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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65430571 No.65430571 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to give love to exWACTOR girls】

Cosplay edition



Previous thread

>> No.65431407

She follows a bunch of Nishadows

>> No.65431478

Why did you make a new thread? Are you really going to bump it all night?

>> No.65431757

Eru and Shura's costume is fitting kek

>> No.65431794

So are we going to discuss how to prop up Eru and make shitters seethe?

>> No.65431838

>prop up the shitter and make her seethe

>> No.65432051

This is a YamuCHAD and SylvieSTUD thread. Shurasisters are also allowed although not encouraged. Rest are irrelevant chaff.

>> No.65432104

She follows some of the active nishadows and pantkeks, she’s here for the money

>> No.65432266

She getting several gifts from spics, anyone watches her?

>> No.65432601

She’s been popular for a while

>> No.65432677

Eru should just be off topic, she doesn’t even get along or interact with the rest of the girls

>> No.65432986

I'll shill Eru from now on.

>> No.65433101

join her discord vc while you’re at it, the lewd calls are great

>> No.65433428

I'll shill Eru from now on but won't actually watch her or follow her.

>> No.65434151

Tell her to open an onlyfans

>> No.65434359


>> No.65434772


>> No.65436091
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Thinking about this a lot

>> No.65436128

Help me anons, I'm losing my mind...

>> No.65436188

I want to spank this woman until my hand hurts

>> No.65437115


>> No.65437508

Should shorten the handle to /ew/ because it's funny and how some react to WACTOR

>> No.65438153

Niji is doing the same shit they did with Luna.
>Con amor niñita

>> No.65438687

Akira followed in Niji's footsteps but ended up overtaking them, a true visionary

>> No.65438787 [DELETED] 
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Ren had a delightful christmas if you know what I mean

>> No.65439614

what the fuck are the retards on charge doing? at this rate they will end closing their EN branch

>> No.65439705

Speaking of, what's the fag doing?

>> No.65439773

Managing his new brothel.

>> No.65440437

He ran out of money so he is prostituting Ageha in Fantia

>> No.65442606 [DELETED] 

Ren really is so lucky...

>> No.65442838

Two days of purge were not enough, we need at least a week.

>> No.65443858 [DELETED] 

Keep deluding yourself Renacuajo
Puchy is the only winner here

>> No.65443882

You mean Anysado

>> No.65443954 [DELETED] 

Literally nobody (including Sylvie) cares about you Anysado, stop forcing yourself it's pathetic

>> No.65444184 [DELETED] 

You wish, he's the true favourite.

>> No.65444349 [DELETED] 

Anysado this is truly embarrasing

>> No.65444719


>> No.65444914 [DELETED] 


>> No.65444966

You're jealous.

>> No.65445078 [DELETED] 


>> No.65445100
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>> No.65445394

>Not knowing TEST is the number 1

>> No.65445459 [DELETED] 

Lying Whore

>> No.65445693

thanks for funding the model, retard

>> No.65445813 [DELETED] 

Pettancuck didn't have time to enjoy sending messages

>> No.65445899 [DELETED] 

Puchy kek

>> No.65445928 [DELETED] 

>no one is eating your gay ass bait with that fake account you made just to shit the thread.

>> No.65446160

That was fast, good job

>> No.65446225 [DELETED] 

jvortex maybe?

>> No.65446415 [DELETED] 

Don't trust Chiller

>> No.65446464

Don't trust goku

>> No.65446510

Hi Chiller, afraid of being exposed shitter?

>> No.65446551

I am freezer

>> No.65446559 [DELETED] 

She really thinks that showing a discord where you can delete messages is proof

>> No.65446591

>B-but anya is not /here/!!!

>> No.65446621

go talk to her face to face, lol
or you are scared?

>> No.65446661

I told her as soon as I saw the link

>> No.65446709

It's a bad moment to be someone who joined just a few days ago.

>> No.65446762 [DELETED] 

So she said no one should talk to her about this forum and you go and tell her about everything? Kek sure Anya

>> No.65446809


>> No.65446851

Who are you fooling anon?

>> No.65446974

She still thinks most anons hate her

>> No.65447060

>puchy: you have to be sick to be in 4
>sylvie: that guy reeks of discord.

>> No.65447065

>Niggers think that barely 10 dollars is a lot
Cuernuditos absolute state KEK

>> No.65447129

>She doesn't come /here/
Retard she literally has the thread open on stream

>> No.65447135

you are going to pay next month too?

