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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.55 MB, 1200x1679, 1695509531295749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65180317 No.65180317 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe Santa ran over Grandma and she died edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
VReverie (Jan 3) https://twitter.com/VReverieLive/status/1731525487741309078 (embed) (embed)
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Ho ho ho

Previous thread: >>65147922

>> No.65180350

first for gay orgy with gayel and homomo

>> No.65180358

I wish I had a boyfriend to kiss and hug

>> No.65180410
File: 5 KB, 96x96, wagmi[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkey70e.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65180422

I wish my boyfriend was next to me kissing and hugging. he is sick tho so he'll probably give me his germs, but hey what's more romantic thn being sick together

>> No.65180483

Im so lonely...

>> No.65180662

big bunda

>> No.65180693
File: 1.20 MB, 1600x2560, Screenshot_20231224_203005_bilibili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kopadot I find your gf in bilibili

>> No.65180762

Is this a game pass ad? Why are you on bilibili?

>> No.65181310

Today I masturbated to a latina with a huge ass and pretended that was Lava

>> No.65181337

This is official Xbox chuuba in China

>> No.65181441

Is it possible to get solid results for a model from one of those $300ish costing fiver studios or would it be a waste? I'm looking yo finally move up from being a png soon but I only have a few hundred bucks.

>> No.65181806
File: 111 KB, 1200x1564, file-20170801-22136-xwdfn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate kankuro. Kankuro king? More like kankuro queen

>> No.65181940

someone name a chuuba!

>> No.65181958

nikola north.

>> No.65182042

What do you intend to do with that chuuba?!

>> No.65182100


>> No.65182110


>> No.65182109


>> No.65182140


>> No.65182181

>solid results
Lmao. Plastic surgery gets you prettier sure, but doesn't mean people would throw themselves at you.
Iirc there's this chuuba with super expensive model that is still 1-view

>> No.65182257

you want to do shibari with rinna? Do you know how to use a rope like that? Or should she tie you up instead?

>> No.65182311

I only know the tortoise shell pattern to be honest, and a noose knot
I'll let you decide

>> No.65182352

Your relationship will end in 2 weeks, he'll go back to Layla anytime soon.

>> No.65182381
File: 1.92 MB, 950x4852, 7105274A-8482-45B8-9CA9-01A903C349A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it’s Christmas Eve but wanna say I love you guys and I hope you have a great year

>> No.65182430

Wholesome post, merry christmas to (You) too anon

>> No.65182471

Hope you enjoy your Christmas Eve & Christmas day anon. Thank you.

>> No.65182545

Layla x Camui and Chrii x Camui are never going to work anyway, imagine leaving everything behind to move to the other side of the world just for menhera pussy
The average American already struggles with moving 2 states over for a relationship

>> No.65182632
File: 888 KB, 2022x1430, 1643847707016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love (You) too anon

>> No.65182638

lmao yeah I've seen a few that commissioned models that were clearly $10k+ from a famous artist/rigger and they have <20 CCV. A good model can only help you so much

>> No.65182650

Thank you for being here. Thank you for treating me with genuine kindness and care. Because of you, some days I feel like I deserve it. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for always trying to include me. Thank you for knowing me as a person. I know I'm a handful. I know I'm difficult. I know I'm stressful. I know I'm emotional. I know I'm not always in one piece. But you're always there when I need you and you're there even when I don't. I love you. I love you. I love you. I never thought I'd end up so attached to someone so far away. You're an image on a screen but I love who you are. I love who you were. I love who you want to be. I love your voice. I love your humour. I love your laugh. I love your ambition. I love your talent. I love every part of you, even the parts you don't. You deserve so much. You are so valuable. Everything you are and say mean so much to me. You inspire me to work harder. You inspire me to be better. You inspire me to just try. I can never repay what you have given me.

You are my most treasured thought.

I love you too much. Goodnight. Merry Christmas.

>> No.65182661

Everyone thinks I’m gay but I’m just European.

>> No.65182708
File: 32 KB, 368x447, shania cat ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good mornyan aspies don't kill yourself today

>> No.65182825

Merry Christmas Eve Shania. Don’t kill yourself either.

>> No.65182996

Nta but can recommend, it's both easy and cheap, just don't be too cheap with buying good comfortable robe and a pair of scissors.

