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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.23 MB, 828x1792, 1703677917113901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65406021 No.65406021 [Reply] [Original]

the water is turning the frogs gay edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
VReverie (Jan 3) https://twitter.com/VReverieLive/status/1731525487741309078
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Stay jolly

Previous thread: >>65380286

>> No.65406326


Good for your soul is my favorite Album its really good.

>> No.65406332

Where is my homomomom

>> No.65406373

luv this frogman.

>> No.65406534

fourth for gay sex with homomo

>> No.65406558

good frog

>> No.65406684
File: 3.93 MB, 1450x1450, SHITFUCKAAAAAAAthecamuioneIdidissomuchbetterGNNNNN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope i'm not too late into the trend :3c
(here's the original image since this one is highly compressed https://files.catbox.moe/ia85la.png))

>> No.65406742

I'd let this frog fondle my balls

>> No.65406803


>> No.65406838

Chrii cute.....

>> No.65407003

rape correction that turns into passionate NTR sex with Chriiiii

>> No.65407027

You need to stop living in a fantasy chrii...

>> No.65407212
File: 199 KB, 407x396, 1703558095248156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made a bajillion dollars from licking an ASMR mic
>moved to the opposite side of the world and is now funding her own Vtuber company
If I was a girl I'd be the biggest whore ever it must be so easy...

>> No.65407289

There's no point in thinking about how well you'd do as a girl. You can easily hit ridiculous numbers as a girl if you put the slightest effort in, just think about what you can do as yourself

>> No.65407468

You're right. I'm gonna become a tranny and THEN lick an asmr mic.

>> No.65407646

somebody name a chuuba

>> No.65407666


>> No.65407671


>> No.65407683

mpreg camui

>> No.65407682


>> No.65407795
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>> No.65407823

who or what even is this thing

>> No.65407855

Crab chan

>> No.65408110

I always remember the most cringe posts I've made. To have my name attached to any of it would mean instant death, socially.

>> No.65408151

Puente !

>> No.65408221

It's part of my shitpost folder full of refs people have dropped here

>> No.65409332

What are your plans for this new year ?

>> No.65409370

Stop selfposting and earn the fanart instead of begging for it on an anonymous basket weaving forum

>> No.65409418

not self-posting retard, I just like tanuki balls

>> No.65409594

Olga, cats, miruu

>> No.65409726

lets listen to idolm@ster clips

>> No.65409765

Submit my affiliate request

>> No.65409896

I want my first nut of the year to be special.

>> No.65409913
File: 202 KB, 791x747, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he never selfposts, you fucking tourist

>> No.65409923

Interesting file name you got there

>> No.65409976

Thanks mate

>> No.65410042

New Years Day specific? idk probably stream since its a rare day off for me. Plans for the year in general? Do more collabs, get better at streaming/entertainment, and try to make my own little community in this world of vtubing. I love you guys and I'm glad I started streaming/vtubing even though I suck at it.

>> No.65410107

Becoming an aspie even if I'm not particularly like in this thread.

>> No.65410114

small hands

>> No.65410233

Need chrii lewds

>> No.65410365

Wait for the leaks to hit

>> No.65410547

>earn the fanart

>> No.65411081
File: 1.98 MB, 2451x3836, depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.twitch.tv/claudettevt live with monster hunter collab with SCEGE CAMUI (evil) AND CORPSE (horny)

>> No.65411244

Camui is live with a collab, playing monster hunter!

>> No.65411278

say kusa if you're reading this while streaming

>> No.65411448

please stop white knighting your favorite schizo, i get you love him or whatever but replying will only make people hate him more, just ignore

>> No.65411463

Don’t worry chrii I believe that you will marry Camui someday!

>> No.65411757
File: 330 KB, 2048x2048, RuadhArt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live now! Continuing our reading of Philosophy of Mind! Come listen & relax.

>> No.65411836
File: 3.27 MB, 1896x2222, gfbdfhfdhfdsh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65412046

Coming soon in 2024, gonna be the dm leak to end all dm leaks since she probably has sent him a fucking album of shit by now

>> No.65412060

Definitely true in my case, chrii has made me actively dislike camui whereas I only found him annoying before

>> No.65412075

did the whole thing of camui became just repeating that he is not trying to be like vinny?

