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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65340598 No.65340598 [Reply] [Original]

So, in hindsight, what *was* Gura's deal there?

>> No.65340698
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>> No.65340706

Tried to kill them. Lost to them multiple times and raqequit.

>> No.65340711

>Only talent in Hololive's history to completely stop activities with no given reason
>Comes back at full activity for Advent's debut month
>Immediately goes back to doing nothing afterwards
I dunno, you tell me.

>> No.65340759

She actually got much worse after Advent.

>> No.65340889

She missed me but now I have to transition into vods for work so it made her sad

>> No.65340973

>Zero activity aside from the occasional project and the odd month with 2-3 streams
>Literally zero activity
I guess, coworkers can't even get a hold of her. I'm actually mindblown she puts this little effort without graduating, she's literally sitting on her ass and collecting residuals from people too dumb to cancel their payments.

>> No.65341104

Cover forced her to stream so HoloEN could get more attention during Advents debut month. In a way they were nothing but sponsored streams.

>> No.65341280

Why does this chart start with Sunday? It's literally part of the weekend.

>> No.65341448

What do you meme? I don't see how people are struggling with this concept.
>wants to stream more and work hard
>realizes that's hard and people pay her anyway, starts randomly taking breaks
>finally achieves 3D, hangs out with mori, realizes she accomplished all her hololive goals and homos debut so she pretends she's a "shak girl idoL' and goes on a long sabbatical
>peaces out to occasionally put out an MV every 4-6 months
>will probably not even put out song covers, if she tweets at all it will be to shill merch
Nothing to get.

>> No.65341460

Americans and other weird people think that the week begins on Sundays. Never understood why.

>> No.65341472

She welcomed them warmly in private on discord, and she's collaborated with them, stop trying to antagonize Gura. Advent is doing fine, nobody's progress is stifled by a couple of overlaps, please look at the healthy current numbers.

>> No.65341585

She stream over them to get them to watch them since chumfucks don't watch nobody else but gura. Gura even tried to pass the torch to fuwamoco. She spoke about them with the idea that chumfucks would watch them. And even then 8pm est time was always gura time slot this was a sink or swim test, biboo and fuwamoco passed that test with flying colors. And no I'm not a schizo I'm just someone who's trying to find something positive to say.

>> No.65341882

she's busy with projects, don't worry about it

>> No.65342089
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The writing was on the wall since the beginning.
>Gura debuted with a hoodie, trident, and Bloop.
>Trident was never seen again
>Bloop was never seen again
>Hoodie was never seen again
>Gura was never seen again

>> No.65342163

Delete this now, cover might send the Yakuza hitman after your head for knowing too much.

>> No.65342210
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Gura is a memer with /b/ oldfag taste. Hololive is too safe and neutered for her but she swims in money so she's never going to leave unless they actually fire her.

>> No.65342236

>she's literally sitting on her ass and collecting residuals from people too dumb to cancel their payments.
Chumbuds are literally tribalist redditors who made her part of their meagre 'identity'. They're not dumb, they're holding on to a part of themselves where their friends, religion or jobs normally would be. We're just slowly seeing them get flushed out of /vt/ as they move on to the next hobby to ruin, or return to their mundane lives.

>> No.65342269

>too dumb to cancel their payments.
To be fair, that's a more complex issue of the brain's motivational circuitry, not just general intelligence. All people are surprisingly bad at this, including high IQ people who think they're good at it, unless they have a system in place to make sure it happens. This is one of the main reasons everything is a subscription nowadays. It's even worse than you think, but companies know and are willing to exploit it.

>> No.65342748

Management "required" her to stream when Advent debuted to show Hololive's strength. Despite retards talking about overlap she streamed at her normal timeslot for a few weeks and then left until she needed to do merch/sponsored streams.

>> No.65343034

>It's even worse than you think
if you're not too busy, can you elaborate on this?

>> No.65343091

/b/ oldfag taste is unironically more tame and safe then current day Twitter shitposting.