>> No.65183035

Mebby chissmax

>> No.65183072

Merry chriistmas to you too anon ! (tho way too doon for me)
Or I move to the states. My parents came to france with only a small plastic bag and now we own a house. Thru hard work everything is possible ! Not sure in this economy tho...

>> No.65183296

In lieu of asking (You) what you're planning on doing today, I shall simply make a request: I want (You) to do what you can to make today and tomorrow good days. Joyous ones, even. However you achieve that is up to your discretion, but I trust you to find a way to make it happen.
Thank you guys for being yourselves. Happy Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas.

>> No.65183315

You're a neet, get real

>> No.65183369 [DELETED] 

Dropbear, don't show us your foot cheese....

>> No.65183576



>> No.65183597

Ever heard of "searching for a job" ?

>> No.65183621


No promises <:3c

>> No.65183739

Have you ever worked a day in your life? Cam can't afford to support a mail-order bride you know, and that's if you even work up the courage to move abroad in the first place


>> No.65183810

cheers, lads, love you too.

>> No.65184161

merry christmas friend we're all gonna get a box full of 2024 peace and harmony from santa tonight
this would be the worst day to kill yourself bro. no presents

>> No.65184230

t. Kuku

>> No.65184269
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, merrychristmas-00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas to you and /asp/!

>> No.65184280


Were they actually in a relationship? Are there other /asp/ couples?

>> No.65184313

Aren't you, specifically, already dead? Though, I guess losing your undeath would still be death.
Whatever, the holes will be there and waiting regardless of whether you're "alive" or not

>> No.65184335

Anon our private life is none of your buisness, if you want to bitch about us our dms are wide open also this type of thing is never made out of the blue it's something that needs to be meditated upon and that can take years, let us be lovey dovey for now mkay?

>> No.65184566

making your relationship public is the worst thing you could possibly do if you both post here. you will both be targets, and schizos will do everything in their power to split you apart. happened to me, seen it happen to others. Good luck and get the fuck out of here

>> No.65184675

Just fucking ask her out already.

>> No.65184695

Or is it real? Maybe i'm baiting an have came full menhera circle, or maybe it's something else? But thanks for wishing us good luck !Tho.. isn't the point of /asp/ to leave it eventually and "succeed", if that's the case I hope we'll leave this place soon and I wish the same for the others!

>> No.65184934

>mfw my family is well off and I'm just doing this for shits and giggles

>> No.65185253

You really think you can land a job in the US as a foreigner of russian origin with no car, no connections and a blank CV?
If you're serious about Camui then get a job today because just the visa application and plane flight will set you back a couple hundos
Stop wasting your time daydreaming or get serious
Also maybe nobody would talk about your private life if you didn't treat /asp/ like your private blog

>> No.65185264


>> No.65185297

Obese shania looking for another mentally ill aspie to fuck!

>> No.65185348

Learn to read, I said it takes YEARS and plans to do stuff like this. No need to rush this jeez

>> No.65185479

You don't have years, stop being so naive, Cam is going to hook up with any girl that stops to give him the time of the day while you waste your youth drawing dog dicks and fantasizing about a relationship that will never work
You're on a strict deadline, act now if you're serious about Cam

>> No.65185546

Daddy? (derogatory)

>> No.65185597

You can't save morons

>> No.65185614

Name chuba and I will

>> No.65185650

I hate to talk about this shit but I'll jump in to say anon is right. LDR only work if both parties get serious from the get go. Unless he's planning to see you anytime soon get over the fantasy because America isn't short on whores.

>> No.65185651


>> No.65185732

Santa Claus is a vtuber now?!

>> No.65185750

Gurun, Koikawa, or Kenny.

>> No.65185787

I wish Chrii would degrade me for free :(
Other anons don't know how lucky they are

>> No.65185880

what the fuck

>> No.65186064

Vocaroo of you saying Daddy please? Daddy can only be sexual when used by an adult man, you want to use Dad in this situation

>> No.65186104

*when used by an adult woman

>> No.65186106
File: 120 KB, 433x427, 1672409289302901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65186266

Wow, drama! Anyways. Somebody is going to stream? Any particular special event? anon that said he was getting the gun, when will we be blessed with your oneshot stream?