>> No.65412198

Viewer LOVE

>> No.65412223

Does he really say that? I openly admit I like Vinny and kinda mimic him, tho I grew up more with SBFP so my humor is more their style

>> No.65412370

Don't lie, we are not liked and we are shared between aspies like if we were merchandise, as soon as you grow a bit you will forget most of us.

>> No.65412513

that's not true, I was overjoyed when I saw that a viewer of mine was very enthusiastic about my streams, now I'm working harder because of them

>> No.65412523

Id only forget a viewer cuz they stop showing up.

>> No.65412561

>threads were peaceful during christmas
>slowly shitting up again
Where did that christmas spirit go anons

>> No.65412682

Its not the spirit. It is people that took a break from the thread coming back. Based on that you can formulate who the biggest crabs are

>> No.65412692

The christmas spirit went away with my alcohol reserves.

>> No.65412694

I wonder what drives certain viewers towards certain /asp/ies
like it's easy enough to figure out the ones that are down bad for one person and might orbit their friend's chats, or the ones that go full unity and show up everywhere, but what's going on with the guy that you only see in three specific, disconnected (beyond the fact they post here) chats?

>> No.65412765

>were peaceful
>anons were shitting themselves
>grinches were running rampant trying to shit all over the place
>the drama NEVER stopped
anon what meds are you taking to see such a non-existent reality, i want them too

>> No.65412781

wrong, i appreciate every single one of (you) that shows up to my streams, even if you're just stopping by

>> No.65412793

Lots of people have a shitty time during holidays either from loneliness or shitty families/parents

>> No.65412819

I want to ask Chrii for a photo of her boobs, but I don't deserve it

>> No.65412922

Mine are racist.

>> No.65412932 [DELETED] 

block that nigger removewastaken from your chats

>> No.65412948

become camui friend, in a week or so you will get him to do it by just telling him "no balls bro" and his approvation starved brain will get to work, and if you stick to him you will get even more tits from the future groomed girls orbiting him.

>> No.65412952

They're friends but they aren't social butterflies.

>> No.65412973

what did he do? genuinely curious

>> No.65413158

The threads were never good but it's getting worse because Chrii can't just be quiet about being Camui's latest groupie

>> No.65413161

Well he has black skin, that's a bad start

>> No.65413248


>> No.65413302

was it his bbc sexpesting jokes, or was that someone else I cannot remember

>> No.65413331

I don't even want a hot girl like chrii to fawn over me like she does Camui. I just want someone to chill with

>> No.65413414

that's very cool! thank you!
what's your twitter @? I want to post it and shout you out

>> No.65413693

>Chrii and Camui come to post about their relationship
>this leads to everyone bullying Chrii because no one cares
>she cries to Camui
>Camui will then manipulate her feelings to make her think he cares
>this leads to Chrii needing to confide in him more and more
>this insures Camui can get his goon material and nudes from Chrii
>Chrii will be none the wiser she's being manipulated because she's never had male attention
Kinda perfect really. Camui couldn't have wished for a better grooming target and it doesn't even matter if I say this because Chrii is too naive to self reflect.

>> No.65413715

>hot girl like chrii

>> No.65413794

I like men, so I don't even have to worry about the guys acting that way because all of them are fake-gay

>> No.65413836

>"gen 5 is filled with drama"
>its from vtweeters only
why do we care about people who dont stream again?

>> No.65413948

You going to expound on this

>> No.65414079

vtweeter tier list

>> No.65414154

it's so easy to manipulate a child

>> No.65414266

Renata and Chrii

>> No.65414310

and habani

>> No.65414406

stop being menhera about this topic, every time it comes out you start with this shit. i don't know if you are fishing for sympathy or what but you do know well that many in /asp/ies like you a lot and always defend you when you are attacked so stop acting as if you are not liked
you were doing fine the last few days so I don't know why you are so menhera today both here and on chats

>> No.65414487

Does Lago count or is he just taking a extended break

>> No.65414612

those aren't even vtweeters they're drawfags
are we just calling any random viewer a vtweeter now, is this the next form of language bastardization

>> No.65414621

Who cares. Anons hype up certain people, either as fans or sock puppets. I think someone even shilled Clio in here early on at one point. What's more interesting is why super shilling works sometimes and not others. Is it because some shills on stay in one community and others go to all communities, or the length of the shilling, or something else? Nobody shills Runoxi anymore despite that they shilled hard and said she was going to get corpo numbers in a few months (almost a year ago).