>> No.65447158 [DELETED] 

Sylvie bald cunny love

>> No.65447257

So she too got attacked for that pixelart

>> No.65447284 [DELETED] 
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Thanks for paying the condoms cuernuditos

>> No.65447321

After she did the pixel thingy, they flooded her marshmallow with screencaps of the shitters telling her that she was hated by anons.

>> No.65447335


>> No.65447339

it was definitely guardianiggers and puchy

>> No.65447390

Doesn't matter cuernuditos are proud cucks

>> No.65447396 [DELETED] 

She met him at 10 years old just as much of a pedo as Pettanko

>> No.65447407

I give up, they'll always convince her that we hate her. We were always hated anyway.

>> No.65447419 [DELETED] 

They are the same age retard kun

>> No.65447450

Go to sleep, renato

>> No.65447459

>Yo pensaba que me querían
I fucking hate Puchy and Guardianiggers

>> No.65447499

I hate that she made those shows of affection only to just ditch and hate us some time later.

>> No.65447521

You are shit Chiller

>> No.65447547

She thinks we hate her.

>> No.65447569

go to the irc, contact the mods and explain the situation

>> No.65447619 [DELETED] 

He was the one who was bragging about being close to her, wasn't he?

>> No.65447739

This is the second time this happens, we do something to her, she shows affection and then gets back to hate us.
I won't fall a third time.

>> No.65447811

You're not fooling anyone, suck my dog dick

>> No.65447816

It's full of lies and bullshit KWAB

>> No.65447942

kys its deteled fucking nigger

>> No.65448010


>> No.65448071

Stop spreading lies fucking schizo srsly kys

>> No.65448111
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>> No.65448118

Should've let the general die, it's better we're dead than to become a scapegoat and a tool for groomers.

>> No.65448195

The only one spreading lies it's her KEK
Hopefully a good anon saved the maros full of lies and bullshit

>> No.65448199

This thread it’s only to shit on Anya. The most hated chuuba /Here/ kek!

>> No.65448213

na, yuri and puchy are going to pay for this

>> No.65448241

>no proof
Now go back to your diskek server fucking nigger

>> No.65448396
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kys Puchy

>> No.65448598

Yeah no shit that Sylvie deleted it if it was scattered with lies everywhere lol

>> No.65448664

i'm really stupid for believing that anons had good intentions.

>> No.65448700

Who the fuck are you fags talking about?
There's a snitch in Sylvie's stream?

>> No.65448734

Yeah, the sissy bought membership.

>> No.65448792

You are worse Anya kys

>> No.65448858

She deleted it because of Pettanko, just kys srsly stop humillating urself

>> No.65448870

I knew making a higher tier was useless. The shizos still can get in, and she leaves the rest of her viewers in complete darkness without knowing what the fuck is going on.

>> No.65448908

FUCKKKKKKKKK I'm going to miss the dates, they really were great and cute… I hate all of you discordtrannies.

>> No.65448972

>You are worse Anya
>This nigga brought a high tier membership like the obsessed faggot he are and leaked the maros she made for her solCHADsitos
Ogey whatever you say discordtranny

>> No.65448994

Retard she can block maros just like she did last time, the reason why she deleted it this time was because she was scared of people exposing her lies

>> No.65449037

And then she complains when her fans believe schizo rrats
She has a fucking personal account, if she has something to say she should say it openly, venting in a private place will solve nothing

>> No.65449047

>Tuve que eliminarlo porque Pettanko se la pasa en ese foro
KEK Whatever you say discordtranny! talk when you have proof about that “lies” faggot

>> No.65449065


>> No.65449078

Ok poorfag, even the schizo could buy the membership

>> No.65449083 [DELETED] 

Yes, I will also going to miss jerk off to her dates ToT

>> No.65449159

This. these niggas are going to end up turning her into a Yukine 2.0. this is why we can’t have nice things like GFE

>> No.65449214

>exclusive maros for her solCHADsitos
Isn't that the same type of secret favoritism she was having with yuritroon and friends with the 12 chosen ones in that twitter?

>> No.65449241

What a double faced bitch.

>> No.65449248

are you retarded or what? you have to pay to get access. a very smart move btw.

>> No.65449269 [DELETED] 

Yeah on that occasion it was for drawings and now for money

>> No.65449274

Stop samefagging nigger, it’s pathetic at this point

>> No.65449294 [DELETED] 

At the end of the day, she's interested in money like Eru

>> No.65449321 [DELETED] 

Remember! the most hated chuuba /here/
go back with ur addiction to selfharm and clonazepam, retarded bitch

>> No.65449322

She was playing minecraft with us too

>> No.65449330

Dear gremlin don't ever come back to this place.
Many people here probably love you, but unless these shitters organize, find the rrat, and expose his innards; these motherfuckers don't deserve your attention nor your time.

