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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 373 KB, 848x774, GBOKp7xbUAA-iMH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65494259 No.65494259 [Reply] [Original]

Feet is a very common fetish

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
VReverie (Jan 3) https://twitter.com/VReverieLive/status/1731525487741309078
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Don't bait the bite

Previous thread: >>65470648

>> No.65494399

This AI image again...

>> No.65494409

On my way home from 7/11 with tasty food. I was humming the chipi chapa song but the guy there stared at me so I stopped.

I bleed blue I piss red I shit white.

>> No.65494444

I got a dm from a non-/asp/ie viewer earlier today that said she turned off my collab because "a lot of the people you hang out with in general make me uncomfortable"
So I told her to eat shit and banned her

>> No.65494541

prove your shit or I wont even try to believe it, even if you have such quad quads.

>> No.65494549

>Didn't bring anything for us


>> No.65494587

sounds like a good way to create antis

>> No.65494744

those that knew him including other chuubas viewed this as an incredibly out of character thing for glug guy, he wasn't known to be a schizo outside of this thing, either way he has hurt them too by doing that so those who he glug’d frequently like Denpa want nothing to do with him now anyway

>> No.65494766

You guys just yelled at me...
Someone wanted pizza though but it's really late so they don't have any

>> No.65494923

Am I not supposed to talk about the game!? The other streamers I see blog about their life when playing the game.

>> No.65495155

it's not AI, it's just that good

>> No.65495187

Whatever works for women

>> No.65495200

you get different audiences, I watch those who chat about their life, if you focus on the gameplay I get turned off, but there is people who only want commented gameplay, nothing else aside from that when the game is going.

>> No.65495226

We doing a feet rating tier list again?

>> No.65495238
File: 169 KB, 1080x1210, GCejBB3bAAA5p3x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I can be fixed

>> No.65495304

OMG who is this??? tell me so that we can start building the ideal home baby

>> No.65495349

You can talk about the game, but talking about the game is different from narrating what's happening in the game

>> No.65495489
File: 393 KB, 2772x2120, 1700019124849875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local stone man feels the effects of One WayTrip

>> No.65495537

If I tell you you'll hate me

>> No.65495573

It's me always have a big butt because of my masculine

>> No.65495597

So there is something wrong with narrating the game right?

>> No.65495640

How would I hate the perfect wife? please tell me who you are so we can arrange the marriage ASAP

>> No.65495770
File: 239 KB, 1245x1204, thanks anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for stopping by.

>> No.65495835
File: 160 KB, 612x542, 1683524066706278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me Ant Andy

>> No.65495836
File: 73 KB, 1000x850, 412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok

>> No.65495862

well, another short boring stream with blown out audio under my belt! I need to get better

>> No.65495880

Yeah, people already know what's going on in the game, you don't have to repeat it to them and if they're just listening to your stream they don't care that much if the enemy has lost 1 hp instead of 2

>> No.65495885

Link me the test

>> No.65495926


>> No.65495929

thank you for streaming

>> No.65495928

Narrating the game is the most bottom of the barrel commentary you can do. Everyone can see what you're doing and what's going on so few people care to watch that. Unless you mean narrating the dialogue, which could be cool and entertaining if you do cool voices.

>> No.65496013

Dream of enemy ships. o7

>> No.65496019

link to the test? I want to see if I could make a good wife (male)

>> No.65496033
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>> No.65496145


>> No.65496248


>> No.65496266

The point is to say interesting stuff. There are ways to even narrate what's happening in the game in an interesting way. Its not an easy thing to do or all that commonly done well but it is certainly possible.

>> No.65496278

Also the husband equivalent for anyone who wants it

>> No.65496435

Just your local dumb fox ^.^

>> No.65496482

Why does Cats Return have a gay flag in her twitter bio

>> No.65496502

do you guys have any recommendations for potting soil style content, like including potting soil as a main theme or aspect. like dirt making streams and adjacent or various things like that. thank in advanve

>> No.65496521
File: 79 KB, 1111x996, 1415028913468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am officially giving up on my current plans! Everything! All of it! I've gone nowhere for ages stuck as a 2view. Lots of lessons were had and improvements made, but I stopped having fun somewhere along the way. I have not been true to myself anons. I am doing the pose of giving up hope. I will eventually start streaming something true to myself and have fun again. I had more fun as a 0view than I do as a 2view, so what more do I need? The pose of reattaining hope.

>> No.65496536

why ;-;

>> No.65496563

How do you network?

>> No.65496596

anon im looking for some potting soil tubers too, im tired of jacking it to topsoil and loam. god.

>> No.65496613

>I will eventually start streaming...again
Everything before this sentence was kino
We don't have enough /asp/ graduations

>> No.65496641

Because she's bi

>> No.65496726
File: 52 KB, 987x456, lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This test is rigged

>> No.65496751

I’m a viewer and sorry if you like listening to people with zero personality from Haru or Beryl. Go watch entertaining people like Mond, Camui or Lavandel. If i wanted to hear a boring voice all day I’d watch vinny. If i want to watch babis I’d watch Jowol.

>> No.65496823

Give me your twitch username so I can block your retarded ass from my streams

>> No.65496865

if you do good commenting, you provide more entertainment, like a soccer match, it adds another flavor to the whole food. Do not jump from one fucking end to the other like a 3 year old.

>> No.65497020

I'm not going to stream under the same name, that persona is dead. It's associated with antifun now.

>> No.65497057

>Boring voice
>That babi sexpest
I join >>65496823 's request

>> No.65497107

You posted this in the kayfabe thread gtfo no one cares

>> No.65497279
File: 41 KB, 862x405, Ihatemylife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess its over for me

>> No.65497334

Can I have a hug?