>> No.65414711

All of the drama started from Camui and Layla, everything else was a splinter from there.

>> No.65414757

But anon, your plan is garbage because I don't cry to Camui about the bait some crabs are doing here to shit on the thread on purpose. I don't even send him nudes, I dont even know where that came from. But have fun

>> No.65414867

But I am Chrii

>> No.65414918


>> No.65414921

All mid-late gen 4.

>> No.65414981

>you start
who is that you, anon?

>> No.65415011

Did Camui scold you again?

>> No.65415047

what for?

>> No.65415113

What? He's always been a good viewer, why?

>> No.65415176

Renata and Chrii ave talked about wanting to stream and have personas. They're Vtweeters

>> No.65415213

When we needed toilet papper chan to wipe up the shit they vanished

>> No.65415450

I feel like everyone is in a hurry to chase eachother in terms of streaming content.

Dont you want to play what you pike instead?

>> No.65415520

*What you like instead

This is why I hate typing on my phone.

>> No.65415567

Hello again fellow streamers! If you had to get one piece of equipment (for free or an upgrade) to improve your streaming, what would it be?

>> No.65415621

Playing games on stream is a debuff.

>> No.65415713

my pc
please. please. please. please. please. please. please. please. please. please.

>> No.65415776

A new CPU (and motherboard to connect it to)
I just want to stream fighting games...

>> No.65415826
File: 29 KB, 300x300, 1695154138948769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like playing games tho, if I want to chat I just do it while playing.

>> No.65415885
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>> No.65415954

Is that a ISIS headband

>> No.65415983

Answering my own question here btw. I’d get myself a really good office chair!

>> No.65416104

Nana draw this herself?

>> No.65416122

isn't a vtweeter more someone who is outright taking on the persona of a vtuber though? talking about wanting to stream is different than falsely advertising yourself as a streamer to people.

I don't think either of them do that. maybe I'm just being defensive about people I think are nice.

>> No.65416185
File: 357 KB, 1148x1906, GAlIPlBasAAos7u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play BG3 and you'll understand

>> No.65416248
File: 10 KB, 449x403, FhK92DZWAAAedK3 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sh'vah is playing Nier Replicant!


>> No.65416281

It's a great game but I can't force myself to play it alone. Super fun with a friend.

>> No.65416472
File: 126 KB, 991x991, 1703463870107279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alone is great for the romance but friends is great for the shits and giggles which is why I got that collab planned (almost have my sleep fully fixed to be able to play it with the aspies on board)

>> No.65416503

She looks like she doesn't take a bath

>> No.65416530


>> No.65416542

if I don't name him is for a reason, but anyone who has been here at least for 3 4 months can pick his post

>> No.65416740
File: 403 KB, 1920x1080, Qremastered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This year almost end, let's test am I dumb or smart before 2024

>> No.65416917

a gf

>> No.65417001
File: 2.88 MB, 2040x2720, 1692332281755437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me Ant Andy

>> No.65417070

kill yourself!!!!

>> No.65417133

definitely pc upgrade. I run everything from a boiling hot laptop which stresses me a bit. I'm limited to what I can do sometimes due to pc limitations. somehow I can run obs and a capture card and vtube studio though, so no real worries!

>> No.65417289

im talking about vita, who the fuck else have you seen posting about this shit every time liking viewers or befriending viewers comes up

>> No.65417368

rent free.

>> No.65417419

a chair or gfx card

>> No.65417502

Find some people I can regularly collab with and learn to sing well

>> No.65417504

I am begging you to fill this out for my stream in two weeks

>> No.65417545

She looks like she will stomp and crush my balls while degrading me. HOT

>> No.65417555

blowjobs don't count right?

>> No.65417601
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>> No.65417609

killl yourself already vita, every time you go menhera you become insufferable

>> No.65417646

Penetration is what defines virgin

>> No.65417673

I fear the day someone finds some of the hentai I had made of me that got posted in people's portfolios

>> No.65417676

looks great

>> No.65417692

Mad respect to you for streaming on a laptop o7

>> No.65417698

Love me this post

>> No.65417750 [SPOILER] 
File: 1 KB, 198x29, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65418269
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>> No.65418376

hey, it works! to be honest I kind of wanted to dip my toe in and fell in and drowned. I didn't really plan it all out, and I'm glad I didn't because otherwise I'd be sitting and waiting to be able afford all the shit that I 'needed'. I'd be a vtweeter right now instead of a streamer.