>> No.65449347

shut the fuck up eructo, go back to la pizzeria

>> No.65449384 [DELETED] 

It must be really hard to defend a girl who is looking for trouble of her own will

>> No.65449400

>Why did you make a new thread? Are you really going to bump it all night?
now you get why that faggot made the thread?

>> No.65449416

>addiction to selfharm and clonazepam
Spoonfeed me schizo anon

>> No.65449421

I was defending her when fags accused her of being an interesada, but now she's acting more and more like a greedy slut lying and manipulating us for her personal benefit.

>> No.65449465

EXACTLY, locking all this stuff behind the higher tier is as shit as making a private discord, you only give access to all the explanations to a small group (clique) that can shape the truth and spread rrats easily at the same time that she leave the rest of us that can't afford to spend the same time/money as other fans in darkness.
If she really is saying the truth and have proof then why is she hidding it so much?
This kind of situation with her is getting really tiresome...

>> No.65449486

>It must be really hard to defend a girl who is looking for trouble of her own will
>who is looking for trouble of her own will
It's all the schizo's fault, and you know it. his attempts to make her fight Shura, his rrants about Puchy, etc. He mentioning Ren everyday. And you blame her? really anon?

>> No.65449509

Go back tranny, she has people that love her /here/

>> No.65449528

Ok poorfag

>> No.65449581

>niggers are unironically begging for VIP benefits without paying a dime
This right here is why HoloES will never be a thing.
kys yourselves and stop wasting oxygen

>> No.65449620 [DELETED] 

didn't you know? she's a total menhera and is active in shtwt, plus she's addicted to clonazepam and xanax, kek.

>> No.65449628 [DELETED] 

In Shura's case she was the one who attacked Sylvie, Puchy's was her mistake in adding him and not thinking about why he was the only one who could add her, when she was Anya she lied about not having a boyfriend and that we didn't believe what Pettanko said about a boyfriend

>> No.65449675

And how are we supposed to do that when the paypig schizo is the only one with access to the truth?

>> No.65449677

that retarded shit never would have to be a thing, it's trash on the same level as a onlyfans

>> No.65449707 [DELETED] 

Do you don’t have proof about Puchy adding her.
>She lied about not having a boyfriend
She was in a company, stupid nigger. ofc she is going to lie about that.
>Believing Pettanko a literal pedophile
I’m done with these niggers, seriously.

>> No.65449719

Now go to sleep everybody

>> No.65449749

Tell her, then. Ah we can’t because of the schizo fault

>> No.65449775

Ok but enough about all of these girls

>> No.65449798

So you are alright to have a private discord with VC access as long as they pay?
Paypigs are as mentally ill as discordtroons.

>> No.65449832

She is probably reading the thread right now anyways and you can always send a SC

>> No.65449855

And who the fuck it’s having discord VC with fans besides of Eru? it was fucking maros, stupid nigger, she got tired about the schizo spamming shit like this>>65449620

>> No.65449897

man i feel disgusted at reading these groomers supporting that kind of shit

>> No.65449913

Good, now she'll have nothing.
Good day.

>> No.65449924

I'm exclusively talking about Sylvie Ru

There is no difference between a paid Discord and exclusive streams
It's the same greedy move

>> No.65449940 [DELETED] 


>> No.65449944

She will still have my money <3 now kys poorfag, chuu~

>> No.65449948

What discord are you talking about retarded shit eater? Stop projecting.

>> No.65449982

>There is no difference between a paid Discord and exclusive streams

>> No.65450021

All of them wants ur money, fucking retard

>> No.65450026

>Paypigs are as mentally ill as discordtroons
paypigs are discordtroons and groomers, don't fool yourself here, at least the majority

>> No.65450027

>not supporting a hard working girl to reach her dreams
Your loss.

>> No.65450083

Arturo put the bot to spam

>> No.65450094

Why do you think yuritroon was among the first to join the ko-fi? I'll tell you, it was not a coincidence.

>> No.65450108

You can tell she’s so fucking tired
>Amo a mis soldaditos y a mis soldanons

>> No.65450126
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Hi Sylvie
Stop reading the thread and go to the doctor bitch

>> No.65450145

Man, I'm tired of this girl
She got a lot of trouble for not being transparent, but she doesn't fucking learn

>> No.65450156 [DELETED] 

And meeting Yamu IRL was no coincidence either, right Yuritroon?

