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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65319472 No.65319472 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread:
Some mentioned that mel reincarnated a little while ago and she certainly has, even to the extent of calling herself out on reddit currently.

She got moderate success with the cancer story and throat hort story as Ichigo Nogashi, she's trying again, she even has medical people calling out her lie because the story doesn't match up. Much like her Nerissa Delfina run, she's using AI again. For those in the know of her lore, she already used the name "Ebi" before.

>> No.65319519

Hi mel, thanks for telling us about your new identity

>> No.65319595
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Rei Kirihara
Komari Mikoshiba

She tells on herself here, so just a reminder if you choose to support her, this is on you.

>> No.65319877

This is so accurate kek

>> No.65322197

This bitch is back AGAIN?
Can’t wait for her echo chamber to donate for her “sickness” again.
Just fucking die already

>> No.65322289

Why so mad? Did you actually donate to her?

>> No.65322658

Because there are actual people that deserve the help? She’s a piece of shit?
Plenty of reason to be mad for a normal human you autist

>> No.65323057

Don't pretend you care about people who "deserve the help". You're literally telling another person to just fucking die already.

>> No.65323186

She's been back for awhile, a few people who still buy content from her said she'd be coming back around soon. Mel just tried to get them to out themselves kek.
Knowing she'd come back is one thing but faking brain cancer now is vile. Mel I know you're /here/ just stream like you were doing as Rei, no bullshit.

>> No.65323471
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I think seeing so many people on reddit readily about to jump to support her was a valid reason to be upset. Then seeing her call herself out when she got caught early (like she got caught as Nerissa Delfina instantly) is just hilarious.
It's like Mel isn't even trying anymore and fully leaning into being a psycho bitch. Why would some literal who be made aware of Mel and why would you care? Who even are you?

>> No.65323867
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Mel is back on Reddit.

>> No.65324057

Mel, just let me put a fucking baby in you already, this is getting too depressing to watch

>> No.65324060

this bitch needs to be institutionalized

>> No.65324165
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she's pulling out all stops with this one.

>> No.65325019

How does the scam work when she says no donations all the time? Did she leave an avenue to receive donations somewhere?

>> No.65325343

The reason Mel does this is so later she can go:
>"I didn't tell you to donate dumbnass, you did it of your own free will. See Paypal? They forced their money onto me."
She's only scamming by bringing attention to her fake cancer and screening who she can get the most money from. She still sells content so if someone emailed her and she didn't respond, she was just laying low until 5 days ago, same time she popped up as "Ebi" on Reddit.

>> No.65325381

she always says she doesn't accept donations. after a few weeks she'll open them up because people "forced her to", not because she's asking for them or anything. this is part of the pattern she's using with every persona.

>> No.65325561

Before she self-reported and had her topic deleted, she had 1.5k comments meaning she had at minimum around 20-30+ people willing to toss money at her. Her scam is working. Since she self-posted her new identity she's ready to begin streaming again soon.

>> No.65325638

This reminds me of when she posted that pic of her flipping us off saying "I'm not mel" and it was the same hand we see in pics of her spreading her ass.

>> No.65325650

Just pick a husband already from your paypiggies and fuck all the way off, Mel.

>> No.65326012

Mel please just stream like a normal person. Your game choices are usually actually interesting.

>> No.65326110

Alright Smelly, I suppose I'll marry you, but only if you let me sniff your butthole

>> No.65326123

Wasn't there a male Vtuber in her chat sometimes that she said lived near her and admitted she'd use him to cuck her fans?

>> No.65326441

Kougeru, They haven't spoken in awhile

>> No.65326581

She can't.
>Makes a huge deal out of her graduation
>"I'll miss you guys uuuu"
>"I won't come back"
>Actually goes into hiding for awhile
>Throws hints she got into xyz corp every new gen reveal
>Ignores all but biggest paypigs
This is slightly new to her usual cycle because she usually burnt all her bridges except for brapfags, so she has to top her last 2 scams (Cancer and throat hort.)

>> No.65326631

Woman moment. I doubt her piggies would care about that. But that is the reality, if you donate to her you're considered low status, so she probably doesn't want to fuck a fan.

>> No.65326867

Yep, she already said anyone she talks to or get money from she'd not fuck, which is why the dogbear saga was funny because he was the only one that we know of.

>> No.65327073

Her last few Rei streams she said what 4 or 5 people buy content constantly?

>> No.65327267

Rei's twitter is active again too, I guess?

>> No.65327273

i made the last thread about her faking cancer but it's obvious that mel made this one. i guess shilling this new persona was her end goal

>> No.65327431

she oddly endearing

>> No.65327472
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She unlocked it awhile ago and had a follower who only likes/retweets/posts scat content so she was doing business through it recently. She's just trying to throw people off the trail, once again because somehow she thinks she's smart enough to not go unnoticed. Her ban pic is fake too

>> No.65327541

Even if it was real she just evades. She can't get an audience without coming here and pandering to lowlifes or savior fags.

>> No.65327865

That's the beauty of it, as Ichigo Nogashi she had the chance to which is why she's been back to running to reddit first. She always fucks it up with scams.

>> No.65328187

I can fix her....

>> No.65328587

She doesn't want to fix herself.

>> No.65329110

Oh she's active on her twitter kek

>> No.65329191

Oh this'll be good
Alright, why are you going into a "medically induced coma"?

>> No.65330127

okay you tech illiterate menhera, Go into your router settings and set a new MAC address for your router. This will force your internet provider to assign a you a new IP address.

>> No.65330395
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Reminder that she obviously tried to gaslit people into thinking that she got into kawaii and pushed a rratt that this poor girl was her and shit up her debut

>> No.65330550

Kek I forgot all about that, I think blue girl in that gen did enough to be a bigger news story than Mel getting in

>> No.65330611

Shitty as she may or may not be, can't blame her for all the stupid rrats anons keep coming up with.