>> No.65418721
File: 343 KB, 679x403, 86aba23d54bcd4a83b008409954af10bbc40efa7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would jong rn but I'm so sleepy bros...

>> No.65418932


>> No.65418994
File: 237 KB, 560x319, GB-4tqlXcAA9ELb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65419068

Oh I’m Pafu sorry

Also what’s a women lol

>> No.65419169

Would it be worth it to do a subathon even if I think people won't sub?

>> No.65419257

why not just make it a normal marathon stream? setting up goals and a big fancy bar on screen when you already know going in you ain't getting shit just seems depressing

>> No.65419285

No, just do a marathon like Daiya did if you really want to stream a stupid number of hours

>> No.65419318

depends, ccv? if less than 10, dont even bother, we have no whales here, unless you found one that only feeds you. if 20 or more followers, it might be worth trying, 30 or more will be at least 10 subs guaranteed, 50+ccv is in the realm of 20 to even a hun subs.

>> No.65419319

this is why you get hated on /asp/, no matter how many fanarts you draw or how many hours you spent chatting, at the end of the day they see you as a clown that helps them when there is no one to chat with while they stream and you can't deny this because you yourself have posted about how many /asp/ies ignore your chat message to respond to other /asp/ies
keep acting like a clown im sure everyone will love you

>> No.65419432
File: 2.74 MB, 1833x2293, 1702525905646080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing a free coop game with a non /asp/ friend

>> No.65419433


>> No.65419437

Crab-chan... seethe less
(I'm not vita btw)

>> No.65419442

It varies a lot. Someday it's 5, some 10s, rarely up. To 30

>> No.65419491
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>> No.65419492

>Collab with a female

>> No.65419748

Omg, kopa is such a slut

>> No.65419853
File: 2.89 MB, 400x400, nadeshiko-12_verydrunk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really see me like a clonw?
I'm sorry I will dial it down in the future.
The post that started this wasn't mine either.

>> No.65419899
File: 194 KB, 1920x1080, Geltaran1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew something for the coolest wizard.
I'll keep practicing, the Drawing arc starts today.
Hopefully I can get better!

>> No.65419910

i wouldnt pay attention to those guys dear Vita, he is just a seething retail worker.

>> No.65419949

You're cute, vita. Be cute with billy in my chat.
You're just a tiny bit menhera, heh, but everyone thinks you're harmless

>> No.65420032

I don't think you're bad at all but I'm also new here

>> No.65420050

I jongged with Vita once so we're basically married

>> No.65420056

Fuck petty crabbing time for some real /asp/ topics: of the recent aspies who's your favorite?

>> No.65420198

I like you Vita, when you pop into my stream its like a rare animal sighting

>> No.65420227

I like Severyn's game choices. Feels like a cool dude to collab with

>> No.65420582
File: 206 KB, 300x300, aware.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I'm so bored of the timeloops. Lets try something different: Talking about vtubers and content.

I now have access to a text-to-speech API and all of the scripting available in SAMMI. Give me fun ideas for integrating it into my streams. Be as creative as you can. Scene changes, filters, sound effects, whatever. Your ideas can be anything that a stream will allow so that includes:
-point redeems
-chat says a certain phrase
-basically anything really

If I get some good ideas I might do them on stream or just use them to fill some time offline when I'm not editing.

>> No.65420622
File: 562 KB, 1340x599, brave_2023-12-28_02-25-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fitting collab partner

>> No.65420697

Whatever Donte comes up with I'll just Xcopy in a few days. Send those ideas in guys!

>> No.65420709

>Feels like a cool dude to collab with
I exist for no other purpose.
I'll "work" for "exposure", being a mercenary and all.

>> No.65420851

She can understand his accent without a problem? Wtf is this woman.

>> No.65420969

Archia can understand him fine, maybe his english isn't that bad

>> No.65421127

I'll contact you eventually. I'm just so busy lately it's unreal.