>> No.65450205

>she was transparent
>the schizo attacked her with personal things in maros

>> No.65450212

>Cuernudito paypig now trying to shit on the other girls to deflect the attention from her shit oshi
Every single time

>> No.65450242

>Every single time
You are the ones who use Sylvie as a scapegoat when some schizo it’s attacking your whores, kek.

>> No.65450247

stop replying to yourself shitter.

>> No.65450268
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>> No.65450278

This has to be falseflaging.

>> No.65450285

She still loves us…
Sylvie please, never come back to this place, it’s only going to hurt you. you will always be the focus of shitters' attacks until they find a new one.

>> No.65450290

>namedrop the troon
>suddenly troon internet defense force shows up
She can finally be herself and do whatever she wants without you trying to poison her brain with your fucking distorted ideas. Stay away from her guardiatroons, you made enough damage already.

>> No.65450295
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>> No.65450310
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>> No.65450313
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>> No.65450318

Nigga, it always happens. you can't deny it, kek. it happened even when she was Anya.

>> No.65450319 [DELETED] 

How sad 15 minutes and no one responds to her tweets, it seems that not even her followers believe in her

>> No.65450326

What the fuck happened here?

>> No.65450342
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>> No.65450345

brown hands wrote this. it's early morning, you retard.

>> No.65450347

Too early.

>> No.65450364
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>> No.65450379

The schizo infiltrated Sylvie's membership and brought some goodies.

>> No.65450389

Nothing. just the schizo samefagging and his attempts to ruin and put in unnecesary dramas to Sylvie, the usual.

>> No.65450396
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>> No.65450403 [DELETED] 

First idiot to betray the fact that he's coming here

>> No.65450433

He didn't bring anything, the stupid nigger spend money just to leak her maros who have nothing in it, kek

>> No.65450436

My lovely gremlin stay away from this shite. Anon doesn't deserve you.

>> No.65450473

Having a private maro for paypigs actually made me change my opinion about her.

>> No.65450488

Still sad, she loved being put in the fighting game and even put the pixel arts as her profile picture and stream, she'll probably take them out...

>> No.65450490
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>> No.65450496

Someone leaked a secret marshmallow that Sylvie had with her top paypigs, she spent the who morning streaming to them and cuernuditos and anyaschizos spend the whole morning fighting about that

>> No.65450525

kys poorfag

>> No.65450551

>8 dolars
broke ass nigga, KEK

>> No.65450564

>have nothing in it
It was full of lies and bullshit, the reason why it is deleted now

>> No.65450569
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>> No.65450605

such as? stop trying dumb retard and fuck off.

>> No.65450608

You are completely missing the point, as always.

>> No.65450613

Omg guys a private maro it’s so bad! i can’t believe she did that… even when pettanko it’s back… she’s so evil guys, we need to stop her sisters!

>> No.65450620

Still samefagging groomer?

>> No.65450635 [DELETED] 

>groomer gonna groom

>> No.65450643

post proof then, nigga

>> No.65450655 [DELETED] 

>The paypig groomer keeps going

>> No.65450672 [DELETED] 

report the retard, idiots.

>> No.65450685

>no tengo favoritos
Do you realize this is basically a favoritism system, right?

>> No.65450697

>he can’t support his oshi with more than 5 dollars
ARS moment

>> No.65450702
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>> No.65450712 [DELETED] 

They're groomers, of course they don't care

>> No.65450720

>this nigga it’s still trying

>> No.65450728
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>> No.65450751

He's acting exactly the same as the shizo parroting the same shit over and over.
In the end they where just groomers larping as anons to take advantage of our influence.

>> No.65450765

Keep seething, poorfags

>> No.65450794 [DELETED] 

The groomer is really desperate to justify the fan segregation lol

>> No.65450803

Friendly Reminder, Ru!

>> No.65450832

So this thread is just to throw shit at Sylvie, typical, gn anons ig

>> No.65451459

When did yoru guys stopped attacking meica and nisha

>> No.65451694

stop bumping this shit retard, let It die, and hope the retarded op wait some days for the next thread.

>> No.65451716

There were 40 plus likes in the high tier membership posts, everyone that cared was in there.

>> No.65451778

When Sylvie decided to pay more attention to /here/.It's a pattern when Yamu made reference to /here/ she was also attacked for 3 consecutive days
That's why nisha and meica hate this place and both have anons watching these boards

>> No.65451794

Sylvie pajera.

>> No.65451802

There's no favoritism if you can buy it.

>> No.65451833

Hi Muni, still seething?

>> No.65451979

And? Go somewhere else incel you're not welcome here

>> No.65452134

Paypigs are essential to the vtubing ecosystem. Highschool kids who can't pay merely 10 USD shouldn't be even allowed to watch.