>> No.65330796

Anon, she was posting those rratts herself /here/ as well as "subtly" mirror her tweet with what Kaya was tweeting on her known alt.

>> No.65330914

So what did you do to become permanently banned on that address? I've been on 4chan since 2014, been banned hundreds of time, and not a single one was permanent. As far as I know, that's really only reserved for terrorist threats and child pornography. What the hell did you do?

>> No.65331028

The only one I know about for certain was a picture of a deep cut on some body part, probably a thigh if memory serves. It was framed as self-harm.

>> No.65331120

That wasn't her though. She's posted nudes and didn't have visible SH marks.

>> No.65331128


>> No.65331155

She was posting after that, it's the one time people set aside their differences here and all containment broke and spammed her friends asking if she was alive.
Probably doxxed a paypig

>> No.65331346
File: 19 KB, 602x166, It is time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember one of her paypigs said they'd upload their archive if she ever actually quit. Wonder if they actually will kek

>> No.65331497

how the fuck is a 4chan janny supposed to know that? lol

>> No.65331573

Doxxing doesn't get you a permanent ban. I've doxxed some tripfaggots on another board and only got a 30 day for it. You did something really bad to be permanently banned. Like i said, ive only seen people who do "credible" threats of violence (like that guy who wanted to kill some florida police cheif) get perm banned.

>> No.65331615

You right bro.
They ain't, gore posters get vacationed but rarely permanently.

>> No.65331700
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She is terminally online. Can't wait for the 10th stream where she conveniently finds a 4chan thread about herself while streaming and proceeds to read rightfully negative comments while repeatedly insisting nothing matters and she's not doing it for attention and abloo bloo bloo she's so done until the next reincarnation.

Post more photos of your hairy asshole or fuck off.

>> No.65331795

can you just stop giving this creature anything
by anything i mean anything, shitposts, defense, discussion, brapposts
it thrives on any and all of it, it is a creature that is beyond basic, i am breaking the rule by posting even this
it also makes most if not all of these threads
ignore it

>> No.65331795,1 [INTERNAL] 

Insufferable nerd here, keeping track of her story for years has been a hell of a ride, and I felt every type of emotion during this time. Honestly, I think the best course of action she could do right now is just kill her online persona and get serious therapy, as well as try finding actual friends. Until then, the people who used to support her are just left watching a sad woman slowly deteriorate.

>> No.65332089

Insufferable nerd here, keeping track of her story for years has been a hell of a ride. I felt every single emotion during this time. Honestly, I think her best course of action at this point would be to just kill her online persona and get serious therapy, as well as try finding actual friends. Until then, the people who used to support her are just left watching a sad woman slowly deteriorate.

>> No.65332173

>Post more photos of your hairy asshole or fuck off.
Mel should post all of her nudes since she's supposedly going to be in a coma.

>> No.65332255

She has to want therapy which she does not. She did kill her online presence but she can't stay away.

>> No.65332320

I'll fix you mel, I'm a few months away from a bachelor's degree in a stem field and have 50k in savings (no debt)

>> No.65332321

>for some reason
yeah okay, it's some random anon and not you
enjoy your totally real coma I guess

>> No.65332383

how can you spend christmas day pretending to be terminally ill to strangers for attention and then come here and act like it never happened lmao. actual psychopath behavior

>> No.65332400

A coma that will last about as long as the gap between personas.

>> No.65332490

She's hoping people will forget about her.
Since she's posting on reddit as Ebi, a lot of stuff seen in last thread doesn't make sense. Someone terminal would be in hospice.

>> No.65332519

Just how are you paying for the coma anyway? Finally get some insurance or maxed out your credit card?

>> No.65332525


>> No.65332538

>She's hoping people will forget about her.

>> No.65332558

I'm in her discord and she's recently been meeting other members IRL, even going as far as to post her with the guy in their bed. You pull that shit and have the nerve to self advertise here?

Jannies, in case it isn't obvious, OP is the woman in question and has self advertised all over this board for days, use your brains for once

>> No.65332560

>You should save that money for something else, anon. Car, house, wife, children, etc.
I'm posting on /vt/ do I look like someone who will ever have a normal wife and children, mel? If we're going to suffer regardless, it's better not to do so alone

>> No.65332571

See you in a couple weeks when you decide to waste your time ego searching like always

>> No.65332627

They never do. Fuckers have said repeatedly they'll post their shit and outside of one simple nude selfie nothing ever came

>> No.65332638

god Mel you are beyond terrible at this

>> No.65332650

You seem lost kek
She probably forgot to research this when coming up with this story.

>> No.65332737

> Since I'm now finished with college I have student debt to worry about

Didn't she say a few months back that she won a ton of money in a settlement or something and paid off all her loans?

>> No.65332754

>She's hoping people will forget about her.
Well, yeah, getting scamed is not something you forget so easily you know? Didn't happen to me but if it did I would get kinda mad about it

>> No.65332757

Mel is subhuman, there's no point trying to analyse her behavior and certainly no reason to believe anything she says.

>> No.65332842
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Mel needs to get on all 4s for a woman who's an absolute Stacy and beg to be treated as the worthless footstool she is.

>> No.65332937

About this time last year, was back payment for years of the VA underpaying. Was spent on a dishwasher and dental bills afaik

>> No.65332979

She also claimed a professor gave up nearly $100k for her previous cancer arc.
Right like, she should have just stayed offline and came back streaming rather than making up a new story.

>> No.65332995

Everything she says is filled with lies.
Kill yourself mel

>> No.65333136

Does she still brap on stream? Because she's a really boring streamer otherwise.
No brap, no buy.

>> No.65333173
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is she ugly?

>> No.65333198

>VA underpay
I refuse to believe she ever served in a military.