>> No.65421252

I dunno. I guess it's just because I'm ESL myself

>> No.65421513

bro trust me as someone that's been an easy target in other 4chan communities in the past, you show weakness for a picosecond and the sharks will never let you go. even if you've long since grown thicker skin and don't give it any attention, they're just gonna skinwalk you to respond to themselves so the cycle can continue. there's no real solution there; you give up and stop posting here they control the narrative, you fight back they get exactly what they want and just drag you further into their bullshit. all you can really do is keep being yourself and hope the people you care about realize it's just shitposters spamming up a thread using you as the paint they shit up this canvas of a thread with

>> No.65421548

Can we do a twitter space sometime ?

>> No.65421648

camui's audio doesn't seem great, but I assume that's discord's fault?

>> No.65422263

ESL to ESL communication can be difficult yeah

>> No.65422299


>> No.65422340

chrii don't look...

>> No.65422612

I am a doctor (not a medical one) and most people here probably make more then me

>> No.65422824

Im a neet

>> No.65423297

>Guys I'm so bored of the timeloops
Please, you're part of the reason this thread went to shit.

>> No.65423472

>time traveller is bored of the time loops
lol, lmao

>> No.65423504


>> No.65423693
File: 1.47 MB, 2969x4093, 1456345-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm live playing more alan wake 2! Come watch me struggle.

>> No.65423768

oh right, I should set up multistreaming, too...

>> No.65424043

Sorry friend, that doesn't look like something that TTS can do.

>> No.65424111

He's cpu Is cracking up
Why not?

>> No.65424289

Good voice and personality, but there's a noticeable static in the background of your audio.

>> No.65424327

Maybe if some vtubers weren't so narcissistic then we could have nice things.

>> No.65424392

Nvm I was listening to something else, audio is fine gommen.

>> No.65424814

Well, at least vita matters to them in some way, the rest are of no importance and get traded around for better numbers or confused for bots.

>> No.65425016

I really like vita, he's a fun dude and I need more people to jong with.
Anyone that spends time catching us is a cool dude, I like the viewers more than some of the vtubers that get spammed here.

>> No.65426145

Give names plz

>> No.65426227


>> No.65426323


>> No.65426347


>> No.65426427


>> No.65426490

I like streaming but it turns out I like making the art for models much more. I had to take a streaming & posting break for a while, improved my model art skills massively in the meantime, and now I'm back I've realised that's the most fun part for me.
How do I get away with making art raffles repeatedly without people thinking I'm doing it for followers? I just really like raffles and model art, and I've made models already for all of my friends, sometimes several. I'm already going back to remake the oldest ones when I sucked too. Any advice is appreciated. I want to make models endlessly.

>> No.65426802

Is there a single fucking drawfag here other than Hanabi who isn't one menhera attack away from shooting themselves?

>> No.65426891

Hanabi is that close too,vhe just hides it well.

>> No.65426941

Put some on discount, post about sale on twitter. In your TOS mention you will be streaming the creation of the model. Then stream the model creation. Some riggers I like stream only model and rigging comms and its really fun to watch. If you do chibis I may be tempted to grab some comms

>> No.65426977

They hated him for he spoke the truth

>> No.65427096

just do it

fanartist or artist in general? laine is solid, reilong is relatively stable (just normal creative difficulties about growth etc). flandzen hides it well. mond is mentally ill but not like that. there are other people /here/ that draw that aren't self-destructive, maybe try branching out from the threads or current gen ig idk

>> No.65427185

Why is Chrii so desperate to fuck Camui?
Theres plenty of better male aspies she can fuck

>> No.65427224

In all honesty I haven't even charged for any of the model art I've made. It's all been for friends or with the excuse of a raffle prize. Partially because I'm a nobody and can't sell comms if I wanted to, mostly because it's self serving and I genuinely enjoy it.
I need to figure out how to capture from my tablet, you're completely right. (I use a tablet computer to draw, not my main pc.) I think streaming the process would be really fun too.

>> No.65427365

Like who? I bet I'm not one of them.

>> No.65427385
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>> No.65427393
File: 3.71 MB, 2776x2360, fdhfdhdfsjhfdsajhk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find his twitter so I used the tierlist as ref. Will make another one when I find it

>> No.65427625


>> No.65427739

I miss you, go back to streaming please!

