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65406986 No.65406986 [Reply] [Original]

>Confirmed Stealth-suspended
>Butted heads with NijiEN Management so much in 2023
>Big Yab with Coffee Cover Twitter
I'm calling it, NijiEN Management is going to bring up a termination letter with a bunch of bullshit points to justify their termination Zaion-style. Mark my words, the BLACK COMPANY - NIJISANJI - WILL DO IT AGAIN. DO NOT BELIEVE THEIR LIES AND MANIPULATION

>> No.65407135

Nah, they'll just make her do a bunch of humiliating things that she hates, then let her back after a public apology. And she'll do all this because she's weak-willed.

>> No.65407749

>Confirmed Stealth-suspended
You can't confirm a stealth suspension, it's fucking stealth. That's the entire point.

>> No.65408979

Everyone and their moms know it is another stealth suspension, CONFIRMED by former nijis.

>> No.65409027

[Citation Needed]
Post links or fuck off.

>> No.65409173

I was gonna greentext "Nijinig playing retarded now" but then I realized you people are genuinely retarded.

>> No.65409183

go spoonfed yourself or fuck off.

>> No.65409301

Right so no proof. Nice job Seatards.

>> No.65409425

>pretend nothing happened this year
>ignore what Zaion, Mysta and Nina says
>if given proof say "IT DOESN'T COUNT!"
already know your trick nijifag, go suck Riku's cock.

>> No.65409464

Stop projecting and stream Luca, Riku needs his 5th Yacht.

>> No.65409502

I don't even fucking watch Niji. I'm just here to call out your bullshit. These threads are being spammed with "lulz I know X because I said so" and then the instant you get asked to back any of that shit up it's always "HUR DUR DO YOUR REPS".

You can prove me wrong real quick by posting actual proof. If you can't, that's fine, I know it's hard to lie.

>> No.65409584

>I don't even fucking watch Niji.
okay Millie

>> No.65409757

i can take the time and effort to go back, find it, and screenshot it and post it here and you will still deflect and say "IT DOESN'T COUNT".
So go fuck yourself, it is there, find it yourself, not like you will ever come back and admit you are wrong.

>> No.65409848
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>> No.65409875

I honestly don't care enough to look.

>> No.65409905

yet you care enough to seethe.

>> No.65409927

and then 2 months later she emerges in Vshojo and then Nijisanji will be left in infamy

>> No.65409992

I swear this board, and 4chan in general, has convinced people that everyone who disagrees with them are seething when in reality, I'm just sitting here bored out of my mind watching Neuro-sama talk about the trolley problem.

>> No.65410992

Your call is bullshit then. Selen is one of the OGs, they won't be able to just list a bunch of shit to fire her, she's literally responsible for most of the good shit that happened with this company in the last year or more. Most of the interbranch collabs are organized by her, as well. She is quite literally too big to be swept under the rug (fuck off with the weight jokes)

>> No.65411344

Vesper and Fagnis were also stealth suspended and everyone here knew they were done except for homobeggars and mans fujos.

>> No.65411432

>Corpo vtuber does something that pisses off management
>Goes on a radio silent "health" break or "vacation"
>Anyone who isn't a corpo bootlicker or paid shill realizes they are under a stealth suspension

>> No.65411467

It would be more similar to Yugo than Zaion

>> No.65411756

gundou is so OG that even though I don't watch niji i know who she is. but yet she got fired.

>> No.65411787

The difference between Yugo and Zaion is management had the livers throw Zaion under the bus.
If they pull a Zaion with Selen, it's fucking over for NijiEN. Even more over than it already was.

>> No.65411869

Gundou touched a sacred cow that is baseball, that's completely different. Selen's major yabs could be counted using one hand, and you'll still have a few fingers left. At the same time, the number of collabs and events organized and funded by her is fucking staggering.

>> No.65411919

>t-this place can't run without me!!!!
Not how it works at any business, and definitely not how it works at giant Japanese corporations that make millions of dollars a month.
They're not going to terminate her though, she makes a ton of money, they're just going to horsewhip her and take away all of her privileges until she gets enough good girl points to do events again.

>> No.65411987

So who seethed over that beaner joke spics or white liberals who usually feel offended in behalf of other races.

>> No.65412013

My point exactly. All-out termination with dogpiling by other livers is out of the question.

>> No.65412037

Who cares, I thought she already found a new job in VSPOen?

>> No.65412127

She’s not getting Zaion’d. She is graduating soon though, probably in February. Niji will probably allow the video to go back up and un-suspend her when they announce this in January.

>> No.65412137

i totally forgot that was a thing:

>> No.65412880

Selen would be perfect for VSPO

>> No.65413950

>no one making fun of OP for his pic for ants
This place sucks

>> No.65414096

You underestimate the stupidity of black companies.
Look at what Upd8 did to Nobuhime

>> No.65414393

They're going to make up a bunch of lies, twist the facts, and present it as truth. They did this with Zaion, twitter ate it up. And they're going to do it to your oshi. Mark my words. I warned you all.

>> No.65414562

With Millie outright blasting her publicly and calling her retarded for not doing shit right. I don't believe you. Just watch where they continue to escalate and not learn their lesson from last time!

>> No.65414754

They binned Gundou who had been there from the beginning. What makes you think they won't bin Selen?

>> No.65414994

>Confirmed Stealth-suspended
Well? We gonna see this proof?

>> No.65415019

She's not going to be terminated because that would be too big of a reputational hit and they don't really have a bullet point list of transgressions, even ridiculous ones, to warrant termination. Instead what they'll do is nitpick her every single future action and suspend her over and over again over trivialities in order to get her to quit on her own.

>> No.65415070

this image is bigger than the fuck I give about this fat pig

>> No.65415175
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where the fuck is Selen in the recent collab with Nerissa? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBPK-7knwCs

>> No.65415276

yes you do, faggot

>> No.65415288

They will make a bullet point list of transgressions and terminate her. It's so poetic and easy. Release a music video about her graduating, let's fucking terminate her.

>Instead what they'll do is nitpick her every single future action and suspend her over and over again over trivialities in order to get her to quit on her own.
You have not been paying attention the past year.

>> No.65415307

Not being somewhere is not being suspended. For all we know she is so genuine enraged she is avoiding everything streamer related

>> No.65415317

>Selen is one of the OGs, they won't be able to just list a bunch of shit to fire her
Did you forget about how atrocious NijiEN's management is? The moment you go against them, they'll basically come up with any reason to bin you. This is despite how much time and money Selen invested into NijiEN, and how popular she is and how much money she grossed for the branch in the 2 years she's been around, according to Playboard stats. NijiEN's branch has done nothing to demonstrate that they know what they're doing, or that they're professional.

>> No.65415329

Shes going to show up on filians stream as her roomate to get her award since selen tatsuki got covif

>> No.65415389

that is massive cope, Niji-intern, and you know it.

