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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65013089 No.65013089 [Reply] [Original]

Do you miss her?

>> No.65013401


>> No.65013452
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No. Yes ;_;

>> No.65013449

every single day

>> No.65013576

It's all Biden's fault
I don't blame her honestly, America is such a mess she can't even stream

>> No.65013671

Incredibly. But I've moved on somewhat, or at least I don't have any expectations any more.

>> No.65013781

still have a little bit of gura in my daily routine so not that much, but I do miss her shenanigans

>> No.65014356

I'm here aren't I? If I didn't miss her I would be long gone already.

>> No.65014457

honestly no. I stopped caring about gura more than a year and a half ago and seeing people still whinging about her just annoys me. she clearly doesn't give a shit so why should anybody else.

>> No.65014529


>> No.65014759

She can't stream because she's traveling all across America to fix it, one city at a time.

>> No.65014790

not really

>> No.65014853

I did in 2022. I’ve moved on back in March and I’m hoping she can get over her burnout for all the chumbies that’s still hanging on.

>> No.65014911

I used to. Then she came back and really got my hopes up by saying FWMC inspired her to treat chumbuds better only to then immediately disappear for weeks again. Thats when it went from missing her to resentment and then apathy.

>> No.65015237

I do miss her, and I'm not even a chumbud

>> No.65016844

Every day

>> No.65018215

Nope, only watched her debut and nothing else.

>> No.65018639

Not a chumbud but yeah I miss her collabing with the others. I really miss Bonebros but that died eons ago

>> No.65018724
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Not anymore...

>> No.65018877

Nah I would but my opinion of her changed due to how uncaring she's been to her fans and how cold she was to Advent. Ghosting fans over and over without apology. Purposely nerfing Advent's first week streaming, ignoring them in group collabs and then recently during her shill stream she spent half her 10 minutes actually talking to fans to make took some not so subtle shots at Advent saying "rizzler" memes were lame days after the Biboo song and saying "my darlings" then taking it back and saying it was "weird" and "gross" (RIP Nerissa). No coincidence there. Lazy is one thing, but chick is apparently also heartless and petty.

>> No.65018995

But my aim's getting better.

>> No.65019436

That's the spirit, stormtrooper!

>> No.65019738

No joke. I wasn't ever a chumbud but looking from the outside, and the Advent shit was so petty and blatant. And even then all she'd have to do is literally stream and the chumbies would forgive and forget. A bunch of them just slurped up that non-answer she gave for her absence in the paid stream, I doubt she'd do terribly even now if she was going even twice a week consistently.

>> No.65021226

No. Worst in EN right next to Ina

>> No.65021662

>he fell for the psyop

>> No.65022971

not really, pretty much the only thing that changed after I decided to leave is I don't see mane-san's tweets anymore. she's been gone so long that there was no relief or resentment. it was just something i finally got around to doing

>> No.65023091

Why did she come back specifically to stream over Advent anyway

>> No.65023138

I found IRyS and I'm in love, gura can stay on a hiatus forever as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.65023435

Nope. She doesn't give a shit about viewers so viewers shouldn't give a shit about her.

>> No.65023563
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I feel bad for Chumbuds. No one deserves this kind of emotional abuse and abandonment from their oshi. She or Cover could at least be honest about retiring as a sort of mascot that sometimes comes back for special streams and events. At the very least set some proper expecations so the fans don't feel like they are being strung along or given false hope.

>> No.65023889

Chumbuds deserve it. Shittiest fanbase in Hololive by far

>> No.65024197

partly to make sure the chumbies didn't get pulled in to the shiny new thing. I'm curious if she'll do it again since she already lost to them a few times

>> No.65024216

She is a manifestation of the unhealthy beliefs of her fans that this is love. Beliefs she herself also carry.
Parents not being there is not something that should be accepted or tolerated. It's wrong.
Everyone deserves unconditional love.