>> No.65497356
File: 340 KB, 112x112, Squidxplode.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momo here! To the anon that said I am an alpha male: Thank you! Finally someone who opens his eyes and sees the truth!!!! You're epic!

>> No.65497462
File: 47 KB, 746x450, 1684471402079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be a superior husband

>> No.65497473

I can record myself slapping my mic for you

>> No.65497505

>Reheating bait
Back in my day the crabs at least made a bit of an effort, this isn't even funny anymore

>> No.65497524

Hop on stream

>> No.65497528

Shut up and take this penis in your mouth, Homo Momo

>> No.65497612

Who are you? Kaiser?

>> No.65497621

I love you no homo, I would still take a kiss from your lips if I could but no homo

>> No.65497678
File: 215 KB, 500x500, IMG_2932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty for the feedback on my voice i like to play with different voices teehee
if you have other feedback for my streams please let me know, i want to be a good chuuba for (You)

>> No.65497742

Cute Rinna being cute

>> No.65497747


>> No.65497805

You need to tell me what the fuck is going on, please

>> No.65497872

yeah, can you try cutting yourself on stream

>> No.65497895

Soon my Rinna emote collection will be complete and I can create the ultimate meme

>> No.65497931


Is it confirmed that she is one of those?

>> No.65497980

She genuinely believes in shit like healing crystals, of course she's one of those

>> No.65498022

There was one thread where she said she used a kitchen knife on herself. I don't feel like looking in archive just to point you to it

>> No.65498225

I don’t believe in healing crystals you dingus, I collect them because they’re pretty. i also like wearing crystals because they usually represent something, i.e rose quartz for self love, so when i touch the stone or see it i remember to practice self love! just like how certain flowers mean things when you give them as gifts! i do not hurt myself dear anon ):<

>> No.65498271

because she's a sodomite

>> No.65498321 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.80 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u little troll i used that for cooking
ill use the knife on you next time

>> No.65498457

>ill use the knife on you next time

>> No.65498461
File: 277 KB, 1140x186, suspicious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to block all of these people

>> No.65498497
File: 171 KB, 720x967, sketch-1700847697476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait is my model a femboy? I don't like the idea that it is

>> No.65498555

does mond eat raw meat or cooked meat? i wanted to draw her but i don't know what kind of meat it is

>> No.65498622

you look feminine

>> No.65498649
File: 13 KB, 185x86, YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a (You)

>> No.65498656

The design is definitely more feminine than masculine

>> No.65498674

How do you know for any of these?

>> No.65498694

she my wife

>> No.65498708

please, you have to kill me

>> No.65498735

Sono would never!!!

>> No.65498739

you my wife

>> No.65498776

Its a alien, therefore not bound by our perceptions of male and female biology

>> No.65498791

Everything there is true

Iriya, Lava, Denpa and Gumpai have all admitted it

Everyone in suspicious have either admitted mental illness or feel very mentally ill

>> No.65498797

cutters do it for attention, they're not shy about letting people know

>> No.65498808

can you get pregnant

>> No.65498813
File: 37 KB, 799x468, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my 5 minutes back.

>> No.65498832

she likes raw meat my sweet little angel baby

>> No.65498867

Okay but I still have eyes so no matter what level of logic or rationality you give me, I still see a feminine figure and want to stick my dick in it

>> No.65498871

You're dumb.

>> No.65498885

I can fix emo

>> No.65498894

Look at mr bad husband over here lending his wife the car when she needs it and reading news articles aloud or whatever that arbitrary shit was

>> No.65498945
File: 210 KB, 500x500, IMG_2958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i 100% got that good old fashion mento iwness luv

>> No.65498952

I don't think any of the people in suspicious are cutters or even mentally ill.

>> No.65498963

If she collabed with viewer chan I think my heart would explode from the cute

>> No.65498965

a humanoid alien with features that in human culture would be considered feminine, retard

>> No.65499002
File: 48 KB, 969x502, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's get married

>> No.65499008

You’re my thread angel!

>> No.65499036
File: 9 KB, 112x112, potatosleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://voca.ro/1i4WVVUbghXa I pull the card of: my throat is fucked

>> No.65499073
File: 45 KB, 739x505, husband.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than mine

>> No.65499092

This comes down to public perception. regardless of if you think it shouldn't be bound, ultimately it still is. I'd describe it as more boyish than fem. But the hips give it that slight fem edge.

>> No.65499117

you're all edge with no point

>> No.65499125


>> No.65499153

ive spent the afternoon researching how to change my voice because i feel like mines doesnt reflect my model enough and i really want to go harder on a keyfabe i want viewers to click in and believe im a reformed neet elf on her genki tomboy side character whos fandom wished she got with the mc im gonna crack another beer now

>> No.65499175


>> No.65499227

That doesn't make sense. You're just repeating stock platitudes and phrases with zero thought. People cut themselves for attention. Did you hear that in high-school champ?

>> No.65499235
File: 107 KB, 474x208, 1703761406466385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65499247

down the meds with the beer sis

>> No.65499273


>> No.65499320

All the 0% Husbands and Wives should pair up I want to see the shitshow. But they're probably all men.