>> No.65415449

epic trole

>> No.65415526

No point in arguing it since you're so fixated on a pre-provided word choice, but whatever selen is doing is anything but being stealth suspended
>Selen going to be with Filian next Friday for a hot wings challenge
>Muh hekkin stealth suspensions gotta be 2 weeks at least!

>> No.65415569

This. Being a black company is already a very poor decision. None of these companies do well for themselves. Japan was infested with black companies when the bubble burst and they were a big factor contributing to it bursting.

A black company exists because people who are bad at management get into management positions, either through luck or nepotism, and use their power to entrench themselves, shielding them and their friends from the consequences of their incompetence at the expense of everyone beneath them.

Good companies to not behave like black companies, because it's bad for business and bad for productivity. Poor decisions business and labour abuse go hand in hand.

>> No.65415570

>they don't really have a bullet point list of transgressions,
They don't need a list for selen.
>Selen through her actions told her fans to violate copyright law. As such we had no choice but to reprimand her.
>Selen also proceeded to sell goods on her other social media accounts, a violation of her contract with Nijisanji
Done. She's gone if kurosanji wants her gone, those two points alone are enough to fire her if they so desire. they fired zaion for doing the second one and it was arguably the only legitimate thing on their list of retardation.

>> No.65415606

I can believe you don't actually watch Nijisanji. You're still a nijifag though.

>> No.65415665

Damn the Nijisanji Defense Force is a real thing. Your trollish behavior will result in Selen getting terminated Zaion-style and I bet you're going to blame Selen that it's her fault.

Hell, I bet the narrative yesterday about it ALL being her fault was you guys. You wanted to get her terminated and blame it all on her!

>> No.65415703
File: 144 KB, 280x314, Screenshot Capture - 2023-09-05 - 11-13-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No more ear piercing shrieks shattering my ear drums in any collab she's involved
Hell yea, she can fuck off to her twitch buddies, they'll welcome her with open arms.

>> No.65415801

Cover fired Rushia, their biggest moneymaker over breaking NDA.
Jap companies DO NOT give a single fuck about how popular you are.

>> No.65415854

If the management doesn't like you for ANY reason, you're out. It's not a matter of money, it's a matter of ego and pride!

>> No.65415874

Anon...Come on now...

>> No.65415933

one usually expects some hackneyed cover story by now for the suspended's absence, like Kyo needing a week off after insulting sensitive Koreans.
I'm still waiting for something to go off of, beyond "SHES NOT HERE, THAT PROVES IT"

>> No.65415937

This episode with the cover aside, WHY does management hate Selen? Like okay, they kept cockblocking her in the past, but WHY? How did she piss them off?

>> No.65416038

Any respectable company will fire your ass if you break an NDA, that's not jap corpo exclusive.
loose lips sink ships and having a reputation for not enforcing NDAs is a surefire way to ensure you never get major sponsorship again.

>> No.65416073

Are you retarded? I bet you can't even play with real humans in video games because Kurosanji adapted and aren't going to announce stealth-suspensions like this anymore.

They used to but got BTFO the past few months when it was revealed about this "trick" they do when Zaion whistle-blew.

Her absence with no statement is very telling and should be a red flag. It's a writing on the wall.

>> No.65416130

Looking forward to it

>> No.65416146

Maybe it was the Nijisanji multi-branch tournament that caused a lot of mayhem in communication and then they kept on putting her on a leash so much that they fucking hate her.

>> No.65416212

>Im not allowed to make tournaments anymore
>Doppio does the watermelon one after
>Then she announces the big Niji/Holo Apex thing
So which is it?
She hasn;t clarified this.

>> No.65416215

I know that shee will get 1000% more support than niggersanji when she leaves but it's still sad. She's the most hardworking and professional person in niji en and management hates for whats probably some petty, personal reason. Even if she joins vsh*ujo (God forbid) she'd at least end up more successful.
I'd love to see her in holo en with mumei but i feel like the amount of unicorns wouldn't like her as much.
Call me a simp or holobronie or whatever, i don't give a fuck. As long as it works for her and she gets away from this terrible black company

>> No.65416267

>not allowed to make tournaments anymore across multiple branches in Nijisanji
Nice deflection, bitch.

>> No.65416326

>Her absence with no statement is very telling and should be a red flag. It's a writing on the wall.
except she's already scheduled to be with Filian next friday, so what level of ominous are we waiting for here?
Your argument makes no fucking sense
>She's stealth suspended, despite every standard and "go-to" protocol of one not being met
>She's not talking on Twitter! -Yea, because she said she wouldn't in her zatsu and isn't active on her PL acct or her market either
>She's done! -Except she already has plans for next week with yet another popular talent

>> No.65416353

It could be entirely arbitrary, it could be something behind the scenes they took personally.
I worked for a black company a few years back and saw it play out a bunch of different ways. Sometimes there's a wider (although very stupid) agenda, sometimes it's as simple as "I don't like this person." Sometimes it's they're just picked at random to take the fall for something they have no influence over, because big boss needs to cover their ass.

>> No.65416439

>TSB Tourney had every branch from Niji possible and every Holo branch minus EN
And if memory serves, Niji corpo actually asked her to expand the tournament specifically to get more of NijiJP talent involved

>> No.65416435

You sound dense lol. Maybe you tolerate Gura's lack of communication to her fanbase too. The lack of communication especially for a collab stream is a bad thing. What are you smoking and can I get that bonus that kurosanji is paying you?

>> No.65416494

So are you a coping dragoon or just looking for an argument here? She disappeared off the face of the earth, she is either suspended or throwing a temper tantrum, take your pick.

>> No.65416574

The apex thing had EVERY branch you stupid monkey.

>> No.65416587

Its becoming apparent you have no actual argument, and just keep crying because you have no actual facts of basis for your logic beyond it being a nice narrative

>> No.65416656

Okay I checked, yeah you guys are right lmao

>> No.65416657
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>> No.65416702

Except Zaion didn't do the second one. It turned out to be an old giveaway she needed to fulfill

>> No.65416786

In the end she was trying to stop Selen from being an idiot over perms.

>> No.65416903

or just some gaslighting move deflecting all the blame to Selen for her long carefully prepared project

>> No.65416954

whatever fuck niji and fuck vshojo B)

>> No.65417036
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Oh look what we have here

>> No.65417111

There's no doubt in my mind Selen worked very hard, and management fucked it all up somehow. The biggest questions are still yet to be answered, but we're stuck in the mud arguing over what variety of abandonment Selen is putting her fandom through, forced or by choice

>> No.65417219

Nta but you do know that more than he and Lily were involved, right? There were over 16 different artists and producers involved in this project. Each and every single one needs permission

>> No.65417254

Jesus, management fucking sucks. Save yourself Selen.

