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65276630 No.65276630 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Nijisanji fans hate Kuro so much?

>> No.65276706

Ah it's the rick and morty guy that thinks 2D characters need consent to be sexualized

>> No.65276851

because they're a cult. look at their reaction and then go look up what happens to people who leave the the church of latter day saints. same reaction as far as I can tell.

>> No.65276943

>Huge numberfag lolcow while he's in Nijisanji
>makes plans to ditch Niji for VShojo like nine months before announcing his graduation, continues to act like a lolcow
>does next to nothing but react to shit as Kuro and is already burned out
>constant cheeky references to being Mysta despite throwing shade at the company every other day

Gee, I wonder, you don't need to be a corporate bootlicker to dislike the guy

>> No.65277052

>Gee, I wonder, you don't need to be a corporate bootlicker to dislike the guy
but you are

>> No.65277165

Hating him for being a react andy is a real flimsy excuse. Especially because of the seething anger that spawned when he announced his 3D stream today.

>> No.65277283

He doesn't make money for the rainbow mouth thing anymore.

>> No.65277315

Barfing Pacman.

>> No.65277472

They're exactly like this here too. Genuinely bitter nijisisters seething in public. Just had to scroll down to find an example >>65276943

>> No.65277485

Rebecca, I'll have sex with you if you want, just post your nudes /here/ for us, please

>> No.65277655
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Not a sister but I'd assume it's the same reason holofans dislike Kson/Nazuna/Mikeneko. He's starting to realize that he's nothing without the Mysta identity and needs to keep baiting for it like Mike.

>> No.65277759

got your baits messed up there retard

>> No.65277773

I refuse to believe you're all defending him after months of shitting on and hating him and making catalog thread after catalog thread every time he did anything on stream. You're all a bunch of trolls. I refuse to believe this board actually likes him now. I refuse to believe human beings are this braindead.

>> No.65277819

Rebecca, you and I both know you're a lonely virgin, your roommates won't take you out on dates but I will. Let's go out sometime soon

>> No.65277849

clearly different situations, he already lost 90% of his fans long before graduation

>> No.65277989

Rebecca just think about how cute our babies would look! They'd be the talk of the town

>> No.65278020

Rebecca, please post your tummy

>> No.65278057

I literally hate Anycolor and have disliked Mysta from day one but keep thinking people just magically start hating NijiEN members once they leave (It didn't happen to Nina or Yugo, they were hated for a period long before leaving the company and people are generally cool with both of them now because they focus on their own careers instead of taking the laziest path imaginable and constantly PL baiting)

>> No.65278068

I don't care about him at all, but I'm glad he makes nijiniggers seethe

>> No.65278136

I mean not only did he ditch them but also constantly throws shade at them too, if he just left things be maybe they wouldn't care as much but he and Nina are a large reason why Anycolor is called a black company these days, they seem to on more than one occasion cite general mistreatment by the company and coworkers and that fits the bill definitively.

Compare that to Sana leaving holoEN and never talking shit about Cover, she just left the vtubing scene. If Mysta simply stopped vtubing it would be a totally different conversation but nah he seems to relish being known as a turncoat and zinging Anycolor and his former fans. He outright is a dick IMO but basically everyone in nijiEN is anyway along with their management.

>> No.65278195

Why do you care so much about what he does?

>> No.65278198

Could you please spread your lips between your hips just for me Rebecca? I promise I won't judge I'll only admire your braveness !

>> No.65278232


>> No.65278268

Yugo doesn't stream, Nina "PL baits" all the time and usually has catalog threads every time she does.

>> No.65278278

It's almost like cover isn't a black company. Why shouldn't they warn people about how shitty niji is? Nice try sister

>> No.65278337

Just think Rebecca. Your entire life has been being passed off from one person to another. I won't treat you like that. We'll make love, you'll never find a better man.

>> No.65278623

I know you're alone on Christmas right now Rebecca. I'll be here for you though, I'll be supporting you every step of the way and you'll never have to be alone again. We could rewatch his old streams together and fantasize about him and how he used to be. At night we can make love and you can scream his name in ecstasy and I won't even judge you for it.

>> No.65278938

Who the fuck is Rebecca?