>> No.65452187

Poor fags cry because they can't pay 8 dollars, Nisha has even more expensive membership levels and no one complains.

>> No.65452188

>Anons do something for girls
>Girls say thank you
>Discordtrannies attack said girls
>Anons get the blame

>> No.65452213

This, poorfags need to get filtered.

>> No.65452235

I see you are still missing the point.

>> No.65452294

Memberships are a good thing, there's nothing wrong with using memberships to select your most parasocial fans and give that kind of content to them.

>> No.65452305

kys poorfag

>> No.65452369

She should make a 30 USD membership tier.

>> No.65452487

She will. Wait for the "sodaddys" tier where she drops her exclusive onlyfans account for her most loyal groomers.

>> No.65452561


>> No.65452613

And? I will pay for that.

>> No.65452659

I would pay it, I am a working adult, not a nini who spends all day crying in an internet forum and who wants everything for free.

>> No.65452686

I'm can play with her in steam before anyone and she sends me nudes for free tho

>> No.65452714

Learn english, nigger

>> No.65452742

Same here 30 bucks is nothing.

>> No.65452960

Horny brat

>> No.65453021

I referring to trend of board, not to how girls feels
>know Sylvie is happy with anons defending her and I am very happy about that

>> No.65453064
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Feels good to keep argie poorfags like fer out.

>> No.65453264

Ren is so lucky
Thanks for paying for Anya's safety if you know what I mean

>> No.65453993

omg hahahaha

>> No.65454186
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This horny brat will force me to mating press her into oblivion.

>> No.65454417

These menheras turned me into a sadist

>> No.65455705

>dude spent all night seething and malding

>> No.65456624
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>a kid literally controls his life

>> No.65457127
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This is easily exploitable

>> No.65457219
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>> No.65457752
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To the dumb shitter: all your efforts to cause enmity between Shura and Sylvie failed and all your efforts to make Sylvie hate /here/ also failed. Consider getting another hobby and leave us the fuck alone.

>> No.65458100

Kys shitter, imagine getting so jealous of 50 gordos pixel that you do this kind of stuff. You are fucking pathetic.

>> No.65458726

Nisha should open a fantia

>> No.65458828 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 283x361, StickyChan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Watch a couple clips from Pekora and Korone
>Browse the vtuber board on 4chan
>A thread with spanish words catches my eye
>Lurk a little
>Seems like it's full of spanish speaking anons
>Discussion is more civilized and coherent than other latino threads I have seen
>Seems like a fun place
>It's to slow, tho
>Coming from the fast threads of /v/ it becomes unbearable
>It also lacks hate and shitposting for my liking
>Make a plan to make the general more well known so it's faster and funnier
>It succeeds
>After a year I get tired of it
>Leave so I can focus on personal goals and development
>Still come back from time to time to check the state of the thread
>Years after my plan and this is still drama central
>Everyone on the latam vtubing scene is aware of this place
>Anons live rent free in a couple vtuber girls mind
>It gained so much relevance within the community that even vtuber girls themselves come here to post


>> No.65459125
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> shitter with delusions of grandeur

>> No.65459267

Somehow is correct?

>> No.65459666
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You can cope all you want, the facts speak for themselves.

>> No.65459792
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I don't get what's the shitter about, anyway post your lewdest Nishas(anyone else is welcome too)

>> No.65459811

Shura talked about those the other day, is it trending?

>> No.65460008

I think she really hates here

>> No.65460058
File: 684 KB, 1316x1304, 1685062055668763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure people come to this shithole because of you and not because 4chan is the most famous board in the world, lmao. Delusional.

>> No.65460100

Yet people started coming here after me, curious.

>> No.65460557

What a bugged mess is the remastered San Andreas

>> No.65460676

No matter how much love we give her, faggots will come here only take screenshots of the shitter spam and send her that as proof of she being hated. They'll convince her those are the majority even.

>> No.65460778

She still loves us, Anon. don’t worry

>> No.65460868

wtf happened here? raided by organized shitters in early morning again?

>> No.65460929

Yamu finally open ko-fi : /yamurozenheart

>> No.65461053


>> No.65461100
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>> No.65461211

>Yamu opens a ko-fi
>not a tea-fi
Fucking dropped.

>> No.65461223

Now driving a falcon verde

>> No.65461243

Every time I see Shura she’s cheering on some friend or being horny to her fans, amazing what jealous roasties can imagine to hate on someone

>> No.65461394

mate-fi when?

>> No.65461458

Need Yamu streams

>> No.65461470

A shitter spent months trying to push the rrat that Shura and Sylvie hate each other and now you see the girls interacting on twitter in good terms. Shitter is just too incompetent.