>> No.65417274

Go read up on Ngo's drama and realize literally anyone who touched that project needs to affirm by some pre-provided form every semblance of passing of ownership to AnyColor

>> No.65417301

Okay Millie

>> No.65417360

It's happened in Holo, I'd imagine it's the same for Nijis. Happened to Bae and peko iirc

>> No.65417383
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Selen won't get ZAION'D, Zaion was fucking up from day 1, Selen hasn't made any major mistakes, this is her biggest one so far.
I guess the primary issue stems, what IS the fuck up here? Is it lack of perms? Who's lack of perms exactly? Is the reason she's in deep shit due to her telling people to re-upload it?
Does anycolor have grounds to DMCA anyone that upload the song?

>> No.65417418

based drama-nigger, I didn't see this and this is HUGEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.65417485

Well there's one cope down the drain.
>quick, our cope collapsed, deploy the ngo!!!

>> No.65417534

>stealth suspensed
>their suspensions were publicly announced on twitter
I dont think you know what that word means, stop using it

>> No.65417619

They've had perms since August 2022. I can totally see Selen get terminated and thrown under the bus. However, maybe just maybe they'll give sympathy. I doubt it though, Nijisanji is a black company.

>> No.65417701

One guy gave permission, this means everyone gave permission. So true.

>> No.65417797

Are you seriously fucking tell me that since August 2022 to December 2023, Selen failed to gather permissions from everyone else? Also how Selen phrased her tweet that her music video is not coming back up and encouraged resharing it everywhere instead of telling everyone to wait? Nice cope.

>> No.65417885

>she's already scheduled to be with Filian next friday!!!!!!!!!!
she was also scheduled to have a cross-corpo collab literally today. next time use your brain for half a second before spewing whatever retarded shower thoughts come into your head.

>> No.65417894

It is lacking of respect to their talents.

>> No.65417906

>Not Ngo!
Okay then, we can talk about Honma/VALZ, or Night Kingdom, or Magical Girl cover with Uiha, Muyu and lots more
Like this shit is common as fuck in Japan for a variety of reasons, most of which boil to an obsessive level of permission granting
You are woefully out of the know, and you crying every post is proof that, so just move on and realize this is beyond petty hatred or targetting or even a forgetful oshi

>> No.65417918

That anon who originally posted before Nina went who said there will be one huge one at the end of this year KNEW TOO MUCH.

On that note my rrat is that after everything Selen has been fucked over with, she made the cover and video knowing management would likely kick off, to show support to as many artists and fans as possible and as a last goodbye. I don't blame her they've done her so dirty.

>> No.65417922

Who the hell is this and why is it related?

>> No.65417978

no fucking way, this is actually real too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CZsoJ1J3J8

>> No.65417997

Difference is the Filian one was announced today retard, and was POST this drama


>> No.65418010

You're a performance monkey, you aren't worthy of respect.

>> No.65418074

Fun fact, even though they work for a Japanese company, Canadian Niji talents remain protected by canadian labour laws, and Nijisanji remains responsible for conforming with those laws if they intend to do business in (ie recruit and manage talents from) the country.

>> No.65418117

this is the producer of the original song that Selen covered. He is making a statement that he and LilyPichu gave full permissions to Selen to cover the song since AUGUST 2022. When people talk about permissions and say Selen didn't get it, they're FUCKING LIARS.

>> No.65418125

It's not their song nor their efforts, but it is their talents and likeness. The argument is going to boil down to how Selen will make shit right by AnyColor and vice versa.

>> No.65418130

>i dont even watch niji
You are right, you dont give a fuck about any of the vtubers you oshi the company like a drone

>> No.65418414

The cope timeline so far.

>selen releases a music video heavily implying graduation
It's a nothingburger.
>final scene of the video features her joining nina and mysta in the niji afterlife
It's a nothingburger.
>selen explains on stream how she had to fight with management forever to get the video released
It's a nothingburger.
>she explains how she had to contact copyright holders themselves because management refused
It's a nothingburger.
>minutes after she ends her stream, the video is privated by management
It's a nothingburger.
>selen responds by going nuclear and telling fans to reupload the stream
It's a nothingburger.
>millie arrives her replies telling her she didn't get perms and that's why she's shit outta luck
It's a nothingburger.
>selen goes to her roommate account to post about how she just lost $15k and needs to sell merch to make ends meet
It's a nothingburger.
>everyone on the internet going ballistic, #selen trending on twitter, overwhelmingly negative reaction within the vtuber fan community and beyond
It's a nothingburger.
>fans spam niji telling them to unprivate the mv, niji responds with a form email throwing selen under the bus
It's a nothingburger.
>artists post disinfo denying the video had anything to do with graduation, even though anyone can watch it and see that it's heavily implied
It's a nothingburger.
>dramatubers swarm onto the situation like flies to shit, searching for her name gives you an illegal copy of her mv and a bunch of drama videos
It's a nothingburger.
>selen disappears, offending tweet still up, ghosts several collabs, no signs of life anywhere
It's a nothingburger.
>some of the supposed perms deniers admit they gave perms over 18 months before the song was released
It's a nothingburger.
>still no sign of selen
It's a nothingburger.

Feel free to expand the list as the situation develops.

>> No.65418425

She makes plans for next Friday, January 5th but Selen cannot make any statement as to why she's ghosting today's collab, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm??????????????????????????????????

>> No.65418543

Dont reply to twitch tumors they are braindead

>> No.65418548

Ask her next Friday when she's back...you know, verifiably? Something all you retards seem to be lacking almost gleefully in?

>> No.65418603

No, they're just trolls and you keep feeding them because you can't stop taking obvious bait.

>> No.65418623

>Only cares about today's collab
She missed her shit with Rosemi yesterday as well you fucking thread reading dumbass
Go back to Hololive and fuck off with your whore if all you care about is stirring the pot

>> No.65418655

Likely stealth suspended for telling people to re-upload a cover but it does mean that she's not zaioned if there's plans being made

>> No.65418693

now give us the other 16+ permissions

>> No.65419814

Anycolor doesn't own the voice behind Selen, doesn't own the song being covered, doesn't own the backing instrumentals and don't own the illustrations. The only circumstance in which they have a valid copyright claim is if the parties involved in all of these thing explicitly signed the rights over to Anycolour. Since Selen led the project independently and also paid for every aspect of it independently, there's a chance Anycolor owns none of it. All they own is the channel it was uploaded to, and the character design for Selen Tatsuki.
There are legal protections in place that help prevent corporations from just claiming ownership if things that are done vaguely in their shadow. It would be one thing if Anycolor paid for this MV, sanctioned it officially, managed it directly or took an active role in producing and marketing the project--but apparently they didn't. At best they can claim that the MV, which uses the likeness of Selen Tatsuki and other Nijisanji characters, violates the terms of their derivative works policy and dispute the video on those grounds.