>> No.65186268

Andata. Se ne sono andati tutti da questa maledetta

>> No.65186330

I'm not Chrii though. I just wanted to butt in to suggest people stop sticking their noses in other people's business :) Merry Christmas btw I'll consider the vocaroo

>> No.65186368
File: 409 KB, 814x813, 1690046755640645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you say this in Italian tho?

>> No.65186561
File: 186 KB, 220x221, meme-anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you I'll tell you what I'm doing today anyway.
I'm going to record a cover of Last Christmas, try to edit it and then scrap the whole thing because I hate my voice.
And then I might try to 3D print an asaro head but that might take longer than 24 hour.

>> No.65186615

The day I learn how to to make 3d models that are compatible with ny 3d printer I will be able to make so many of my oahi

>> No.65186736


>> No.65186849

You can see who has family and who not based on the posters active today.

>> No.65186860

Anyone wanna do stuff on Christmas day? =w=

>> No.65186886
File: 235 KB, 1317x788, 1621611074782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean typing out shit doesnt take much time...

>> No.65186948

I just bought crypto for the first time in my life to DIY HRT and fuck me how can anyone find this process enjoyable? Etherium suck my dick

>> No.65186962

Jokes on you i'm not celebrating christmas, so I have all day to accidentally shit on the thread..again. I'm sorry

>> No.65186982

it's not hard, just abuse solidify and boolean modifiers

>> No.65187119

>how can anyone find this process enjoyable?
What? Who said it was enjoyable? Aside from the moments where tbe wholearket becomes more volatile than shit and you have to laugh to not lose your mind, everything else is boring and tedious as fuck.

>> No.65187601
File: 711 KB, 1000x1000, matcha4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is going on

>> No.65187605

Anon, family time is over and I'm drunk on my way to sleep soon

>> No.65187799

Camui, don’t steal Rinna’s ritual post. It’s ungentlemanly.

>> No.65187839

Who's Rinna?

>> No.65187911

Stream being drunk

>> No.65188003
File: 444 KB, 425x437, wtf.png[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk8himj.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65188114

It's your e-gf again

>> No.65188282

Calling her a gf is being too nice. She's more like a groupie to him

>> No.65188400

I want to hear that cover, anon. Don't let feelings in your voice stop you from getting that content into our hands.

>> No.65188610
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>> No.65188773
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x1080, Happy Holidays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65188814

Oh yeah xmas, time to drown in sorrow

>> No.65188920

I love you

>> No.65189007

Could be worse. Imagine what it's like to not like the taste of alcohol and having to go through it sober.

>> No.65189050


>> No.65189054

>he pays to consoom the liquid jew to cope

>> No.65189096

I love you

>> No.65189293

Dorian X Kuku or Kuku X Dorian?

>> No.65189344

Cam started to date Chri? Nice rrat. I'll still ship him with Layla, they are more healthy together than this one sided relationship.

>> No.65189403


>> No.65189978

Anons can be so mean, she's just a young girl

>> No.65190105

I don't have to imagine alcohol is cringe.

>> No.65190115

A young hot girl that needs to humiliate and degrade me

>> No.65190317

Does anyone have the link to that spinning wheel? I need to generate a random name to create a abomination

>> No.65190391
File: 112 KB, 551x613, CoolSquidPurplePadoru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MeMeMerry Chrismomomos, Anon ^^

>> No.65190501
File: 108 KB, 560x560, melt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mery hcu; r

>> No.65190504

Being manipulated and led along by a bastard

>> No.65190508

Who do I commission for a padoru?

>> No.65190512

I'm getting about 4 viewers and a couple regulars now. Streaming is starting to feel fun?

Like I'm looking froward to it now

>> No.65190693

Renata has been thirsting over Kai G Nikki pretty hard

>> No.65190710
File: 689 KB, 828x821, IMG_6415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna debut in 2024

>> No.65190744

>AI slop

>> No.65190895

Yeah and?

>> No.65190925

Garbage, at least draw a shitty png yourself.

>> No.65191059

Seethe and cope

>> No.65191083
File: 788 KB, 2540x2739, 1682643992257227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, I'm looking forward to working with you all in the New Year as well.

Live2D is harder than I thought.

>> No.65191109

at least a shitty PNG would be memorable

>> No.65191173

Go ahead and use it, it's a starting point
I reserve the right to rib you for using AI until you get around to replacing it one way or another
No hard feelings

>> No.65191178

You were made for Shania cock. dm me.