>> No.65427769

She's a nazi, that blond hair and blue eyes do things to her ovaries

>> No.65427806

the wizards comparing hat sizes

>> No.65427836

the menhera comes free with the tablet when you buy one

>> No.65427855

vita you are always welcome in my chat (and so is billy)

>> No.65427915

It didn't come with mine. Was I scammed again

>> No.65428029

uh guys why is cheen following so many ppl unironically posting the black isis flags? I knew the dude was all about hamas and shit but this is kinda fucked up

>> No.65428033

Does Laine do chibi models? Even just rigging them and not doing art is fine as I still have a chibi one that needs rigging at some point

>> No.65428106

He is based af

>> No.65428175

An actual audio environment. Living crammed in an efficiency apartment sucks.

>> No.65428177

this is why I draw with a cursor

>> No.65428206

Ok lets try and find her a man who meets nazi race theory requirements but isn't completely unhinged
So who has blue eyes and is blonde/ginger?

>> No.65428422

More like sad asf nigga my frens living in the middle east hated those fuckers and were glad they got killed off

>> No.65428426

A big customized desk to fit all my shit on

>> No.65428547

Can someone please send me a vocaroo calling me worthless and a failure so I can become more depressed and make the hunger from not eating go away

>> No.65428652


>> No.65428723

And preferably in Europe, because intercontinental LDRs are never going to work out

>> No.65428779
File: 3.67 MB, 2142x2160, fghfdhfdjhdsfjhdsfhdfshdfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65428945

Jesus thats basically most of the list just gone.
How many Euro guys we got?
Digby, Sun and Momo?
Wait Sun is blonde with blue eyes! There we go. Chrii can fuck Sun instead while he whispers the classics in her ear

>> No.65428972

Who is Cabu

>> No.65429094

I like that Momo lives only 2 hours away from me

>> No.65429178

Kaiser doesn't really come here anymore, a shame, German buff

>> No.65429186

is it ntr when a viewer uses an emote from a different channel in your chat?

>> No.65429264

if they're subbed to you and you have a similar emote, yes

>> No.65429348
File: 1.45 MB, 1118x1299, gfhfdghjfdghjfdhe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65429364
File: 30 KB, 355x355, Kuromaru_20231228_025202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65429451

Kaiser is dead, literally until he gets a new model

>> No.65429624
File: 1.04 MB, 946x1424, fdhfdshdfsh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65429692

so comfy :D

>> No.65429843

Laine has been dead for awhile. You have to let her go. She will never again be able to beat you up

>> No.65429938

oh nyo, she chose her bf and studies over being a micro internet celebrity...

>> No.65430008
File: 24 KB, 137x179, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65430124

cutie zombie

>> No.65430307

I hate the end of year because it makes me feel extremely lonely.

>> No.65430441

I love the end of year because it makes me feel extremely jolly.

>> No.65430448

I hate the end of the year because I have to fill out mountains of legal paperwork

>> No.65430460


>> No.65430486

Love this cat like you wouldn't believe

>> No.65430496

i hate the end of the year because the new year cant come fast enough

>> No.65430569

What goes into making a schedule?

What is Yabai?

What kind of jokes and humor are acceptable? I personally find fun in poking at things like parasociality, traumadumping both for chat and when chuubas do it, toilet humor (mainly using scat and copro as a punchline) and like rape and shit, and going into detail too

>> No.65430596

I like the end of the year, I get to spend it with the one person on this planet I've got left to tether me to this existence

>> No.65430830

I love streaming but on bad days I feel like dissapearing with how much the being okay and being strong for others constantly drains me mentally
I don't want to let the people that support me or my friends down but I can barely handle my own mental problems on a good day
I just want to have fun
What do

>> No.65430864

which aspie should graduate immediately?

>> No.65430995

the one who made this post

>> No.65431028


>> No.65431036

I just want to have frozen TV dinner date with Andy

>> No.65431054

Real vtuber aspies or can we count the people who are just viewers who stream?

>> No.65431109

I'd go for digby if I was a chick, just saying

>> No.65431267

Sounds like someone has something they want to get off their chest.

>> No.65431414

Name yourself so I can never watch you

>> No.65431420

Fuck. You.

>> No.65431557

Well now you have to share with a response like that.