>> No.65499338


>> No.65499344
File: 263 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_0590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m swag

>> No.65499392

Zatsu stream/ cozy car stuff idk

>> No.65499405

i love you guys so much

>> No.65499436


>> No.65499472
File: 97 KB, 500x500, FTj7KMhUsAAgOm6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65499528

I bet you put cold feet on your husband you hussy

>> No.65499575

Rinna my wife

>> No.65499613

Only if they liked it…

>> No.65499616

Please tell me you're not Silver, I can't believe he could be that dumb

>> No.65499639
File: 115 KB, 1080x1462, Averageh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burps loudly at dinner table

>> No.65499798

i used a piece of a fish sauce bottle that belonged to my sisters roommate in the bathroom of their shared apartment-anonymous

>> No.65499885
File: 35 KB, 758x512, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mostly just because I'm a failedmale in general :((((

>> No.65500066

>razor blades in mouth just to taste blood

>broke down crying on her first/second stream ever about having no friends and being heavily bullied

>hypersexual indicates she got touched as a kid

>Emo and Nana
>don't trust people with black and red designs

>self admitted porn addiction and depression

>rape victim

>Artists are always mentally ill

>Health issues galore

>Chaos foundry
>are you fucking serious?

>depression incarnate

>> No.65500169

Yeah I can buy it

>> No.65500168
File: 243 KB, 1179x1441, IMG_0793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did i get a better score as a husband than i did a wife when im a girl
what does this mean!!!!

>> No.65500191

Rinna appreciation: she is a cutie and a sweetie

>> No.65500209

Wanna be my husband?

>> No.65500241

time for my pegging session, honey!!

>> No.65500304

oh snap, he lives

>> No.65500328

>>razor blades in mouth just to taste blood

god thats fucking hot

>> No.65500346

>Are you fucking serious

Yes anon. He's not that bad. Just lonely.

>> No.65500383

It's very weird that I have to say this but I never was raped (thankfully) and I never said I was. I don't understand where this new idea came from. Please, respect real rape victims (not me!!! I wasn't!!! I never talked about anything like it!!!).

>> No.65500387

He's admitted depression, he is mentally ill

>> No.65500466

So why do I get a strong feeling of mental illness from you?
Are you a cutter?

>> No.65500475

>rape victim
She's making stories up to be petty and for her viewer to feel sorry for her. Don't believe a word this hoe is saying.

>> No.65500486


>> No.65500500


>> No.65500528

Who are you? Let me add you to the list

>> No.65500574
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x1080, Layla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rape victim
"p-pleash shtop hitting meeee"

>> No.65500576

Not him

>> No.65500595


>> No.65500616

I might be depressed, but haven't been diagnosed with anything bit anxiety. ~

>> No.65500619

No, I never cut myself. Probably I give that "feeling" because I suffer from severe anxiety (which is a mental illness).

>> No.65500623

Layla as the rape victim is pure conjecture as that person never confirmed who they were.
And the Emo, Laine, and Nana thing is retarded.
The corpse thing is just your politics and 4chan shit.
Rura didn't do that to taste blood. That implies she cut her cheeks on the blades which she didn't.
Rinna having health issues doesn't make her crazy or a cutter.
Cheen isn't either of those things
Sonowono is just boring.

>> No.65500676

I want my favorite /asp/ies to create discords just so I can share dumb memes, cool art of banger music with their three other viewers is that so wrong

>> No.65500734
File: 1.44 MB, 1348x1256, fdhfdhjdfhjdfshe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65500751

yeah i’m just in pain and sick all the time
im going to rebrand as a sickly victorian child with all my ailments

>> No.65500771


>> No.65500800

There's like 50 of you on the tier list, surely not all of you can become famous right?

>> No.65500820

You just want to groom them

>> No.65500856

She really is a manipulative whore.

>> No.65500872
File: 343 KB, 1184x258, name.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a name from this list

>> No.65500884

What is the filter, anon?

>> No.65500949

I keep meaning to make a discord but it seems like huge effort to keep it active and functional

>> No.65500956


>> No.65500972


>> No.65500991


>> No.65500996

koko melipan!

>> No.65500999

You can remove a good half of the males, they're never gmi

>> No.65501030

Person who posted that in archives wasn’t her, wasn’t her post style. Whoever it is, sad, and I hope they’re okay now.

>> No.65501038


>> No.65501050

>The corpse thing is just your politics and 4chan shit.
this is false. People who were sexually abused as children tend to become hypersexual as adults

>Rura didn't do that to taste blood
Confirmed you don't watch streams she literally said she used to put razor blades in her mouth so it would cut her because she likes the taste of blood

>Rinna having health issues doesn't make her crazy or a cutter
I never said it did, I said it feels like she's mentally ill because people with severe chronic issues tend to begin to loathe their own bodies and take out their frustrations on it

>Cheen isn't either of those things
You don't watch his streams either

>Sonowono is just boring.
Again you don't watch streams

>> No.65501077
File: 1.51 MB, 950x891, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some literal who that got cancelled by a crazy menhera bitch
He did WHAT to Denpafish?

>> No.65501117

Layla's post style is inconsistent
Sometimes she'll type properly and sometimes she'll go all lowercase with no punctuation

>> No.65501194


>> No.65501217

why would i want to be in more pain and sick than i already am anon
i make myself as comfy and cozy as possible 24/7 ~

>> No.65501215

Nobody may never know but my lore is that I am secretly a war criminal

>> No.65501254

I'm telling you right now: I'm Layla. I never was raped. I never said I was. I'm sorry that happened to someone else tho. I hope they can heal someday and they deserve justice.

>> No.65501262

She said she likes the taste of metal.
Prove me wrong beyond "You don't watch streams".

>> No.65501274


>> No.65501286

but if i take meds you will go away :(

>> No.65501316

>She said she likes the taste of metal.

Yes and she did that by putting razor blades in her mouth, do you want me to pull up the timestamp?

>> No.65501320

You're not me. Please stop impersonating me. It's not funny.

>> No.65501329

My lore is that I lived GTA Online but in space.

>> No.65501371


>> No.65501432


*pat pat pat*

Have fun, silly anon :3

>> No.65501444

Did you really talk about yourself in the third person lol..