They chose to manifest their beliefs inherited from their childhood and to repeat the abandonment of their parents.
They chose to repeat the past because they want to believe that their parents were good parents and refuse to acknowledge the failures of a parent to provide emotional care and attention.
to change this they need to face the oldest past memory related to this belief and change the belief after releasing the negative energy associated with the past event.
Then they will be free and can move on to a healthier relationship and life.

Reading Toxic parents by Susan Forward may also help.

>> No.65024637

your posting style is obvious, "hololive fan"
holy schizo

>> No.65025069

Not in the slightest, I miss Senzawa

>> No.65025080


>> No.65025419

This doesn't work for the most famous ENvtuber. The only way to prove you don't care is to actually not post about her, but that obviously won't happen because she lives rent free in your head.

>> No.65025451

She has to be doing this for menhara reasons, and menhara reasons only. She's always made absurd levels of cash for every single stream, if it was her being greedy she'd be streaming still as much as she could. And so by proxy there's no way it's not woman moment bullshit causing her to not

>> No.65025629

It is this or the real con is realizing that coming back in short spurts generates more hype than continuous streaming would. So you can milk the fans hard on short return and release a MV, and not even doing anything most of the time.

>> No.65025698

Meant to say. Making yourself its own artificial scarcity.

>> No.65025856

Nope. If morons want to keep feeding her money each month or supporting her when she manages to shill some merch once every other month or so, that's on them.

The only time I ever think about her is when people ask me if Cover is a good company. As far as I'm concerned, she's THE biggest blemish on Cover as a company. The fact they let her get away with as little as she does shows to me that Cover doesn't care about their fans, they only care about money. Yes, companies goals are to make money, but respect for the customer matters.

>> No.65025867

just carry on, don't mourn, rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice

>> No.65026087

With how outright abusive that method is, I'm really not gonna be surprised if some nutcase chumby hacks her PC and leaves her face down in a ditch somewhere, eventually. Fastest way to get a scorched earth anti is to spurn someone who considered you his oshi

>> No.65026149

>but respect for the customer matters
The only incorrect part of your statement is this. The correct version is that companies only care or respect their customers if it starts to impact their bottom line. Discounting random aberrations wherein a person does a job and also truly cares about the outcome besides getting paid.

>> No.65026307

I don't condone murder or other illegal actions, but I also don't condone treating people loyal to you like dirt. In the end no-one wins and it will probably have a sad outcome for everyone involved.

To be fair to her I think it is foolish to put so much time and money behind a person for whom it is clearly a business unless you accept the reality. But, what you note is also a side of reality so who knows.

>> No.65026433


Don't feel bad for them. She's been like this basically since before Myth's 2nd anniversary. The she basically slipped to like 6 streams a month back in ~May 2022, then had periods of absolutely no streams for months, and she's done a grand total of 33 streams this entire year.

They stick around because they're pathetic morons at this point.

I agree that Cover should just fire her at this point and then drag THEIR IP out to shill some merch every now and again. They don't need the VOICE of Gura to do that. In the absolute least, they should demonetize her memberships, if not the entire channel.

>> No.65026441
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Instead of trying to discredit people with stale canned responses, why don't you explain how I'm wrong here? How is Gura doing good by her fans and Hololive by ghosting them for months without properly explaining herself?

>> No.65026513

Proportionally, Gura must be to Cover what Pippa is to Phase Connect. I just can't see them letting her shit slide like this if she's not making them money hand over fist, to the point where she props up the entirety of EN's business expenditures. I know Ayame, and even hiatuses in general are a thing, but the JP branch has way more girls in it than Ayame, and the hiatuses always have some sort of end point.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, though. It's undeniable that if you don't give a shit about the well-being of fans, then Gura is one of the best golden geese you could ask for. She barely ever works, rakes in millions for your company, and has a psychotically fervent fanbase who will not let her go. If you're fine effectively letting her abuse those sad lonely fucks, it's basically an infinite money glitch

>> No.65026610

>If you're fine effectively letting her abuse those sad lonely fucks, it's basically an infinite money glitch

Not to get too meta but isn't this what the whole vtubing industry essentially is? I acknowledge that many vtubers put out good to great content that makes their subs and adoration make sense. But, do you think if we didn't have a higher number of alienated and lonely young men today that vtubers would even be a thing?