>> No.65431768

Defining someone as a "real" vtuber or not seems mean elitist and gatkeepy of you desu

>> No.65431842

i want to be tsundere but im too much of a simp for everyone /here/

>> No.65431951

>graduate immediately

>> No.65431963

Not him, but if you're streaming to less than 10 people then you're not really streaming as a vtuber

>> No.65432025

>What goes into making a schedule
All you need is the date+time and timezone you plan to go live and what you plan to do. It can match your vtuber theme and is nice if you have art to show off with it but it isn't required.
>What is yabai
You might need to be more specific. It just means something bad or dangerous that you probably shouldn't do onstream in a vtuber context.
>What kind of humor or jokes are acceptable?
Usually religion and politics. Everything else you listed is also pretty unacceptable, but if you're cute enough(female only) you might get away with it. If you're male don't even bother since most people will probably hate you for talking about any of that.

>> No.65432108

Well shit. What should I tell this guy I'm watching who's at 7 views?

>> No.65432172

tell him hes doing a great job and you love him

>> No.65432240

why? I like his streams

>> No.65432305

is naming my debut stream "graduation stream" funny or distasteful?

>> No.65432531

You don't need to rub it in his face

>> No.65432623


Thank you! :3c

I'm saving all the art I'm getting, I love it <3

>> No.65433179
File: 701 KB, 1500x2187, 1701087259778147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asp-ies like pic related?

>> No.65433400


>> No.65433536

This twink

>> No.65433555
File: 181 KB, 500x500, kijiHeart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dang thanks anon, I'm not really high on my own voice (I think im too mumbly) so its nice hearing other people like it

>> No.65433772


>> No.65434037

My dick is confused

>> No.65434300

i would cut for iriya

>> No.65434333

When i mean yabai i suppose i mean it more in the sense obscene topics or subject matter, being "unseiso" i guess

Why would joking about those topics be hated if male? I see successful chuubas make jokes and humor from those sorts of topics all the time (maybe not scat but rape and racism and shit) and plenty use dark humor in general

>> No.65434425

Get in line. I still need to stalk him more so I can find the perfect moment to suck his dick

>> No.65435364

Not if i suck (You)rs first

>> No.65435527

Iriya so funny you hate men because I hate women let’s be friends

>> No.65435682


>> No.65435774

I’m not neurotic about it like her

>> No.65436218

You. Me. The best 30 seconds of my life.

>> No.65436473

I'm scared about interacting with me fans who are not from here because they might think I'm uncool if they know more about me

>> No.65436535

How do you deal with brainworms?

>> No.65436676

is it fun to become a vtuber to try and get out of your shell?

>> No.65437060

You will learn that the shell was there to protect you all along

>> No.65437163

Thanks for coming!
Well I finished 51 puzzles in like 4 hours, maybe...I'm doing okay?

>> No.65437214

It is until brainworms come when you realize you're bound to be a 1view

>> No.65437297

Aisnlie please commission this scenario >>65384069

>> No.65437386

Male chuubas don't make those jokes. They can't afford to filter the already small audience that watches them. It's quirky when women do it so they can get away with it. You're welcome to try but don't expect to be anything more than a 1view.

>> No.65437396

I like that, I read it yesterday, but seems could be expensive
Still I will save this scenario, but can't do any promise

>> No.65437612

That's the first time being labeled a nazi (not even neo-nazi) holly shit, im used to being called a commie, what happened there?

>> No.65437756

Only if you have a friend outside of VTubing to support your inevitable periods of despair

>> No.65437862

My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone, in fact I want my pain to be inflicted on others.

>> No.65437902

Don't, being MtF tranny is at best a sidegrade to being a normal man

>> No.65438151

How much of a debuff is having a very boyish voice for a male chuuba?

>> No.65438190

go back to sleep sweet tits

>> No.65438274

>senior quote

>> No.65438403

Why does he hate men?

>> No.65438555

He said that it's irrational and he can't explain why, he said something along the lines that since he's a man it's not that interesting to talk to other men since he knows more or less how they think, while the mind of women is something completely new and in his words "wonderful and colorful"

>> No.65438594

That sounds creepy as fuck

>> No.65438630

I'm a man and have no idea how other men think. I also have no idea how women think.

>> No.65438652

I love menhera men and mentally stable women

>> No.65438729

If you're expecting normalcy from a guy who cuts himself and posts pictures on a secondary twitter in which he speaks in japanese even though he admits he has no fluency in the language, you're the idiot in this story.