>> No.65501445

What about everyone else? I've never heard Cheen talk about porn. He just gives health tips.

>> No.65501449
File: 1.65 MB, 1140x1126, Voice Tierlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok here you go.
I went and listened to vods/clips and made a tierlist of voices I could actually find
I tried to be unbiased but it's impossible to not have some sort of personal preference so my b if this list upsets you.
But I did not base placements off of friendships/interest in the streamer, this is 100% based off of how people sound in regards to streaming.

>> No.65501452


>> No.65501454

If you are going to post a image of that useless bitch at least do a non remade model

>> No.65501467

you're the russiafag from some threads ago?

>> No.65501480

it's ok for a discord to be a glorified notification RSS feed where only two viewers have the occasional convo. i'm in some discords like that and others that are a constant wellspring of discussion, fanart, clips etc. and the damndest thing is it's completely irrespective of how many followers/viewers that chuuba has.

>> No.65501498

that's what you get for being an attentionwhore, I guess, so much for learning from your mistakes

>> No.65501516

No, I was only the second anon. I don't know who the first one is.

>> No.65501532

Cheen streams too often for me to give you the timestamp but he has definitely talked about it and he alludes to it pretty regularly

>> No.65501596
File: 1.48 MB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was about to say, is he gonna be another Tarkov player or be like that guy who was streaming Hearts of Iron 4 for Wagner?

>> No.65501618

We have a new tierlist?

>> No.65501624

He sends dick pics to Lavandel

>> No.65501637

Just tell me who I need to block and why.

>> No.65501690

Have you got the menhera tier list from a few weeks ago?

>> No.65501763

No, but it may be on brand for me if I ever have an unhinged moment

>> No.65501791


>I used to put razors inside my mouth

I don't know how much more evidence you want, in the same stream she talks about bringing knives to school

>> No.65501798

i agree with this

>> No.65501818
File: 145 KB, 1812x1380, 螢幕擷取畫面 2023-12-29 114651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm useless...

>> No.65501862

I can correct you

>> No.65501891


>> No.65502043

>Like that guy who was streaming Hearts of Iron 4 for Wagner

lmao, I didn't even know that had happened, based prigozhin. He'll probably play tarkov, I don't know why that happened but it seems that the number of russians in tarkov exploded after the war

>> No.65502065

can i have the link to this?

>> No.65502126
File: 45 KB, 600x600, Laylaref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65502127

>that file name


>> No.65502152
File: 3.98 MB, 2101x2680, sdferhteheA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65502165

Can you give objective opinions on the “good for streaming” tier and why they’re there?

>> No.65502195

Great joke ngl

>> No.65502289

I just realized Mond reminds me of Aruru except playing the cunny angle less hard

>> No.65502340

I wonder how this relationship started, he's the last person I thought it would happen to

>> No.65502439

Please make me useful
Oops, that shows I'm even more useless...

>> No.65502443

Oh cool layla is posting to own the haters, time for the entire thread to be centered around her while she proves us all wrong about how flawless she is and it's always everyone else's fault

>> No.65502469

We lost renatabros

>> No.65502478

Calm down chrii

>> No.65502528


>> No.65502555

Keitaro raided into him after their collab.

>> No.65502567

Not even on the same cotenant as her

>> No.65502572
File: 1.77 MB, 1741x1080, TierList1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranking Dudes based on the niche that their voices would be good for.

If you don't see your name here, you're either me or someone I don't watch.

>> No.65502595
File: 1.70 MB, 1572x1332, 346567gh7f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65502643

ermmm you forgot a few boys....

>> No.65502656

he is literily busy playing chess right now, if he can read thread WHILE thinking and explaining his chestgame than he the most powerful of them all

>> No.65502678


>> No.65502685
File: 1.29 MB, 3300x2200, 1696485546758341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not in gamer
your lower jaw is forfeit

>> No.65502694


>> No.65502731

>retarded esl spelling
>nooo im not chrii


>> No.65502744

I think I pissed off a witch or a magician or something by arguing with them on the internet and got cursed or something my mental health and quality of life have noticeably nose dived since. How can I fix this?

>> No.65502778

I just want to be groomed by a cute girl. What must I do to make this happen?

>> No.65502793


>> No.65502797

Let's see if she'll still like yaoi when she gets home and sees me fucking Nikki's ass

>> No.65502812

Does it even count if Dorian uses a voice changer?

>> No.65502832

fake wizard

>> No.65502841

I can remove the curse for free you just need to draw something really simple for me

>> No.65502864


>> No.65502873

Must be Olga then.

>> No.65502876

Placed where I was expecting

>> No.65502906

It's called a typo
You think chrii would be able to post without self identifying?

>> No.65502927

Come chill anon <3

>> No.65503010

Seriously, how did he do it?

>> No.65503015

Tiresias talking about his huge 2 feet cock

>> No.65503051

NTA and I can't give any kind of objective take on voice quality but if you're in the top tier and refuse to believe it, you gotta recall that of all things voice is probably the one that's hardest to judge yourself on because you literally don't hear it coming out of you the same way everyone around you does.

>> No.65503062

Best dwarf husband, your zatsu is too good. Sorry, your wizard license has been revoked.

>> No.65503079

If I have to do something for you it's not for free you retard, I love you manasong manasong feet love!

>> No.65503120

>Not on the list
That's good?

>> No.65503136

Olga is pretty good at spelling but its her grammar that is her downfall but she doesnt have the ability to be evil

Motherfucker thats a fucking hell of a typo to type "cotenant" rather than "continent"

>> No.65503625

How do you even find all of these people to listen to? Am I supposed to google and just find anons by name manually?