>> No.65343249

Shes so clearly had her first kid and is raising it, taking time off, probably forever. But she'll milk it for as long as possible plus

>> No.65343276

forgot to enable tracking of commits to private repositories.

>> No.65343574

it's all holofags, not just chumbuds.

>> No.65343866

I will never get over the cope of "she got motivated by a new gen" and then barely even interacted them when she actually had the opportunity to do so.

>> No.65343917

What did 2022's chart look like? 2021's?

>> No.65344007

>see you next year

>> No.65344061

Autistic burnout.

>> No.65344298

if you're not retarded, you would've noticed that overlap hell was a corporate mandated strategy during debut.
i have no idea what the thinking was behind that strategy, but it would not have worked w/o gura joining in too. they needed the gura-only watchers to reactivate to come check out the new talents

i'm sure gura got a juicy bonus for that period

>> No.65344407

This is the truth.

>> No.65344674

Yep, Gura antis are mentally ill as usual

>> No.65344756

Do you think the truth will come out after she graduates?
One frustrating thing about VTubers compared to celebrities is that you hardly ever get to know the deep stories or motives behind this kind of thing. Mostly because VTubers are recent concept and because they don't have the autism and disgusting coverage that IRL celebrities have, and will hardly ever have.

>> No.65344892
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>they needed the gura-only watchers to reactivate to come check out the new talents
Bro, I don't think Gura got the memo

>> No.65344896

Don't make this into an Advent thing. She's rarely interacts with anyone, even Myth

>> No.65344912
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>> No.65344943

if you want to compare to RL, most music artists have one or two one hit wonders and then live off royalties for the rest of their lives
not so different with gura who is set for life just from her merch sales

sometimes you just wanna collect the check w/o having crazed fans doxxing your mom ya know?

>> No.65344973

New shiny, isn't that the effect of a new gen, especially this 3rd one since it's been a long time coming?

>> No.65345106

Someone as big as gura would be forced to sign an NDA.

>> No.65345232

Every time I open a Gura anti thread I see this image.

>> No.65345308

>sometimes you just wanna collect the check w/o having crazed fans doxxing your mom ya know?
lmao why does she keep promising shit and saying she'll be back then

>> No.65345419

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.65345517

>If I don't get what I want I will continue to harass your love one by doxxing them on 4chan.
And you faggots wonder why she's gone

>> No.65345537

>I feel inspired by Advent
>I want to protect your smile
>I love chumbuds
>I'm back!
>Movie May
>Plotting >:3
>Members' stream tomorrow

>> No.65345633

why are phase fans like this?
they do this shit to my oshi too

>> No.65345634

Holy shit you're actually insane. Fuck off.

>> No.65345641

That's how calendars work in the civilized world.

>> No.65345729

I dunno what kind of schizo argument YOU're trying to build to, but all I'm saying is these one hit wonders who fucked off, fucked off. They don't usually come back every couple months with half-hearted attempts to maintain relevancy, or do soulless product endorsements to capitalize on their dying popularity.

Those that do, are known as assholes. And unfortunately, it appears Gura is one of them.

>> No.65345784

Wait what, are you trolling? I'm genuinely confused.

>> No.65345797

>The guy who thinks is okay for gura parents to be doxxed here because she's not following up on her promises.

>> No.65346016

You got to respect the grind. I originally thought Gura was only kneecapping Niji growths, but she also goes after her own coworkers.

>> No.65346094

I never said doxxing was okay you dumb fucking nigger.
If Gura had ceased her activities BECAUSE of doxx, don't you think she would specifically avoid committing acts that egg her doxxers on?

>> No.65346106

>Gura is a memer with /b/ oldfag taste
I don't and never will understand this narrative. Do people just not watch streams? She has a very "flavor of the month" zoomer sensibilities when it comes to memes. Unless you are thinking of "oldfags" as from 2014. She's far closer to an edgy tumblr shitposter than a /b/tard. And that's not a bad thing.

>> No.65346222

Your own words don't back pedal now faggot.

>> No.65346302

Mori and mumei and even pomu are more old fags than gura.

>> No.65346331

Good thing she is an American and could easily fight a shitty nip NDA easily in the glorious USA.