>> No.65461503

Now I have trust issues but it must the same for her.

>> No.65461584

Nisha browser /a/ btw

>> No.65461665

It's like when you grow up and find out that everyone smokes weed. Everyone in this scene browses 4chan.

>> No.65461718

They have saved money for Yamu, right? poor husbands

>> No.65461776

It's already at 135 bucks

>> No.65461832
File: 29 KB, 1579x868, imagen_2023-12-28_141656758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pixel room's open btw
just in case someone wants to join in

>> No.65461891
File: 9 KB, 813x126, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think all these current users come from?

>> No.65461996

>wanna draw something
>don't want the dumb gremlin anywhere close to this place anymore
A feeling so complicated.

>> No.65462091

Anon... she doesn't really browse here every single day. She is just trying to get on our good side so people here don't anti her.

>> No.65462143

draw, now, just draw.

>> No.65462158

If you don't tell her she'll never know so feel free.

>> No.65462240

this place is the less toxic of all.

>> No.65462450

I think it's very little, although it's only been a couple of hours

>> No.65462613

That's a lot for someone in argenzuela.

>> No.65462683

It's not even an hour yet, anon.

>> No.65462735


>> No.65462742

that just by assuming she got $5 for each coffe tho

>> No.65462884

The site divides any amount you donate by 5 and puts that in the kofi counter.

>> No.65463207

lol nope
why would they do that?

>> No.65463558

One 'kofi' equals the minimum amount set, which in her case is the default $5. If you donate, for example, $10, it adds 2 'kofis' to the counter.

>> No.65464103

Would you

>> No.65464237

Not clicking that shit

>> No.65464539

charla gratis in 20 minutes

>> No.65465517


>> No.65465645

cunny talking

>> No.65465684

Someone post the Meicagona clip, living rent free in her head makes me hard

>> No.65465695

>Verb conjugations

>> No.65465821

Was she awake all day or what?

>> No.65465877



>> No.65465918

Yamu is /ourgirl/, not that one.

>> No.65465995
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>> No.65466010

Silly anon, we have two /OURGIRLS/

>> No.65466108

>you are a bad fan because you don't want your oshi to talk with fucking NIMU

>> No.65466130


>> No.65466172

>Hijos de puta

>> No.65466307

kys yamufag

>> No.65466416
File: 48 KB, 817x325, kekkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65466523

no one cares nigger.

>> No.65466885

sylvie pls, my dick can't take it anymore

>> No.65466949

lol sylvie dying while doing exercise

>> No.65467056

fuck off anyaschizo

>> No.65467260

Now this is fanservice

>> No.65467551

Should've let Misora talk with Nimu and let her be dragged to the same pit.

>> No.65467652

too late...

>> No.65467763

Fanservice to calm the soldaditos schiszos kek
Sylvie God

>> No.65467859

Archive this

>> No.65468035

Meica eternal hate.

>> No.65468346


>> No.65468437

I won't share it, tho.

>> No.65469481

>our girl
>he keeps trying

>> No.65469563


>> No.65469991
File: 273 KB, 600x600, 16320212512021520201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I take everything I said back. Sorry for being an asshole.

>> No.65470010 [DELETED] 

Good afternoon, my love for Yamu is stronger as even and it'll be even stronger tomorrow.

>> No.65470018

naked dogeza now

>> No.65470169

The anons and me when Sylvie does exactly the same thing every other vtuber does

>> No.65470173

Good afternoon, my love for Yamu is stronger as ever and it'll be even stronger tomorrow.

>> No.65470277
File: 23 KB, 372x540, images (50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fatnons when Sylvie does exactly the same thing every other vtuber does

>> No.65470498

Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit.

>> No.65470609

So.. why are these faggots shitting on anya again

>> No.65470804

Because she refuses to drop anons.

>> No.65470829

because the shitter is a poorfag

>> No.65470836

she would look quite good in idolES, kek. if you know what i mean ;)

>> No.65470917

Omg Sylvie... I can't believe you made the only competent measure to avoid receiving shit daily, you have disappointed me...
If you are reading this, let them crying, it's no use listening to poor people

>> No.65470955

I think she also misunderstood...

>> No.65471005

Told her in maros.

>> No.65471086

I should stop defending you and join your antis so you can leave this place once and for all.

>> No.65471233

That will make you just as shitty as her antis, the problem with Sylvie is that she's trying to make everyone happy, she's all alone in all this, and shit yeah she's clumsy af

>> No.65471607

Isn't that really shitty?
That's exactly what discordpitas did back in the day.