>> No.65279039

Mystake schizo, AKA the person who one guy'd mysta for 2 years and basically made him graduate

>> No.65279102

I don't, but it's stupid that people crafted the rrat that Nijifags immediately turn on and start hating whoever leaves

>> No.65279879

>Ruze's wife
>It's niji fans fault!
I'm not sure I follow

>> No.65280467

Back to the gossip farms with you.

>> No.65284526

you are such a false flag retard, no jokes matara right now is talking about seeing her fans get attacked for being her fans.

don't even pretend like it is not happening, fucking nijisisters

>> No.65284619

There’s only one farm dogs like you should be sent to

>> No.65284644

Nijisisters showing their subhuman intellectual capacity is nothing new

>> No.65284688

everybody hates you nijiniggers for a reason if you havn't noticed

>> No.65284729

>he and Nina are a large reason why Anycolor is called a black company these days
Yeah, it's definitely them, totally not because of all the shitty things Anycolor have done

>> No.65284881

It’s pretty dumb, i don’t really care about Kuro but he seems to spend too much time riding the drama, Matara seems to have mostly moved on, at least more recently.

>> No.65284987


>> No.65285021
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>> No.65285031

She’s crying about how much she misses everyone at Niji right now

>> No.65285138

Both of these retards are right and wrong at the same time.
Kuro gets to hint at his PL just like everyone else, but my god he is almost Sayu levels of "Oh shit low numbers, time to stir the pot again!"

>> No.65285140


>> No.65285178

Why does she gotta do this right now and make me look retarded?

>> No.65285236

Something something broken clock. If Sayu didn't exist, Kuro would be the most pathetic ex-niji, he needs to leech on something else by now

>> No.65285329

schizo. we are watching the same stream, that shit isn't flying by. go take your meds.
fuckers like you can't even try to be normal on christams

>> No.65285689

>BPD demon
Indeed, lmao.

>> No.65285694

>peruvian soles

>> No.65286029

Sayu probably makes more money than Kuro and is Phase Connect adjacent

>> No.65286162

She fucked depressed nousagi.

>> No.65286417

>once posted a picture of her feet on /vt/
disgusting, how can I find these feet pictures in the archives so I know how to avoid them?

>> No.65286551

>and is Phase Connect adjacent
Was. She basically became nuclear radiation tier dangerous when she brought DN over and shit talked her mama on Twitter the following day

>> No.65287049

She literally collabs with PC all the time, that was a month ago, what?

>> No.65287226

I thought that was a week or two ago.

>> No.65287344

it's funny you got the holotrannies in your replies mocking you yet these faggots cried like fucking children when kson called out cover's dogshit merch cut kek

>> No.65287661

Holofags have the memory of goldfish, and that memory is solely committed to thining HoloEN is the best of the best

>> No.65287696

I don't hate Mikeneko

>> No.65287742

>50% is dogshit
>2% is good
Nijinigger logic

>> No.65287758

Then you clearly don't watch her

>> No.65287864

holobronie brain literally made of shit

>> No.65288098

Where did I lie sis?

>> No.65289673

He's a twitch vtuber through and through alright.

>> No.65292928

>does next to nothing but react to shit as Kuro
t. guy who doesn't watch streams but talks shit for some reason

>> No.65293118

go back

>> No.65293426

>holofans dislike Kson/Nazuna/Mikeneko.

>> No.65293669

that woman sounds based AF

>> No.65293869


>> No.65294528

why do latinos call mouse, iron? it’s always the mexicans and brazilians who call her that.

>> No.65294859

judging by this thread, nijiniggers cannot stop shoveling shit out of their own ears

>> No.65294902

They're angry that everyone who leaves Nijisanji instantly becomes happier.

>> No.65295334

>constantly sense hate supas
Being so desperate for attention that you'd literally pay the person you hate just to seethe at them in public doesn't sound very based to me, that's just fucking pathetic.

>> No.65299622

he too swag

>> No.65299625

Because he exposes their black company

>> No.65300589

nijifags hate him because he told them the truth to their thin-skinned faces.

>> No.65301553
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>NijiEN fans don't hate talents when they leave, we hate them way before that!
Have you ever considered... supporting your talents? I mean, their company sure as shit won't so it's gotta be you, right?

