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65265278 No.65265278 [Reply] [Original]

mel nekomata is currently faking having brain cancer to redditors on christmas


>> No.65265328

Good for her.
Faking illnesses is pretty good for business

>> No.65265341

>she's now grifting Reddit
Well I can't say I have any sympathy for them but at least she's out of our hair now that there is a unanimous dislike/distrust of here.

>> No.65265345

She acts like she has a brain tumor so it's believable.

>> No.65265344

how do you know it's her?

>> No.65265404

I ain't opening no Reddit link

>> No.65266097

Hey, Mel is back!

>> No.65266215


>> No.65266294

>kanikou in the same thread as her a few days ago
Good chance it's her.

>> No.65266620

she used this account to reply to herself on her komari mikoshiba account, but has since deleted the comments. it's fairly obvious it's her in the way she types

>> No.65267096

Hope she dies. Retarded whore subhuman

>> No.65267244
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interesting but she's also actively denying donations from people

>> No.65267651

yeah i don't think she's doing this for money, although i don't know if she's accepting donations from people dming her. it's probably just her sick way of satisfying her need for attention

>> No.65267980

Hey the toothbrush/fart scammer, it's been a while

>> No.65268101

Fuck off Mel

>> No.65268582
File: 14 KB, 878x99, s20231225_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek she's funny as always

>> No.65269998

she always does that though? even when she streamed she would always deny donations at first, probably because it lures people like you into trusting her more

>> No.65270345

She makes these threads herself to get exposure

>> No.65270501

Are you sure this is even her? She said on stream a few months back that she "is a slut" and "had sex with many men". Her words not mine.

>> No.65270639

So it's Christmas Day and Mel is back on the grifting grind. Let's all take comfort in the fact she's still a lonely miserable cunt and that some predditors will get scammed. Hallelujah!

>> No.65271480
File: 24 KB, 1459x89, s20231225_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost certainly her. Pic related and see >>46512505

>> No.65271548

Taking Redditor's money is pretty based desu.

>> No.65272553

yo mel go live

>> No.65272685

Taking advantage of the mentally challenged isn't very based though.

>> No.65272984

She made the thread anon, she is the OP, I've seen her do it quite a lot of times. Literally the same way of posting every time. Stay here for a few threads and you will see immediately what's going on, I caught up when I was looking at her Ichigo(I think?) threads.

>> No.65274334

>believing anything she says
Classic mistake. It's her. Her mentally ill way of replying with emotional hooks is pretty easy to spot.

>> No.65275273
File: 24 KB, 1456x93, s20231226_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel, remember to drop a new thread when you do this.

>> No.65275799

Mel, you lovable fucking idiot

>> No.65275978

mel please just stream, play some stupid game and just talk to us

>> No.65276065

This, let us cheer you up you dumb hag

>> No.65276273

Spoiler warning: Mel actually hates Ironmouse because she makes up her opinions on other Vtubers based on what the catalog says.

>> No.65276446

What a woman. Amazing.

>> No.65276472

You people are the weirdest fucking goslings. I understand following a chuuba who's bitchy, maybe even a chuuba who did something really shitty before. But loving someone who actively hates you and is always trying to scam you is crazy.

>> No.65276499

I love it how she calls Ironmouse's sickness grift "inspiring" and develops brain cancer of her own to kickstart a vtuber career.

>> No.65276551

Obviously, she's just trying to copy her grift. Quick read of her posts, she threw her entire family under the bus and lied about health, work, and living situation for pity points. Kanikou responded in the other thread she was in so he's well aware and probably encouraging her mental illness. At least this time she didn't try to sink a small corpo (yet).

>> No.65276703

Chigau anon, this is just Season 9 pilot episode of Brapper Mel'tdown

>> No.65277166

The only goslings here are brapfags and worse. Anons give Mel attention because she gives them attention, mostly negative in both directions. She's lucky the jannies let these threads exist at all, though they usually start pruning them when she starts reading them on stream.

>> No.65277354

Said she hates her before for not being honest with her fans. In one of 4chan reading streams. Kinda ironic now when you think about it.

>> No.65277594

I was in that stream. I never got her to argue with me about Ironmouse but I did get her to tell me "Fuck you, [my name]".

>> No.65277705

Cook faster Mel I'm getting tired of waiting

>> No.65278375
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>> No.65278451
File: 382 KB, 1179x898, IMG_0153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the comedy writes itself

>> No.65278579

there's a youtube channel w/videos up and I don't really hear a resemblance

>> No.65278602

i really wonder what mental illness she's suffering from. she's just insane on a level that i've never seen before.