>> No.65191191

How desperate for a top are you? Bunkumm is too seiso for me, I need a cute catboy to pamper.

>> No.65191206

>GENERIC ai slop

>> No.65191306

Go get the horribly drawn carrot or toilet paper that Runespoon posted here and use it. Don't credit them either and just claim you made it. It will be funny

>> No.65191320

Literally any artist can do one. If you got some artist friends, ask them but don't beg for one. Offer monies and if they like you enough, you might actually get it for free

>> No.65191529
File: 680 KB, 2560x1440, myth 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, we'll continue to get pounded and rammed by the hordes of undead in this Retro RTS Myth 1: The Fallen Lords as we desperately struggle against the forces of darkness.

Watch me suffer live here: https://www.twitch.tv/manasongwriting

>> No.65191623
File: 1013 KB, 1179x1405, IMG_3595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merri kurismasu from gumpy herself reply to this for a little group doodle of yous with a chrisumasu theme ill get to it after work (i wanted to work so i dont drown myself in depression again compared to last year)

>> No.65191665

For a moment there I got excited thinking this was Digbys new look

>> No.65191812

Now there's a Christmas angel

>> No.65191825
File: 31 KB, 469x502, ohio3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shania wants to have sex with you. Do you accept his offer?

>> No.65191826

Please don’t

>> No.65191894

Merlie Christmas to you as well! :))))

>> No.65191906

Poor Layla yes

>> No.65191971

Yes DM me your dick on twitter

>> No.65191979

I love u gumpy merry christmas <3

>> No.65192024
File: 3.09 MB, 2095x2160, phantom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merri krismas to u too

>> No.65192417

>Camui gets Chrii
>Kai gets Renata

>> No.65192505

If only mana weren't streaming right now so I could groom him and send him my feet pics

>> No.65192522

I need to sniff Mond's smelly cunt

>> No.65192615

Why are you like this?

>> No.65192630
File: 5 KB, 240x275, 20230912_134936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65192657

No sniff, she my wife!!!

>> No.65192747

Merry chriistmas to you too ! c:

>> No.65192773

All Kai had to do was pity post on Twitter.
Boo hoo my family member died boo hoo I’m losing my job, my life sucks.
OH WAIT MY PITY BAIT WORKED? actually I can stream, I changed my mind. thanks for the views and raids and follows suckers!

>> No.65192775
File: 56 KB, 300x300, habbi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merry christmas gumpai!!

>> No.65192882

I might also pity post. It wont work, but i also gain nothing from not trying.

>> No.65192962

how much clout do you honestly think it got him? well-wishes aren't viewers or followers in any real measure.

>> No.65192989

It got him renata

>> No.65193005

How is Pafu growing so quickly?
Is this the power of big booby hags?

>> No.65193014

It got renata making him a free model and also talking about him every day

>> No.65193068

renata is doing something kind for someone mourning a loss and all you faggots can do is seethe and see how you can take advantage of their kindness?

>> No.65193103


>> No.65193112

Anyone kind enough to flirt with me on stream and twitter?

>> No.65193129

Are you streaming rn?

>> No.65193134

i'll flirt with anyone who wants it but the key is that it doesn't mean anything BECAUSE i'll flirt with anyone

>> No.65193185

Mourning by streaming and taking advantage of the momentum from his pity posts?
I’ve seen other vtubers post on twitter about losing family members and they stop streaming for at least a week, most leave for a couple weeks and stop tweeting.
This nigga ain’t mourning.

>> No.65193199

Only if you're a woman.

>> No.65193210

anon, i've literally streamed while mourning specifically to stop thinking about it, it's a great coping strat

>> No.65193243

Did you announce it to the whole world?

>> No.65193259


>> No.65193261


>> No.65193284

no, but i wasn't going through something quite so bad, and the strat would still work even if i had

>> No.65193303

Distracting yourself/“coping” is literally not mourning.
It’s quite the opposite.

>> No.65193383

The last time someone died I just withdrew

>> No.65193391

>Ace P gets a big event collab featuring Renata
>Keitaro cucks him by having a surprise Renata zatsu/art collab
>who then gets cucked by Kai G Nikki who immediately got in Renata's DMs and has been chatty with all week
Am I caught up on this rrat?

