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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65429700 No.65429700 [Reply] [Original]

I have a friend that views watching vtubers is detrimental to your masculinity. What do you guys think? For his context, he is an army ranger with combat experience all over the middle east.

>> No.65430052

Anon, life is short and shitty enough already, don't let anyone else ruin your enjoyment of things with opinions that no one asked for, or cares about. Enjoy what you enjoy.

>> No.65430087

Selen deflection thread

>> No.65430155

I know that guy he threatened me for disrespecting him because he was trained to jump out of planes

>> No.65430306

>detrimental to your masculinity
Sounds like hes insecure, I feel sorry for him that he has to pretend to be manly even to go so far as to join the military out of fear of not being seen as manly

>> No.65430430

Would you let your masculine friend dictate what and how you enjoy things?

>> No.65430432

If your masculinity can be hurt by watching anime girls, you never had any in the first place.

>> No.65431055

He says

Facts. But you guys gotta agree with me you guys are a bunch of fucking losers, so have a nice shitty life.

Im not saying if you watch this you cant be a badass, Im saying in the long run it is detrimental for society.
Sorry for the lack of context, I may be prior military but that doesnt mean I am a stereotype meathead.

Sounds like what a bitch would say.

>> No.65431147

Curious if you guys hold the same opinions if the guy watches male vtubers instead

>> No.65431178

>Taking masculinity advice from a guy that fights for israel while his wife back home cucks him

>> No.65431292

Funny enough I know a military bud who does engage in vtuber and general weeb shit. He definitely doesn't seem any less masculine.

At the end of the day, the least masculine thing you can do is worry about the masculinity of others, whether it be specific people or "society" lol

>> No.65431421

Nothing you watch can make you any less of a man if you're confident in yourself. Not male vtubers, not twitch thots, not even actual bara yaoi. If you're a man, you're a man.

>> No.65431577

Got no wife to cuck me. At least I actually did something with my life. Your gonna go down in history as a guy who watches vtubers, on your gravestone "vtube watcher". Ancestors are probably looking down at you with disgust.

True. Unless care about the society.

>> No.65431645


>> No.65431710

bend him over and fuck him to show him your masculinity.
I only ever heard the word "Masculinity" coming out of the mouths of actual incels, so he must be gay.

>> No.65431716

Your "friend" has little man syndrome and probably wants to top you. Hes also not a man if he shops at a grocery store or has another man build his home. Try not to mention alcoholism around him too much, while youre at it.

>> No.65432078

>no vtubers
>somehow on vtuber board
next you gonna say you are a man but got no dick

>> No.65432290

Those are his responses. I made this thread because he is curious why I watch and I wanted to get other opinions, from you guys
His response

Yall all have strawman arguments. I am talking about general masculinity, not prehistoric/primordial masculine traits. But thank you for proving my point. Go get pegged.

>> No.65432339

All of my most masculine friends are fans of vtubers, and I'd consider myself a fairly masculine man, not to toot my own horn.
This is true. In a paradoxical sort of way, if a masculine man does/likes something that could be considered feminine, then it almost makes him more masculine. Maybe it shows that all the masculine things he says/does/likes are not just for show? I think it's also the reason people like the memes of gigachad being a fan of moe anime or girly vtubers or whatever

>> No.65432410

Enjoying women isn't determinental to your masculinity, but most vtuber fans are manfailures

>> No.65432436

No one ever talk about general maculinity.
Someone who isn't gay don't need to worry about his own masculinity, stop visiting the gay bar.

>> No.65432508

I work at an old folks home, and this 88 year old veitnam vet watches fauna. this grown ass 6 foot man built like a dorito who served in veitnam lost his shit when fauna announced her break. he proceded to throw a chair through a wall

take that as you will

>> No.65432573

I love cute girls being retarded and I bench 280
>my friend is a army ranger who larped in the middle east
Checks out. At least he's not a gay sailor
Also kys nijinigger

>> No.65432600


>> No.65432641

I have a friend who is air force special forces and also views vtubers as a waste of time. Meanwhile, said friend supplies his base with all their anime and cartoons so I just view it as different strokes. Guy has seen 1200+ anime to my paltry 768. Its not worth the discussion really.

>> No.65432731

>Are vtubers bad
Yes, worse than Satan.

>> No.65432750

>I bench 280
and whats your run time?

>> No.65432776

so general maculinity is to join the military to pay off student debts and then die or become cripple for some rich people's political spat.