>> No.65346419

Definitely. I'd argue Fauna too.

>> No.65346522

Gura was the one laughing while trying to get mumei to make a holocaust joke on stream (granted, Mumei was fucking dying and fauna and kronii were laughing too).
Gura also laughed at mori sending her the "boss nigger" song and has said multiple times that she says "the gamer word"

>> No.65346748

Wow, she sounds giga based! Maybe she can collab with the based yabbit, Pippa! Truly, Gura was one of the most /here/ tubers.

>> No.65346898

Absolutely not.

>> No.65346918

>Holocaust joke
That's like the entry-level joke to try to be a 4chan user

>> No.65347003

literally all the girls except maybe bae were /here/ before joining holo.
>gura used to be friends with nanners
>mori has said she still comes here to read mean shit about herself and she sings on one of the /a/ sings albums
>kiara has said she knows about /here/
I have a hard time believing
>girl who says she was an autistic loser bullied who watched weebshit and anime
didn't end up shitposting or at least lurking in her teens.

>> No.65347290

Sorry if this is meandering and horribly edited, I'm have to phonepost to answer.

For example, MOST gym memberships and Xbox Live subscriptions are completely unused, because most people theoretically want to do those things, but either can't or "can't" due to the effort or time involved. There's significant opportunity cost to playing video games, so many adults feel like they shouldn't. But want to feel like they have the option, even if they'll gaslight themselves into feeling like they're not allowed to every single time, and ultimately never actually use it. Similarly, the benefits of going to the gym are very abstract until you actually get some muscle growth months later, and you can never really make tangible the long term health benefits and the thousands of dollars MINIMUM saved on medical bills. If we could, everyone would brush and floss their teeth perfectly. People might not know the health benefits of cardio, but everyone knows that not brushing means losing your teeth. And yet.

In terms of how this works for companies, they get over double the subscription money than the actual number of patrons they have using their service, and it's in their interest to make it harder to unsubscribe, or to quit using at a minimum level. But it doesn't have to be extremely difficult, because the human brain just prefers not to handle that kind of low-reward, moderate-frustration task if it can avoid it. Preventing a small, hypothetical abstract loss in the future isn't very motivating. Your brain isn't even calculating the eventual $240 you're losing over the next two years of procrastinating on cancelling a $10/mo subscription, it's only calculating the $10 of each month you're in. So they can pretend like they're not doing anything wrong. You can sign up for a carwash service at the drive-through terminal, but you have to walk into their office and talk to a salesperson who will try to browbeat you out of cancelling it. Most people are fairly conflict averse, so they mentally avoid doing that and often even thinking about it. Unsubscribing from a website is ways buried deep in a menu, out of sight, and just frustrating enough to deter passive desire.

How this works for each kind of business is different, but large companies often have psychologists on staff to make their specific products functionally addictive, not due to chemical dependency, but through hacks of human psychology. This is why almost every software is now a service even when it doesn't need to be, and almost every video game includes gambling elements, and tries to force you to form a habit around doing "dailies," or getting login bonuses, or whatever, and try to get you to rope all of your friends in, so there are also social pressures to keeping the subscription. Social media is built on using that premise to harvest data, and since everyone is there, it becomes a group action problem that makes it near impossible to reach consensus and leave for a new platform.

To escape, you have to consciously (while away from the pattern) create an environment where breaking the pattern is likely to happen, in spite of yourself. But this is a greater amount of planning than most people are used to, or have the life circumstances to enforce. Most people are living paycheck to paycheck, and are always less than two weeks from financial catastrophe, so they don't want to set aside the time and mental effort to handle each specific thing, or even to PLAN doing so, which is exactly what you have to do.

This stuff is pretty well explained in the context of video games on YouTube. I recommend looking into it.

>> No.65347671

This whole Gura situation baffles me, because i wonder if some of the post supporting Gura are really chumbuds high on copium or just antis falseflagging trying to bait catalogfags, but between that shit, there's a truth in this situation. I think chumbuds are being the most stupid fucks if they're legit supporting Gura after getting dimissed like this, but at the other hand, if just antis falseflagging this hard to hate Gura, dude, get a fucking life.