From the outside it looks like an independent contractor produced their own self-funded project, entered into a verbal agreement to host that project on a channel Anycolor owned, and then Anycolor flaked, voiding their entitlement when they failed to uphold their obligations. Unless Anycolor actually secured written agreements of copyright--which would be insane for someone to sign on a $15,000 self-funded, self-managed project--they're out of luck.

>> No.65419955

In the pursuit of pretending to be the only enlightened you have become the biggest fool of them all

>> No.65420256

>he and LilyPichu gave full permissions to Selen to cover the song
Why didn't they give permission to Nijisanji?

>> No.65420275

>Only the producer and singer matter

>> No.65420778

>Look, I know that guy that was questioning the government suddenly disappeared. That doesn’t mean the rumored gulags exist.

>> No.65420804

This is why we like false so much, he's viewed as a respectable news source unlike khyo and the fact that he is makes the nijiniggers seethe out if their minds

>> No.65420924

Why would they? Nijisanji isn't paying for it.

>> No.65421115

They did, you fucking idiot, Selen confirmed in a stream that the producer even emailed the permission to Nijisanji LOL

>> No.65421189

Not going to lie, I fucking hated dramatubers but False, I gained more respect for him here.

>> No.65421326

and yet the sisters on twitter believe the lies. At what point are the trolls just doing free work for Nijisanji to discredit Selen's credibility? Of course a lot of people here are just antis but when the rrrats are breaking containment here constantly, makes you think.

>> No.65421363

Except this still is only one of the many people who need to give permission. I'm not even a fan of Niji but to pretend like only the producer and songwriter matter to a Japanese company when you literally have countless people who have experienced similar issues
Like this anon said, unfortunately it's more common than not to have issues like this. Like we literally saw this shit happen with IRyS too

>> No.65421909



>> No.65422068

Wow I wonder if we've seen this pattern before a few dozen times?

>> No.65422086


>> No.65422155

I can't believe they broke her legs to send a message to the other organs...

>> No.65422189


>> No.65422230

>No posts is stealth suspension
>Emergency posts are stealth suspension
>Planned trips the fandom forgets about because it isn't etched into their skulls, is a stealth suspension
>Even being actually suspended, is a stealth suspension

>> No.65422370

>for a few day
Selen doesn't speak Chinklish, anon. This was a manager.

>> No.65422450

>Selen doesn't speak Chinklish
Tell me you don't watch her streams without telling me you don't watch her streams

>> No.65422500

This but unironically

>> No.65422585

Correct, your point?

>> No.65422640

They were stealth suspended for about two months before cover made it public you stupid fucking retarded bitch. If you watch your homos like you pretend you do you'd know this.

>> No.65422687

Nobody double crosses me and gets away with it. Next time it'll be more than just her legs....

>> No.65422714

>I was sent to the hospital after an accident that casually happened after I leaked about how shit my company is.

>> No.65422873

Since when do hospitals take away your phone when you're not in the psych ward?

>> No.65422904
File: 186 KB, 351x347, 1633551357094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home Selen, find your true place.

>> No.65423069

When your body cant hold it or your brain benefits nothing from bright lights or complex hand gestures

>> No.65423074

big oof, hope that "accident" wasn't self inflicted

>> No.65423133

She probably tried to hero herself but then didn't because she is an attention whore. Woman moment.

>> No.65423155

Actually speaking and not shitposting? Pretty often. most of the time if you end up in the ER or something like that where you have to be kept under supervision you're put in a gown with no pockets

>> No.65423299

Let me head over there and get you hospitalized, and you can report back your findings

>> No.65423311

yeah getting to hospital and can use the phone sure?? Is it psych ward or Emergency?? only those 2 means you can't use the phone and both are absolute red flags and we're now worried more for her life too being hunted by Kurosanji

>> No.65423467

I've been in the ICU before and yeah you're in a gown but they let you have your own things. They even had a tablet attached to a movable arm so you could watch tv or browse the internet.

>> No.65423510

ITT: people who should know better, rrat fucking standard ass hospital practices now

>> No.65423602

If she was in a car accident?
The phone was almost certainly also in the car. Possibly out even.

>> No.65423707

I had a minor invasive surgery on my back and they doped me up. Wouldn't let me have my phone for the day because they didn't want to be responsible if i broke it in my stupor

>> No.65423792

BS. I've been to the ER for myself and friends (skateboarding) several times and they have never tried to remove my phone, granted those were mostly a few broken bones but my dad got on a big bad crash had to go under and he still had his things in a baggy on a table next to the bed.

>> No.65423835

Best case scenario stealth suspension with a retarded cover story
Worst case scenario Kurosanji management is so terrible Selen is on actual suicide watch.

>> No.65424076

Do you think Selen the fat girl was out skateboarding?
What accidents could she reasonably get into?

>> No.65424094

>Selen is on actual suicide watch.
This was my first thought after reading that tweet desu

>> No.65424152

we are now at
>selen finally breaks her silence, making a tweet that can easily be interpreted as her attempting fucking suicide

>> No.65424282

>psych holds can be from 48-72 hours
I'm not saying it is true but

>> No.65424422

Well, yes. Do you not realize that Nijisanji owns these twitter accounts and has unrestricted access at all times? They can freely make statements as "Selen_Tatsuki" all they like. Hell, they could have made that Millie tweet as well. They have that power and it's on them to be smart enough to not abuse it--which at this point is seriously in question.

>> No.65424622

My dad was fat, he had a car crash. Anyone can get into an accident, anyway that wasn't even my point, I think she just made something up to hide the suspension and she's probably never been in the ER so she assumed they take your phone for some reason?

>> No.65424889

the stories posted, assuming they're all true, just show that the procedure is up to the hospital in question

>> No.65424955

yeah but accident at a quite "convenient" time just after a beef with management huh?? yeah I think like you too but it's might not be Selen desu and just some managers doing retarded reasons to justify her not streaming to be health issue than a suspension

>> No.65425103

Even Sayu hasn't tried to unalive herself, you think Selen would do that? You genuinely think Selen is more menhera than Sayu, the one you guys compare to Hitler unironically? WAKE UP SISTERS

>> No.65425570

>stars mention outta nowhere
Nijinig and a unicorn? Hah.
Or maybe a smallcorpfag trying to elevate their groomees I mean their oshi

>> No.65425591

The sub manager has too much power. In most situation, successful talent / actors / musicians are the one hiring manager, secretary. But here, They're the literal boss. My suggestion is change the sub manager title to secretary, helper. That way they won't go over their head and harass talents. Talent are the one making money, the public face why is the sub manager upper? For manager sure i get it, he's the one in contact with Riku and jp staff but sub manager is nobody.