>> No.65503657
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>> No.65503662

I miss listanon...

>> No.65503743

fghhgf fhg ghghngfhfxgh

>> No.65503784

what are you choking on?

>> No.65503785


>> No.65503807

that's a pretty good point, the names really should just be full twitch/youtube names rather than their shortened names

>> No.65504054
File: 592 KB, 800x450, whyiseveryartistcomsclosed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asp for this feel?

>> No.65504129


>> No.65504166


>> No.65504261


>> No.65504414

The holy trinity of ironic replies all in reply to one post.

>> No.65504498

>top tier
I appreciate it. I just hope you didn't go through too much trouble to find vods of mine since it's been such a long time.

>> No.65504600

Please, Han Bun, come back

>> No.65504620

Is it over for Fine tier? Voice is like the one thing you can't fix.

>> No.65504789

Ace has a really high quality voice, good audio setup too, pretty straightforward for him.
If someone told me he's done VA stuff I'd believe it without a doubt.

Camui's audio setup kinda holds him back but he's got a perfect radio/television kinda voice, and that lends itself just fine to streaming.
He's also very active and doesn't allow much for dead air, combine that with a good voice and it's perfect for streaming.

Ria's mic quality is fine, her tone isn't harsh, she's not constantly making you adjust volume by being too loud or too quiet.
She has an overall pleasant sound to her voice and could easily be enjoyable to listen to for hours on end.
The only thing that can improve her is better audio equipment and becoming more comfortable with streaming and speaking as a whole.

Clonk could've been dropped down a tier but it's the way he uses his voice that puts him higher, he draws your attention to his words, he speaks very clearly, and is interesting to listen to even when he's talking about nothing at all.
The only thing he could do better is audio equipment, that's it.

Beryl has a great audio setup and his voice is so soothing and calming, it's the kind of voice you'd enjoy listening to at any time for any length of time and it never catches you off guard with any drastic shifts in tone or volume, I have no suggestions for him because he's doing great on his own.

Han checks all the same boxes that Ria does, he's got a nice pleasant voice that you could listen to for hours, and his audio quality sounds great, no crazy shifts in tone, I don't even know if he'd need to upgrade his equipment, it sounded just fine as it is from the vods/clips I checked.

Uwu's voice just fits his theme perfectly, it's perfect for streaming because he's found success doing what he does specifically, he IS the reason it's perfect for streaming. It just demands your attention when he's speaking, and it's endearing when he laughs or screams. Probably because of how he simultaneously sounds silly and cool.
It's a fantastic voice.

Probably not very objective opinions though.

>> No.65504958

I lay eggs
Its confusing actually, biologically i'm female but i have an ovipositor and that's basically like a giant psuedopenis that lays a big seedlike egg, males have a psuedovagina and a weird tiny tentacle dick that swells wriggles in mine until the egg fertilizes
We both look the same because our suit has a backpack (not shown) that pumps basically egg juice (not cum think like the yolk of an over easy egg) that keeps us neotenous and androgynous, also its hard to kill us since we regenerate pretty quick, and our backpack has like half of our organs anyway

>> No.65505036
File: 16 KB, 191x194, tumblr_64cc98efcff48ffbf012f48fef591609_6c992ec8_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isnt
This is me

>> No.65505093

Hot, you should collab with bad dragon and get that made.

>> No.65505163

a voice isn't the only thing that matters in a stream, and vtubing gives you even more possibilities.

I made a "Bad for streaming" tier but not a single person sounded like they belonged there.

Fine is just fine, it means you CAN be listened to.
not that you're grating on the ears.
It's just the higher tiers have tones that most would appreciate from audio alone.
Your voice ain't holding you back, don't stress it!

>> No.65505197


>> No.65505208
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Was a crazy time.

>> No.65505238

I would love to watch some /asp/ies but it's too much effort. I went 2 for 10 randomly googling a name off the tier list and finding their stream.

>> No.65505334

cody here. I appreciate being in fine. I'll take it!
also meat is twitch.tv/LookAtMyMeat
Basil is twitch.tv/Archia_Basil
so sorry I haven't met the others and I don't think Chrii streams
this is so cute! thank you! <3

>> No.65505410


>> No.65505489

mainly cause I've seen them in others' chats or they popped up when I searched them on twitch or twitter

I agree with >>65503807

We should have full names because some of these are fucking impossible to find.

>> No.65505550

With all the RoR2 I've been seeing recently I want to play again, but I'm literal trash

>> No.65505601

Ty for the links I will update as soon as I have time to listen to em.

>> No.65505620

Thanks for the feedback!
>Camui's audio setup kinda holds him back
If it's not too much trouble, could I ask where you're hearing problems? I'm pretty autistic about audio stuff so I'd like to make it better if possible.

>> No.65505812

>lays eggs
god damn you're fucking hot. marry me now.

>> No.65505994
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>> No.65506023

Your audio sounds more like a youtube tutorial on how to make your mic sound better than an actual upgrade in equipment.
Like when you talk it sounds like a person talking into a microphone instead of a person talking, if that makes sense.

I think it's probably your compressor maybe.
It's fine for streaming/content creation, not trying to knock it.
I just think most prefer to hear a voice that sounds more natural.
Or at least I know I personally do, so that could just be a bias and I'm full of shit lmao

>> No.65506152

Note: i was down an enitre bottle of pinot noir

>> No.65506227

I want to rape Lavandel

>> No.65506339

I guess so, but knowing others are factually better STINKS but it's whatever. I'll just keep doing my best.

>> No.65506366

okay, but do you fuck human men

>> No.65506369

Now is not the time. It might not be time for a very long time, but I promise that when the time does come, I'll be back, and better than ever. Not least because I'll have live2d art done relatively soon and want to use it. Did Mond ever give a price for model rigging?