>> No.65438740

Imagine complaining about highschool drama in /asp/ when this nigga is still stuck in middle school

>> No.65438747

I wonder what his relationship with male parental figures is

>> No.65438766

It's never been proven that it's him making those posts but I find it suspicious that he usually only hangs out in streams of girls or femboys like Haru or shvah

>> No.65438848

I didn't say normal I'm just saying I'd keep a grip on my pepper spray around somebody who talks like that

>> No.65438947

I have irl stuff to do, but I wish I never woke up

>> No.65438968

If you search the archives and see the first posts he made here and the posts after he had his debut you'll see that the writing and how he describes women is identical, I'm not one to believe any rrat but this one I have total confidence is real

>> No.65439076

If that was him I remember him saying he wanted to work on it so I can't fault him for that

>> No.65439141

That's dumb as fuck

>> No.65439170

Does that mean coco has a debuff? What is the affect on his ccv?

>> No.65439192

the edge

>> No.65439395


>> No.65439443

I hope so too, I really like the guy, I find his mix of keyfabe menhera and irl menhera incredibly hot and interesting, I could literally listen to him talk about it for hours, but I'm a guy so I'm not his target audience, but a man can dream

>> No.65439477
File: 497 KB, 1205x338, who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who on the chopping block

>> No.65439497

gay ass

>> No.65439501

Its page 6

>> No.65439573

I page 1?

>> No.65439626

you could remove them all from the tierlist desu

>> No.65439680

That is not at all what I want. I want to know who to draw on that list

>> No.65439756

>in his words "wonderful and colorful"
>incredibly hot and interesting

you're not so different from him, faggot

>> No.65439766


>> No.65439934


>> No.65440113

I wish I was a cute girl. Life would be so easy.

>> No.65440190

I wish I was a buff super tall man instead of a 145cm tiny woman. Life would be so easy

>> No.65440262

>145cm tiny woman


>> No.65440431

I'm streaming tomorrow

>> No.65441112
File: 1.38 MB, 240x240, Glitch (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sh'vah is slime ranching (quietly)


>> No.65441249

Last for straight sex with homomo

>> No.65441472
File: 273 KB, 730x661, heikaito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't chop me! I was streaming just yesterday, jonging with my bros :,(

>> No.65441502

>Andy is slime ranching

>> No.65441584

??? bro just hit puberty out of nowhere

>> No.65441921


>> No.65442034
File: 84 KB, 191x247, donkeydong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f my name
>23 results
>none of it has the slightest thing to do with my stream tonight

>> No.65442141

Hardcore jonging filled me up with testosterone and I ended up like this. I hope I can still be your boy

>> No.65442549

Nah I'm very much an unashamed Vinny clone. I've talked before about how he's the reason I started streaming in the first place among other praise. Toss early Achievement Hunter, Jerma, OneyPlays, Retsupurae, Vargskelethor and I'm sure some others on there as inspirations as well.
I think what you're thinking of >>65412075, is when I was poking fun at Rebel, who thinks it's an own to repeatedly compare me to Vinny; today the joke was prompted because the Vinesauce logo appeared next to my name in game. TL;DR it's jus' banta m8
Mostly true in your assessment, but I wouldn't send out nudes to anyone even if I had them.
I'll talk to her. I know it can be annoying. I don't like to constantly hear about someone else's relationships myself, and I personally don't want to be the subject of it since it just fuels more tabloid nonsense in the thread.
Such as this >>65413693
But yes, Chrii is a headstrong girl who doesn't get bothered in the slightest about thread stuff, for better or worse. She doesn't need me to baby her.
Yeah, CPU spikes in FL Studio. FL runs on a single core, so depending on which applications are running, it can make audio crackle. Seems to hate Monster Hunter World and Windows Media Player the most.
No issues with Vita here. Watch and appreciate content in whichever way you feel comfortable. I'd think most people are cool with him.

>> No.65442613
File: 36 KB, 160x160, man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you be Camui if I am

>> No.65442659
File: 2.33 MB, 1203x1080, FjJyLVVWYAIZlC7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this!

>> No.65442958
File: 79 KB, 735x436, seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a cute girl, life is so easy

>> No.65442986

I should have taken HRT when I was 10

>> No.65443217

HRT isn't needed if you crush your balls before puberty. Lowers your testosterone enough for your voice to not drop when you hit puberty. That is historically how the castrati were made and were used frequently in both opera and the church

>> No.65443260

I wish my asp crush would crush my balls....

>> No.65443575

Whoever it is come crush this man's balls