>> No.65425682

More that it's up to the public healthcare system. As a patient you have rights. In Canada, a hospital can't take your cellphone for your own good unless you've demonstrated that you're a threat to yourself or others and there's an official procedure for that.

In other words, it's very unlikely that Selen was truthfully been unable to access her phone unless she was so grievously ill that she couldn't physically reach over and hold it, or she failed to commit suicide and was put on a psych hold. In both cases it's very unlikely the first thing she'd do after regaining access is to log on as Selen Tatsuki and vaguepost about it on twitter. Further, why would a woman planning suicide post about planning to release merch shortly before?

So yeah what's more likely, that Selen abruptly an hero'd, failed and tweted about it as soon as her caretakers would let her--or that her management doesn't live in Canada, doesn't know the laws are different from Singapore and made an obvious lie using Selen's account?

>> No.65425824

Le convenient hospital, covers for both past and future radio silence. Surely nobody would dare question the timing because it'd be pretty bad if it turned out to be true.

>> No.65426165

Too damned true, especially for Blackcolor here. Kabaa pulled the plug tho before everything goes haywire like its Hex.

Okay Niji employee lol

Hmm...dont discount though Riku and his goons using muscle to win the case anyway.

>> No.65426273


>> No.65426438

It was announced today, but that does not tell us when it was planned. It is possible that it was already planned before Selen was suspended.

>> No.65426578

Really depends on the kind of accident. Like in a car accident or falling off the stairs and lose consciousness, if the phone fell out of your pocket/hand or even out the window nobody is gonna go look for it to make sure you have it waking up.

I'm guessing skateboard accidents, while bad, usually leave you conscious and you can go grab it yourself and go through with the procedure without even changing your clothes.

>> No.65426666

It's a nothingburger.

>> No.65426922

NIJISANJI DROVE A TALENT TO TRY AND KILL THEMSELVES, IF YOU ARE BACKING THEM AT THIS POINT THEN JESUS FUCK. This is unironically peak black company. Straight up. Anycolor and Nijisanji need to be shut down and investigated.

>> No.65426946

lol, if cover didn't relent from sacking their biggest vtuber why do you think kurozhangji would stay its hand for a lesser ENtuber?

>> No.65427144

Perhaps she tried to eat a skateboard mistaking it for a twinkie..

>> No.65427499

It's definitely not a confirmation, just very likely.

>> No.65428019

Michael leaked discord logs of her with other Holos and their private information just to prove a point to japanese keemstar. They had to

>> No.65428028

Man I never got that luxury when I went in cuz of dehydration

>> No.65429050

I don't want to believe suicide but I can't dismiss the possibility. The fact it's hospital, accident, staying a few days, under supervision. All of these keywords point to really fucked up situation.

I also like how it's phrased where it's possible that management had plausible deniability.

It's either:
1. Black Company Nijisanji forced Selen to off herself due to stress

2. Black Company Nijisanji forced Selen to LIE for her stealth suspension (they have a long history of forcing people to lie based on Zaion's testimony)

3. Selen COINCIDENTALLY got into an UNRELATED serious accident after management privated her video.

Personally, I distrust Kurosanji and I believe options 1 and 2. This coincidence seems too on-the-nose. I cannot trust Nijisanji after all of their fucked up lying. If Selen's RM actually makes a statement like this on her own personal account, I will believe this was a genuine accident on her own accord. Until then, I believe it's a stealth suspension lie or Nijisanji stressing her to the hospital.

>> No.65429282

Is it fucked up that I'm asking for Selen's RM to make a genuine statement to back-up her business statement? Yes. But this is Nijisanji's fault for forcing their livers to lie to millions of people with Zaion's situation. They have had ZERO PROBLEMS TO LIE TO THEIR AUDIENCE.


>> No.65429426

>I dont think you know what that word means, stop using it
Funny coming from the ESL who doesn't know what a fucking """STEALTH""" Suspencion is.
It should be a literal felony to be as retarded as you.

>> No.65429492

Cant believe Selen got sent to the hospital for covid right after a yab that left her company as even more of a black company than it was
Man what a stroke of bad luck for everyone involved amirite guys

>> No.65429505

i had major invasive surgery and i was home in 24 hours with a packet on how to recover
this was the US though

>> No.65429745

Video would have to be privated before the accident. You don't get sent to ER, then tell people to reupload video just before losing access to a phone. The timeline doesn't make sense.

>> No.65429754

Ok there "suspencion" anon. Maybe work on your grammar before calling others ESL

>> No.65430575

Yup I agree. This is just fucked up overall, these fucking idiots should've stayed silent instead of sending this tweet today

>> No.65430743

There is no way anyone believes this
Do they think people are stupid when they pull this "sudden break/vacation" shit every time? Enna alone used this excuse for when she gets stealth suspended at least 4 times

>> No.65431258

I don't know if I can trust you Kurocolor employees. You have had a long history of lying to the public and forcing your employees to lie to the public.

I genuinely hate management but I will always support the talent. Genuinely wish Selen the best and that it all goes well.

As for management, seriously kill yourselves.

>> No.65433196

the suspension into termination pipeline is real

>> No.65434388

Always has been. The trolls and sister copes might say otherwise but it's always real. Hopefully now that the public has huge skepticism over Nijisanji's black company management tactics - they'll be less willingly to throw slander and a bunch of lies at Selen.

Selen deserves NONE OF THIS.

>> No.65434440

the issue with that is that despite everything in the MV being self-funded by management, they still OWN her and the likeliness of her voice.

I remember Nijisanji JP's Melissa having to graduate because management did not support the idea of Melissa having the rights to the music that they did, even originals. This is not far off behavior from them.

>> No.65434591

Anyone find it weird how unconcerned her coworkers are? the only vtubers wishing her well are Shylilly and a bunch of small indies

>> No.65434648

Extremely weird and concerning that her genmates and many of her livers haven't wished her well. I know Victoria and a Male Niji wishered her well but... for an OG - where are the OG livers, hmmmmmmmmm????????

>> No.65434677

>the likeness of her voice
What in the actual fuck are you talking about retard?

>> No.65434807

Unless someone else besides Victoria has replied, it's extremely depressing to see. I hope from the very bottom of my heart that she's doing ok.

>> No.65434880


>> No.65434940

Its always fucking covid man.

>> No.65434996

They see the writing on the wall. They know that even if her post is real (its not, its management posting "on her behaf"), she's still getting fired as soon as its convenient and they don't want to get caught in the crossfire.

>> No.65435190

Maybe but I can fix that typo. Your retardation is genetic.

>> No.65435291

Selen has posted that concerning tweet 3 hours ago.