>> No.65278634

That Twitter already has a Twitch and YouTube with same handl though

>> No.65278698

Mel you're retarded if you think I'm watching on 1/1 with all the New Years streams.

>> No.65278735

she probably just stole the picture

>> No.65278788

Sociopathic tendencies, she'd have to get a professional diagnosis for anything more specific
>but muh PTSD
That's not specific enough

>> No.65278901

She should put it for 1/5 or later since I'll be tuning in on 1/4 for the debut of pickel from >>65278375

>> No.65279240
File: 87 KB, 626x231, 20231225_183841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy topkek

>> No.65279507
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefaultMIKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ LMAO

>> No.65279561

Yeah, they just have the same model https://booth.pm/en/items/5211998 (mel linked that on her actual twitch channel >>65278451)

>> No.65279985

there are two videos on youtube
pixeldrain com/l/kbVh6Mgk

>> No.65279986

Really fucked up of Mel. She's ruining this 2view's chances.

>> No.65280099

>wake up
>decide to fuck over random indie
Absolute scum menhera behavior

>> No.65280474

Looks to me like they're cooking her, they noticed her talking about A-tubers and called it Japanese porn.

>> No.65280480

Komari showing up anti-ing Mel mere minutes after Ebi leaves.
What the fuck woman

>> No.65280548

Honestly Mel Nokomata is one of my favorite characters in Vtubing. Don't ever change you chazy bitch.

>> No.65280640
File: 19 KB, 632x228, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the actual fuck

>> No.65280710

Mel, ignore Komari and other antis. You already have a model, you have a channel and you've done this before. Great time for a comfy Christmas stream.

>> No.65280711
File: 441 KB, 1179x1143, IMG_0157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientists need to study her

>> No.65280743

LMAO what in the actual fuck Mel, why did you think this was a good idea. The mods all know about you.

>> No.65280884

Newfag-chama Komari and other anti are Mel self posting and reporting

>> No.65280905

Based fuck reddit

>> No.65280940

Is there a name for this phenomenon?

>> No.65280943

God she's so fucking crazy it's very entertaining.

>> No.65280984


>> No.65281231

I still don't know why she doesn't just fuck herself on camera (no face) and ramble about some conspiracies she's interested in.

>> No.65281328
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she should use this model again

>> No.65281369

The funniest thing is there are retards that still donate to her.
3 years getting away with scaming people.

>> No.65281429

Feesh braps…

>> No.65281497

I still think the Ames model was the best.

>> No.65281642

Wow, another reddit hit. Over 1k updoots. Mel is really good at reddit, too bad it never translates to viewers.

>> No.65281648

she survived chernobyl meltdown and now has a variety of cancers everywhere

>> No.65281693
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll see if I can find Elden Ring for cheap somewhere since I do have a PS4, always wanted to try the Dark Souls series.
What did she mean by this?

>> No.65281931

Holy fuck Mel if you miss streaming this badly just come back to us, what do you have to lose

>> No.65282076

>multiple spidermen pointing at each other meme

>> No.65282618
File: 271 KB, 376x476, 1702594714457476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was my favorite of what she used

>> No.65282783

Mel just trying to maintain relevance. If anything, this is just spreading her infamy.

>> No.65282920

>spamming replies a mile a minute
This is just going to be her MO from now on, isn't it?

>> No.65283537

She's trying to get leddit viewers before throwing them under for 4chads before throwing them under for paypigs before throwing them under for brapfags before throwing them under for (((hacker))) before deleting everything until the new season.

>> No.65284302

if only there was someone keeping track of all her forms and compiled it all into a video

>> No.65285876

this. someone should do an "internet insanity" video about her in the Metokur style.

>> No.65286254

Can’t tell if she’s genuinely evil or just autistic.

>> No.65286264

Mel you should put debut on hold and apply to here >>65285311

>> No.65286514

Evil, similar type to Leonard Shelby

>> No.65286972

She's 100% looking into this right now

>> No.65288194

Mel you stay the fuck away from my love.

>> No.65290217

Are we going to forgive her?

>> No.65290370

What are you a faggot? I'm just waiting for the next train wreck event.

>> No.65290427

as long as she keeps doing this insane song and dance I support her 100%

>> No.65290462

that punky one she used most recently would've been great for brapdom
shame scamming white knights is more profitable

>> No.65290501

She would get into it and get confused why she can't just redebut a new model in 2 weeks and then just quit them.

>> No.65290672
File: 11 KB, 440x115, Screenshot 2023-12-25 at 18-54-17 JCS - Criminal Psychology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's going to do criminally stupid shit irl eventually and end up on JCS

>> No.65292424