>> No.65506626


Does it count if you used to cut yourself? <:3c

>> No.65506660


>> No.65506804

Hanbun hasn't streamed in months and people care more about him than me...

>> No.65506951

Ok Cheen

>> No.65507081

I think I can get what you're saying. Like it sounds a bit 'podcasty' i.e. boomy? I've thought the same thing honestly. Believe it or not, an irl cross-checked my voice with my current setup before I went live with it and I guess what you hear on stream is fairly accurate to what you'd hear if we were face to face. I've got a bit in the sub frequencies, but my voice isn't that deep. And I've got a slight lisp. It's a cursed voice type. Ace and Kai are lucky. TvT

>> No.65507154


>> No.65507263

I mean there's always gonna be someone better than ya in some way, can't be helped.
You're always still growing til you're dead so you never know what the future holds man!

>> No.65507307
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Half the questions are literally "Are you a decent person"

>> No.65507328

Renata give me one week of DMing you I promise I am better than Kai G Nikki

>> No.65507352

You are not that bad unless you are kankuro, in which case I'm sorry

>> No.65507379

Your voice is fine, trust me dude.

>> No.65507467

I love han like a brother, not much I can do about it I'm just worried about him but I don't want to bother him in the DMs

>> No.65507476
File: 20 KB, 112x112, ShockedKuro1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're right anon lol, at least I killed Mithrix finally!

>> No.65507482
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>> No.65507494
File: 1.67 MB, 1140x1173, VoiceTierlistupdate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated the list thank you for all the links guys.

>> No.65507546

I might be worse..

>> No.65507605

I will never understand this "zero personality" meme. everyone has a personality, you know? but I guess to you personality means being an obnoxious loud drama bitch.

>> No.65507635

How the hell you understand Ainslie's accent over Mond/Haru/Zeph

>> No.65507654
File: 1.00 MB, 1200x628, ace903b6ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks hombre. Still think it's wild anyone likes *my* voice out of all the options out there, but if it tickles the ol listeners for you, then I'm quite pleased.

>> No.65507750

Why am I in hard to understand/sounds strange...

>> No.65507755

I was always told if you want to do something be the best at it. I have succeeded as I have the worst voice here making me the best at being bad

>> No.65507765

holding hands is like having sex

>> No.65507834

I wish I was born with a better voice.

>> No.65507934

Which asp need to hold hands

>> No.65507990
File: 20 KB, 112x112, ogey112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please elaborate, I'm constantly nervous about audio

>> No.65508005

Already a little established but wanted to say wow the advice on growing on Twitter from nothing felt like you narrated my path to getting started in 2020 LOL and I’m at 14k Twitter 5k twitch now so it works pretty well! great advice, and cool resources, thank you!!

>> No.65508021

310th for gay sex with homomo

>> No.65508075

And how many of them watch you sis? :)

>> No.65508107

she hates me

>> No.65508161

Why are feet so erotic?

>> No.65508160

maybe it's not your voice. for example, my voice is naturally very loud. but I don't want the entire building to hear me so I try to be quiet. but when I'm quiet my voice cracks a lot.
simply speaking with confidence makes any voice sound better but sometimes it's difficult to have confidence.

>> No.65508213

I don’t give a shit if some nigger thinks my voice is bad plenty of people also say it’s good. You should focus on the positives not one bad comment boo hoo

>> No.65508218

Not many admittedly lol but 20-50 avg is way more fun than streaming to no one, the regulars keep me goin!

>> No.65508287

I'm only here for those fuckable feet

>> No.65508317
File: 804 KB, 1241x1120, Christmas Illust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very late but I'm glad you like my voice! I sometimes can't shut up sometimes so if at least that part is tolerable then I'm happy!

>> No.65508337

I heard them just fine in their stream and their clips.

Haru is in that tier because they sound like a young boy with a voice changer and that's not me being mean that's how they sound, if listened to for a while it will either go away and sound more normal, or it will start to give a vocal uncanny valley feeling.

Zeph is like Shvah but less smooth sounding, if that makes sense.
It's a very strange sounding voice that I can't even place the gender of.
If it's a voice changer to give a more dwarf/small sounding voice that'd make more sense but even then they'd end up in that tier cause that's why Dorian's there.

And Melon is there because the way she speaks combined with her accent does make it very hard to understand her at times.

Just to clear up any confusion on that tier.

>> No.65508388

should I play portal in stream tomorrow? I've never actually played any of them before.

>> No.65508431

they're like fucked up hands.

>> No.65508631

I'm assuming we're in suffers bc mic because the CPU shredding and static?

>> No.65508651

in earlier vods your mic sounded shittier but the bass in your voice was more present, in your latest vod the mic quality sounds better but your S noises go ham and your voice sounds quieter.
To the point that cranking the volume made the touhou game you were playing start to drown you out.

I hope it helps!

>> No.65508678


>> No.65508694

Oh yes and if there's any improvements I can do to my speaking (that I can actually do) then I'd appreciate more specific feedback as well! I try to listen to whatever people have to say so I can improve

>> No.65508717
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>> No.65508782

it's the ghost voice, your regular voice sounds fine you'd easily be Fine or Great tier but hearing that tomadachi life-esque high pitched voice outta nowhere would jumpscare me if I didn't understand the themes of your channel lol

>> No.65508795

Is raiding mandatory?
Do I have to do it every stream?

>> No.65508815

Mana you have seen my feet but never told me if they are cute or not :(

>> No.65508879

who showed mana feet?????????????

>> No.65508889



>> No.65508898

I don't think any aspies voice is objectively bad, there's potential in all of you.
That's not some inspirational spiel, there wasn't a single voice I outright hated, just some strange ones and hard to understand ones that could easily be adjusted with time.