1. Elira has recently posted a merch promotional tweet: https://twitter.com/EliraPendora/status/1740210675715277167

2. Pomu is MIA

3. Finana retweets fanart

4. Rosemi is MIA

5. Petra is MIA


7. Enna is MIA

8. Reimu is tweeting about her recent collab and retweeting clips

WHY IS IT ALWAYS FUCKING REN WHO GIVES A SHIT???? https://x.com/RenZott0/status/1740214326303285420?s=20

Something is fucking up.

>> No.65435354

I got to clarify that I like Ren because he seems to be the only based person in that company. You're always a class act and you should never forget that.

>> No.65435431

Ren isn't in the inner circle and doesn't know what the others know.

They are executing her directly in front of us and there is nothing we can do about it.

>> No.65435499

She doesn't deserve any of this.

>> No.65435528

>I don't even fucking watch Niji.
We know, Millie. If you watched Niji you would have known that Selen got her permissions long ago instead of being a passive aggressive cunt asking
>uhh but did you get perms from managers Selen? Managers would never do anything wrong, if your cover was taken down it must have been your fault

>> No.65435616

>they still OWN her and the likeliness of her voice.
The music industry lost that battle decades ago, someone else can't own your voice. Petty syndicates like Anycolor thrive because their employees (victims) don't understand their rights, and they lie and intimidate to keep them scared and ignorant.

>> No.65435666

under what American law?

>> No.65435697

Ren is a genuinely good guy who doesn't understand vtuber drama. He simply talks to people if he feels like it's a nice thing to do.

>> No.65435768
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>> No.65435831
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>> No.65435883
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>> No.65435951
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>> No.65435984

anything she does while employed by anycolor IS anycolor property.

there's a reason why there's a well-known industry fact that any artist signed to disney, their art is officially owned by disney even if it's something they drew in their free time.

>> No.65436087

Ah yes, just let her change her vocal chords to please Riku's Yacht fund

>> No.65436094

>Referencing US copyright law for JP company
Might as well cite the Quran for rules on pedophilia and polygamy in the US

>> No.65436100

It's extremely funny because for them to just not engage at all either means they were told explicitly by management not to engage for whatever reason (and Ren missed the memo) or they know it's a lie and won't bother to validate an obvious lie by replying to it, even to keep up appearances.

>> No.65436192
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>executing a dragon
They literally can't do that.

>> No.65436204

anon most of EN isnt close to her and they dont need to do things in public

>> No.65436236


>> No.65436297

The other images are good but for JP music industry, they're forced to get permissions for everything due to copyrights.

>> No.65436349

Counterpoint: Millie

>> No.65436359

that's cold, bro, real cold.

>> No.65436398

millie is retarded to respond that in public

>> No.65436424

Yeah I can see that, they might not want to boost more attention to Selen's tweet too and cause more eyes on it lmao.

>> No.65436675

Japanese company does NOT have fair use laws
The companies are just (usually) very generous and have common sense and let people do what they want.
But if you want to be fully legal in Japan you unironically need to sign contracts basically allowing permission and confirming the other party is not going to sue.

This applies to ALL things in japan.
There have been western games/mods where the developers website itself says "you can do whatever the fuck you want with my stuff" such as incomptech kevin mcmillen music, and the Japanese STILL have to get a confirmation email.

>> No.65436791

There very well could be a company wide mandate to not mention Selen at all for the next 72 hours, or receive punishment

>> No.65436847

>to respond that
learn english millie

>> No.65436851

Reminder Ren got stealth suspended for telling Nijifags to not harass Sayu after her termination

>> No.65436969

I normally would say that something should happen to Nijisisters but we have some nijijannies sneaking around

>> No.65437104

>causes big million views twitter drama
>suddenly gets in an accident a day later
>mentions she'll be gone for a few weeks
no way you fucks actually believe this right lmao
it's more believable that the nijininjas attacked her than this lame ass stealth suspension cover up

>> No.65437160

>anything she does while employed by anycolor IS anycolor property.
It's bizarre how little the average person knows about their own rights. This isn't the 1930s. Companies have lost a lot of legal battles setting precedent for what they can and cannot 'own.' At best, they can include a exclusivity clause that requires you not do work for a competitor while employed to them but these are only dubiously legal at best and hard to enforce in practice.
Oh and fun fact: you can't sign your rights away in a contract.

I don't think people appreciate how funny a copyright dispute like this would be. A company doesn't just get to say "well only japanese rules apply because we're a japanese company" when they employ foreign staff, producing foreign work in their own home country. Either livers are on payroll and Anycolor is subject to the labour regulations of their livers' respective foreign jurisdictions, or livers are independent contractors and Anycolor would have to fight a cross-jurisdictional court battle to make any sort of claim of copy right. "It's legal in Japan" doesn't get you very far when you try to sue someone in Canada.

>> No.65437204

Ren and Victoria (I think that's her name) replied, everyone else is silent. Shit even some of the vshojo girls replied.
Something really stinks about the whole situation. Selen deserves so much better.

>> No.65437495

jesus fucking christ, I keep on forgetting that.

>> No.65437544

If I see ZERO tweets wishing her well in the next 24 hours, I believe this is a manager tweet and not a Selen tweet. This is feeling very icky like during the Zaion situation.

>> No.65437764

Maybe Nijisanji should have done its job, then, and made sure that the perms were locked down. They had months to worry about this, but they chose to do nothing while Selen sunk her own money into this project. It is not her job to handle their Japanese copyright bullshit for them.

>> No.65437870

Anon wake up to reality. Look at past tweets with them being sick or shit and how many of them barely have nijis replies. This isnt new, it happens a lot of times

>> No.65437963

You think her hospitalization is just her being "sick"? I can understand Elira's case but what about the rest, huh?

A little bit concerning how you're quite dismissive of a hospitalization.

>> No.65438056

Sasuga Kurosanji, you never fail to impress.

>> No.65438070

>They are executing her directly in front of us and there is nothing we can do about it.

Ren was a made man, and Selen wasn't. And we had to sit still and take it. It was among the Nijis, real Japanese shit.

>> No.65438127

>It is not her job to handle their Japanese copyright bullshit for them.
It actually is. That's fucked, but she's the one trying to do the cover, so figuring out all the right steps and who needs to approve it is literally her problem.
It's why corporate vtubers end up coasting.

>> No.65438195

The girls off-collab showed how Selen didn't quite fit in with most of the EN girls there.

>> No.65438271

The fuck is the point of having a manager if they aren't managing jack shit?

>> No.65438295

Anon.. most en havent replied to Elira either, only like 3

>> No.65438364

Easy, they tell you how high to jump, when to beg, and when to shill overpriced merch so you can stay employed. Like any normal manager.

>> No.65438430

Elira's family in trouble is troubling and I can get missing that.

However, what about your fellow coworker being hospitalized? I'm sorry but if you have any humanity, most would jump and immediately tweet support.

Of course, if Selen didn't fit in >>65438195
then maybe I can see why. Still, it's pretty cold to NOT say anything.