>> No.65193392

Streaming is a form of escapism you moron, just because some vtubers make a pause to focus on something better to not stress themselves and to not cry on stream, doesn't mean everyone will do it. Some will use streaming as a way to not focus on real life and.. Again escapism.
You're just retarded and a hard seathing whore

>> No.65193445

I would believe it if Kai had planned to still stream but it’s obvious the only reason he changed his mind was because he got engagement.
If he hadn’t gotten any likes or replies he wouldn’t have streamed.

>> No.65193546

Wowie you mean someone will see loads of support and love and that can Motivate them to live life as normal even though they are going through a rough time?

Horrible of them really. Sorry they stole your chuba Anon, Merry Christmas

>> No.65193638

Nah Keitaro didnt get cucked.
He got what he wanted, which was to steal the moment from Ace by featuring Renata first. Doesn’t matter what happens to Renata next because he already won, he never wanted to be with her, just wanted the hype.

>> No.65193679

Do most people allow just sliding into DMs?

>> No.65193711

As long as you're a vtuber, viewers can fuck off

>> No.65193718

merry krismas :D

>> No.65193740

I try to respond to any message that prompts a response

>> No.65193752

are you guys really crabbing people for dealing with personal problems in ways you don't like and trying to use other /asp/ies as ammo for having the audacity to be supportive of them
i'm not even gonna say "on christmas eve" this would be sad any day of the week

>> No.65193767

Sure, Kai.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.65193831

You niggas call anything crabbing

>> No.65193927

Not me wtf

>> No.65194126

The most lonely people are here now. All the happy aspies are with their family.

>> No.65194142

Depends man. Say who you are and i might.

>> No.65194144

How hard would it be to setup detection for sleeping to turn off a stream?

>> No.65194151

Groom me on stream, I dare you.

>> No.65194211 [DELETED] 

I just want to know that what im doing is working. I do not care about females, I do not care about males, I do not care about crabs, I do not care about anyone who isnt paying attention.

>> No.65194303

False, I recognize a couple neets here who live in their parents' basement. They're here because their family doesn't love them.

>> No.65194403

It takes only a couple minutes to shit on Kai, anyone can do it even with family around.

>> No.65194443
File: 36 KB, 193x213, KennyCodaHanabi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas!

>> No.65194506

Love you gumpalump

>> No.65194909

Checked to see kai last stream due to everyone shitting on him, and just found out that Renata is a female Archia lmao

>> No.65194917
File: 32 KB, 501x513, ohio69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not sexualize me

>> No.65195020

So we can agree Kai is the male Layla now?

>> No.65195070

>not even tried to change the filename

>> No.65195116
File: 441 KB, 577x662, mwah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rinna is live playing some weird game and zatsu (merrinna chrimas!) https://twitch.tv/rinnanoe

>> No.65195129

What does this even mean, this guy doesn't stream enough for me to form an opinion of him.

>> No.65195289

>skinwalk ESL sex pesting on christmas eve

>> No.65195297

Shania I’ve known you for almost two years and you annoy me so much. Please just grow up and stop shitting up this thread too. Or go back to the backdesk

>> No.65195355

>I’ve known you for almost two years
have u really

>> No.65195397

Kai doesn't groom people into whiteknighting him. Doesn't share private dms with other people and NEVER apologizing for it despite how disgusting it was, he didn't ruin someone's reputation by petty baiting in dms. He didn't try to toy with people's feelings, he didn't try to crab people on the board without ever getting in the radar.
Layla is a danger to asp especially with the number or desperate man on here, Kai isn't.

>> No.65195531

they have the same speech patterns, and same filler words, also a tendency to stay in silence or probably muted until their "time to talk" arrives.

>> No.65195648

As much as one can know a schizoid like you who commissioned himself railing his mouse gf

>> No.65195668

Layla gives me the ick, there's a part of me that wonders if she lied about being raped so she could be a victim and get pity points. It's a fucked up thing to even consider, but it sounds like something Layla would do.

>> No.65195689

Honestly I'm just really bad at speaking and really shy. I'll try speaking more often in future collabs.

>> No.65195698
File: 37 KB, 390x381, ohio8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merry christmas to you too!

>> No.65195740

You guys should actually look up what schizoid means. I think you probably mean to use schizo instead.

>> No.65195826

Archia can draw?

>> No.65195834

honestly I'm more sad for the rapist then her if the story is true

>> No.65195865

has been Renata drawing on stream?