But i do think, for the sanity of chumbuds and Gura herself, she should just say something just to calm the waters before a real schizo get her, not just physically but also in social media.

>> No.65347718

failure to understand tone indicators is a symptom of autism

>> No.65348208

Uh... what? I'm genuinely stumped at what you're trying to achieve by quoting this.

>> No.65348345

I'm drawn with a magnetic attraction to the strangely extreme lengths Gura will go through to disrespect her fanbase. It's like watching a car crash.

>> No.65348419

You're not wrong, but I think you are misremembering Gura talking about being autistic. She's been pretty open that her weeb levels are pretty low, she only had a cursory interest in anime before joining hololive and she's been very forthcoming about that since the beginning.

>> No.65348558
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42 streams for 2023, not bad!
I'll bet on a sub 30 streams for next year.

>> No.65348633
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I appreciate the lenghty explanation, will definetively look more into it. Man the more you know about the world, the more depressing it becomes

>> No.65348683

>42 ztreams
That's pretty close to 1 a week, which isn't really that bad when you think about it.
>sub 30 ztreams
This would be getting pretty darn low.

>> No.65348763

I can't believe you wrote six paragraphs to say "almost all people don't make full use of their subscriptions and get jewed out of money" when I needed like, ten words.

>> No.65348858

The sentence you wrote does nothing to explain the source of the problem or how it's being intentionally exploited, which is what was specifically asked about.

>> No.65349004

>explain the source of the problem or how it's being intentionally exploited
what the fuck do you want people on this site to do with this information other than start using the exploit themselves

>> No.65349025

Gura has talked about being autistic, not leaving her house and being obsessed with miku. not sure how a normal nonweeb is obsessed with miku, even if she doesn't watch anime

>> No.65349086

management told her she could fuck off for the rest of the year if she'd help get some more potential eyes on Advent.

>> No.65349154

Starting to look like the HxH release chart

>> No.65349394

>Gura has talked about being autistic
She has only told mild jokes about autism. Like how certain words bother her. And she's doing it the traditional white zoomer woman way. She has NEVER claimed to actually be autistic. Clearly you are though.

>> No.65349522

She did said a doctor told her she might be on the spectrum and that scared the shit out of her.

>> No.65349553

Where does the meme images of Gura wearing a helmet come from if not for something she said about her health?

>> No.65349579


>> No.65349613

It allows me to keep making fun of chumkeks so I'm all for it quite honestly

>> No.65349868

Hmm weird how she stopped streaming when the homos were graduated. Almost like they are connected....
There was either a threesome or a gang rape.

>> No.65349908

gura said a medical doctor called her an autist and that she was bullied in school

>> No.65350049

i think this was the greatest fall of a vtuber i've ever seen
the only way rushia trumped this was with a very dramatic last few moments
but this is truly going out with not a bang but a whimper, from someone who had the entire world captivated

>> No.65350124

The same reason you publicly publish security holes in software. While spreading information that's dangerous in the wrong hands does result in more bad actors using it, the vast majority of people are averse to harming others (yes, even on 4chan), and will only use it to defend themselves. The good done is usually much greater than the harm.

>> No.65350231

Gura has some issue that causes her to faint. She mentioned it on stream and having to tell some old lady to check on her if she doesn't reply by a certain time in case she fainted while streaming a vr stream. this has lead to her bashing her head on a wall and hitting herself in the face with a phone and the doctor telling her not to get up too quickly. When Gura was missing fall 2022 to early 2023 she wrote a member post either right before going to japan or right after getting there where she said her mom demanded she wear a bike helmet at all times.
Which means either Gura was shitposting or gura does fall over and hit her head a lot. I think Gura also said at one point in early 2022 that when she puts her hair up if she does the normal girl thing of leaning forward to get gravity to help she makes herself light headed.