I swear to fuck, it doesn't take much to send a "take care" tweet like Victoria and Ren. Some of you sisters are ice-cold and deserve rope.

>> No.65438651

most of en is on break right now, on different timezones

>> No.65438661

So she figures out all of the permissions herself and got a bunch of approval from everyone including management according to fan-artists? I smell bullshit, here.

>> No.65438746

Nah, they will give her Roa treatment instead.

>> No.65438984

Well hopefully they send something once the eventual news hits.

>> No.65439197

I can't see Selen getting the Roa treatment. I just don't think she's that marketable. She's a great chuuba don't get me wrong but she's not coom bait personality nor design wise.
Honestly Zaion was more appropriate for the Roa treatment if bridges weren't being permanently burned.

>> No.65439373

Unconcerned? They're the ones who drove her to this point.

>> No.65439841

Bruh the apex thing wasn't a tournament, it was a CUSTOM. The last tournament she organized was the minecraft one, and it was just within the en branch.

>> No.65439971

Rushia got canned (for good reason), Gundou got canned (for not-so-good reason). Nothing is too big to fail. The OG argument does not work that far.

>> No.65440319


>> No.65440408

damn i'm still upset about that one
and now niji is on the other end of the rope of the twitter mob

>> No.65440765

you're posting in a niji thread about selen but claim to not watch niji

ok nijikek
kill yourself

>> No.65440906
File: 697 KB, 209x193, 1353375470833.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole reason the video got purged over "perms" is because selen accidentally admitted she """"overreached"""" in asking lily's producer to check his emails.
The vengeful management angle corroborates with what we know about niji management, specifically the Zaion doc. She acted out of line, in their eyes, and thus her hard work has been smited. Her request to reupload the video gave them ammo to suspend her, and cornered her into coming up with an excuse to why she's going to be gone. It had to be something extreme because she had already had obligations coming up extremely soon, so she said "hospital" and they agreed to that excuse because they're ESL fucking tards that don't realize how fucking bad that sounds to EN audience.
This is my completely reasonable rrat that is 100% true. Thanks.

>> No.65441011

Imagine commissioning an artist without covering the usage terms in the commission. You really that retarded?

>> No.65441061


>> No.65441080

Don't worry! a nijifag just told me Selen like nijisanji and will stay!

>> No.65441241

This is pretty much it.
Her story is corroborated by others. Everything was done properly and legitimately.
She alluded to management's incompetence in a stream and they responded by punitively privating the video in 'revenge'
Clearly there was some kind of behind-the-scenes exchange after that, which led to Selen writing off hosting the song on her channel despite the cost of producing it.
The tweet encouraging others to reupload the video crossed a line with management, hence the punitive suspension.

Where you're confused is the new tweet. Niji management has total access to liver twitter accounts. They can literally just log in as Selen and post the tweet themselves, which is almost certainly what they've done. There's no need to conspire behind the scenes and, in fact, there's a good chance that Selen doesn't even have access to that twitter account right now.

>> No.65441337

does anyone have a rough estimate of why she spent $15k? what does that really go into? seems steep

>> No.65441352

>can't remember that it's down the road, not across the street
>took the silly pills all at once instead of spacing it out and prepping with dramamine so she won't just throw it all up
>didn't tape up the window she was running the hose from the tailpipe into
>used an insufficient caliber or angled it wrong and missed the brainstem
Which do we think it was, /vt/??

>> No.65441391

Hey Niji-Intern, you sound mad that we're onto your bullshit.

>> No.65441412

don't know details, but animations always cost a ton.

>> No.65441434

she's very adamant about compensating artists, and most artists charge an balkingly exorbitant price for animation in paticular.

>> No.65441500

Animation is expensive at the best of times but regular artists overcharge for it because it's outside of their comfort zone, takes them a lot of time and involves a lot of drawing.

>> No.65441535

i dont know how rich she is but spending $15k of your own money for this when it is explicitly not yours (oh my gosh i need permissions~ and approval from my management) seems like a dumb idea.

>> No.65441557

16 artists listed on the credits. If you go through their twitters it seems most have done a lot 3 pics for the animation. That right there is a huge chunk of commission money alone. Before sound animation and mastering...

>> No.65441632

The way that most niji and holo works is that personal cover projects are made with your own money.

>> No.65441665

Yeah, it seems like a complete waste of money and time. I mean, the covers aren't resold as singles and the video itself won't bring in a huge amount of money.

>> No.65441670

im no expert on what should go into a MV but i'll quote myself here
seems like it's a bit overboard for me, i dont know. maybe i just have a poor mentality, but how much of a difference does it make if you scaled it back to a third of the cost, fans will still watch and appreciate it.

>> No.65441705

I'm more bothered about the image being for ants

>> No.65441711

>the video itself won't bring in a huge amount of money.
You might underestimate how lucrative youtube can be for big channels.

>> No.65441774


Holoearth will possibly launch in 2024, see you faggots on the other side, once you realize how pointless it is to support Nijiwhores.

>> No.65441781

maybe it helps with promotion and enhancing her image but $15k for that out of pocket is just a bit much. and if it's just a cover? why bother? for that money, make original material.

>> No.65441807

>niji making their streamers write their own excuses for their stealth suspension
I would’ve called bullshit if not for the fact that this has been confirmed by a former employee

>> No.65441847

Is it true that the song Selen covered was a suicide allegory?

>> No.65441880


>> No.65441945

Selen usually goes out of her way to give back to her community, this is one of the gifts for them. She mentioned that a percent of her income usually goes back to creating more quality content for her fans and sometimes other communities too, which is why nijien had a lot of events just this year alone

>> No.65442059

It's not 15k US dollars. It's 15k Canadian dollars. Which is still around 11k US dollars though.

That said she didn't overpay anyone. That's actually the normal fee.

>> No.65442060


>> No.65442114

very thoughtful, but it seems in bad faith that she has to mention the specific amount that she has been set back for in a tweet. i'm not a fan or anti, but if i like giving back to my community i don't feel the need to mention how much money i spent doing that as if there's a price tag i'm expecting someone to pay for how much i spent.

>> No.65442180

The pricetag isn't public; people extrapolated it using Forbidden Knowledge.
Selen herself didn't tell us how much the video was, just that it was "a lot of time and effort".

>> No.65442189

$11k for 16 artists is more reasonable. Commissioned art usually costs $200 USD just for black and white.

>> No.65442248

What I don't get is, if the "accident" tweet is fake, which does seem extremely likely, why would they bother with such a dramatic lie? She could have just posted she wasn't feeling well and people would think she was just moping or some shit. Lying about a hospitalization is insane.

>> No.65442262

You know I used to laugh at Holofuckers that each of their livers had one manager and that their managers are like their nannies or butlers that always helped them every step of the way too much. Guess I was wrong.