>> No.65195952

This counts as all my shitpost for the day
(https://files.catbox.moe/0t982f.png before I started fucking it)

>> No.65195966
File: 210 KB, 656x512, 1703357468792009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65195994

I have 0 artistic skill

>> No.65196089

When basil speaks I listen, his words are worth their weight in gold.
That's why he doesn't speak too much in collabs.

>> No.65196144

if you like him so much, what about collabing with him?

>> No.65196268

Woke up and my anus is pouring blood merry christmas

>> No.65196282

No ther, I wish I was playing life on easy mode.

>> No.65196333

i raped it, enjoy it.

>> No.65196402

So, that is your excuse to not collab with the shota?

>> No.65196435

Movie based on a play written by N.Gogol!
This movie was filmed in 1961!


>> No.65196471

that'll teach about not fucking with anal masturbation

>> No.65196486

I said not her already.
Also kids are scary.

>> No.65196643

Big Dick Randy got you

>> No.65196663

So you think you're better than Archia Gump?

>> No.65196675

I thought it was Gumpai saying that?

>> No.65196858


>> No.65196913

gumpai x archia

>> No.65196914

Gumpai for a christmas present can you drop a vocaroo calling me a worthless piece of shit and telling me to kill myself? Thanks

>> No.65197090

We know Gumpai is rapeproof, thank you Offkai

>> No.65197422


>> No.65197507

everybody is rapeproof before you hit them with a crowbar in the head

>> No.65197546
File: 15 KB, 482x715, 1684018401879111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone want to decorate my tree we can decorate it together.

>> No.65197558
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2023-12-24-11h23m03s892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to celebrate the 1 year streaming anniversary! Going live with Warzone today! (Yes I know the screencap is from MWII, but they're basically the same game)

>> No.65197594

make one of those colaborative art canvases

>> No.65197606
File: 86 KB, 464x546, 1698323294836947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merry christmas to you too gumpai, and merry christmas /asp/!

>> No.65197610

Cute streamer

>> No.65197654


>> No.65197696

Can you make it bigger?

>> No.65197763
File: 12 KB, 482x715, asdasad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65197768

Do you want to collaborative decorate my tree on Magma?

>> No.65197810

Keep my name out of your bitch mouths, I'm not an /asp/ie and never was.

>> No.65197815

Cool story bro

>> No.65197875


>> No.65197896


>> No.65197981


>> No.65198005

can i sit on it

>> No.65198057
File: 1.70 MB, 2100x2973, 1702195886508478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think you'll still be streaming after one year?

>> No.65198116

Not a chance

>> No.65198119
File: 65 KB, 488x800, 1692083660448643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that is where the star is supposed to go but if you want you can draw yourself sitting on it.

>> No.65198123
File: 7 KB, 150x150, cutie_mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, have this

>> No.65198149
File: 363 KB, 896x896, 1703212450472595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digby here
I don't know what to do tonight but I'll figure out something

>> No.65198152

its been one year already, I'll make it another!

>> No.65198188 [DELETED] 

I like archia, I wanted to set up a collab with cometcrust and archia but they seemed very intimidated by me so I gave them space and gave up uuuuu
I never said anything about rape but during offkai I met a vtuber however whenever I interact with them publically, they keep dropping personal information of my personal life that I get anxious whenever they appear. I want to block them but they’re just so well liked in the community, that I learned to let it go. I’m going to be much more careful next time and I hope this can serve as a reminder that some vtubers can really share details about IRL on streams, even if it’ll be “archived” for later.

>> No.65198240

But why would you rape a fat filipino "woman"?

>> No.65198244

Sure if you're a rough burly guy that can Dom with a deep voice

>> No.65198399

I'm graduating when I reach a year

>> No.65198427


>> No.65198539
File: 201 KB, 531x531, worry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not know why, but that expression is triggering my fight or flight pretty hard. But enjoy your holiday time and you're stronger than that depression.

I've streamed for like 1.5years as a not-chuuba and only 7 since I've committed chuuba. Don't see myself stopping any time soon.

Play a game that slightly connects with your model. Theres plenty of cat games out there.

>> No.65198549

Loli beryl when

>> No.65198568

Any updates on glug guy?

>> No.65198839

Please don't worry about feeling like you intimidated me, I've never felt that way and was extremely happy that you'd want to collab with me. I didn't want to bother you with the collab because everyone seemed busy and I'm just really shy.