>> No.65432790

Take your pills, you are responding to points nobody has claimed. If your masculinity can only be proven through the validation of others, you will have a sad life. But there is hope! Ignorance is bliss, so just stay willfully ignorant of any challenging viewpoints and youll be fine. Quick question, do you think homosexuals can be masculine?

>> No.65432833

By your logic watching TV and movies etc are also detrimental. At the end of the day its just entertainment, its not that hard to understand.

>> No.65433140
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>> No.65433485
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>enjoying women is somwhow detrimental to your masculinity
I think you're just deep in the closet

>> No.65433695

Let me guess, he watches Andrew Tate and thought “clean your fucking room” was revolutionary when it was Peterson and not his mom telling him.

>> No.65433761

I think (you) (you)'d the wrong guy there, pal

>> No.65434448

wow, an actually sane and decent opinion on catalog. Quite rare.

>> No.65434563

no correlation between being gay and incels. Incels wish they got fucked as much as actual gays

>> No.65434894

Got 11.5 for the 100m dash last time I ran

>> No.65435011

> detrimental for society
lmao even

>> No.65435133

Sounds based

>> No.65435154

Your friend is an effeminate loser bitch that fights for people that want him dead.
Any input he has is the words of someone that's so pathetic he'll fight and die for people that want to corrupt his home country into a rat infested shithole of rape and prostitution of women and children and force everyone into abject poverty. He should know better.
Any input he has on masculinity is void. He's a bigger fag than anyone on this site except for the massive schizos whom he shares equal levels of faggotry with.

>> No.65435288

>Im saying in the long run it is detrimental for society.
Your friend is the armed militia of evil, warmongering psychos that hate the very nation he's meant to be fighting to protect. HE is a detriment to society more than anyone else here.
He'll never be masculine since he already cut his dick off to be a good little mutt for his masters.

>> No.65435491

I think there is a discussion to be had on the psychosocial impact of vtubing on people, considering a significant contingent of the community is prone to incel, anti-social and reactionary tendencies. With that being said, you're on 4Chan acting like a meathead "boobs guns and beer" Andrew Tate shitter. People are just going to call you a faggot and not take you seriously.

>> No.65435796

that guy is a genuine threat to the workers. one time he fired his 1911 into the ceiling because the lady above was snoring too loudly. he missed, thank god. he also punched another old guy and knocked his teeth out.
veterans can be a bit crazy

>> No.65438021

the absolute state of 4chin.. remember the rule of basedness? real men do whatever they want and value his opinion the most, often to the detriment of everyone except himself. to care about opinion of some random ass manlet is unbased as all sin. own yourself and be proud of it because the world is revolve around your ass and you know for certain that your ass is the best ass in the world.

>> No.65438619

Yes, we need to watch more manly content and all men should become gay.

>> No.65439041

Obviously your friend has issues. There are some bad things about watching vtubers, but it's not detrimental to something like masculinity or femininity for that matter. In the cases where it has any relation to your masculinity it's obvious that the problems are other things.

>> No.65439161

>crayon eating bootlicker talks to me about masculinity
ok buddy

>> No.65439233


>> No.65440221
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>watching vtubers is detrimental to your masculinity
I set a state record for deadlift this year wearing my Holomyth belt.

>> No.65440445

Happy for you, liftchama

>> No.65440946

There is nothing more masculine than fucking another man in the ass.

>> No.65440960

That's one nice belt, mister.

>> No.65440992

Proud of you, Anon!

>> No.65442122

t. vtuber reeling back her wandering money

>> No.65442153

And you think that makes you some fucking big shot?

>> No.65442233

>masculine man defends allegations on 4chan with a passion

Fucking fraud, lol.

>> No.65442264

If anything, you're just proving how deranged and neuro-divergent the v-tubing community is, further proof is any reply calling me an anti while plugging their ears and eyes

>> No.65442504
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Tell your friend thanks for his service! to greater Israel and it's global homosexual interests. And thanks for making Afghanistan safe, for a couple years, for opium dealers I mean.
And thank him for his continued stalwart defense of Ukraine. Slava Ukraini!

>> No.65443749

sounds like you have no integrity

>> No.65443850

Not unless you learn Japanese solely from female chuubas. That might make you sound like a faggot.

>> No.65443894

>army ranger
your "friend" is a simp of the highest order, and he thinks if you aren't slaving away for a 3D whore for the rest of your life then you must be effeminate. little does he know, if he has a kid he doesn't (the wife cucked him)

>> No.65443988

99% of all traditionally “masculine” hobbies have been utterly ruined by women, fags, and troons so i don’t know what they’re getting at. Sure, making Chuubas your whole personality does turn you into a mentally ill faggot but that’s True for a lot of things.