>> No.65333241

She didn't but army women are unironically worse.
t. Ex soldier

>> No.65333442

No but her parents did.

>> No.65334092

Nothing special. Nice ass though.
This is why we know this Ebi person is Mel, because 2 extremely similar stories relating to this is just too much of a coincidence. Mel I know you're reading this, you can recover everything sent even if it's deleted by requesting your data from google or discord or twitter, where ever you chose to do business.

>> No.65334167

just post what you got

>> No.65334320

Dump the lewds into the catbox, faggot. It's time to humiliate this whore like she desperately wants to be.

>> No.65334404 [DELETED] 

Only image I have.

>> No.65334822

Honesty, after having been keeping track of her behaviors for years now, I find it hard to find the energy to even hate her anymore, I just find her sad now. I would be happy if she got better, but the odds are very low. -Agent Nerd

>> No.65334862

Toothbrush reparations

>> No.65334897

>-Agent Nerd
Don't fucking do this, you utter faglord.

>> No.65334978
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>> No.65335012

Idk when you sold content but you can do it through https://takeout.google.com/ and following the steps.

>> No.65335035

Yeah, I am an utter faglord! Shit on me harder than people on the internet shit on Nikocado Avocado!

>> No.65335149

So she gets paid because her parents are veterans? That sounds completely retarded and made up.

>> No.65335221

It goes to your kids as well since she's a military brat.
If this works you're getting probably a ton of shitting videos be grateful

>> No.65335325

In the united states, military service includes tuition assistance as a benefit. If the servicemember does not use all of their allocated GI-bill benefits, they can transfer it to their children.

>> No.65335475

why can't you just stream like a normal person instead of doing all of this weird shit? we just wanna see you autistically play games. that's it. i really don't get it.

>> No.65335573
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>> No.65335586

it's not bait. i literally had you on every single day while slaving away at work. your streams meant a lot to me. we get to decide what we find comfy or entertaining or worth watching, not you.

>> No.65335666

I honestly really liked watching you play Garage: Bad Dream Adventure and other games like that

>> No.65335764

You should ask one of your tech literate friends Mel, but if they're not available only thing I can think of is you're deselecting information or the internet is too slow to load the next step and it's giving you an error html file it should ask you file size and where to send the download link.

>> No.65335802

Is Mel Nekomata genderswapped Wingsofredemption?

>> No.65335969

No, she's more like DSP. No matter what happens, she survives. If there is a global nuclear war, she'll find a way to make it out like one of those tardigrades

>> No.65336045
File: 20 KB, 602x154, Mel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said that so many times in the last 3 years you've been getting traction. You're posting from this reincarnation after saying this as ichigo nogashi. You're not done streaming, just don't go full menhera and enjoy yourself again. You could have kept Rei going.

>> No.65336108
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>> No.65336253

Here we go again. There are so many people who genuinely want to help her, but she just pushes them away of her own volition.

>> No.65336368

If that's the case she would have to have someone else do it for her and supply the link based on the fact she's supposedly going under within 2 days if it takes that long.

>> No.65336427

lmao she deleted her reddit account

>> No.65336430

Last time I checked the GI bill isn't the same as getting a flat paycheck. You can get a housing allowance based off of the rent costs of your local area, but that wouldn't be the same as getting paid. The VA will also force you to pay back the semester costs if you fail a class. And mel doesnt sound like someone who could obtain a bachelors degree without failing.

There's also disability, but that would be 100% only for her parents, that's not something you can just hand off to your kids unless your just straight up mailing the checks to them. I still have to call cap on her having any military benefits.

>> No.65336442

Just take a new nude right now

>> No.65336480

as a clueless newcomer during her Ichigo incarnation, i gotta admit that i reallly liked her playing Garage and Hylics

>> No.65336490

We speed runnin the cycle bois

>> No.65336517

>48 hours
Well isn't that convenient

>> No.65336580

I'm an oldfag but her ichigo arc was the most genuine she's been, which says a lot being Mel. She even had a silent mod/friend that helped her. She really didn't have to ruin it with the throat hort story, idc if she shits for money, it's more sad to see her throwing away stuff when it goes well.

>> No.65336591

No mel, what I mean is that you construct this reality wherein everyone hates you but that's just not true. Why do you think it's so unbelievable that some of your viewers actually like you and your content? You do this too IRL to your friends. Just stop pushing people away.
I dont know what happens if you fail a course because I get straight As and A-s. But the GI bill comes to me in a series of payments over the course of the semester. In general I recive far more money from the GI bill then I actually owe to the university, so all the extra goes straight into my personal bank account. It is true that the benefit can be handed off to your children as long as you haven't exhausted it.

>> No.65336626

You should check your old personal email if you still have the password Mel, I sent you something a few weeks ago.

>> No.65336944

what is your new email Mel?

>> No.65336985

Okay, yeah I go to a public university, so I'm just talking about my experience. The army never actually explains to us how the tuition benefits such as STR, FTA, and the GI Bill actually works, so we just have to fogure it out as we go.

>> No.65337143

>No mel, what I mean is that you construct this reality wherein everyone hates you but that's just not true.
Agreed with this anon. Yes some people are dicks, lots have every right to hate you but not everyone hates you, appreciate having friends, most of us bastards are friendless we know when we actually don't kek

>> No.65337157

You’re going under in 48 hours apparently, what does it matter if you post your new email? Just do it so you can make some quick cash

>> No.65337209

seems to have some pretty severe trust issues. thinks everyone saying they're enjoying her streams are just trolling etc. i hope she gets the help she evidently needs one day.

>> No.65337388

>being put in a medically induced coma
>going to have to do PT and rehabs after the fact
>says she doesn’t need any money
do you have money saved to pay for the hospital and rehab bills? is it covered by insurance? in what world would you not want more money before a potentially lengthy hospital stay and rehabilitation period?

