaion making a "deez nuts" JOKE has no idea what they're talking about and can be safely discarded.

>> No.65509486

No but niji will, remember when millie did her secret stream and after that she have an "emergency" leave. Saying that her parent dog is sick and she need to visit them, while also giving a thumb up using her rm account syncing with enna.

>> No.65509488

Anon is a sociopath and is arguing in bad faith, you can ignore him

>> No.65509514

>Kyo angering Koreans?
Compare this to how Niji dealt with Gundou after she made the baseball tweet.

>> No.65509723

I don't think you understand how seriously the japanese take baseball.

>> No.65509742

I mean
She probably tried to kill herself but, official communication was taken away so anything that other people here is managers trying to cover it up as a nothingburger; if you were told "hey your coworker had an oopsie, nothing serious but they'll be out for a week" you'll also probably respond wihh "oh, hope you get better soon" without much questioning

Those who didn't say anything know what actually happened

>> No.65509799

You also don't understand how seriously Koreans take the plastic surgery stereotype apparently

>> No.65509946

stop trying to play the crowd and just do right by the talents and the fans for once

>> No.65510685

She was never in with Enna or Elira. Her friends are Rosemi and Pomu.

>> No.65510811

god they really did name a dude Doppio Dropscythe

>> No.65511022

>Appealing to emotion is essentially manipulation because you already realized with logic and reasoning you’re in the wrong.
jesus fucking christ, did you hyper-focus on one part of my sentence and completely dismiss my point? Looks like it LOL. Can you start to look at my message as a whole and comprehend that situations can aren't as simple as black & white. Oh wait, you must be a fucking teenager if you think like that. When you hyper-focus on one aspect of a situation and completely ignore the whole, you're just cherry-picking and that's what you're doing right now. You & >>65509488 are both acting in bad faith. You are both not willing to come to the table and talk it out. You both would rather emotionally get angry and not understand that shit is complicated.

>She brings up having to pay for her debut as a slight when it’s not asked of you to do it and that’s par for the course in every corpo including the paragon hololive.
Are you fucking stupid, she wanted to do a good first impression in a hyper-competitive space?? You have no business sense.

>Idol made a big stink about being different because they pay for it and they are still the only ones to do that.
Oh, so you're an idolEN shill. Gotcha. You clearly didn't come to talk here with good-faith and trying to break down my arguments. Also, why are you interjecting idol all of a sudden? LOL. Nice free marketing there, bozos. I noticed the other small corpos doing the same, we all can tell.

>She then goes onto the fact that she was in debt now, so why would you spend all this money when you didn’t have to if you knew big bills were coming?
It's called a fucking risk to start her new online career, dumbass.

>She streamed on twitch so she would know she wouldn’t immediately be monetized and even if she got lucky enough to get monetized early payouts aren’t immediate.

>You’d only bring these things up if you want to paint a picture of abuse and want people to take pity on you. But I’m not a woman or an effeminate man with no control over his emotions.
You're the real sociopath LOL, get rope bitch.

>> No.65511238

What? Didn’t she give the excuse that she was busy preparing for her “concert” (basically a karaoke stream)?

>> No.65511298

if >>65508983 anon is legit then yeah....

Also, I got to say:
>telling them to fix that PR mishap.
this is very on-brand of shitty Japanese managers LOL

>> No.65511323

Racial stereotyping like Kyo did is absolutely worse than the most boomer baseball jokes imaginable that literally every fan has made at some point. That whole thing was nothing but self-inflicted humiliation for the Japanese.

>> No.65511343

These talents should organize, get sag to cover them and shove union regs up the dusty losers ass

>> No.65511495

I’m confused here. If someone tells you they’re hospitalized due to an accident, wouldn’t the normal reaction be “get well soon”? Is “stay safe” a common reaction? I usually see it used if someone is going on a long trip or doing something risky. Non-burger here.

>> No.65511565

Maybe it means something else? I don't know, the wording is fucking weird like every fucking communications that Nijisanji PR is sending out

>> No.65512199

Do you think I’m new? After she was terminated we went through to see what talents did what compared to her and while they did some none of them all of those

>> No.65512279

it's a wonky way of conveying the same general sentiment of "i hope no further harm comes to you", i've seen it used albeit less commonly

>> No.65512380

And you just proved you didn’t watch Zaion or read her statement newfag. She made an entire asset called “Dee’s Nut” while claiming to be sponsored by them. It wasn’t joke that got her canned because it’s well known management tried to make elira’s opening joke a deez nuts like big pomu energy, but you’re too new to know that

>> No.65512448

You only think that because you’re a little bitch. Asians all are racist and they don’t even pretend they aren’t

>> No.65512525

You're still comparing it to a joke about baseball man

>> No.65513452

They know about Riku's hitman

>> No.65513504

In Japan baseball is serious, in China insulting parents is serious, and in Europe insulting mentally ill trannies is serious.

>> No.65515132

They're telling her to shut up and behave herself to avoid any further "accidents"

>> No.65515664

Anyone doubting that this was a suicide attempt is an idiot

First things first, the whole apostrophe thing implies a different phone is being used to post on twitter. If she 'got her phone back', the anomaly wouldn't be there.

I think there are three reasonable causes for the posts to not be coming from her own phone.
>1. She's in jail after a chimp out/Following a chimp out, niji preemptively seized all her socials
>2. She's currently in protective custody following a suicide attempt/threat, and her custodians have denied her access to her socials
>3. (Most unlikely) She's actually, genuinely, dead. And Niji is trying to cover it up before graduating her citing "Stress/Mental Health" without a graduation stream

>> No.65516418

In Korea plastic surgery is serious

>> No.65516973

Knowing a couple attempted suicides. They don't keep you at the hospital if physically able and willing to return home. Get scheduled psych.. counseling and such. This is the time of the season when it's most popular.

Seriously doubt though. Pretty sure it's a stealth suspension. Why no other info and from the response of other talents. "Stay Safe"

>> No.65517161

Let it go, Kyo.

>> No.65517675

Because we know it's all fake as fuck and just manipulative bullshit. just like (you're) specific post was just then intern-kun.