>> No.65350341

Godspeed anon

>> No.65350515

I love how there's a babyschizo, a boyfriendschizo, a stalker schizo, a homoschizo, a contract schizo, a management schizo, a healthschizo, and an alcoholschizo.
Seven separate theories about why Gura doesn't stream and none of them have anything to do with each other.

>> No.65350803

I think gura suffers from seizures.

>> No.65350977

the helmet thing isn't a schizo. she talked about fainting, bashing her head and her mom telling her she needs a helmet on stream. she also said her parents thought she was having a heart attack on stream when she was singing and forced her to go to a doctor and that the doctor told her she had low blood pressure.
Or the way it was phrased was
>I put salt on my food literally every stage of cooking
>gura stop doing that it will give you high blood pressure
>actually I have the opposite problem
For what it is worth, I think she isn't streaming because she gets paid enough without streaming and she thinks the nonstreaming shit she has to do is enough of a workload she doesn't want to waste the energy streaming when her and mori have said streaming is exhausting
could be. I had a dog with an enlarged heart that caused her to get low oxygen to the brain that caused seizures. Gura mentioned low blood pressure and a really high resting heart rate.

>> No.65351176

I miss Gura

>> No.65351187

And? Both are too much for holo.

>> No.65351188

Dunno, I think if that was the reason she stopped her career I think she would have happily brought it up instead of dancing around the issue with 15 different excuses.

>> No.65351456

That is more a number fag and their kind aren't welcome in the generals.

>> No.65351506

Gura said she was burned out. Mumei at one point said she was working on hololive shit like 12 hours a day from when she woke up until she went to bed. Kiara said she was frustrated to the point of almost graduating. Ame said she is done doing concerts. Bae cried on stream over stress and is moving to japan. And ina bitched about the flights being too much.
Oh and Gura herself mentioned over singing and hurting her throat at one point and really was not happy about covid restrictions being lifted meaning she could go to japan.

>> No.65351636

Did you not watch her PL? Her tastes did change of course but her humour comes from the source.

>> No.65351769

Must feel bad not knowing who your oshi is huh?

>> No.65351838

Yeah, I think the idolshit JP managers are having EN do is retarded (their managers are in Japan btw). Between the constant travel and the relatively low output (and quality) we get for the amount of work they claim is required of them behind the scene, it is 100% not worth it if you're a streamwatcher.
I hope the consoomers who attend concerts are happy at least, personally an hour-long performance or a few minutes of crappy japanese kidz bop music isn't worth a month of streams, but it seems to put money on the table.

>> No.65351968
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>> No.65352010

Gura is here false flagging anon. She created this chaos and breathes it in, honestly one of us who revels in the misery of others. She also drops this place in a second to focus on her family life. Life is good.

>> No.65352183

they also do all the meetings in japanese during JP time. So Gura constantly had to sit through meetings in the middle of the night not understanding a fucking word that was said the whole meeting

>> No.65352449

Mind you that most the EN girls aren't even dancing in their covers and concerts anymore as cover rather pay kanaeru whatever his name is to do the dancing because their whole everything must be perfect autism.

>> No.65352869

Gura danced at connect the world. at least for her ori song. no way it was kanaeru considering how simple it was and she did the weird gura's mom dance gura's mom showed her how to do

>> No.65352889

>Tried to sabotage advent

>> No.65352992

>they also do all the meetings in japanese
If only, then at least some of the girls who said they wanted to learn jap would know some of it after 3 years.

>> No.65353090

>will probably not even put out song covers, if she tweets at all it will be to shill merch
She already doesn't make the tweets herself

>> No.65353241

I thought it was always Nerissa she aimed after with the near identical starting times

>> No.65354135

Physical health is hard to talk about and can be embarrassing. I know it’s not an excuse but still. Also she’s had dox issues before, do you think she wants to disclose a very specific medical condition?

>> No.65354300

If she can show up on command to shill merch but can't spare five minutes to send out a tweet explaining she's taking time off because of her health, she's not taking time off because of her health.

>> No.65355253

The burnout rate is insane so yeah. Probably just too stressful of a job for most people.

>> No.65355495

yeah yeah, sure bud.