>> No.65337410

>believing this shit
I bet she didn't even have KFC.

>> No.65337432

Hopefully she didn't see Riifu's new group she just announced last night.

>> No.65337508

she wouldn’t lie about that…no way

>> No.65337563

let me buy your nudes goddamn it
jerking off to an actual menhera is so much better than anything else

>> No.65337697

fine, if you don’t want to accept money just take a new nude and post it

>> No.65337700

you’re not getting that shit back mel, you deleted them like two months ago

>> No.65337728

Really, you know and accept that there are dozens of people out there who whack off to an anime girl on the internet burping and farting. But people genuinely enjoying your obscure JRPG and kusoge streams, that's where you draw the line, that's too implausible?

>> No.65337874

I was thinking more of Garage: Bad Dream Adventure. Trip and a half, but fun streams. Would never have even heard of that game otherwise so thank you I guess.

>> No.65337926

There's definitely more than just dozens. Much more.

>> No.65337930

You know she did.
Also kek
>deleted everything
Supposedly in hospital anon she has an excuse not to

>> No.65337938

>doesn’t believe people enjoyed her streams and never wants to stream again
>won’t even sell nudes anymore
Is Mel turning over a new leaf?
you’re still selling shit to your old buyers right?[/spoiler

>> No.65338027

whatever works I guess

>> No.65338042

mel why did you delete your ebi reddit account?

>> No.65338115

If you’re not going to fart don’t bother taking anything

>> No.65338139

I posted here earlier that the best course of action she could do right now is kill her online persona and get serious therapy, as well as try getting actual friends, so that might be why

>> No.65338176

Stuff sent to your Bin in Google Drive gets automatically deleted after 30 days, once that happens it's unrecoverable with the automatic system.

Make sure you're selecting Mail too though, since it supposedly recovers sent attachments, which some were.

>> No.65338182

>Also I don't accept that people whack off to people burping and farting, that shit is weird man.
nah that's just your brain cancer doing its thing

>> No.65338188

>I'm on my period
I can't wait for your excuse when you suddenly decide not to be in a coma.

>> No.65338233

It's just her being menhera, like an anon said she needs to at least accept she has friends that seemingly stuck by her. She needs to accept there's people who enjoy her shit (some literally) and not just out to hate on her. People watch boring vtubers who offer way less passion than she does all the time,

>> No.65338235

I know you weren’t the biggest fan of the game but I enjoyed watching you play Sanitarium.
If you do ever stream again I feel like watching you play Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines could be fun

>> No.65338248

Just do a partial then though I'm sure some people would be into your menstrual shit

>> No.65338327

Let me see you peeling off that bloody pad then

>> No.65338370

fuck off, you know she isn’t gonna post shit

>> No.65338535

Mel how brown is your butthole right now

>> No.65338584

Figured I'd call her bluff

>> No.65338631

Oh shit, nevermind I fucking kneel

>> No.65338709

But where is the butthole

>> No.65338713

can you go lower?

>> No.65338727

I hate my life! **Brrrrrppp** XDXD -Mel's mood swings

>> No.65338800

Mel what the fuck are you doing...are you this starved for attention?

>> No.65338818

Would. Unironically.

>> No.65338897

Well since that anon is doing it I'll forward my emails back to her, I don't know if I can attach videos though.

>> No.65338910

She literally sold shitjars. She probably still does.

>> No.65338997

I just put everything I had saved into a google drive and shared that with her.

>> No.65339065

Is it new stuff?

>> No.65339082

lmao, random Meebo in the background in one of 'em

>> No.65339105

It's the stuff she just posted.

>> No.65339158

>that one anon who bookmarked a set

>> No.65339172

You mean Meebo saw her dirty ass?

>> No.65339224

Lucky bastard…

>> No.65339276

How about one last spread before you leave?

>> No.65339324

How about one last fart before you leave?

>> No.65339355
File: 382 KB, 921x920, 1681993477716366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve always been here Mel

>> No.65339362

Sent u an email mel, videos will take a bit to upload

>> No.65339364

Top down pussy view then

>> No.65339431

Why don’t you just catbox the vids and post them here? She gave you the go ahead

>> No.65339453

How does someone become like this? Just saying "mental illness" isn't enough since she's selectively mentally ill and hides it from her family well enough.

>> No.65339461

Well I guess your friends don't have to help you recover files kek. So anons weren't just trolling you really did sell content

>> No.65339489

More than that.
Sleeps with her, gets to play with her underwear, sniffs/licks her, and probably more I'm forgetting

>> No.65339490

https://i.warosu.org/data/vt/thumb/0512/42/1686700009678187s.jpg here

>> No.65339502

Fart when you have to and send it

>> No.65339510

I once had a fly nearly go up my ass in a public restroom, so it's not that weird of a fear

>> No.65339532

I got bit on the dick by a snake once

>> No.65339572

She also farted in her cat's ear on stream once

>> No.65339619
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>> No.65339650

Email was sent. I'll catbox the vids then, other anons should as well.

>> No.65339658

Yeah she literally gave the okay

>> No.65339682
File: 209 KB, 362x378, 1594712344732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, the Mel thread, I wonder what she's up-

Oh jesus christ, Mel, what the fuck are you doing, you get people to pay for that shit instead of posting it on public for 4chan fucking hell.

>> No.65339684

Are we looping again?

>> No.65339704

>On stream
After graduation, thanks for clarification.

>> No.65339741

To be fair, she already got paid.

>> No.65339742

perfect tits except for the hair. wish i could give em a good squeeze

>> No.65339759
File: 25 KB, 640x440, once-in-a-lifetime-640x440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as it ever was

>> No.65339813

Call me a freak, but the hair makes me monkey brain

>> No.65339823

>Anons dumping content for her to share for free
>No vids
Too pricey for SEA bros

>> No.65339826

mel come on go on vstream.com and stream for us

>> No.65339854

You don't unprivate it at random for the entire internet, because that just makes it ok to spread past the initial point (revenge porn laws are pretty strict nowadays). She must be having a menhera episode.