>> No.65471719

all of you die
antis, poorfag, shitty trash.
I'm going to teach you what a competent anti is

>> No.65471758

>she's trying to make everyone happy
The bratty gremlin must come to understand this will never happen. It doesn't matter what she does, doesn't matter how hard she tries, she will never be able to please fucking everybody.
Drop that dumb idea and focus on the people following and supporting you regardless of rumors.

>> No.65471939


>> No.65472025

Now the poor little girl will have to deal with another fucking anti
>Que inteligente que sos anonsito
Just tell her what she need to do and don’t do stupid shit, fucking faggot

>> No.65472057

fucking attention whores, posing as fans.
looking for recognition in a fucking anonymous forum.

>> No.65472130

i really hope that sylvie and yamu end up hating /here/ neither of you deserve the love of any girl.

>> No.65472224

Sylvie get a mod, a manager, don't listen to these assholes. and make a discord server too like Shura and Eru. Don't do the same shit Nisha does.

>> No.65472297

poorfag being greedy and selfish, as always ruining everything.
pixelfaggot being an insecure bitch, you all are responsible.

>> No.65472335

>pixelfaggot being an insecure bitch

>> No.65472381


>> No.65472480


>> No.65472492

Not even your mom loves you your disgusting troon. fuck off and stop moaning like a bitch you jealous AW.

>> No.65472630 [DELETED] 

KEK who was the faggot?

>> No.65472648

Nisha >>>>>> whores

>> No.65472697
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>> No.65472712 [DELETED] 

>Holo’s, Nix’s, Ofeb’s and Merol’s property

>> No.65472816


>> No.65472818

The worst antis are your fans, this midget screwed up

>> No.65472834

guardiasisters dont loooook

>> No.65472898

Nah. she will be fine.

>> No.65472922

stop panderering to anons they are just playing with you dumbass.
also the faggots who actually cares about her stop baiting her here retards, and ffs report the shitters.

>> No.65472944

It was deleted before you could read it, faggot.

>> No.65473026

>They are just playing with you
You better back up your claim.

>> No.65473239

Sylvie doesn't pander to anons. She does the kind of content she does because she wants to do it.
Even when she hates anons, she keeps making the same content and takes the decision of following Nisha's steps.
She doesn't do that to pander to anons.
Stop bothering her and trying to change the content she wants to make.
You're exactly what you accuse anons to be.
Selfish faggots that want to have control over her actions.
Bunch of hypocrites.

>> No.65473353

>Holo, Ofeb and Merol
None of them got any power at any moment outside of the mind of nishaschizo
literally nisha

>> No.65473357

I read it
>if you are going to leave me do it in silence

>> No.65473411

Ok Putisha whatever you say

>> No.65473617

Anons give positive reinforcement and reward girls that follow their advice. If girls don't listen they just stop paying attention to them.
Discordniggers on the other hand harass them until they do as they wish.

>> No.65473753

hope you shitters get run over by a buss.

>> No.65473773

KEK Sylvie always do what anons say to her. and what reward she got? All she got was schizos, antis telling her that they are going to stop watching her. if she becomes a Yukine 2 it will be all your fault, you fucking retards.

>> No.65473844

>ll she got was schizos, antis telling her that they are going to stop watching her
And those are discordniggers because she refuses to bend to their will.

>> No.65473903

>Anons give positive reinforcement and reward girls that follow their advice.
>If girls don't listen they just stop paying attention to them.
hahahaha good one

>> No.65473934


>> No.65473935

I don't give a shit what that castrosa does

>> No.65473978

Do you see faggots harassing Yukine or Eru on a daily basis? They just became irrelevant to anons.

>> No.65473991

Sus, I opened the link within a minute, and it was already deleted

>> No.65474083

>tards have to reply every single bait, falseflag, and tribalniggertry insteed of ignoring it and reporting it on spot
never change fucking brainlets

>> No.65474097

I hope Sylvie becomes irrelevant to these retards, so they leave her alone once and for all. She doesn’t deserve any of that harassment

>> No.65474109

we live rent free in anya's head kek

>> No.65474153
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>> No.65474169

>and this nigga it’s back
Thread ruined. gn anons

>> No.65474210

>totally not falseflagging
you sure are a retard or just another discordnigger like that chori faggot

>> No.65474233

here are called exwactor and almost never talk about them
nor stream content, or share their posts

>> No.65474259

Retard. he’s already doing it

>> No.65474263

Do you really believe anons are the ones harassing her?
Her harassers have nothing to do with this place, even if anons stop talking about her she'll continue to be harassed.
If anything anons helped her debunk her harassers rrats.