>> No.65027207

Oh absolutely. It's why I stopped donating to any vtubers, even the ones where I genuinely like them and think they'd put it to good use (eg "using the super chat money to buy a retro console, and games, or getting a better microphone")

Out of all the gaming content I've consumed, not once have I found the gameplay of a chuuba to be the most compelling part, and the few people I've seen who actually elevate the experience of watching them play, with their commentary, have always been dudes who don't use a face cam or live2d rig. Stuff like comprehensively covering every possible bit of missable content, splicing in alternate paths, or just being really fucking funny and entertaining, it all seems to run counter to the kind of people who will use a live2d rig in the first place. The only reason to watch any vtuber is for some false sense of companionship, even homos who watch "bro tubers" are still doing it, it's in the name. Save your money, buy a game on steam, or a nice sammich, instead of donating a superchat

>> No.65027209


We literally know some of their statistics and that the top 20 talents make about 60% of the income of the company. I can almost guarantee that Gura is in the top 3. Mori is probably in the top 10 as well.

Any one individual on the girls side of things is probably enough to cover the EN business expenses; they make insane bank.

That said, there is a limit to how much you can let people get away with things in this industry before you essentially irreparably destroy your integrity as a company to be trusted. Look at Twitter. Yeah, it still makes a boatload of money, but the company, under Musk, is worth less than half of what he paid for it because he's fucked it that much. Cover is nowhere near as big as Twitter, so a similar fuck up level could gut the company.

To a degree, sure, but, again, the market is flooded and your reputation matters. If some lonely fan shows up, money in hand ready to spend it, are they going to go to the once every other month streamer or a similar enough person who streams 4 days a week? The answer is pretty simple.

>> No.65027684

>To a degree, sure, but, again, the market is flooded and your reputation matters. If some lonely fan shows up, money in hand ready to spend it, are they going to go to the once every other month streamer or a similar enough person who streams 4 days a week? The answer is pretty simple.

I don't disagree with anything you wrote. But, what you described is basically how shitty fast food stays in business. They catch you are your weakest. After work, after school, rushing to do xy or z. There are a lot of food options but McGura has the sandwitch you know and you can get at least the thing you expect when lost at sea.

Really they hit gold with her. Even if her menhara stops her from being the true John Cena of vtubing.

>> No.65027698

i did for a while until it was obvious she hated her fans and couldnt give a fuck less about them so i stopped missing her

>> No.65027728

If Gura is top three, alongside Pekora and whoever else, I can also see another possibility to this. Namely Gura being absolutely menhara, having threatened to leave the company several times beforehand, and Cover being absolutely scared shitless over what to do with her.
It would honestly explain a lot, as she'd be holding their feet to the fire, and Cover would just kind of have to deal with whatever she decides to do, if the money she's pulling in is doing shit like funding all the 3D tech and trips for the girls.

The more I think about it the more it makes sense if she's the one calling the shots, in their relationship, and her shots are
>Nah I don't really feel like it today

>> No.65027835

No. She made her 8 figures and left, it’s time for us to move on too

>> No.65027923

You're right to the point I'm cancelling my other non Neuro sub. I'll back that shit as a fellow developer and aspirational future AI dev.

You are also right about the live 2d stuff. Without getting into the complex nature vs nurture arguments I find it fascinating that men seem to be able to be engaging and informative even without a visual representation at all. But, even with all of the "progress" society has made women really only still have value in at least this hobby if they show their bodies/avatars. I don't know if there has to date been a single female online creator that was of note for anything that was just a voice over things.

Not even trying to make a statement. Just a funny observation that the world does not conform to standards we set even when we are involved.