>> No.65339872

Mel I know you probably don't care but Mic Drop came on at my shitty retail job today and I immediately thought of you

>> No.65339897

>menhera episode
This episode has been going on for years

>> No.65339948

It's was always clear to me that it comes and goes.

>> No.65339950

This isn't an episode, it's who she is which I guess is why she thinks even friends would hate her kek, revenge porn doesn't count for this when the subject is posting it herself. Now we just need anons to post the videos.

>> No.65339969

She's already said multiple times she doesn't care if people posted what they bought

>> No.65339990

catbox anon where you at?

>> No.65340004

>Why don't you go watch an actual good streamer?
nobody interesting is streaming now

>> No.65340040

>revenge porn doesn't count for this when the subject is posting it herself
Yeah, that's what I meant. It's not a private correspondence anymore.

Just because she gives consent, doesn't mean she can't go back on her word and send takedown notices. Now it's much more clear cut.

>> No.65340051

You should do Estelle cosplay

>> No.65340107

name drop a streamer that streams interesting retro games for 10+ hours every day then. you stood out whether you're willing to admit it or not, you fuck.

>> No.65340159

do a twitter space then, you should have a phone

>> No.65340169

I'm not the only one who bought vids, wonder if they even check here anymore but I need to cut out audio in it that'd dox me.
It's just her being tsundere

>> No.65340212

Fuck you for reminding me of the live action Zelda in the works.

>> No.65340237

I literally don't see the problem with that cosplay. That's a really good Link and Beast Ganon.

>> No.65340257

Fun fact: You can still fart when you're in a coma

>> No.65340258

yep, you're just as frustrating to talk to as i remember. i enjoyed your streams. what the fuck are you gonna do about it?

>> No.65340298

You look better than expected from the neck down. I would spend a few nights filling your asshole to the brim.
Wouldn't go anywhere near that pussy though. I like a hairy pussy and all but even a sub 1% chance of knocking up mel is too high.

>> No.65340337

>not filling her with baby batter

>> No.65340382
File: 231 KB, 644x552, Screenshot 2023-12-26 171143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riifu agency requirements. It's not officially announced until new year's day (hence the censor over the name)

>> No.65340404

>nurse comes in time to hear her reading about anons who want to impregnate her

>> No.65340410

GL my dude. There's only one person she'd do anal with, and you ain't that guy.

>> No.65340423

it's still funny watching her get all tied up over brap lovers when she sold poop and posted her liquid shit
you brought them upon yourself

>> No.65340425

Especially since she has smegma. Yes chicks get it too.

>> No.65340428

don’t lie mel you like keeping it brown and hairy

>> No.65340471

>Shits like someone with IBS
>Farts on stream often
Fuck man, the unshaven pics are sending me into overdrive. Is that really her?

>> No.65340469

>Especially since she has smegma
I'd fuck the cheese out of her, I don't care.

>> No.65340510

that's hot though. the stench of her pussy would make me chimp out.

>> No.65340536


>> No.65340593

Ehhhh, personally I like a little hair.
I kinda agree with this Anon though. Something about your unshaven pics is making me feral.

>> No.65340620

It is really her. Her looks were never the issue and I'm sure people would fuck the daylights and cheese out of her.

>> No.65340652

I'm just surprised she doesn't shave often. Most women do now-a-days and I like some hair on my women.

>> No.65340757

It was too good to be true

>> No.65340779

Mel Nekomata smells like strawberries!

>> No.65340798

I'm still here, waiting to see if anyone else has vids too since I'm sure it'll be reported instantly.

>> No.65340830

man just post them

>> No.65340833

Man probably got banned.

>> No.65340835

"toilet humor" there are clips on YouTube of you farting and moaning sexually afterwards, I know you spit twenty lies per minute but there's little point going against public record.
not that I actually care about where they came from so lets move into a better topic.
You should get into anal during your "coma" break so you can post some pics with toys in your ass, start with small toys and plenty of lube

>> No.65340854

Dude, just rename the files

>> No.65340884

Sad part is, if you just didn't play into retards in the chat and would occasionally fire off, you could have done well pandering to the retards while ignoring them. I woulda SC'd if I would have been there live for a rip and you can just take the money and ignore it.
Too bad 3/4ths of the people into this shit are completely autistic and will just scream and shit themselves until they get their fap material and leave.

>> No.65340936

You smell like lavender yet your periods smell like coffee, that you don't even drink

>> No.65340944

she should start doing onlyfans

>> No.65340965

alright, i'm heading out. good luck with the coma stuff, mel.

>> No.65340981

mel you are giving me tons of masturbation material talking about your farts, please keep it up

>> No.65340998

Man, you're going to REEK when you wake up.

>> No.65341054

>>65340936 (me)
Maybe because I'm one of the people here that actually watched your streams in the first place.

>> No.65341123

>any ugly girls on OF
there's a shitload

>> No.65341139

Good for him, he can do better

>> No.65341259

OF has millions of content creators. Most of them are bound to be ugly.

>> No.65341258

god just imagine being the lucky doctor that gets to smell her coma braps

>> No.65341274

Oh well. I had fun watching your Chuulip playthrough last time you were real. I know people have said this before, but being a Kiki is fine you just have to curb your insanity and let shit roll off your back. You won't get a fast or huge following out of just being a regular streamer, but you could have a decent small set of people who'd support you.

>> No.65341295

Girl there's all sorts on OnlyFans. BBWs, GILFs, Feet focused etc

>> No.65341316

>and let shit roll off your back
like my cum

>> No.65341320

>I can't drive
>he can't drive
So you're saying if either of you drove, you'd do it?!