>> No.65198920

gen 1 here, coming up on my third year. believe in yourselves, little aspies.

>> No.65198934


>> No.65199030

He is dead. I used to know him IRL

>> No.65199039

mahjong soul: 51661

>> No.65199184


>> No.65199239
File: 2.88 MB, 2040x2720, 1692011940230221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me Ant Andy

>> No.65199328

Seeing the rats, holy shit you guys are autistic. You should try drawing a book or something, it'll be a best seller. I don't know anyone else who can assume and make up scenarios that stupid.

>> No.65199561

I tried to make an orange cat ornament but I'm not at home and it's not working well on my phone :-(

>> No.65199579

all the rrats are true

>> No.65199609

You want me to draw rainbow digby for you?

>> No.65199622

Name a rrat about Beryl

>> No.65199710

The only ratt on him isn't even a ratt it is the truth. That is a female model and he is a babi

>> No.65199783
File: 478 KB, 748x1012, Untitled35_20231218213833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we wish you a merry yaoimas and a happy new yuri !!

>> No.65199841

Same with Haru. Total Babi Death

>> No.65199873

Renata please step on me or send me a vocaroo calling me worthless shit and saying I should kill myself

>> No.65199908

Take your meds

>> No.65199925

No the real question is, is he going to turn trans?

>> No.65199963
File: 3.76 MB, 2508x3541, 1673314969313361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65199975

Starting to think you guys really like babis

>> No.65200007

There is no asp yuri. Please rectify this.

>> No.65200059

Dead ass? All are true? You telling me the ratt that claimed Haru is a woman, Denpa is a guy, and that gumpai has over 150k USD sitting in her bank account right now are all true somehow? (these have all been posted here in the past)

>> No.65200133

Not gump but I have over 150k

>> No.65200145

do (you) want any particular ornaments?

>> No.65200227

Not even salty or angry about that. Good on you anon. Live with less worries

>> No.65200314

I want (you)

>> No.65200340


>> No.65200351

Merry Christmas wizard man, I knew you were going for a honitsu but I did it anyway

>> No.65200355

Vita come back : 1 )

>> No.65200364

Can anyone send me a vocaroo calling me worthless shit and telling me to kill myself before I go to bed?

>> No.65200371

Who do you ship?

>> No.65200399

I want to kiss my favorite asp under the mistletoe!

>> No.65200402

I have to go and get drunk, I'm sorry jongers :(

>> No.65200408

merry Christmas to you too vita!

>> No.65200479

GG, it was very close, anyone could have won that last round

>> No.65200602


>> No.65200616
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, DigbyDeskPreview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meowdy lads!
Its time for Digbys christmas (Britain) countdown
Only 3 hours to go till christmas so lets jump on in and get on with the counting and the antisocial weirdo hangout!


>> No.65200625

Olga looks so pretty in her Christmas outfit...Bros...

>> No.65200671

Emogoat and Nana. 2 edgy girls who belong together.

>> No.65200834

I am not Renata but if I could draw I would make good yuri art for everyone :(

>> No.65200948


>> No.65200986

Gumpai and Denpa
Layla and Rinna
Rura and Mond
Kuku and Mond
Kuku and Rinna
Kuku and Dorian
Dorian and Ainslie

>> No.65201086

Quit shipping me my heart belongs to my oshi

>> No.65201146


Cody here. thank you, and thank you to all the chuubas who choose to stick around this thread offering advice and support and making us nobodies feel like somebodies when they really don't have to.

I genuinely hope you all have a sick Christmas. I hope by 2025 to have at least one positive interaction with all of you.

>> No.65201249

it's so cold in digbys shadow and he doesn't even know I exist...

>> No.65201310

All I want for Christmas is Andy

>> No.65201384

>I genuinely hope you all have a sick Christmas
I'm literally suffering from food poisoning, it's so over viewerbros

>> No.65201558

ba twee la cit cit kuwa kue
hoot chirp kuwa kue

>> No.65201589
File: 55 KB, 300x300, 1703452829038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a nice Christmas Eve tonight and an even nicer Christmas!

>> No.65201606

Best song of this year, I can still hear it on the back of my mind

>> No.65201643

I know I did it on purpose to get it back in your head

>> No.65201727

playing jong on xmas is kinda sad

>> No.65201753
File: 121 KB, 463x453, 1693961439998003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hoot chirp kuwa kue?"