>> No.65027931

I didn’t notice that, sad. Don’t like people who can’t help support others and instead feel the need to push them down

>> No.65028013

That sounds nice in theory, but directly against shareholder wishes in practice. Sorry chumbuds, but you’ve shown you’re incredibly exploitable financially and are digging your own grave by not sticking up for yourselves here

>> No.65028034

I don't even think about her

>> No.65028104

She tried to copy FWMC too and failed

>> No.65028108
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The more things change, the more they stay the same

>> No.65028170

Here's the thing, at MOST you're getting a napkin, but more likely than not, you're getting nothing with Gura. It would be like going to McDonald's and just handing them money for them to go "See you in a month!"

Marine, Pekora, and Gura are most likely the top 3.

They fired Rushia, who was literally their top Superchat earner so no, Gura doesn't have the power. She may have some sway, but Cover is only keeping her around because THEY are making money hand over fist because people, for who knows what low IQ reason, still support her.

>> No.65028304

heh, haven't seen this particular image in a while. ya know, in the end I am glad to be moving into middle age. the moment my libido chilled out even the slightest bit it was like a rush of clarity entered me. i truly pity those that are still so helplessly young dumb and full of cum.

>> No.65028400

That's a good point, but the counter point i have is that what Rushia did left no room for hope for her fans. She absolutely annihilated any ambiguity for them, and became a walking nuclear biohazard for the entire company if they kept her around. Getting rid of her was more akin to an amputation, than a firing. Gura's situation is incredibly ambiguous, and in that ambiguity Gura is able to keep stringing them along, and in turn remain indefinitely profitable

>> No.65028447

>Here's the thing, at MOST you're getting a napkin, but more likely than not, you're getting nothing with Gura. It would be like going to McDonald's and just handing them money for them to go "See you in a month!"

I agree. Just continuing the metaphor the previous anon sighted in the latter part of this post: >>65027209

>> No.65028648

Based but slightly off. I think Fauna, my oshi, is genuinely entertaining funny and interesting, but you’re right the primary reason I watch her is companionship.

This is why I’ll never member or donate to her. She isn’t an indie anymore and although I’m happy for her sucsess I need the money significantly more than she ever will.

At the same time, it’s whales own faults for being caught in their nets. If people wanna donate an aka supa each stream, gift subs, buy all their merch and voice packs while traveling to as many cons as they want, they can be my guest.

The reality is that to the Vtuber there is next to no distinction between me, the long time fan who has never given her a dime, and the super fans who donate 10s of thousands to her. In the end, we’re all just usernames on the screen to them and that’s ok

>> No.65028718

No I moved on last year.

>> No.65028805

There are two more examples that Cover isn't afraid of losing their earners. They didn't try to keep Coco, and they didn't grovel before China. I doubt Gura has a lot of leverage there.

>> No.65028942

They did not want to fire Rushia but they HAD to because she broke the NDA

>> No.65028998

Nah paypig buds might not buy it if they don't think she's around to 'support'

>> No.65029050

Because she just wants to live on her merch sales/sponsorship checks and not have to do any real work or stream anymore. That strategy will only work if she continues to be the basically official mascot of Hololive EN and merch queen. The only thing that could threaten that status, and significantly hurt her passive income would be someone in EN becoming super popular and taking away her mascot and queen of merch status. Thus she'll show up for every debut, spam streams for 2 weeks to try to slow their momentum and then fuck off when shes confident they won't surpass her by looking at their subs/ccv.

>> No.65029131

It’s genuinely disgusting that I think you’re right. That’s genuinely a vile thing to do.

Go fuwamoco, I hope you can take that bitch down

>> No.65029139

I miss the last 3 years in the sense I would go back to 2020.

>> No.65029216

Gura is an ugly person inside. Petty, jealous, lazy and spiteful and people are waking up to it

>> No.65029246

I hate fuwamoco fags so much I pray for your downfall.

>> No.65029339

They get streams what do you get chumbie?