>> No.65341402

Any games you've been playing recently that you'd recommend, since you aren't going to stream them?

>> No.65341424

You're gonna need a pretty hard niche on OF with your appearance. @uglyfartbitch or something.
I follow a hot latina girl on there with a big round brown ass that braps like a fucking hog, there'd be little reason to choose you over her even if she didn't brap.

>> No.65341481

As someone that bought content, she was really quite average, I can't tell if all the people jerking off here are secretly advertising for her or what. You can find similar girls all over the internet, is the appeal that she's a vtuber on 4chan?

>> No.65341542

I like girl nextdoor types. What pushes her up a rank is how filthy she was acting.

>> No.65341550

The appeal is her endless farts

>> No.65341606

Thing is, for the most part Mel's braps were REAL braps. It wasn't some bullshit cheating with air up the ass, always huge, loud, insane ones. She was just a regular woman letting out some gas sometimes, and that's what makes it so much more appealing to me than finding some video of a woman exploding loudly.
In a 7 hour stream, she might fart 4 or 5 times, whenever it came up, and she'd maybe move the mic over by her ass, maybe not. Sometimes it'd just be a short quick one. Sometimes it'd be long and wet. Everything between. THAT'S why I liked Mel so much. You got goofy commentary and chatting while playing with an occasional play into the fetish. Not the focus of the stream, but a bonus.

>> No.65341609

There are people who like mentally broken and retarded girls and want to save them, there is also mel selfposting. It already got proven in the past by a jannies bans but I didn't save the image.

>> No.65341649

Don't get the newest version of Symphonia, it's a bug-infested, lazy port

>> No.65341699

>skipped Zestiria

>> No.65341727

she should embrace farting, do like once a month fart compilation on channel
people actually search for that, i've seen in my own youtube analytics

>> No.65341778

>Lethal Company
That is only fun with friends, you apparently have some so do it with them, guessing you won't stream it?

>> No.65341801

If I told you that I jerk off to you, how would it make you feel?

>> No.65341884

I literally fapped to the earlier photos and there's nothing you can do about it. I would plow that Adephagos-ass pussy.

>> No.65341945

>Fart comp girl
I think some of it is fake..the raccoon chubba I know is real (not the vshojo friend) wish I remembered what her name was

>> No.65341974

try all
she intentionally plays into the fetish too

>> No.65341978

Mel, why the fuck else would people buy content if not to jerk to it?
Curiosity would explain the first purchase, but you had repeat buyers.

>> No.65341994

Is farting really that crazy, just find a girl that's highly lactose intolerant and make her drink straight up milk. It's not harmful to them and it just causes gas, most of us eat dairy anyway and just deal with it or stay at home and just fart there if we know we're gonna consume dairy

>> No.65341997

Most I've hear sound extremely exaggerated clips or fake. I know some who use sound boards to play fart sounds to try and play it off like it's them. That's the thing, with you you can tell those were 100% real (for the most part), no clipping, no stealing from other videos.
Fuck, is it really that much to ask for a woman who will just casually rip ass on stream and move on like nothing happened? Again, I know that wasn't always how you treated it, but once you stopped your goofy laughing it was just a thing that happened and you'd move on.

>> No.65342018

>>65341801 (me)
Yeah avoid public lobbies, since you're done streaming at least you won't have to worry about getting banned for the hard R lobby names, make sure your friends know that too.

>> No.65342040

No, I'm not that same Anon. You can be the Tear to my Luke though.

>> No.65342053

Do you have the Montgomery or post 9/11? Cause I just get a stipend that covers everything for the semester along with a monthly housing allowance. Neither give me enough extra to really pocket anything.

>> No.65342055

She got sent to prison for trying to sleep with a 14 year old!?

>> No.65342102

Nerdroundabout is a literal underage autist, Lucifina is the one who went to prison for kiddie porn

>> No.65342110

I hadn't heard that rumor, but now I believe it!

>> No.65342126

Vid anon here, working on uploading don't worry bros.
He's still busy making videos defending you and privating them. Guess he was upset you never forgave him kek

>> No.65342142

Nah, I managed to make it to a few lives where you farted. You're lying. There was a little giggling about it and then you'd get back into the game and unless you had one of the retards in chat asking for more, you'd move the convo forward too.

>> No.65342173

Isn't he still assblasted (haha get it) about you?

>> No.65342193

Mel, can I come fuck your ass during the coma since you won't be able to feel it? I want to drain my balls into that cute butthole so bad.

>> No.65342297

What is it a video of

>> No.65342302

The one that sticks out in my head was watching some JRPG I forgot the name of. You ripped ass a few times through one of the long-plays and maybe one out of the 4 you made a little deal out of it, but the rest were laugh and move on.

>> No.65342304
File: 160 KB, 1920x1080, 1702774583596836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything comment or at least proof to back up on your several claims that Pipkin Pippa doxxed you?
That's a pretty bold claim to make, and if true she should be held accountable.

>> No.65342320

Just an fyi anons, the vids she did for me were fairly innocent with only 1 scat vid. The other anons have to come through for the more degen stuff.

>> No.65342353

when she says doxxed she literally means that pippa called one of mel's countless other personas "mel nekomata".

>> No.65342361

yet you still haven’t posted the catbox links

>> No.65342391

bro, just
just go man cmon

>> No.65342396

Just go to 1:54 to see her farting and moaning.

>> No.65342426

I still don't know where this claim of her doing ultra degen stuff came from. The most she did was shit on camera and the rest was vanilla.

>> No.65342437

I figured it was a Tales game, just wasn't sure which one it was because that was a long while ago and you aren't my main vtuber.

>> No.65342474

scat is some of the most disgusting stuff you can do, yet you're brushing it off like it's nothing. weird.