>> No.65201807

Fuck you, jonging is based stop shaming jongers

>> No.65201843

How many bird /asp/ies do we have? Besides Laine

>> No.65201884

it's Christmas eve bozo

>> No.65201892

oh no. I hope you feel better!

>> No.65202056


>> No.65202145

༼ ༎ຶ ᆺ ༎ຶ༽

>> No.65202177

He hates me muuuuuh

>> No.65202242

At least people here don't call you aryan digby like they do my sweat pure oshi ToT

>> No.65202261
File: 1.76 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20231224_172221~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot to post it here too
Merry Christmas to any awoomfie bro around

>> No.65202303

You went from "ouin" to "muh" which is not only a clear embrace of ugliness, but an absolute rejection of beauty altogether.

>> No.65202309
File: 1.54 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20231224_172326~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one too although I think I should have used a ballpoint pen instead of only a pencil

>> No.65202327


>> No.65202341

I have an excuse now, I went outside and my throat hurts from the cold and wind

>> No.65202397

Southern hemisphere bros would never use that excuse

>> No.65202407

Is that the design Haru went with for awoomfies?

>> No.65202423

Please marry me

>> No.65202696
File: 15 KB, 692x651, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those who dont have a podaru

>> No.65202951

i've slowed down a lot but i'm still around
my 3 year is in february and i'm sure i'll be around past that

>> No.65203003

This has potential, you could scan your drawings and clean them up digitally if you start using printer paper instead of lined

>> No.65203109

Fine, I'll allow cold-related throat hort as an excuse for now. Maybe another time, then.

>> No.65203312

No, I just used the first design Laine came up with and gave it a fluffier look and bigger ears
I'm sorry I'm straight :(
When I have a pc again I could scan them, I also forgot I had A4 papers so maybe in the future

>> No.65203361

Definitely, there's no doubt in my mind. With all the support I've seen, I owe it to my fans, they're very important to me and give a lot of meaning to me in my day to day. I want to be here for them a year from now and three years from now and ten years from now!

>> No.65203484

Rena, my oji-san cock needs relieving

>> No.65203568
File: 220 KB, 1003x1009, padoru_puenpuen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry chrimuh asp !

>> No.65203574

Anyone have a copy of the asp dick tierlist

>> No.65203618

Merry Christmas pue pue

>> No.65203665

merry chriistmas! Wanna be part of the tierlist?

>> No.65203751


>> No.65203763

He already asked and yiu already rejected him before buaaa
Stop toying like that with my boy puente BUAAAA

>> No.65203858

I don't remember ? Maybe someone else said no and I didn't see, that happened before. But usually when people ask to be in there I usually don't refuse (even if they never streamed)

>> No.65203917
File: 269 KB, 1920x1080, GCJTIvzWkAA3NFe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas Frog ASMR

>> No.65203938

I will have to prove you wrong... let me search for that.

>> No.65203986

Why is my man Comet Crust not in the tierlist chriiiiii?
He appears in collabs often, post here often and even uploaded a vocaroo yesterday!!

>> No.65204098

No one askes me to add him, I don't know who comet crust is but I can add him sure just give me an image with it
yeah sure, my memory is kind of bad so id love to see when I said that

>> No.65204126

All I want for Christmas is for Gumpai-senpai to notice meeeeee

>> No.65204141

She's too busy trying to remove people and shitting up the thread.

>> No.65204177
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, 1687450056851749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for helping me decorate my tree. Can I bake with my Christmas tree or does anyone else want to bake?

>> No.65204222

go ahead

>> No.65204361

nana is so pretty bros, whats her link

>> No.65204477

Nobody can stop you, also I don't think you will have too much competition for baking new threads

>> No.65204483

yes please ! I did ask once and maybe someone else rejected it for you so i stopped asking but it'd be really swell to be added :)

>> No.65204527
File: 634 KB, 1168x1380, comet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's Comet Crust, I hope he gets a new model eventually

>> No.65204549

somebody tells you he is an older gen aspie and you decide to not add him >>63085584. Now i will also prove you wrong about pizza guy, lets see if we can drop the bigot act of never commiting errors unles somebody points them out, snow white.

>> No.65204555


>> No.65204558

Thank you! I have baked the new thread I hope it is to your liking.