>> No.65474287


>> No.65474296

Why don't (you) fuck off from here instead?

>> No.65474430

no more, I'm done with that girl

>> No.65474465

That just tells me that you sent the link and replied to yourself

>> No.65474466

even if good anons go away, the shitters will keep creating thread just to shit on her like last night
they'll keep using this anonymous forum, marshmallow or alt account like muni (chori) to shit on her
all discordniggers should rope themselves

>> No.65474499

What do they gain by making anons their scapegoats?
Shura's, Yukine's, and now Sylvie's ¿fans?
Meanwhile we're just here minding our own business, they tell them all their harassers are from this place.

>> No.65474530

shitters are anons too even if you don't like, and yes they shit on Eru and Yukine too but since no one talks about them shitters focus on other girls.
this place have not salvation no mather how many dumb pixel rooms you open.

>> No.65474538

I don't understand what is the obsession they have with her?

>> No.65474584

Muni isn't chori, he's some faggot from Nacho's circle.

>> No.65474671

Why does she speak like a Mexican? seriously speaking, I have never once heard her on stream use a chilean accent or at least a single chilean expression, instead she speaks like people from central Mexico and absolutely all her spoken and written expressions are from Mexico

>> No.65474701

>Shitters are anons too
No, they're not. They come from other places and this is not the main place they hangout.
The anons I know of don't use twitter, discord facebook or any of that other shit, they're natives to the site and have board culture. Only those can be called anons.

>> No.65474761

>Oh, an anti. He must be an anon!
KYS dishonest assholes. I won't be your tool.

>> No.65474772

he's chori, there's already evidence of that in last threads and the fag expossed himself

>> No.65474777

she is not you plaything fucking shitter, thats the only reason why you whant her here whatching your anti posts, stop trying to drag her to chaos.

>> No.65474776

as you can tell you don't watch her streams, she speaks different accents depending on what she does.

>> No.65474779

do you really wanna know the truth?

>> No.65474879

But when she is with her mom, her russian accent is very strong tho

>> No.65474975

Neither yours.
You won't manipulate her anymore.

>> No.65475002

yeah and she has never used a single Chilean accent or Chilean expression

>> No.65475087

just like this night, these retards were waiting to raid and shit on her for something so retarded
past days were peaceful since no one gave a fuck about but this time they came to falseflag again, this is not the first time

>> No.65475093

Chileans and other latinamericans from smaller countries that spend most of their time on the internet tend to get a lot of exposure to Mexican content and get culturally colonized.

>> No.65475135

Stop trying to control what she does and deciding who can and who cannot be her fan.

>> No.65475155

Look at her karaoke stream, where she plays roblox

>> No.65475234

The shift happened around 2014, before that the cultural hegemons were argies, unironically thanks to the old Taringa.

>> No.65475245

>get culturally colonized
just like Nisha's ancestors did to us

>> No.65475420


>> No.65475532

say what you want but we are colonized by gringos, in fact we are using their language rn.

>> No.65475542

I don't care if she browses this general or not. I just want (you) gone, you useless crybaby tourist coming to a place you hate just to moan are helping nobody.

>> No.65475567

Even so, she goes to school, has friends and goes out to buy things, it makes no sense that she doesn't have a chilean accent and doesn't use chilean expressions

>> No.65475608

Why is my yamu following a male vtuber? huh...

>> No.65475669

Girls playing amogus, i only know melkosito

>> No.65475752


>> No.65475765

Don't care

>> No.65475774

Kino I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.65475833


>> No.65475837

Stop false flagging nacho there's nothing Sylvie did to make ANY anon drop her.

>> No.65475854

who who who whoooo

>> No.65475948

Why do they keep raiding us? Does someone understand their plan?
Ok they want her to hate this place, then what?

>> No.65475954

fk off Ren nobody cares

>> No.65475988

are we getting raided by shitters again?
wew, enough for today bye faggots.

>> No.65476043

Melkozito and Misaaa appeared in her chat, not sure about the others.

>> No.65476104

The shift was because of social media, in the 2000s the hispanic internet had 2 dominant scenes the Spanish and the Argie one, most mexicans on the internet joined just used Spanish forums and consumed spanish content, then the smartphone and social media made the internet mainstream and Mexican content has dominated latinamerica by sheer numbers ever since.
Funnily enough Spain actually retains its own internet identity and keeps being as influential in latinamerica as Mexico, Argentina did lost most of its footprint tho.

>> No.65476215

Anya and ......who?

>> No.65476281

>then what?
they want her in their diskek group again