>> No.65342498

>>65341978 (me)
Doubt it, you're not even ugly in the first place.
Maybe your face does you no favors, but you never showed it to begin with.

>> No.65342505

You're in the wrong thread if you're here to be mad about farting and pooping.

>> No.65342522

did you forget about who we're talking about here

>> No.65342521

You can call me Jade Curt-rizz. I'll show you my Impaling Heaven.

>> No.65342572

Yeah, sure mel. Totally non sexual and not bait right there.
I don't even know who you're trying to convince with all this shit. Or is this just part of getting more marks to scam?

>> No.65342602


>> No.65342606

What did I tell you? People never post what they have, but they'll tell you they have oh so much degen shit. Just link it, pussies

>> No.65342639

no? i'm just saying it's weird to say she didn't do anything ultra degen when she was shitting on camera for money

>> No.65342676

Man, don't taunt me with that. The clip of MSpaint Mel running off to the bathroom has conjured so many images in my head. I never dug hard enough to find pictures you're posting or anything so now I have added fuel to the fire. Including that Shinji 'joke' tweet is just making it even worse.

>> No.65342677

oh, so not doxing at all. She made it sound like pippa did a full kiwi expose on her during a previous quitting stream.

You know false accusations can get you sued right?

>> No.65342694

I thought this was something else. Goddamn it.

>> No.65342815

Maybe you are maybe you aren't, point is it was never content for people buy for the purpose of laughing at

>> No.65342855

I only found you towards the end of Mel, because of this place. You were rarely consistent past that so I never really followed you and with all of your character jumping, I have no energy to do the work to track you down every time, so I'd tune in when I'd see a thread on catalogue about you with your new info.

>> No.65342905

Vid anon here, uploading the videos to catbox right now.

>> No.65342993

thank you new IP, I have complete faith

>> No.65342993,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is the claim, for anyone wondering: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/794262426396000339/1189343394653286461/image.png?ex=659dd15a&is=658b5c5a&hm=945835d04423bd0940d8933d11413dbeb7bef87f17e70db934744874b4b2efab&

>> No.65343045

Mel, you should do a before and after pic of your pubic hair to see how much it grew during your coma.

>> No.65343049

Vid anon here, still working on it guys, don't worry it's coming

>> No.65343092

Please lord let there be diarrhea chugging in there

>> No.65343095

MP4 file, switch the z and 9
Here's one

>> No.65343100

This is the 14 year old claim, for anyone wondering: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/794262426396000339/1189343394653286461/image.png?ex=659dd15a&is=658b5c5a&hm=945835d04423bd0940d8933d11413dbeb7bef87f17e70db934744874b4b2efab&

>> No.65343099

Wasn't some second anon at least gonna email her more pictures to post?

>> No.65343110
File: 37 KB, 112x112, 1648880132670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find my life is better when I just click the Hide Thread button when these come up.
Good to see I didn't miss anything.

>> No.65343204

>nearly bump limit mel thread
>she's also been responding on twitter this whole time
Looks like the cycle is as consistent as ever.

>> No.65343215

doesn't work dumbass

>> No.65343233

it's on litter

>> No.65343246

This isn't working

>> No.65343290

Jesus look at that cellulite

It's a litter link

>> No.65343402

It means you think it means. Many months ago some anon was claiming you drank it on camera

>> No.65343482

was this recorded on a fucking windows phone

>> No.65343498

>Obviously a fart video
>No sound

>> No.65343502

I'm retarded, how do

>> No.65343505

And I'm still waiting for the fucker who claims to have it to finally post it

>> No.65343511


>> No.65343513

She's perma banned here.
I posted one so I'll see if you actually come through.

>> No.65343641

post it with sound dumbass

>> No.65343705

If you're gonna play into it a little bit, I have a question.
With IBS, it can go both ways. Have you ever clogged a toilet?

>> No.65343783

She did nothing in this video. Wait for the other anon who is supposedly uploading for degen stuff (farting/scat/pee/whatever.)

>> No.65343809

They were gloating that they made you puke nearly instantly, why do you think everyone thought he was full of shit.

>> No.65343915

>Mel stops streaming again
>War immediately breaks out in the middle east

>> No.65343940

it still doesn't work

>> No.65343952

it does

>> No.65343989

deluded fuck no one will post anything if you're sending worthless videos that have no sound and are downscaled on purpose

>> No.65344056

I don't celebrate those holidays. If you wake up for your bday month a random stream would be cool. Maybe play Lethal Company with your friends in the rotation since you stream for like 16 hours a day.

>> No.65344144

I believe in you, anon. You can do it!

>> No.65344161

Nothing was downscaled, just blank audio removed. There's no sound TO hear. This is why people who supply coomer content doesn't do handouts. So your best bet is for that other anon to supply then, I'll keep the remaining 3.

>> No.65344175

ok I got it to work but I don't know what the fuck I did differently

>> No.65344238

I'll probably slip into a coma myself before that Anon finishes uploading to catbox.

>> No.65344264

thanks for posting one at least. wish you wouldn't get triggered by one guy having a melty because he's horny and wanted to see scat, but i get it. you're a real one either way.

>> No.65344275

Well that's sad. A perfect dream that will never be a reality.
I just want to imagine a happy-go-lucky Mel streaming and going to use the toilet, getting to hear everything as the viewer, and hearing the toilet choke with her coming back to sheepishly ask us how to unclog a toilet.

>> No.65344358

https://litter.catbox.moe/b d 34qf.mp4

>> No.65344368

Np, least people can do is not complain about handouts kek

>> No.65344430

>tfw no coma gf

>> No.65344469

^This link is to get this thread nuked, so you better hope the other anons come through.

>> No.65344577

Deal. I live in the Midwest too. hmu.

>> No.65344640

What was in the scat video?
I might post mine if it sounds interesting enough.