I clarified more on that tier here

>> No.65508901

Why should I watch any of the males here over Asmongold or XQC? I'm not gay so I don't care about their models.

>> No.65508914

Oh, she can sound lower pitch, I'm just worried about her sounding like a teenage boy otherwise. It's because of my raising my own voice an octave. If we use the same pitch between us, she won't be as annoying.

>> No.65508920

If you can. It's always a positive, and frankly when you're new you really want to build goodwill with others

>> No.65508921

Any one of you fags streaming tonight?

>> No.65508953

Kopa is live right now

>> No.65509010

A little explanation for the tiers, it's not always about the voice but the voice contributes heavily.
Feel like they'd have a mostly straight female fanbase, leaning a lot into Zatsu streams.
>Cute Boy
Pretty much same as Husbando, but for those that like Cute Boys. Zatsu/Event heavy.
These guys got a Twitch Gamerguy energy. Kinda like Jerma or Tyler1.
Something for older ladies, seems very mature.
No definition needed.

Also Sh'vah belongs in Femme.

>> No.65509030
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>> No.65509145
File: 48 KB, 500x500, D7F37878-E6C2-490A-856D-E51F72E4B321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for coming
I know there's TV show in the game but didn't expect that's a long one

>> No.65509146

Not hard to learn he's an argie, his English is pretty rough lol

>> No.65509293

>he's an argie
What does this mean

>> No.65509326


>> No.65509375

the only reason I clicked on this thread is because of the feet, but my personal opinion is play the game first before streaming it.

some people enjoy watching "first time" steams because they enjoy watching the streamer's reaction but this doesn't translate very well to puzzle games.

if you do a "first time stream" with portal you're just going to bore your audience to death.
my suggestion is get familiar with the game first and then do an "easter egg hunting" stream or whatever.
I don't know you but the problem I have with many streamers is that they suck at playing videogames. so make sure you get good to make the gameplay look interesting.

>> No.65509595

Right, I was never able to figure out a way to deal with those S sounds, but it always bugs me when I'm editing. I'll try tweaking some things more. Thanks anon-kun!

>> No.65509813

Is Denpafish esl? Why does she talk like that?

>> No.65509837 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 891 KB, 2736x2019, mini_gumpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Runespoon, why did your art hard decline? Remember this?

>> No.65509904

A little new here. Is it cool to share a vod or clips to have mine added to the list or is this just suggestions from others? I see some people replying about their own placement but I didn’t wanna assume anything lol! Thanks for doing this for people either way!!

>> No.65509950

Quit trying to bait and fuck off to wvt

>> No.65509988

This isn't as sovful as his recent art

>> No.65509997

Rules to enter the tierlist:

1. Selfpost here (at least make it known you post here)
2. Ask Chrii to be added

>> No.65510243

Makes sense! Thank you!!

>> No.65510348

Should I even raid people if I have under 5 viewers

>> No.65510390


>> No.65510469

>cute boy
>great voice

thank you anons!! honestly, I get all giddy when I see such kind opinions of me. I'm delighted to be thought of as "cute" despite the topics I often bring up on stream!

and you! yes! To be told I have a great voice, it warms the soul <3. I never thought much of myself in my previous life, but its kind souls like yourselves that give my new life meaning!!
I will continue to do my very best for each and every one of you ^^

>> No.65510625

Thanks for doing this!! I’d love your thoughts on my voice if you get the chance, here’s a recent vod time stamped to skip the intro and stuff:


>> No.65510627

Do we just DM her?

>> No.65510634
File: 806 KB, 1080x1080, selfportrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brain too empty for a clever advert Sh'vah is whispering and playing Slime Rancher 2 get in here


>> No.65510645

>what are you the three musketeers

>> No.65510661

Just post here asking her. She crtl + f's her name.

>> No.65510763
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Tips for improvement?

>> No.65510766

Definitely! Gotta start networking somewhere and even people averaging like, 50-100 or more appreciate small raids! Just don’t get upset if someone ignores your raid and you’re good!

>> No.65510797

Yes, most people are not assholes so they won't say anything bad about you.

>> No.65510880

Oh ya know. That woulda been smarter haha

>> No.65510910

Still unsure if you're trying to sound feminine or not but yeah your voice is fine!

You could always see if it's possible to make it a deeper tone and add an echo or something to it to give it a more ghostly sound that also may hide the sound of pitch shifting.

could try a pop filter or a sock on your mic and see if it helps, you def need to either turn your mic up or speak louder though, turning desktop audio down a tad can help as well.
For audio balancing in obs you generally want your mic to go into the red but not constantly, and your desktop audio should only peak at yellow, not always be there.
I won't give you a whole tutorial on it but there's plenty out there!

I can't ADD you to the tierlist but if you want to link a vod I'll check it out sure!

>> No.65510956

>all these people know and watch each other and rarely anyone else

>> No.65510996

thank you, that makes a lot of sense.

>> No.65511090

Advice for networking with other chuubas?

>> No.65511199

Talk to them?

>> No.65511308

I don't talk in G*mpai's chat because she has a boyfriend and is ungroomable. Simple as.

>> No.65511321

Not that guy, but I like your voice. Its a bit different but that's a good thing I think. It seems to fit your personality and model well. Your laugh is cute.

>> No.65511402

But what if they laugh at me?
I feel like most vtubers dont wanna associate with smaller ones, much less males

>> No.65511414

I wouldn't do it.
There's a non-zero chance those 5 viewers turns to zero mid-raid. I only feel comfortable raiding above 10 viewers.

You'll lose some viewers to Twitch weirdness, if you wanna network just stop by and say hi.