>> No.65444008

He doesn't have a wife. He's also about to get out. But most guys seem to insult >>65442504
instead of answer the questions he is asking. I even made a thread about moe/loli anime and same childish responses.

Is this shit bad for people in the long run?

>> No.65444090

>he is an army ranger with combat experience all over the middle east
Doesn't the army still have the gays? Only difference is the establishment itself does its best to hide it.

>> No.65444188

Yes OP. You are now gay. Because you watched too much vtubers.

>> No.65444580
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define long run first. I've been a Henyafag for 6 months (didn't watch any vtubers beforehand) and she only brought positive changes to my life. for one, her work ethic kicked me out of my complacency and I'm now back on track with my life. for another one, her incorruptible kindness despite all the shit she went through her whole life helped me reconnect a part of my personality I almost forgot existed. so, even if my interests change and I stop watching her for whatever reason I'll still be forever grateful for the impact she had on my life. the funniest part? she's about a decade younger than I am.

>> No.65444775

if you find the shork pls try to lift her spirits

>> No.65444827

>the USA has 450k active army members
>of them, 3.5k are rangers
Your ranger pal is a one in a hundred. Anon is number one in millions of people in his speciality. I'd argue he's a bigger shot than some soldier who goes to a board about vtubers to feel more masculine.

>> No.65444839

It's not a direct causation. Watching vtubers led you to /vt/. Extreme faggotry happening here is what actually affects your masculinity.

>> No.65444864

>vtuber fan serves in military
MLP 2.0

>> No.65445478

so you needed a cartoon to motivate you? you sound like a weak individual to me. Compare to your ancestors, what would they think of you on you watching this? This is affecting a generation of men

>> No.65445513

>instead of answer the questions he is asking
No, we answered them, just not how he wanted us to.
He's a bitch, Israel's specifically. He's a pathetic faggot, a cum-guzzling mutt, a pawn, a slave. He will never in his wildest dreams be masculine. The biggest faggots on this shithole of a site are more manly than he'll ever be.
It's not our fault that's the correct answer.
It's not our fault he'd fight for some greedy conniving rats that rape children.
It's not our fault that he's a worthless slave.
Your "friend" is a faggot.
That's the truth, he asked a question, got an answer. Him not liking the answer doesn't mean shit to us.

>> No.65445602

Here is the question, give me an answer.

Is this medium bad for society and why?

>> No.65445731

>muh cartoon
go back to /pol/ or twatter, tough guy, no one here buys your bullshit
>what would they think of you on you watching this?
they had their own kind of entertainment that also motivated them, and they'd be smart enough to realize that situations change. you, however, probably grew up on capeshit or pissney and think it's superior (it isn't)
>This is affecting a generation of men
yes, and? what are you gonna do about it?
it's just a medium, it can be used for both good and bad.

>> No.65445751

>he is an army ranger with combat experience all over the middle east.
Heh, an actual tool.

>> No.65445855

Who the fuck cares, ideals of masculinity suck ass and make most men completely miserable. There’s a reason women are less lonely and have a lower suicide rate. They must be doing something right that we aren’t.

>> No.65445867

Because it's just simple entertainment.
>inb4 that's not good enough
No, it's the perfect reason since no one here needs to justify themselves to a slave.
If you still don't get it I'll spell it out for you and your mutt of a friend.
HE works for rancid scum that hate our society. As such he is a dickless loser.
It doesn't matter if he's passed Ranger training and has field experience, he could have 10 confirmed kills and he'd STILL be a bigger loser than any of the dumbest schizos on /v/. Not /vt/, /v/ (there's some really dumb motherfuckers there).
Since he's clearly a slave for someone else his thoughts are clearly the same as his masters' and his masters want to destroy our society, so if he and by extension his masters don't like it then it's not a detriment to society and only a detriment to his masters' plans to destroy society.
It's really quite simple but it can only be understood by those who don't guzzle the cum of their owners. So I doubt your "friend" will understand these words.

>> No.65445912

The true detriment to your masculinity is letting someone decide how you should be living your life, you can have role models etc. sure but the moment you let some other person decide for you, you might as well throw your dick and balls away.

decide for yourself if watching VTubers is gay,lame,cringe whatever first and then answer your "friend".

>> No.65445917

Scream harder slaveboy. Maybe Mr. Shekelstein will give you raise for delivering another child to his office... To protect it of course. Just ignore the screams and pleas for the pain to stop and the weird smelling garbage bag a few days later.
That's a good dog.