>> No.65344690

Mel, if you think I'm not watching my main while enjoying a convo with you, you're a big dummy.

>> No.65344789

It was just her doing her business on the toilet with her legs open enough to see it come out, probably didn't fully understand my instruction which is aight, was hot hearing her grunt

>> No.65344829

I can't watch you if you aren't streaming.
Also my dogs are only doing an SC reading, and I focus in when they actually talk about themselves, so it's whatever.

>> No.65344954

Legs open, bright lighting, pointing cam down from in front. Then you just do your usual and wipe and show results. That's it. It's a lot more personal when it's someone who you've been watching on and off for many years and know more (still curated) info about them.

>> No.65344972

>How do people watch that
You hover off the toilet and point the phone at your ass/to the side of your ass or set it up in the groove where the toilet seat and lid meet. That's how most fansly girls do it.
Wonder what happened to that one..

>> No.65345018

Was the original file actually muted, or just inaudible?
Because the one I bought had to be boosted to actually hear it.

>> No.65345165

The one I uploaded was just a dull sound as I guess just something from the original upload so I just removed it since it added nothing to it, it's just as you see, her squeezing her cheeks together. She didn't do anything in this video or I would have did some audio boosting on it. The scat vid she did had sound though.

>> No.65345169

So does she actually sell content or not?
Where do i buy?

>> No.65345170

No audible braps?

>> No.65345351

She said she couldn't do it at the time so I settled for a decent little scat vid and 2 tame vids.

>> No.65345590

Again, real. I fucking hate a decent chunk of the content for brap videos because they do stupid shit like edit in sound clips or go further like shoving air up themselves with bottles or whatever.

>> No.65345594

Ah, well nice to know regardless.

>> No.65345737

When I was growing up there was this weird Canadian TV show about a kid who hit his head falling out of a tree and while he was in a coma he was in this weird Mad Max-y fantasy world. Also I think his dead/missing father was there in the dreamworld somehow and he had to find him?
I hope you have some cool coma stories for us when you're back.

>> No.65345780

It would have been easier to just compile your farts into one audio, and I would have been more than happy to buy them off you, even if it took at least a month like you told me. Oh well.

>> No.65346032

Given your condition, how do you manage the cleanup of the bowl over the course of many uses? I feel like it would be a mess.

>> No.65346134

>irrational fear
I get it, I’ve learned to stop asking as well.

>> No.65346140

I'll see if that other anon comes through or was just trolling the entire time with that fake catbox link. I'll post the others later. On a side note, menhera or not, I wish you the best. Have fun with your friends when you come back, please just enjoy yourself Mel. You're a trainwreck but at least made some connections. Happy fapping anons.

>> No.65346211

>Clean it once a day
Once a week when cleaning the bathroom in general is fine for most people.

>> No.65346386

I don't have IBS.
I don't paint my throne every time I sit on it.
I guess I could see why you'd need to if you did.

>> No.65346470

Speaking of Meebo, I take it she's fine with your mom looking after her? Since you've said she doesn't take to other people and all

>> No.65346506

I thought Meebo was a boy.

>> No.65346605

>>65346140 (me)
Meebo sounds like a great cat and that sounds fun

>> No.65347112

Are you crying over your pussy AGAIN?

>> No.65347259

Try and make you feel good with the likes and you hit me with the block ;w;

>> No.65347420

Kek don't directly interact with her

>> No.65347621

She says while we're all fart fetishists waiting for her next big fuck up

>> No.65347672

TapleTop Game with lots of figures, turned into books, turn into shows. You use rules to move units around a terrain and fight other fucks over who paints their models better.

>> No.65347812

Warhammer is a tabletop wargame (technically a couple of tabletop wargames, one fantasy and one sci-fi, that share some setting elements) that has book series and video games based on it. Lotta vtubers getting into it recently because Warhammer video games have traditionally been bad but the last few have been genuinely good.

>> No.65347960

Why dig through someone's account who liked a single tweet by you?
If you would just dedicate that time to being cute like you did in your last iteration, you could have done alright.

>> No.65347982

When you're back check out the new "Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader" RPG, seems like your jam gameplay-wise. And by the time you wake up most of the bugs should be patched out.

>> No.65348072

He did it to himself.

>> No.65348194

Grab your blunderbuss bros, we're looping again.

>> No.65348233

Gotcha. Well either way, thread is about to die and I just want to say, I wish I could huff a slightly fragrant puff from you. I don't need gagging levels, that turns me off, but just a little bit of Mel stink would be great. Maybe let me into your bathroom a couple minutes after you use it, you know?

>> No.65348300

It's fine, anon, that's just how she is. I'm not a regular paypig, just a casual chatter, so I expected I'd get her crazy eventually. She's making shit up as we speak as it is. I came in your chat in your last days as Ames, and I never asked for diaper shit

>> No.65348366

I like the way you think anon

>> No.65348443

Going from "I'm never streaming again" to asking advice on GFE streaming.

>> No.65348493

Does that mean you remember me? I didn't show up live often, and would only occasionally comment or watch VoDs.

>> No.65348514

Who is it mel? Might as well tell us

>> No.65348660

you'll always be my braphog

>> No.65348794

Well then to answer your question, yeah it's a little awkward when a GFEtuber openly lusts over fictional characters. Depends how hard you go I guess.

>> No.65348810

Mel, you're a cute dork who I always found myself laughing at when I would watch you. The fart stuff existed and I liked it, but pushing it on you is retarded. I will however savor and save those moments of sitting in chat and hearing you blow up and start laughing forever. I hope things go well and I hope if you ever do decide to stream again once you wake up from whatever this coma shit is, that it goes well for you and you find a small community.

>> No.65348810,1 [INTERNAL] 

where's the other catbox links?

>> No.65348810,2 [INTERNAL] 

Someone send the other catbox links, or show me the next thread