>> No.65442282

okay. i dont doubt that she compensated everyone fairly, but i still dont think she should have come up with a project that big and should have scaled it down. literally halve the animation, or whatever. chop it up. cut what doesnt matter. but thats just me.

>> No.65442377

take a listen yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L88r98G4YiM

>> No.65442398

She didn't even mention it as selen. People learned about it on her rm acc, and assumed it was for the mv (which i also assume so, add also the prev computer repairs/upgrades), given that it was spent in a cover (which we all know already wouldn't even make back at least half of that) she probably tweeted that out in her rm acc because she was rightfully frustrated plus she didn't just say she lost 15k, she said that she would be opening merch preorders to MAKE UP the 15k, not outright asking people to pay her up

>> No.65442406

you sound like Selen's manager :)

>> No.65442457

>>65442398 (me)
Make up SOME* of the money

>> No.65442530

It's so on-brand of how black Nijisanji / AnyColor management is, that it's genuinely funny to me. I definitely feel like I played a role in that tweet being pushed out with this thread because I pissed off management so much. You all fucked up by being /here/ so much.

As I kept on arguing with Niji-interns and sisters. It was very clear as day, that some NijisanjiEN employees are very ruthless and cold. They can't comprehend or display humanity for people.

Not only that, many of you are extremely unprofessional and didn't learn your lessons from the Zaion "accident"

>> No.65442572

i wish i was, then i'd be in position to sexually harass her.

all right.

>> No.65442586

ah, so you're just a random tourist 2view gotcha

>> No.65442614
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>> No.65442638

i already said i wasnt a fan or anti, if you knew how to read. i was just thinking about how much money goes into that stuff and how much it would matter if less money/time/effort was spent.

>> No.65442675

You're on 4chan, bro, lmao. Regardless fair enough, that's your thoughts on the process from your POV.

>> No.65442717

yea bro my bad im on 4chan
people dont know how to read

>> No.65442997

If the tweet really is a lie, then the answer is likely "because the negative sentiment around the situation was blowing up out of control, and they wanted something sufficiently dramatic to redirect the narrative". And hell, if that's the case then it arguably worked.

>> No.65443210

Worked in what means? It's another PR nightmare because Selen is fucking hospitalized. Oh, why? The music video incident. It didn't distract but drew more eyes to the drama. This is a fucking follow-up. The extremeness is creating more unnecessary rrrats. Nobody wins here.

>> No.65444029

You know what's funny? If this is a legitimate quote, how funny would it be to showcase to all of your internal employees in NijisanjiEN AND THE WHOLE VTUBER INDUSTRY that you're willing to FAKE hospitalizations to redirect and win the narrative because of your shitty actions.

No matter what you have done here, you took an L and you should remember that you're a terrible human being - Managers of Black Company Nijisanji.

>> No.65444054

It's not on brand at all. Every single time we saw stealth suspensions it was never in this level

>> No.65444154

Worked as in narrative in in public view largely shifted away from"Nijisanji bad, they fucked Selen over" towards "Oh god, hope Selen is okay". Sure, there still are people that are suspicious of the tweet, but outside of /vt/ they're a minority and generally get shouted at for being inconsiderate.

>> No.65444208

Look at how he approached the Zaion drama where he specifically told people not to dog pile Zaion. Even if he pestered Gura and Mumei on twitter, he still comes off as a genuinely good guy.

>> No.65444302

Who the fuck would publicly be suspicious about it without expecting to get yelled at? Of course they wouldn't say anything else, that's social-suicide.

However, seeing how everyone breaks containment on /vt/ from the past few years and it seems like the industry is /here/. I do not doubt there is private chats.

You know what's even better? Vshojo and Holo talents got caught in the cross-fire with Selen being missing. People will talk behind-the-scenes, there's no doubt that they're all talking about it.

>> No.65444342

Fair enough, this is a new low if this is all fake due to past history of stealth suspensions but seeing how they fucked over Zaion so hard. I'm inclined to believe this is still on-brand because of the manipulation tactics utilized to create mobs against her.

>> No.65444382

>She is quite literally too big to be swept under the rug
"The graveyards are full of indispensable men”

>> No.65444505

What if selen gets fired and pomu quits in solidarity? FREE POMU SELEN PLEASE

>> No.65444534

These two don't go in the same sentence.

>> No.65444557

You mad how events are repeating again, Niji-manager?

>> No.65444609

I want Selen to be suicidal so that she's crazy enough for Sakana

>> No.65444739

Just wanna point out that the Zaion comparison is retarded, because Selen would never doxx her coworkers out of spite.

>> No.65444758

This fucking retard again lmao, kys

>> No.65444889

ETA for the termination announcement?

>> No.65444963

After new years
The Japanese actually have days off starting on the 29th. Unless the black company status applies to the managers too.
>Although it is not an official holiday, most companies voluntarily designate a holiday from December 29 to January 3, or, depending on the industry, from Christmas Eve to January 5. This case is unique in Asia

>> No.65444971

The issue here is Selen is one of the final pillars that has NijiEN still standing, if they knock her over, the rest of the rotten barn is going to collapse.

>> No.65445027

those fuckers at NijisanjiEN management should've thought about that before being shitheads then. They clearly give ZERO SHITS about the branch's morale, mental health, and public image anymore.

>> No.65445048

>Anycolor doesn't own the voice behind Selen, doesn't own the song being covered, doesn't own the backing instrumentals and don't own the illustrations. The only circumstance in which they have a valid copyright claim is if the parties involved in all of these thing explicitly signed the rights over to Anycolour.
You forgot one small detail: they own the copyright to the characters. So they can freely take down any reuploads if they so wish, because the video contains IP belonging to Nijisanji.

>> No.65445201

Wait, huh.... that's a very interesting fact. I wonder if the management rushed everything out before going on holidays. That'd be a funny rrrat and time out everything too well LOL

Imagine breaking the silence before going on holiday so you can start 2024 renewed. It would also make the Selen x Fillian collab make the most sense with returning next Fri, Jan 5th

Also public holidays apply to everyone including managers, I'm very sure. It's literally a public holiday and they sound like an office-environment instead of retail.

>> No.65445302

Because if an accident is claimed, then you can't show your face and say "uhh that's actually fake" without getting shat on by everyone else. How dare you be so heartless and assume she's being forced to lie about such a serious thing? That's the logic.

>> No.65445765

Congratulations on creating more rrrats instead of waiting it out like every other fucking company. You put yourself into a corner and made yourselves look worse in front of the whole industry today. It's very clear that you all have zero intentions to play nicely and it makes my rrrat feel more justifiable.

>> No.65445884

her streams and collabs got quietly dropped, something very sudden and urgent would be needed as an excuse

>> No.65445999

Next week. It'll be black text on a white background and posted to the Nijsanji Japanese twitter first.
She's gone.