>> No.65446655

He's absolutely correct, tell him to go fuck himself with a wrought iron pipe.

>> No.65446859

He's gay and wants to have sex with you.

>> No.65446907

constantly fretting over your masculinity is gay, tell your friend to go get shot for israel some more

>> No.65447270

>he is an army ranger with combat experience all over the middle east.
Likely undiagnosed PTSD coping by getting angry about other people enjoying silly things. It's a common occurrence. I'd advise him to talk to someone about it, but it's usually extremely hard to convince these people to open up, much less accept it.

>> No.65447281
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Tell him to go back to his daily dose of emotional abuse from his fat fuck dependa wife.

>> No.65448187

the only principles that matters is yours, uphold it even if it means to go against the flow, because in the end of the day you are right and always will be righteous. that is based, that is the definition of grit.

>> No.65448762
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Tell your friend that women all want virile pure blooded studs these days. They don't want military boys pumped full of fauci's mystery concoction, all quad boosted, who can't get it up because their blood vessels are recreating the USS Liberty incident on their heart.

>> No.65448826

pics or didn’t happen

>> No.65448874

fucking kek

>> No.65448918
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The Vtuber Revolution and its consequences on society.

>> No.65448928

>reactionary tendencies
Get the fuck out

>> No.65448937

His greatest accomplishment is fighting for israel? Sounds gay

>> No.65448992
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Hey what happened to that one Israeli vtuber company anyway?

>> No.65449035
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Imagine caring about some faggot bootlicker's opinion while giving his life for Israel. Anyone who gives a fuck about this gay ass country and it's continued "wellbeing" is the biggest cuck that has ever lived.

>> No.65449163

Hobbies aren't masculine like that. By the time people could think about hobbies they were already "infiltrated" by all sorts of people. Your belief that women and others have invaded your hobby space is a false fantasy fed to you by people that don't have your best interests at heart. Guys that came up with computers as we know them were blatant flaming homosexuals, many credit the best game design innovations to a transwoman, and women have had placed competitively in games like Quake since the 90s. A world that existed probably before you were born cannot retroactively infiltrate your hobbies, not unless you were misled.

>> No.65449224
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>> No.65449355

Wew lad, how about you name some and not just Turing, also the first digital computer (Z3) was many by National Socialist Germany.

>> No.65449623
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>> No.65449818

Well, the army is full of unironic faggots, have everyone forgotten about the "don't ask don't tell" shit, it sounds like he's projecting.

>> No.65450015

>caring what an army cuck thinks
Tell him you're too busy fucking his wife

>> No.65450050

yeah its bad 4 u
u should acquire combat experience in the middle east or in ukraine or in palestine

>> No.65450185

>Uncle Sam kneeling out of nowhere

Sucks to live rank cucked my friend

>> No.65450514

Your friend is probably insecure for trying to win against hobby.

>you guys are a bunch of fucking losers, so have a nice shitty life.
What determines a happy person is not his hobby or money but his way of thinking

>detrimental for society

>> No.65452697

>detrimental to your masculinity
He says shit like this and you haven't already dismissed him as a retard?

>> No.65453223

Not even he's strong enough for that

>> No.65453283

>detrimental to your masculinity
Your friend is an idiot

>> No.65454382

You need to stop making these fucking threads, it's been days. We won't stop watching VTubers just because you don't like them mate, we don't give a fuck about your opinion, you need to start understanding this very thing.

>> No.65456398

Maybe he should stay in his lane or blow his own fucking brains out like the rest of his buddies suffering from PTSD because they blew up one too many brown kid. I don't need some crayon eater telling me what it means to be a man

>> No.65456453

He sounds like a cuck. I bet someone banged his wife while he was killing children for the Jews in Iraq.

>> No.65456906

Eh, he's not wrong. Am I going to stop? No.

>> No.65457023

You know what's detrimental for your masculinity too? giving a fuck what some cuck that was sent to fight goat herders for no clear reason has to say. Just do whatever YOU want to do with YOUR life.

>> No.65457239
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>> No.65457468

>this grown ass 6 foot man built like a dorito
He's just like me

>> No.65457564

he is a closeted faggot who wants to fuck his army bros

>> No.65457744

>Got no wife to cuck me
wasn't this about your friend?

>> No.65457929

Yeah your "friend"

>> No.65458785 [DELETED] 

fuck tate and trump and putin

>> No.65461240

That friend?