There is something deeply wrong with the NijiEN fanbase. It's no fucking wonder Kuro drew his boundaries as harshly as he did or why Mata is STILL constantly apologizing for nothing and predicting the worst outcome for anything she does.

>> No.65301811

>>65295334 (me)
meant to type "sends", no idea how I fucked that up

>> No.65302130

The same reason they are shitting on Selen right now, they make their company look bad

>> No.65302753

Its not like Mori, Gura, Kronii, Kiara, Bae, etc, haven’t been getting shit for ages, it’s not really a uniquely Nijifag phenomenon.

>> No.65302858

for the same reasons hololive fans hate kson

>> No.65303050

He escaped their dungeon

>> No.65304130

what's a lolcow

>> No.65304298

>Holofans dislike Kson/Mikeneko/Nazuna
in what universe?

>> No.65304307

Was it really easier to reply to this thread instead of typing "what's a lolcow" into google?

>> No.65304314


>> No.65304591

Shhhh you aren't suppose to bring up how much /vt/ anti'd Nina on debut, that's the one thing we're suppose to memoryhole, remember?

>> No.65304633

Why do Nijisanji hates Selen so much

>> No.65304694

Hololive fans love Mikeneko and wish she could come back to hololive to collab with holostars.

>> No.65305083

Calling someone a member of this tribe or that tribe is the only response NPCs have. It's basically 2009 /v/ all over again. These catalogue threads always end up as echo chambers for one fanbase, and just default to the same recycled rrats when a different opinion comes along.

inb4 nijisister, despite not even mentioning them once

>> No.65305178

Bring up either of the 2 in a holo general and see what happens. They are despised by holofags nowadays, especially mike cat.

>> No.65305445

>Bring up either of the 2 in a holo general
you can't talk about no holos in the hologeneral

>> No.65305630

You bring them up in a catalog thread and half the comments shit on them too.

>> No.65305741

>inb4 its all nijifags falseflagging

>> No.65308787

The Legend.

>> No.65311566

I can fix her, bros.

>> No.65311659

> kson called out cover's dogshit merch cut
Proof next thread?

>> No.65312990

>says she thinks 50% of the profits is low
>nijis leak they gets 2%
Kson: lol, and here I thought 50% was low.

>> No.65313094

/vt/ faggots came around after getting to know her and nijisisters started hating her for leaving the "family"?
>/vt/ faggots have mental growth despite being autistic incels
>nijisisters are in a cult

>> No.65313133

>Provides no evidence she's talking about Cover rather than Vshojo.

>> No.65313136

Kson and Nazuna are less the issue. Kson herself is professional outside of the slavery vs freedom vs ironic weeb moment. Nazuna is too funny to take seriously anymore.
The problem when they clash with old hololive is the fans. It's a zero-sum game where either kson and nazuna are saints and cover is a strawman caricature of evil, or they're just bad businesswomen who made questionable choices. So kson/nazuna fans wear their hatred of Hololive's management side on their sleeves. It always spells a fight.

>> No.65313168

she shit talked her art mama?? where is it, I don't see it on her twitter right now

>> No.65313255

Her mama wouldn't have been in her lore video if they weren't still friends

>> No.65313417

No, not really. A lot of people still enjoy her as a person but a lot of people don't like twitch and don't really like when she brings up the past because shes supposed to be a new person, ya know?
I think the last time I really saw her being discussed in main was when we were talking about the fact that she's very likely an actual alcoholic who couldn't go a week without having panic inducing anxiety from the lack of alcohol in her system.

>> No.65313490


>> No.65314621

>is already burned out
You gotta be joking

>> No.65314622

They make their company look bad
That's it

>> No.65314908

But with Holos we kind just make fun of, not hate. Aside from Mori of course. While Nijisanji the fans truly seems to want commit violence or some shit

>> No.65314949

What type of mental illness is this?

>> No.65315025

Nijisanji fans hate fucking everything other than their religion, the Church of Nijisanji

>> No.65316097

Personally I just think it's funny that he only joined the company so he could get supported by Geega on how not to go 250k into debt from taxes on the house he bought from nijibux.
I don't know how much of that is true but I also don't care enough to research it.

>> No.65316874

He’s said multiple times already that he hates Niji. Are you just too fucking stupid to read?