>> No.65511516

That’s really sweet, thank you!!! Yeah I definitely don’t know too many people who sound like me so I’m always struggling a bit to know if it’s a “good” or “bad” voice. I really appreciate the feedback!!

>> No.65511521

If they laugh at you you're either funny or funny looking. Only way to find out which is to talk to people.

>> No.65511627

Menheras can sniff each other out

>> No.65511659

Which guys have the best chance of getting it big? The girls are self-explanatory already

>> No.65511708

>uwu in gamer tier

>> No.65511725
File: 19 KB, 290x290, IMG_3492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, some good food. Gen 6 begins now.

>> No.65511735

Can definitely be true but you’d be surprised. Go in genuine without expectations and if someone likes your vibes then size is way less important. They might not immediately support you back but if you generally get people to know and like you by genuinely supporting others it’ll just be a matter of time until someone takes notice of you and asks to hang out or collab. Join their discords and streams, raid them sometimes if you can. Just don’t take it too hard if it doesn’t always go well, some vtubers just aren’t open to friends and networking as much.

>> No.65511776

Lcolonq, and Kankuro.

>> No.65511799

Wtf is a big streamer doing here?

>> No.65511805

It sounds fine.
Your audio balancing is good and you speak clearly despite talking so fast.
The S noises stand out sometimes but they're harmless.

I don't really have any advice I could give you, your audio sounds fine.

>> No.65511837

Dunno, some people will go apeshit because they don’t like people who already have established internet presence instead of being absolutely new or grassroots from /here/. Although with meat I guess they didn’t mind as much

>> No.65511851

third stream today, come play picrew?

>> No.65511889

Or I could breath more? I noticed in a VOD of us in VR, my staggered breathing in the headset made her sound more like a soul trying to escape to reach a mic than cute tomadachi..

>> No.65512026

Having a distinctive voice is usually a good thing in this kind of competitive industry as long as it isn't just objectively terrible. And I would say yours is pretty good, though its possible it might not appeal to some people.

>> No.65512138

Same reason big streamers like Lcolonq and Beryl still get discussed here

>> No.65512169

>/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>> No.65512186

Like am i supposed to slide into dms or?

>> No.65512195

My b if I count as big lol! I’ve never averaged a ton of viewers usually resting around 30 ish and my YouTube presence is nothing haha but this was the first place I found that I thought sounded like the right place for me lol!

Feels like a struggle still ya know? but I’m sorry if I’m intruding at all!

>> No.65512226

Nah you’re good, this thread is for advice after all.

>> No.65512255

I was just surprised. I'm not upset.

>> No.65512272

not sure, either way you want something that's less harsh on the ears.
Because your voice has good bass to it and it's pretty good for streaming but things like pitch shifting a voice will always be a deterrent.

It's one thing if it's a redeem to make you sound like a chipmunk it's another if it's a constant part of the stream.

Just speaking from an audio perpective, I think the concept is interesting in itself.

>> No.65512289


Ooh! Okay cool I’ll see if I can do anything about my S’s. Thank you so much!!

>> No.65512290

What constitutes big anyways? High ccv? Follower count? Subscriptions?>>65512255
No one said you were upset…

>> No.65512349
File: 1.98 MB, 2451x3836, depresso expresso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put in meh or bad mic

it's over for me isn't it....?

>> No.65512455

Id say SOMETIMES, but try not to unless you have established a connection already on Twitter replies discord servers and streams. You really want to avoid seeming desperate or coming on too strong. Vibes are everything. I can’t say enough how important it is to not expect networking and friendship to be reciprocated and not being upset if it’s not. If you do Dm people, if they don’t reply try not to take it too hard and don’t bother them further, just move on and if you want to quietly support them still they might eventually turn around their thoughts on you.

>> No.65512466

Yes, you are too horny

>> No.65512499

Is this the same way abused people always find abusers and vice versa

>> No.65512536

supply and demand

>> No.65512540

i'm not that horny on stream. i think there were like 3 horny jokes in total on my last stream, the camui collab i do understand but then again i think everyone minus scege was horny that day, (he was an eepy boi)

>> No.65512567

Oh fair!! I just am getting back into creation after a break from medical reasons and was digging around for some tips and stuff to get me growing again since it’s been slow due to my inconsistency. Not a ton of good resources for people who aren’t brand new so I ended up here lol!

>> No.65512630

nta but you can always add a de-esser! i made a very simple one in OBS with TDRNova.

>> No.65512651

Nah, what it sounds like to me is you have your mic turned up because you speak quietly, and it should be the opposite, you should speak louder and clearer and have your mic turned down some.

>> No.65512735

After you already created the image that you are a horny chuuba it will stick with you even if it isn't how you actually are

>> No.65512755

Wow, I even do audio mastering for singing and use those for my own audio in videos, I should’ve figured I could do that in obs too for streams. Lmao thank you my brain was NOT workin for me there

>> No.65512806

Get fucking Elgato Wave 3 or even a used Blue Snowball Ice, most no name brands are a gamble.
There's a finnish cunt that was supposed to make an audio guide for vtubers (on a budget) after dealing with a retarded australian toober that fucker her settings constantly and kept messing her setup, despite having one of the most decent (though overrated setups) available.
I can help in lieu of the Suomi sucker, just give me mic details and submit an audio clip talking.

>> No.65512817

no problem!

>> No.65512832

Seconding this, pretty hard to break away from that image and mindset. It’s possible but slow, and it’s hard to force yourself. Probably still worth trying though Imo!

>> No.65512914


>> No.65512954

I'm asexual so I'm virtually never horny, tiredness aside.

>> No.65512962

i have a blue snowball Ice tho...