>> No.65029468

I miss the overall year 1 Myth feeling. Biboo, Fauna, and Mumei (when she streams) are filling in those spots now.

>> No.65029499 [DELETED] 

To hate them for being niggers

>> No.65029546

Yea, I like this version with Mumei

>> No.65029643
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FWMC have a nice gimmick and decent talent but lack the kind of widespread appeal that would put them anywhere close to Gura's territory. They've also been setting themselves up more as paypig-milking GFE streamers and seem to have trouble getting collabs. Hard work does not always pay off if it's directed toward fruitless goals. Catering to a handful of attention-starved weirdos is only going to isolate them more.

>> No.65029809

>after anti-ing gura for a bit the thread devolves into holo vs holo-ing by self-admitted grey names.
OKBH in the house, I guess?

>> No.65030538

filtering gigantic faggots like you. gigabased if you ask me.

>> No.65030595

Holy projection, you sound like a nasty ho. I guess people who talk shit really are more vile than people who don't say anything, that's for damn sure.

>> No.65030666

>haha I win because Gura doesn't stream and you call her out for it
Chumcuck cope is the best part of these threads, never fails to make me laugh

>> No.65030946

It's funny how you literally can't think outside of your own perspective, like if she doesn't do what you want then everyone else must feel the exact same way

>> No.65030998

Everyone misses Gura and can't stop talking about her. Stil the most active topic when she's not streaming.

It's when people stop talking about her is when it's over. Don't see that happening for years to come.

>> No.65031123

It doesn't matter how I feel. She doesn't miss us at all. She didn't even say she wanted to come back for during the Sendai stream.

>> No.65031187
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>> No.65031196

I fell down the rabbit hole in November last year, so I've never really experienced what it's like to have Gura as a regular EN member, so no, I don't really miss her.

>> No.65031218

Meh. Gura and Ame haven’t been the same since the pandemic was over. It feels like they joined Holo as a cure for lockdown boredom rather than a genuine love for the culture (see: Kiara). Watch oshis who actually care for you.

>> No.65031486 [DELETED] 

Can't just say switch to another personality, when Myth has such a huge difference in personalities.
Chumbuds may also watch Fauna or Mumei. Unsure about Advent.

>> No.65031557


>> No.65031610 [DELETED] 

lol retard

>> No.65031641

I don't miss Gura. I miss who she used to be.

>> No.65031688

Keep giving her money these threads are more entertaining than her streams ever were

>> No.65031742

She's been making fun of you winers.
>streaming HorfHorfHorf
>Look at me. I'm ghosting.
>How many days has it been?
Love the based shork.

>> No.65031805

Can't, you retard. Unless you buy plane tickets to Japan.
This aquarium and the ambassador shop are at location only.
I would to have that Gura blanket.

>> No.65031865

>Can't watch streams
>Can't buy merch
>Can't do anything but shit up /vt/ out of boredom because Gura doesn't fucking do anything

>> No.65031882

Damn right.
Like Gura, we win without trying.

>> No.65032748

>Most dedicated fanbase
More like most delusional fanbase.

>> No.65032801

more like most relevant fanbase, and we don't even do anything. some people are just born winners I guess. keep giving us awards lol.

>> No.65033907

The state of chumbuds is fucking sad. Lmfao this isn’t an own

>> No.65034247

It's relative.
If they are happy, then they are winning.
If angry about it, then that's sad.

>> No.65034712

Not an argument.

>> No.65034991

I don't need to argue. It's your opinion vs mine. Find someone you can appreciate. It's definitely not those two because to you they're NOT GUD ENAFF.

>> No.65035080

she is an unironic goddess

>> No.65035836

Are chumbuds finally done with the cope?

>> No.65036113
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I'll always wait for my queen to return

>> No.65036136

to be honest /vt/ chumbuds deserve it

>> No.65036908

Because Bijou was the new loli and Gura didn't want her "chumbies" to move onto Bijou.
If Bijou wasn't a loli Gura wouldn't have bothered her arse one bit.