>> No.65316916

Another hit from autismyaoi I see

>> No.65317106

>I think the last time I really saw her being discussed in main was when we were talking about the fact that she's very likely an actual alcoholic who couldn't go a week without having panic inducing anxiety from the lack of alcohol in her system.

>W-We aren't bitter cucks the last time I can barely remember us talking about her....but boy did we get her good kekeke

>> No.65317363

Don’t pretend as if you guys don’t say that same shit about Mori and Gura. If you say it as a joke, then so does /nijien/

>> No.65317479

Anon, he’s a catalognigger. He has no clue what people say about Mori and Gura in /hlg/, because he never actually goes there.

>> No.65317552

>questionable choices
saying 4.3% of your fans are from taiwan is questionable?

>> No.65317554

Are you really this blind to your own community? Niji and Holo are dens for toxic fans...and im into Phase

>> No.65317717

Yes, anon. 6 million deaths in 8 years is obviously far beyond what was technologically possible at the time, but if I tried saying that shit at work, I’d be fired on the spot. Some “facts” are just taboo, no matter how “common sense” they may seem.

>> No.65317739

>homo icons
There's your answer right there. Unhinged fujoshi/fudanshi. Whichever.
I think Kuro is cool and I like his model, especially the femboy fanmade version of it, but his tastes range from incredibly mid to bad, and I could not fully simp for him since he decided to be more of a brotuber than a BFE fuckboy. I don't think he's hateworthy at all and people being hateful of him are dumb. Dumb as fuck.

>> No.65317758

a bug and a nazi

>> No.65317965

You assuming I’m both a nazi and a pozzed Twitter liberal at the same time really shows how desperate you are to find ANY points against me, even if your statements completely contradict each other.

Way to take a joke completely seriously, btw. I could cite a lack of emotional intelligence on your part, but I don’t like to ad hominem.

>> No.65318066

that's a lot of words

>> No.65318166

>*see him flee to better pastures and get 3x numbers for less work and probably makes more than 2% now*

>> No.65318189

Sorry. It’s late; I should’ve known better than to think you’re from an English-speaking timezone. That also explains why you didn’t get the joke, either.

Still, I feel better knowing you’re ignoring my points because you genuinely can’t read my posts, and that you’re not just an asshole playing dumb.

>> No.65318347

>coco being suspended for saying taiwan is the same as me not being allowed to bring up da JQ at my job!!!!
what a rib-cracker of a joke

>> No.65319016


>> No.65319902

See that's the disagreement. You say something like that to someone who is still a fan of Hololive and expect them to have already jumped the same logic hoops as you, to think Coco was secretly being harrased because she didn't appear in hologra for some months, then when she announced her graduation yagoo clucked his teeth and pretended to praise her to look good, and then everyone is banned from talking about her instead of being uninterested because cover is cartoonishly evil etc. etc.
You prefer to believe Coco was forced out because it's convenient that way. That is all.

>> No.65321500

Because he managed to get out of this hellhole and is now doing well and happier than ever before.

>> No.65321824


>> No.65322074


>> No.65322244


>> No.65323370

pretty sure that's the wrong guy

>> No.65323527

line up timestamp from 4chan with vods, there you go. don't be a newfag and provide for yourself.

>> No.65323818

Now explain to me why Holos were losing thousands of subs a day after that September, yet nothing of the sort happened after the graduation announcement and Hololive had a outpouring of support.

>> No.65323868

i hate mysta and i hate kuro

>> No.65323919

because the average vtuber viewer knows basically nothing

>> No.65324322

Like I said they just don't jump through the same hoops as you to justify Coco leaving.

>> No.65325205

Very upset he's not helping pat for Riku's next yacht.

>> No.65325309

because they don't watch her

>> No.65325449

A laughing cow dumbass. How are you this retarded? Its literally a compound word. Dummy

>> No.65326486


>> No.65326544

ok nigger chill out.

>> No.65327190

bitch a lot of times kson was brought up during the newest Yakuza streams and she will be again in the future and people were both having fun with that and the couple of the obligatory shit stirrers that place always has, the fuck you are talking about?

>> No.65329104

oh of course it had to be a gossiptranny

>> No.65333120

